December 27, 2019 — Gwinnett Daily Post

Page 1 ♦ Friday, december 27, 2019 ♦ A3



Rescue teams search for survivors after avalanche hits Swiss ski resort At least two people were injured Thursday and several buried in snow when an avalanche hit a ski resort in the Swiss Alps. The avalanche started at approximately 10:50 a.m. local time and struck a slope at the SkiArena resort in Andermatt, Switzerland, police said. The slope runs from the Schneehüenerstock mountain peak to the Oberalp Pass. Andermatt is approximately 68 miles south of Zurich. Six people were rescued or freed themselves from the snow. Two people with minor injuries were flown to the Uri Cantonal Hospital, police said. Rescue teams are searching the area for more skiers who may have been on the slopes when the avalanche began.

Typhoon kills at least 16 in Philippines on Christmas Day A typhoon that lashed the central Philippines on Christmas Day has killed at least 16 people and caused damage to homes and tourist areas. Typhoon Phanfone, known locally as Typhoon Ursula, first made landfall on Eastern Samar province on Tuesday, bringing heavy rain and storm surges. It hit as the equivalent of a Category 1 hurricane, packing sustained wind speeds of 93 miles per hour, with gusts of 121 miles per hour. Phanfone continued to sweep west across the islands of the Eastern Visayas region, southern Luzon and Western Visayas on Wednesday, toppling electricity pylons and trees, tearing off roofs, damaging homes and causing widespread travel disruption over the busy Christmas period. The region is majority Catholic and many people were preparing for family celebrations when the typhoon hit. Images from the area showed debris blocking roads, downed lamp posts, crumpled houses and people huddling in evacuation centers.

Russian opposition leader says staffer ‘kidnapped’ and sent to Arctic base Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny has said one of his employees was “kidnapped” from his Moscow apartment and sent to a remote Arctic military base, amid a year-end crackdown ahead of Russian holidays. Navalny, President Vladimir Putin’s most vocal opponent, said Ruslan Shaveddinov, a staffer at his Anti-Corruption Foundation, was taken to Novaya Zemlya island in the Arctic Ocean, “in less than a day.” The Russian military accuses Shaveddinov of dodging the draft. Russia maintains a military conscription system that requires young men to perform a year of mandatory military service, with a number of exceptions. “I don’t know what our Ruslan Shaveddinov did to annoy the authorities this much but it seems that Putin personally came up with a plan to isolate him,” Navalny wrote in a blog post Tuesday. —From wire reports

Christmas passes with no ‘gift’ from North Korea, but US officials still watching closely By Barbara Starr Cnn Pentagon Correspondent

Now that the Christmas holiday has passed without a ”gift” from the North Korean regime, U.S. officials are puzzled why Kim Jong Un chose not to conduct a weapons test so far. The Trump administration had widely interpreted the North Korean promise of a “Christmas gift” to mean a weapons test, especially as intelligence indicators grew. Officials remain watchful in the days following the holiday. Although a source familiar with North Korean thinking told CNN it was unlikely the regime would conduct a provocative test, U.S. officials had widely expected some sort of test over the Christmas holiday, based on intelligence reports that some weapons components had moved. U.S. officials broadly consider the window for a test to still be open through Kim’s birthday in early January. “Maybe it’s a nice present,” President Donald Trump joked Tuesday at Mar-a-Lago when asked how he’d respond if Pyongyang fired a missile over the holidays. “Maybe it’s present where he sends me a beautiful vase as opposed

getty images

Now that the Christmas holiday has passed without a “gift” from the North Korean regime, U.S. officials are puzzled why Kim Jong Un chose not to conduct a weapons test so far. to a missile test. ... You don’t know. You never know.” The administration has preapproved a series of military show-of-force options that could be quickly executed if North Korea were to engage in a provocative missile launch or some type of test of weapons components, according to a U.S. official. Those options could

include everything from flights of bomber aircraft over the Korean Peninsula to quickly called military drills of ground weapons. It is not known, however, what the threshold of North Korean action would be to generate a U.S. response. North Korea has fired several short-range missiles in recent months without

Study: People using illicit opioids face higher risk of death from certain causes


Amazon has its best holiday season ever Amazon said this holiday season was another recordsetter. The overall retail sector had a big year too, signaling that the decade-long economic expansion in the United States still has some legs left in it. Buoyed by sales of tens of millions of its own gadgets, Amazon said its top-sellers this holiday season included the Echo Dot, Fire TV Stick and Echo Show 5. The Alexaenabled devices have been huge hits for Amazon in the past several years, helping the company capture the largest share of the voice assistant market. People bought stuff Amazon didn’t make, too. Thirdparties sold way more products on Amazon this year than they did last year. Although Amazon is notoriously and, for investors, annoyingly coy about specific sales data, the company said third-party product sales increased by a double digit percentage over last year, surpassing one billion items sold. Among the most popular were LOL Surprise Glitter Globe Doll Winter Disco Series with Glitter Hair, iRobot’s Roomba 675 vacuum and, of course, the perennially popular Instant Pot Duo 80 pressure cooker. Well, those were the most popular items for humans. Dogs enjoyed SmartSticks peanut butter chews, and cats were particularly into Temptations Classic cat treats this holiday season.

‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’ made $176M domestic in first week Moviegoers showed up in droves for the latest “Star Wars” movie. Fans watching the movie on Christmas Day put “The Rise of Skywalker” over the half-billion-dollar mark at

any U.S. military response. A key indication of how strong a message the U.S. wants to send would be how close the U.S. will put any of its forces to the demilitarized zone. The U.S. official strongly emphasized the current plan is for it to be a show of force only, with no direct U.S. military action against North Korea.

Johannes eisele/aFp/getty images

Amazon said this holiday season was another record-setter. The overall retail sector had a big year too, signaling that the decade-long economic expansion in the United States still has some legs left in it. the box office. Disney said Thursday that latest ”Star Wars” sequel brought in $32 million in the United States on Wednesday, the biggest Christmas Day for a any movie since “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” was released before the holiday in 2015. The total worldwide earnings for “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” climbed to more than $500 million. “The Rise of Skywalker,” the ninth film in the core Star Wars anthology, opened to mixed reviews on Dec. 20, and earned $176 million in North America its first weekend. That would be a strong showing for any other film, but it was less than what the previous two Star Wars films brought in.

Trump warns Syria and its Russian, Iranian allies against ‘carnage’ President Donald Trump on Thursday warned the Syrian regime and its allies against killing “thousands” of innocent civilians in the Idlib province. “Don’t do it!” he wrote in a typo-riddled tweet, accusing Russia and Iran along with the Syrian government led by Bashar al-Assad of “killing, or on their way to kill-

ing” the civilians. He later corrected misspellings in a subsequent tweet. Trump said Turkey was working to stop the “carnage,” which has forced at least 100,000 people from their homes in the northwestern province. Dozens of people have been killed by a wave of bombardment in the area, according to the White Helmets, a local volunteer search and rescue group. Assad’s army, with support from Russian air power, has stepped up its attacks on Idlib, the country’s last major opposition bastion and home to more than 3 million Syrians. The government has said that it is targeting terrorists in Idlib. But if the violence continues, hundreds of thousands of civilians could be displaced in the coming weeks, international aid organizations warn. Turkey, an ally of Russia’s which Trump praised in his tweet as attempting to curb the offensive, has so far not been able to end the violence. Instead, the country’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who Trump has fostered close ties with, has said his country would be unable to accommodate additional refugees fleeing the misery.

People using illicit opioids are not only at an increased risk of a drug-related death, but a new study finds they have an elevated risk of dying from noncommunicable diseases, infectious diseases, suicide and unintentional injuries. Among people who used opioids outside of a prescription, suicide deaths occurred at almost eight times the expected rate and unintentional injuries at seven times the expected rate, according to the study, published Thursday in the medical journal JAMA Psychiatry. Death from interpersonal violence was relatively infrequent but occurred at more than nine times the expected rate, according to the study. “People might be surprised that although overdose was the most common cause of death, it’s far from the only cause of death that people using opioids outside a prescription experience at excessive rates,” said Sarah Larney, lead author of the study and a senior research fellow at the University of New South Wales’ National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre in Australia. “Smoking-related illnesses such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases are common. Trauma is another major factor. People are exposed to car accidents, assaults and other causes of injuries at greater than usual rates, and suicide is also much more common than in the broader population,” she said. “It’s really clear that although overdose prevention is critical, we also need to look at the range of poor outcomes that people are experiencing, and work to reduce other causes of excess mortality such as suicide, chronic diseases and infectious diseases.” —From wire reports


Christian magazine editor quits after after pro-Trump editorial A former editor for The Christian Post said Thursday he had “no other choice” but to resign from his job after the Christian news website issued a strong editorial supporting President Donald Trump. “When I was told this would be the position of the paper, of the news site, I said that’s not something I can support,” Napp Nazworth, who announced on Monday that he had resigned from The Christian Post, told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day.” Nazworth’s resignation came amid a heated debate among evangelicals about Trump, who enjoys overwhelming support from the community despite his controversial public behavior and comments. The controversy began last week, when a rival publication, Christianity Today, published an op-ed that called Trump morally unfit for office and called for his removal. In response, The Christian Post denounced the article, insisting that Trump’s support among evangelicals remains strong and slamming the impeachment process — arguing that a “government of elites” has compromised constitutional due process.

Kylie Jenner slammed for gifting daughter diamond ring Who needs toys for Christmas when you can have diamonds? That’s exactly what Kylie Jenner did when she gifted her 1-year-old daughter Stormi a diamond ring for Christmas. Jenner posted a short video of her daughter wearing the bling on her Instagram stories, but it has since been deleted. But the celebrity news outlet The Shade Room managed to get a screen grab of the extravagant gift. Immediately following the post, Jenner received criticism on social media for the over-the-top present. One person on Twitter wrote it was ridiculous, adding “I know people work for their money, but that money could have gone to putting food in someone’s body, paying for medical bills, or planting trees.”

Martin Scorsese’s daughter pulls Christmas prank on acclaimed filmmaker Martin Scorsese just can’t seem be let off the hook for his controversial evaluation of Marvel films as his daughter threw a bit of lighthearted shade toward her father on Christmas Day. Francesca Scorsese posted a photo on her Instagram story of presents wrapped in Marvel-themed paper with the caption, “Look at what I’m wrapping my Dad’s Xmas gifts in.” The legendary director caused quite a stir in October when he said Marvel movies are “not cinema,” arguing that huge comic-book franchises are more themepark attractions than an attempt to convey “emotional, psychological experiences.” Either way, the younger Scorsese couldn’t resist giving her iconic filmmaker father a hard time this holiday season. —From wire reports

World’s ‘coolest’ Lego set sees scientists freeze blocks to lowest possible degree By Allen Kim CNN

If you thought that Legos were the coolest toys on the planet while you were growing up, it turns out that you were right. Scientists at Lancaster University in England conducted an experiment in which they froze several Lego blocks to the lowest possible temperature, and what they discovered could be useful in the development of quantum computing.

MUST READ Led by Dr. Dmitry Zmeev, the scientists used a custommade dilution refrigerator, which the university says is the most effective refrigerator in the world. The dilution refrigerator at Lancaster University can reach 1.6 millidegrees above absolute zero, or minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit. That is 200,000 times colder than room temperature and 2,000 times colder than deep space, according

to the university. The team of scientists placed a Lego figure along with four Lego blocks inside the dilution refrigerator to see if Legos could be a good thermal insulator. “We were trying to find a material that would be a thermal insulator at extremely low temperatures, yet would be relatively strong,” Zmeev told CNN. “The Lego blocks looked like good candidates: the contact area between two blocks

clamped together is very small, which prompts poor thermal conduction, yet the resulting structure is very robust. And indeed, our measurements confirmed this.” Legos are made from ABS plastic, or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene. The plastic is known for its strength and durability. Among its other common uses are keys for computer keyboards. Thermal insulation is critical to cryogenic engineering and low-temperature physics,

but the materials for these applications are extremely expensive and are difficult to mold. The very instrument the experiment was conducted with could benefit from its results. By allowing for a potentially more cost-effective solution to producing dilution refrigerators, using ABS as a thermal insulator in those refrigerators could aid in the development of quantum computing. “Very low temperatures

provided by the dilution refrigerator are necessary for the operation of existing quantum computers, such as Google’s, to cool down their qubits,” Zmeev said. A qubit is the basic unit of quantum information in quantum computing. “While it’s unlikely that Lego blocks per se will be used as a part of a quantum computer, we’ve found the right direction for creating cheap thermal insulators: 3D printing,” Zmeev said.

A4 ♦ Friday, december 27, 2019 ♦ COLUMNIST I KEITH ROACH


Vaccines don’t always mix with compromised immune systems


EAR DR. ROACH: Your recent column on the shingles vaccine did not address those of us with compromised immune systems. I take Enbrel and could not take the original shingles vaccine. What is the protocol as of now with the new vaccine? — C.H. ANSWER: Unfortunately, there is still no consensus on giving the shinRoach gles vaccine to people with compromised immune systems. Most experts will give the new subunit vaccine Shingrix — it does not contain live virus — to people whose immune systems are only mildly affected, such as people taking low-dose prednisone, say less than 20 mg/ day, or low doses of other immune system suppressing drugs like methotrexate or azathioprine. For people with more significant immunosuppressive therapy, like the Embrel you are taking, or for people with a history of leukemia, lymphoma or stem cell or organ transplant, I can’t make a recommendation. If possible, the vaccine should be given prior to starting therapy. Unfortunately, that doesn’t help the many people like you, deciding what to do while on immunosuppression. There just aren’t enough data yet to show both effectiveness and safety of the vaccine. Most of the evidence points toward safety, but the temporary increase in immune response due to the components of the vaccine could, in theory, make some conditions worse, such as rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis. For that reason, individuals need to discuss their particular case with their own doctors as we await the results of studies. DEAR DR. ROACH: At what age does a Pap smear become unnecessary? I’m 71, and my doctors have not done this for a few years now. What exactly is the purpose of this procedure? — C.S. ANSWER: The Papanicolaou smear is a screening test for cervical cancer. It is recommended for all women age 21 to 65. If a woman 65 or older has never had a Pap smear, she should have one; however, women with regular screening who have been negative may safely discontinue screening at age 65, even if they remain sexually active. Women who have a history of cervical cancer need to be screened for life, even after surgical removal of the cervix. However, women who have had their cervix removed for a non-cancer reason, such as fibroids of the uterus, no longer need cervical cancer screening. I feel that women over 65 should continue to have routine gynecological care; however, the Pap smear itself is no longer necessary since cervical cancer is very rare over the age of 65 in women who have had regular screening with normal results throughout their life. The Pap smear has not been replaced, but rather augmented by newer testing for HPV, the virus that is the underlying cause of cervical cancer. Women may choose to be screened with Pap smears every three years, or for women between 30 and 65, with HPV screening every five years. The rates of cervical cancer have been decreasing for decades due to screening, as women can be treated before abnormalities can progress to cancer. Moreover, the HPV vaccine for cervical cancer has already made an impact on the incidence of cervical cancer and its precursors in young women, with drops of nearly 30% in the U.S. following release of the vaccine.














67 50

63 58


61 50

56 37

54 38

the solunar tables for lakes are based on studies that show fish and game are more active at certain times during the lunar period.

