Guyana chronicle 27 01 14

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GUYANA No. 103721


The Chronicle is at


PRICE: $60

President optimistic airport modernisation has potential to attract more airlines Page 13

Eccles ‘stop-light’ shooting...

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar

Ganga Persaud:

Popular designer gunned down, execution style 2 Page

- ‘Child-mother’, taxi driver injured in hail of bullets


‘I will continue as MP’ 11 Page

Trevor Rose

Teen on outing with friends drowns in popular hotel pool - News leaves family members devastated

Page 7

Celebrating 40 years of unstinting service:

The massive march involving representatives from the Sabha’s various praants located across the country

Centre Dead: Shamar Edwards


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014

Eccles ‘stop-light’ shooting...

Popular designer gunned down, execution style - ‘Child-mother’, taxi driver injured in hail of bullets

By Leroy Smith POPULAR fashion designer, Trevor Rose was shot dead early yesterday morning in the vicinity of Eccles, EBD whilst making his way home in a taxi. Taxi driver, Trevor Nieuenkirk and the designer’s female partner, Latoya Towler, with whom he reportedly has a child, were also injured in the incident. The 32-year-old’s shooting death is being regarded as an execution. This publication understands that when PMM 8113, the white Toyota 212 in which Rose and Towler were travelling stopped at the traffic light at the entrance to Eccles, a heavily tinted vehicle pulled up alongside it. Still unclear, reports suggest that during a heated exchange between the driver of Rose’s taxi and the occupants of the other vehicle, someone exited the latter and opened fire on the former, hitting the designer in the upper body and neck, Towler in the buttocks, and the driver in the shoulder. The deed being accomplished, the dark-tinted vehicle and its occupants then fled the scene, leaving the injured taxi driver to seek

medical attention for himself and passengers at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH). Rose was pronounced dead on arrival, while Towler and the driver were treated for their injuries and questioned by the police. According to a release issued by the police yesterday, they were able to recover a 9mm pistol with 19 matching rounds at the scene of the shooting. It was not clear, however, whether the firearm at reference was the one used to kill Rose, or whether it belonged to any of the other occupants of the car in which the assailant, said to be the driver of the vehicle, was travelling. It is also unclear whether Rose had any issue with anyone prior to his demise, to the extent that they would want to do him harm. Some time ago, Rose made the headlines when he was robbed of a large sum of money which was supposed to be used to design costumes and a float for Mashramani that year. Rose had been married to fashion icon, Michelle Cole, another top Guyanese designer with whom he had three to four children. The couple had gone on to form the company, Facts and Roses, now defunct

Trevor Rose

Deadlock continues in USAID’s LEAD project By Vanessa Narine

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar has disclosed that there has been no change with the deadlock between his administration and United States (US) officials with regard to implementation of the $300M USAID-funded Leadership and Democracy (LEAD) project. He told a press conference last Friday: “Things are more or less the same; we have not agreed with the project, and we are saying that the project should be halted.” To date, the United States Embassy has made no public statement with regard to the project, and Government’s firm position on its implementation. In a prior interview, Presidential Advisor on Governance, Ms Gail Teixeira, had said the current position of US officials is a departure from the usual bilateral relations existing between the two countries. She said, “The problem with the LEAD project is that it is a breach of the normal bilateral relations, as well as that the content has concerns for the Government -- concerns which we expressed.

“This is the first time in 20 years that a project has not gone through that process. It has never happened between 1992 and 2012, and we are not agreeing to it because of the rejection of the Government’s participation.” Teixeira questioned why the Government was not involved in the consultations on the project. She said the Guyana Government and the American Administration have worked together over the last decades on US-funded projects. “It has always been a collaborative effort, in which we have agreed on a design of a project and the implementation of that project,” she said. Referring to examples of the unchallenged implementation of projects that addressed the issue of democracy, Teixeira said: “I was part of other projects that dealt with democracy: the Consolidation of Democracy project, which ran from 2004 to 2006; and the more recent one, from 2009 to 2012, which dealt with trafficking in persons and violence against women and such. In all of this, we sat with USAID and the US Embassy to

Please see page 3


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014

Select Committee to meet Wednesday to review Anti-Moneylaundering Bill By Vanessa Narine

PRESIDENTIAL Advisor on Governance, and Chair of the Special Select Committee reviewing the Anti-Moneylaundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Bill, Gail Teixeira, had proposed a meeting for today. However, in an invited comment, she noted that the Opposition indicated their inability to do meet, and as such the meeting of the Special Select Committee is now scheduled for Wednesday. According to her, the Opposition seems to be continuing with

their “same old” delay tactics regarding the review of the Bill. In line with the request of the Opposition, persons who had made written submissions during the last Committee’s consideration of the Bill are expected to be given an opportunity to appear before the Committee. Teixeira acknowledged that several stakeholders had made written submissions. She pointed out, however, that they did not propose any amendments to the Bill. Among those expected to appear before the Committee are Professor Clive Thomas, Christopher Ram, the Bar Association and

Minister Persaud lauds women for their sterling contributions to mining - as GWMO celebrates second anniversary

MINISTER of Natural Resources and the Environment, Mr Robert Persaud, has commended those women involved in mining here, particularly those who have made significant contributions to its success over the years. Speaking at a reception on Friday at the Pegasus Hotel to mark the second anniversary of the Guyana Women Miners Organisation (GWMO), Minister Persaud also applauded the organisation for reaching another milestone, and for the tremendous work it has been doing in ensuring that women miners’ voices are heard. Among those present at the event were British High Commissioner, Mr. Andrew Ayre; United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative, Ms. Khadijah Musa; and US Ambassador, Mr. Brent Hardt. The GWMO, which was established in 2011, has been extending its services to the mining industry, in order to ensure that women’s voices are heard, and that their contributions are more visible to society. Noting the importance of highlighting the issues of dignity and pride, Minister Persaud said: “What the Women Miners Association would have been able to do is remove that stigma and to bring out the commitment of hard work and to show the characteristics of Guyanese women because Guyanese women are unique. “The work of this organisation,” he said, “has certainly lifted the pride and public perception and understanding of what women can do in the

Members of the Guyana Women Miners Organisation mining sector, and has also aided the Government and other agencies that are partners in the international community in highlighting the issue of Trafficking in Persons (TIP).” TIP, the minister said, is an issue that Government has confronted and dealt with openly, bringing the law-enforcement agencies on board to address, bring under control and prosecute whenever it occurs. The minister assured the organisation that Government will continue to provide the necessary assistance in order to deal with the issue. The mining sector is expanding, and last year the highest gold declaration was recorded. However, there were some challenges in relation to the fluctuation of prices and illegal mining, among others. Minister Persaud encouraged the organisation to join the ministry in confronting those challenges. “This year you will see an intensification of those activities, dealing with illegal

DeadlockFromcontinues ... page 2

consult on the project over several days, some several weeks, and we came to agreement and the projects were signed off.” She therefore maintained that the Government’s position has been made clear, and remains unchanged in relation to the LEAD project. “Were the LEAD project to have gone through the protocol over the last 20 years, we probably would have come to an agreement and fine-tuned the number of concerns we had, which we have had with other projects with USAID,” Teixeira said. She said what was provided to Government was a “done deal”, rejected by Government primarily on that basis. “The main problem is the way in which the project is being implemented,” Teixeira reiterated. The project was not approved by Cabinet, and this was formally indicated to the relevant authorities on October 26, 2013.

shops, illegal mining and other practices that are against the law or do not contribute positively to the social development of our community,” he added. He challenged the organisation to get involved in responsible, clean, and environmentally friendly mining. “If you are able to make that impact, it would significantly help our efforts in terms of ensuring that we are not only satisfied with the goal, and fulfilling the objective of the Low Carbon Development Strategy, but also able to have a better level of clean and responsible mining,” Minister Persaud reiterated. GWMO President, Ms Simona Broomes, spoke of some of the challenges the organisation has been encountering as its members strive to assist in dealing with the issue of TIP, as she outlined some of the work the organisation is involved in.

Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Mr Robert Persaud, speaks at the GWMO event at the Pegasus Hotel Health and security, she said, are major challenges for some of the mining areas, and called on the relevant agencies to seek interventions so as to ensure a safer mining sector.

the Bankers’ Association. The Committee Chair said, “The position of the Opposition is that we will not address the contents of the Bill until it goes through these other procedures again.” STRICT TIMELINE Teixeira made it clear that the Committee is working with a strict timeline, particularly considering that the French-based Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is meeting on February 13. The FATF is expected to hold a review in February, in which Guyana could be included, following CFATF’s designation of Guyana as a country with strategic anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism deficiencies. It was noted that Guyana has not made sufficient progress in addressing the deficiencies and have not complied with the Action Plan developed with CFATF to address this. NO OPPOSITION AMENDMENT TABLED She said, “We have next week and the first week of February, that’s all we have. As of today, not one amendment has been tabled or submitted or circulated by the Opposition.” The Committee Chair stressed the importance of moving ahead with work on the Bill, since Guyana has already missed three deadlines last year - in May, August and November. Teixeira said, “They can proceed to automatically review us on February 13. We made this clear to the Opposition and in the interest of transparency and accountability, we felt that the presence of the media and other stakeholders as observers of the committee is important to allow the story of the committee to come out, but they had some deep concerns.” Despite these concerns, the Opposition Leader David Granger has said publicly that he is confident that the Committee will complete its work before the February 13 review. He said, “I am confident that the deliberations would be completed by that time. I don’t want to put a fine point on it, but the work that needs to be done, there is a memoranda being circulated and there is a body of amendments to be made and as far as I know the committee is working towards it.” In addition to FATF’s deadline, CFATF itself is expected to review Guyana’s position in May 2014 at its next meeting. If Guyana is unable to meet the May 2014 deadline, the body is expected to hand Guyana over to the Financial Action Task Force for the International Cooperation Review Group’s (ICRG) evaluation to begin. Guyana has already been blacklisted by CFATF. The body, at its 38th plenary meeting this week, called for its members to “consider implementing counter- measures to their financial systems from the ongoing money laundering and terrorist financing risks” emanating from Guyana. CFATF is an organisation of twenty-nine jurisdictions of the Caribbean Basin Region, which have agreed to implement the international standards for Anti-Moneylaundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) and CFATF recommendations.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014

Syria talks bring offer of exit from siege of Homs

By Khaled Yacoub Oweis and Stephanie Nebehay

GENEVA -(Reuters) - The Syrian government said women and children could leave the besieged rebel city of Homs yesterday as negotiators from the warring sides discussed humanitarian gestures on a second day of face-to-face talks in Geneva. Government and opposition delegates also spoke of releasing prisoners and enabling access for aid convoys during what the U.N. mediator acknowledged was a slow process but one which he hopes will lead today to broaching the central issue that divides them after three years of civil war - namely Syria’s political future and that of President Bashar al-Assad. Homs, occupying a strategic location in the center of the country, has been a key battleground. Assad’s forces retook many of the surrounding areas last year, leaving rebels under

siege in the city center, along with thousands of civilians. Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad told a news conference after yesterday’s meetings that the government would let women and children leave the city center if rebels gave them safe passage. U.N. mediator Lakhdar Brahimi said he understood that they would be free to quit Homs immediately. Mekdad said: “If the armed terrorists in Homs allow women and children to leave the old city of Homs, we will allow them every access. Not only that, we will provide them with shelter, medicines and all that is needed. “We are ready to allow any humanitarian aid to enter into the city through the ... arrangements made with the U.N.” In the city itself, however, opposition activists said rebels demanded a complete end to the blockade and opposed a limited ceasefire. An online video showed demonstrators

with Islamist flags denouncing the Geneva talks as “treachery”. Brahimi, who presided on Saturday over the first direct meeting between the two delegations, met both together again on Sunday morning, before holding discussions with each side separately in the afternoon. At another joint session on Monday, he hopes to begin discussion of a U.N. plan for a transitional government. Acknowledging the slow start to proceedings which began with a formal international conference on Wednesday, Brahimi said: “This is a political negotiation ... Our negotiation is not the main place where humanitarian issues are discussed. “But I think we all felt ... that you cannot start a negotiation about Syria without having some discussion about the very, very bad humanitarian situation that exists.” There was little sign of a softening of positions on the core issue - whether or not As-

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sad should quit now, as the opposition and their Western and Arab backers say was agreed by a U.N. conference at Geneva 18 months ago. “The president of the Syrian Arab Republic stays until the Syrian people says something else,” said Mekdad, repeating the government position that Assad can stay and win an election. For the opposition, spokesman Louay Safi said Monday’s session with Brahimi would show if the government was willing to negotiate: “Tomorrow we start talking about transition from dictatorship to democracy. The regime is ... stalling.” PRISONERS Brahimi said opposition delegates, who have asked for the release of nearly 50,000 detainees, had agreed to a government request to try to provide a list of those held by armed rebel groups - though many of these groups, fighting among themselves, do not recognize the negotiators’ authority. Mekdad said the government had examined an opposition list of 47,000 people believed to have been arrested by Assad’s forces and found most had either never been held or were now free. He also denied that any children were being held.































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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, whose government has helped Assad resist Western pressure but backs a negotiated peace to prevent the conflict spreading, called for progress on aid, unblocking besieged areas and prisoner exchanges. “All this would strengthen trust and affect the atmosphere at the talks in Geneva,” he said in comments posted on the Foreign Ministry’s website. “Beyond this, it is very difficult

U.N. mediator Lakhdar Brahimi to make guesses; the situation is extremely grave, positions are polarized, emotions are on the edge.” Underlining the difficulty of implementing even local agreements on the ground, a

U.N. agency trying to deliver aid to a besieged rebel area of Damascus said state checkpoints had hampered its work, despite assurances from the government that it would allow the distributions. GENEVA “NOT SACRED” An adviser to Assad, Bouthaina Shaaban, complained that opposition delegates were focusing on local issues and said the U.N. text calling for a political transition should be amended. The government was ready to discuss the Geneva Communiqué agreed by world powers 18 months ago, she said. But she added: “Geneva is not the Koran. It’s not the Gospel ... Geneva was issued in June 2012. We are now January 26, 2014. The ground has changed. We change according to what this reality requires.” In the summer of 2012, rebel forces took control of much of Aleppo, Syria’s biggest city, and were challenging Assad’s forces on the edge of Damascus. Since then, backed by Lebanese Hezbollah fighters and Iranian military commanders, Assad’s forces have halted the rebel advances and consolidated control over the center of the country, although there is little sign of them retaking swathes of rebel-held territory in the east.



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GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014

Brazil police arrest dozens CCJ Trust Fund after anti-World Cup protest ‘Performing well’

POLICE in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo say they have detained 128 people during

clashes that followed a demonstration against this year’s football World Cup.

The violence was in sharp contrast to an earlier peaceful protest

A car was damaged by fire. Shops, banks and a police vehicle were also damaged. The violence forced the authorities to cancel some of the festivities planned for the city’s 460th anniversary. Earlier, some 2,500 people took to the street to complain about the costs of staging the World Cup in Brazil. They marched through central Sao Paulo waving flags, carrying banners and chanting: “There will be no Cup”. Other Brazilians protested on Twitter, saying “Fifa go home”, in reference to football’s world governing body. There were similar small protests in Rio de Janeiro and other cities. “We are against the millions and millions of dollars being spent for the Cup,” university student Leonardo Pelegrini dos

H A M I LT O N , B e r m u d a , (CMC) - Premier Craig Cannonier is to visit the United states this week for a series of meetings aimed at increasing foreign investments in cashstrapped Bermuda. A government statement said Cannonier would first meet with officials from Norwegian Cruise Lines (NCL) and would also hold talks with representatives from the United Kingdom consulate and the Bermuda government’s Washington, DC office. The statement said the meetings were “in keeping with the focus on recovery and renewal” and were designed to foster international relations. “Everything the government is doing is to promote the recov-

potential job opportunities for Bermudians. “You’ll recall that through our jobs initiative launched last summer, NCL hired Bermudians to work aboard their vessels. I will then meet with the UK consulate to develop our strategies for leveraging trade and strategic international partnerships. “A meeting with our representative from the Bermuda government Washington office is also planned to find ways to increase our presence with interested parties in the United States,” he added Bermuda has been in recession for more than four years with unemployment running at seven per cent.

