January 17, 2019 — Gwinnett Daily Post

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gwinnettdailypost.com ♦ Friday, January 17, 2020 ♦ A3



China just agreed to buy $200 billion worth of US products China has agreed to buy hundreds of billions of dollars worth of products from the United States as part of their “phase one” trade deal. The agreement signed Wednesday will have Beijing purchase an additional $200 billion of U.S. goods and services over the next two years. The increase in purchases will be compared to 2017, before the trade war started. China imported over $185 billion in total U.S. goods and services that year. In exchange, Washington has agreed to reduce tariffs on $120 billion in Chinese products from 15% to 7.5%. Taken together, the phased purchases by China would result in a dramatic surge in U.S. exports. Total exports to China would increase to over $260 billion in 2020, and roughly $310 billion in 2021 if the deal holds.

Iran is enriching more uranium now than before the nuclear deal, Rouhani says Iran is enriching more uranium per day now than before the country signed a nuclear deal with major world powers, President Hassan Rouhani said Thursday. Rouhani also said the country’s nuclear industry was better off today during his address at the 59th Iranian Central Bank General Assembly in Tehran. “Our daily enrichment is today more than before signing the (JCPOA) agreement,” Rouhani said, referring to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the official name of the 2015 nuclear deal. Rouhani offered no specifics. Signed by Iran and the U.S., France, Russia, China and Germany after two years of intense negotiations, the deal began to unravel when the U.S. walked away from it in 2018 and reimposed sanctions on Iran. Tehran has responded in recent months by pulling back from some of its commitments under the pact.

Rain and hail pelt Australian states, bringing new risks — and potential relief Severe storms are pelting some regions of Australia suffering from historic wildfires with rain and large hail. The storms could bring some much-needed relief to the firefighters battling some of the worst blazes the country has seen in decades. But forecasters say it’s not yet clear if the rain will fall where it’s needed most in the coming days, or whether there will be enough of it to make a difference in fire-ravaged and drought-stricken areas. So far there hasn’t been enough rain to put out the fires, and lightning from the storms has sparked new blazes. The Rural Fire Service said if the rain forecasts held true, it could be a panacea for the region’s firefighters. “This will be all of our Christmas, birthday, engagement, anniversary, wedding and graduation presents rolled into one,” it said Monday on Twitter. “Fingers crossed.” — From wire reports

Senate impeachment trial of Donald Trump officially begins By Jeremy Herb CNN

The third Senate impeachment trial of a U.S. president in history convened on Thursday with the swearing in of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts as well as all present members of the U.S. Senate. Earlier Thursday, the seven House impeachment managers who will prosecute the case against the President marched the articles from the House to the Senate, beginning the ceremonial functions of the impeachment trial in which senators will decide whether Trump should be removed from office. House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat and the lead impeachment manager, read the articles in the chamber shortly after noon. Roberts was sworn in shortly after 2 p.m. After Roberts swore in the senators, each member of the chamber came forward and signed the oath book on the floor of the Senate. The outcome of the trial is all but determined, as the two-thirds vote required to remove the President would need 20 Republican senators to break ranks. But that doesn’t mean the trial itself won’t have twists and turns

senate tV

The Senate impeachment trial against President Trump has officially started. — and potentially some surprises — as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell navigates the demands of his Senate conference, pressures from Democrats and the whims of Trump and his Twitter account. Already this week, indicted Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas has upended the impeachment conversation by providing the House Intelligence Committee with a trove of evidence about his work with Giuliani’s efforts to oust former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch last spring and then pressure Ukraine to investigate former

Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. And the Government Accountability Office, a nonpartisan congressional watchdog, said Thursday that the Trump administration violated the law when it withheld Ukraine security aid that Congress has appropriated. That evidence is likely to be incorporated into the House Democratic case against the President, which they will begin presenting next Tuesday when the substance of the trial gets underway. Democrats charge that Trump withheld the security aid and a White House meeting from Ukraine


Senate approves Trump trade deal Senators of both parties came together Thursday morning to pass President Donald Trump’s foremost legislative priority — the revised North American Free Trade Agreement — with his historic impeachment trial about to formally begin. Among other changes from the Bill Clinton-era trade agreement known as NAFTA, the USMCA includes new provisions for digital commerce, more stringent rules of origin for auto parts and new minimum wage requirements for certain auto workers. It passed with a vote of 89-10. The pact was signed by the three countries’ leaders in November 2018, but the text was later changed after months of negotiations between the Trump administration and House Democrats. The new version enshrined additional labor protections and got rid of controversial patent protections for biologic drugs. Final Senate passage of the bill marks the culmination of years of arduous negotiations.

House of representatives

Senators of both parties came together Thursday morning to pass President Donald Trump’s foremost legislative priority — the revised North American Free Trade Agreement.

that the White House budget office violated the Impoundment Control Act, a 1974 law that limits the White House from withholding funds that Congress has appropriated. The Office of Management and Budget told the GAO it “withheld the funds to ensure that they were not spent ‘in a manner that could conflict with the president’s foreign policy,’” said Thomas Armstrong, the GAO’s general counsel. But the GAO rejected that argument. “Faithful execution of the law does not permit the president to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” the GAO wrote. “OMB GAO concludes Trump withheld funds for a policy administration broke reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment law by withholding Control Act. The withholding was not a programmatic deUkraine aid lay. Therefore, we conclude The Government Account- that OMB violated the ICA.” ability Office said the Trump administration broke the law Florida to purchase, when it withheld U.S. secuprotect 20K acres of rity aid to Ukraine last year that had been appropriated Everglades wetlands by Congress, a decision that’s Florida has reached a deal at the heart of the House’s impeachment case against with a real estate company to President Donald Trump. acquire 20,000 acres of the The GAO, a nonpartisan Everglades that is slated for oil congressional watchdog, said production in order to protect in a decision issued Thursday the wetlands, Florida’s gover-

nor announced Wednesday. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, called it the largest wetland acquisition in a decade and said the purchase will permanently save these lands from oil drilling. The pending land purchase was made in agreement with Kanter Real Estate, which has owned property in the heart of the Everglades’ Water Conservation Area 3 in Broward County for over 50 years. Kanter Real Estate President John Kanter told the Herald at the time that “our focus has always been to conduct this project in a manner that would be highly protective of the environment.”

Controversial Trump tax break under investigation by Treasury watchdog The Treasury Department’s inspector general has opened an inquiry into a controversial tax break used by close allies of President Donald Trump. The review into the agency’s Opportunity Zone program is in response to a request from three Democratic lawmakers, said Acting Treasury Inspector General Richard Delmar. The program, created by the


Rocky Johnson, WWE Hall of Famer and Dwayne Johnson’s dad, has died at 75 Rocky “Soul Man” Johnson, WWE Hall of Famer and the father of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, died at the age of 75, the WWE announced on Wednesday. Johnson, born Wayde Bowles, began his sports career in the boxing ring before transitioning to the sports entertainment world of wrestling in the 1960s, according to his WWE biography. He competed all over the world against other wrestling superstars, including Adrian Adonis, Mr. Fuji and Don Muraco. Johnson found his most success when he teamed up with Tony Atlas for tag team matches, the duo went by the name The Soul Patrol, accoridng to WWE. In 1983, they made history when they defeated The Wild Samoans and became the first AfricanAmerican World Tag Team Champions in WWE’s history. “Rocky experienced all the hatred one can imagine, but still ended up dominating the world stage thanks to his hard work, determination and values.”

while pushing for an investigation into the Bidens. On Thursday, the Senate dispensed with the ceremonial functions of the impeachment trial. The House impeachment managers began the proceedings by reading aloud the two articles of impeachment on the floor of the Senate. It was the second time they took the articles from the House to the Senate — the managers took Female 007 ruled out by the same walk on WednesJames Bond producer day to notify the Senate of the articles, in an odd bit of James Bond producer Barceremonial flair that comes bara Broccoli has poured with an impeachment trial cold water on the idea that of the president. the enigmatic spy should be played by a woman. He may, however, be played 2017 GOP tax bill, allows inby an actor who isn’t white, she vestors to defer taxes on capital said, as speculation around gains if they’re reinvested in a real estate project or busi- who will next fill the shoes ness located in one of nearly of Ian Fleming’s charismatic 9,000 qualified census tracts. spy continues to grow. “No Time to Die,” released Any capital gains from those investments will be untaxed if in April, will be Daniel Craig’s they’re held for more than 10 final 007 appearance. Producer Broccoli told Vayears, a tax giveaway worth riety that changing the iconic $7.7 billion through 2022, character’s gender would be according to the Joint Comdoing women a disservice. mittee on Taxation. “He can be of any color, Among those who have but he is male,” she said. “I moved to take advantage of believe we should be creating the program are the investment firm Cadre, part-backed new characters for women — by Trump’s son-in-law and strong female characters.” While audiences may be adviser Jared Kushner, which calling for more diversity in solicits investments for “opmovies, the filmmaker, who portunity zones.” is the daughter of the original 007 producer Albert R. Giuliani associate Broccoli, said she is not “parimplicates Trump in ticularly interested” in taking a male character and having Ukraine scheme a woman play it. “I think women are far more Lev Parnas, the Soviet-born businessman whose work in interesting than that,” she Ukraine with President Don- added. ald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani stands at the center of the impeachment inquiry, implicated the president Wednesday in an interview with CNN in which he said that their efforts were “all about 2020” and not about working in the interest of the United States. “That was the way everyone viewed it,” Parnas told CNN’s Anderson Cooper, disputing Trump’s claim that the push to unearth damaging information about his political rival, Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden, stemmed from concerns about corruption in Ukraine. “That was the most important thing,” Parnas said, “for him to stay on for four years and keep the fight going. I mean, there was no other reason for doing it.” — From wire reports

Demi Lovato will sing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl Demi Lovato announced Thursday that she’ll perform “The Star-Spangled Banner” at Super Bowl LIV in Miami. The singer took to Instagram with the news, posting an official photo with the caption, “Singing the National Anthem at #SBLIV See you in Miami @NFL.” The announcement comes two days after revealing she will perform at the 2020 Grammy Awards later this month. This year, Jennifer Lopez and Shakira will headline the halftime show. Super Bowl LIV will be played on Feb. 2. Fox will televise the game starting at 6:30 p.m. with kickoff shortly thereafter. — From wire reports

Study finds wolf puppies, like domesticated dogs, love to play fetch By Ashley Strickland CNN

When you play a game of fetch with your dog, they’re picking up on a human social cue to retrieve the ball. Now, researchers have observed the same behavior in wolf puppies, meaning they also have the ability to understand human communication cues, according to a new study. A dog’s ability to play fetch and other activities with humans is a learned behavior

MUST READ that likely occurred over time after humans domesticated dogs from gray wolves 15,000 years ago. Researchers believe dogs only began to interpret cues from humans after domestication happened. Modern dogs differ greatly from wolves not only physically and genetically, but behaviorally as well. Researchers decided to test 13 wolf puppies born in three different litters. Their goal was to determine if wolf

puppies exhibit the same behaviors as domesticated puppies, which would help them pinpoint the origin of the behaviors. Their study published Thursday in iScience, a Cell Press journal. Spontaneously, three of the 8-week-old wolf puppies were intrigued enough by a ball that was thrown to retrieve it to a person they didn’t know. It was the last thing the researchers expected. “When I saw the first wolf puppy retrieving the ball I

literally got goose bumps,” said Christina Hansen Wheat, study author at Stockholm University in Sweden. “It was so unexpected, and I immediately knew that this meant that if variation in human-directed play behavior exists in wolves, this behavior could have been a potential target for early selective pressures exerted during dog domestication.” Hansen Wheat studies the effects of domestication on behavior. She and her colleagues raised both wolf pup-

pies and domesticated puppies from the time they were 10 days old. Then, both types of puppies went through a series of tests. One of those included a stranger throwing a tennis ball while encouraging the puppy to fetch and return it. None of the puppies, wolf or domesticated puppy, had experienced “fetch” before this. The first two litters of wolf puppies weren’t interested in the ball, and the researchers didn’t expect them to be. They included the test

because it was used for domesticated puppies. But the third litter of wolf puppies ran after the ball. Two wolf puppies each retrieved the ball twice. One ran after the ball and returned it to the person three times. “It was very surprising that we had wolves actually retrieving the ball,” Hansen Wheat said. “I did not expect that. I do not think any of us did. It was especially surprising that the wolves retrieved the ball for a person they had never met before.”

A4 ♦ Friday, January 17, 2020 ♦ gwinnettdailypost.com COLUMNIST I KEITH ROACH


Can red light change Dad’s dementia diagnosis?


Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible.













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EAR DR. ROACH: My 78-year-old father is experiencing the early signs of dementia. It has been suggested that he try a $500 device that would aim a low-intensity red LED light into his nose to stimulate his brain and stabilize or perhaps even reverse the symptoms of dementia. On the surface, it seems like a Roach modern version of snake oil designed to separate desperate people from their money, but I am open to the idea if it might be an effective treatment. An internet search suggests that there have been limited clinical trials that have shown hopeful results, but some of the trials have been sponsored by the company selling the device. Is there any tangible evidence to suggest that photobiomodulation reduces the symptoms of dementia? — R.C. ANSWER: The theory in light therapy is to reduce cell damage and death by reducing plaques inside neurons that are the hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. There have been some provocative trials (small and relatively short), but in my opinion there needs to be more data before I’d feel comfortable recommending purchasing a device. The trials have not shown significant toxicities, however, and lowintensity red light is probably safe. DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 76-year-old retired registered nurse in reasonably good health. I am moderately obese. I have experienced cardiac irregularities since going through a stressful time 40 years ago, including benign premature ventricular contractions. I have also experienced periods when my heart seems to flutter. Twenty-four hour heart monitors have not revealed any abnormalities. For the past couple of years, my resting heart rate has been falling. Twenty years ago, it was about 72. Now, according to my smartwatch, it’s falling pretty consistently into the low 40s, occasionally the high 30s. This is during sleep. I have double-checked the watch’s accuracy multiple times, and it appears to be very accurate. I have exhibited no symptoms, but I’m concerned that the rate continues to decline. The doctors don’t want to do further testing because I am asymptomatic. Please advise if you concur that this is the right approach or if I should be concerned. — S.L. ANSWER: Slow heart rates are common during sleep, and in the case when people are truly without symptoms, usually they do not need treatment. However, I am concerned about two issues. The first is that you have had some symptoms of the flutter sensation. While this is not the typical lightheadedness, especially upon standing, you aren’t really symptom-free. Heart rates in the 30s usually have symptoms, although some people compensate so well through the body’s ability to adapt that they only notice the symptoms when they feel much better after treatment. I suspect that there is a reasonable likelihood you will need a pacemaker in the future. The second concern is that slow heart rates during sleep should make a physician think about the possibility of obstructive sleep apnea, especially in a person who is overweight. You should consider a sleep study, especially if you feel sleepy during the day, have morning headaches or snore.

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the solunar tables for lakes are based on studies that show fish and game are more active at certain times during the lunar period. MAJOR 5:57-7:57 a.m. ............6:22-8:22 p.m. MINOR ....................... 11:48 a.m.-12:48 p.m.

POLLEN COUNTS trees: low weeds: low grass: low


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SOLUNAR TABLES the gwinnett daily post (upsp 921-980, issn 1086-0096) is published wednesday, Friday and sunday by scni, 725 old norcross road, lawrenceville, ga 30045. periodical postage paid at lawrenceville, ga 30044. postmaster: send address changes to gwinnett daily post, p.o. Box 603, lawrenceville, ga 30046-0603.


Lake Full Yesterday allatoona ............(840.0) .... 825.37 Blackshear ......... (237.0) .... 236.68 Blue ridge........(1690.0) .. 1669.99 Burton..............(1865.0) .. 1858.49 carters.............(1072.0) ...1071.89 chatuge ........... (1927.0) ...1919.68 Harding .............. (521.0) .....519.34 Hartwell .............(660.0) .... 659.60 Jackson..............(530.0) .... 529.35

Lake Full Yesterday lanier............... (1071.0) ...1070.96 nottely..............(1779.0) ...1764.03 oconee ..............(435.0) .... 434.65 seminole...............(77.5) ...... 78.30 sinclair ...............(339.8) .... 339.55 thurmond ..........(330.0) .... 330.29 tugalo ................ (891.5) .... 888.37 walter F. george.(188.0) .... 189.89 west point..........(635.0) .... 632.07


Thursday cash 3 midday: 4-5-2 cash 4 midday: 7-8-5-1 ga. 5 midday: 5-3-3-9-7 Wednesday cash 3 midday: 7-4-3 cash 3 evening: 6-2-9 cash 3 night: 3-8-0 cash 4 midday: 2-2-0-7 cash 4 evening: 4-4-6-8 cash 4 night: 8-7-6-2 ga. 5 midday: 5-5-9-4-4 ga. 5 evening: 5-4-5-2-2 Fantasy 5: 12-27-29-31-34 powerball: 39-41-53-55-68, powerball: 19, power play: 2X

TODAY’S HISTORY: in 1773, captain James cook and his crew became the first to sail south of the antarctic circle. in 1917, the united states purchased the Virgin islands from denmark for $25 million. in 1946, the united nations security council held its first session. in 1991, a united states-led coalition’s planes struck targets in Kuwait and iraq, launching the persian gulf war. TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS: Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), statesman/inventor/author; al capone (1899-1947), organized crime boss; Betty white (1922- ), actress; eartha Kitt (1927-2008), actress/singer; James earl Jones (1931- ), actor; muhammad ali (19422016), boxer; andy Kaufman (1949-1984), actor/comedian; steve Harvey (1957- ), comedian/actor; Jim carrey (1962- ), actor; sebastian Junger (1962- ), journalist/author;

michelle obama (1964- ), u.s. first lady; Kid rock (1971- ), singer-songwriter; Zooey deschanel (1980- ), actress; dwyane wade (1982- ), basketball player; calvin Harris (1984- ), singer-songwriter/producer. TODAY’S FACT: the term “militaryindustrial complex” was first used by president dwight eisenhower during his farewell address to the nation on this day in 1961. TODAY’S SPORTS: in 1971, the Baltimore colts defeated the dallas cowboys 16-13 in super Bowl V, a game so filled with errors it was nicknamed the “Blunder Bowl.” TODAY’S QUOTE: “Humans don’t mind hardship, in fact they thrive on it; what they mind is not feeling necessary. modern society has perfected the art of making people not feel necessary.” -- sebastian Junger, “tribe: on Homecoming and Belonging”


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In-laws seek a favor and are shown the door


EAR AMY: This Christmas, my husband’s parents and their baby daughter came to stay with us. The plan was that they would stay with us for three days and leave on Friday morning, as my husband and I both had to return to work on Monday. On Christmas night they asked if I wouldn’t mind babysitting their infant on Saturday, so they could make some personal visits in town. This plan would have extended their stay for two more days and nights. I looked at my husband and (on my behalf) he offered to put them up in a hotel for those nights. Instead of agreeing to this, they left Thursday night instead of Friday morning, and his mother left behind the perfume I had given her as a gift. The truth is that I wasn’t in the mood to host them in the first place. I didn’t want visitors over Christmas, but we made sure it was nice for them. I get the side-eye when I tell this story. Was I wrong? How should I have handled this? — Side-eyed DEAR SIDE-EYED: You need to realize that anyone can ask anything of you. But you shouldn’t punish them for asking, when you have the option to respond with

a respectful “no.” This request was a major one on your in-laws’ part. Even though Dickinson it seems that you and your husband did agree to babysit, you could have handled it differently by offering a truthful and respectful response: “Oh, I’m sorry, but we have to pivot toward our work week, and won’t be able to do that. I wish you had asked earlier; we might have been able to work something out.” Or you could have declined to sit on Saturday but offered to sit on Friday until noon, so they could see some friends and then leave in the afternoon. You present the offer of a hotel as a kindness of sorts, but it really was a tacit invitation for your in-laws to leave, and they took the hint. You have definitely established yourself as someone who is not to be trifled with. If that was your goal, you have achieved it. DEAR AMY: My daughter recently got engaged and is planning her wedding. Her future in-laws have recently divorced and are not really speaking. We have no relatives in this country, so it’s just the three of us. They come from a large European background

with many distant and local relatives. We are supporting whatever they want (and they are doing their homework). Both families will be pitching in, and the future fatherin-law is happy letting them make their choices. However, the groom’s mother wants a spreadsheet with comparisons of what they have already investigated, as well as a day looking at other venues with her son. She has decided that since they have the larger family, they should have the say. The groom is trying hard to manage the middle ground, but it is creating a huge void, and I fear losing loving relationships going forward. We have decided to have a meeting (with us, the couple, and the father-in-law) in a few weeks. We will invite the mother-in-law. Any suggestions on how to tackle this challenge? — Worried Parents DEAR WORRIED: Calling a meeting sounds like a good idea, and yet ... what you are actually doing is inviting yourselves — and these other parents — into a process that should be controlled by the marrying couple. Ask yourselves, very seriously, what you hope to achieve and then ponder, very frankly, the likely outcome. There might be cultur-

al issues or traditions you want to honor, but — generally speaking, modern marrying couples should make all of the major decisions regarding the wedding together, as a couple. Both sets of parents can be involved — sometimes very involved — but this should be at the behest of the couple. The groom should never agree to look at venues without the bride. This young man is going to have to do more than try to plow middle ground. Letting his mother run the show, and cutting his fiancee out of this process, establishes a terrible precedence. DEAR AMY: “K in Colorado” was upset because, at the age of 68, some people assume he is his young son’s grandfather. Thank you for pointing out that many grandparents are raising young children. My husband and I are in that group. We are tired, lonely, and we feel invisible. — Gram DEAR GRAM: I see you. You are heroes to your family. You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: ASKAMY@amydickinson. com. Readers may send postal mail to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or “like” her on Facebook.