Lake Full Yesterday allatoona ............(840.0) .... 825.58 blackshear ......... (237.0) .... 236.68 MAJOR blue ridge........(1690.0) ...1671.32 1:33-3:33 a.m.........................2-4 p.m. burton..............(1865.0) .. 1858.67 MINOR 8:49-9:49 a.m............... 7:11-8:11 p.m. carters .............(1072.0) ... 1071.71 chatuge ........... (1927.0) ...1918.23 Harding .............. (521.0) .....519.82 POLLEN COUNTS trees: low Hartwell .............(660.0) .... 656.43 weeds: low Jackson..............(530.0) .... 529.03 grass: none


55 48

50 42


SOLUNAR TABLES the gwinnett daily post (Upsp 921-980, issn 1086-0096) is published wednesday, Friday and sunday by scni, 725 old norcross road, lawrenceville, ga 30045. periodical postage paid at lawrenceville, ga 30044. postmaster: send address changes to gwinnett daily post, p.o. box 603, lawrenceville, ga 30046-0603.


Lake Full Yesterday lanier............... (1071.0) .. 1068.55 nottely..............(1779.0) ...1762.29 oconee ..............(435.0) .... 434.90 seminole...............(77.5) .......77.42 sinclair ...............(339.8) .... 338.92 thurmond ..........(330.0) .....327.38 tugalo ................ (891.5) .... 888.62 walter F. george.(188.0) .... 188.75 west point..........(635.0) .....631.97


Thursday cash 3 midday: 2-2-7 cash 4 midday: 5-6-0-1 ga. 5 midday: 4-5-1-6-0 Wednesday cash 3 midday: 1-8-8 cash 3 evening: 9-1-0 cash 3 night: 8-4-0 cash 4 midday: 7-3-9-6 cash 4 evening: 7-1-8-3 cash 4 night: 8-3-4-4 ga. 5 midday: 4-6-1-4-1 ga. 5 evening: 7-9-7-5-9 Fantasy 5: 3-6-16-36-41 powerball: 2-4-16-30-46, powerball: 20, power play: 2x cash For life: 5-7-15-24-37, cash ball: 1

TODAY’S HISTORY: in 1831, the Hms beagle, with naturalist charles darwin aboard, set sail from great britain. in 1932, radio city music Hall opened in new york city. in 2002, north Korea announced it would resume developing nuclear-grade plutonium and ordered international atomic energy agency inspectors to leave the country. in 2007, former pakistani prime minister benazir bhutto was assassinated after a campaign rally in rawalpindi. TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS: Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), astronomer; louis pasteur (1822-1895), biologist/chemist; marlene dietrich (1901-1992), actress/ singer; John amos (1939- ), actor; cokie roberts (1943-2019), journalist; gerard depardieu (1948- ), actor; bill self (1962- ),

basketball coach; sarah Vowell (1969- ), social commentator; masi oka (1974- ), actor; emilie de ravin (1981- ), actress. TODAY’S FACT: more than 75 percent of France’s electricity is nuclear-generated. TODAY’S SPORTS: in 1892, biddle college (later named Johnson c. smith University) defeated livingstone college in the first football game between historically black colleges. TODAY’S QUOTE: “except for the people who were there that one day they discovered the polio vaccine, being part of history is rarely a good idea.” -- sarah Vowell, “assassination Vacation” TODAY’S NUMBER: 3,300 -approximate number of people buried at westminster abbey, many of them in unmarked graves. charles darwin is among the famous scientists buried there.


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New mom is done with unsolicited advice


EAR AMY: I am a first-time mom with a 10-month-old daughter. Beginning in my pregnancy, I discovered that anyone and everyone loves to give unsolicited advice about how to care for and raise my child. I understand that people are well-intentioned and want to save me from some unsavory experience, so I try to accept their tips graciously and say thank you. However, this is beginning to grate on my nerves. I don’t always agree with the advice, and I am also just trying to navigate motherhood like everyone else, as my husband and I decide what is best for our family. The worst offenders are: co-workers I barely know, my best friend who seems to think that her one extra year of parenting makes her an expert, and my mother-in-law, who passes on advice that is either contrary to our pediatrician’s recommendations or comes from her friend’s daughter (who I have never met). How should I continue to deal with so much unsolicited advice? Can you please ask your readers to stop acting like they know how every new mom should care for their children? — New-ish Mom DEAR MOM: Well, through the magic of this column, you have asked people to back off

so ... problem solved! Except, it isn’t solved. One way to head off unsolicited advice is not to Dickinson share personal details with people who are likely to offer it. For instance, your child is teething. Unless your co-workers or mother-in-law personally witness a teething crisis, they will only know that you have been up half the night with a fussy baby if you tell them. So given this behavior and the way it affects you, maybe you should be more circumspect. You could also communicate — respectfully and candidly — about her behavior: “I realize that you are trying to be helpful, but we’re receiving a lot of conflicting advice. Please understand that we are proud of how we are figuring things out. We’ll definitely ask you if we need help, but otherwise I hope you’ll just enjoy your grandchild and not worry too much about choices we are making.” Be equally honest with your best friend: “I know you have more experience here, but all of the unsolicited advice is driving me crazy. I’ll definitely ask you if I believe I need help.” This is a perennial frustration for many parents.

You will have to accept that many people simply can’t stop themselves. They may have been helped by advice they received and are trying to pass along some wisdom. Your job as a parent is to use your own best judgment, and that includes occasionally accepting outside information. DEAR AMY: During the winter, it is very dark during my commute in both the morning and the evening. I am grateful that joggers and cyclists generally protect themselves with reflective strips on their clothing or gear, but for some reason, dog walkers are much less careful. Amy, please remind your fellow dog lovers to take precautions when they are out and about in the dark. — Concerned DEAR CONCERNED: I am running your letter as a PSA, inspired in part by a near-miss I had last night, as a hard-working UPS delivery man dashed across the road to deliver a package. Yikes! Both his brown uniform and brown van completely disappeared into the nighttime void. In northern states, this is the deepest, darkest time of year. Everyone walking along a roadway should wear reflective strips and/or carry a flashlight. DEAR AMY: I’m responding to the letter from “Upset Friend,” whose drunken male friend grabbed her crotch.

You are feeding into the national ridiculousness of suing someone over every single infraction. The grabbing of the women’s crotch can be handled personally, without a lawyer. It seems you are becoming one of those who can’t use their own power to settle things without resorting to a court to decide. The woman has her own power and her own voice. Her crotch being grabbed isn’t going to ruin her whole life. She can get over that and handle her friend herself. The courts are now being overloaded with such petty infractions because everybody is offended by something and you added to the ridiculousness of it. I believe you did this woman wrong by taking away her power. — Disappointed DEAR DISAPPOINTED: Maybe you were too enraged to read my response to this question, where I encouraged “Upset” to start by communicating with the friend who did this. Yes, legal action is an option, as I pointed out. You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: ASKAMY@ Readers may send postal mail to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or “like” her on Facebook.

Do what you can and do your best, but not at the expense of damaging your health. Study your options and make practical choices. Look at change as a way to make progress, not as an obstruction. If you look for the positive in everything, the outcome will be rewarding. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19) — Put everything on the back burner and spend a quiet day at home. It will get you thinking about some of the domestic improvements you want to make next year. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You have plenty to consider regarding loved ones, and taking into account what’s best for everyone you live with is an excellent place to start. Romance is featured. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — Get together with someone you haven’t seen for some time. The information you are offered will give you something to consider concerning work, money and prospects. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Reevaluate your motives, goals and concerns. Discuss a reasonable plan with someone close to you to ensure that you are both on the same page. Romance will help you coordinate your objectives. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Enjoy reminiscing with friends and making plans for the upcoming year. The talks you have will lead to great ideas, exciting partnerships and a general clearing of the air. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Discussions about what you want to do next year will prompt short-term maneuvers to accommodate your plans. Romance is featured. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Focus on the unique, the positive and the people who are willing to help you bring about change. A partnership will develop into something unexpected. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Put your heart on the line and find out where you stand. Ask questions, but don’t let anger take charge. Pay attention to detail when it comes to love and romance. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Make time for friends and family. Socializing will lead to information that will help you make decisions regarding where and how you live. Pay attention to the facts, not to assumptions or assertions. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Take care of business. If you leave jobs for others to take care of, you will encounter opposition. A promise someone made isn’t likely to be honored. Personal growth should be a priority. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Taking on too much may be your thing, but be careful not to neglect your health and well-being. Practice moderation in all that you do. A job change looks promising. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23Dec. 21) — Take the time to accommodate someone who doesn’t get out much. A kind gesture will be appreciated, and a special reward will leave you speechless. Romance is on the rise.

Sign up to get Gwinnett Daily Post breaking news alerts and daily newsletters at ♦ Friday, december 27, 2019 ♦ A5


Gwinnett Daily Post

Todd Cline,

Editor and SCNI Vice President of Content



A loyal Dawg in New York City

EW YORK — There are more for us is 3:30 p.m.” people housed in one block The place is so packed, it is in this electrifying and like Neyland Stadium. Get up buzzworthy city than there is in and go to the bathroom, you lose Milner, Ga., population 610 acyour seat. American Whiskey is cording to the last census. Milner a Bulldog haven exclusively. No is where Robbie York grew up. banner waves in the place except He seldom heard a siren in Red and Black. Malcolm MitchSmith Milner, but one may sound forth ell has conducted a book signing all hours of the day or night when at American Whiskey. It was the he takes respite in his East Side Apart- favorite watering hole for Tavares King ment — most likely after a long day at when he was playing for the New York the American Whiskey Bar and Restau- Giants. Jordan Jenkins and John Jenrant where he and three partners run kins, other Giants who matriculated in a Lower Manhattan oasis that attracts Athens, often stop by. UGA graduates, aficionados and acIf you are a Bulldog you are welcome, quired friends, magnet-like, especially but there are many who are not but, in the fall. nonetheless, are captivated by the AmerLittle more than a stone’s throw from ican-Whiskey-UGA “esprit de corps” this Bulldog oriented landmark is Mad- which has become part of the fabric of ison Square Garden. Many sports fans the place. They like to hear the Georgia leave a Garden contest to frequent Rob- fight songs which are played pre-game bie’s place to sample one of the 375 on fall Saturdays. They are affectionately whiskeys available for American Whis- bemused by the commitment to the “G.” key patrons. It is not uncommon to find a hunIf you want beer or wine, Robbie’s dred people standing in line, awaiting group has that too. Hamburger? Got admission on a Saturday afternoon. By you covered. Beef brisket? Got that, too. the end of a Georgia game, more than And lamb lollipops with grape pepper 700 people will have found their way glaze and crushed pine nuts. inside for some duration. The unspoken theme is to come early Robbie, the rabid Dawg, has an inand stay late. Uber home and ya’ll come teresting story to tell. In laid back and back, you heah! While Robbie is not giv- uncomplicated Milner, traffic congesen solely to the down-home vernacular tion comes about only when a four-row that he experienced growing up in La- cotton-picker rumbles down Highway mar County, he smiles approvingly at 41 to Barnesville. He grew up dining at every reference to his home state and the “White House Restaurant,” a catfish the Southern way of life. You see, he re- emporium, following the Bulldogs and mains deeply attached to the traditions playing football for the Griffin Grizzly and mores of his native South. Show up Bears—not to be confused with those you at his address with a Southern accent see on network television. His next stop and you’ll get the undivided attention was Athens where he earned a degree of the wait staff. in public relations at the Henry Grady A lot of his customers beholding to College of Journalism. landscapes far from the American South, Robbie grew up singing in his church enjoy the ambience and informality of choir, gaining notoriety among locals this bar. That would include Sheppard including Dan Strickland who had a Smith, the Fox news anchor, who be- well-connected friend in “the City,” a came a regular and a friend. If you are man named Jack F. Lee, who “knew evimbued with an affinity for sports, you erybody in show business.” He became can’t beat American Whiskey which Robbie’s advocate and friend. A funny showcases whatever is live in the sports thing happened on the way to Broadworld, coming to you from a TV always way for Robbie. To survive in Manhatwithin arms-length. There are 37 of them tan, he tended bar at the “Village Pour with which to make eye-contact while House” in Greenwich Village. you enjoy your evening. Georgia aficionados took to hanging If you think Saturday is big between out there and watching Bulldog games the hedges and the abundant tailgating which inspired Robbie and his associates grounds around Sanford Stadium, you to start their own bar and restaurant. ought to show up here in the fall when That is the rest of the story, but Robbie Georgia is hosting a Southeastern Con- still takes singing lessons. Recently, he ference opponent on television. When recorded a duet with Chita Rivera. We it comes to unabashed screaming for may still see him on Broadway someday. those in silver britches, you may find A given is that, on occasion, he can more over-the-top enthusiasm for the be found between the hedges in Athens Dawgs at 247 West 30th Street than in the fall. The rest of the time he will anywhere. be calling the Dawgs to 247 W. 30th St. “That CBS kickoff is perfect for us,” Robbie says. “Noon kickoffs are a killer. Loran Smith is co-host of “The Tailgate Nobody gets up in New York on SaturShow” and sideline announcer for day until lunch or later. Night kickoffs University of Georgia football. He is also a we love, but the magical kickoff time freelance writer and columnist.





The legend of the family dinner

HICAGO — For many, this postdoctoral fellow in the departweek has been chock-full of ment of sociology at Harvard, found family dinners, making it that living apart from a biological a perfect time to talk about why parent doesn’t carry the same lifethey’re great for bringing people quality penalty for black kids as for together — but not a silver bullet their white peers. And, similarly, for ensuring children’s academic being raised in a two-parent famsuccess. ily is not equally beneficial. Cepeda Family dinners are the stuff of Cross contradicted previous anallegend. Throughout history, countyses by using more than 30 years less brilliant minds have credited their of national data from the Panel Study of enhanced intellectual development to Income Dynamics to demonstrate that the act of sitting down for dinner with family structure has a weaker relationparents, siblings and extended family. ship to the educational success of black As these stories go, gathering for a adolescents than of white adolescents. communal meal allowed the successful “I show that living in a single-mother person to learn about everything from family does not decrease the chances of household happenings and their parents’ on-time high school completion as sigwork concerns to the political issues of the nificantly for black youths as for white day. More importantly, it allowed them youths,” Cross wrote in a recent New to eventually take part in lively back-and- York Times op-ed. “Conversely, living in forth of discussions, during which posi- a two-parent family does not increase the tions needed to either be argued against chances of finishing high school as much or defended. for black students as for their white peers.” In 2017, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates The big factor at play in these instances told CNBC that when he was a young was access to socioeconomic resources, entrepreneur, he felt confident having such as a mother’s educational level and professional conversations with older generational wealth or business connecbusiness people because he’d grown tions. Cross noted that, “although in genup hearing his parents articulate their eral, youths raised in two-parent famithoughts and ideas at the dinner table. lies are less likely to live in poverty, black “I think family traditions that get you to youths raised by both biological parents come together and talk about what you’re are still three times more likely to live up to — going on trips together, always in poverty than are their white peers. sitting at dinner and sharing thoughts — Additionally, black two-parent families really made a huge difference,” Gates said. have half the wealth of white two-parent Basically, unless a family has some families.” sort of serious dysfunction — alcoholism, So even though family dinners have been drug dependence and mental illness can pushed as a surefire way to improve lifemake for some horribly painful family long educational and earning outcomes, meals — you can hardly go wrong with research going back to 2012 has bucked insisting that your crew gather to share that notion by finding no causal relationsome food and talk. ship between family meal frequency and But, like so many other pieces of educa- a child’s success. tional advice that seem like a slam-dunk This isn’t, of course, to say that twoto people with means, family dinners are parent and other families who are able neither a magical cure to what ails mod- to come together for a meal at least once ern public education nor an adequate a day aren’t an ideal worth striving for. counter to families’ economic struggles. But even as some tsk-tsk about “today’s To start, though the majority (almost young people” or “unwed mothers,” it’s 71%) of children under 18 live in two- important to note that low-income chilparent households, nearly 30% live ei- dren’s academic performance isn’t a matther with one parent or with no parents ter of culture or character. at all. It’s hard for kids to hear the inIf we want families to have two parterplay between two adults engaging in ents, we must make it possible for them mature conversations about the world to thrive. And If we want families to eat when there’s only one caregiver present together, we must first ensure that the who’s probably just doing the best they most vulnerable among us actually have can to get dinner on the table. food to put on the table. And about those two-parent homes — they aren’t the be-all, end-all of what Esther Cepeda’s email address is makes for successful children, either. or follow her New research from Christina Cross, a on Twitter @estherjcepeda.

