Berwins Salon North | The Power of the Mind | 13 June 2019

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salon north

In a world dominated by other people’s opinions, Berwins Salon North gives you the knowledge to form your own.

The Power of the Mind

Thu 13 June | 7.30pm | The Crown Hotel Tickets: ÂŁ16

Kerry Daynes

| The Darker Side of the Mind

David Robson

| The Intelligence Trap

James Wallman

| Time and How to Spend It

Box Office: 01423 562 303 Harrogate International Festivals is a registered charity no. 244861.


Drawing on her case files from the frontline, forensic psychologist Kerry Daynes provides an unforgettable insight into the psychological causes of some of the most extreme forms of human behaviour. Kerry will explore what the treatment and incarceration of those who transgress says about society. Join her to delve into The Dark Side of the Mind. Smart people are not only just as prone to making mistakes as everyone else - they may be even more susceptible to them. David Robson will explore the idea of The Intelligence Trap, exploring the flaws in our understanding of intelligence, providing us with a toolkit to avoid mistakes and to protect ourselves from misinformation and the terrifying world of fake news. James Wallman will be joining us to reveal The 7 Rules for Richer, Happier Days, Time and How to Spend It. This not-tobe-missed checklist helps individuals enrich their time, learn how to avoid WMDs (weapons of mass distraction), make the most of every minute in everyday, building a truly great life. Be prepared to fizz with deeply nourishing experiences! Premier Partners

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Box Office: 01423 562 303 booking fees apply |

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