Album Covers

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It’s plain and only focuses on the name of the band, therefore I like it because the cover isn’t over dramatic.

This cover has been widely popularised and the photo only took 10mins to take, I like it because captures Britain in an instant, with the zebra crossing and the white beetle.

This cover is simple but with the use of red and white stripes and the blue jeans and hat it immediately epitomises America.

This is interesting because of the merging of two pictures creating an illusion of two images.

I personally like this cover because it is very up to date and has minimal colour and yet those that are used contrast each other to make a cool album cover.

I like this because Madonna portrays a famous painting of an iconic idol, but still makes it her own by using her image.

I find this album cover weird in the sense that it is androgynous because the artist is eccentric and the cover portrays this.

With this cover it’s intersecting because there is so much going on everywhere you look something new is happening.

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