Bermuda’s Premier heads to New York for meetings ery and renewal of Bermuda; to provide job opportunities for Bermudians primarily through foreign investments and strategic partnerships,” Cannonier said, adding “Bermuda has a very compelling story to tell and it is imperative that we are aggressive about telling it.” The Premier will be joined by Cabinet Secretary Dr Derrick Binns and the government’s Washington office representative, Cheryl Packwood, for the trip. Cannonier, whose One Bermuda Alliance (OBA) government has been in power for 13 months, said at the request of the NCL officials, I will meet with them to commemorate the inaugural launch of the Norwegian Getaway and discuss other

St. Lucia and Mexico to deepen ties CASTRIES, St.Lucia, (CMC)-St.Lucia and Mexico are seeking to develop closer ties and improve relations. This was revealed by the new Ambassador of Mexico, Luis Manuel López Moreno, who recently presented his letters of credence to Governor General Dame Pearlette Louisy . In his message, Moreno referred to the common history, geography and culture that Mexico and St Lucia share and mentioned that the relations between both countries have always been of respect, cooperation and goodwill. He said international cooperation for development in the Caribbean is a priority for Mexico’s foreign policy, and he expects that Mexico and St Lucia take full advantage of their partnership in this field. The Ambassador also made reference to the 4th Summit of the Association of Caribbean States, to be held in April this year, under Mexico’s presidency by virtue of developing our cooperation ties. “Your Excellency, as a country belonging to the great Caribbean, Mexico has as one of its priorities to work closer with the countries of the region and rest assured that Saint Lucia can always count on Mexico as a friendly and close partner”, the Ambassador concluded. He also expressed his government deep regret for the damages faced by the people of St Lucia in the aftermath of the storm that affected the country last month .

Santos told the Associated Press news agency. The violence was in sharp contrast to an earlier peaceful protest “It is money that should be invested in better health and education services and better transportation and housing.” Sporadic vandalism Saturday’s peaceful protest was marred by sporadic acts of vandalism which turned into clashes with the police. Some demonstrators attacked an empty police car and tried to overturn it, while others torched a small car. They also burned tires and targeted banks and others businesses. The Sao Paulo state Governor Geraldo Alckmin condemned the violence. Fifteen people were also reported to have been detained at a protest near the World Cup stadium in Natal, a city in north-eastern Brazil. Last year, more than a million people took to the street in dozens of Brazilian cities over poor public services, corruption and the high cost of the World Cup. The wave of protests prompted Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff to propose a referendum on political reform. She also pledged to invest 50 billion reais ($25bn, £16bn) in public transport, one of the protesters’ main grievances.

By Peter Richards PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, (CMC) – A judge with the Trinidad-based Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) says his recent comments about the need to re-examine the trust fund that had been established to fund the court may have contributed to conveying a “wrong impression” of the state of funds available for the operations of the court. Last week, Justice Ralston Nelson told the Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) that he

Justice Ralston Nelson was of the opinion that the time had come for a review of the US$100 million initiative given the changing global economic and financial environment. “I think when the sum of 100 million US dollars was arrived at, obviously the data

they had considered would not have included the collapse of interest rates and the collapse of a large part of the financial world in 2008. “So that any calculations you would have made prior to setting up that fund now have to be revised anyway so that there is that aspect of it…and I think truth to tell is that the operations of the court were not fully looked at,” Justice Nelson told CMC. But in a brief statement issued late Saturday night, he said having reviewed the media reports on his comments “my comments were directed narrowly at the returns in the bond market and at noting that bonds were not producing the kinds of results projected ten years ago. “Fortunately, the bond market makes up only one portion of the investment portfolio of the Trust Fund which manages the US$100 million, the income of which is earmarked to fund the operations of the CCJ. The other investment options of the Fund are doing well. Most fundamental though, my focus was on the long term. It is inevitable that the court’s operations and functions will expand,” he said. According to preliminary estimates released here, the initial capital investment of US$100 million was surpassed during the course of 2013.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014


PPP needs to boost its public relations EDITORIAL

A perennial disregard for law and order ONCE more, illegal protests are being threatened by a recalcitrant opposition, which has made Guyana’s House of Assembly a veritable “Comedy of Errors” since they won a questionable one-seat majority with six votes, what with the Constitution having become a mere statistic with machinations engineered to make Guyana ungovernable under a PPP/C administration. This total disregard the opposition PNCR has for law and order in Guyana was never more evident than what transpired in Georgetown on May 16, 2008, when, having concluded an unauthorized protest march a few days prior, it ended its nefarious activities with the burning of an effigy of then President Bharrat Jagdeo outside of the Public Buildings in a clear demonstration that it was hell-bent on causing mayhem and disorder in the country, and instilling fear among the populace. One may well recall that it was this same PNCR that was also instrumental in the staging of protests following the suspension of CN Sharma’s broadcast licence for rebroadcasting a threat made by a female caller on President Jagdeo’s person on one of the call-in programmes of that television station. The foregoing actions are reminiscent of another unauthorized protest the PNCR’s leader, Robert Corbin, led several years before, from the East Coast to Georgetown, again in defiance of the police. That the party has no respect for the Police Force, and is bent on causing chaos and stalling progress and peaceful relations in Guyana is abundantly clear. What is even more disturbing is the deafening silence on the part of organisations such as the Guyana Human Rights Asssociation, ACDA, Red Thread and others, who were so vocal when CN Sharma’s licence was suspended. Why are they not outraged at the PNCR’s illegal actions? Where is their condemnation? Where is their call for the law to be upheld? One recalls the horror unleashed on a hapless populace when Mrs. Janet Jagan became president; or, subsequently, when young Bharrat Jagdeo succeeded her after her term in office was forcibly truncated through the PNC’s extra-parliamentary, violent protest actions, which saw destruction and carnage once again unleashed in Guyana, with a PNC supporter caught on camera with a bucket at the Government’s gas station as Regent Street burned. Worse atrocities were to be committed: sexual molestation, rape, and even murders. Down to the children and the crippled were not spared. And this is the sad history of our country. Despite this ongoing, relentless tsunami of destructive actions by a power-hungry opposition, with the new PNC configuration that has morphed into APNU, and AFC thrown into the cauldron, the PPP/C administration, under the brilliant stewardship of former President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, re-structured the socio-economic developmental paradigm of this once totally devastated country to point it into an ever-climbing upward trajectory; a near miraculous feat in a global dynamic that witnessed the economies of some of the most powerful nations in the world collapsing like ninepins; so much so that Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves of St Vincent and the Grenadines called Guyana “The only shining star in the Caribbean.” Alas! With just six votes, and Guyana’s landscape is once more on the brink of spiralling downward; not to mention the escalating of extra-parliamentary actions: Buxton, Linden, Agricola, a never-ending dirge singing the death knell to progress

A HEADLINE reads: “Massive turnout at PPP’s re-commissioning of Linden Freedom House office; President reiterates government’s commitment to take Region 10 to new level.” Chronicle, we are not seeing any photo/s of this “massive turnout”. Why? You guys don’t know how to capture the imagination of PPP core supporters in the other parts of Guyana? What would it cost to take photos of this “massive turnout” at Linden, of all places, for a PPP rally? Meanwhile, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds recalled how difficult it was for the PPP to exist and have a presence in Region 10 during the 1990s. There was much talk of a growing support base for the PPP in Region 10 at today’s event, though the Party has never managed to win the region electorally. The PPP has never won in Linden, and will never win in Linden, just like how the PNC never won a free, fair, and transparent election in Guyana’s history, but yet the PNC misruled for 28 years. The PPP could even give free electricity instead of the measly five dollars the freeloaders are paying, and PPP will still not win in Linden. It does not matter how much tax dollars the PPP takes from innocent hardworking taxpayers and pump it all into Linden, the PPP will never win Linden.

Unless the Court rules otherwise, the Minister’s order stands

THE action of the Deputy Mayor of the Georgetown City Council, in addressing the Town Clerk of the City Council as Acting Town Clerk could, at best, be described as an act of disdain and disrespect on the part of the Deputy Mayor, who should be guiding and not misleading the Council. In fact, Ms. Sooba must, in any duly constituted meeting of the Council, be addressed by Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillors, staff of the Council, indeed, by all persons attending such meetings of Council, as Town Clerk, and she cannot be faulted for failing to respond to what can only be described as a deliberate misnomer. Only if the Court rules against the Order of the Minister of Local Government and Regional Development appointing Ms. Sooba as the Town Clerk should she be addressed in the Council as Acting Town Clerk. Neither the Council nor Mayor, or any person performing duties of Mayor, can usurp the authority of the Court.The Deputy Mayor and the rest of the Council are advised to focus on the business of the Council, and this must, of necessity, include addressing issues of mismanagement of the Council’s affairs, lack of accountability, corruption and the inability to provide even the most basic services to the citizens of Georgetown. As at present, the Council does not have a Plan or Budget to guide its activities during 2014. They focus on the Town Clerk and not the residents of the City. Mr Mayor/Madam Deputy Mayor/Councillors! The health, safety and property of citizens are in great danger; that is where your focus must be. MINISTER NORMAN WHITTAKER, M.P.; J.P in Guyana. Which leaves one to wonder whether Guyanese are zombies being led to their own destruction, time and again, by so-called leaders who are concerned only with their own acquisition of wealth, self-empowerment and self-aggrandizement. When will the people of this nation begin to think for themselves? The fascist Minister of Propaganda in Hitlerite Germany, Herr Goebbels, is on record as saying that a lie is more believed when it is a big lie. He is further reported to have said that the more often a lie is repeated, the more one tends to believe it. The plethora of lies being constantly peddled by the opposition collective, and their acceptance by even supposedly intelligent persons in the private sector, who have ironically also been victims of the opposition’s extra-parliamentary strategies, draw a gloomy picture of hopelessness for this beleaguered nation. When will it end, Guyana?

