Harrisburg Academy 2022-23 Annual Report

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ANNUAL REPORT Strength of Community

TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the Head of School ..................3 Message from the Board Chairman ..............5 Philanthropic Report ...............................................6 Message from Development .............................8 The 1784 Society ..........................................................9 The Class of 2023 ........................................................10 Gift of Music ...................................................................11 Donor Listing ................................................................12 Upcoming Events .....................................................19

The gifts reflected in this report were received by Harrisburg Academy between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023. In a list of this size, errors may occur. Therefore, if you know of a donor’s name that was misspelled, omitted, or incorrectly placed, please accept our apology. We ask you to notify the Development Office of any such errors by calling 717. 761.7811 or emailing development@harrisburgacademy.org. Please know that every gift is important to Harrisburg Academy, and we appreciate your generosity and continued support of our mission.

A Message from the Head of School December 12, 2023 A Community Committed to Building the Future Let me begin by thanking everyone for their generosity to the Academy this past year. Your support has made it possible for us to continue providing essential professional development to our outstanding faculty. This has improved the school experience for all our students and has enhanced our reputation in the surrounding community, as providing the best education, taught by the best educators in their fields, and consistently producing the best outcomes for the future of our Spartans. When we think of our students’ futures, it is easy to think back on our past accomplishments and re-create and reestablish those ideas that have always worked. It can be tempting to sit back and rest on the laurels of past achievements and long-standing history, and continue to be a pillar of academic excellence in the surrounding area. But the future is not just coming, it is here and now. Harrisburg Academy must continue to work hard to prepare our students, and ourselves, for that future. The world that today’s Spartans will inhabit will be very different from the one their parents were prepared for by their schools. It is said that over eighty-five percent of the careers in which our current students will embark have not yet been invented. How do we prepare the next generation for a world which we cannot yet imagine or see in front of us? The Academy of today must continue to be ready to meet each Spartan’s unique needs in this rapidly evolving world. Over the past few years, the school has worked with our ambitious faculty to advance our curriculum and deliver a 21st-century program designed to meet these challenges. The faculty have done their work diligently, and we will be authorized as a full continuum International Baccalaureate School in 2024. The International Baccalaureate is a program that is widely considered to be the best in the world. Full authorization for this program is an outstanding achievement, but we must not stop there. The Academy needs to support the teachers’ efforts by carefully rethinking how our facility can best help them. Our community of faculty, administrators, families, and Board of Trustees have carefully crafted a Strategic Plan over the past two years, a plan that will strive to meet each and every need, and to move us into a brighter and stronger future. Nowhere will you find a more creative and passionate group of students ready to make a difference in the world in which they live and play, while preparing to begin their careers, as the next generation of leaders and visionaries. I feel supremely confident in this next generation, and want to thank you all for being part of this greater mission and for entrusting Harrisburg Academy with their bright futures in our halls, in our classrooms, and in our community. Once again, I thank all of you for your continued support of the Academy.

Adrian Allan, Head of School


Board of Trustees Mark Foster, Chair Marilynn Abrams Scott Appel Bill Dodson ‘73 Anthony Foschi Joe Gillette ‘82 Jason Grace Matthew Grandon ‘08 Aaron Gross Michelle Latta Mark Parsells ‘78 Tom Polliard ‘82 Elizabeth Richwine Teri Rooney ‘92 Jourdan Thomsen ‘08 Bill Wert

Mission Statement Harrisburg Academy offers an academically challenging and globally minded interdisciplinary education. In our commitment to excellence, we provide tools, develop character, and teach skills that prepare students to thrive in college and beyond, thereby contributing to the betterment of our global and local communities.

Diversity Statement A community enriched by its diversity, affords every member equal respect- and provides an environment for appreciating our differences as well as our similarities.