Socialism’s cyclical appeal

ike swallows returning to Capistrano, socialism makes an appearance on a regular cycle. The current presidential campaign features self-confessed socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who doesn’t self-describe as a socialist, but whose policies closely resemble those of Sanders. Sanders has the luxury of condemning millionaires and billionaires from his comfortable life as a multi-millionaire. As Forbes magazine has reported, “Sanders ... has amassed an estimated $2.5 million fortune from real estate, investments, government pensions — and earnings from three books.” Sanders is also quoted, “I wrote a bestselling book. If you write a bestselling book, you can be a millionaire, too.” Sanders appears to favor capitalism for himself, but he’s against it for everyone else. Socialism is a false doctrine. It sells itself to new generations who know little about it. They promote it by promising “free stuff,” along with envy of the successful.

Why does socialism continue to kind of poverty, a permanent sense have appeal in America? Part of the of downtroddenness. They washed reason is adherents claim it is fairaway hope.” er than capitalism. It isn’t fair, soIn another example of the private cialists say, that some people make economy working better than one more money than others. centered in Washington, she notes Socialism and its twin sister liberthat 50 years ago, “McDonald’s emalism have always been about feelployed more young men than the Thomas ings, rather than outcome. That so U.S. Army.” That company, along many liberal programs have failed with others like Starbucks not only to achieve stated objectives does not mat- need more employees, they offer advanceter to the left. Apparently, it is intent, not ment to management positions and in some success, that counts. When liberals or so- cases free college tuition. These are far betcialists fail, they simply go on to new errors. ter paths to success and independence than Amity Shlaes has written a new book government programs, which often sustain about socialism’s appeal and how on sev- people in their poverty — and thus make eral occasions we have come close to em- them more dependent on government and bracing it. It’s called “Great Society: A politicians who want their votes. New History.” President Lyndon JohnJust as New Deal programs exceeded son promised to end poverty in America, their usefulness after the Great Depression but Shlaes writes, “After the 1960s, offi- (but manage to enjoy a type of eternal life), cial poverty stabilized at 10 to 15 percent. so, too, have the Great Society programs. In fact, what the War on Poverty and the Why don’t people know this? “Nothing is new flood of benefits DID do was the op- new, it is just forgotten,” goes the adage. posite of prevent — they established a new Shlaes writes: “The public didn’t under-

stand that the freedom of markets was necessary to make companies like (General Electric) grow. America was, through its own social welfare measures, gradually heading toward socialism, and Americans didn’t even know it.” She adds, “Just as the 1960s forgot the failures of the 1930s, we today forget the failures of the 1960s. Part of the trouble is what schoolbooks and history books omit.” As with much of the media, bias is not only expressed in how and what is covered, but even more in what is omitted. Count on modern history textbooks to recall America’s “original sin,” slavery, a stain that can never be allowed to go away, rather than the much-improved lives and jobs experienced by contemporary African Americans. If neither Sanders nor Warren become president, that won’t mean socialism will have lost. There’s another generation not yet born that could likely be seduced by it. This year marks Cal Thomas’ 35th year as a syndicated columnist.

A6 ♦ Friday, december 27, 2019 ♦

GUESTS From A1 Margaritaville’s winter attraction, Snow Island, debuted just more than one year ago after the park announced its rebranding earlier that year. Senior Manager Jason Crawford, who has worked on the property for 21 years under multiple companies, said there was a more modest seasonal attraction under previous ownership. Margaritaville’s marketing is working to reach audiences outside of Gwinnett County. He said the company purchased eight to 10 billboards and advertises through multiple media outlets. “More than likely, it’s probably one of those advertisements that brought (Beachy) and his kids out here,” Crawford said. Bucky Perry, the Executive Vice President of Margaritaville, said the company had beefed up its marketing budget to close to $500,000 during November, December and January to increase its exposure in metro-Atlanta and the surrounding counties. During the summer, Perry said Lake Lanier naturally attracts guests and and a lot of boaters. During the winter, Margaritaville is trying to spread awareness for its attractions, beyond Magical Nights of Lights. “More than anything, what we’re trying to do in the next couple years is awareness,” Perry said. “People don’t know we’re here, and when they do know, they assume we’re just a summer attraction. A lot of people don’t know we have winter concepts.” Perry said, more than anything, consumers said they wanted fast slides and snow play areas. For the park to compete with local competitors, the slide had to be extended and modify the presentation of other attractions, like making a real ice rink.

316 From A1 That project is in the preliminary engineering phase. “From basically Hi Hope to 29, those will all be interchanges, or overpasses or rerouted to frontage roads, and then Gwinnett County is doing Harbins Road,” Georgia DOT Commissioner Russell

In its second year, Snow Island is trying to more efficiently utilize the space the waterpark provides. Take Parrot Mountain as an example. The first edition of the slide last year was shorter — about 350 feet — with fewer lanes. This year, the slide towers over everything in the park on top of a renovated hill that was still being sculpted this time last year. It’s allowed for the park to add a wider family lane this year where multiple tubers can slide down the mountain at once. “It gives us more room to do things down in the park, rather than having a gigantic slide down there,” Crawford said “This separates it, and we’ve kind of made a permanent thing so we can do different things here in the summer.” In two years, Margaritaville park planners have tried to make creative use of the staff photos: taylor denman park. At Lanier Islands’ previous attraction, there were Guests who ride Parrot Mountain at Margaritaville’s winter attraction, License to Chill Snow Island, can now use the widened a few small play areas and family lane to slide down with multiple tubes at once. a “carpet” surface slide, not dozens of snow machines. While the attractions have gotten more substantial, there are still areas of the park that are mostly unused. Perry said the company is exploring ways to utilize those extra spaces and make some year-round attractions at the park. “We’re exploring options to utilize rides that could have the potential to be used year-round, whether that be during the summer and it being a winter slide during the winter … we’ve even looked into a possible roller coaster,” Perry said. “Our thought process is to grow. We have plenty of property for the summer as well as winter, so we’re trying to be very strategic to allow for it to be successful in the summer and the winter.” Snow Island is open every day through Jan. 5. It will be open weekends only from then through Feb. 23. The wave pool at Margaritaville at Lanier Islands is turned into a snow play area during winter months. McMurry told the Daily Post last month. “That will get everything out to Harbins Road.” The county’s end of the latest agreement to design the additional interchanges will be funded by the 2017 special purpose local option sales tax. “Voter approval of SPLOST and a strong working relationship with GDOT allow us to make our roadways safer,” Commissioner Tommy Hunter said. “Our long term goal is to

fully convert 316 to freeway standards to improve mobility and freight movement in Gwinnett County. Our continued working relationship with GDOT will allow us to leverage our SPLOST dollars to attain this goal.” GDOT is also working on converting the intersection of 316 and State Route 81 in Barrow County into an interchange. Construction on that project is already underway.


as Buford Middle School principal. Lindsey Allen comes to Buford High School from Bibb County to oversee the transition to its new Buford Highway facilities. Melanie Reed, Buford Middle School’s former principal, is now serving her first full school year as assistant superintendent. Downs was hired at Buford after the resignation of former Buford Superintendent Geye Hamby, who stepped down while tied up in a discrimination lawsuit in 2017. Following Hamby’s resignation, former Buford Assistant Superintendent Joy Davis was named interim superintendent. Downs is a former assistant superintendent at Cobb County Schools. Downs

served as principal at Pope High School for five years at a time when it was recognized as one of the top high schools in the nation by Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report. It also won two Georgia High School Athletics Director’s Cups during Downs’ tenure. Downs also held roles as principal at Lost Mountain Middle School, assistant principal at Wheeler and Sprayberry High Schools and Technology Integration Specialist for the Cobb County school district. Downs graduated from Johnson High School in Gainesville, after which he went on to obtain various degrees at the University of Georgia, the University of West Georgia and Lincoln Memorial University.

the interior of the home. Flames burned away part of the roof over the back of From A1 the house. The exact cause of the fire was undetermined at noon on Thursfor victims. Officials reported exten- day and was still under sive damage to the roof on investigation. Officials said police conthe back of the house and

tacted the residents via cellphone. The occupants are renting the home and were not at the scene when firefighters and police arrived. One person living in the home returned and spoke with the investigator at the scene.

From A1 strong ties with students, teachers, parents and the community,” Beard said at the time Downs was hired. When Downs took over at Buford late in the 2018-19 school year, leadership in the school district was almost completely new. Mark Graves is Buford Elementary School’s new principal, a class of roughly 350 students that comprises only kindergarten. Tara Prince, who formerly oversaw Buford Elementary, is the principal of Buford Academy. Kaleen Pulley is now principal of Buford Senior Academy and Teresa Hagelthorn is beginning her first full year


File photo

Crews from Rogers Bridge Co. Inc. construct a bridge at the intersection of State Route 316 and Collins Hill Road in Lawrenceville as cars pass underneath on the highway in this 2013 file photo. Similar work at new interchanges on 316 in eastern Gwinnett will take place over 227_GDP_ FRI_OBITS_OBITSv2 12/26/2019 4:50 PM Page 1 the next few years as several intersections are gradually converted to interchanges.


Sugarhill, GA

William Duck, Jr.

Patricia “Pat” Wages

William Guy Duck, Jr., age 73, of Braselton passed away Monday, December 23, 2019.

WAGES - Patricia Ann “Pat” Wages, age 76 of Sugar Hill, passed away on Tuesday, December 24, 2019. Funeral Services will be held at 2:00 PM on Saturday, December 28, 2019 in the Lawrenceville Chapel of Tim Stewart Funeral Home. Greg Smith will officiate. Burial will follow at Harmony Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery in Auburn. Pat was an LPN at Wellstar Douglasville. She is survived by her husband, Linton Wages of Sugar Hill; son & daughter-inlaw, Tim & Valerie Comp of Temple; siblings, Richard & Sara Zettlemoyer, Walter & Nancy Zettlemoyer, Doris & George F


Lewella Elliott Lewella Lee Elliott, age 87, of Braselton passed away Sunday, December 22, 2019.

Foster, Frank & Viola Zettlemoyer; father-in-law & mother-in-law, Chuck & Nellie Wages; brother-inlaw & sister-in-law, Philip & Tammy Wages, all of Auburn. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, The family will receive friends from 4:00 PM until 8:00 PM on Friday, December 27, 2019 at Tim Stewart Funeral Home, 300 Simonton Road SW, Lawrenceville, GA 30046. 770-962-3100. Please leave online condolences at

Dacula, GA

Edward L. Williams WILLIAMS, SR - Edward L. Williams, Sr., age 76 of Dacula, passed away on Sunday, December 22, 2019. The family will receive friends from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM on Sunday, December 29 at Tim Stewart Funeral Home in Lawrenceville, GA. The Funeral Service will be held at 1:00 PM on Monday, December 30, 2019 also at the Lawrenceville Chapel of Tim Stewart Funeral Home with Rev. Jamie Duncan officiating. Interment will follow at Westview Cemetery. Ed served his country in the United States Navy during the Vietnam War era. A graduate of Georgia Tech, he received both his

Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Electrical Engineering. He retired from Scientific Atlanta / ViaSat with over 50 years of service, and also served as an officer of the Gwinnett Historical Society for 20+ years. Ed was preceded in death by his son, Francis Moran Williams and parents, Col. and Mrs. George L. (Mariam) Williams. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Rachel “Toni” Williams, and children, Rebecca (David) Ballard, Chrissy (Jamie) Duncan, Patricia (Jeremy) Robinson, and Edward Williams, Jr. He is also survived by his sister, Sharon Magruder, and his grandchildren: Laura, Leah, Anna Beth, Sarah, Brooke, Zac, and Eli. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that

donations be made to the Gwinnett Historical Society, P.O. Box 261, Lawrenceville, GA 30046. Tim Stewart Funeral Home is located at 300 Simonton Rd, S.W., Lawrenceville, GA 30046. 770-9623100. Please leave online condolences at http://

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SECTION B ♦ FrIday, dECEmBEr 27, 2019

Longtime Dacula, North Gwinnett basketball coach Hall passes away By Will Hammock

Special Photo

Longtime Dacula and North Gwinnett girls basketball coach Phil Hall, left, stands with his wife, Diane, at a University of Georgia basketball game.

Phil Hall and his wife never had children of their own, at least not biologically. The longtime Gwinnett coach, who passed away suddenly Thursday afternoon while doing yard work at his Dacula home, had plenty of daughters through his profession, though. “Anybody who played for him became

his daughter,” said Jeanette Pierce, one of his former players at North Gwinnett. “He always looked after them after that.” Hall, a 1966 Dacula grad, was 71. He is survived by his wife Diane, a longtime elementary school teacher. He is known well for his decades as a successful basketball coach in his native Gwinnett, both at North and Dacula. He led the North girls program for more than 20 years before spending five years

before his retirement at Dacula, where he is a member of the high school’s hall of fame. He also is in North Gwinnett’s athletics hall of fame. At both schools, Hall was appreciated by his players for how much he cared about them off the basketball court. Pierce, who played for Hall her final two seasons at North, went on to coach See HALL, B2

LSU back’s injury looming large over Peach Bowl By Chris Stephens Staff Correspondent

ATLANTA — As No. 1 LSU prepares to take on No. 4 Oklahoma in Saturday’s ChickFil-A Peach Bowl, which is also a College Football Playoff semifinal, questions continue to loom about Tigers’ running back Clyde Edwards-Helaire. A hamstring injury has kept LSU’s leading running back out of practice and caused him to miss Thursday’s media day to receive treatment. “You have to take out the ‘wanna win at all costs’ thought,” said LSU head coach Ed Orgeron. “You have to put the player first. The way we do it is the trainers and doctors will tell him he’s ready. That’s not the final say so. I’m going to go to Clyde and say, ‘Hey, can you play?’ If he says yes, he’s going to play. If he says, ‘Coach, I don’t think I can go,’ he’s not going to play.” Obviously, Orgeron and quarterback Joe Burrow would love to have Edwards-Helaire in the backfield after he finished the year with 1,689 total yards and 17 touchdowns. However, should the All-SEC running back not be able to go, the Tigers will turn to backups Tyrion Davis-Price (270 yards, six touchdowns), John Emery Jr. (182 yards, three touchdowns) and Chris Curry (99 rushing yards) to fill the void. “The No. 1 thing I’m concerned with is ball security,” Orgeron said. “That is the key to this football game. We’re plus-eight in turnover ratio and they’re minus-seven, and we have to take advantage of that. I hope (Edwards-Helaire) will play. He’s going to try to play. I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

Beating Oklahoma While the week leading up to the game involves activities and a chance to rest, the bottom line is the trip to Atlanta is still a business trip for the Tigers and the focus remains on beating Oklahoma. For the Tigers’ defense, it all starts with limiting Sooners quarterback Jalen Hurts

and wide receiver Ceedee Lamb. “The last time we played a Big 12 offense (Sept. 7 vs. Texas), we over-contained and cage-rushed the whole game, but (Sam Ehlinger) threw for over 400 yards,” said LSU defensive end Rashard Lawrence. “So it’s that fine line as far as when we want to go after him and when we want to keep him bottled up. It’s going to be a big challenge.” The fact that it’s Hurts behind center for the Sooners makes the challenge that much tougher for LSU. The senior finished the year with 3,634 passing yards and 32 touchdowns, while also rushing for 1,255 yards and 18 touchdowns. Hurts is 2-0 against LSU in his career as an Alabama starter, but the Tigers have had success against him, limiting him to 21 of 43 for 290 yards and one touchdown in two games through the air. However, Hurts did do some damage on the ground, especially in his freshman season where he rushed 20 times for 114 yards and a touchdown. “It’s going to be almost pick your poison with him,” Lawrence said of Hurts. “He’s going to make plays. We can’t let him sit in the pocket throwing the ball around. We’re going to try to get to him a lot. He’s going to keep getting up, though. We have to limit explosive plays. It sounds easy, but they have so many explosive plays a game and that’s what gets them going.” One of those players that makes explosive plays is Lamb, who finished the year with 58 catches for 1,208 yards and 14 touchdowns. “Ceedee is a big-time receiver that provides speed at the receiver spot,” said LSU safety Grant Delpit. “(Oklahoma) has a large playbook and they like to get their playmakers the ball. They’re going to make their plays. We just have to make our plays. DBs are targeted a lot in games like this. The Big 12 likes to throw the ball a lot, so it could be good or bad for us.” See LSU, B2

Brett Davis - USA Today Sports

LSU running back Clyde Edwards-Helaire (22) celebrates after a victory against Georgia in the SEC championship game at Mercedes-Benz Stadium.