Confidence, discipline and hard work will lead to victory this year. Believe in your ability to get things done and to make decisions that will bring about positive change. You will gain control if you are positive and competitive. Fight for what you want! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19) — Your charismatic approach to everything you do will be hard to resist. Form a partnership with someone who shares your beliefs and ideals. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Work hard, play hard and live life fully. You will feel restless if you have too much time to think about the past. A brilliant maneuver will fix a pending problem. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — Take a moment to rest and evaluate your current situation. Discuss personal matters with someone who is well informed and shares your concerns. Personal gain is apparent, and romance will be inviting. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — An older relative will concern you. Check out possible solutions that will benefit you and the rest of the family. A financial opportunity is likely if you act fast. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Partnerships look promising, but don’t let your emotions or stubbornness get in the way of a good deal. A romantic gesture will have a more significant impact than will an idle promise. Keep the peace. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Getting along with others will be necessary if you want to get things done on time, but don’t promise to do anything that will jeopardize your health or financial future. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Love and romance should be priorities. A kind gesture or offering will encourage a positive personal change. Traveling or attending an event that sparks your interest is favored. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Keep moving forward. Sort out what you want, who you want to spend time with and how best to improve your current personal situation. Demonstrate your feelings and intentions. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Your practical attitude will help you keep the peace as well as ensure that you get along with everyone. Implement a subtle change that will open a doorway to new possibilities. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Your future can change in an instant, so do the best you can, and don’t hesitate to apply yourself wholeheartedly to secure your position. Professional and financial gains are apparent. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Share your emotions with a loved one. Less talk and more action are what will encourage positive change. Refuse to let uncertainty stop you from voicing your thoughts and feelings. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23Dec. 21) — Taking on too much will be stressful. Sign up only for what you know you can complete. Taking time to do something you enjoy will improve your well-being.

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gwinnettdailypost.com ♦ Friday, January 17, 2020 ♦ A5

Man sentenced to Georgia Gwinnett College professor succumbs to injuries from hit-and-run life in prison 23 years after murder By Taylor Denman

Georgia Gwinnett College chemistry professor Tom Gluick died Sunday according to Baltimore County Police. Investigators are still trying to identify the driver that hit him. ♦


By Taylor Denman taylor.denman@ gwinnettdailypost.com

On Wednesday, the Gwinnett County District Attorney’s Office said 52-year-old Hector Garay was handed a sentence of life imprisonment plus an additional 35 years for a murder in Buford that occurred 23 years ago. Garay’s sentence is the maximum penalty allowed for his crimes. On Dec. 12, a jury found Hector Garay guilty of killing a businessman in Buford in 1996 during an attempted armed robbery. After two hours of deliberation, the jury found him guilty of malice murder, two counts of felony murder, criminal attempt to commit armed robbery, aggravated assault and possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. A spokesperson with the Gwinnett County District Attorney’s Office said since the homicide was committed before the murder penalty was amended, Hector Garay was not eligible for life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. The case was prolonged when prosecutors said Garay fled the country for 22 years, cutting off contact with his family. He was detained trying to cross the El Salvador-Honduras border in 2017 and extradited to the U.S. in 2018. On Jan. 21, 1996, prosecutors said victim, Adalberto Salinas, and his wife, Francisca, returned to their home after working at their business at Buford Hwy Flea Market. It was one of two businesses Salinas owned, and prosecutors said he was known to have a large amount of cash. The couple noticed what appeared to be someone trying to open their front door. With the security chain still on the door, prosecutors said Salinas opened the door to see

E-SPORTS From A1 Allied Esports also plans to hold amateur and professional e-sports tournaments and events for multiple

if someone was there. Three gunshots were fired through the door, two of which struck and killed SaliHector U. nas. Francisca Garay Salinas called her daughter, who eventually called 911. Days later, investigators with Gwinnett County Police interviewed a witness who stated Garay tried to recruit him to help with an armed robbery. The same witness told investigators about a conversation he had with Garay, who admitted to committing the shooting. Prosecutors said the witness told investigators Garay intended to leave the country in fear his car tag had been seen. Police were unable to locate Garay. Detectives learned Garay had admitted to being involved in the shooting to his roommate, and the roommate had driven Garay to Roswell. This was the last known contact with Garay for 22 years, prosecutors said. Prosecutors said Garay fled to Texas and ultimately to his native country of El Salvador. At the trial, Adalberto Salinas’ children were key witnesses in the trial, since Francisca Salinas died in 2007. During his testimony, Garay claimed that witnesses were attempting to pin the murder on him and they threatened to kill him and his son if he spoke of any details of the murder in 1996. He told prosecutors that his roommate would have no reason to lie about the defendant. Prosecutors said he offered to the jury that he had mental problems and that he had the mind of a child and he was taken advantage of. Garay has been in custody at Gwinnett County Jail since May 2018. sports at the new venue. As part of the agreement reached by Simon Properties and Allied Esports last June, the two companies will co-produce a national amateur e-sports tournament that will be called the Simon Cup.


ter where they live – has the opportunity to live in a safe, happy, loving home,” he said. From A1 While the governor was less specific on what he wants including adoption and the to do on gangs and human fight against criminal gangs trafficking, he promised to push for tougher legislative and human trafficking. Kemp asked lawmakers to measures aimed at street triple Georgia’s adoption tax gangs and human traffickers. “Gangs and drug cartels credit from $2,000 to $6,000 and lower the age qualifica- are fueling another public tion for adoptive parents safety crisis,” he said. “Evfrom 25 to 21. He also an- ery day, hundreds of people nounced plans to launch a are bought and sold for sex commission to look for ways in our state. … We must adto improve the state’s foster vance legislation that closes loopholes that leave children care system. “Our goal is simple: to keep vulnerable to exploitation.” Kemp also endorsed an efour kids safe, to encourage already underway early adoption and ensure1/16/2020 that fort 117_GDP_FRI_OBITS_OBITSv2 4:32 PM Page 1 young Georgians – no mat- in this year’s General As-

The Baltimore County Police Department said Sunday a Georgia Gwinnett College professor seriously injured in a hit-and-run on New Year’s Eve has died. Tom Gluick, an assistant professor of chemistry at GGC, died from his injuries on Sunday after undergoing multiple surgeries to repair broken bones in his face, arms and legs. Gluick was 62 years old. A suspect has not been identified by police. Baltimore County Police determined that the suspect vehicle is a darkcolored, 2013-20 Dodge Ram. Gluick’s ex-wife, Sheila Garrity, provided regular updates on a Go Fund Me Page. She wrote that Gluick’s sister was arranging for his body to be cremated and returned with them to Long Island. Gluick was reportedly heading home after visiting family in New York when the accident occurred. “It is with profound sadness I write to inform you Tom died early this morning,” Garrity wrote on Sunday morning. “An autopsy is underway and the most likely cause of death would be a blood clot in a lung.” The Go Fund Me page had accumulated nearly $16,000 as of Tuesday afternoon. Garrity wrote funds would be used to pay for the costs incurred by nearly two weeks of treatment and surgeries at Maryland’s Shock Trauma along with his funeral.

special photo

Some of Gluick’s colleagues and students expressed their grief this week on social media. A chemistry professor and interim dean lamented Gluick and other colleagues whose sudden deaths have shaken the GGC School of Science and Technology. “Over the past 6 months, our School has lost three valued faculty members to illness or injury. Dr. Andrei Olifer (Mathematics), Dr. Diane Dorsett (Biology) and yesterday, Dr. Tom Gluick (Chemistry),” Sloop wrote on Facebook. “Their contributions to GGC were many and are too significant to enumerate here. We mourn their loss. “As we move forward, I ask that you continue to support each other with a spirit of goodwill these fallen colleagues embodied.”

Gluick had enough strength to provide friends, family and colleagues with an optimistic video message less than one week after his accident. Gluick was walking across the street near the Towson Mall in Maryland and was struck by a vehicle that reportedly left the scene. He was stopping in Maryland on his way home to metro Atlanta after visiting family in New York. Gluick was airlifted to Shock Trauma in critical condition. FOX 5 Atlanta reported Gluick suffered broken bones in his arms, eye sockets, right leg and eight ribs. Garrity wrote that Gluick has undergone multiple surgeries since the accident. Garrity wrote Gluick was gaining consciousness on Jan. 6, and he discovered some new injuries to his humerus.

First 100 at new Del Taco locations in Loganville, Lawrenceville will get free tacos for a year Del Taco announced the first 100 people in line at four new locations, including restaurants in Lawrenceville and Loganville, at 10 a.m. Jan. 25 will receive free tacos for a year. ♦

By Curt Yeomans curt.yeomans@ gwinnettdailypost.com

Gwinnett residents will have a chance to win free tacos for year later this month — if they can get to new Del Taco locations that will be opening in the area, including restaurants in Lawrenceville and Loganville. Del Taco said the first 100 people in line at 10 a.m. in the dining rooms at four stores opening Jan. 25 will get a one-year supply of the Del Taco, which is the restaurant’s namesake product. The Lawrenceville restaurant is located at 825 Duluth Highway — which is the forThe tournament will include online competitions and events at e-sports venues located in Simon malls. “Allied Esports’ new esports facility is a perfect complement to the mix of shopping, dining and entertainment options

photo: del taco/Facebook

mer Pollo Tropical location — and the Loganville restaurant is located at 3975 Atlanta Highway. The free tacos for a year offer will also be available Jan. 25 at restaurants located at 1714 Highway 138 SE in Cony-


at Mall of Georgia,” mall General Manager John DiCioccio said in a statement. “Our guests enjoy experiential offerings, and this new concept is certain to become a fast favorite among those who visit the center.”

more online ♦ Visit us online at www.gwinnettdailypost.com to see more photos. sembly session to prohibit so-called “surprise billing” in Georgia, which occurs when patients are charged extra for a service provided inside their insurance plan’s network by an out-of-network specialist. “We have hardworking Georgians who by no fault of their own are on the brink of bankruptcy because there’s no transparency in health care billing,” he said. “Families are living on a prayer

ers and 4227 Lavista Road in Tucker. The offer is set up that the first 100 customers at each store will be entered into the Free Taco Society, but that does not mean unlimited tacos for a year. They will be limited

The GBI will continue its independent investigation of the officer-involved shooting. Upon completion of the in-

vestigation, it will be turned over the Gwinnett County District Attorney’s Office for review. A GBI spokesperson said this is the third officer-involved shooting in the state that the GBI has been requested to investigate in 2020.

innovation to break new ground,” Kemp said. “With the grit and resolve of Johnny Isakson, we will move one step closer to a cure.” After the governor’s speech, Senate Democratic leaders said Kemp’s talk was thin on details about major issues this year like the state’s budget cuts. Senate Minority Leader Steve Henson said lawmakers need more insight on what revenue-raising measures the governor would support beyond an online sales tax, which cleared both chambers Thursday afternoon. “We were surprised that the State of the State seemed to lack specificity

and depth,” said Henson, D-Stone Mountain. Other Democratic leaders in the Senate took aim at Kemp’s budget cuts as well his anti-gang initiative. Senate Minority Whip Harold Jones said Georgia already has tough anti-gang laws and needs more funding for judges and prosecutors to enforce them. “What is not needed is any new draconian efforts,” said Jones, D-Augusta. Other Democratic senators speaking at a news conference Thursday called for full Medicaid expansion and for restoring the HOPE scholarship to cover full student tuition.

From A1

because the system is rigged against them. This year, we will implement long-overdue reforms that put our families first.” Finally, Kemp announced the state will honor newly retired U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., by creating a Johnny Isakson Professorship for Parkinson’s Research at the University of Georgia. After 45 years in public service at the state and federal levels, Isakson announced in September he would leave office at the end of last year, citing health problems including Parkinson’s disease. “Through this partnership, we will use technology and

to two free tacos each week for a year. “Del Taco has built a loyal following across Atlanta over the years by offering an unbeatable combination of fresh food, served fast and at a tremendous value,” said Barry Westrum, who is Del Taco’s chief marketing officer. “The Del Taco is our bestselling taco, made with seasoned beef and hand-grated cheddar cheese, and we wanted to do something special for these communities by offering 100 guests at each location the chance to win free tacos for a year!” Official rules can be found at deltaco.com/freetacosociety_officialrules.


Ramona Ann Thielmann (Burris) Ramona Ann Burris Thielmann, 90, of Duluth, GA died January 11, 2020. A memorial service will be held on Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at the Duluth First United Methodist Church with Rev. C. Kay Fuino officiating. Ms. Thielmann, a native of Buffalo, N

NY was a member of the Duluth First United Methodist Church and was a retired Registered Nurse. Preceded in death by her son, Dwight Arthur Thielmann, she is survived by her son, Dana Carl Thielmann of Lawrenceville, GA; daughter-in-law, Marilyn Thielmann of Dawsonville, GA; brothers, John Arthur Burris, Jr. and his wife, Barbara of Jamestown, NY, Robert Alan Burris of St. Augustine, FL; sister, Jean Burris Rexford of El Durado Hills, CA; grandchildren, Sarah Noel Ford of Dawsonville, GA, Elizabeth A. P

Pritchett of Lawrenceville, GA, Joshua D. Thielmann of Lawrencevile, GA; great grandchildren, Zachary Sean Zukanovic, Landon Jacob Ford, Alec Brady Ford, Theadora Ashleigh Pritchett. Condolences may be sent by visiting www.billheadfuneralhome.com. The family will receive friends from 1:00 p.m. until the time of the service at the church. Bill Head Funeral Homes & Crematory Duluth Chapel (770)476-2535.

15 photos are available with all Obituaries and Death Notices


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Gwinnett Daily Post www.gwinnettdailypost.com

Todd Cline,

Editor and SCNI Vice President of Content todd.cline@gwinnettdailypost.com


The Iran protests and their meaning



he latest protests in Iran by people. 52 percent of us humbly people angry over the Iraniapologize. We want peace with an military’s missile launch your nation. We are being held that “unintentionally” downed a hostage by a terrorist regime. We Ukrainian jetliner killing many do not know how to escape. Please Iranians, Canadians and others, is do not kill us. #Soleimani.” different from past protests over A.J. Caschetta responded to Mcrigged elections, rising gas prices, Gowan and many others on the Thomas and what Americans like to call far left in National Review maga“voter suppression.” zine: “While it may be tempting This time, the protests are over a much to dismiss McGowan’s attempts at wit, wider area of the country. This time, there her line of reasoning, however faulty, is were no “death to America” or “death to echoed by nearly all the Democrats on Israel” chants. Video showed demonstra- the campaign trail and by virtually evtors refusing to walk on U.S. and Israeli ery Middle East specialist in the media flags. This time, anger was directed at and in academia. Her apologetic plea the theocratic regime’s handling of the for peace and her moral equivalency missile strike. This time, a president of between Trump’s “terrorist regime” the United States tweeted his support for and “#Soleimani” differ from tweets of the protesters in English and in Farsi and her erudite allies only in the number of warned “the world is watching.” polysyllabic words and historical referThat’s something President Obama ences. Otherwise they are quite simifailed to do when demonstrations over a lar, in some cases practically identical.” rigged election broke out in the summer Why aren’t the Democratic presidenof 2009 and the regime began killing and tial candidates asked if they share such imprisoning protesters. Obama, opting views? Perhaps it is because those askat first for a wait-and-see approach, once ing the questions don’t want to do anyviolence reached its zenith, was finally thing that would harm the chances of forced to declare, “The United States and one of the Democrat presidential canthe international community have been didates beating President Trump in the appalled and outraged by the threats, November election. beatings and imprisonments of the last Does that sound too harsh? Consider few days,” and strongly condemned “these that 92 percent of media coverage of the unjust actions.” Of course, his statement president has been negative, according was too late to have much, if any, effect to a study by the Media Research Cenon the regime’s actions. ter, a politically conservative content Democrats were nearly silent about the analysis group based in Reston, Virginia. latest protests. Democrats once boldly Could the protests in Iran follow the voiced opposition to totalitarian regimes. pattern of other freedom movements, When Democrats do comment it is often like Solidarity in Poland, or demonwithout substance or meaning. strations that led to the fall of the BerInterviewed on ABC’s “This Week” last lin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Sunday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ap- Union? Or, could they end in a stalemate peared to minimize the significance of with increasingly brutal repression, as the demonstrations. Host George Steph- in Venezuela? anopoulos asked her if she supported the It’s too early to say, but the least that demonstrations and whether it would should be expected is that people who be good for the regime to collapse. She enjoy the blessings of liberty, includreplied: “The protesters are protesting ing the right to say very foolish things, — as I understand it, this brand of pro- support the efforts of others who want testers — about the fact that that plane to free themselves from totalitarian opwent down. And many students were on pression. If they won’t, perhaps they that plane and these are largely students should pick what they think is a better in the street.” country and live there. Come again? The lunatic left, which increasingly Look for Cal Thomas’ new book “America’s dominates the Democratic Party, preExpiration Date: The Fall of Empires and dictably took Iran’s side against their Superpowers and the Future of the United own country. Actress Rose McGowan States” (HarperCollins/Zondervan). Readers tweeted: “Dear #Iran. The USA has dismay email Cal Thomas at tcaeditors@ respected your country, your flag, your tribpub.com.

SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS: EmAil: letters@gwinnettdailypost.com

mAil: 725 Old Norcross Road Lawrenceville, GA 30046


Differences of punditry

ouldn’t you know it: That If one were a cynic, one might ol’ rascal — The Gender suspect that the gender gauntlet Issue — has sallied forth was thrown down by Warren operato play havoc in the Democratic tives who, theoretically, thought a primary race. kerfuffle over the single issue guarWhen all else fails, what works betanteed to get women’s goats and ter than a his-or-her contretemps? make Sanders look like one might Still, it’s kind of sad that two of the be well-timed just before the Iowa Parker elder candidates — Sens. Bernie debate. Having slipped to third or Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth fourth place, depending on the poll Warren of Massachusetts — are setting (fourth in the most recent Monmouth Iowa such a sorry example for the young-uns. poll), Warren might have been vulnerable On Monday, citing sources, CNN re- to a gender-whisperer. ported that during a private December How better to distinguish herself than 2018 meeting at Warren’s Washington for someone else to leak a narrative sugapartment, Sanders told her that a woman gesting that Sanders is out of touch, a sexcouldn’t win the presidency in 2020. He ist at heart, and perhaps one of those ’60s was probably right, of course, because, male radicals who became a feminist just at this point, that woman likely would be to cozy up to the rad-fems, who, notwithWarren and ... it isn’t happening. standing their ideological passions, were There’s little question that Warren could still highly female. prevail against Donald Trump in a policy This theory, however, would mean that debate, but policy isn’t even half of winning Warren made the story seem like a sexist — and Warren’s “I’ve-got-a-plan-for-that” betrayal by one of her leftiest fellow conapproach to verbal combat has begun to tenders rather than what it was — the likely wear thin and could fall flat against Trump’s correct observation of a seasoned politishowmanship. The Massachusetts sena- cian. Or, possibly, she misremembered it. tor’s energy is admirable (I’ll have what On the other hand, it’s just as possible she’s having), but Warren reminds one that Sanders doesn’t remember the reof the over-eager classmate on the front ported details of the discussion because: row who’s always waving her hand at the (a) it wasn’t important to him; (b) who reteacher to call on her because she’s got the members anything these days? (c) it didn’t answer. Every. Single. Time. happen that way and could have been, as Warren is also the beneficiary of the Sanders’ campaign manager Faiz Shakir zeitgeist’s operating principle — to believe put it, “a lie.” the woman in all things he said/she said — So, which was it? Obviously, Sanders which means there’s only one acceptable was in a lose-lose proposition that could side to be on. Sanders surely realizes this. only get worse with time and more words, Warren confirmed that she did have such a (preconceived?) circumstance that ala conversation with Sanders. She recalled lowed Warren to take the high road. In saying, “I thought a woman could win; he her own statement, she said: “I have no disagreed.” She also mentioned the con- interest in discussing this private meetversation to at least two other people at ing any further because Bernie and I have the time, according to CNN. far more in common than our differences Sanders disavowed any such rendition, on punditry.” saying in a statement: “It is ludicrous to Well played. believe that at the same meeting where The story that was or wasn’t seems bound Elizabeth Warren told me she was going for the dustbin of political nonsense, but to run for president, I would tell her that the misdeed has been done. Sanders has a woman couldn’t win.” been tainted by a whiff of sexism, while At the very least, it would have been oaf- Warren glides off stage with a wink and a ishly ill-mannered, and Sanders, though nod to her everlasting virtue and a teachhe sometimes comes across as the zany er’s talent for ending every story with a professor who just blew into the wrong moral: A woman can become president classroom, doesn’t seem the sort to tell a of the United States. woman to her face that she’s a loser. In his (Just not in 2020.) statement, he clarified that he does think a woman can win in 2020, citing Hillary Kathleen Parker is a columnist for the Clinton’s popular-vote victory in 2016. Washington Post.


Trump is the most pro-Taiwan president in U.S. history


ASHINGTON — Donald Trump is arguably the most pro-Taiwan president in U.S. history. On Trump’s watch, U.S. warships sail through the Taiwan Strait — the international waters separating Taiwan from China — on a routine basis, compared with just one to three times a year under Barack Obama. While both Obama and George W. Bush refused Taiwan’s requests to buy U.S. F-16s for fear of provoking Beijing’s ire, Trump approved the fighter-jet sale — the first since 1992. And after the 2016 election, Trump became the first U.S. leader to speak directly with a Taiwanese leader since the United States broke diplomatic relations in 1979 when he accepted a congratulatory call from President Tsai Ing-wen. That’s good news, because Taiwan has never needed America’s support more than it does now. Last week, the people of Taiwan delivered a stinging rebuke to China when they defeated the pro-Beijing Nationalists and reelected Tsai in a landslide. More than a year ago, Tsai appeared to be finished after her Democratic Progressive Party suffered huge losses to the Nationalists in local elections. But last week, despite massive Chinese efforts to bolster her opponent, Tsai won a record 8.2 million votes, more than any Tai-

wanese leader since the start of direct back off. Instead, China will probapresidential elections in 1996. bly seek to punish Taiwan. The quesWhat changed? China’s crackdown tion is in what form that punishment in Hong Kong, that’s what. Beijing might come. claims Taiwan as a province and Beijing might seek to coerce Taiwan wants it to accept Chinese sovereigneconomically by scrapping trade privity under the same “one country, two leges under the economic cooperation systems” principle by which it rules pact it signed with Tsai’s Nationalist Hong Kong. And after watching Bei- Thiessen predecessor. Like its crackdown in jing trample over Hong Kong, the TaiHong Kong, such a move would backwanese people want nothing to do with “one fire on China — pushing Taiwan to diversify country, two systems” and decided to send its economy and become less dependent on China a clear message. As Taiwan’s foreign trade with the mainland. minister Joseph Wu said in an interview, The Trump administration has a strategic “young voters here in Taiwan, they see the and economic opportunity to help Taiwan do young demonstrators in Hong Kong fighting that by negotiating a new U.S.-Taiwan free for their freedom and democracy (and real- trade agreement. A free trade deal should ized) if they don’t come out and try to save be a no-brainer for Trump — a chance to our country through the democratic process, bolster the U.S. economy, increase U.S. exTaiwan might become a second Hong Kong.” ports, raise pressure on China and rack up a If China’s Communist leaders were ca- big win on Capitol Hill all in one fell swoop. pable of introspection, they would realize The more worrisome possibility is that Chithey screwed up. All they had to do was na will respond militarily. The conventional leave Hong Kong alone, continue to col- wisdom holds that so long as Taiwan does lect its riches and watch as the Nationalists not declare formal independence, Beijing will in Taiwan took power. Instead, with their not invade. But, as the American Enterprise brutality, they created a wave of anti-China Institute’s Oriana Skylar Mastro points out, sentiment in both places. there is a real danger that the lesson Beijing It is unlikely that Chinese President Xi takes from Tsai’s reelection is that “the only Jinping will learn from his mistakes and way Taiwan will ever reunify with mainland

China is at the end of a gun.” To keep the peace, the United States must enhance its deterrence posture with China. One way to do so would be to deploy new conventional intermediate-range ballistic missiles to East Asia. China is aggressively building and deploying such missiles, but the United States was banned from doing so under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with Russia. This put the United States at a strategic disadvantage in any military standoff, because China knows our only possible response options in a conflict is to target the mainland with intercontinental ballistic missiles — an unacceptable escalation. Thanks to Trump’s decision to withdraw from the INF Treaty, we can now deploy conventional mediumrange missiles — a move that would restore U.S. military supremacy in the Pacific and improve our ability to deter Chinese aggression. As we learned from our recent standoff with Iran, totalitarian regimes have a tendency to miscalculate. It took a military strike to restore deterrence with Iran; we should not wait to restore deterrence with China. Marc Thiessen is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the former chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush.

gwinnettdailypost.com ♦ Friday, January 17, 2020 ♦ A7 PAID ADVERTISEMENT

NASA Nutrient Delivers 5,000 Times More Energy Than CoQ10 It’s a game changer for this Medical Doctor. His patients report, “I’m 70 but feel 40 again”... and “My endurance has almost doubled.” BREAKING NEWS: Millions of Americans take the supplement CoQ10. It’s the “jet fuel” that supercharges your cells’ power generators, known as mitochondria. As you age, your mitochondria begin to die. In fact, by age 67, you lose 80% of the mitochondria you had at age 25. But if you’re taking CoQ10, there’s something important you should know. As powerful as CoQ10 is, there is a critical thing it fails to do. It can’t create new mitochondria in your cells.

NASA-discovered nutrient is stunning the medical world by activating more youthful energy, vitality and health than CoQ10.

Taking CoQ10 is not enough “There’s a little-known NASA nutrient that multiplies the number of new power generators in your cells by up to 55%,” says Dr. Al Sears, owner of the Sears Institute for AntiAging Medicine in Royal Palm Beach, Florida. “Science once thought this was impossible. But now you can make your heart, brain and body young again.” “I tell my patients the most important thing I can do is increase their ‘health span.’ This is the length of time you can live free of disease and with all your youthful abilities and faculties intact.”

Medical rst: Multiply the “power generators” in your cells Al Sears, M.D., recently released an energy-boosting supplement based on this NASA nutrient that has become so popular, he’s having trouble keeping it in stock. Dr. Sears is the author of over 500 scientic papers on anti-aging and recently spoke at the WPBF 25 Health & Wellness Festival featuring Dr. Oz and special guest Suzanne Somers. Thousands of people listened to Dr. Sears speak on his anti-aging breakthroughs and attended his book signing at the event. Now, Dr. Sears has come up with what his peers consider his greatest contribution to anti-aging medicine yet — a newly discovered nutrient that multiplies the number of tiny, energy-producing “engines” located inside the body’s cells, shattering the limitations of traditional CoQ10 supplements.

Why mitochondria matter A single cell in your body can contain between 200 to 2,000 mitochondria, with the largest number found in the most metabolically active cells, like those in your brain, heart and skeletal muscles. But because of changes in cells, stress and poor diet, most people’s power generators begin to malfunction and die off as they age. In fact, the Mitochondria Research Society reports 50 million U.S. adults are suffering from health problems because of mitochondrial dysfunction. Common ailments often associated with aging — such as memory problems, heart issues, blood sugar concerns and vision and hearing difculties — can all be connected to a decrease in mitochondria.

Birth of new mitochondria Dr. Sears and his researchers combined the most powerful form of CoQ10 available — called ubiquinol — with a unique, newly discovered natural compound called PQQ that has the remarkable ability to grow new mitochondria. Together, the two powerhouses are now available in a supplement called Ultra Accel II.


Discovered by a NASA probe in space dust, PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone) stimulates something called “mitochondrial biogenesis” — a unique process that actually boosts the number of healthy mitochondria in your cells. In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition Biochemical Pharmacology, mice fed PQQ grew a staggering number of new mitochondria, showing an increase of more than

55% in just eight weeks. The mice with the strongest mitochondria showed no signs of aging — even when they were the equivalent of 80 years old.

Science stands behind the power of PQQ Journal of Nutrition Biochemical Pharmacology reports that PQQ is up to 5,000 times more efcient in sustaining energy production than common antioxidants. “Imagine 5,000 times more efcient energy,” says Dr. Sears. “PQQ has been a game changer for my patients.” “With the PQQ in Ultra Accel, I have energy I never thought possible,” says Colleen R., one of Dr. Sears’ patients. “I am in my 70s but feel 40 again. I think clearer, move with real energy and sleep like a baby.”

It works right away Along with an abundance of newfound energy, users also report a sharper, more focused mind and memory, and even youngerlooking skin and hair. Jerry M. from Wellington, Florida, used Ultra Accel and was amazed at the effect. “I noticed a difference within a few days,” says Jerry. “My endurance almost doubled. But it’s not just in your body. You can feel it mentally, too,” says Jerry. “Not only do I feel a difference, but the way it protects my cells is great insurance against a health disaster as I get older.”

Increase your health span today The demand for this supplement is so high, Dr. Sears is having trouble keeping it in stock. “My patients tell me they feel better than they have in years. This is ideal for people who are feeling or looking older than their age… or for those who are tired or growing more forgetful.”

By Beau Evans

Staff Writer Capitol Beat News Service

A compromise bill to collect taxes on online sales overseen by large retailers like Amazon, plus the rideshare companies Uber and Lyft, was hashed out Thursday morning by a group of Georgia House and Senate lawmakers. The measure, House Bill 276, would require sales taxes to be collected in Georgia on so-called “marketplace facilitators” that allow third-party companies to conduct business on their websites. If passed, lawmakers expect sales tax collections could increase by hundreds of millions of dollars and help shore up sluggish state tax revenues seen in Georgia so far this year. Along with retail giants Amazon, Google, and Walmart, the tax would apply to sales made on mobile apps run by Uber. Earlier versions of Thursday’s compromise bill stalled last year in the Legislature when Uber sought an exemption to the tax. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Hufstetler, R-Rome, said the compromise bill nixes exemptions across

the board. It would set up a structure to recoup taxes that Hufstetler said the Georgia Department of Revenue Chuck are already Hufstetler owed under state law, but are not being collected. “There’s no special breaks for anybody in it,” he said. However, Hufstetler said Uber does plan to pursue a tax exemption in a separate bill. Hufstetler said that bill would likely be filed in the House, but he did not know any details of it otherwise. Uber warned that passing the bill could hit Georgian ride-share users with higher trip costs and decrease earnings for drivers. The San Francisco-based company wants legislation that would give a “reasonable alternative” to a tax. “We agree that addressing inequities between online and brick-and-mortar retailers is an important issues,” said Uber spokeswoman Evangeline Georgia. “However, if action is not taken to put a reasonable fee structure on ride-share in place, Georgians

will end up paying one of the highest ride-share taxes in the nation.” Thursday’s bill was settled in a conference committee of six House and Senate lawmakers including Hufstetler and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Brett Harrell, R-Snellville, who was the original bill’s sponsor. A vote on the House floor to approve the bill was expected later Thursday. Other members of the conference committee included Senate Majority Leader Mike Dugan, R-Carrollton; Senate Minority Leader Steve Henson, D-Stone Mountain; Rep. Bruce Williamson, R-Monroe; and Rep. Matt Dollar, R-east Cobb. Resolution of the bill came hours before Gov. Brian Kemp was scheduled to outline his legislative priorities for the 2020 General Assembly session in his annual State of the State address on the House floor. His decision to order state government agencies to trim their budgets by 4% this fiscal year and 6% in the 2021 fiscal year has taken center stage as lawmakers look for ways to drum up more revenue in the legislative session that began Monday.

noting some students can now enroll in exercise classes like Zumba. “These are the kinds of things that I Bert don’t think Reeves the program was intended to pay for,” Reeves said. The bill would limit dual enrollment to 30 hours per eligible student for college courses the state-run studentfinance agency funds. Beyond that, students would pay for classes out of their own pockets. The proposal would also trim some course offerings to keep the focus more on helping students gain technical certificates for future jobs. Aside from eliminating ninth graders, the bill would limit 10th graders to courses at technical schools unless they qualify for the state’s Zell Miller scholarship, which requires students to maintain a 3.7 grade point average or better. Only upper-class students in the 11th and 12th grades

could take classes at colleges and universities in Georgia. Currently enrolled students would not be affected if the bill is signed into law. Reeves will carry the legislation as a substitute to a bill he introduced last year on dual enrollment. His original bill largely mirrors the replacement legislation, which was crafted with staff from Kemp’s office. Lawmakers on the Senate Higher Education Committee got a rundown of the proposal Wednesday afternoon. Several hailed the measure as a way to rein in the program’s costs and keep it from collapsing from too much participation. “I think the solution that has been crafted meets the interest of students, their parents and the state of Georgia in terms of fiscal responsibility,” said Higher Education Chairman Lindsey Tippins, R-Marietta. “I’m very pleased about the work product that’s been arrived at.” The committee is expected to approve the bill Thursday and move it to the Senate floor.

Dual enrollment in Georgia targeted for tightening in bill By Beau Evans Capitol Beat News Service

Changes to Georgia’s dual enrollment program could be in the offing that would nix free college-level classes for freshman high schoolers. Costs for the program allowing high-school students to take post-secondary classes have swelled from around $23 million in 2015 to around $140 million projected for the 2021 fiscal year. A revised bill presented to a state Senate committee Wednesday would cap enrollment enough to keep the program within its roughly $100 million budget for this year, Georgia Student Finance Commission President Caylee Noggle said. Sponsored by state Rep. Bert Reeves, R-Marietta, the bill aims to keep growing enrollment in the program from overwhelming its budget. It has the backing of Gov. Brian Kemp. On Wednesday, Reeves said the program’s taxpayer-funded offerings have evolved beyond their original intent,

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Georgia lawmakers strike deal on online sales-tax bill


photos: gwinnett county police department

Gwinnett police released these surveillance images of a suspect in the robbery of a QuikTrip located at 5065 Stone Mountain Highway. Detectives are looking for information on the suspect’s identity and whereabouts.

Police seeking suspect in south Gwinnett QuikTrip robbery By Curt Yeomans curt.yeomans @gwinnettdailypost.com

Gwinnett County police are looking for a man who crawled under a security door and stole money from a QuikTrip store on Highway 78 last month. The unidentified man walked into the store located at 5065 Stone Mountain Highway just after 3 a.m. Dec. 27 and then walked around inside the store. Police said they believe he may be either an employee, or a former employee, of a nearby QuikTrip store because he knew how to bypass the security door and open a case containing a safe without tripping a security alarm.

“Specifically, the suspect lingered inside the store for over 20 minutes before crawling under the security door, manipulating the safe and cash register, removing money from each, and then jumping back over the security door before fleeing,” police said. “No one was harmed during this incident.” Police also said another reason why they believe the suspect has worked at a QuikTrip is that he was wearing khaki pants similar to those worn by employees of the convenience store and gas retailer. He is described as being a black man between 5-feet, 8-inches and 5-feet, 10-inches in height and weighing be-

tween 155 and 175 pounds. He is also believed to be between 25 and 30 years old. In addition to the khaki pants, he was also wearing a black jacket, black beanie and black and white sandals. Anyone who has information on the suspect’s identity or whereabouts is asked to call detectives at 770-513-5300 or Crime Stoppers at 404-5778477. They can also visit www. stopcrimeATL.com. There is a cash reward offered by Crime Stoppers, which allows tipsters to remain anonymous, for information that leads to an arrest and indictment. Tipsters are asked to reference Case No. 19-119458.



