2013–2014 Law School Bulletin

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117 comparative and historical sociology to the study of legal history. Topics include the legal origins of slavery in the Americas, law and racial classifications, social and economic consequences of legal discrimination, and legal remedies and the undoing of systems of discrimination. Comparative study of the history of race relations in the United States, Latin America, and South Africa. Enrollment is limited. (Research paper) COURSES OF INSTRUCTION

6597 Legal History Seminar (2 or 3)

Selected topics in legal history to be announced at the time of registration. Enrollment is limited. (Research paper)

6598 Law and Economics (2 or 3)

An introduction to the main features of the Law and Economics movement, with particular attention to the content, application, and criticisms of the Coase theorem. Topics include a brief review of essential aspects of price theory (including the concept of a competitive price equilibrium), an introduction to the principal notions of welfare optimality (including Pareto and Hicks窶適aldor efficiency), and the problems posed by externalities and public goods. Emphasis on some of the classical works in this field and applications to specific decisions. (Examination)

6599 Professional Responsibility and Ethics Seminar (2)


6601 History of the Common Law (3)


Selected topics in professional responsibility and ethics. Intensive study of questions of lawyer responsibility and ethics raised by professional codes and moral philosophy. This course does not satisfy the professional responsibility requirement. Prerequisite: Law 6218. Enrollment is limited. (Research paper)

The history of legal procedure and institutions in England and the United States, in particular the relationships among judges, juries, and lawyers in civil and criminal cases. Development of rules of evidence; links between law and equity. How changes in politics, society, and economics affect legal procedures and courts. Origins of the adversarial legal system and comparisons with the inquisitorial system on the European continent and elsewhere. (Examination or research paper with permission of the instructor)

6602 Law and Accounting (2 or 3)


Study of fundamental accounting principles with emphasis on corporation accounting; legal and accounting implications of specific items in financial statements of corporations; inventory adjustments; corporate transactions, distributions, capital adjustments. No accounting background required; students who majored (or the equivalent) in accounting or who hold certifications as Certified Public Accountants (CPA) may not enroll. (Quizzes and problem assignments or examination with the permission of the instructor)

6604 Quantitative Analysis for Lawyers (2 or 3)

Introductory course for lawyers that does not assume or require advanced mathematical skills. Application of non-legal methods of analysis in public policy problems with attendant evidentiary requirements, including the effective use of experts. Principal nonlegal methods of policy analysis, including micro-economic analysis (basic price theory and industrial organization), financial analysis (including the roles of financial institutions), and statistical analysis. Introduction to basic analytic concepts and terminology/jargon, common applications of the analysis in the law, and practical problems of expert witnesses. (Examination or research paper with permission of the instructor)

6606 Law and Literature (2 or 3)

DeSanctis, Solove

The ways in which the law is depicted in literature, and how literary interpretation can be applied to legal texts. Literary and philosophical works of short to moderate length by Melville, Kafka, Shakespeare, Capote, Morrison, Garcia Marquez, and Faulkner, among others. (Research paper and oral presentations)

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