And as soon as the opposition instigates them on one pretext or another, in no time, you will see looting and burning again. T. KING EDITOR’S NOTE: The PPP/C administration has stated, time and again, as re-iterated by PM Sam Hinds’ latest letter to the press, that theirs is a government that serves all the people, regardless of support or non-support. That is the mandate, remit and responsibility of governments.

The Colwyn Harding affair I NOTE with great amusement the speed with which the Guyana Bar Association was activated into action in condemning the Guyana Police Force in the Colwyn Harding affair. The Bar Association must know, or at least is presumed to know, about concepts such as due process, presumption of innocence, the right to be heard, and their absolute significance to the justice system, as well as to the basic civilized notion of fairness. However, the Bar Association obviously disregarded and ignored all these concepts in their haste to rally around Nigel Hughes, who appears to be the main architect behind this whole saga. Indeed, from all indications, it appears they are going to be personally humiliated, along with Hughes and AFC, since, the information which is emanating from the Police investigation and the medical probe is debunking the story which they are peddling. As lawyers, a few factors should have, at a minimum, struck them as odd. They include: i. The sheer improbability of a baton being inserted in someone’s anus without his needing medical treatment for nearly two months; ii. the fact that the victim of such a violent assault was able to walk, attend Court and have bowel movement for two months, without any apparent problems; iii. the victim of such a brutal act not disclosing it to anyone, for two months, even his close relatives, or the Magistrate before whom he appeared just two days thereafter; iv. that the disclosures came after two months when his knightin-shining-armour, Nigel Hughes, rode up on the scene; v. that no one, including police officers, who may have been on the scene, prisoners who may have been in the lock-ups, uttered a single word about this atrocity before the disclosures by Hughes; vi. when doctors were engaged, the absence of any medical opinion, instantaneously or even belatedly, which supports the infliction of such an unusual act of cruelty. These crystal clear signals must titillate suspicion in the mind of a reasonable person, more so, a person trained in law. The Bar Association ignored them all. They rushed to judgment against the Police after hearing only one side and in the absence of any corroborating evidence. The Police’s right to be heard was ignored. Compare their reaction when Nigel Hughes was accused of tampering with the jury in the Lusignan Massacre murder case. Here, thirteen people died, including five children. All slaughtered in their sleep, worse than animals. Not a word of concern or condemnation emanated from this Association. In fact, when they were called upon to comment by Mr. Anil Nandlall, the Attorney General, their President, in a letter to the Press, attacked and condemned him. Recall, when allegations were made against the Police that they had burnt the genitals of a teenaged boy, the Bar Association condemned it with all its might. Indeed they were right to do so. In that case, there was ample evidence of the excessive actions. The Police Officers were charged. However, when the State paid the compensation which was ordered by a Judge to the teenager for the injuries he suffered, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan pocketed over one-third (1/3) of it as legal fees. The Court of Appeal in Guyana, some years ago, ruled that contingency arrangements between lawyer and client are unlawful. It is obvious the Mr. Ramjattan had such an arrangement. Again, not a word from the Bar Association. Only a few weeks ago, a policeman in the discharge of his duties was shot and killed by a prisoner. Not a word from the Bar Association. Is this not a human life? At least, Harding is alive. I can go on to list more examples. I do not think it is necessary. I believe the point is made. To the “learned” members of this “honourable” profession, I say your slip is showing in a most vulgar manner; your silence will do you a greater good. History teaches us that there are two professions which are regarded as the oldest. One is the legal profession. I will leave you to guess the other. This Bar Association seems to be a member of both. REAZ HOLLADAR


Teen on outing with friends drowns in popular hotel pool

GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014

- News leaves family members devastated

By Shirley Thomas THE swimming activities of a group of approximately 20 teenagers, comprising final year and former students of St. Stanislaus College, ended tragically at the Princess Hotel Swimming Pool on Saturday with the death of 17-year-old Shamar Edwards, who plunged into the pool but came out dead. Edwards, of East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, had been preparing to write the CAPE examinations next June. Others from the group related to the Guyana Chronicle that they had planned the outing about a week in advance, and had all turned up at the hotel rather excited and prepared for a great afternoon swimming

together. They recalled commencing swimming activities at around 14:00 hrs, and tragedy striking at around 15:00 hrs, when Shamar plunged into the pool. He had apparently hit his head, because his body shot back up, and rescuers were able to pull him out of the water and try administering artificial resuscitation before rushing him to the Diamond Regional Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. The horrifying news was communicated to his family, and his mother, Ms Marcie Duke, who works at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport at Timehri, became hysterical. However, the word she had received was that Shamar was swimming at the pool and had ‘nearly drowned’.

The terrified mother hastened to the Diamond Hospital, but as she now recollects, on that occasion, it was ‘a journey that was not coming to an end.’ When she arrived there, other family members and his friends were at the hospital, and she was taken inside to see him. But tragically, it was neither a limp nor resuscitating person she beheld, but a dead youth. Shamar was already dead, and his mother fainted at the sight. The hearse took Shamar’s lifeless body to the Lyken Funeral Parlour at about 23:00hrs. The mother was still in a state of shock when she spoke with this newspaper at her home yesterday, Shamar’s classmates huddling on the solemn occasion. An anguished Marcie

told of the pain of losing her eldest son, and reminisced on the good times they had shared in the home. She spoke of the effort she had put into the upbringing of Shamar, his brother and sister, and how the family had been looking forward to having Shamar write the CAPE examination, anticipating good results. Shamar, she said, had been a member of the St. George’s Cathedral Choir, having previously served as an altar boy. Before leaving for the pool, he had prepared his clothes for Sunday mass the following day,

Dead: Shamar Edwards and was looking forward to his usual participation in the choir the following morning, but that, most regrettably, was not to be. “Shamar was a wonderful person. He was quiet and pleasant, but was a very jovial child. He was well grounded in his faith, and was an inspiration to others,” his distraught mother

recalled. The young man is survived by his father, Kwame Edwards, and mother, Marcie Duke; one sister, one brother; grandmother, Wendy Griffith; and other relatives and friends. A post mortem examination is to be performed today (Monday).


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014

CARICOM accredits new Slovenia rep - ‘survival’ issues to be addressed through partnership

By Vanessa Narine CONTINUING the long-standing accreditation process for plenipotentiary representatives, Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Ambassador Irwin LaRocque on Friday accepted letters of credence from Slovenia representative, Dr. Bozo Cerar. LaRocque, at a simple ceremony at the CARICOM Headquarters, Turkeyen, noted that the accreditation is a step towards the construction of a multifaceted partnership between CARICOM and Slovenia, which includes strategic political exchanges and tangible developments and technical cooperation. According to him, this type of partnership will result in people of member states and Slovenia enjoying the benefits of growing relations.

and the Post-2015 Development Agenda are as promising as they are daunting, requiring that countries with diverse agendas, priorities and levels of development agree on baselines that serve both the smallest and the largest of nations. It is a challenge our countries must overcome.” LaRocque noted the con-

This will result in a decrease in resources made available to middle-income countries at a time when such resources are most needed.” LaRocque called on the newly accredited Ambassador to advocate on the Community’s behalf, in the Councils of the EU, with respect to how that policy is applied given the

context within which both parties can pursue cooperation that would support the implementation of programmes that positively impact the lives of our people. WILLING PARTNER LaRocque added that CARICOM is a willing partner in advancing change for the benefit of the people of its member


SURVIVAL ISSUES The Secretary-General dubbed the issues that can be addressed through the partnership as survival issues, which present challenges for both Slovenia and CARICOM countries. He said, “As regards political dialogue, I believe there are three key issues on which CARICOM and Slovenia, as small states, can successfully engage in order to find common ground and facilitate advances within the international community. “These are the definition of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, the ongoing global climate change negotiations and the continued fight against the scourge of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).” As it relates to the latter, the Secretary-General noted Slovenia’s interest in health care, through its strong pharmaceutical industry, and called for support for the implementation of the UN Declaration on NCDs. He said, “Ambassador, each of these issues is of paramount importance to CARICOM. In fact they are, for us, survival issues affecting how and if our children will inherit a quality of life that meets their aspirations. “The negotiation processes for both climate change targets

terest in deepening ties that your country has shown in appointing you as its second Ambassador to our Community. “CARICOM’s expectations that relations with Slovenia will develop are, I believe, well entrusted to your capable hands, given your wide and impressive experience and knowledge. “I can assure you that you will find in me and my staff, colleagues who are equally anxious to make the CARICOM-Slovenia relationship one that is both meaningful and mutually beneficial.”