SECTION B ♦ FrIday, JaNuary 17, 2020

Murphy’s FTs lift Grayson boys past Archer By David Friedlander david.friedlander@ gwinnettdailypost.com

LOGANVILLE — Faced with a pace not to its liking against a scrappy opponent, Grayson’s boys basketball team was forced to dig down deep in their Region 8-AAAAAAA game against Archer on Thursday. And five free throws in the final 15.4 seconds, including two by Caleb Mur-

phy with 6.7 second sive stops down the left, helped the No. stretch to hold on for 1 state-ranked Rams a 53-48 win. find just enough pay Murphy finished dirt to hold off the with only six points, sixth-ranked Tigers including the gamefor a 51-50 victory bedeciding free throws, fore a raucous capacon the night to go with Caleb ity crowd at Grayson. five assists in the boys Murphy Earlier in the evegame. ning, the girls game also Meanwhile, Deivon Smith came down to the final sec- led all scorers with 17 points, onds with host Grayson com- including three free throws ing up with enough defen- less than seconds before Mur-

phy’s that kept his team alive, and added eight rebounds and five assists, as the Rams (181, 6-1), who are ranked No. 6 nationally by MaxPreps, got a big win in the middle of a six-game gauntlet that includes games against three state-ranked opponents and two national and international foes. “Archer’s always a dangerous game,” Grayson coach Geoffrey Pierce said. “It’s a

neighborhood rivalry. (Tigers coach) Joel (Lecoeuvre) doesn’t get enough credit for the job he does year in and year out. They play hard and they defend. So we knew coming in it was going to be a battle. “I’m just proud of the way (the Grayson players) didn’t blink. They didn’t stop believing they were going to win the game going down the stretch. … You could

see in their eyes they knew they were going to win the game, and they made the plays necessary.” And making plays was very necessary against an Archer (14-7, 3-4) team that dictated a much slower pace than Grayson is used to throughout most of a game that featured 15 lead changes and three ties. See GRAYSON, B4

Showcases give teams unique opportunities By David Friedlander david.friedlander@ gwinnettdailypost.com

The Martin Luther King Jr. holiday is a common time for many high school basketball teams to squeeze in one last showcase event to test themselves before closing to the home stretch of the regular season in region play. Several Gwinnett County teams are taking advantage of that opportunity as this year’s holiday approaches Monday, though two Class AAAAAAA state-ranked boys teams, in particular, are going big in that respect. Both top-ranked Grayson (17-1) and No. 3 Norcross (18-2) will get a jump on the weekend with region home games Thursday — the Rams against No. 6 Archer (14-6) and the Blue Devils against Brookwood — before heading out of town Friday for big-time events over the holiday weekend. Norcross will take the court first Saturday afternoon at 4:15 to take on Rock Creek Christian Academy of Upper Marlboro, Maryland, in the Kevin Durant MLK Classic at the St. James Sports, Wellness and Entertainment Complex in Springfield, Virginia, just outside Washington. But while Norcross coach Jesse McMillan believes his Blue Devils will benefit from the competition and atmosphere surrounding the showcase, he is also convinced the other activities surrounding it are just as important for them to experience. “We always like to participate in these late-season, mid- to late-January events because it’s important to test the team,” McMillan said. “But this one should be really valuable experience both on and off the court. For them to get to tour the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the Lincoln Memorial and Martin Luther King (Jr.) Memorial,

it’s really cool to do that.” Grayson will also take part in the Kevin Durant MLK Classic, but won’t play in that event until Monday in a 1:30 p.m. game against Canadian power Crestwood Prep of Toronto. But before that game, the Rams, who have moved up to No. 6 in the most recent MaxPreps national rankings, will jet to Kettering, Ohio, (just outside Dayton) to take Wayne (Ohio) in the Flyin’ To the Hoop Classic at 8:15 Saturday night. Those two games are part of a very demanding sixgame stretch over an 11-day span ending Jan. 25 that will also see Grayson take on three state-ranked Region 8-AAAAAAA opponents (Newton, Archer and Shiloh in order), as well as Alabama power Ramsay in the 2020 Peachtree Corners Invitational at Norcross’ House of Blue. It’s a stretch specifically scheduled by head coach Geoffrey Pierce to get his Rams acclimated to tournament conditions with the postseason rapidly approaching. “We’re just trying to push them,” Pierce said of his players. “We schedule tough for a reason, but this is different with the quick turnaround and travel fatigue. We’ll really have to band together.”

downtown atlanta bracing for approaching Storm Providence Christian’s boys and girls teams will also be in action for a special event Saturday, though they will stay considerably closer to home. The Storm will take on Brookstone of Columbus at State Farm Arena in downtown Atlanta in a doubleheader prior to the Atlanta Hawks’ game against the Detroit Pistons. See SHOWCASES, B4

Special Photo: Dale Zanine

Grayson’s Ian Schieffelin (4) cuts off Shiloh’s James Little (5) during their game at Grayson earlier this month. Schieffelin, a 6-foot-7, 220-pound junior, has made major improvements in his fitness that have helped him take his game to a higher level in helping the Rams to state and national rankings so far this season.

TOP SCHIEFF Insight, hard work take Ian Schieffelin to another level for Grayson this season

By David Friedlander david.friedlander@gwinnettdailypost.com

It’s quite common for a young athlete to ask for help from a coach, a parent or other confidant in identifying areas of his or her game in need of improvement, and then making the necessary adjustments. It’s a little more rare for such a young athlete to be so aware as to identify such a problem area, and follow up with the determination to make their own adjustments. Yet that is exactly what Ian Schieffelin has done during his junior season with Grayson’s boys basketball team over the last 10 months. The 6-foot-7 forward had a solid sophomore season a year ago after averaging 10.1 points, 7.7 rebounds and

1.0 blocked shot per game in helping the Rams to a 25-4 record, including a Region 8-AAAAAAA championship and a berth in the second round of the Class AAAAAAA state tournament. And his numbers through the first 18 games of this season may seem only nominally better — he is currently averaging 9.7 points, 9.7 rebounds, 1.6 assists and 2.6 blocks per game heading into Thursday’s late game against No. 6 state-ranked Archer. However, Grayson coach Geoffrey Pierce and just about every player Schieffelin has played against this season can attest that he passes the eyeball test of taking his game to a newer, higher level in helping the Rams (17-1, 5-1) to a No. 1 state and No. 6 national ranking so far in 2019-20. “He started out last year playing

at a pretty high level as a first-year starter,” Pierce recalled about Schieffelin. “Then he kind of hit a wall in January. He had some stuff he was dealing with, I guess. That Norcross game, though, that really did a number on him. The very next day, he was going down to lift weights. Every day, he’d lift weights and work on his game. So you’re kind of seeing that hard work pay off for him.” The Norcross game Pierce refers to was a 68-53 loss to the Blue Devils in last year’s state tournament that ended Grayson’s season. It wasn’t just the loss that ended he and hist teammates’ dreams of a state title that bothered Schieffelin, it was the way it happened. See SCHIEFFELIN, B4

Gladiators sit for a rare long video session By Christine Troyke christine.troyke@ gwinnettdailypost.com

Special Photo: Dale Zanine

Grayson’s Caleb Murphy drives the ball to the basket against Shiloh during a game at earlier this month. Murphy and the Rams will be in action in two different showcases over the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday this weekend.

DULUTH — Atlanta Gladiators head coach Jeff Pyle likes to keep video sessions efficient. On Thursday, Pyle did something he’s only done a handful of times in his 25-year coaching career. He made the team watch Wednesday’s 7-3 loss to Orlando in its entirety. The mercurial Gladiators turned in a terrible defensive performance against the team they are chasing for a playoff spot, falling behind 4-0 in the first period. The first goal was a short-handed breakaway. “Our forwards can’t understand you don’t dive in,” Pyle said. “(Two guys drop down and) neither one of them get the puck and we

Special Photo: Taylor Trebotte

Gladiators defenseman Zach Malatesta gets down to try to block a shot in front of goalie Ben Halford during Wednesday’s game against Orlando at Infinite Energy Arena. give up a breakaway on our power play. “If I have to stop the game and tell them that, we have issues.”

Three days prior, Atlanta forgotten against Orlando. gutted out a 1-0 win over “I learned a lesson, but Brampton, one of the confer- maybe I’m the only one ence’s top teams. All those smart defensive plays were See VIDEO, B4

B4 ♦ Friday, January 17, 2020 ♦ gwinnettdailypost.com

Tech sets dates with Alabama, Georgia State to being one of the nation’s top programs, Alabama is Georgia Tech has agreed one of Georgia Tech’s oldest to future home-and-home and most frequently played football series with Alabama rivals, so we are very proud and Georgia State, director of to renew the series for the first time in nearly athletics Todd Stanshalf a century and bury announced on allow new generaWednesday. tions of fans to enThe Yellow Jackjoy the excitement ets will renew their of the rivalry. rivalry with Alabama “On the other on Aug. 31, 2030 in hand, Georgia State Atlanta and Aug. 30, is an opponent that 2031 in Tuscaloosa, Geoff we have never faced Ala. The Jackets will Collins in football, despite face nearby Georgia State for the first time on the close proximity of our Aug. 31, 2024 at Bobby Dodd campuses and the relationStadium before making the ship that we share as memshort trip to Georgia State bers of the University SysStadium on Sept. 19, 2026. tem of Georgia. It will be a “We’re excited to announce lot of fun to square off in a the additions of Alabama neighborhood matchup and and Georgia State to our to give our fans another opfuture football schedules,” portunity to come out and Stansbury said. “In addition see the Yellow Jackets play From Staff Reports

FANS CHOICE WINTER ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Who: Taylor Watkins School: Discovery Sport: Basketball Class: Sophomore Highlights: Had 26 points and 12 rebounds in a 6051 overtime victory over Mountain View Coach Kandra Bailey’s take: “As only a sophomore, Taylor is a phenomenal athlete, excelling at basketball and track. Her speed and athleticism provide such a huge impact for our team. This season, she is currently averaging 7.2 points and 5.6 rebounds per game. She is a player of very few words, but her work ethic definitely speaks for itself.”

SHOWCASES From B1 Pending Friday’s game against Lakeview Academy, Providence’s boys (181) seem to have rebounded nicely after suffering its first, and to date only, loss of the season Jan. 7 to Athens Academy by posting wins over Gwinnett rival Hebron Christian and Riverside Military Academy this week. With six games remaining in the regular season entering Friday’s play, the Storm have already gotten off to the best start in program history, which includes a school-record for longest winning streak by winning their first 16 games. And other milestones, such as capturing the program’s third region championship, including the first in a decade, and catching and surpassing the single-season school record for wins of 23 — currently held by the 1995-96 and 2009-10 teams — are well within reach. While the addition of several new key players like forward Elijah Williams and guard Chance Thacker have been a big key, first-year coach Joey Thacker also points out that a big turnaround that has seen Providence win more games already than they have over the last four seasons combined (14) would not be possible without a solid core already in place. “It’s been crazy,” first-year Providence coach Joey Thacker said. “The key to it has been those guys who were already here to provide good soil for to introduce the seed of new players and new opportunities. We had a good shooter in Davis McCarn, a good guard in Holdyn Johnston and a senior like Brock Albury, who is athletic and long, and … they’ve done a remarkable job of being hungry for (success). They’d had enough, and they were ready for something different, and that’s what you have to have.”

Odds and ends The Lanier boys gave Branden Mayweather a milestone with the 100th win of his had coaching career following their 64-32 victory road win at Habersham Central last Saturday. The Longhorns (15-5, 5-0) followed up with a 63-59 win at Gainesville this past Tuesday, which runs Mayweather’s overall coaching record to 101-82 including his four seasons as Central Gwinnett’s head coach, including a 53-26 mark since coming to Lanier in 2017. … A 69-33 victory for Buford’s topranked (Class AAAAA) girls team over Clarke Central last Tuesday not only kept it undefeated for the season at 18-0 (5-0 in Region 8-AAAAA), it also was the 30th straight win for the threetime defending Class AAAAA champions dating back to a 58-51 loss to eventual AAAAAAA champ Westlake on Jan. 19 of last year. In fact, the Wolves have won 61 of their last 63 games dating back to the 2017-18 season, and 105 of their last 112 games dating back to the end of the 2015-16 campaign.

right here in Atlanta.” Georgia Tech and Alabama have played 52 times in a rivalry that dates back to 1902. With the exception of a four-year break during World War II (194346), the Yellow Jackets and Crimson Tide squared off annually from 1922-63 as members of the Southern Conference (1922-32) and Southeastern Conference (1933-63). The rivalry continued for one season after Georgia Tech withdrew from the SEC in 1964, then was renewed again with games in six straight seasons from 1979-84. Georgia Tech defeated No. 19-ranked Alabama, 16-6, in the last meeting between the two programs on Sept. 15, 1984 at Grant Field. With 52 previous meetings, Alabama is Georgia

Tech’s fifth-most-common all-time opponent (behind only Georgia – 114 meetings, Auburn – 92, Duke – 87 and Clemson – 85). The Yellow Jackets trail the all-time series, 28-213, but are 15-15-3 all-time against the Crimson Tide at home. Georgia Tech head coach Geoff Collins was Alabama’s director of player personnel in 2007, which was the first season under current Crimson Tide head coach Nick Saban. Collins played an integral role in putting together Alabama’s recruiting class of 2008, which is widely regarded as one of the best recruiting classes in college football history and included Mark Ingram, who went on to become the first Heisman Trophy winner in Alabama history in

2009, and current Atlanta Falcons star Julio Jones. Georgia Tech has never squared off on the gridiron with Georgia State, which began its football program in 2010 and moved to the NCAA Division I FBS level in 2013. GSU’s inaugural coach was legendary Georgia Tech All-American and head coach Bill Curry, who coached the Panthers from 2010-12. GSU plays its home games at Georgia State Stadium, which was built as Centennial Olympic Stadium for the 1996 Summer Olympics and was known as Turner Field when the Atlanta Braves called the stadium home from 19972016. Georgia Tech’s Midtown Atlanta campus and Georgia State’s Downtown Atlanta campus are separated by less than two miles.


his junior season at a noticeably more svelte 220 pounds. But in addition to getting leaner, Schieffelin is also working to get a little meaner. That is to say Pierce wants him to be a little more aggressive and assertive on the offensive side of the court, even with such big-time scoring teammates like five-star Mississippi State signee Deivon Smith, South Florida signee Caleb Murphy and Winthrop signee Toneari Lane. Schieffelin has definitely taken steps in the right direction on, and while it is still a work in progress, his history indicates he will attack the issues with the same zeal and effort he did with his fitness issues.

“I think that’s a testament to the type of kid he is,” Pierce said. “All the great ones, they identify weaknesses, … an they attack them in the offseason. All of them do it. I can speak for all the good players we’ve had who have come through here. Deivon did it. Alphonso (Willis) did it. Nick (Anderson) was the same way. He got stronger heading into his senior year and his game really took off. “Like I said (Schieffelin has) got a lot of room for improvement. He’s got a lot of greatness he doesn’t even realize he has yet, to be honest for you. … He’s a really good kid on and off the court, very unselfish. You can see how much his teammates respect his game when you’ve

got Deivon, Caleb and Toneari, they’ll yell at him when he passes up his shot. They expect him to take and make those shots. He’s developed into a more complete player. He was more pick and pop last year, but now he’s somebody we can … throw it down form the block and get a bucket (from) as well.” Those additions to his game has helped Schieffelin to some breakout performances on some of the biggest stages Grayson has played in so far this year. He went for a triple-double of 13 points, 10 rebounds and 11 blocked shots in the Rams’ demolition of defending state champion McEachern in the Hawks-Naismith Holiday Classic in December, and was equally dominant in wins over No. 2 Shiloh (20 points, nine rebounds) and Class AAAAA No. 1 Lithonia (21 points, 12 rebounds). It has definitely raised Schieffelin’s recruiting profile, with recent interest from high-profile programs like Clemson and Butler adding to offers from Winthrop and James Madison. And Schieffelin says he intends to put in all the work necessary to not only raise that profile further, but also try to help the Rams to their ultimate goal. “I’ve always been a big game player, with it’s football or basketball or baseball,” Schieffelin said. “So I feel like I’ve been ready for these moments in all these big-time games that we’re playing in. “I’m always in the gym and getting stronger and faster because there’s always more that you can do. But over the summer, I’m going to focus on my ball handling and my ability to dribble the ball.”

jor break on the next trip down the floor when Deivon Smith was awarded three free throws on a foul call on a shot from behind the 3-point arc with 15.4 second remaining. After missing his previous two free-throw attempts earlier in the fourth quarter, the Mississippi State-bound senior hit all three of his shots to cut the Archer lead to 50-49. Deivon Smith was then whistled for a foul that sent Mekhi Carter the line with 14.3 seconds left which a chance to extend the lead, but Ian Schieffelin outbattled a pair of Tigers for the rebound, and the Rams had a chance for the lead. Murphy then drew a foul and stepped to the line trying to exorcise his own free-throw demons after hitting only 2 of 4 attempts during the first three quarters. Murphy came through by hitting both free throws to put the Rams up 51-50 with 6.7 seconds left, but Archer still had

one shot left. The Tigers quickly inbounded the ball and a couple of pass gave Brent Smith a chance at a midrange jumper with the clock winding down.’ But Toneari Lane got a piece of the shot, and this time no foul was called, which allowed Deivon Smith to corral the loose ball and allowed the clock to run out to allow Grayson to escape with the win. Schieffelin finished with seven points and six rebounds to contribute to the Rams’ win, while Justin Edmondson led Archer with 14 points and eight rebounds, Brent Smith added 11 points and six boards and Hines added 11 points for the Tigers, who suffered another agonizingly close loss to a big-time opponent after falling by just two points to No. 2 Shiloh on Tuesday. In the girls game, Grayson (13-9, 6-1) built as much as a 12-point lead in the third quarter, and still led 46-36 following

a Catherine Alben layup with 6:58 left. But Archer (12-9, 3-4) charged back behind Cazia Nelson and Taniya McGowan to answer with an 8-0 run that pulled the Tigers as close as 46-44 with 3:41 left. A pair of 3-pointers by Victoria Dames, who finished with a game-high 20 points, plus six rebounds, gave Grayson a bit of breathing room, but Archer had one last push after closing to within 52-48 on a Thailand Smith free throw with 1:19 left. But a driving layup attempt in transition came up short, and Nyelle Lee hit 1 of two free throws down the stretch to put the game away for Grayson. Lee joined Dames in double figures for the Rams with 14 points and added five rebounds and four assists, while Malia Grace pulled down 12 rebounds. McGowan led Archer with 16 wins, while Nelson had 14 and Maya Jackson pulled down a game-high 14 rebounds.

these guys, trying to analyze their own game, too many participation trophies (in their past). So there is no accountability.” So following Thursday’s morning skate, Pyle cued up the video. He estimated it would take an hour, far longer than they would normally sit for reviewing a game. “I’ll have some barf bags in there,” he said. “It’s embarrassing. “You watch the video, man on man, we do not defend. You’re not going to win in any league, even the beer league, if you don’t defend.” Pyle didn’t want to watch it a

second time, himself. “But they’re going to see it,” he said. “It’s everybody. It’s not just one guy.” The Gladiators play Orlando again tonight at Infinite Energy Arena. Puck drop is 7:35 p.m. Despite Wednesday’s rout, Atlanta is just three points out of the fourth playoff spot with the season at the midway point. Pyle knows the team is talented enough to win. He just wants to see a consistent commitment to getting puck out of the defensive zone and in deep on the other side of the

ice. That recipe has worked well for Orlando in its last two games against the Gladiators. The Solar Bears have outscored Atlanta 15-5 between Wednesday’s debacle and an 8-2 manhandling on Dec. 21. “We think toe drags and sauce passes are the way to the NHL,” Pyle said. “It’s the way to Europe.” Part of his angst stems from the team’s potential to be good. “We’re way better off than we were last year,” Pyle said of a team that was in the cellar midway through and fought its way into playoff contention.