Special Photos: Dale Zanine

Jabiri Smith’s scoring numbers may be slightly down from his Gwinnett County-best 21.1 points per game from last year. However, the 6-foot-5 senior’s overall game has taken a major step forward, and he’s a big reason the Collins Hill boys have done the same so far in the 2019-20 season.

LESS IS MORE Increased help, comfort level let Collins Hill’s Smith contribute beyond numbers

By David Friedlander

A common mantra among jazz musicians is the philosophy that “less is more” — with the idea being that one doesn’t have to overdo things or be overly complicated to create something good. They may not have necessarily had that specific idea in mind when the 2019-20 high school basketball season began last month, but Jabiri Smith and the Collins Hill boys team seem to have bought into it, whether they realize it or not. From a standpoint of sheer numbers, the 6-foot-5 senior wing would seem to have taken something of a step back from a break season a year ago, when he led of Gwinnett County in scoring with an average of 21.1 points per game, which placed him ahead of such big-time scorers as then-seniors and current powerconference college players like Buford’s Marcus Watson (Oklahoma State) and Mountain View’s Nahiem Alleyne (Virginia Tech) and other high-profile members of the class of

He’s done a much better job of letting the game come to him. He was really in a situation (last year) where if he didn’t go out there and score 25 or 30 (points), we really didn’t have a chance to win.

Joe Dix, Collins Hill coach, on Jabiri Smith

2020 like Grayson’s Deivon Smith and former Norcross five-star wing Brandon Boston. He was also among the Eagles’ leaders in rebounding (4.5 rpg) and assists (2.2 apg), which made him a third-team All-County selection by the Gwinnett Daily Post, as well as a member of this season’s preseason Super Six.

But in Smith’s case, numbers don’t tell the whole story, and Collins Hill coach Joe Dix is quick to point out that his senior has only become more valuable to the team. And Smith is still a big reason the Eagles (10-3) have already surpassed See SMITH, B2

Eagles shooting for rare Deep South repeat By Will Hammock will.hammock@

Repeat champions in the Deep South Classic don’t come often, particularly in the girls bracket. The last girls basketball team to repeat in Brookwood’s annual post-Christmas tournament is Sequoyah, which won in 1992 and 1993. The undefeated Collins Hill girls can add their name to that list this week when they defend their championship in the 28th annual event. It would be the third Deep South title overall for the program, which also won in 2003. “We want to repeat and see if we can go back and do the same thing we did

Special Photo: Dale Zanine

Collins Hill’s Jailah Clark-Jones (23) puts a shot up against Westlake’s Brianna Turnage during last season’s Class AAAAAAA state championship game in Macon. last year,” Collins Hill girls coach Brian Harmon said. “We want to continue to play better together. We’ve

talked about that from the beginning, not to let anything distract us and play together as a team.”

Collins Hill (12-0) finished as the Class AAAAAAA runner-up last season, but the roster is completely revamped after big graduation losses. Transfers have filled in many of the voids with the addition of two Daily Post Super Six selections, Kamryn Collins (a move-in from Mountain View) and Sacha Washington (from Parkview). Northview transfers Asjah Inniss and Eden Sample also have become key players immediately with their new team. “It’s always a work in progress when you’re dealing with new players,” Harmon said. “But they’re starting to understand a lot more what we want to do defensively. See DEEP SOUTH, B2 ♦ Friday, december 27, 2019 ♦ B3

No. 1 seed on line for 49ers, Seahawks Field Level Media The San Francisco 49ers and injury-riddled Seattle Seahawks have already clinched playoff berths. But there’s still plenty at stake when the teams meet Sunday night in Seattle. If the 49ers (12-3) win, they’ll clinch the NFC West title and earn the conference’s No. 1 seed for the playoffs, and the first-round bye that comes with it. If they lose, they’ll be a wild-card team and start the playoffs on the road. The Seahawks (11-4) would win the NFC West by beating

San Francisco and clinch at least the No. 3 seed in the conference playoffs. They can also climb to either the No. 2 or even No. 1 seed with a win and some help. Seattle defeated the host 49ers 27-24 in overtime in Week 10 so it owns the tiebreaker for the division title. “That is what you play football for,” 49ers fullback Kyle Juszczyk told reporters this week. “These are the kind of games that you dream about when you are a kid. We are really looking forward to that, and it would mean a lot to get the ‘W.’” The 49ers have lost eight

straight games in Seattle since 2011, including a defeat in the NFC title game following the 2013 season. “They’ve had as good of a 10-year run defensively as probably anyone in the history of football,” 49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan said of the Seahawks. “Then you add in the elements of their stadium, where you can’t hear. When you can’t use cadence and you’re going up against a very skilled team with a pass rush, it’s extremely hard.” This will be San Francisco quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo’s first start in

Seattle, after missing last year’s game with a torn ACL. Garoppolo is 20-5 in 25 career starts, but CenturyLink Field can be one of the most difficult for inexperienced quarterbacks. Since 2010, QBs with 25 or fewer starts are 6-22 at the Seahawks’ home field. “It’s going to be a 60-minute game. You have to have your mind ready for that,” Garoppolo said. “When you get to these big games, two good football teams, it’s always going to go up until the last whistle, and we’ve had multiple experiences this year like that.”

Jason parkhurst - abell images

Oklahoma quarterback Jalen Hurts is interviewed during the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl media day Thursday in Atlanta.

Sooners underdogs at Peach Bowl despite experience By Chris Stephens Staff Correspondent

cary edmondson - Usa today sports

Seahawks receiver Jaron Brown catches a touchdown pass in front of 49ers safety Jaquiski Tartt earlier this season at Levi’s Stadium.

City of Duluth, Georgia Schedule of Expenditures of Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax Proceeds 2017 Issue For the year ended June 30, 2019 Expenditures

Project Description

Original Estimated Cost*

Parking Facilities

$ 4,397,227.00

$ 4,397,227.00

Public Safety Facilities & Equipment






Recreational Facilities & Equipment



















Transportation Administrative Facilities & Equipment

Revised Estimated Cost*

Prior Years $

Current Year -



Total -




City of Duluth, Georgia Schedule of Expenditures of Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax Proceeds 2014 Issue For the year ended June 30, 2019 Original Estimated Cost*

Project Description Parking Facilities





Prior Years $


Current Year $

Total -

$ 2,487,561.67

Public Safety Facilities & Equipment






Recreational Facilities & Equipment
















$ 10,625,740.25

Transportation Administrative Facilities & Equipment

$ 14,515,155.00



Revised Estimated Cost*






(1) Reported as a transfer as amount was tranferred to another fund to reimburse previous allowable expenditures

City of Duluth, Georgia Schedule of Expenditures of Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax Proceeds 2009 Issue For the year ended June 30, 2019 Original Estimated Cost

Project Description Parking Facilities




Revised Estimated Cost* $


Current Year

Prior $



Total -



Public Safety Building




Recreational Facilities













1,340,000.00 $ 19,920,000.00

1,003,890.92 $



618,740.66 $


Expenditures using local funds





$ 16,854,598.19

83,038.40 159,924.71

(1) Reported as a transfer as amount was transferred to another fund to reimburse previous allowable expenditures. (2) Prior year total was adjusted by $416,961.60 to remove expenditures using local funds. *Revised Estimated Cost was adjusted for shortage in actual SPLOST collections ($2,197,034.02) plus interest net of bank and audit fees ($48,745) with the remaining increase in the budget coming from other funding sources. 627595-1

ATLANTA — Saturday’s College Football semifinal matchup between No. 4 Oklahoma and No. 1 LSU in the Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl see the Sooners as 13.5-point underdogs. The players have heard it since the matchups were announced weeks ago — they have no chance at beating the Tigers and their high-powered offense led by Heisman Trophy winner Joe Burrow. But one thing the Sooners have that the Tigers don’t is a team full of players who have been to the College Football Playoff, and one player (Jalen Hurts) who will be playing in his seventh playoff game in four years, with his team going 4-2 in the previous six. “It helps,” Oklahoma head coach Lincoln Riley said the past experience. “We’ve had some things to compare it against. The players have been through it, so not all of this is new. All of the hype, we’ve experienced it before. It doesn’t make the difference by itself, but if we handle it the right way it should.” Hurts’ experience could also prove to be pivotal as he’s had a business-like attitude ever since he arrived in Norman, Okla., via transfer from Alabama. “When you’re thrown into a new environment with all of these changes, coming in, I wanted to establish what type of intent I had, the focus I wanted to have and understand that you have to turn it up another notch,” Hurts said. That intent has Hurts poised to lead his team to possibly his fourth straight national title game, something that only his former Alabama teammates, who graduated last year, have experienced. To do so, Hurts will be heavily depended on after a season with 3,634 passing yards, 1,255 rushing yards and 51 total touchdowns. “We have to go out there and execute and do our job. We just have to go out there and do what we do,” he said. Wide receiver Ceedee Lamb believes that despite the Sooners’ underdog status, they’re still confident in their ability to come out on top. “They’re here, just like we are. At the end of the day, we still have to play football,” he said.

run well on the football field, the amount of time and effort that goes into that, for so many people is a lot. I’m excited at how well they’ve played and the opportunities they’ve created for themselves, but also for all of the people that have helped them get there.” That kind of success and support was a major reason why Hurts chose to transfer to Oklahoma. “It was a perfect storm and a great opportunity for me to come and do something great,” he said.

Forward thinking pays off for Hurts It’s easy to see the success Hurts had on the field during his time at Alabama and how easy the decision was to transfer to another school. However, none of that would’ve been possible had Hurts not graduated early from Alabama with a degree in public relations. “I put myself in a situation in high school early on where I allowed myself to graduate high school early,” Hurts said. “I enrolled in Alabama early (and) did all of the Deshaun Watson scout team stuff there. I loaded up on my classes and I wanted to graduate as fast as I could and maximize that opportunity I had.” The drive to be successful in the classroom was something Hurts said comes from self-motivation, but that’s just how he and his siblings are. “It’s always been self-motivating,” he said. “My dad never had the grades I had. My mom’s smart. I’m not saying my dad’s not smart, but my dad always acknowledged the fact that his kids, my brother and little sister, have always had good grades. I think my family takes great pride in that.”

Louisiana roots

Most people don’t know and he doesn’t really like to give the long story about it, but Lamb was born in Opelousas, Louisiana, which is 59 miles from LSU’s Baton Rouge campus. “Family moved (to Houston). It’s a pretty long story... I grew up an LSU fan,” Lamb said. “When you’re from Louisiana, that’s all you know — purple and gold. I always wanted to play for LSU, but now I’m playing against LSU, it’s a different kind of approach. At the end of the day, you have to go The Quarterback back to your roots. I know Whisperer where I’m from. I’m going Whether it’s Hurts, or Baker to rep where I’m from. (The Mayfield or Kyler Murray, struggle) made me the permany experts are in awe of son I am today.” what Riley has been able to do with quarterbacks at Oklahoma. Regardless of who has been behind center, they’ve experienced success, with Mayfield and Murray winning Heismans, while Hurts finished second to Burrow. But Riley said don’t give him all of the credit as it takes a team of people that makes Follow us the quarterbacks successful. “I’m proud of what those on Facebook guys have done,” Riley said. “It takes so many people. It’s gwinnettdailypost their teammates, all the other coaches. For something to

1227_GDP_ FRI_CLASS_Classifieds 12/26/2019 4:51 PM Page B5 ♦ Friday, december 27, 2019 ♦ B5 GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM ♦ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2019 ♦ B5 GWINNETT DAILY POST ADVERTISING DEADLINES LINERS: Pub. Date: Wednesday Deadline: Monday 3 pm Friday Thursday 3 pm Sunday Friday 11:30 am DISPLAY AD: Pub. Date: Wednesday Deadline: Friday 3 pm Friday Tuesday 3 pm Sunday Wednesday 3 pm


DIVORCES DIVORCE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION AND MAILING DOCKET 19D1616 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT DIVISION PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Artonia Johnson-Perryman vs, Demetrius N. Perryman To the Defendant: Demetrius N. Perryman 313 Overlook Park Lane Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Suffolk Probate and Family Court 24 New Chardon Street Boston, MA 02114 The Plaintiff has filed a Complaint for Divorce requesting that the Court grant a divorce for Grounds for Abandonment, Infidelity and Irretrievable Breakdown. The Complaint is on file at the Court. An Automatic Restraining Order has been entered in this matter preventing you trom taking any action which would negatively impact the current financial status of either party. SEE Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411. You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon: Artonia Johnson-Perryman 27 Milano Ave Revere, MA Ave 02151 your answer, if any, on or before 01/02/2020. If you fail to do so, the court will proceed to the hearing and adjudication of this action. You are also required to file a copy of your answer, if any, in the office of the Register of this Court. 909-624674,12/4-1/17

STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS FAMILY COURT SUMMONS MOTION FOR RELIEF AFTER FINAL JUDGEMENT OR COMPLAINT FOR OTHER RELIEF COMPLAINTS FOR AN ORDER OF PROTECTION FROM DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, SEXUAL ABUSE, OR WHEN EITHER PARTY IS A JUVENILE Civil Action File Number: P20194833 Case Type: Nominal Divorce Complaint Plaintiff: Miguel Ventura v. Defendant: Yenfi Duran Hernandez Attorney for the Plaintiff: Miguel Ventura Address of the Plaintiff’s Attorney or the Plaintiff: 1359 Broad Street, Providence, RI 02905 Address of the Defendant: PO Box 463, Dacula GA 30019 J. Joseph Garrahy Judicial Complex One Dorrance Plaza, Providence RI 09903 *(401)-458-3200 TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT: You are hereby summoned to appear before the Family Court on the appearance date(s) and time(s) set forth below to answer the attached complaint. If you fail to appear, court orders may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the attached complaint. Under the Rhode Island Family Court Rules of Domestic Relations Procedure, you must also answer the attached complaint, Language Assistance Notice, and all other required documents, not including the date of service. A copy of your answer must also be forwarded to the Plaintiff or the Plaintiff’s attorney at the address indicated above, if any. If you fail to appear, court orders may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the attached complaint. Under the Family Court Rules of Domestic Relations Procedure, if you want to make a related claim against the Plaintiff, you must state this as a counterclaim to your Answer. If you fail to do so you may be prohibited from making such a claim in this action. MOTION HEARING APPEARANCE DATE: 1-30-2020 TIME: 9AM This Summons was generated on 11/26/2019. /s/ Ronald J. Pagliarini Administrator/Clerk If you need language assistance, please contact the Office of Court Interpreters at (401)-222-8710 or by email at interpreterfeedback@ courts.ri.gove before your court appearance. *If an accommodation for a disability is necessary, please contact the Family Court Clerk’s Office at the telephone number listed above as soon as possible. TTY users can contact the Family Court through Rhode Island Relay at 7-1-1 or 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) to voice number.

PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Housing Authority of the City of Buford, Georgia, has developed its Public Housing Agency Plan in compliance with the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1999. The Board of Commissioners of the Buford Housing Authority will conduct a Public Hearing on January 13, 2020 at 9:00 AM at the office of the Housing Authority located at 2050 Hutchins street, Buford, Georgia 20518. The purpose of the hearing is to discuss modification to the Agency Plan or amendment(s) to the Agency Plan and invite public comment. A draft copy of the plan will be available for review prior to the meeting at the above address. For additional information concerning the public hearing, please contact (770) 945-5212 during normal working hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm on days of regular operations. Person with hearing or speech i





impairment may access the Housing Authority via TTDD/ TTY at 1-800-545-1833, extension 764, or through Georgia Relay at 1-800-2550135. 9 2 8 - 6 2 7 1 2 8 , 12/20,25,27,29,1/1,3,5,8,10, 12

cated at: Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle should contact the following business immediately: Business Name: DANZ Auto Repair Address: 5402 Jimmy Carter Blvd, Norcross, Ga 30093 Telephone: 678-643-6627 928-627564, 12/27,1/3

ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (REPAIR FACILITY) Vehicle Make:HONDA Year: 2013 Model: ACCORD Vehicle ID#: 1HGCR2F50DA025094 Vehicle License #: CIR4851 State: GA Person who left vehicle at facility: JASMINE SYMONA SHANOVA MCCULLOUGH Any information relation to owner: 1401 N HAIRSTON RD APT 9F, STONE MTN GA 30083 You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19 (b)(2), that the abovereference vehicle is subject to a lien and a petition may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicle is currently located at: 1210 PARK CREEK CIR, LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30044 Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle should contact the following business immediately: Business Name: CHAMBLEE DUNWOODY COLLISON Address: 1210 PARK CREEK CIR LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30044 Telephone #: 678-502-6859 929-627539, 12/27, 1/3

Model: 200SX Vehicle ID#: 1N4AB42D3WC509535 Vehicle License#: State:

ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE PETITION ADVERTISEMENT Vehicle Make: MAZDA Year: 1998 Model: B3000 Vehicle ID #: 4F4YR16U3WTM19662 Vehicle License #: PEP5927 State GA Present location of vehicle: _4_410 TUCK ROAD, LOGANVILLE GA 30052 . You are hereby notified that a petition was filed in the Magistrate Court of WALTON County to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle may file an answer to this petition on or before: 01/08/2020 Answer forms may be found in the Magistrate Court Clerk’s office located at: Walton County Magistrate 303 S Hammond Drive, Monroe, GA 30655 Forms may also be obtained online at 928-626795, 12/20,27 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (REPAIR FACILITY) Vehicle Make:NISSAN Year: 1994 Model: TRUCK KING Vehicle ID#: 1N6SD16S7RC371306 Vehicle License #: AYG2616 State: GA Person who left vehicle at facility: WILLIE M LOVE Any information relation to owner: 2852 AMELIA AVE, DECATUR GA 30032 You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19 (b)(2), that the abovereference vehicle is subject to a lien and a petition may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicle is currently located at: 3614 OAKCLIFF RD, DORAVILLE GA 30340 Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle should contact the following business immediately: Business Name: F & M MOTORS & FLEET SERVICES, LLC Address: 3614 OAKCLIFF RD, DORAVILLE GA 30340 Telephone #: 770-447-4980 929-627534, 12/27, 1/3 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE PETITION ADVERTISEMENT Vehicle make: HONDA Year: 1995 Model: CIVIC DX V e h i c l e ID#1HGEJ2125SL035781 Vehicle License#: PKP4218 State: GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-L-04010 Present location of vehicle: 344 Kathleen Dr. SE. Marietta, GA 30067 You are hereby notified that petition was filed in the Magistrate Court of Cobb County to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle may file an answer to the petition on or before: 01/15/2020. Answer forms may be found in the Magistrate Court Clerk’s office located at: 32 Waddell St SE, Marietta, GA 30090. Forms may also be obtained online at 928-627694, 12/27,1/3 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (REPAIR FACILITY) Vehicle Make:GMC Year: 2002 Model: SIERRA Vehicle ID#: 2GTEC19T921117809 Vehicle License #: BKG5424 State: GA Person who left vehicle at facility: JOHN MICHAEL FORTUNE Any information relation to owner: 4371 GLENWOOD RD APT B6, DECATUR GA 30032 You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19 (b)(2), that the abovereference vehicle is subject to a lien and a petition may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicle is currently located at: 131 SOUTH PEACHTREE STREET, NORCROSS GA 30071 Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle should contact the following business immediately: Business Name: MONROE AUTO SERVICE Address: 131 SOUTH PEACHTREE STREET, NORCROSS GA 30071 Telephone #: 770-369-3108 929-627585, 12/27, 1/3 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (REPAIR FACILITY) Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2004 Model: IMPALA Vehicle ID: 2G1WF52EX49461578 Vehicle Lisense #: State: Person who left vehicle at facility: Fernando Perez Any information relating to owner: You are here by notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19 (b) (2), that the above referenced vehicle is subject to a lien and a petition may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amount owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicle is currently loc

ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (REPAIR FACILITY) Vehicle Make:TOYOTA Year: 2005 Model: SIENNA Vehicle ID#: 5TDZA23C65S311104 Vehicle License #: N/A State: GA Person who left vehicle at facility: HOLLY NICOLE PEREZ Any information relation to owner: 630 SADDLE SHOALS DR, LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19 (b)(2), that the abovereference vehicle is subject to a lien and a petition may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicle is currently located at: 419 HURRICANE SHOALS RD, LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle should contact the following business immediately: Business Name: MONROE AUTO SERVICE Address: 419 HURRICANE SHOALS RD, LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 Telephone #: 770-369-3108 929-627563, 12/27, 1/3 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (REPAIR FACILITY) Vehicle Make:FORD Year: 2006 Model: F-250 Vehicle ID#: 1FTSW215666EC73517 Vehicle License #: RAB9166 State: GA Person who left vehicle at facility: THUY HAEUSSLER Any information relation to owner: 3950 LANTERN HILL DR, DACULA GA 30019 You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19 (b)(2), that the abovereference vehicle is subject to a lien and a petition may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicle is currently located at: 421 PIKE BLVD STE B-3, LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle should contact the following business immediately: Business Name: PAT MOTORS, LLC Address: 421 PIKE BLVD STE B-3 LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 Telephone #: 678-682-3816 929-627537, 12/27, 1/3 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (REPAIR FACILITY) Vehicle Make: MERZ Year: 2012 Model: CLS550 Vehicle ID#: W D DLJ9BB6CA047020 Vehicle License #: CFX3307 State: GA Person who left vehicle at facility: ANDRA BREION MATTHEW II Any information relation to owner: 3211 CEDAR CREEK PKWY, DECATUR GA 30033 You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19 (b)(2), that the abovereference vehicle is subject to a lien and a petition may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicle is currently located at: 853 YORKSHIRE LN LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30044 Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle should contact the following business immediately: Business Name: J & S AUTO REPAIR, LLC Address: 853 YORKSHIRE LN LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30044 Telephone #: 404-952-7120 929-627540, 12/27, 1/3 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (REPAIR FACILITY) Vehicle Make:PORCH Year: 2014 Model: PANAMERA Vehicle ID#: WP0AAZA7XEL014258 Vehicle License #:N/A State: CA Person who left vehicle at facility: WELLS FARGO DEALER SERVICES Any information relation to owner: 15750 ALTON PKWY, IRVINE CA 92618 You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19 (b)(2), that the abovereference vehicle is subject to a lien and a petition may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicle is currently located at: 4155 LAWRENCEVILLE HWY, LILBURN GA 30047 Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle should contact the following business immediately: Business Name: FRANK’S AUTO BODY Address: 4155 LAWRENCEVILLE HWY, LILBURN GA 30047 Telephone #: 404-669-1006 929-627521, 12/27, 1/3

ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (REPAIR FACILITY) Vehicle Make:TOYOTA Year: 2014 Model: CAMRY Vehicle ID#: 4T1BF1FK3EU846981 Vehicle License #: CJR4111 State: GA Person who left vehicle at facility: CATHY JEAN PIERRE Any information relation to owner: 2371 FOXY DR, BETHLEHEM GA 30620 You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19 (b)(2), that the abovereference vehicle is subject to a lien and a petition may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicle is currently located at: 381 PIKE BLVD STE E-14, LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle should contact the following business immediately: Business Name: S & S AUTO SOLUTIONS Address: 381 PIKE BLVD STE E-14, LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 Telephone #: 201-306-8170 929-627570, 12/27, 1/3 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (TOWING OR STORAGE COMPANY) You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 40-11-19 (a) (2), that each of the below-referenced vehicles are subject to a lien and a petition may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicles are currently located at Statewide Wrecker Service Inc., 2775 Simpson Circle, Norcross, GA 30071 The vehicles subject to liens as stated above are identified as: Vehicle Make: Roadmaster Year: ______ Model: Granite Peak Bicycle (T#19007666) Vehicle ID #: SNFSD13DJ4042 Vehicle License #: __________ State ________ Vehicle Make: Cain Year: ______ Model: Equipment Trailer (T#19008040) Vehicle ID #: NO VIN Vehicle License #: __________ State ________ Vehicle Make: Bobcat Trailer Year: ______ Model: (T#19009621) Vehicle ID #: NO VIN Vehicle License #: __________ State ________ Vehicle Make: 48ft Semi Trailer Year: ______ Model: Granite Peak Bicycle (T#19009624) Vehicle ID #: NO VIN Vehicle License #: __________ State ________ Anyone with an ownership interest in any of these vehicles should contact the following business immediately: Business Name: Statewide Wrecker Service, Inc. Address: PO Box 1778, Flowery Branch, GA 305420030 Telephone #: 770-3811140 928-627075, 12/27,1/3,10 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE (TOWING OR STORAGE COMPANY) You are hereby notified, in accordance with OCGA 4011-19 (a)(2), that each of the below-referenced vehicles are subject to a lien and a petitioner may be filed in court to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The vehicles are currently located at Willard Wrecker Service 719 W Shadburn Avenue, Buford, GA 30518 The vehicles subject to liens as stated above are identified as: Vehicle Make: Chevrolet Year: 2008 Model: Impala Vehicle ID#: 3G1WB58K081212087 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2005 Model: ESCAPE Vehicle ID#: 1N4AB42D3WC509535 Vehicle License#: RPA7261 State: GA Vehicle Make: NISSAN Year: 1998

Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2014 Model: FOCUS Vehicle ID#: 1FADP3E22EL437003 Vehicle License#: VEP1140 State: VA Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2014 Model: FOCUS Vehicle ID#: 1FADP3J24EL227315 Vehicle License#: CKV3267 State: GA Vehicle Make: CHEVY Year: 2006 Model: AVEO Vehicle ID#: KL1TD56686B551646 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: JEEP Year: 1996 Model: CHEROKEE ID#: 1J4GVehicle Z58Y5TC386925 Vehicle License#: RFIA9882 State: GA Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2001 Model: FOCUS Vehicle ID#: 1FAF934321W269519 Vehicle License#: XER474 State: GA Vehicle Make: KAWASAKI Year: 2006 Model: VULCAN Vehicle ID#: JKAVN2B1X6A005907 Vehicle License#: *YC5BJU State: GA Vehicle Make: CHEVY Year: 2013 Model: CRUZE Vehicle ID#: 1G1PC5SB1D7112989 Vehicle License#: RJN146 State: GA Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 1999 Model: ACCROD Vehicle ID#: 1HGCG5653XA095989 Vehicle License#: RPA7530 State: GA Vehicle Make: MERCEDES BENZ Year: 2005 Model: C320 Vehicle ID#: WDBRF64J95F569637 Vehicle License#: RQJ8381 State: GA Vehicle Make: NISSAN Year: 2005 Model: ALTIMA Vehicle ID#: 1N4AL11D55N907281 Vehicle License#: PLU8921 State: GA Vehicle Make: VOLKSWAGEN Year: 2013 Model: JETTA Vehicle ID#: 3VWDX7AJ5DM256583 Vehicle License#: RRT8956 State: GA Vehicle Make: TOYOTA Year: 2004 Model: SIENNA Vehicle ID#: 5TDZA23C64S001100 Vehicle License#: RIV9889 State: GA Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2001 Model: ASTRO VAN Vehicle ID#: 1GNDM19W21B141930 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: SATURN Year: 2000 Model: LS2 Vehicle ID#: 1G8JW52R7YY693264 Vehicle License#: P0279019 State: GA Vehicle Make: MAZDA Year: 2000 Model: MPV Vehicle ID#: JM3LW28G0Y0147026 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: HYUNDAI Year: 2008 Model: ACCENT Vehicle ID#: KMHCN46C58U269912 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 2005 Model: ACCORD Vehicle ID#: 1HGCM56845A187368 Vehicle License#: 47AC223 State: AL Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2003 Model: E-150 Vehicle ID#: 1FTRE14273HA38339 Vehicle License#: RKB9353 State: GA Vehicle Make: VOLKSWAGEN Year: 2015 Model: JETTA Vehicle ID#: 1VWD17AJ5FM321744 Vehicle License#: CLN4585 State: GA Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2000 Model: BLAZER Vehicle ID#: 1GNCS13W9YK127379 Vehicle License#: RQF0100 State: GA Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2010 Model: MALIBU Vehicle ID#: 1G1ZD5E7XA4114752 Vehicle License#: REN7725 State: GA Vehicle Make: DODGE Year: 2015 Model: DART Vehicle ID#: 1C3DCDFBBXFD251360 Vehicle License#: CKI3777 State: GA Vehicle Make: CHRYSLER Year: 2015 Model: 200 Vehicle ID#: 1C3CCCAB9FN726784 Vehicle License#: CIS3192 State: GA Vehicle Make: VOLKSWAGEN Year: 2003 Model: PASSAT Vehicle ID#: WVWMD63B13P189257 Vehicle License#: 6WTH043 State: GA V