From left, Slovenia’s plenipotentiary representative to CARICOM, Dr. Bozo Cerar, presents letters of credence to CARICOM Secretary-General, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque. tinuing concerns of CARICOM member states as it relates to the Region’s capacity to recover from the “ongoing negative effect of the global financial and economic crisis” on small, highly indebted, vulnerable middle-income countries. He noted that these countries are being adversely affected by the practice of many development partners of ‘graduating’ middle-income countries from access to concessionary financing without taking into account their vulnerabilities. The Secretary-General said, “This is based primarily on the flawed assumption that GDP per capita is a sound measure of development. “The EU (European Union) itself has followed this trend by introducing differentiation in its new development policy.

vulnerabilities of our member states. “I am sure that your country’s understanding of the vulnerabilities of small states will lead it to,” he said. The CARICOM Head referred to earlier partnerships with Slovenia and the move to pursue greater technical cooperation. He said, “I had proposed then that areas such as education and training, people-to-people contact, cultural exchange, tourism, and trade might form the basis of concrete cooperation. I remain convinced that the scope exists for action to be pursued in these areas.” On that note, he called for the new Ambassador to work with him to agree on a framework cooperation agreement, which provides a structured

states. “I am confident that Slovenia and CARICOM states, by working with like-minded countries, can move negotiations forward in the interest of the most vulnerable amongst us, the small highly indebted, middle-income countries and the poor countries of our planet,” he said. LaRocque called for the Ambassador to establish close dialogue with the Community and its Secretariat to allow for both partners to work together to formulate strategies that will address problematic issues, particularly as the United Nations prepares to convene the 20th Conference of Parties to the Climate Change Convention in Peru at the end of this year. He said, “The Caribbean Community welcomes the in-

Public consultation on TV broadcast switchover for GICC tomorrow - change means analogue TV sets will have to go By Clifford Stanley

GUYANA’S roadmap for the inevitable transition from analogue to digital TV broadcasting is being pursued with the involvement of all stakeholders, including members of the public. Officials of the National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU) will, in keeping with this policy, hold a public consultation on the subject at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC) tomorrow afternoon, beginning at 5 p.m. The announcement was made early last week, and all stakeholders, including consumers, government officials , broadcasters

and retailers of television sets are invited to attend and have their opinions and recommendations heard. At a recent public forum, Head of the NFMU, Mr. Valmiki Singh and other speakers had declared that a switchover from analogue to the digital television system was inevitable. He had stressed at the time that due to improvements in technology, over-the-air analogue terrestrial television is being rapidly replaced by digital terrestrial TV. Many developed countries, including the USA and Canada, have already transitioned to digital TV broadcasts. Singh had said that it was just a matter of time when analogue

Dr. Cerar, in his comments, cited the “numerous possibilities” that engagements between CARICOM and Slovenia offer. He said, “There are numerous possibilities for expansion and deepening of our relationship and cooperation at the bilateral level, within the framework of the EU and in the multilateral fora. “In this regard Secretary General, with your help, I am determined to continue working towards advancement of these goals to the mutual benefit of Slovenia and the Caribbean countries.” The new plenipotentiary representative stated that Slovenia attaches “great importance” to CARICOM and its member states. “Based on partnership, mutual respect and solidarity we wish to strengthen and deepen our cooperation….these are the fundamentals on which we wish to further the cooperation with the Caribbean countries, through strengthening political dialogue and economic cooperation,” he said. Dr. Cerar added that despite the geographical distance Slovenia and CARICOM member states countries have much in common and share the same values and basic foreign policy principles, issues of human security, human rights and the strengthening of international law and justice, as well as common positions on pressing global issues. He said, “We are determined to continue and deepen

bilateral cooperation in the areas where it has already proved its value, with special attention to sustainable development, economic integration, environmental issues and climate change.” The Ambassador pledged support in contributing to the efforts of the international community with humanitarian relief when facing natural disasters in the Caribbean. In noting other tangible support offered to the Community, Dr. Cerar said, “Slovenia took an active role in developing a Joint Caribbean EU Partnership Strategy. We were one of the principal proponents of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the EU and CARIFORUM that was signed in 2008, the same year when Slovenia held the EU presidency. “We consider this also as our contribution to the strengthening of the bi-regional strategic partnership and deepening its economic cooperation. It is our belief that free movement of goods goes hand in hand with free movement of people.” According to him, it is for this reason that Slovenia advocates an EU visa liberalisation regime for the Organisation of the Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) countries, conditional upon their fulfilment of criteria – countries that still do not have a visa-free regime. “We expect the internal debate to be concluded soon,” he said. The representative is the second in a year, after the first representative was unable to continue as the country’s liaison with CARICOM. To date, several countries have appointed a plenipotentiary representative to the Caribbean Community. Among the member states who are accredited are Antigua, Barbados,The Bahamas, Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago. Haiti’s first point person in advancing matters between the country and Haiti was accredited two weeks ago. Guyana plenipotentiary representative is the Director General in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Elisabeth Harper.

TV equipment, transmitters and receivers would not be available on the market anymore. “DROP-DEAD DATE” June 17, 2015 has been identified as a “drop-dead date” for many European and Middle East countries to complete the transition. Some broadcasters had expressed qualms about the “switchover”, stating that it would be very costly for them to replace their analogue transmitters with digital transmitters. Guyanese consumers will also have to scrap their analogue television sets. Because of its complexity, the Guyana programme for determining a roadmap for the transition has been funded by the South Korean Government via the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a specialized agency for Telecommunications within the United Nations. The ITU has stated that countries which do not make the switchover by 2016 will not get any help or protection if their signals are interfered with by any other party.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014

Defined procrastination and tactical stalling THE revealing account of what can only be described as defined procrastinating and stalling tactics by the parliamentary opposition with regard to the proposed Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLCFT) legislation ought to confirm, in the minds of those who may have thought otherwise, that

both the A Partnership For National Unity(APNU) and the Alliance For Change(AFC) never had any genuine reasons for stymieing its legislative passage through the House. For all the entreaties from every conceivable stakeholder quarter, and the inevitable blacklisting of Guyana, due to these two parties’ hell-bent programme of embarrassing

the country in any manner they can, both APNU and the AFC are deliberately employing the same strategy once again, despite their request that the Bill be dispatched to a second Select Committee. For what, one may ask? Of course, the Honourable Attorney-General’s factual account and analysis of what can only be described as