From B1 He admits the manner in which he felt generals overpowered by Norcross big men Daniel Ramsey, now playing Division I college ball at Xavier, and Issa Muhammad, now playing junior college ball, was a major wakeup call, and he was determined to answer that call. “When I played (against Muhammad and Ramsey), I could really tell the strength of their game and I how I was going to (have to) develop because they’re two Division I (-caliber) big men,” Schieffelin said. “I was going to have to be stronger if I was going to play at the next level. … (Getting more physically fit) was a big purpose for me over the summer. As I was playing AAU (ball), I was getting better. I wanted to be able to play for longer spurts. Instead of playing, like, four minutes (at a time) and coming out (of the game), I’ve been able to play longer and be stronger inside than I used to be. “I feel like my game’s always been good, but on the athletic side, I’ve always lacked (something). But now I’m more athletic, I’m able to explode more (to the basket), make moves faster, play quicker and it’s really helped me game develop to the way it is now.” Schieffelin’s commitment to better physical fitness has actually been a work in progress since he topped out at 240 pounds during his freshman season. But after dropping five points last year, he shed 15 more last spring and summer to come into

GRAYSON From B1 Even after the Rams used an 11-4 run to finish the third quarter, and then got a Deivon Smith jumper 12 seconds into the final frame to take their biggest lead of the game at 42-34, they weren’t safe. Archer answered with a 14-4 run to first take its first lead since early in the third quarter on Christian Drummer’s driving layup with 2:34 remaining, and then break a tie to lead 4846 on Brent Smith’s layup with 1:08 left. After Deivon Smith missed the front end of a 1-and-1 with 52.3 seconds left, the Tigers looked in great shape after Christian Hines got to the line and knocked down both free throws to make it a two-possession game at 5046 with 29 seconds left. However, Grayson got a ma-

VIDEO From B1 paying attention,” Pyle said acerbically. “For a hundred years, it’s the same. And they all know it, but it’s a pride thing. I question it. I really do. “If I was getting scored on as many times as some of those guys are, and the way I get scored on, at some point I would look at myself and go, ‘Why am I still making this mistake?’ At some point there’s self-critique and some of

“These are two great homeand-home series for Georgia Tech football,” Collins said. “Obviously, Alabama is one of the most recognized and successful programs in college football. It’s a program that I have a firsthand knowledge of, having spent a year with Coach Saban helping lay the foundation for the great success that they have had under his leadership. It will be exciting for our players to be able to play the Crimson Tide right here in Atlanta and over in Tuscaloosa. “It will also be exciting to play Georgia State for the first time. The proximity of our campuses makes for a natural matchup and it will be great for our players and fans to have the chance to play another game right here in Atlanta.”

special photo: dale Zanine

Grayson’s Ian Schieffelin has been credited with playing a key role in the Rams’ ascent in the state and national rankings.

0117_GDP_FRI_CLASS_Classifieds 1/16/2020 4:21 PM Page B7

gwinnettdailypost.com ♦ Friday, January 17, 2020 ♦ B7 GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM ♦ FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2020 ♦ B7 GWINNETT DAILY POST ADVERTISING DEADLINES LINERS: Pub. Date: Wednesday Deadline: Monday 3 pm Friday Thursday 3 pm Sunday Friday 11:30 am DISPLAY AD: Pub. Date: Wednesday Deadline: Friday 3 pm Friday Tuesday 3 pm Sunday Wednesday 3 pm

FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2020 CONSTRUCTION/ SERVICE BIDS ADOPTIONS STATE OF GEORGIA SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA Case No. 19-AD-00107-7 IN THE ADOPTION OF JUSTIN ALEXANDER GADSON, A MALE MINOR CHILD DOB: 09/05/2005 TO WEEGHMYN BROWN, last known to reside in Norcross, Georgia: You are hereby advised that a petition has been filed seeking to terminate your rights and obligations with respect to the referenced child. As the legal parent of this child, you are entitled to notice of these proceedings. Pursuant to the requirements of O.C.G.A. § 19-810, a conformed copy of the petition and the notice of hearing will be made available for your review. A final hearing on the matter has been set for March 4, 2020 at 9:00am with Judge Tadia Whitner. You may contact the court from 8am-4:30pm to obtain information regarding this matter. The court’s address is: Adoption Clerk Gwinnett County Superior Court 75 Langley Drive Lawrenceville, GA. 30046 770-822-8100 As the legal parent of the child, you are hereby informed that you are not a party to the adoption and have no obligation to file an answer, but you have the right to appear in the pending adoption proceeding and show cause why your rights to the child should not be terminated. Any written objection should be filed within 30 days with the adoption clerk and a copy provided to Atty Jennifer Neal-Jones, 242 S. Culver Street, Suite 101, Lawrenceville, GA 30046 as required by the Georgia Civil Practice Act. Notice is deemed to have been received as of the last date of this publication notice. 901-630111, 1/17,24,31

CONSTRUCTION/ SERVICE BIDS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PTC 18-01 MEDLOCK BRIDGE @ BUSH ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT Sealed Bids for the construction of the Medlock Bridge @ Bush Road Intersection Improvements will be received by the City of Peachtree Corners, at the Peachtree Corners City Hall, 310 Technology Parkway, Peachtree Corners, Georgia 30092, until 10:00 A.M. local time on February 18, 2020, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. The Project generally consists of roadway widening and intersection improvements at the intersection of Medlock Bridge and Bush Road, including full depth asphalt pavement, milling and inlay, concrete curb and gutter, concrete median, concrete sidewalk, signing, pavement marking, storm drainage improvements, retaining wall, traffic signal installation, and grading. For more information please visit the City’s website at https://www.peachtreecornersga.gov/businesses/ doing-business-with-thecity/rfp-bidding 9 0 2 - 6 3 0 0 9 9 , 1/17,19,24,26,31,2/2,7,9 PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF NORCROSS, GEORGIA INVITATION FOR SEALED BIDS FOR SALE OF GILES STREET RIGHT OF WAY AND ABANDONMENT OF GILES STREET RIGHT OF WAY SUBJECT TO CITY’S ACCEPTANCE OF HIGHEST BID The City of Norcross, Georgia hereby issues this notice for sealed bids for the leasing of the following described property (hereinafter the “Subject Property”): SUBJECT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The Giles Street Right of Way ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF land lying and being in Land Lot 242, 6th District, City of Norcross, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwestern intersection of the right of way of Buford Highway (right of way varies) and the right of way of Giles Street (20 feet right of way), that is the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence leaving the right of way of Buford Highway and along the southwesterly right of way of Giles Street the following courses and distances: South 32°07’04” East a distance of 192.84 feet to a point; thence South 37°51’34” East a distance of 6.77 feet to a point; thence South 37°51’34” East a distance of 108.81 feet to a point; thence South 48°13’08” East a distance of 41.23 feet to a point; thence South 32°47’35” East a distance of 201.48 feet to a point; thence leaving said southwesterly right of way of Giles Street North 61°01’51” East a distance of 17.19 feet to a point located on the northeasterly right of way of Giles Street; thence along said northeasterly right of way of Giles Street the following courses and distances: North 32°22’28” West a distance of 205.16 feet to a point; thence North 48°13’08” West a distance of 42.07 feet to a point; thence North 37°51’34” West a distance of 107.12 feet to a point; thence North 37°51’34” West a distance of 0.55 feet to a point; thence North 31°52’44” West a distance of 201.05 feet to a point located on the southeasterly right of way of Buford Highway; thence along said right of way South 46°54’01” West a distance of 20.39 feet to a point, being the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said tract contains 0.238 Acres. BIDS ARE DUE Tuesday January 21, 2020 at 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time Special Terms and Instructions:

• Bids should be submitted as a non-negotiable cash offer. The City will not negotiate after bids are opened, and the City will not accept contingencies. • All Bids shall include an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a bank or savings and loan association, as defined in O.C.G.A. § 7-1-4 for the full amount of the bid. • One (1) copy of the bid form must be fully signed and the required Affidavit must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked with the above parcel numbers and “Attention City Economic Development Director.” • The Bid Package must be delivered on or before 10 a.m., EST, Tuesday January 21, 2020 to City Hall either by mail or hand delivery addressed to Norcross City Economic Development Director, City Hall, 2nd floor, 65 Lawrenceville Street, Norcross, GA 30071. Late bids will not be accepted. • The Bid Proposal Form must be completely filled out. Do not leave any space blank. • Bids shall be opened and publicly read on Tuesday January 21, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Meeting Room, 2nd floor, City Hall, 65 Lawrenceville Street, Norcross, GA 30071. • Acceptance of the highest responsive, responsible bid shall be made in writing after approval by the Mayor and Council of the City of Norcross. • The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to cancel the sale. • A tabulation of the bids shall be made available for public inspection following the opening of all bids. • All such bids shall be retained and will be made available for public inspection following the opening of all bids for a period of not less than 60 days following the date that bids are opened. • All bids shall be irrevocable. • No bids shall be contingent on obtaining financing. Conditions • The Abandonment of the Giles Street Right of Way is conditioned on and subject to the City’s acceptance of the highest bid. Environmental • The City is unaware of any wetlands or state water buffers on this site. Inspection and Testing • All prospective bidders shall be granted access to physically inspect, test, survey or conduct environmental testing on the Subject Property at least five (5) days prior to submitting bids after obtaining advance written approval from the Economic Development Director (William Corbin). All such testing shall be at the prospective bidder’s sole cost and expense. • The City shall have the right to observe any testing, to take split samples. • Each prospective bidder shall indemnify, defend and hold the City harmless from any and all damage to the land or any loss, claims, penalties, liabilities and costs resulting from any act or omission of any prospective bidder or their agents and subcontractors associated with inspection and testing on the Subject Property. • If a prospective bidder conducts any such physical inspection and/or testing, bidder shall require its contractors and agents to maintain insurance coverage, including but not limited to workers’ compensation coverage; employers liability insurance of not less than $250,000 each occurrence; and General Liability and Automobile Insurance coverage of not less than $1,000,000. • Closing will be within forty-five (45) days of acceptance of a bid by the City. Buyer will pay the full amount of the bid in cash at closing. • The City will deliver the Subject Property to the selected bidder by quit claim deed. • The selected bidder will pay all costs associated with Closing, including attorneys’ fees; • The selected bidder shall be solely responsible for purchasing and obtaining title insurance. • The selected bidder must pay by cashier’s check or wire transfer at closing. The SALE shall be awarded to the highest responsible and responsive bidder whose bid meets the requirements and criteria set forth in the invitation for bids. THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS, INCLUDING THE HIGHEST BID, TO WAIVE INFORMALITIES IN BIDDING, AND TO READVERTISE THE BID FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. Contact • Please address any questions concerning this sale, including requests to review relevant documents, to the City Economic Development Director, William Corbin. 902-628847, 1/8

ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE NOTICE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE REQUEST An application for an alcohol beverage permit to serve beer, wine and distilled spirits has been filed with the City of Norcross Georgia by the following party at the following location, to wit: Application / Owner: Martha Torres Registered Agent: Martha Torres Business Name: Humo’s Rest Bar & Lounge Location: 2055 Beaver Ruin Rd # A-B, Norcross GA 30071 9 0 4 - 6 3 0 0 0 6 , 1/17,22,24,29,31, 2/5,7,12,14,19








to show cause why said Child should not be dealt with according to the provisions of the Juvenile Court Code of Georgia by reason of an order for service of summons by publication. WITNESS THE HONORABLE BEN J. MILLER, JR., Judge, this 2nd day of January, 2020. Madeliene Stoner-Gatlin Deputy Clerk, Juvenile Court, Spalding County, Georgia Tammy M. Griner Special Assistant Attorney General Tammy M. Griner, Attorney at Law, P.C. Georgia Bar No. 312720 Post Office Box 319 Griffin, Georgia 30224 (770) 567-5507 9 1 3 - 6 2 8 5 3 6 , 1/10,17,24,31

de Mayo de 2020, de 8:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Las urnas estarán abiertas el día de las elecciones de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. Este aviso se proporciona para satisfacer los requisitos de O.C.G.A. § 21-2-132 (d) (3). Melissa L. Penate Superintendente Electoral de la Ciudad de Lilburn 917-629640, 1/17

Anyone with an ownership interest in a vehicle listed herein may file an answer to the petition on or before: 01/27/20 Answer forms may be found in the Magistrate Court Clerk’s office located at: Forms may also be obtained online at www.georgiamagistratecouncil.com. Vehicle Make: Enclosed Trailer Year: N/A Model: N/A Vehicle ID #: NO VIN Vehicle License #: NO TAG State: N/A Magistrate Court Case No.: 20-m-00041 Vehicle Make: BMW Year: 2001 Model: 325Ci Vehicle ID #: WBABN33441JW59749 Vehicle License #: RNN1853 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-43238 Vehicle Make: Ford Year: 1999 Model: Expedition Vehicle ID #: 1FMPU18L3XLA17984 Vehicle License#: WX1EGB State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-43240 Vehicle Make: Ford Year: 2002 Model: Explorer Vehicle ID: 1FMZU63K52UD45687 Vehicle License#: RJU6773 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-43241 Vehicle Make: Dodge Year: 2008 Model: Caliber Vehicle ID #: 1B3HB28BX8D628989 Vehicle License #: SMLLPKG State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-43473 Vehicle Make: Ford Year: 2008 Model: Fusion Vehicle ID #: 3FAHP07168R261504 Vehicle License #: RIN1154 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-43475 Vehicle Make: Ford Year: 1999 Model: Expedition Vehicle ID #: 1FMRU17L3XLA82411 Vehicle License #: XGG991 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-43476 Vehicle Make: Ford Year: 1992 Model: E-350 Vehicle ID #: 1FDKE30G1NHB21343 Vehicle License #: RMW0189 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-43479 Vehicle Make: Pontiac Year: 2006 Model: G6 Vehicle ID #: 1G2ZM551964272160 Vehicle License#: PCZ3767 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-43480 Vehicle Make: Nissan Year: 2004 Model: Maxima Vehicle ID: 1N4BA41E04C923872 Vehicle License#: RQG5082 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-43482 Vehicle Make: Pontiac Year: 2009 Model: G6 Vehicle ID #: 1G2ZH57N994158040 Vehicle License #: NO TAG State: N/A Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-43483 Vehicle Make: Chrysler Year: 2008 Model: 300 Vehicle ID #: 2C3KA33G28H109846 Vehicle License #: BL5582 State: Maryland Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-43484 928-629408, 1/10,17,24


H2WN732752 Vehicle License#: EMZ395 State: GA

Vehicle Make: DUTCHMAN Year: 0 Model: CLASSIC Vehicle ID#: 47CF60N27WP086943 Vehicle License#: State:

Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 2002 Model: ODYSSEY Vehicle ID#: 5FNRL18662B000358 Vehicle License#: MKD5657 State: TX

To the Defendant: Demetrius N. Perryman 313 Overlook Park Lane Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Suffolk Probate and Family Court 24 New Chardon Street Boston, MA 02114 The Plaintiff has filed a Complaint for Divorce requesting that the Court grant a divorce for Grounds for Abandonment, Infidelity and Irretrievable Breakdown. The Complaint is on file at the Court. An Automatic Restraining Order has been entered in this matter preventing you trom taking any action which would negatively impact the current financial status of either party. SEE Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411. You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon: Artonia Johnson-Perryman 27 Milano Ave Revere, MA Ave 02151 your answer, if any, on or before 01/02/2020. If you fail to do so, the court will proceed to the hearing and adjudication of this action. You are also required to file a copy of your answer, if any, in the office of the Register of this Court. 909-624674,12/4-1/17

JUVENILE COURT IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF SPALDING COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA IN THE INTEREST OF: L.J.S., a minor female child born on 09/18/2018 Case No.: 126-19J-1081, 1295 TO: Adrainanna Maria Sharpe, biological mother and Brandon Duke Stephens, biological father A hearing concerning a Periodic Permanency Review was held on December 5, 2019, having been brought by the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services acting through the Spalding County Department of Family and Children Services based upon the alleged dependency of the above named Child in the Juvenile Court of Spalding County, Georgia. The final hearing on the above and a hearing concerning the status of retaining or the appointment of counsel for a Termination of Parental Rights Petition will be held on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. A Petition for Termination of Parental Rights will be held on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Free copies of said pleadings can be obtained from the Clerk of the Juvenile Court of Spalding County, Georgia, whose office is located at 429 E. Solomon Street, Griffin, Georgia 30223. By reason of an order for service of summons by publication entered on the 2nd day of January, 2020, you are hereby commanded to file with the Clerk of the Juvenile Court of Spalding County, Georgia and serve upon Tammy M. Griner, Special Assistant Attorney General, P. O. Box 319, Griffin, Georgia 30224 an answer to said pleadings within sixty (60) days of the date of said order for service by publication. NOTICE OF EFFECT OF TERMINATION JUDGMENT O.C.G.A. §15-11-284 Georgia law provides that you can permanently lose your rights as a parent. A petition to terminate parental rights has been filed requesting the court to terminate your parental rights to your child. A Court hearing of your case has been scheduled for Tuesday the 24th day of March, 2020, at 9:00 a.m., at the Juvenile Court of Spalding County. If you fail to appear, the court can terminate your rights in your absence. If the court at the trial finds that the facts set out in the petition to terminate parental rights are true and that the termination of your rights will serve the best interest of your child, the court can enter a judgment ending your rights to your child. If the judgment terminates your parental rights, you will no longer have any rights to your child. This means that you will not have the right to visit, contact, or have custody of your child or make any decisions affecting your child or your child’s earnings or property. Your child will be legally freed to be adopted by someone else. Even if your parental rights are terminated: (1) You will still be responsible for providing financial support (child support payments) for your child’s care unless and until your child is adopted; and (2) Your child can still inherit from you unless and until your child is adopted. This is a very serious matter. You should contact an attorney immediately so you can be prepared for the court hearing. You have the right to hire an attorney and to have him or her represent you. If you cannot afford to hire an attorney, the Court will appoint an attorney if the court finds that you are an indigent person. Whether or not you decide to hire an attorney, you have the right to attend the hearing of your case, to call witnesses on your behalf, and to question those witnesses brought against you. If you have any questions concerning this notice, you may call the Spalding County Juvenile Court Clerk’s Office at 770-467-4730. You are further required to lay any and all business aside and to be and appear before the Juvenile Court of Spalding County, Georgia at 9:00 o’clock a.m. on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 and 9:00 o’clock a.m. on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, then and there to make a defense and

IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF SPALDING COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA IN THE INTEREST OF: L.J.S., a minor female child born on 09/18/2018 Case No.: 126-19J-1295 Adrainanna Maria Sharpe, biological mother TO: Brandon Duke Stephens, biological father NOTICE TO BIOLOGICAL FATHER O.C.G.A. § 15-11-283(C) The foregoing is a petition for the termination of your parental rights. The record with the Petitioner shows that you are the biological father of the above-named child. Therefore, set-out below is an exact copy of the Code section referred to above, which has important information to a biological father concerning his illegitimate child when there is a petition for termination of parental rights. The Code section is as follows: §15-11-283(C): When notice is given pursuant to subsection of this Code section, it shall advise such biological father who is not the legal father that he loses all rights to the Child and will not be entitled to object to the termination of his rights to the child unless, within 30 days of receipt of the notice, he files: (1) a petition to legitimate the child pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 19-7-22; and (2) Notice of the filing of the petition to legitimate with the court in which the action under this Code section is pending. §15-11-283(C): If the biological father who is not the legal father does not file a legitimation petition and give notice as required in this Code section or division (b)(3)(A)(B)(C) of this Code section or, if after the filing of the petition he fails to prosecute it to final judgment, he loses all rights to the child and the court shall enter an order terminating all such father’s rights to the child and such father may not thereafter object to the termination of his rights to the child. (Code 1981, § 15-11-283, enacted by Ga. L. 2013, p. 294, § 1-1/HB 242.) Dated this 2nd day of January, 2020. CHRISTOPHER M. CARR 112505 ATTORNEY GENERAL ANNETTE M. COWART 191199 DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL SHALEN S. NELSON 636575 SENIOR ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL PENNY L. HANNAH 323563 ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL TAMMY M. GRINER 312720 SPECIAL ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL Tammy M. Griner, Attorney at Law, P.C. P.O. Box 319 Griffin, GA 30224 Office: (770) 567-5507 9 1 3 - 6 2 8 5 3 7 , 1/10,17,24,31

ELECTION NOTICES CALL FOR SPECIAL ELECTION CITY OF LILBURN Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 21-2-540, a special election will be held on May 19, 2020, at Lilburn City Hall, 340 Main Street, Lilburn, GA, to fill the vacancy in the offices of mayor and council member Post 4. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 21-2-132(c)(3) (A), all persons desiring to run for office shall qualify in the office of the Municipal Superintendent (City Clerk), on the second floor of City of Lilburn City Hall, beginning March 2, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. and ending March 4, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. The qualifying fee for mayor is $150.00, and for council member is $105.00. The last day to register and be eligible to vote in this election will be April 20, 2020. Advanced (Absentee In-Person) voting begins on April 27, 2020 through May 15, 2020, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. This said notice is given to satisfy the requirements of O.C.G.A. Sec. 21-2-132(d)(3). Melissa L. Penate City of Lilburn Election Superintendent LLAMADO A ELECCIONES ESPECIALES CIUDAD DE LILBURN Se da aviso de que, de acuerdo con O.C.G.A. § 212-540, se realizará una elección especial el 19 de Mayo de 2020, en el Ayuntamiento de Lilburn, 340 Main Street, Lilburn, GA, para llenar la vacante en las oficinas del alcalde y miembro del consejo puesto 4. De conformidad con O.C.G.A. § 21-2-132(c) (3)(A), todas las personas que deseen postularse para un cargo deberán calificar en la oficina del Superintendente Municipal (Secretario Municipal), en el segundo piso del Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Lilburn, a partir del 2 de Marzo , 2020 a las 8:30 a.m. y hasta el 4 de Marzo de 2020 a las 5:00 p.m. La tarifa de calificación para el alcalde es de $ 150.00 y para el miembro del consejo es de $ 105.00. El último día para registrarse y ser elegible para votar en esta elección será el 20 de Abril de 2020. La votación avanzada (en ausencia) comienza el 27 de Abril de 2020 hasta el 15 d

PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY OF DULUTH TO HOLD A PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING FOR PROJECT: MAIN STREET ENHANCED SIDEWALKS (FROM BROCK RD TO PIB) GWINNETT COUNTY On Thursday, January 30, 2020, the City of Duluth will hold a Public Information Meeting (PIM) concerning the Main Street Enhanced Sidewalk Project. The meeting will be held in the lower level community room of City Hall, located at 3167 Main Street, Duluth, GA 30096. The meeting will be conducted between the hours of 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be informal and the public is invited to attend anytime during these hours. There will be no formal presentation. Doors will open at 4:30pm. The project is in the design stage. The purpose of this meeting is to provide the public with an opportunity to view the revised project, and ask questions regarding the proposed improvements. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information: The meeting site is accessible to persons with disabilities. Accommodations for people with disabilities can be arranged with advance notice by calling Ms. Margie Pozin, City Engineer, City of Duluth Planning Department, (678) 957-7284. Written comments concerning this project will be accepted at the meeting. The project information will be made available on our website at www.duluthga.net following the meeting. 928-626984, 1/3,10,17,24 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (TOWING OR STORAGE COMPANY) You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 40-11-19 (a) (2), that each of the below-referenced vehicles are subject to a lien and a petition may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicles are currently located at 4070 Nine McFarland Drive Alpharetta, GA 30004. The vehicles subject to liens as stated above are identified as: Vehicle Make: Toyota Year: 1997 Model: Camry Vehicle ID #: 4T1BG22K1VU030523 Vehicle License #: PWE 2911 State: GA Anyone with an ownership interest in any of these vehicles should contact the following business immediately: Business Name: North Georgia Impounds Address: 4070 Nine McFarland Drive Alpharetta, GA 30004 Telephone #: 678-9656210 928-628028, 1/10,17 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE PETITION ADVERTISEMENT Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 1998 Model: CIVIC Vehicle ID #: 1HGEJ7125WL090136 Vehicle License #: NO TAG State GA Present location of vehicle: _4_410 TUCK ROAD, LOGANVILLE GA 30052 . You are hereby notified that a petition was filed in the Magistrate Court of WALTON County to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle may file an answer to this petition on or before: 02/01/2020 Answer forms may be found in the Magistrate Court Clerk’s office located at: Walton County Magistrate 303 S Hammond Drive, Monroe, GA 30655 Forms may also be obtained online at www.georgiamagistratecouncil.com. 928-629192, 1/10,17 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (TOWING OR STORAGE COMPANY) Vehicle make: BUICK Year: 2010 Model: LACROSSE V e h i c l e ID#:1G4GC5EG6AF206894 Vehicle License: NONE State: You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19(a)(2), that the abovereferenced vehicle is subject to a lien and a petition may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicles are currently located at 344 Kathleen Dr SE, Marietta,Ga.30067 Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle should contact the following business immediately : K.O. Towing, 344 Kathleen Dr Se, Marietta, Ga 30067. 770650-1413 928-629154, 1/10,17 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE PETITION ADVERTISEMENT You are hereby notified, in accordance with O.C.G.A. Section 40-11-19.1, that petitions were filed in the Magistrate Court of GWINNETT County to foreclose liens against the vehicles listed below for all amounts owed. If a lien is foreclosed, the Court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The present location of the vehiclesis: Statewide Wrecker Service, Inc. 2775 Simpson Circle, Norcross, GA 30071 A

ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (TOWING OR STORAGE COMPANY) You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19 (a)(2), that each of the below-referenced vehicles are subject to a lien and a petitioner may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicles are currently located at Willard Wrecker Service 719 W Shadburn Avenue, Buford, GA 30518 The vehicles subject to liens as stated above are identified as: Vehicle Make: HYUNDAI Year: 2007 Model: SONATA Vehicle ID#: 5NPET46C17H239625 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: LAND ROVER Year: 2000 Model: RANGE ROVER Vehicle ID#: SALPV1642YA442082 Vehicle License#: CJW9087 State: NC

You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19 (a) (2), that the abovereferenced vehicle is subject to a lien and a petition may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicle is currently located at 3307 US-78, Loganville, GA 30052 Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle should contact the following business immediately: Business Name: Taylor’s 24hr Wrecker Service Address: 3307 US-78 LOGANVILLE GA 30052 3307 US-78 LOGANVILLE GA 30052 Telephone #: 770-2075666 928-620775, 10/30,11/6 NOTICE The Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources, in accordance with National Flood Insurance Program regulation 65.7(b) (1), hereby gives notice of the Gwinnett County’s intent to revise the flood hazard information, generally located between Club Drive and Cruise Road. Specifically, the flood hazard information shall be revised along Sweetwater Creek from a point approximately 1000 feet south of Club Drive to Club Drive. As a result of the revision, the floodway shall narrow, the 1% annual chance water-surface elevations shall generally decrease, and 1% annual chance floodplain shall widen within the area of revision. Maps and detailed analysis of the revision can be reviewed at Hayes, James & Associates, 4145 Shackleford Road, Suite 300. Interested persons may call Michael Bentley at 770-9231600 for additional information from January 20, 2020 to February 20, 2020. 928-629856, 1/17,24 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (TOWING OR STORAGE COMPANY) You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19 (a)(2), that each of the below-referenced vehicles are subject to a lien and a petitioner may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicles are currently located at Willard Wrecker Service 719 W Shadburn Avenue, Buford, GA 30518 The vehicles subject to liens as stated above are identified as: Vehicle Make: MERCEDES Year: 2003 Model: C240 Vehicle ID#: WDBRF61J13F389327 Vehicle License#: PIE6369 State: GA Vehicle Make: ACURA Year: 1999 Model: 3.0 TL Vehicle ID#: 19UUA5640XA024651 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 2011 Model: CIVIC Vehicle ID#: 2HGFA5E56BH702266 Vehicle License#: HVM0692 State: PA Vehicle Make: TOYOTA Year: 1993 Model: TERCEL Vehicle ID#: JT2EL46S6P0266171 Vehicle License#: 775MK State: GA

Vehicle Make: HYUNDAI Year: 201 Model: SONATA Vehicle ID#: 5NPEB4AC9DH620788 Vehicle License#: NSL429 State: SC

Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 2006 Model: ODYSSEY Vehicle ID#: 5FNRL38666B121280 Vehicle License#: PLY7139 State: GA

Vehicle Make: BMW Year: 20110 Model: I28I Vehicle ID#: WBAUP9C5XAVL89157 Vehicle License#: CKM6891 State: GA

Vehicle Make: ISUZU Year: 1997 Model: RODEO Vehicle ID#: 4S2CM58V6V4329174 Vehicle License#: RUG5034 State: GA

Vehicle Make: GMC Year: 2006 Model: CANYON Vehicle 1FTCS196468270234 Vehicle License#: State:


Vehicle Make: BMW Year: 2019 Model: M5 Vehicle ID#: WBSJF0C5XKB284294 Vehicle License#: CJJ3656 State: GA

Vehicle Make: DODGE Year: 1998 Model: GRAND CARAVAN Vehicle ID#: 1B4GP44G3WB556600 Vehicle License#: AD52567 State: IL

Vehicle Make: HYUNDAI Year: 2014 Model: SONATA Vehicle ID#: 5NPEB4AC0EH925534 Vehicle License#: CLJ3604 State: GA

Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 1995 Model: CIVIC Vehicle ID#: JHMEG8654SS036881 Vehicle License#: State:

Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2002 Model: F150 Vehicle ID#: 1FTRW08L52KD39901 Vehicle License#: WGM271 State: GA

Vehicle Make: LAND ROVER Year: 2008 Model: RANGE ROVER SPORT Vehicle ID#: SALSK25478A182806 Vehicle License#: State:

Vehicle Make: NISSAN Year: 2006 Model: PATHFINDER Vehicle ID#: 5N1AR18W96C639330 Vehicle License#: RSB5055 State: GA

Vehicle Make: LEXUS Year: 2008 Model: IS250 Vehicle ID#: SALSK25478A182806 Vehicle License#: State: Anyone with an ownership interest in any of these vehicles should contract the following business immediately: WILLARD WRECKER SERVICE 719 W. SHADBURN AVE BUFORD, GA 30518 770-945-7580 928-626429, 12/20,27

Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2019 Model: SILVERADO Vehicle ID#: 1GCRYDED1LKZ170658 Vehicle License#: K936LMA State: NJ Vehicle Make: BMW Year: 2015 Model: 428I Vehicle ID#: WBA3N9C59FK246453 Vehicle License#: RRI7032 State: GA Vehicle Make: VOLVO TRAILER Year: 1998 Model: AERO WIA Vehicle ID#: 4VGWDER-

Vehicle Make: YAMAHA MOTOR CYCLE Year: 1996 Model: XV250 Vehicle ID#: JYA3BGC04TA007104 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: GMC Year: 2001 Model: JIMMY Vehicle ID#: DT13W312184777 Vehicle License#: State:


Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2009 Model: MALIBU Vehicle ID#: 1G1ZG57B39F212997 Vehicle License#: RPJ6737 State: GA Vehicle Make: MERCURY Year: 2005 Model: GRAND MARQUIS Vehicle ID#: 2MEFM74W55X602857 Vehicle License#: RMW4761 State: GA Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2001 Model: WINDSTAR Vehicle ID#: 2FMZA50401BA59601 Vehicle License#: RLQ7097 State: GA Vehicle Make: TOYOTA Year: 2002 Model: SEQUOIA Vehicle ID#: 5TDZZT34A12S115550 Vehicle License#: RLQ7097 State: GA Vehicle Make: TOYOTA Year: 2006 Model: AVALON Vehicle ID#: 4T1BK36B86U136418 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: KIA Year: 2017 Model: OPTIMA Vehicle ID#: 5XXGT4L3XHG161372 Vehicle License#: CJI3915 State: GA Vehicle Make: TOYOTA Year: 1998 Model: COROLLA Vehicle ID#: 2T1BR12E6WC098768 Vehicle License#: RRA3395 State: GA Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2000 Model: EXPRESS Vehicle ID#: 1GCFG15R7Y1132052 Vehicle License#: 294463B State: TX Vehicle Make: GMC Year: 2001 Model: JIMMY Vehicle ID#: DT13W312184777 Vehicle License#: State:


Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2009 Model: MALIBU Vehicle ID#: 1G1ZG57B39F212997 Vehicle License#: RPJ6737 State: GA Vehicle Make: MERCURY Year: 2005 Model: GRAND MARQUIS Vehicle ID#: 2MEFM74W55X602857 Vehicle License#: RMW4761 State: GA Vehicle Make: NISSAN Year: 2000 Model: FRONTIER Vehicle ID#: 1N6ED27Y1YC358605 Vehicle License#: RLJ8801 State: GA Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 2009 Model: ACCORD Vehicle ID#: 1HGCM56814A087792 Vehicle License#: RPD9155 State: GA Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 1995 Model: CIVIC Vehicle ID#: 1HGEJ1221SL023071 Vehicle License#: PTG5743 State: GA Anyone with an ownership interest in any of these vehicles should contract the following business immediately: WILLARD WRECKER SERVICE 719 W. SHADBURN AVE BUFORD, GA 30518 770-945-7580 928-626429, 12/20,27

PUBLIC SALES/ AUCTIONS NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Go Store It Suwanee located at 345 Sawmill Drive, Suwanee, GA. 30024 will hold an auction on www.selfstorageauction. com starting 01/11/2020 and ending at 3:00pm on 01/26/2020. The following units will be sold: Name of Customer Unit # General Description of Property Elizabeth Mcwhorter 1050 Home goods, heavy equipment, outside lawn good. Jinetta Brown 2017 Home goods, couches, mini table Thomas Patrick McNamara 1083 Suit cases , boxes Stanley Ekuge 2138 Home goods, heavy equipment , books , couch, Nate Kowacich 3008 Bed rails, home goods, 929-626981, 1/10,17 Pleasantdale Storage of Doraville shall conduct an online auction on www. selfstorageauctions.com to conclude at Monday, January 23rd at 12:00pm Unit #A9 – Fredrick Hardy–Unit said to contain: Mattresses, boxes, bedrails, lamps, plastic storage containers, dressers, and Christmas décor. U

PUBLIC SALES/ AUCTIONS Unit #A92- Jesus Ordaz– Unit said to contain: Tools, utility dollie, plastic containers, moving blankets, cooler, table, box, mop, and totes. Unit #B68 – Mustapha Sheriff – Unit said to contain: Boxes, camera equipment, large bowl, and bags. Unit #B7 – Tracoris Ezzard – Unit said to contain: Flat Screen Television, Tv stand, Box of misc items. Unit #D29 – Frank Siano– Unit said to contain: Wood, car engine, bricks, tires, heavy car equipment, tools. Iman Jenkins -unit A76 : It appears to have - Sofa, area rug, plastic bags of clothing, bed frame, and microwave Urbina Zuluaga - unit A80 : appears to have - Roll of carpet boxes of flooring, and plastic containers 929-628484, 1/10,17 NOTICE Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 2040 Lawrenceville Highway Lawrenceville,Ga 30044 January 28th, 2020 at 2:00 PM UNIT 406 Aquanita Gibson Clothes, Containers, from 4-bed home-downsizing UNIT 239 Tyrie Fletcher Clothing, Totes UNIT 180 Orlando Jones Boxes, Bed, Mattress, Table UNIT 135 Melvin Jackson Lawn Equipment UNIT 290 Scott Cohan Bed, Frame, Dresser, TV UNIT 038 John Phillippeaux HouseHold Furniture UNIT 433 Bianca Jenkins 2 Bedrooms, Living Rooms, Garage Items UNIT 265 Angela Hanna Table, Chairs, Boxes, Winter Clothes UNIT 328 Bianca Jenkins Garage Items, Clothing UNIT 496 Aleatha Butler 2 King Bed, refrigerator, Washer/Dryer, 1 Bed Suites,ETC. UNIT 514 Donovan Pittman 2x Flat Screens, Nightstand, Mirror, Bed, Totes, Fan, Computer, Chairs, HouseHold Items UNIT 198 Dory Sanchez HouseHold Items UNIT 530 Comfort Peoples Mattress, Dressers, Boxes, Household items UNIT 229 Tavell Blackwell 4-5 Boxes 3-4 Bags UNIT 108 Frances President HouseHold Items UNIT 110 Brenda Baker Clothes, TV’S, Dressers, Deep Freezer UNIT 207 Patina Aaron Boxes of Clothes, Tools UNIT 150 Dezzie Storne ll Equipment, Dryer UNIT 181 Natasha Green Washer, Dryer, Dresser, Queen Mattress, Twin Bed and Mattress UNIT 520 Stacy Emerson Bins and Bags of Clothes UNIT 379 Kaila Powell Household Items UNIT 215 Joel Delgado-Quiros Couch, Boxes The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. 929-628727, 1/10,17 NOTICE Notice is Hereby Given that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property pursuant to the Georgia Self-Storage Facility Act, Georgia Code Section 10-4210 to 10-4-215. The undersigned will sell by competitive online bidding beginning January 16, 2020 at 9:00 am at www.selfstorageauction. com. Online bidding will end at 9:00 am January 30, 2020. UNIT #415 SHAMEKA BROWN: Washer, dryer, dining chairs, books, clothes, hangers, tires, rims, car cleaning items, orbital polisher, mirror, aluminium ball bats, kitchen items, mattresses, mop, broom, vacuums, shower caddy, toilet paper holders, wall/holiday art, boxes, bags, misc. items. UNIT #458 ADRIAN CHILDERS: Black & Decker trimmer, vehicle cargo tray, fishing poles, sleeping bags, golf balls and golf bag, coolers, plastic shelves, metal folding chairs, dining chairs, metal dish drainer, bags, boxes, baby gates, baskets, book bag, kid car seats, kid toys, Christmas tree stands, curtains, misc. items. Purchases must be paid for on the day of the auction with cash or a credit card with valid ID at the location of the unit. All items are sold as is and must be removed from the property within 48 hours, unless otherwise approved by the Manager, after the time of the sale. Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of a settlement between the owner and the obligated party is reached. 929-630223, 1/17,24 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE There will be sold at public outcry at: 2124 AMERICAN IND WAY CHAMBLEE GA 30341 Month, Day, Year 12/27/19 Time: 1:00PM The following vehicle, declared abandoned and foreclosure vehicles pursuant to OCGA Section 40-11-5, as follows: Year, Make, Model: 2012 NISSAN ALTIMA VIN#: 1N4AL2AP6CC184565 929-628854, 1/10,17

