Nina goes to the Market

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3 Hi! I am Nina. I am six years old. I go to Blue Bell International.

I live with my grandmother, father, mother, tiny brother Timcoo and cat Snoozles.


My Family

Granny spends her time praying from the religious books. The rest of the time she sits in front of the TV.

Mummy looks after the house and Timcoo.

Father goes to work.


My School Blue Bell International.


My best friend, Sasha lives right next door.

I have three other friends, Bobby, Karim and Radha.

We all go to the same school.

Our teacher Ms Lalita teaches us Math, Science and English. We love school.


Colour Nina, Mother and Gopal as you read along.

8 After visiting Sudha Mausi, we go to the market. It was very crowded and noisy. Everyone was shouting at the top of their voices trying to sell their goods.

Mummy buys her vegetables only from Gopal Bhai. I wanted to meet Gopal Bhai as I had to tell him things that Ms Lalita kept on repeating in class.


10 Mummy bought cauliflower, potatoes, tomatoes, lady’s fingers and other vegetables from Gopal Bhai. He put all the vegetables in the cloth bag that we handed him.

11 “Gopal Bhai put this sticker up in your shop. I made it in my craft class.” “What does it say Nina Baby?” asked Gopal. “SAY NO TO PLASTICS. Plastics are bad for us. You must tell all who visit your shop to use canvas or cloth bags. They can be used over and over again.”

No Plastics

12 “I also have another sticker for you. It says DON’T LITTER and in Hindi Kachra mat pheko. You must follow what it says.”

13 And you should always cover your mouth while coughing or sneezing. Or you will spread germs and illnesses. Don’t chew pan and spit around. It is a very dirty habit and very difficult to clean. You must also tell all your friends. I will check on you when I come next.� Do Not Spit. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.

14 I gave him a stern look and put my hands on my hips just like our teachers, when they are cross with us. “I promise Nina baby.� Our bags full, we left the market place for home.


Lesson 2 1. You should always cover your mouth while coughing or sneezing. 2. Don’t chew pan and spit around. It is a very dirty habit and very difficult to clean. 3. Plastic bags are harmful for the environment.

16 About The School Blue Bell International is an environmentfriendly school. Here the younger children are not taught from textbooks, but day to day experiences. They approach the study subjects through activity-based project work. The school grows its own fruits and vegetables on the campus grounds. This helps in learning about soil study, compost, climatic conditions, etc. that are required for the growth of the crop, making study enjoyable and practical. Excursions every week involve them in “DO NOT LITTER”, “BE KIND TO ANIMALS”, “SAY NO TO PLASTICS”, “THE 3RS’ ” campaigns to name a few. In short these “Save the Environment” campaigns teach them to be responsible citizens and good human beings.

Other Titles Available:

Nina visits Sudha Mausi Nina learns a Lesson Lunch Time for Nina Nina goes to the Park Nina visits the Zoo

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