Vehicle Make: TOYOTA Year: 2007 Model: CAMRY Vehicle ID#: 4T1BE46K47U606006 Vehicle License#: HSX8714 State: GA Vehicle Make: BMW Year: 2011 Model: 528I Vehicle WBAFR1C56C740728 Vehicle License#: State:


Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2013 Model: IMPALA Vehicle ID#: 2G1WC5E34D1253567 Vehicle License#: RAP0007 State: GA Vehicle Make: MAZDA Year: 2008 Model: CX-9 Vehicle ID#: JM3TB38VX80135935 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2003 Model: ESCAPE Vehicle ID#: 1FMYU93113KC17691 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 1994 Model: ACCORD Vehicle ID#: 1HGCD7237RA039906 Vehicle License#: RRW2208 State: GA Vehicle Make: BUICK Year: 2004 Model: RENDEZVOUS Vehicle ID#: 3G5DA03E24S516243 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 1998 Model: VTR1000 Vehicle ID#: JH2SC3603WM000303 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: DODGE Year: 2000 Model: DURANGO Vehicle ID#: 1B4HR28Z4YF176207 Vehicle License#: RSJ7517 State: GA Vehicle Make: LINCOLN Year: 1997 Model: TOWN CAR Vehicle ID#: 1LNLM81W5VY713905 Vehicle License#: RRH4875 State: GA




State: GA

State: GA

Vehicle License#: RUC2081 State: GA

Vehicle Make: BMW Year: 2008 Model: 528I Vehicle ID#: WBANU53528C110716 Vehicle License#: BBCE53 State: FL

Vehicle Make: TOYOTA Year: 1992 Model: PICKUP Vehicle ID#: JT4RN93P4N5053980 Vehicle License#: PCR5880 State: GA

Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2006 Model: TRAILBLAZER Vehicle ID#: 1GNDS13SX62178825 Vehicle License#: RRV5751 State: GA

Vehicle Make: TOYOTA Year: 2013 Model: RAV4 Vehicle ID#: JTMRFREV6DD009735 Vehicle License#: 239XV0 State: CO

Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2008 Model: MALIBU Vehicle ID#: 1G1ZS58F78F109449 Vehicle License#: RLC3959 State: GA

Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 1992 Model: S-10 Vehicle ID#: 1GCCS19Z4N8212195 Vehicle License#: PFF2234 State: GA

Vehicle Make: ACURA Year: 2004 Model: TL Vehicle ID#: 19UUA662X4A039187 Vehicle License#: QAJ2109 State: GA

Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 2004 Model: VTX1300 Vehicle ID#: 1HFSC55044A007917 Vehicle License#: WNH612 State: GA

Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2008 Model: TAURUS Vehicle ID#: 1FAHP24W58G130390 Vehicle License#: CKG2977 State: GA

Vehicle Make: KIA Year: 2014 Model: OPTIMA Vehicle ID#: M4A78EG286952 Vehicle License#: State:

Vehicle Make: INFINITI Year: 2004 Model: I35 Vehicle ID#: JNKDA31A64T211598 Vehicle License#: State:

Vehicle Make: NISSAN Year: 2007 Model: SENTRA Vehicle ID#: 3N1AB61E17L723528 Vehicle License#: RL7794 State: GA

Vehicle Make: AUDI Year: 2011 Model: Q5 Vehicle ID#: WA1LFAFP4BA020331 Vehicle License#: RMX0296 State: GA

Vehicle Make: MAZDA Year: 2001 Model: PROTEGE Vehicle ID#: JM1BJ226810425437 Vehicle License#: State:

Vehicle Make: CADILLAC Year: 2011 Model: CTS Vehicle ID#: 1G6DG5EY2B0117433 Vehicle License#: CLA1978 State: GA Vehicle Make: AUDI Year: 2005 Model: CA4 Vehicle ID#: WAULT68E15A064974 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2007 Model: MUSTANG Vehicle ID#: 1ZVFT80N975283603 Vehicle License#: RTZ8223 State: GA


Vehicle Make: ISUZU Year: 1999 Model: RODEO Vehicle ID#: 4S2CK58WXX4354354 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2000 Model: F-150 Vehicle ID#: 1FTZX1727YKA13022 Vehicle License#: AK092 State: KS Vehicle Make: KIA Year: 2011 Model: OPTIMA Vehicle ID#: KNAGN4A78B5175859 Vehicle License#: RRA0393 State: GA Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 2005 Model: CIVIC Vehicle ID#: 1HGEM219X5L028530 Vehicle License#: State:

Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 2002 Model: ACCORD Vehicle ID#: 1HGCG22562A006008 Vehicle License#: RGV5758 State: GA

Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 2004 Model: ELEMENT Vehicle ID#: 5J6YH18654L002674 Vehicle License#: RQF0171 State: GA

Vehicle Make: MAZDA Year: 1995 Model: PROTEGE Vehicle ID#: JM1BA1412S0150578 Vehicle License#: PWQ6640 State: GA

Vehicle Make: DODGE Year: 2004 Model: STRATUS Vehicle ID#: 1B3EL36T04N332711 Vehicle License#: RLT8584 State: GA

Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2011 Model: FOCUS Vehicle ID#: 1FAHP3FN7BW110407 Vehicle License#: RGW8379 State: GA

Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2014 Model: FIESTA Vehicle ID#: 3FADP4BJ6EM125511 Vehicle License#: CFK8493 State: GA

Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2011 Model: FLEX Vehicle ID#: 2FMGK5DC0BBD00578 Vehicle License#: PPP6142 State: GA

Vehicle Make: TOYOTA Year: 2012 Model: CAMRY Vehicle ID#: 4T4BF1FK2CR176259 Vehicle License#: CHL1060 State: GA

Vehicle Make: VOLKSWAGEN Year: 2009 Model: JETTA Vehicle ID#: 3VWRM71K99M082015 Vehicle License#: CHZ3496 State: GA

Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2004 Model: TAURUS Vehicle ID#: 1FAFP53234G152793 Vehicle License#: RSE1572 State: GA

Vehicle Make: SATURN Year: 2008 Model: ASTRA Vehicle ID#: W08AT271785125090 Vehicle License#: RYK6996 State: GA

Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 2006 Model: CIVIC Vehicle ID#: 1HGFA16576L043226 Vehicle License#: RPD9147 State: GA

Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 2008 Model: ACCORD Vehicle ID#: 1HGCP26308A118496 Vehicle License#: 409020 State: DE

Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 1997 Model: EXPLORER Vehicle ID#: 1FMDU32E5VZA68325 Vehicle License#: RKS5748 State: GA

Vehicle Make: HYUNDAI Year: 2015 Model: ELANTRA Vehicle ID#: 5NPDH4AE3FH612054 Vehicle License#: CKA6024 State: GA

Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2012 Model: EXPRESS Vehicle ID#: 1GAZG1FG5C1153770 Vehicle License#: RQK2579 State: GA

Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2004 Model:RANGER Vehicle ID#: 1FTYR10D74PB27813 Vehicle License#: C0079109 State: GA

Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2018 Model: SILVERADO Vehicle ID#: 1GC1KWEY9JF226973 Vehicle License#: RMQ8389 State: GA

Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2014 Model: FUSION Vehicle ID#: 3FA6P0H76ER272931 Vehicle License#: RIH3803 State: GA

Vehicle Make: KAWASAKI Year: 2008 Model: NINJA 250R Vehicle ID#: JKAEXMJ1X8DA02582 Vehicle License#: WMQ479 State: GA

Vehicle Make: DODGE Year: 2006 Model: RAM 1500 Vehicle ID#: 1D7HA18N66S631277 Vehicle License#: RRL6907 State: GA

Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2006 Model: CROWN VICTORIA Vehicle ID#: 2FAFP74VX6X109327 Vehicle License#: CAV5522 State: GA

Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2012 Model: EQUINOX Vehicle ID#: 2GNALPEK5C6196650 Vehicle License#: RSY3838 State: GA

Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2000 Model: CAVALIER Vehicle ID#: 1G1JC1243Y7373613 Vehicle License#: RTV2994 State: GA

Vehicle Make: MERCEDES BENZ Year: 1999 Model: E320 Vehicle ID#: WDBJF65H8XA870523 Vehicle License#: PDH5417 State: GA

Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2003 Model: CAVALIER Vehicle ID#: 1G1JC52F137321351 Vehicle License#: State:

Vehicle Make: AUDI Year: 2007 Model: A4 Vehicle ID#: WAUDF78E47A047025 Vehicle License#: PKA6354 State: GA

Vehicle Make: BUICK Year: 2001 Model: LESABRE ID#: Vehicle 1G4HR54K21U194750 Vehicle License#: DXD5317 State: GA

Vehicle Make: NISSAN Year: 2008 Model: TITAN Vehicle ID#: 1N6BA07D28N344326 Vehicle License#: RIE0910 State: GA

Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 1995 Model: ACCORD Vehicle ID#: 1HGCD5655SA146443 Vehicle License#: PHI4937 State: GA

Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 2007 Model: ELEMENT Vehicle ID#: 5J6YH18767L010134 Vehicle License#: RHD2984 State: GA

Vehicle Make: HYUNDAI Year: 2001 Model: SANTA FE Vehicle ID#: KM8SC8D71U059355 Vehicle License#: RLX3031

Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 1990 Model: CIVIC Vehicle ID#: 2HGED6341LH564303 Vehicle License#: RRI4114

Vehicle Make: LAND ROVER Year: 2000 Model: RANGE ROVER Vehicle ID#: SALPV1642YA442082 Vehicle License#: CJW9087 State: NC Vehicle Make: JEEP Year: 2005 Model: GRAND CHEROKEE Vehicle ID#: 1JFGR48K45C553767 Vehicle License#: RSJ4806 State: GA Vehicle Make: GMC Year: 2003 Model: YUKON Vehicle ID#: 1GKEC13Z83J101772 Vehicle License#: LIFLAND State: GA Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2006 Model: FIVE HUNDRED Vehicle ID#: 1FAFHP24176G148746 Vehicle License#: RND2519 State: GA Vehicle Make: SUBARU Year: 1995 Model: LEGACY Vehicle ID#: 4S3BD6554S7212737 Vehicle License#: ADU4805 State: GA Vehicle Make: CHRYSLER Year: 1998 Model: SEBRING Vehicle ID#: 4C3AU52N0WE075570 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2018 Model: ESCAPE Vehicle ID#: 1FMCU0GD3JUB61670 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2003 Model: EXPEDITION Vehicle ID#: 1FMPU16W23LC21649 Vehicle License#: RMR1278 State: GA Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2001 Model: F150 Vehicle ID#: 1FTRW07W31KD98987 Vehicle License#: ED94Y2 State: GA Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 2007 Model: TAURUS Vehicle ID#: 1FALP52U9VA251113 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 1998 Model: C1500 Vehicle ID#: 1GCEC14W7WZ281283 V

Vehicle Make: CHRYSLER Year: 2006 Model: 300 Vehicle ID#: 2C3LA43R66H219825 Vehicle License#: RDA9990 State: GA Vehicle Make: VOLVO Year: 1996 Model: 850 Vehicle ID#: YV1LS572T2326568 Vehicle License#: RDA9990 State: GA Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2005 Model: COLORADO Vehicle ID#: 1GCCS196758206459 Vehicle License#: RLY8025 State: GA Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2010 Model: IMPALA Vehicle ID#: 2G1WB5EK9A1169623 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: NISSAN Year: 2003 Model: ALTIMA Vehicle ID#: 1N4AL11D73C185580 Vehicle License#: RJL6737 State: GA Vehicle Make: TOYOTA Year: 2004 Model: SIENNA Vehicle ID#: 5TDZA23C04S188950 Vehicle License#: BSM7069 State: GA Vehicle Make: CADILLAC Year: 2000 Model: SEVILLE Vehicle ID#: 1G6KS54Y3YU140518 Vehicle License#: PTW2218 State: GA Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 2000 Model: CIVIC Vehicle ID#: 1HGEJ6671YL056177 Vehicle License#: RIC4940 State: GA Vehicle Make: NISSAN Year: 2009 Model: VERSA Vehicle ID#: 3N1BC13E79L458019 Vehicle License#: RJU1784 State: GA Vehicle Make: BMW Year: 2002 Model: X5 Vehicle ID#: 5UXFA53522LV71582 Vehicle License#: RLX28781 State: GA Vehicle Make: MERCURY Year: 2005 Model: MONTEGO Vehicle ID#: 1MEHM42105G627010 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2003 Model: TAHOE Vehicle ID#: 1GNEC13Z03J101722 Vehicle License#: RPB4435 State: GA Vehicle Make: MITSUBISHI Year: 1999 Model: MIRAGE JA3AYVehicle ID#: 26A6XU021896 Vehicle License#: RSR1752 State: GA Vehicle Make: CHEVROLET Year: 2014 Model: CAMARO Vehicle ID#: 2G1FB1E30E9176405 Vehicle License#: RIF0351 State: GA Vehicle Make: LANDSCAPE TRAILER Year: Model: Vehicle ID#: T946180 Vehicle License#: TS69B21 State: GA Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 1999 Model: ECONOLINE Vehicle ID#: 1FDSE37L7XHB63733 Vehicle License#: ADP6218 State: GA Vehicle Make: FREIGHTLINER Year: 2000 Model: FL60 Vehicle ID#: 1FV3GJAC1YHF03211 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 1996 Model: CONVENTIONAL Vehicle ID#: 1FDYR82EXTVA07556 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: FORD Year: 1998 Model: CONVENTIONAL Vehicle ID#: 1FDZW86F2WVA12531 Vehicle License#: State: Vehicle Make: CHRYSLER Year: 2002 Model: TOWN & COUNTRY Vehicle ID#: 2C4GP54L12R779722 Vehicle License#: RQM5918 State: GA Vehicle Make: LEXUS Year: 2001 Model: IS300 Vehicle ID#: JTHBD182410033639 Vehicle License#: RTV3172 State: GA Vehicle Make: MAZDA Year: 2012 Model: MAZDA 5 Vehicle ID#: JM1CW2BL0C0138687 Vehicle License#: CCY8809 State: GA Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 2016 Model: ACCORD Vehicle ID#: 1HGCT1B39GA010808 Vehicle License#: CJS6989 State: GA Vehicle Make: VOLKSWAGEN Year: 2016 Model: JETTA Vehicle ID#: 3VWD17AJ5GM232046 Vehicle License#: RSC5566 State: GA Vehicle Make: HONDA Year: 1999 Model: CBR900

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B6 ♌ Friday, december 27, 2019 ♌ B6 ♌ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2019 ♌ GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM JH-

Vehicle Make: NISSAN Year: 2013 Model: ARMADA Vehicle ID#: 5N1BA0NC6DN604410 Vehicle License#: 3032ALM State: GA Vehicle Make: SMALL TRAILER Year: Model: Vehicle ID#: Vehicle License#: State: GA Anyone with an ownership interest in any of these vehicles should contract the following business immediately: WILLARD WRECKER SERVICE 719 W. SHADBURN AVE BUFORD, GA 30518 770-945-7580 928-626429, 12/20,27