0117_GDP_FRI_CLASS_Classifieds 1/16/2020 4:21 PM Page B8

B8 ♦ Friday, January 17, 2020 ♦ gwinnettdailypost.com B8 ♦ FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2020 ♦ GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM PUBLIC SALES/ AUCTIONS



NOTICE This lien sale will be held via online auction on the date of January 20th, 2020 at storageauctions.com The facility locations are: Uhaul Moving and Storage of Pleasant Hill 1290 Pleasant Hill Rd. Lawrenceville, GA 30044 770-381-9793Tom Pierri unit#0712, Nakitah Safford unit#1517, Isaiah Rollman unit#0316, Terry Everheart unit#1139, MONIQUE BLACKWELL unit#2400, Adrenne Jones unit#2216, Ericka Underwood unit#0811, VANESSA LANIER unit#2084-85, John Hawkins unit#1237, Assad Salah unit#1719-21, Monica Stewart unit# 2243, Juliette Grier unit#0706, Melvin Gaither unit#1003-26, Ann Beaudoin unit#0409, Meeka Williams unit#1135, Tasha Campbell unit#1012, Brian West unit#0218, Bene Brown unit#1728-29, Diane Battles unit#1609, Uhaul Moving and Storage of Hewatt rd 2161 Hewatt Rd Snellville GA 30039 770979-5237- Stephen Roper unit#197, Jayme Drake unit#314, Eddie Lenton unit#145 Uhaul Moving and Storage of Lilburn 140 Rockbridge road Lilburn GA 30047 770717-9666- Donald Bacon unit#3147, DENVER PENNYMAN unit#4125, Zach Rogers unit#416, Latice Jefferson unit#317 Uhaul Moving and Storage of Jimmy Carter Blvd. 5365 Jimmy Carter blvd Norcross GA 30093 770447-5017- Wanda Flack unit#A100, Ameenah Rasheed unit#1056, Damion Strom unit#B209, Alonzo Howard unit#1103, THOMAS TAYLOR unit#1004, Harold Clark unit#1026, Carmen Jones unit#A111, Karla Ortiz Canales unit#B127, James Jenerette unit#1022, Dornell Brazil unit#1111 929-628026, 1/10,17

NOTICE Eastside Self Storage located at 2387 Lenora Church Road, Snellville, GA, 30078, shall conduct an online auction on www. selfstorageauctions.com to conclude on Monday, February 10th, 2020 at 2:00 pm. Units to be sold include: 1018 Aisha Sherman–Tv. Dresser. Printer. Washer. Lamps. Dining chairs. Box fan. Large wall clock. Bikes. Chaise. 30 plus boxes/bags/ totes. Luggage. 1043 Kaya Duncan – Steam Cleaner. Chaise. Love Seat. Dryer. Shredder. Stereo System. DVD Player. Plush Toys. Artwork. Chairs. Tables. Record Player. Chest of Drawers. Computer Monitor. Couch. Flat Screen Stand. Tools. Boxes. Plastic bags 1093 Jeffery Flowers – Dining set, tool box, china cabinet, luggage, exercise equipment, totes, miscellaneous boxes, Playstation, clothes, fishing gear 2021 Deborah CharlesBaker–20 boxes/bags/totes. 2067 Abraham Simmons– Boxes. Bed Frame. Desk. King Box Spring. Totes. Bicycle 2072 Edward Binkley– Boxes. Medical Gas Cans. Oxygen Tanks. Trash Can. Christmas Decorations. Plastic Bags. Totes. 2087 Tajuana Kimble–Kids scooters. Vacuum. Stroller. Dining table. 15 plus boxes/ bags/totes. Lots of kid’s clothes and shoes. Art. Plastic drawer sets. Lamps. Kids Car seats. Kids toys. 2139 Irwin Weaver – 2 x Television, speakers, pictures, walker, furniture, fishing gear, bag clothes, kitchen supplies, shoes, totes, boxes, cabinet, lamps 3099 Adrianne Chatman– Bike. Chairs. Decorations. Boxes. Small Freezer. Stereo. Microwave. Fishing Rods. Blankets. Clothing. Step Ladder. Heater. Bed frame. 3124 Vangarlene Johnson – Clothes, toys, stroller, car seat, coffee machine, totes, boxes, Playstation 3129 Walter Taylor–Twin Mattress and Box Spring. Sofa and Love seat. End Tables. King Mattress. Pillows. Fake Tree. Dresser. 3143 Robert Barham–40 plus boxes/totes. Large filing cabinet. Dining chairs. Speaker. Bush hog. Appliances. Dressers l. Shelving. Dining table base. 3144 Robert Barham– Leather chair. Futon. Royal racer sled. Boxes. Wrapped furniture. 3162 Letha Andrews–Grill. Dryer. Dresser. Printer. Refrigerator. Mirror. Space heater. Car seat. Vacuums. Microwave. King mattress and box spring. Car radio 929-630077, 1/17,24

The vehicles subject to liens as stated above are identified as:

DULUTH POLICE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT AUCTION ON-LINE Property advertised and auctioned by propertyroom. com www.propertyroom.com Items sold individually. Items will be sent to auction on 02/10/2020 at 1700 hours. Items as follows: Cell phones, electronics, jewelry, collectible items, articles of clothing, guitar, stand, knife, bags. Any potential property owners should contact Duluth Police Department at 770-476-4151 with proof of ownership. 9 2 9 - 6 3 0 2 6 0 , 1/17,24,31,2/7 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: The following self-storage Cube contents containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart : 5985 S Norcross Tucker Rd.Norcross. GA, to satisfy a lien on February 04,2020 at approx.11:00 AM at www.storagetreasures.com. Cube #A009, Orianna J Rodriguez ; Cube # A020, Sharifah Gay ; Cube # B046, Carlos N. Dominguez; Cube # C004, Ricardo Torres; Cube # E042, Leonela DeJesus ; 929-628783, 1/10,17

ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (TOWING OR STORAGE COMPANY) You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19 (b) (2), that the abovereferenced vehicle is subject to a lien and a petition may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicle is currently located at South East Transportation - 4138 Arcadia Industrial Circle, Lilburn, GA 30047 .

Vehicle Make: Acura Year: 1997 Model: 3.5 RL Vehicle ID #: JH4KA9648VC014544 Vehicle License #: RNJ6924 State GA Vehicle Make: Chevrolet Year: 2002 Model: Impala Vehicle ID #: 2G1WH55K929202248 Vehicle License #: State Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle should contact the following business immediately: Business Name: South East Transportation Address: 4138 Arcadia Industrial Circle Lilburn, GA 30047 Telephone #: 770-5498901 929-625837, 1/10,17






FROM RS-150 (SINGLEFAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT) TO BGC (CENTRAL GENERAL BUSINESS); THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 288 N. CLAYTON STREET (TAX PARCEL R5146B049); CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 0.361 ACRE. SUP2019-00010 (SU-1911) ¬â€“ APPLICANT: DANA PETRY; AN APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT IN LM (LIGHT MANUFACTURING DISTRICT) TO ALLOW A TRUCK RENTAL FACILITY; THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 282 E. CROGAN STREET (R5175 040 AND R5175 097); APPROXIMATELY 6.190 ACRES. ADOPTION OF THE 2020 ZONING ORDINANCE–The Zoning Ordinance contains local regulations concerning the use and development of land and buildings, including zoning. The purpose and intent of the rewrite is to create an ordinance that preserves, protects, and promotes the public health, safety and general welfare of the residents and businesses in the City. P&D PC NEW AND OLD BUSINESS: 02-03-2020 934-630221, 1/17

and 5800 Block of Suwanee Dam Road, 0.8 Acre. District 1/Brooks SUP2020-00008, Applicant: WF Sugar Hill, LLC, Owners: Jenifer Scott and Jennifer Antrobus, Tax Parcel Nos. R7339 014 and 085, Application for a Special Use Permit in a C-2 (Proposed) Zoning District for a Car Wash (Buffer Reduction), 5900 Block of Cumming Highway and 5800 Block of Suwanee Dam Road, 1.29 Acres. District 1/Brooks RZM2020-00003, Applicant: Action Technology Solutions, Owner: TM Harris, Rezoning of Tax Parcel No. R5019 014, M-1 to R-TH; Townhouses, 100 Block of Huff Drive, 10.84 Acres. District 4/Fosque CIC2020-00002, Applicant: Pulte Home Company, LLC, Owners: Berry Hall Developments, LLC/Woodland Hall Investments and Pulte Home Company, LLC, Tax Parcel No. R5344 223, Change in Conditions of Zoning for Property Zoned OSC, 2500 Block of Berry Hall Road, 72.16 Acres. District 3/ Hunter P&D PC TBL 2-4 934-630233, 1/17

Acres. District 3/Hunter RZR2020-00006, Applicant: Richardson Housing Group, Owner: Estate of Mary Petrich, Rezoning of Tax Parcel Nos. R6158B005, 006, 007, 008 and 009, R-75 to TND; Traditional Neighborhood Development, 4400 Block of Vernon Street and 4300 Block of Shady Drive, 5.14 Acres. District 2/Ku RZR2020-00007, Applicant: Richardson Housing Group, Owner: Richardson Housing Group, Rezoning of Tax Parcel Nos. R6158B012, 013, 014 and 015, R-75 to TND; Traditional Neighborhood Development, 4400 Block of Vernon Street, 4300 Block of Shady Drive and 700 Block of Freeman Drive, 5.81 Acres. District 2/Ku CIC2020-00005, Applicant: AM Realty GA, LLC, Owner: AM Realty GA, LLC, Tax Parcel No. R6207 010, Change in Conditions of Zoning for Property Zoned C-3, 3200 Block of Commerce Avenue, 1.99 Acres. District 1/Brooks CIC2020-00006, Applicant: Wilmer E. Sanabria, Owner: New York Upholstery, Tax Parcel No. R5074 296, Change in Conditions of Zoning for Property Zoned O-I, 1400 Block of Scenic Highway, 0.41 Acre. District 3/Hunter CIC2020-00008, Applicant: GS&T Properties, LLC, Owner: GS&T Properties, LLC, Tax Parcel No. R7168 036, Change in Conditions of Zoning (Buffer Reduction) for Property Zoned M-1, 500 Block of Satellite Boulevard and 3200 Block of McGinnis Ferry Road, 7.49 Acres. District 1/Brooks CIC2020-00009, Applicant: Clayton Properties Group, Inc. dba Chafin Builder, Owner: Clayton Properties Group, Inc. dba Chafin Builder, Tax Parcel Nos. R5169 002 and R5184 022, Change in Conditions of Zoning for Property Zoned OSC, 1600 Block of Chandler Road and 1700 Block of Sharpton Trail, 70.15 Acres. District 3/ Hunter CIC2020-00010, Applicant: Manor Restorations, LLC, Owner: H2J Investments, LLLP, Tax Parcel No. R5325 007, Change in Conditions of Zoning for Property Zoned OSC, 3100 Block of Bold Springs Road and 2700 Block of Jones Phillips Road, 53.67 Acres. District 3/ Hunter SUP2020-00009, Applicant: Sylanna Williams, Owner: Sylanna Williams, Tax Parcel No. R5123 045, Application for a Special Use Permit in a R-100 Zoning District for a Family Personal Care Home, 2400 Block of Rosebud Road, 2.44 Acres. District 3/Hunter SUP2020-00010, Applicant: Recovery Foundations Inc., Owner: Frank Darius, Tax Parcel No. R5018 006A, Application for a Special Use Permit in a C-2 Zoning District for a Residential Rehabilitation Center, 2400 Block of Lawrenceville Highway, 0.27 Acre. District 4/Fosque SUP2020-00011, Applicant: Bettina S. Bland, Owner: Juanita S. Holloway, Tax Parcel No. R5140 191, Application for a Special Use Permit in a R-75 Zoning District for a Home Occupation (Hair Salon), 300 Block of Black Oak Court, 0.40 Acre. District 4/Fosque SUP2020-00012, Applicant: Belal Bakhtyar, Owner: Ali Dhannani, Tax Parcel No. R7004 001, Application for a Special Use Permit in a C-2 Zoning District for a Hookah Lounge, 1800 Block of Old Norcross Road, 3.06 Acres. District 4/Fosque SUP2020-00013, Applicant: Xiao Jun Wen, Owner: G. Todd Tyson, Tax Parcel No. R6210 026, Application for a Special Use Permit in a M-1 Zoning District for an Adult Day Care Facility, 1800 Block of Shackleford Court and 1800 Block of Shackleford Road, 1.76 Acres. District 1/ Brooks P&D PC/BOC 2-4 & 2-25 934-630231, 1/17

WHEN: February 17, 2020–6:00 p.m. WHERE: City Hall Council Chambers 3167 Main Street Duluth, GA 30096 PERSONS INTERESTED IN THIS MATTER are invited to review the proposed Special Use request, which is on file with the Department of Planning & Development of the City of Duluth and to attend the public hearing at the date, time and place provided in this notice, to express their opinion on this matter. Written comments may also be received in lieu of testimony during the public hearing. Written comments may be sent to the following address: City of Duluth ATTN: Daniel Robinson 3167 Main Street Duluth, GA 30096 OR Email: drobinson@duluthga.net For more information, contact Daniel Robinson, Planning & Development, at (770)476-1790. ********************* In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the City of Duluth is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for a person with a disability. Please contact Teresa Lynn at (770) 476-3434 if special program accommodations are necessary and/or if program information is needed in an alternative format. Special requests must be made in a reasonable amount of time in order that accommodations can be arranged. 934-630282, 1/17

GWINNETT COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2020 AT 7:00 P.M. GWINNETT COUNTY JUSTICE AND ADMINISTRATION CENTER AUDITORIUM 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA 30046 The following Rezoning, Change-in-Conditions, Special Use Permit and other items of business, located within Unincorporated Gwinnett County, are scheduled for public hearings as stated above. Site plans, legal descriptions, and other information are available in the office of the Planning Division, 446 West Crogan Street, Lawrenceville, Georgia. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. RZR2019-00024, Applicant: CKK Development Services, Owner: Howard Duane Johnson, Rezoning of Tax Parcel No. R7223 002, RA-200 and R-100 to TND; Traditional Neighborhood Development (Buffer Reduction), 2800 Block of Bart Johnson Road, 58.49 Acres. District 4/Fosque SUP2019-00083, Applicant: CMES, Inc., Owner: Larson-Juhl US, LLC, Tax Parcel Nos. R6202 019 and 035, Application for a Special Use Permit in a M-1 Zoning District for a Contractor’s Office, Heavy/Civil Construction, 3900 Block of Steve Reynolds Boulevard and 1500 Block of Pavilion Place, 16.91 Acres. District 1/Brooks RZC2020-00002, Applicant: Quattrok, LLC, Owners: Barryjeff, Inc. and Isacc N. Habif, et al, Rezoning of Tax Parcel Nos. R7156 011, 012 and 013, R-100, O-I, C-2 and M-2 to MU-R; MixedUse Development (Buffer Reduction), 2700 Block of Meadow Church Road, 1200 Block of Old Peachtree Road and 1700 Block of Meadow Drive, 17.06 Acres. District 1/Brooks RZC2020-00003, Applicant: WF Sugar Hill, LLC, Owner: Jenifer Scott, Rezoning of Tax Parcel No. R7339 014, C-1 to C-2; Car Wash (Buffer Reduction), 5900 Block of Cumming Highway a

GWINNETT COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2020 AT 7:00 P.M. GWINNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2020 AT 7:00 P.M. GWINNETT COUNTY JUSTICE AND ADMINISTRATION CENTER AUDITORIUM 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA 30046 The following Rezoning, Change-in-Conditions, Special Use Permit and other items of business, located within Unincorporated Gwinnett County, are scheduled for public hearings as stated above. Site plans, legal descriptions, and other information are available in the office of the Planning Division, 446 West Crogan Street, Lawrenceville, Georgia. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. RZC2020-00004, Applicant: MTH Enterprises, Inc., Owner: MTH Enterprises, Inc., Rezoning of Tax Parcel Nos. R6051 025 and 026, R-100 to C-2; Commercial Retail Uses (Buffer Reduction), 2100 Block of Rosedale Road and 3200 Block of Stone Mountain Highway, 0.96 Acre. District 3/Hunter RZM2020-00004, Applicant: Mahaffey Pickens Tucker, LLP, Owner: BCLS Capital, LLC, Rezoning of Tax Parcel Nos. R7157 030 and 102, C-2 and M-1 to HRR; High-Rise Residential, 6600 Block of Sugarloaf Parkway, 7.38 Acres. District 1/Brooks RZM2020-00005, Applicant: Mahaffey Pickens Tucker, LLP, Owner: Timothy S. Landers, Rezoning of Tax Parcel No. R5138 014, C-1 to RM-24; Apartments, 500 Block of Webb Gin House Road, 17.14 Acres. District 3/Hunter RZM2020-00006, Applicant: Commonwealth Development Corporation, Owner: Rockland Acquisitions, LLC, Rezoning of Tax Parcel Nos. R6010 004 and 061, R-100 and C-2 to RM-13; Apartments, 8000 Block of South Rockbridge Road, 18.37 A


The Sheridan at Eastside

CITY OF DULUTH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the City of Duluth Planning Commission to consider a request from Duluth Carwash Holdings, LLC, for a Special Use to allow for the expansion of an existing carwash establishment at 3105 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Duluth, Georgia (tax parcel R6324 229). The property is approximately 1.5 acres. The public is invited to attend this hearing before the Planning Commission on the Special Use request at Duluth City Hall, 3167 Main Street, Duluth, Georgia 30096. The meeting date, place and time regarding this matter are as follows: W



ESTATE SALE 1299 SpringWood Dr. Conyers, 30012

ROLLER COMPANY in Lawrenceville needs a TRUCK DRIVER Very few overnight trips. Must pass background check and drug test. Send resume to tim@foresterroller.com (770) 822-9299

Thurs. 1/16, Fri. 1/17 & Sat. 1/18 8:30 am to 4:30 pm daily. Lots of households, dolls, glass, sofas, furn., W/D, outside garden figures, flat screen tv, avon bottle collection, Gone With the Wind Franklin Mint Dolls, also 2002 Dodge pickup. Lots of stuff! Come and bring money. Details, call


FARMS, LOTS & ACREAGE FOR SALE HALL GAINESVILLE FOR SALE BY OWNER 7.74 gently sloping acres. Fronts Hwy. 60N Adjoins Lake Lanier Corps of Engineers. Beautiful building site. Commercial potential. Natural gas and city water on property. Near schools and shopping.