GECOM says workplan in place for holding local gov’t elections By Vanessa Narine

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar has made it clear that the current administration is ready for elections “like yesterday”. Last Friday, he stressed that the resignation of Mr Ganga Persaud as Minister of Local Government and Regional Development will not affect the hosting of local government elections. Public Relations Officer of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Mr Vishnu Persaud, told the Guyana Chronicle that the Commission already has a workplan in place to facilitate the hosting of local government elections, once it is called; but GECOM would need six months’ notice to get that plan operational. Asked about the status of the continuous registration process, Persaud noted that the last cycle was completed in December. “The sixth cycle is likely to commence in March,” he said. NEW CEO A major component for the hosting of local government elections is the appointment of a Chief Elections Officer. The GECOM PRO explained that, to date, the short-listing of applicants has been completed, but the Commission is yet to meet for the new year to hold detailed discussion on the appointment of a new chief elections officer. However, he said, the substantive post has attracted several applications. The post of Chief Elections Officer became vacant after GECOM declined to renew the contract of Mr Gocool Boodhoo following concerns raised by the Opposition over a computing mistake that was made in the allocation of seats in the 2011 elections. The mistake had been rectified. Also, Boodhoo’s late submission of notice of his intent to seek renewal of his contract affected his prospects of being reappointed to the position. GECOM invited applicants to apply for the position last August, giving them until the end of September to submit their applications. The Chief Elections Officer is required to play the key leadership role in the Secretariat of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). This individual has responsibility for implementing all aspects of the GECOM operations, and for ensuring that results achieved are consistent with the laws of Guyana and the policies determined by the Chairman and the Commissioners. The Chief Elections Officer acts as GECOM’s primary point of contact with staff members of the Secretariat, whose activities include processing of registrants; distribution of ID Cards; and providing information and guidance on electoral operational matters to community organisations and other stakeholders. The Chief Elections Officer would also be required to represent the GECOM’s policies and activities in interactions with stakeholders and other interest groups, including political parties, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), donor and international agencies, in matters relating directly to the operations of GECOM. Among those applying for the position of GECOM’s Chief Elections Officer are acting Chief Elections Officer Mr Calvin Benn, and Acting Deputy Chief Elections Officer Mr Keith Lowenfield. Local government elections are expected to be held in the third quarter of 2014. Local government elections were not held in Guyana since 1994. Prior to that, local government elections were last held in 1970. Subsequent to 1994, the elections could not be conducted because they had coincided with the general and regional elections of 1997.

the worst form of national irresponsibility of any opposition party in the annals of our modern political history, leaves one with the conclusion that that section of the House’s aisle is guilty of abuse of process, in addition to wasting taxpayers money as People’s Representatives. They must be reminded that they are in the House to represent not their political egos and to indulge in dangerous power-play, but to do all that is necessary to advance the nation’s important interests. Simply put, they are sabotaging another given opportunity of sparing the nation further

travail, by a pattern that is akin to treason! Oh yes! Treason! For, how can their appointed members not turn up for sittings at this another God-given opportunity of finalizing the proposals for final passage through the House? Their request for more public input must be held as the height of all unreasonableness, plus irrationality, given that this process would have already been completed. One can only conclude that the designated representatives on the Committee, who, reportedly, have no authority to make decisions such as consideration of government offering to make the deliberations public in the interest of transparency, are really part and parcel of an orchestrated plot to frustrate the efforts

at finalizing this very crucial piece of legislation that is central to the nation’s credibility. With the effects of the November blacklisting already beginning to affect aspects of financial business transactions, Guyanese must be alerted to the fact of the implications to which this is leading. This latest manifestation of the political opposition points to their well-known intention of destroying this country’s credible standing as a member of the regional and wider international business community. Not even their many followers, who themselves have started to complain about the undue length of time it takes for them to complete basic bank transactions, will tolerate this plot that has implications for all.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014

Judge, jury hear compelling story about love turned deadly

Vryheid’s Lust accident victim succumbs at GPHC

‘Queenie’ murder trial...

By George Barclay

THE sad story of a relationship gone sour was told Justice Navindra Singh and a mixed jury at the Demerara Assizes on Friday by a teenage boy who said he witnessed ‘Queenie’ hug her lover then stab him at South Sophia. Tyrone Best, Queenie’s Barbadian lover, later died in hospital from a stab wound in the abdomen. Police investigations resulted in Tramangra Williams, called ‘Queenie’, being charged with murder. The boy, an alleged eyewitness named Kenneth Webster, called ‘Tony’, told the judge and jury that ‘Queenie’ was his neighbour, and that he knew Best, who had been living with her at the time. According to Webster, now 19, on December 27, 2008, when he was just 13 years old, he recalled, between 4 and 5pm, he and his father building a bathroom in the yard. He said that as he looked out from the backyard, where he went to fetch water for his father to wash his hands, he saw Best standing by a ‘lantern-post’. He could see Best clearly, because nothing was blocking his view. He then saw ‘Queenie’ coming out of her house, and, going to where Best was, hugged him with her left hand, while stabbing him in the right side of his chest with a brown-handle knife she was carrying. She then went back up her stairs and locked the door, Webster said. Meanwhile, Best, who had a black jersey on his shoulder, placed the said garment on the wound, then walk up the stairs after ‘Queenie’. On seeing this, Webster said, he hollered for his mother and told her what had transpired. In answer to a question posed by the Prosecutrix, Mrs. Judith

Mursalin, Webster said he and ‘Queenie’ never had any problem. But on cross-examination by Mr. Peter Hugh, he denied ever seeing Best pelt ‘Queenie’ with a shoe that day. It was suggested to witness that ‘Queenie’ first came out of the house, and that Best followed her. But the witness denied the suggestion. The witness, Wendy De Florimente, Kenneth’s mother, was next to testify. She said that on December 27, she was at her home at ‘D’ Field, South Sophia, when her son, Kenneth, began shouting for her. She said Kenneth told her what he saw. Upon looking out, she saw Best coming down the stairs. She also saw him going back up the stairs, and he was staggering. She said that two days later, when she was leaving to go to Court, ‘Queenie’ called out to her and asked if she heard that Best had died. Witness said, “I asked her what happened to him, and ‘Queenie’ replied, ‘Two boys stabbed him and robbed him of $20, 000.00.’ During the first day of the trial, police witness, Singh, testified that the accused, ‘Queenie’, had told him in a statement that her boyfriend had left her at home to purchase cigarettes, when, suddenly, she heard him shouting from outside, at 605 ‘D’ Field, South Sophia, saying, “Queenie, come!“ Witness, Singh, said ‘Queenie’ told him that when she went outside, she saw her boyfriend, Tyrone Best, on his knees, holding his belly, and bleeding from a wound. According to the constable, she said she enquired from Tyrone what had happened, and he explained that two men, whom he did not recognize, attacked and robbed him, and stabbed him in the abdomen. The hearing continues.

THE police have said that 55-year-old Vejai Narine Ragandan of Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara, who was involved in a motor vehicle accident on the Vryheid’s Lust Embankment Road, ECD on Monday, January 13, succumbed to his injuries at the GPHC on January 25, at about 04:45 hrs. Investigations are in progress. **********************************

Police frisk unearths 9mm Luger, four rounds

POLICE report that a mobile patrol conducted a search Friday on a man at De Abreu Street, Newtown at about 10:00 hrs, and found an unlicensed 9mm Luger with four rounds on his person. The man is in police custody, and charges will be laid shortly. **********************************

Employee shot while thwarting armed robbery at city business place

POLICE say 29-year-old Jason Fraser was shot and injured in his abdomen at about 10:15hrs Friday, when he thwarted an attempt to rob the Mexican Grille and Bar on Water Street, Georgetown by a man brandishing a handgun. The perpetrator managed to escape, but Jason Fraser has been admitted to hospital, and investigations are in progress. (Michel Outridge)

GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014

Ganga Persaud: ‘I will continue as MP’ By Vanessa Narine

FORMER Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Ganga Persaud, has indicated that he will continue to serve his country and his party as a Member of Parliament. Persaud, last Thursday, announced his resignation as Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, citing personal reasons. And yesterday, in an invited comment, he said, “I will continue as a Member of Parliament.” The former government minister declined when asked, to ex-

pound on his reasons for leaving, maintaining that these were of a personal nature. In his press statement on Thursday, Persaud said, “My resignation as Minister of Local Government and Regional Development is based on personal issues presently engaging my attention as well as some additional responsibilities to which I am committed,” he said. According to him, he remains committed to supporting the President and the current Administration. “As a member of the leadership of our party, I wish to restate my commitment to working with the PPP in enhancing our chances

11 at the next General and Regional Elections so as to reclaim the majority in the Parliament,” he said. “This is so important for Guyana’s continued growth and development since no other political party can assure our country’s development other than the PPP.” The President noted that no decision on a replacement has yet been made. President Ramotar announced Persaud’s appointment as Minister of Local Government and Regional Development on December 5, Ganga Persaud 2011. The Head of State has since said that there is no rush to fill the position, as Minister Norman Whittaker is already attached to the ministry.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014

President optimistic airport modernisation has potential to attract more airlines By Vanessa Narine

WITH the US$138M Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) modernisation programme progressing on schedule, President Donald Ramotar is optimistic that more airlines will soon be rapping on Guyana’s door, once there is adequate capacity to accommodate them. Referring to Panama-based

Copa Airlines having already announced commencement of service to Guyana from July this year, President Ramotar noted that Guyana is already attracting increased foreign interest. “These new airlines are coming in on what we have, it is not a question that they are waiting for the completion of the project…this gives you an indication that, with a better runway, Guyana can realise our

Public Works and Transport Minister Robeson Benn; CJIA’s Chief Executive Officer Ramesh Ghir; other airport officials and CHEC engineers visited the work site recently.