A Message from the Board Chairman December 12, 2023 Dear Academy Families and Friends, When you think of the word “community,” what does it make you think of? Personally, and for many of us, the concept of community is applied to a group of people with the same priority, working together to achieve a common goal. At Harrisburg Academy, this year was no exception, and I am deeply proud of the ways in which members of our community worked to live by our mission. During the 2022-23 school year, our students endeavored to meet their learning goals while our dedicated faculty and staff provided an academically challenging environment. Our families, friends, and alumni continued to support Harrisburg Academy with their gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Each year, I am honored to witness the ways our community perseveres through any challenges it may face, while recognizing opportunities for growth. Throughout the 2022-23 school year, many members of our school community embarked on a strategic plan to set an ambitious course for the next 3-5 years. We look forward to sharing that plan with you in the near future. As we prepare for the release of the strategic plan, I remain grateful for the ways in which our community members believe in our ability to nurture visionary graduates who will be prepared for our ever-changing world. Harrisburg Academy’s values of excellence and compassion are truly what this world needs. I look forward to the ways we as a community will build a stronger, even more sustainable Harrisburg Academy. Harrisburg Academy could not have embarked on this strategic plan without the support we have and will continue to receive from each of you. Whether you are a first-time donor or loyal donor, the impact of your gift, no matter the amount, positions Harrisburg Academy for a bright and promising future, and for that, I thank you. I invite you to witness the impact of your gift on our Spartans by visiting Harrisburg Academy, and I look forward to our continued partnership and vibrant future. Gratefully,

Mark Foster


Philanthropic Report

Where does Harrisburg Academy’s income come from?

Endowment (5.8%)

EITC Funds (5.2%)

Gala (1.2%)

Academy Fund (3%)

Other Sources (3.5%)

Tuition & Fees (81.3%)

July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023

How does Harrisburg Academy spend its income?

Financial Aid & Scholarships (8.6%)

Administrative Costs (6.7%)

Student Activities (1.7%)

Facilities (4.9%)

Instructional (5.3%)

Faculty Salaries & Benefits (69.8%)

Food Service (3%)


A Message from the Development Team Thank you for choosing to be a member of the Harrisburg Academy community and for your generous contributions in the 2022/2023 academic year. In development, our goal is to ensure that Harrisburg Academy’s faculty has the resources they need to succeed in attaining our mission for our students, and we cannot do this without your support. An important part of this partnership is understanding and participating in the financial life of Harrisburg Academy. Tuition alone does not allow us to maintain the standards of excellence, established when we first opened our doors in 1784. We count on the generous support of our parents, faculty, trustees, community, and alumni, to provide a transformative experience for our students. The Harrisburg Academy Development Office conducts and coordinates all fundraising efforts and our philanthropic priority is the Academy Fund. The Academy Fund enhances the school’s operating budget, supporting each department and program. Our Academy Fund campaign kicks off as soon as the school year begins with our goal being one of maximum engagement. We believe that ‘every gift is meaningful and makes a difference.’ Thus, through direct mail, email, and face-to-face conversations, you are invited to sponsor Harrisburg Academy by supporting the Academy Fund. The school also hosts a major fundraising event which is our Annual Spring Gala, complete with a silent and live auction, bringing our entire school community together in camaraderie to raise support for the Academy. This year will be our 38th Annual Spring Gala, Derby Day Soiree, Run for the Roses, held at the Country Club of Harrisburg on April 27th, 2024, so we hope to see you at the Races in your best Derby Day attire! Because of your gifts of time, talent, and treasure, Harrisburg Academy remains a thriving independent school holding the values, structures, and supports essential for all of our students to reach their potential and flourish academically. We look forward to continuing to partner with you in the upcoming year and are grateful that you are part of the Academy community. Warm regards,

Siena McLees Director of Development and Alumni Relations

Honoring the Class of 2023 Ariya Bandy - Bryn Mawr College Arielle Bunce - Oberlin College of Arts and Sciences Willow Dixon - Wake Forest University Max Ertel - University of Southern Denmark Madeline Galvin - University of Notre Dame Camryn Halcovage - Pennsylvania State University, University Park Yijian Hu - Boston University Joshua Jackson - Millersville University of Pennsylvania Levi Kesler - Haverford College Biya Khan - University of Pittsburgh Kate Lindley - Northeastern University Leah Maceo - University of Pittsburgh Jasleen Mann - University of Pittsburgh Nolan Mazza - University of California, San Diego Chloe Meyer-Gehrke - Kenyon College Alexandra Meyerhoff - Elizabethtown College Jacob Rainey - Duquesne University Daniel Torchilo - Harrisburg Area Community College Jiawen Wang - New York University Haoyu Yan - University of California, Davis