DRYER/WASHER $125 ea.; Super Capacity $175 ea. Front Loader Set $450 & up; Regular Refrig. & Ranges $175 & up; SXS Refrig. $300 & up. Dishwasher $100 & up. Different colors. Del/1 yr warr. Tim 404-205-2222




CITY OF DULUTH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the City of Duluth Planning Commission to consider a request from Woodrow Preston Willard, for a Special Use to allow for the operation of an Automotive Repair and Maintenance use at 4165 Pleasant Hill Road, Duluth, Georgia (tax parcel R6321 110). The property is approximately 0.59 acres. The public is invited to attend this hearing before the Planning Commission on the Special Use request at Duluth City Hall, 3167 Main Street, Duluth, Georgia 30096. The meeting date, place and time regarding this matter are as follows: WHEN: February 3, 2020–6:00 p.m. WHERE: City Hall Council Chambers 3167 Main Street Duluth, GA 30096 PERSONS INTERESTED IN THIS MATTER are invited to review the proposed Special Use request, which is on file with the Department of Planning & Development of the City of Duluth and to attend the public hearing at the date, time and place provided in this notice, to express their opinion on this matter. Written comments may also be received in lieu of testimony during the public hearing. Written comments may be sent to the following address: City of Duluth ATTN: Daniel Robinson 3167 Main Street Duluth, GA 30096 OR Email: drobinson@duluthga.net For more information, contact Daniel Robinson, Planning & Development, at (770)476-1790. ***************** In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the City of Duluth is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for a person with a disability. Please contact Teresa Lynn at (770) 476-3434 if special program accommodations are necessary and/or if program information is needed in an alternative format. Special requests must be made in a reasonable amount of time in order that accommodations can be arranged. 934-630280, 1/17

MARCH 27-APRIL 3 @ Petit Crest Villas in Big Canoe, GA for Gwinnett County Schools Spring Break Call (770) 715-2507 PICKENS/BIG CANOE Vacation Weeks in Big Canoe -- Special Sale at Petit Crest Villas -Contact Jamie Kemp, Professional Realty Associates, Georgia Licensed Real Estate Broker, 706-268-3600 COMMERCIAL RENTALS

VEHICLES CADILLAC DTS, 2007 One owner, fully loaded, mileage 83,500, excellent condition! Reduced to $6,500 Call (770) 985-0911 CARS FOR SALE! 2009 Chevy AVEO, 4 cylinder, gas saver 107,000 mi., blue, good condition! 2006 Volvo Stationwagon 190,000 miles, like new (inside and outside, REALLY), white. Either car $3,000 firm.





5,000 sq. ft. with two small offices. Call Mike (770) 826-7970 GWINNETT SNELLVILLE


Heart of Snellville Cobblestone Office Park Exec. Sts. Off. & 3 medium offices--perfect for ins., lawyers or counselors. 770-978-0310

Jan. 24-26 Discounts at




REMODELING, INC. •Finished Basements •Bathroom Remodeling •Kitchen Remodeling •Custom Cabinets •Garages/Carports •Screened Porches •Custom Decks •Siding All Types Call John


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C4 ♦ Friday, January 17, 2020 ♦ gwinnettdailypost.com

Falling Rabbit Restaurant coming to Parsons Alley

Yvonne Miranda Singh, Lala Cochran, Brandon Michael Mayes, Jimi Kocina, Megan Dominy and Brian Kurlande play in Aurora Theatre’s production of “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.” ♦

By Curt Yeomans curt.yeomans@gwinnettdailypost.com

Duluth residents will soon have another option for eating in the city’s historic downtown district. Falling Rabbit Restaurant is preparing for an early 2020 opening on West Lawrenceville Street in Duluth’s Parsons Alley entertainment district. The restaurant, which will be run by Executive Chef Chuck Woods and General Manager Barbara Vickers, will be located next to Maple Street Biscuit Company at the corner of West Lawrenceville and Hill Streets. “Falling Rabbit’s unique menu features elevated seasonal cuisine complimented by creative wine and bar offerings,” Falling Rabbit officials said on their website, www. fallingrabbit.com. “Paired with the stunning interior design by Studio SOGO’s Leslie Ellsworth and focus on hospitality, food, family, friends, tradition, and love, Falling Rabbit is destined to be the location in Parsons Alley to imbibe and celebrate life.” Woods and Vickers have previously worked together on restaurants in the Chicago area, including Girl and the Goat, Trench Bar, Prairie School, Tied House and Dorian’s.

photo: casey gardner


photo: Fallingrabbit.com

Falling Rabbit Restaurant is moving into this location at the corner of West Lawrenceville and Hill Streets in Duluth’s Parsons Alley downtown entertainment district. The restaurant is slated to open in the early part of this year.

Aurora’s ‘Curious Incident of the Dog’ tells story of boy on autism spectrum

By Taylor Denman taylor.denman @gwinnettdailypost.com

In January, Aurora Theatre is collaborating with Horizon Theatre in Atlanta to bring an award-winning play to the stage in Lawrenceville. “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” is the 2015 Tony Award-winner for Best Play, written by Simon Stephens and based on the novel by Mark Haddon. The co-production between Aurora Theatre and Horizon Theatre tells the story of 15-year-old Christopher John Francis Boone, a boy on the autism spectrum who likes math, outer space and looking after his pet rat Toby. Christopher is wrongfully accused of murdering his neighbor’s dog, and he sets out to find the real culprit.

IF YOU GO When: through Feb. 9; 8 p.m. tuesday through saturday; 2:30 p.m. on saturday and sunday Admission: starts at $20 His discoveries lead him on an adventure. Brandon Michael Mayes played the protagonist in the Horizon edition and now the Aurora edition of the play. The role of Christopher as a highly functioning autistic teenager put Mayes in the psyche of someone who sees the world atypically. Christopher is sensitive to light, sound and touch, and these quirks present themselves in the play. But Christopher is presented as a complex character, more than the sum of those quirks.

“Whenever I talk about the challenges, I like to say people on the spectrum have certain gifts,” Mayes said. “He has a gift for math and fascination with outer space.” In addition capturing Christopher’s personality, Mayes has also had to put his fitness into action. He never leaves the stage during the roughly two-hour play. “It’s the most athletic show I’ve done,” Mayes said. The narrative of “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” unfolds as a book that Christopher intends to write. Christopher’s para-professional occasionally takes over the narration. Christopher occasionally takes a meta-theatrical approach to telling the story and sort of makes adjustments as if he’s directing the piece. “She is a huge component in

the play because she narrates the play while reading the book that Christopher wrote,” Mayes said. “He takes over the narration and he breaks the convention of being inside the play.” The play is co-directed by Justin Anderson and Lisa Adler. The collaboration between two Atlanta-area theater companies brings new actors to Lawrenceville’s main stage. Mayes said the play was well-received by Horizon audiences and crowds at Aurora left with new perspectives on autism-spectrum disorder after opening weekend on Jan. 9 “I think the magic of the play is that it takes you instantly inside (Christopher’s) mind and you understand him completely and all his nuances,” Mayes said. “Maybe you didn’t know you could relate to someone so well as you do to Christopher.”

Shola Emmanuel set to perform in Duluth tonight By Chamian Cruz chamian.cruz@ gwinnettdailypost.com

special photo

The new film playing at Fernbank will feature comeback stories of endangered species such as California’s Channel Island Fox.

New film now showing at Fernbank Museum By Chamian Cruz chamian.cruz@ gwinnettdailypost.com

A new 3D Giant Screen film about the remarkable comeback stories of endangered species from around the world opens at the Fernbank Museum in Atlanta on Friday, Jan. 17. The 40-minute film, “Back from the Brink: Saved from Extinction,” is narrated by Claire Danes and captures the human efforts to save the endangered species. “Through the unmatched, immersive Giant Screen technology,” Director Sean Casey said, “we’re able to connect audiences with nature in places they might not otherwise go to engage with some of the most extraordinary creatures on Earth — which nearly disappeared forever. The film demonstrates how human efforts do make an impact for the better and are essential in saving and protecting the world’s animals and wild places.” Filmed on location in

IF YOU GO What: “Back from the Brink: saved from extinction” Where: Fernbank museum, 767 clifton road, atlanta When: Friday, Jan. 17, through april 30 Admission: $13 for adults, $12 for seniors, $11 for children ages 3-12 and $8 for Fernbank members For more info: Visit www.fernbankmuseum. org or call 404-929-6400 three unique regions around the globe, “Back from the Brink” uses the immersive giant screen format to plunge audiences into a wild world of breathtaking natural beauty and captivating wildlife behavior. The film brings to life the amazing true story of three animal special whose numbers recently dwindled to near extinction but were rescued from the brink. The animals include California’s en-

the film demonstrates how human efforts do make an impact for the better and are essential in saving and protecting the world’s animals and wild places.” Director Sean Casey

chanting Channel Island Fox, China’s fabled Golden Monkey and the wondrous migrating giant Red Crabs of Christmas Island off the coast of Australia. The film also introduces people around the world — scientists, researchers, park rangers and students — who are working passionately to preserve these endangered species. Ultimately, the film aims to engage and inspire audiences to take action and connect with nature. “Back from the Brink” shows that positive change is possible and that problems created by humans can be solved by humans themselves. Sean Casey is also the film’s director of photogra-

phy. It was executive produced by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo. The film was produced by Charlotte Huggins and Jennifer Casey who also wrote the film with Kurt Frey. The film will be available through April 30 in the Rankin M. Smith Sr. Giant Screen Theater at Fernbank. Movie tickets are $13 for adults, $12 for seniors, $11 for children ages 3-12 and $8 for Fernbank members. Discounted movie tickets are available with a Value Pass, which also includes museum admission. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.fernbankmuseum. org or call 404-929-6400.

The community is in for a treat in Duluth on Friday, Jan. 17, with a performance by Afro-jazz saxophonist Shola Emmanuel, who will be debuting new songs from his upcoming album “Kind of Music.” He will perform at the Red Clay Music Foundry. Doors open one hour before the show at 8 p.m. Emmanuel will be available after the show to meet with fans. “I can’t wait to play at Red Clay,” Emmanuel said, “and I can’t wait to play these songs for my fans. We’ve been working on them in the studio and now we’re ready to play them in concert.” An interpreter of jazz in the African style, Emmanuel’s performances connect with both jazz connoisseurs and those new to the genre. The show will feature Emmanuel on saxophone and vocals, accompanied by his full jazz band. In

addition to original songs from his new album, Emmanuel will play his takes on classic jazz favorites. The evening will provide a creative blend of music that feeds off traditional African rhythm while maintaining classic jazz style. Emmanuel has performed in the United States, Canada, Italy, France, Africa and the United Kingdom since he made his first international appearance before a crowd of 80,000 in 1999. He’s worked with some of the most respected performers in professional music, including Quincy Jones, Kirk Whalum, Kamasi Washington, Herbie Hancock, Stevie Wonder, Sting, Alicia Keys and many others. The concert is being put on by Eddie Owen Presents. Red Clay Music Foundry is located at 3116 Main Street in downtown Duluth. Tickets are available through the EOP website at EddieOwenPresents.com for $15 in advance or $20 the day of the show.

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Afro-jazz saxophonist Shola Emmanuel is performing in Duluth this Friday.

gwinnettdailypost.com ♦ Friday, January 17, 2020 ♦ C5


GONE TO THE ANIMALS ‘Dolittle’ provides good kiddie fare, not much else

x HH of x stars By Michael Clark Movie Critic

Let’s get this out of the way first. If you have a child (or grandchild) with an age in the single digits, you can rest assured they will probably like, if not outright love this new riff on novelist Hugh Lofting’s series of novels. It’s simple, not at all deep and kind of bouncy. It features a multitude of beyond-cute animals and it is able to work in several asides to bodily function humor. Good luck trying to find a child that doesn’t appreciate the sound of an animal passing wind. Striking a middle ground of sorts between the quaint 1967 version with Rex Harrison and the “edgier” 1998 take featuring Eddie Murphy, “Dolittle” stars Robert Downey, Jr. as the title character, a physician who dislikes humans and can talk to animals in their respective tongues. Thanks mostly to advancements in technology and vividly animated voice-over performances, the assorted critters steal the show from Downey at every turn, a feat made all the easier by one of the weakest and phoned-in performances of his mercurial career. It would appear he also committed the most major of all acting sins so simply explained by W.C. Fields many moons ago: “never work with animals or children.” Downey does so with both here. An actor with great physical comedy range (“Chaplin,” “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang,” the broad and overcooked “Sherlock Holmes” franchise) and a keen ear for foreign accents, Downey chooses (or was instructed) not to exhibit any of those talents here. He speaks (and often mumbles) English, yet alternates between Welsh and Scottish enunciations for the duration. He is frequently next to impossible to understand. The closest he gets to physical is during a heavy-CGI scene with a Bengal tiger in which he narrowly eludes death, yet his bored, can’t-be-bothered expression never changes. Lacking Harrison’s and Murphy’s innate charms, Downey’s Dolittle is a study in stubborn, stoic blandness. He never smiles or laughs, has zero personality and offers no reason why

photo credit: universal pictures

From left are Gorilla Chee-Chee (Rami Malek) and Dr. John Dolittle (Robert Downey Jr.) in “Dolittle.” anyone would want to spend any time with him. In Downey’s semidefense, Dolittle is still in mourning over the death of his wife, who perished at sea seven years earlier which is explained in the animated opening title sequence. This portion of the film also marks the movie’s creative and entertainment zenith. Now a shut-in with horrendous hygiene, Dolittle sports a braided, ZZ Top-type beard which – really – provides housing for a rat. After saving a buck-shot squirrel (voiced with frisky urban American attitude by Craig Robinson), Dolittle is summoned to Buckingham Palace to rescue a comatose Queen Victoria (Jessie Buckley) who appears to have been poisoned. The set-up for this stretch makes absolutely no sense on a multitude of levels. Why would the queen’s keepers consider a veterinarian who hates people to try and save the life of their monarch? Why would Dolittle want to even try? A convenient forcefitting reason is provided to Dolittle by Polynesia (Emma Thompson), a motherly macaw who serves as Dolittle’s loyal, long time consigliere. Having wrapped in June 2018, the original finished product was screened for test audiences who have been reported to have found it some-

photo credit: universal pictures

Clockwise from bottom left are Ostrich Plimpton (Kumail Nanjiani), monkeys Elliot and Elsie, parrot Polynesia (Emma Thompson), polar bear Yoshi (John Cena), Tommy Stubbins (Harry Collett) and sugar glider Mini (Nick A. Fisher) in “Dolittle.” what lacking in appeal. A relatively staggering 21 days of reshoots (doctored by Chris McKay) followed in an attempt to infuse the movie with more comedy. If the goal was indeed to make it funnier for those hard-toplease toddlers, McKay did his job. While a portion of the unlikely success and almost certain impending box office failure of “Dolittle” will rightfully be laid at the feet of

the sleepwalking Downey, the lion’s share of the blame should go to filmmaker Steven Gaghan. An immensely talented writer, Gaghan won an Oscar for penning “Traffic” from 2000 and five years later wrote and directed the structurally similar “Syriana,” a complex and riveting, multi-tiered international thriller which delivered George Clooney his sole acting Academy Award. Since

2005 Gaghan’s output has been limited to a forgettable 2011 TV movie (“Metro”) and the doomed, DOA 2016 crime feature “Gold” starring Matthew McConaughey. One might think the transition from high-brow intrigue Oscar fare to adapting a virtually fool-proof, ages-old, multi-generational adventure would be a relative walk in the park. After all, Martin Scorsese did just that in 2011 with the “G” rated “Hugo” – arguably one of his greatest, most acclaimed efforts. It was nominated for 11 Oscars and won five, yet just barely made a modest profit. Any seasoned and informed performer or director will tell you adult drama is easy, comedy is harder and making a great non-animated family film the entire brood will love is next to impossible. Think about it. There’s “The Wizard of Oz,” “The Sound of Music,” “Homeward Bound,” “E.T.,” “Home Alone,” “Big,” and “My Dog Skip.” There are others of course; everyone has their favorite – but it’s still a very short, exclusive list and one on which “Dolittle” will never appear. With a $175 million budget, it will also likely become the biggest flop of 2020 as well. (Universal)

WWII narrative ‘The Song of Names’ swings and misses xHH of x stars By Michael Clark Movie Critic

Films exploring events of the Holocaust and its ripples arrive with almost as much frequency as those about World War II. Both related genres have enjoyed much success with both fictional and non-fictional narratives and, while far less frequent, some have been failures. Sadly, “The Song of Names” is one of those few well-intended misfires. Taking place between the early 1940s and the mid1980s, “The Song of Names” uses the always go-to storytelling crutch of flashback to bridge together the past and the present to concoct a mystery drama with almost nothing at stake. Writer Jeffrey Caine did this same sort of thing with “The Constant Gardener” from 2005 with far better results which might have been the big reason why French filmmaker Francois Girard (“Persepolis”) chose to get involved with the project. That, and violins. In 1999 Girard directed the criminally underrated “The Red Violin” – a fantasy period piece which follows the history of a cursed violin for centuries which had more mystery/thriller elements in its opening scene than “The Song of Names” does for its entire running time.

photo: sabrina lantos

Dovidl (played by Luke Doyle) in “The Song of Names.”

photo: sabrina lantos

Martin (played by Tim Roth) in “The Song of Names.” Even better was Girard’s “Thirty-Two Short Films about Glenn Gould,” a feature exploring the tortured soul of the mid 20th century avant-garde pianist title character. Portrayed by three actors each, Martin (Tim Roth) and Dovidl (Clive Owen) haven’t spoken in nearly three decades. During this long stretch, Martin has spent all of his free time trying to find Dovidl, a virtuoso violinist who mysteriously vanished before a muchpublicized concert which left Martin’s promoter father despondent and nearly penniless.

Martin’s quest is equal parts curiosity and to let Dovidl know the level of hardship his actions had on Martin’s upper-class English family who effectively adopted him when his Polish Jewish family could no longer care for him. At their first meeting, Martin, a competent pianist, was jealous of the attention paid to Dovidl, a wunderkind who regarded his own talents as superior yet lacked the drive to hone and improve his skills. Their relationship bears just the slightest resemblance to that of Mozart and Salieri in “Amadeus” – a care-free artistic genius

who runs circles around a far less talented man chasing unattainable greatness. After the awkward, mildly contentious breaking-in period, the two boys bond, or at least that’s what the filmmakers imply but so little time is devoted to these “middle years” the already plodding plot practically grinds to a halt. Add to this snag the fact that Owen doesn’t show up until well past the one hour mark and you have a story which shows no sign of ever delivering the goods. Keeping things mildly interesting with woefully underwritten roles is Catherine McCormack (“Braveheart,” “Dangerous Beauty”) as Martin’s long-suffering wife Helen and Magdalena Cielecka as Anna, Dovidl’s Polish ex-lover who still carries a smoldering torch for him. Both actresses are called on to smoke a lot, stare into the distance and question Martin

as to why he continues trying to locate someone who so obviously wishes not to be found. Both the good and bad news is the filmmakers eventually get around to introducing the adult Dovidl, who does indeed explain why he took a permanent powder and it is, to be kind, beyond anti-climactic. Solving a movie mystery isn’t in itself a guarantee of a cathartic experience. You can’t just reveal the big twist and assume the audience is going to be satisfied; it doesn’t work that way. You have to provide viewers with a payoff justifying their investment of time and emotion and on that level, “The Song of Names” is a huge letdown. The movie could be worthwhile to those who appreciate exemplary musical scores and in particular the efforts of composer Howard Shore.

A long-time collaborator of David Cronenberg, Shore won three Oscars for his work on the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy and his original pieces for solo violin and orchestra here match his best work. Unless the music is of paramount importance to you, there’s no reason to rush out and see “The Song of Names” and perhaps not even a priority watch when it becomes available on-demand. If you want to see two great movies on-line for the price one ticket at the theater, check out the previously mentioned “The Red Violin” and Roman Polanski’s multi-Oscar winning “The Pianist” starring Adrien Brody as a Polish musician trying to survive the German bombing of the Warsaw ghettos. Presented in English with infrequent subtitled Polish and Hebrew. (Sony Classics)

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