Mash 2014: Is there a new twist? By Rebecca Ganesh-Ally MASHRAMANI 2014 has been launched under the theme, “Cultural Folklore, Celebrating 44”. And with this in mind, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport has put a different twist on things this year, introducing a commemorative intelligence section to the usual social aspect of the celebrations. Mashramani, often abbreviated to “Mash”, celebrates Guyana’s becoming a Republic in 1970. The festival includes a parade, music, games and cooking, and is intended to commemorate Guyana’s attainment of Republican status. There are spectacular costume competitions, float parades, masquerade band performances, and dancing in the streets to the accompaniment of steel pan music, calypsoes and soca renditions. Masqueraders frequent the streets, performing acrobatic dance routines in a vivid reminder of Guyana’s African heritage. Calypso competitions with their witty social commentaries are another integral part of “Mash” celebrations. Mr Lennox Canterbury, in an interview with this publication, pointed out that the committee wanted differences in this year’s activities, and since there are a few aspects of our history going into extinction, it was decided to add a commemorative intelligence section to revive our history and educate the public. He said all regions would have a flag-raising ceremony to commemorate the day’s activities, and cultural programmes would enhance our knowledge of “Mash”. A folk concert slated for February 6 at the National Cultural Centre would showcase the history and folklore of our ancestors, and a date has also been set to have a concert for the elderly, to bring to life past and present aspects of the celebration of Mash. Professor Clem Seecharran from London would be conducting the Republic Lecture Series workshop on February 20 at the Umana Yana under the theme of ‘Developing and Understanding Cultural Industries’, as a way of earning with their skills and talents. A Children’s art competition and an essay competition for secondary schools would focus on how children can contribute to the development of their country; and this would occur during the month of February. Steelpan, calypso and chutney competitions, along with a children’s parade and a costume and float parade are all parts of the ongoing social aspect of Mash. The first of these activities, the Chutney Finals, is being held at Bath Settlement in Region 5 on January 25. Mashramani is a time when the oneness of the people of Guyana is distinctly on showcase as we celebrate our successes as a nation. This is also the time when our creativity is most ingenuously highlighted and it’s the effort of the committee to enhance those skills and talents to their optimum, in order to preserve our rich history. This was fully adumbrated by Mr Lennox Canterbury.

potential,” he said. CJIA Public Relations Officer Aneka Edwards said the contractor, China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC), is continuing it works. On January 4, 2014, Public Works and Transport Minister Robeson Benn, CJIA’s Chief Executive Officer Ramesh Ghir, other airport officials and CHEC engineers visited the sandpit CHEC uses to backfill the trial section. Last December, the joint Opposition opposed release of a $65.4M allocation for the CJIA included in a Statement

of Excess, a financial paper tabled by Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh. Given that that the minister had acted in accordance with the Constitution and the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act, the Opposition’s non-approval post-expenditure did not affect the allocation. The project faced similar opposition when the 2013 Budget was cut, but, in mid-September this year, Chairman of the CJIA Board, Mr Ramesh Dookhoo, said the modernisation project is being propelled by a US$20M mobilisation

advance made under the 2012 Budget. Under the CJIA Modernisation project, a new and modern terminal building will be constructed, with the runway extended to accommodate larger, wide-body planes. Government has signed with the

Chinese contractor a designand-build contract to the tune of US$138M, under which CHEC has 32 months to complete the project. The project is being partially funded by a US$130M loan from China, with the rest coming from the public treasury.


Australian mining company sees good prospects at West Omai By Clifford Stanley

TROY Resources Limited, the Australian company pursuing development of a gold mine in the Cuyuni/Mazaruni area (Region 7), has released a preliminary economic assessment and scoping study which estimates that a total of 633,000 ounces of gold can be recovered from three of its holdings at West Omai over a seven-year mine life. The results of the preliminary study, including the production targets, are based on indicated mineral resources (being 45% of the production target) and inferred mineral resources (being 55% of the production target).

The company reported that the study considered a combination of two open cut pits - namely, Smarts and Hicks -- and one underground mine, Smarts Underground, feeding a conventional carbon-in-leach (CIL) gold plant with a nominal capacity of 750,000 tonnes per annum (tpa). The sources in terms of contained gold were: Smarts Open Cut (45%), Hicks Open Cut (15%), and Smarts Underground (40%). The Smarts pit is expected to produce 2,175,000 tonnes of plant feed at 4.5 grammes per tonne gold (4.5g/t) with a mining strip ratio of 9.9:1; be mined to a depth of 140m, and produce

For Monday January 27, 2014 -14:00hrs For Tuesday January 28, 2014 -14:30hrs

287,421 ounces of gold. The Hicks pit is expected to produce 1,300,000 tonnes of plant feed at 2.4g/t; have a mining strip ratio of 5.5:1; be mined to a maximum depth of 90m, and produce 92,334 ounces of gold. The Smarts underground would produce 1,713,000 tonnes of plant feed at a grade of 5.0g/t; extend for a vertical depth of 400m below natural surface; and produce 253,738 ounces of gold. The company said the results of the study are NI43101 compliant, meaning that it has met reporting and disclosure standards imposed by regulators on Canadian-listed mining and exploration companies. Troy is a dual-listed company (DLC), meaning that it is listed on both the Australian and Canadian stock exchanges. Commenting on the study, Troy CEO Paul Benson said: “We are very pleased with the results of this initial analysis of the project.” He pointed out that the analysis includes only currently identified resources. “Our licences within trucking distance of the proposed plant site are very prospective, with over 30 additional exploration targets already identified; and we believe there is an excellent opportunity to continue the track record of adding ounces through drilling over time.” He said that even at US$1250/oz gold, and just considering the current resource, the modelling supports Troy’s project concept; and the company is working to finalise the pre-feasibility study in the June quarter. Troy acquired Azimuth Resources Limited, which had discovered and delineated a high-grade gold resource in Guyana in July last year.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014

Aries March 21 - April 19

You’ll have to do a bit of selling today -- either for yourself or for a project you want other people to pitch in on. If all you do is focus on what you want out of them, folks may find you a bit insensitive. But if you focus on what’s in it for them, you can get their attention and get them on board! Put yourself in their position and think how they would think. Keep communication simple and straightforward, and there’s a higher chance you will communicate yourself in a positive way.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

You need to find a way to deal with your financial situation today. Fortunately, coming up with creative ways to earn or save money will be an extremely fun challenge. Even clipping coupons will be a blast when you know how much cash it’ll save you! Over the next few months, your financial health will improve, so just be patient. Eventually, friends will come to you to find out what your secret is -- share what you have learned so all can profit.

Gemini May 21 - June 21

Changing your mind about something might be called for today when you hear a convincing counterpoint. But don’t switch gears right away. Give this issue some serious thought as the day continues. Hold off on defending your thoughts and converting to the other side. Revising your outlook is an intelligent and responsible thing to do from time to time, but you shouldn’t do it too reflexively.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

Today, it may feel as if you’re missing out on the joke or a bit late to the party, but so what? You can’t always be in perfect synchronicity with everyone, even if you want to be. Live with this disconnect and let it pass -- it will go away soon enough, so don’t worry. You can’t let this feeling shake your confidence, or else you could get distracted from some important things you have to do today. Look at the bright side -- by being out of step, you’re getting a fresh perspective.

Leo July 23 - August 22

Expect to get a few double takes from cute strangers wherever you go today. You are feeling extremely good on the inside, and it shows on your outside. Your intense positive energy is amplifying your sex appeal and really getting you noticed! This is the perfect day to make a move on someone you’ve been crushing on -- or to turn up the heat in an existing relationship. Your partner will be at your mercy, ready to do whatever you want. Be careful with all of this power!

Virgo August 23 - September 22

Lots of indecisive energy is around you, and it could cause some scheduling delays. The good news is these hindrances happen for the best! So if you can be flexible and just go with the flow right now, you will open your life up to more spontaneity and excitement. Let things be messy and imperfect, and you’ll enjoy them more. Who cares if you don’t have the perfect outfit or you’re five minutes late for the movie? Trying to make things flawless is not worth the trouble.