CONNECTION AND INSPIRATION THROUGH THE GIFT OF MUSIC BY SARA DAVIS In these hallowed halls of Harrisburg Academy, where the echoes of history and tradition reverberate through the years, a unique harmony has found its place. This harmonious legacy is not just about the priceless music collection that now graces the school's archives but also the heartfelt story of the man behind the donation of this collection, Adam Klein, and the profound influence of his father, Howard Klein. Through community partnerships, Adam’s marriage to an HA alum, and the pride and respect for our robust music and arts programming, the Kleins’ connection to Harrisburg Academy is woven into the fabric of our music program, regardless of the fact that neither Adam nor Howard ever walked the corridors as students themselves. Adam Klein began his study of music at a very early age, driven by the passions of his father. Adam began professionally performing music as a child, singing at the Metropolitan opera. He was the first young boy to sing the lead role of Yniold in Debussy’s only opera PELLÉAS ET MÉLISANDE at the Met. His love of voice continued through adulthood. Adam went on to earn his Master of Music in Vocal Performance at Indiana University School of Music.

In 1988, Adam left I.U. to begin his career as a professional singer. From then on, Adam went on to sing in many different regional opera houses. He reflects on these times as some of his most enjoyable experiences with art. In the year 2000, things changed and Adam joined the Metropolitan Opera, where he performed for 15 consecutive seasons. Over time, and after changes within the art world, Adam’s performance schedule declined, but he recently performed in the world premiere of OMAR by Rhiannon Giddens with Spoleto Festival USA. When Adam’s father died in 2021, Adam decided that Harrisburg Academy would be the perfect resting place for his father’s extensive collection of music scores. Adam’s father, Howard Klein, lived a long life of dedication to the arts. Born in northern New Jersey, Howard always loved music. At 16, Howard started studying piano: realizing that was rather late to let him compete with the child prodigies that were his contemporaries, Howard nevertheless graduated from The Julliard School with his Master of Science in Music in 1961. In 1962, he was hired by the New York Times as a music critic. He spent his days attending concerts and operas, and reviewing them for the Times.

the Kleins’ connection to Harrisburg Academy is woven into the fabric of our music program In 1967, Howard was headhunted to work at the Rockefeller Foundation: first as Assistant Director for Arts, then Director for Arts, and finally as Deputy Director for Arts and Humanities when the foundation re-consolidated the two departments. Howard awarded grants to singers, composers, painters, sculptors, playwrights, dance companies, videographers and holography projects, to name a few. Due to the fact that he gave so many grants to video artists like Nam June Paik, some called him the Prince of Video; but deep down he retained a soft spot for classical music and the piano. In 1982, Howard was diagnosed with lymphoma and was told that he had 5 years left to live. In 1987 the Foundation granted him early disability retirement; he was 56 years old. Miraculously, Howard passed in 2021, at age 89, making his 34 year retirement longer than his 26 year career. Howard happily spent all this time with his family, his music and his piano. Before his death, Howard proudly saw his son, Adam, and his daughter-in-law, Harrisburg Academy alum Tami Swartz generously bring concerts, educational opportunities, mentorship and vocal coaching to the students of Harrisburg Academy. Howard, at 88 years of age, wanted to contribute to this generosity and proposed that he and Adam perform Franz Schubert’s “Schwanengesang” on the Academy stage, for the benefit of Harrisburg Opera Association and the HA arts program. At this performance, which turned out to be his last, Howard took the stage glowing, passionate about his son and the music they mastered together. Breathing life into the accompaniment, Howard was living every note, living with his son. The beautiful concert ended with a duet between Adam and his wife, Tami, accompanied by our beloved music teacher and our Director of the Center for Creative Arts, Michael Gamon on the viola. Emotionally moving and musically riveting, Howard’s final public performance will be honored and cherished by those in the Harrisburg Academy family who were lucky enough to attend.