PUBLIC SALES/ AUCTIONS MCCULLOUGH TOWING AUCTION LIST 785 BROGDON RD. SUWANEE, GA 30024 770-263-8483 SATURDAY, JANUARY 11TH, 2020@ 1:00PM 2000 Acura 3.5RL JH4KA9651YC008615 2002 BMW 540i WBADN63472GN87437 1988 Chevrolet 1500 1GCDC14K0JE163469 2006 Chevrolet Equinox 2CNDL63F766075639 2008 Dodge Avenger 1B3LC46R68N281139 2012 Ford Escape 1FMCU0DG7CKC00449 2003 Ford E350 Super Duty 1FBSS31L03HA00572 2003 Ford Explorer Sport Trac 1FMZU77E93UC81147 2004 Ford F250 Super Duty 1FTNW21P14EC02284 2009 Ford Flex 2FMDK51C59BA02626 2006 Ford E350 Super Duty 1FBNE31L76DA54452 2002 Ford Ranger 1FTZR45E32PA26062 2000 Ford Ranger 1FTYR10C3YPB96138 2000 Ford Ranger 1FTYR10CXYPA76885 2001 Honda Accord JHMCG56691C014222 2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee 1J4GW48S13C558835 2012 Infiniti G37 JN1CV6AP8CM623301 2008 Kia Spectra KNAFE122985560644 2008 Nissan Armada 5N1BA08D98N600572 2012 Nissan Rogue JN8AS5MT0CW262459 2009 Nissan Rogue JN8AS58V79W176425 2004 Nissan Murano JN8AZ08W94W308052 2000 Nissan Maxima JN1CA31A9YT009554 2004 Oldsmobile Alero 1G3NL52FX4C100624 2007 Pontiac G6 1G2ZG58N774129540 2006 Saab 9-3 YS3FD49Y361004232 1999 Suzuki SV650x JS1VP52A9X2100434 2007 Toyota Camry 4T1BE46K07U682693 2003 Toyota Corolla 1NXBR32E83Z043955 2006 Toyota Prius JTDKB20U163196331 2009 Toyota Camry 4T1BE46K69U296346 2007 Toyota Camry 4T1BE46K67U657071 2014 Pac Trailer 53BPTEA21EU008984 2018 Trailmobile 4YMBC0819JG069630 929-626407, 12/13,20,27 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: The following self-storage Cube contents containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart : 5985 S Norcross Tucker Rd.Norcross. GA, to satisfy a lien on January 14,2020 at approx.11:00 AM at www. Cube #A031, Kerry Hayes; Cube # B015, Jaime Ramirez; Cube # B034, Vianey Calvario R; Cube # B037, Tona Owens; Cube # B039, Cori Mcintosh; Cube # B057, Jessica Lilly; Cube # C005, Maria Guadalupe Marcelo; Cube # C037, Brendas Mileny Perez Ramirez; Cube # C058, Ana L Archaga; Cube # C079, Ashekia Walker; Cube # C089, Gabriela Garcia Benitez; Cube # D004, Erlin Francisco Rodriguez; Cube # D069, Jorge Ramirez; Cube # D088, Silvia Martinez; Cube # E015, Mario Enrique Chocoj Cucul; Cube # E052, Manuel E.Puello; Cube # E069; Marvin G Mejia; Cube # E086; Joseph Allen Trotter; 929-626628, 12/20,27 NOTICE Auction Date Thursday, January 23, 2020 @ 10:00AM 1st ad date: December 27, 2019 2nd ad date: January 03, 2020 Life Storage #8200 2055 West Park Place Blvd Stone Mountain, GA 30087 770-465-4100 ph Space # Name Inventory A37 Corin Yancy Tools and boxes C22 Derevia Minor Boxes D13 Felicia Cushenberry Furniture and boxes G08 Michael Burton Boxes/ ceramic heaters 929-626983, 12/27,1/3 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE PETITION ADVERTISEMENT You are hereby notified, in accordance with O.C.G.A. Section 40-11-19.1, that petitions were filed in the Magistrate Court of GWINNETT County to foreclose liens against the vehicles listed below for all amounts owed. If a lien is foreclosed, the Court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The present location of the vehiclesis: Statewide Wrecker Service, Inc. 2775 Simpson Circle, Norcross, GA 30071 Anyone with an ownership interest in a vehicle listed herein may file an answer to the petition on or before: 01/15/20 Answer forms may be found in the Magistrate Court Clerk’s office located at: Forms may also be obtained online at Vehicle Make: Acura Year: 2006 Model: 3.2 TL Vehicle ID #: 19UUA66276A001063 Vehicle License #: CHV9478



State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-39481 Vehicle Make: Hyundai Year: 2008 Model: Accent Vehicle ID #: KMHCN46C28U190360 Vehicle License #: RRX2170 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-39482 Vehicle Make: Mitsubishi Year: 2009 Model: Galant Vehicle ID #: 4A3AB36F49E013326 Vehicle License#: TX13443 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-39483 Vehicle Make: Mercury Year: 2005 Model: Mountaineer Vehicle ID: 4M2ZU66E95UJ06815 Vehicle License#: DT6389A State: Alabama Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-39484 Vehicle Make: Chevrolet Year: 2008 Model: Malibu Vehicle ID #: 1G1ZH57BX8F260699 Vehicle License #: XEV084 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-39485 Vehicle Make: Kia Year: 2009 Model: Optima Vehicle ID #: KNAGE228095304361 Vehicle License #: REG0901 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-41209 Vehicle Make: Honda Year: 2001 Model: Civic Vehicle ID #: 1HGEM21551L035988 Vehicle License #: Q487824 State: Illinois Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-39489 Vehicle Make: Honda Year: 2006 Model: Accord Vehicle ID #: 1HGCM82656A000789 Vehicle License #: CIN8010 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-39491 Vehicle Make: Chevrolet Year: 2011 Model: HHR Vehicle ID #: 3GNBABFW1BS635213 Vehicle License #: RNN5635 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-41210 Vehicle Make: Ford Year: 2008 Model: Edge Vehicle ID: 2FMDK38CX8BA97998 Vehicle License#: PC168149 State: Delaware Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-41212 Vehicle Make: Nissan Year: 1998 Model: Altima Vehicle ID #: 1N4DL01D2WC268765 Vehicle License #: RQT4452 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-41213 Vehicle Make: Saturn Year: 1996 Model: SL1 Vehicle ID #: 1G8ZG5285TZ236527 Vehicle License #: RJF5879 State: Georgia Magistrate Court Case No.: 19-m-41214 MAG 40-10 929-627078, 12/27,1/3,10

MCCULLOUGH TOWING AUCTION LIST 785 BROGDON RD. SUWANEE, GA 30024 770-263-8483 SATURDAY, JANUARY 25TH, 2020@ 1:00PM 2001 BMW R1200C WB10433AX1ZG10298 2002 BMW 325i WBAET37432NG84068 2007 BMW 530i WBANE73517CM48325 2008 Chevrolet Trailblazer 1GNDT13S082220158 2000 Chevrolet S10 1GCCS1440Y8151945 2005 Chevrolet Monte Carlo 2G1WW12E559282455 2008 Chevrolet Impala 2G1WT58K381326680 2003 Chevrolet Blazer 1GNDT13X23K177057 2009 Chevrolet Malibu 1G1ZG57B09F167243 2012 Chevrolet Malibu 1G1ZC5EU6CF397392 1999 Chevrolet Suburban 3GNEC16RXXG238797 2003 Chevrolet Trailblazer 1GNDT13S332249503 2005 Chrysler Town and Country 2C8GP54L35R132287 2002 Dodge Dakota 1B7HG38N32S683030 2004 Ford Explorer 1FMZU73K04UB31392 2004 Ford Mustang 1FAFP40624F161640 1996 Ford E350 Super Duty 1FBJS31H1THA81766 1989 Ford E350 1FDKE37G2KHA72798 2008 Ford Escape 1FMCU03Z38KC14360 2012 Ford Fusion 3FAHP0JG3CR146252 2001 Honda S2000 JHMAP11441T005322 2004 Infiniti G35 JNKCV54EX4M807043 2003 Jaguar X Type SAJEA51D43XD43895 2010 Jaguar XF SAJWA0GBXALR78277 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee 1J4GX48S34C353189 2010 Jeep Patriot 1J4NT2GA5AD507634 2004 Mercedes Benz CLK 500 WDBTK75G64T021122 2002 Nissan Maxima JN1DA31D02T434795 2016 Nissan Versa 3N1CN7AP4GL807897 2005 Nissan Altima 1N4AL11D45C239615 2004 Toyota Camry 4T1BE32K74U857386 2003 Toyota Matrix 2T1KR32E73C107954 2007 Volkswagen Passat WVWAK73C27P013119 929-627091, 12/20,27,1/3

Case No.: 19M45421 Vehicle Make: Saab Year: 2010 Model: 9-5 Vehicle ID #: YS3GR4BJXA4002956 Vehicle License #: GGD5307 State OH Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45422 Vehicle Make: Dodge Year: 2016 Model: Journey Vehicle ID #: 3C4PDCCG1GT127771 Vehicle License #: B891328 State MX Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45423 Vehicle Make: Chevrolet Year: 2011 Model: Impala Vehicle ID #: 2G1WG5EK0B1316737 Vehicle License #: CJM9846 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45424 Vehicle Make: Ford Year: 2014 Model: Fusion Vehicle ID #: 3FA6P0LU6ER386747 Vehicle License #: CJZ3241 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45425 Vehicle Make: Honda Year: 2005 Model: Accord Vehicle ID #: 1HGCM66505A006651 Vehicle License #: PNJ9426 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45426 Vehicle Make: Cadillac Year: 2005 Model: CTS Vehicle ID #: 1G6DM56T750209489 Vehicle License #: RBM3039 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45427 Vehicle Make: BMW Year: 2000 Model: 323Ci Vehicle ID #: WBABM3346YJN65806 Vehicle License #: JNPT47 State FL Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45428 928-626793, 12/20,27

LIFE STORAGE # 413 875 MARATHON PARKWAY LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30046 678-242-1441 In accordance with the provisions of State law, there being due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned is entitled to satisfy an owner and/or manager’s lien of the goods hereinafter described and stored at the Life Storage location(s) listed below. 875 Marathon Parkway Lawrenceville, GA 30046 678-242-1441 And, due notice having been given, to the owner of said property and all parties known to claim an interest therein, and the time specified in such notice for payment of such having expired, the goods will be sold to the highest bidder or otherwise disposed of at a public auction to be held online at, which will end on Thursday, January 23rd 2020 @ 10:00am Any questions regarding the above information are to be addressed to the manager of this facility at the phone number shown above. Space No. C u s t o m e r Name Inventory 1084 Demarcus L Holloway Household Goods/Furniture. 1146 Richard Watkis Household Goods/Furniture; TV/Stereo Equip.; Tools/Appliances; Office Furn/Machines/ Equip; Landscaping/Construction Equip. 1153 Kimberly Pitts Household Goods/Furniture; Clothes. 2026 Marco Torres Household Goods/Furniture; Tools/Appliances. 2170 Janiya M McKeal Household Goods/Furniture; TV/Stereo Equip.; To o l s / A p p l i ances; Acct. Records/Sales Samples. 3057 Lee Jane M Mcginty Household Goods/Furniture; TV/Stereo Equip. 3070 Luc Bougang Household Goods/Furniture. 3181 Chris Reddick Household Goods/Furniture; Tools/Appliances. 3186 Johnny Thomas Household Goods/Furniture; TV/Stereo Equip.; Tools/Appliances. 929-626804, 12/27,1/3 NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION In accordance with the provisions of State law, there being due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned is entitled to satisfy an owner and/or manager’s lien of the goods hereinafter described and stored at the Life Storage location(s) listed below. 2655 Langford Road Norcross, GA 30071, (770) 242-0468 Space No. C u s t o m e r Name Inventory 293 Nakeisha Clark Boxes and Containers. 272 Roy Fuller Household Goods/Furniture 234 Jamari Knolton Household Goods/Furniture 066 Douglas Watson Household Goods/Furniture 064 Nohelia Granillo Orellana Household Goods/Furniture 232 Phillp P Robinson Household Goods/Furniture/ Offices furn/Machines equip/ Tv/Stereo equip/ Tools/Appliances 421 Laporsha Page Household Goods/Furniture 154 Gregory Colbert Tv/ Stereo Equip/OTHER 65 Inch 4k tv And, due notice having been given, to the owner of said property and all parties known to claim an interest therein, and the time specified in such notice for payment of such having expired, the goods will be sold to the highest bidder or otherwise disposed of at a public auction to be held online at www. StorageTreasures. com, which will begin on Thursday, January 09, 20 at 10:00 AM and end on Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 10:00am Any questions regarding the above information are to be addressed to the manager of this facility at the phone number shown above. 929-627695, 12/27,1/3

ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE PETITION ADVERTISEMENT Vehicle Make: INFINITI Year: 1991 Model: G20 Vehicle ID #: JNKCP01P3MT205996 Vehicle License #: BXI8824 State GA Present location of vehicle: _4_410 TUCK ROAD, LOGANVILLE GA 30052 . You are hereby notified that a petition was filed in the Magistrate Court of WALTON County to foreclose a lien for all amounts owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. Anyone with an ownership interest in this vehicle may file an answer to this petition on or before: 01/13/2019 Answer forms may be found in the Magistrate Court Clerk’s office located at: Walton County Magistrate 303 S Hammond Drive, Monroe, GA 30655 Forms may also be obtained online at 929-627126, 12/20,27 ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE PETITION ADVERTISEMENT You are hereby notified, in accordance with O.C.G.A. Section 40-11-19.1, that petitions were filed in the Magistrate Court of Gwinnett County to foreclose liens against the vehicles listed below for all amounts owed. If a lien is foreclosed, the Court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The present location of the vehicles is: 4431 Buford Hwy, Norcross GA 30071 Anyone with an ownership interest in a vehicle listed herein may file an answer to the petition on or before: 12.31.2019. Answer forms may be found in the Magistrate Court Clerk’s office located at: 75 Langley Dr Lawrenceville, GA. Forms may also be obtained online at Vehicle Make: Nissan Year: 2009 Model: Murano Vehicle ID #: JN8AZ18W99W151247 Vehicle License #: 24546950 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45409 Vehicle Make: Jeep Year: 2005 Model: Liberty Vehicle ID #: 1J4GL58K95W579562 Vehicle License #: CAF5122 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45410 Vehicle Make: Honda Year: 2002 Model: Accord Vehicle ID #: 1HGCG16512A019608 Vehicle License #: No Tag State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45411 Vehicle Make: Ford Year: 2004 Model: Explorer Vehicle ID #: 1FMZU73K84UB69923 Vehicle License #: PHX4759 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45412 Vehicle Make: GMC Year: 2004 Model: Yukon Vehicle ID #: 1GKEK13Z64R202248 Vehicle License #: 9956434 State IL Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45413 Vehicle Make: Honda Year: 2006 Model: Accord Vehicle ID #: 1HGCM563X6A112289 Vehicle License #: No Tag State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45414 Vehicle Make: Mini Year: 2009 Model: Cooper Vehicle ID #: WMWMR33519TU96712 Vehicle License #: No Tag State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45415 Vehicle Make: Kia Year: 2011 Model: Optima Vehicle ID #: KNAGM4A72B5081687 Vehicle License #: No Tag State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45416 Vehicle Make: Nissan Year: 2010 Model: Altima Vehicle ID #: 1N4AL2AP3AC181345 Vehicle License #: RKR6820 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45417 Vehicle Make: Jeep Year: 2005 Model: Jeep Grand Cherokee Vehicle ID #: 1J4GS48K95C655506 Vehicle License #: CR3648 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45418 Vehicle Make: Chevrolet Year: 2006 Model: Equinox Vehicle ID #: 2CNDL13F666197217 Vehicle License #: RLC7198 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45419 Vehicle Make: BMW Year: 2005 Model: X5 Vehicle ID #: 5UXFB53545LV13541 Vehicle License #: DTJ2160 State MI Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M45420 Vehicle Make: Toyota Year: 2004 Model: Camry Vehicle ID #: 4T1BE30K84U828210 Vehicle License #: No Tag State GA Magistrate Court C

ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE PETITION ADVERTISEMENT You are hereby notified, in accordance with O.C.G.A. Section 40-11-19.1, that petitions were filed in the Magistrate Court of Gwinnett County to foreclose liens against the vehicles listed below for all amounts owed. If a lien is foreclosed, the Court shall order the sale of the vehicle to satisfy the debt. The present location of the vehicles is: 4431 Buford Hwy, Norcross GA 30071 Anyone with an ownership interest in a vehicle listed herein may file an answer to the petition on or before: 1.9.2020 Answer forms may be found in the Magistrate Court Clerk’s office located at: 75 Langley Dr Lawrenceville, GA. Forms may also be obtained online at Vehicle Make: BMW Year: 2006 Model: 750Li Vehicle ID #: WBAHN83596DT61624 Vehicle License #: RNC2071 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46390 Vehicle Make: Honda Year: 2001 Model: Accord Vehicle ID #: 1HGCG165X1A016057 Vehicle License #: 24402998 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46391 Vehicle Make: Ford Year: 2005 Model: Explorer Vehicle ID #: 1FMZU63K45UB53181 Vehicle License #: RGM6841 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46392 Vehicle Make: Ford Year: 2003 Model: Explorer Vehicle ID #: 1FMZU74K23ZB57217 Vehicle License #: RAZ0803 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46393 Vehicle Make: Ford Year: 2002 Model: E250 Vehicle ID #: 1FTNE24212HA30157 Vehicle License #: RFN9717 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46394 Vehicle Make: BMW Year: 2002 Model: 330i Vehicle ID #: WBAEV53452KM18934 Vehicle License #: RMW4241 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46395 Vehicle Make: Saab Year: 2005 Model: 9-2X Vehicle ID #: JF4GG61655G054496 Vehicle License #: No Tag State AL Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46396 Vehicle Make: Jeep Year: 2000 Model: Cherokee Vehicle ID #: 1J4FF48S6YL251549 Vehicle License #: 636GNN State OR Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46397 Vehicle Make: Nissan Year: 2007 Model: Altima Vehicle ID #: 1N4AL21E17C185384 Vehicle License #: 281QHH State FL Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46398 Vehicle Make: Nissan Year: 2006 Model: Murano Vehicle ID #: JN8AZ08T96W407768 Vehicle License #: No Tag State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46399 Vehicle Make: Ford Year: 2001 Model: Expedition Vehicle ID #: 1FMRU15L51LA02181 Vehicle License #: No Tag State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46400 Vehicle Make: BMW Year: 2006 Model: 325i Vehicle ID #: WBAVB13516KX62941 Vehicle License #: PMT5070 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46401 Vehicle Make: Chrysler Year: 2006 Model: PT Cruiser Vehicle ID #: 3A8FY48B56T362958 Vehicle License #: No Tag State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46402 Vehicle Make: BMW Year: 2000 Model: 323Ci Vehicle ID #: WBABR3342YEG02430 Vehicle License #: No Tag State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46403 Vehicle Make: Suzuki Year: 2012 Model: Kizashi Vehicle ID #: JS2RE9A81C6100116 Vehicle License #: No Tag State AL Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46404 Vehicle Make: Honda Year: 2007 Model: Accord Vehicle ID #: 1HGCM72727A019661 Vehicle License #: DGM920 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46405 Vehicle Make: Chevrolet Year: 2005 Model: Equinox Vehicle ID #: 2CNDL63F256202389 Vehicle License #: BZZ3104 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46406 Vehicle Make: Hyundai Year: 2008 Model: Tuscon Vehicle ID #: KM8JN12D58U733169 Vehicle License #: RQC7607 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46407 Vehicle Make: Dodge Year: 2002 Model: Durango Vehicle ID #: 1B4HR58N82F100625 Vehicle License #: C0084113 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46408 Vehicle Make: Acura Year: 2006 Model: RSX Vehicle ID #: JH4DC530X6S020995 Vehicle License #: RLC8874 State GA Magistrate Court Case No.: 19M46409 928-627573, 12/27,1/3




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PUBLIC HEARINGS ♦ Friday, december 27, 2019 ♦ C3

DINING JINYA Ramen Bar announces location at Exchange at Gwinnett By Curt Yeomans curt.yeomans@

A ramen bar brand that started nearly a decade ago in Studio City, Calif. is coming to Buford. JINYA Ramen Bar announced Monday that it will open a location at the Exchange at Gwinnett mixeduse development which is being built at the intersection of Interstate 85 and Buford Drive, near the Mall of Georgia and Coolray Field. It is one of two Georgia locations JINYA officials announced, with the other being in Athens. “We are thrilled that restaurateurs with decades of experience have joined JINYA Ramen Bar. They’ve come in to the locations in Atlanta and seen firsthand how customers positively react to the lively atmosphere and authentic, mouthwatering food,” said Tomo Takahashi, founder of JINYA. “JINYA and our newest franchisees anticipate the same passion from guests and business suc-

JINYA Ramen Bar’s recently opened location in Alpharetta can be seen in this photo from the restaurant chain’s Facebook page.

special photo: Jinya ramen bar/Facebook

JINYA Ramen Bar’s recently opened location in Alpharetta can be seen in this photo from the restaurant chain’s Facebook page. JINYA officials announced Monday that they plan to open another location at the Exchange at Gwinnett development near the Mall of Georgia. cess in Buford and Athens.” JINYA’s menu is designed to be customizable with hand-made Tonkotsu ramen noodles, as well as 13 signature bowls, five signature broths and more than 25 toppings. The broths

are simmered for 10 hours. The restaurant chain has more than 30 locations across the U.S., including restaurants in Atlanta, Alpharetta and Sandy Springs. JINYA officials said each new location’s atmosphere

will combine “traditional Japanese culture and modern sensibilities” with contemporary designs that include wood paneled dining rooms as well as outdoor patios. Site clearing is underway at the $350 million

Exchange at Gwinnett development, but construction of buildings has not yet begun. The developer, Fuqua Development, has been pursuing a tax allocation district designation for the site to get reimbursement for about $25 million in costs for infrastructure improvements, including leveling the land for construction. In addition to JINYA Ramen Bar, the Exchange at Gwinnett is expected to feature a Top Golf, Andretti Indoor Karting and Games,

CMX Cinebistro, Sprouts, Starbucks, and other retail and restaurants, as well as a brewery, food hall and residences. A JINYA location had previously been announced for the Revel development at the Infinite Energy Center. That development, however, has been put on hold — and will likely be heavily re-imagined — after North American Properties, the developer working with the Gwinnett Convention and Visitors Bureau on the project, pulled out recently.

‘Snow’ in Duluth


he City of Duluth held its annual Deck The Hall event on Dec. 7, featuring a manmade snow playground for tubing and sledding along with a chance to meet Santa and other activities. ♦

photos courtesy of the city of duluth


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622842-1 Winners selected at random. Odds of winning are determined by number of entries by deadline. Prizes sponsored by Southern Community Newspapers and Pulse Polls. Winners to be announced on or about January 31, 2020. ♦ Friday, december 27, 2019 ♦ C5

MOVIES Adam Sandler makes a dramatic star turn in ‘Uncut Gems’ Uncut Gems (R) HHHH By Michael Clark Movie Critic

During his heyday (19952015), virtually every movie Adam Sandler starred in made oodles of money and thoroughly alienated the media. A criticproof brand if there ever was one, Sandler delivered his fan base exactly what they wanted: variations on the same ADD manchild with odd, loud voices and a seemingly unlimited amount of energy. The broader the comedy, the greater the box office take. Sandler knew his audience better than they knew themselves, and they loved him because he was one of them. Every once in a while (“Punch Drunk Love,” “Reign Over Me,” “Funny People” and the recent “The Meyerowitz Stories”) Sandler chose to do a drama and the faithful regularly recoiled. Fans by and large hated these films and they suffered greatly at the box office. These are the worst performing movies of Sandler’s career and its likely “Uncut Gems” will soon join them. Directed by essentially unknown brothers Josh and Benny Safdie and co-written by them and Ronald Bronstein, “Uncut Gems” stars Sandler as Howard Ratner, a Manhattan jewel retailer with a nasty gambling addiction whose life is quickly unraveling. Borrowing (or outright stealing) from Peter to pay Paul, Howard is a train wreck waiting to happen, although he never realizes it and believes he’s just one huge score away from righting the ship. The trouble is he’s the only one who buys into this delusion. The only people who share air with Howard at all do so because they see him as a source of income. They

special photos: courtesy of a24

Kevin Garnett, LaKeith Stanfield and Adam Sandler in “Uncut Gems.”

Julia Fox and Adam Sandler in “Uncut Gems.” put up with his spiel with a grain of salt and will rid themselves of him when he’s no longer of any service. This includes his wife Dinah (Idina Menzel) who is sticking around “for the kids” before even she reaches her breaking point. The only person who actually likes Howard is Julia (Julia Fox), his employee and lover; a semi-clueless woman with low self-esteem and

an oversized heart. Part of Howard’s big plan has been years in the making. Just how and why it happened is never fully explained (nor does it need to be). But Howard comes into possession of an uncut opal, unearthed by an Ethiopian Jewish mine company which is about the size of a Nerf football. The movie opens and closes with an amazing mix of

close-ups, fancy camera work and seamless CGI of the jewel which acts as the film’s McGuffin and – at least by one character – is considered to be a source of mystical great fortune. For the duration of its 134 minutes, “Uncut Gems” feels like something closer to 90 thanks mostly to the Safdie’s brevity and refusal to let any one scene go on for too long. While the

production bears its own unique stamp, at various points it takes on the combined personalities of Martin Scorsese, Robert Altman, Paul Thomas Anderson and Quentin Tarantino had they made a movie together by committee. Just in case it wasn’t clear, the previous sentence is the highest of possible compliments. While absolutely riveting and going by in a relative flash, “Uncut Gems” is a movie one survives rather than enjoys; it’s not a “casual viewing” type of film. The audience is tested at every turn and has their collective patience challenged without let up. It’s “art house” but not artsy — meaning it doesn’t get overtly cerebral or turn into a navel gazing, meaning-of-life exercise. My fellow Atlanta Film Critics Circle member Hannah Lodge named it “the most stressful movie of the year” and she means it as high praise.

Many of Sandler’s longtime fans (and longtime detractors) are certain to question if they’re seeing anything new from him here. Sandler is loud, violent, abrasive, untrustworthy, unfaithful, mercurial and not someone most of us would ever want to know in real life. In other words, he plays an engrossing character we can’t stop watching. One of the many possible tests of great acting is making people like you when they probably shouldn’t, and feeling bad for you when you fail, even if it is your own doing. On that level, Sandler succeeds. He probably won’t win an Oscar for this performance but he will likely receive a nomination. And that single bit of recognition from his peers might mean more to him than all of the many millions he’s made acting like a loveable fool. (A24)

Blue Sky’s spies should have stayed in disguise Spies in Disguise (PG) HH By Michael Clark Movie Critic

For an animated movie being marketed as breezy family entertainment released on Christmas Day, “Spies in Disguise” seems more concerned with sending out political/identity messages both obvious and inferred. In addition to being little more than a glossy chunk of fluid dogmatic hooey, it adds insult to injury by being one of the most unabashedly derivative and thematically lazy movies ever made. Produced by the same animated studio (Blue Sky) which gave us “The Peanuts Movie,” “Epic” and the “Ice Age” and “Rio” franchises, “Spies in Disguise” attempts to mine the rich international spy genre which, if done right, could find appeal far beyond the targeted five-to10-year old demographic. For the first 15 and last 15 minutes, the movie works – meaning it’s moderately entertaining and fun in a silly sort of pandering way. The problem is with the disjointed one hour slab of filler sandwiched in-between. After a brief preamble taking place 15 years earlier, the movie opens in earnest with a sequence which would be right at home at the start of any

James Bond installment. We’re introduced to Lance Sterling, a suave and thoroughly unflappable U.S. secret agent drawn to look exactly like a tuxedo-clad Will Smith, right down to his broad shoulders, tapered waist and pencilthin Van Dyke facial hair. Literally flying through the air and entering a Japanese snowbound mountaintop lair, Lance takes out untold numbers of armed guards while seeking to capture the villain Killian, aka “The Claw” (Ben Mendelssohn), a scowling Brit who bears a close resemblance to Scar from the first incarnation of “The Lion King.” Defying every known law of physics, Lance absconds with Killian’s metal suitcase which contains something or other which can identify every other “good guy” agent in the world. Good enough. Not the most original premise but more than sufficient for such a low stakes production. Arriving with a hero’s welcome stateside, Lance is greeted by a generic agency chief appropriately named Joyless (Reba McIntyre sounding too much like Holly Hunter in “The Incredibles”) and Walter (Tom Holland) the now grown man seen in the preamble as a child. Performing the same duties as “Q” from the Bond flicks, Walter designs gadgets and tinkers around with matteraltering chemical stews. In mere seconds, and for reasons better explained by the movie, Lance goes

photo: blue sky studios

Tom Holland voices Walter Beckett and Will Smith voices Lance Sterling in “Spies in Disguise.” from heralded to damned, becoming the wanted man of relentless agency Internal Affairs Division point person Marcy (Rashida Jones). Barely making it out of the building unscathed, Lance – with Walter in tow like a bewildered puppy – goes on the lam in an effort to clear his name and eventually capture Killian. Realizing his mug is too familiar, Lance grudgingly downs a still-in-the-experimental phase elixir concocted by Walter which, instead of making him invisible, turns him into —

wait for it — a pigeon. In Walter’s opinion this is not such a bad thing as a he regards pigeons as majestic and mentally gifted creatures with covert task skills. In all fairness to Walter, there is significant precedent to back up his claims as pigeons have had roles in real-life wars. This is all lost on Lance who believes he’s now devoid of all of his irresistible coolness and for the next hour he complains about the transformation non-stop. From this point forward,

the five filmmakers turn the movie into a politically “progressive” messaging device while blatantly ripping-off dozens of other movies. In addition to Bond, they pinch from (including but not limited to) “Weird Science,” “ScoobyDoo,” “Deadpool,” “Kill Bill Volume One,” “Spy Kids,” “Return of the Jedi,” “Lady and the Tramp,” Smith’s “Men in Black” and even give a nod to Smith’s recent box office bomb “Gemini Man” (which was likely just pure coincidence, given the time frame).

Through the Walter character, the filmmakers put forth a number of opinions regarding the waging of war, such as hugs are preferable to bombs, watching cat videos can subdue even the angriest of combatants and glitter can remedy virtually all ills. At one point Walter tosses magic dust into the air where it forms a half-circle protective rainbow fence while exclaiming (according to the studio) “that’s my 50 shades of yea!” Some audience members might think Walter instead says another word which rhymes with “yea.” There’s also a scene where a male animal negates all known rules of nature and biology and lays an egg. Make of that what you will. Understandably, most of the subtext in the movie flew right over the heads of the toddlers at the preview screening, although the “fidget factor” among them was high from the start. The older children were more receptive, meaning they paid attention and laughed loudly whenever potty/bathroom visuals and/or sounds appeared. There were few teens or pre-teens present — a wise move on their part as they would likely find all of it a supreme waste of time. “Spies in Disguise” is not what families of any political persuasion need on Christmas. It doesn’t appeal to most age groups and instead is just a scheming and sparkly noisemaker with a dubious agenda. (Fox)

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