The music donated to Harrisburg Academy from Howard’s collection contains a variety of works collected over a lifetime, starting in the 1940s and 50s when Howard started buying music to play on his piano and continuing through gifts from famous friends and submissions of rare 20th century works related to the several music competitions he helped to inaugurate during his Rockefeller days. There are both rare and unique works in the collection. In fact, one of the pieces is known to exist in only one other place, the Cambridge library. Included are global music, Soviet music, and other uncommon pieces. These one-of-a-kind primary source documents are made even more special by the handwritten annotations inside, written by Howard who unknowingly left his bits of brilliance behind for prosperity. There is also a complete set of Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians. This priceless collection will only gain significance over time. In our world of independent schools, the collection is unique to our school, making our arts department stand out from the rest. The fact that such an educational experience has been made accessible to lower school classrooms is quite a gift. The historical longevity of the information within the collection is something that, in an age of technology, some students seldom have the chance to experience. A collection like this has the ability to connect and inspire students, providing a balance that only music can truly illustrate. We thank Michael Gamon, who has worked diligently to create a music department within Harrisburg Academy that is outstanding enough to warrant such a gift. We thank Howard Klein for his lifelong talent and passion for music. Lastly, we endlessly thank Adam Klein for his extremely generous donation and his continued adoration of our wonderful Harrisburg Academy.


The 1784 Society In 1784, Harrisburg Academy was founded in a small room along the shores of the Susquehanna River. From our humble beginnings, Harrisburg Academy is the area’s only independent, non-sectarian, co-educational day school serving students from age three to twelfth grade. As a forward-thinking, inclusive institution ushering visionary graduates into our local and global communities, the 1784 Society recognizes all donors to Harrisburg Academy’s Annual Fund, also know as the Academy Fund. As the Academy continues our legacy of known educational excellence, we are proud to present the names of our individual and corporate donors for the 2022-23 school year. Every gift is important to Harrisburg Academy. In a list of this magnitude, errors may occur. The gifts reflected in this report were received by Harrisburg Academy between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. If you know of a donor’s name that is misspelled, incorrectly placed, or mitted, please accept our sincere apology. We ask you to inform the Development and Alumni Relations office by calling 717.763.7811 or emailing development@harrisburgacademy.org. We appreciate your generosity and continued support to our mission.

Academy Fund Individual Gifts Academy Fund Donations - up to $499 Mr. Neil A. Abrams '96 Mr. Ryan Arndt '03 Mrs. Jennifer Baker Ms. Sarah Ballard Mr. Jake Baughman Mr. David B. Bechtel Mrs. Joellen M. Becker '04 and Mr. Chistopher Becker Mrs. Melissa Behm Mr. Robert Bell Mrs. Lisa M. Bower '89 and Mr. Douglas Bower Ms. Linda Bratcher Mr. Matthew A. Brunner Mrs. Christine Catherman Mr. Jeff Copus Mr. Jere Coxon '60 Mrs. Alexandra Daniel Ms. Vicki DiSylvester Ms. Catherine Errington Mrs. Carolyn C. Estill-Shover '92 Mr. Tilman H. Foust Jr. '64 Mr. Peter Frengel Mrs. Erin Fryer Mr. Michael Gamon Mrs. Mary Garton Mr. Joseph Gillette '82 and Mrs. Lisa Gillette Mrs. Leyla Goldfinger Mrs. Loren Gordon Mrs. Jennifer Graf Ms. Elizabeth Graham '87 and Mr. Brad Feldman Mr. James Harding Mrs. Ann Hess Ms. Ebony Hodges Mr. Richard Huy Dr. Marcia Jacobs Ms. Christiana Kasian '06 Mrs. Christine Kerr Mrs. Stacy Klann Miss Emma Kuykendall

Ms. Lisa Lambert Mrs. Anne Lebo Mr. Tim Luckenbaugh Ms. Claire Mackin '16 Mr. Charles Mackin and Mrs. Deborah Mackin Mr. John Martin Jr. Mr. Donald McElheny Mrs. Siena McLees Ms. Heather Mork Mr. Elias Ablorh-Odjidja and Mrs. Joana Odjidja Ms. Amy O'Hare Mr. Michael Ortman Mr. Joel Petruschke and Ms. Kathleen Baker Ms. Tina Phillips-Garrison Ms. Ruth Pirch Mrs. Deborah Potter Mr. Steven Preston Mrs. Gretchen Qualls Mrs. Elizabeth Remm Mrs. Kelly Seely Ms. Jeane Serino Mrs. Heidi Shakely ‘73 and Mr. William Shakely Mrs. Lakshmi Shrikantia Ms. Maureen Smith Mr. Jeremy Smith Mrs. Annette Spahr Mrs. Alison Spink Miss Paige Sterner '16 Mr. Jeffrey Stouffer Mrs. Melissa Swauger and Mr. Keith Kretchman Mr. Ethan Titelman '97 Ms. Monica Velasco Mr. Ronan Weber Mr. Richard Whitehead Mrs. Coral Witmer Mrs. Erika Yagel and Mr. Adam Yagel Mr. Christopher Zyroll 13

Academy Fund Individual Gifts Academy Fund Donations - $500 to $1,999 Mr. Adrian Allan Mr. Scott Appel and Mrs. Hannan Appel Ms. Heather Bolinger Mr. Todd Brason '76 and Mrs. Kim Brason Ms. Susan Bruce and Mr. Neal A. Fitch Mrs. Deanne Burch Mr. Robert Chernicoff Esq. and Mrs. Debra Chernicoff Mrs. Robyn Cutchall Mr. Philip DePamphilis and Mrs. Sharon DePamphilis Mr. Albert Farr '05 Mr. Matthew Farrell '04 Mr. Anthony Foschi and Mrs. Jean Foschi Mr. Mark Foster Mr. William Jason Grace and Mrs. Lauren Grace Ms. Susan Graham Johnston '87 and Mr. Eric Johnston Mr. Matthew Grandon '08 Mr. Aaron Gross and Mrs. Anne Gross

Dr. Anna Jenny Karlsson and Dr. Marcus Keep Ms. Michelle Latta Dr. Kelin Wang and Ms.Guojie Liu Mrs. Mary Lundeen Mr. Peter McCorkle ’87 and Mrs. Diane McCorkle Mr. Spencer Nauman Jr. ’51 and Mrs. Helen Nauman Mr. Thomas Polliard ’82 Mr. Mark Richwine and Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly Richwine Mrs. Teri Rooney ’92 and Mr. Shane Rooney Dr. Zachary Scheiner ’93 and Dr. Ashley Webb Mr. Frank Sourbeer Jr. ’04 Mr. Richard Stevenson and Mrs. Bonnie Stevenson Mrs. Jourdan Thomsen ’08 and Mr. David Thomsen Mr. Blair Trogner and Mrs. Candi Trogner Mrs. Karen Weber Ms. Celeste Wecker ’78 and Mr. Jeffery Wecker Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wert

Academy Fund Donations - $2,000 to $4,999 Mrs. Marilynn Abrams & Mr. Richard E. Abrams Mr. Benjamin Abrams ’92 Ms. Lindsay Bowman

Col William Dodson III MD USAF Ret ’73 & Maj Gen Maria Falca-Dodson USAF Ret Mr. Mark Parsells ’78 & Mrs. Catherine Parsells Ms. Kristin Scofield

Academy Fund Donations - $5,000 + Estate of Mildred J. Allen

Academy Fund Corporate Gifts Benevity Community Impact Fund Global Charitable Fund

L.B. Smith Estate Foundation, Inc. Thomas Wierman Trust

Educational Improvement Tax Credit & Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit EITC Donations - up to $4,999 Capital Advantage Insurance Company Friends of Education, LLC Mid Penn Bank

Soccer Pals, LLC Weis Markets, Inc. Robert Zuckerman, MD, P.C.

EITC Donations - $5,000 -$9,999 Customers Bank Orrstown Bank Phoenix Contact, Inc. Traditions Bank

EITC Donations - $10,000 + Feesers Food Peoples Bank

OSTC Donations - up to $9,999 Customers Bank UGI Storage Company

OSTC Donations - $10,000 + First National Bank of Pennsylvania

Special Purpose Entity Dr. Erik Chotiner, M.D. ’93 & Mrs. Robyn Chotiner Mr. Solomon Cramer ’94 & Mrs. Carolyn Cramer Mr. Gregory Denk Mr. Scott Dietterick Mr. Joseph Hamad & Mrs. Naeveen Ramadan

Mr. Gary Huether & Mrs. Summer Huether Mr. Sherwood Kimmel & Mrs. Jaqueline Kimmel Mr. Eric Pettis ’78 & Mrs. Patrice Pettis Mr. Mark Richwine & Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly Richwine Mr. David Rosenberg, Esq. 15

Foundation Gifts Foundation Donations - up to $4,999 The Horner Foundation PSECU

Foundation Donations - $5,000 - $9,999 Bravo Foundation Bridge Educational Foundation

Foundation Donations - $10,000 - $14,999 Ivin S. and Virginia D. Bear Fund Hunter-Meyers-Redus Foundation

Foundation Donations - $20,000-$49,999 McCormick Family Foundation

Foundation Donations - $50,000 + Boyd Foundation The Donald B. & Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation

Endowment Gifts The Bank of America Charitable Foundation Mr. Steve Brindle & Mrs. Christine Brindle

Ms. Claire Newman Dr. James Newman & Mrs. Anne Newman

In-Kind Gifts Mrs. Deborah Potter & Mr. Kevin Potter

Mrs. Teri Rooney ’92 & Mr. Shane Rooney

Restricted Gifts Mr. Solomon Cramer ’94 & Mrs. Carolyn Cramer Mr. Alexander Dinh & Mrs. Lieu Tran-Dinh Mr. Mark Foster Mr. Joseph Gillette ’82 & Mrs. Lisa Gillette Dr. John Halcovage Hearing Instruments, Inc. Mr. Kevin Helm & Mrs. Cindy Armour-Helm

Dr. Marcus Keep & Dr. Anna Jenny Karlsson Mr. William Miles ’86 & Mrs. Pamela Miles Mr. Eric Pettis ’78 & Mrs. Patrice Pettis PSECU Dr. Nicole Purcell Mr. Steven Stewart Mrs. Shannon Walborn Walsh ’08


Gala Sponsorships Corporate Sponsors M&T Bank, Presenting Sponsor Carlisle Dermatology Group, Silver Sponsor McNees Law, Silver Sponsor Touch of Color Flooring, Silver Sponsor UPMC, Silver Sponsor

Connor Design and Build, Bronze Sponsor Cordier Auctions & Appraisals, Bronze Sponsor F & M Trust, Bronze Sponsor Foster Consulting, Bronze Sponsor Grateful Goat, Bronze Sponsor

Alumni Sponsors Col William Dodson III MD USAF Ret ’73 & Maj Gen Maria Falca-Dodson USAF Ret

Mr. Matthew Grandon ‘08

Family Sponsors Mrs. Marilynn Abrams & Mr. Richard E. Abrams Mr. Henry Boateng & Mrs. Angela Odjidja Boateng Mr. Jason Brenner & Mrs. Sasha Brenner Mr. Solomon Cramer ’94 & Mrs. Carolyn Cramer

Mr. Gary Huether & Mrs. Summer Huether Dr. Jonathan Slotkin & Mrs. Ellie Slotkin Mr. William Stevens & Mrs. Natalie Stevens

Elevate the Arts Mrs. Marilynn Abrams & Mr. Richard E. Abrams Mrs. Jennifer Baker & Mr. Phil Baker Mr. Henry Boateng & Mrs. Angela Odjidja Boateng Ms. Lindsay Bowman Ms. Jessica Butchar & Mr. Michael Warner Ms. Kimberly Colonna Mrs. Desiree DeSoto & Mr. Matthew DeSoto Mrs. Katrina Eady & Mr. Brian Senft Mr. David Forney Mr. Matthew Grandon ’08 Mr. Joseph Hamad & Ms. Naeveen Ramadan

Ms. Sabrena Hartley Mrs. Pamela Hathaway & Mr. Matthew Hathaway Mrs. Siena McLees Mrs. Hanwei Nieweld & Mr. Carl Nieweld Ms. Amy O’Hare Mrs. Deborah Potter Ms. Tami Swartz & Mr. Adam Klein Dr. Bart Thaci & Mrs. Blerina Thaci Mrs. Jourdan Thomsen ’08 & Mr. David Thomsen Mrs. Mary Zanolini & Mr. Eric Zanolini

Harrisburg Academy offers an academically challenging and globally minded interdisciplinary education. In our commitment to excellence, we provide tools, develop character, and teach skills that prepare students to thrive in college and beyond, thereby contributing to the betterment of our global and local communities.

10 Erford Road, Wormleysburg, PA 17043



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