Libra September 23 - October 22

You may have already made up your mind about a certain person, but why not consider changing your opinion today? You should never close yourself off to the possibility that people can change, because they can. You have, haven’t you? So set aside any negative feelings and make the best of the situation by thinking the best about this person. Life is too short to be judgmental about others. Give them the benefit of the doubt and you’ll be rewarded.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

It’s time to pay more attention to the cautious and conservative voice inside you today -- especially if it’s telling you to walk away from something new and mysterious. It’s a bad idea to get involved in anything you’re not totally sure about, such as investments, major purchases or social events where big drama could occur. You might think you can handle more risk right now, but you don’t know what you’re in for.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21

Put your fantastic observation skills to good use today -- they could help you save lots of money. It’s time to adopt some of the money-saving ideas that a friend or family member has recommended, even if they don’t sound easy or particularly enjoyable. Any discomfort you feel today will be worth it. And if you are looking for good ways to spend your money, an interesting investment opportunity will appear today. Do your research before you commit.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

Comparing yourself to other people isn’t always a healthy endeavour -- it can create unnecessary insecurity. But today, you might want to look around at the people who are similar to you and observe how they handle things you’re struggling with. Their unique approach will be educational and perhaps inspiring. Your peers can show you that even though things won’t seem possible, they can come to be if you persevere. Just keep going and when you need inspiration, look to them.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

Anything is possible today. It’s a very expansive day, and you’re more positive than you’ve felt in a long time. But today’s strong vibe of opportunity will encourage bad events just as much as positive outcomes, so be sure to stay skeptical as much as possible. Consequences are a fact of life in whatever path you choose, so make sure you do something good for you -- both emotionally and physically.

Pisces February 19 - March 20

All day long luck will be on your side big time -- and it could even affect your financial situation! Fortune will help little things add up to big things, so stick some money in your savings account. Start a short conversation with a cute person you’ve been trying to get to know better. Do an extra set of crunches at the gym this morning. The universe will take any small seeds you plant today and nurture them into a positive force in your life.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 20 2014





 property at Atlantic Gardens. Tel. 679-4096, 6012938, 225-6608.

 and land Subryanville, 3rd Avenue corner spot, just off Embassy turn, beautiful location. Call 617-3642.

 Street 3 flat investment property between Alexander and Bourda Market, permit for 4th flat US$2.2M, land 60x52. MR. Paul 626-1150, 10 Am - 12 noon.

 Road Eccles properties on land size 50x187 - $40M, Somerset Court, flat three-bedroom $16.5M, two-storey wooden concrete building at Providence $16M, Call Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 223-6218, 227-2487, 623-7805.

 2-bedroom flat concrete house in Mon Repos. Tel. 220-7937, 625-5257.

 and Bar Cody's Place 344 & 345 East and Middle Streets, North Cummingsburg, For sale by owner only. Tel. 656-9835, 908-456-6683.  Street $34.5M, Campbellville (2 buildings) $23M, Anna Catherina $6.5M, Diana 2272256, 626-9382.  Street US$1M, Alberttown $64M and $34M, Golden Grove $12M, South $20M and $18M, Eccles $31M, Queenstown $13M, Troy 6262243.  Ruimveldt Gardens, Vreed-en-Hoop and Craig. Prices range from $17M neg - $38M neg. Call 644-2099. and land for sale, Lot 9 Crane Old Road 750ft x 38ft. One land for sale Independence Street, La Grange., Phone 6013322.

 property at 25 Public Road, Mon Repos, opposite market, 220-1882, 220-9889  and land at Parcel 105 Vrymen's Erven, New Amsterdam, Tel. 618-1915.  upstairs, concrete house located in Diamond Housing Scheme. Tel. 667-0057.

 Peter Rose Street large executive concrete and wooden building. Vacant possession. K.S. Raghubir Agency. 225-0545. concrete 2 flat house at 47 Happy Acres ECD, fully furnished 3 bedrooms top flat, hot and cold bath, big yard space. Call 225-2902, 673-1095.

 Front land with a small wooden house in East Coast Demerara. Contact 6578086.

 property for sale on Sheriff Street Campbellville. Call 682-7733.

      Real Estate: Enterprise lot with house $6M, La Parfaite Harmonie $3.5M. 628-1567, 628-5738. incomplete 2-storey concrete building at Liliendaal. Contact Sanjay on 662-3842.  concrete and wooden building at       $50M. Tel. 641-1800, 223-5324. for sale 178 Waterloo Street, Georgetown, $50M neg. Call 627-3994.  Street double lot $140M neg. Princes Street $15M neg. 611-0315, 690-8625.  3-storey building at Lot 61 Station Street, Kitty $32M neg. Contact 6803771, 694-7210.  5 Pigeon Island, Chateau Margot ECD, in excellent condition. Price $18M neg. Tel. 220-4776.  new 3-bedroom property, low land, East Coast Demerara $16M neg. Contact 680-3771, 694-7210.

  Adelaide and Evans Streets Charlestown, Georgetown, Georgetown, Lot No. 41 Section 'A', NO. 53 Village, Corentyne, Berbice. Contact 233-6811, 679-3448.  20% on all executive properties $60M, 30% discount on $24M, and below, 15% discount on land $18M. Phone 6677812, 225 - 6 8 5 8 , 225-2626 Terrence Reid.  : Three bedroom concrete building 28M; Diamond - concrete and wooden twostorey building - 16M; Guyhoc Park - two-storey concrete and wooden building- 11M. Tel # 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078.

Street US$3M neg, Sheriff Street US$1M, Duncan Street $180M neg, South Road $120M, Croal Street $120M. Serious enquiries only. Call 6899222.

 one executive concrete flat building with yard space price negotiable. Tel. 6420636.

property on the corner of Fourth and Light Streets, Alberttown, perfect for business. Interested persons, please call 617-8255.

 (land) $8.5M, 28 acres at $400 000 per acre East Coast $12M, Eccles $25M, Quamina Street $72M, Alberttown $31M, Section 'K' $55M. Diana 227-2256, 626-9382.

 deals for 2014 begins now: Diamond Third Avenue $30M neg, $43M, $45M neg, Eccles $45M, $16M, Prashad Nagar $30M, Plaisance $15M, Ogle $65M,. 644-9883,

 3-bedroom flat concrete house with concrete fence at La Parfaite Harmonie. Tel 231-0a821, 643-4740.

 fully furnished twobedroom house with lots of yard space. Owner migrating 2705196, 604-0183, 651-8979.

Ideal for two families. property in Bent St - $16.5M, Phone Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 226-1064, 618-0000, Mr Pereira 623-2591, 225-2626. 225-5198, 231-2064, 226-1064.

-storey building in Thomas Street, Cummingsburg, $92M, land size 40x120. Call Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 223-6218, 227-2487, 623-7805.

 business and gift shop at 33 D'Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. Tel. 347-400-7851, 227-2452.

 Gardens near UG, new 3-bedroom 2-storey house $55M, new 4-bedroom 2storey house $78M. Call Carol 612-9785.

 concrete building bordered by 3 Main Streets in central Georgetown. Ideal for offices, school, bond, etc., 4 flats 130ft x 35 ft each, land 250ft x 50 ft. 227-0190, 693-5610.

-storey concrete, onefamily, situated at Continental Park for only $35M. Contact Pete's Real Estate, Lot 2 George Street, 223-6218, 226-5546, 623-7805. -STOREY concrete house furnished, 6 bedrooms, 2 master bedrooms at Tuschen Housing Scheme, East Bank Essequibo. Contact 626-6968. Price $28M.  central area on Regent Street, Acme building. For more information, come in to Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 2236218, 227-2487, 623-7805.  building on land 54 feet by 90 feet, situated at Nandy Park EBD for only $16M. Contact Pete's Real Estate, Lot 2 George Street 2272487, 226-9951, 623-7805.  two-storey building, 3 bedrooms with all modern conveniences, Meadow Brook Gardens, Mr. Narine. 6968230.  $50M, Da Silva Street $22M (land), North Ruimveldt $11M, Providence $5M, Lamaha Street $65M, Charlestown $40M. Tel. 611-7004, 680-2596.  business location, 14 T Pit Street New Amsterdam, Berbice, 10000 sq ft 2-storey concrete building. Ideal for bank, insurance company, fast food, franchise, supermarket, general store. 333-3803, 698-2499.  2-storey building wooden and concrete in Norton Street, five buildings from Camp Street, second house in yard, $20M neg. Call 6280972.

 and Howes Streets, Charlestown corner spot for business $25M neg, Charlotte Street 35x100 $55M, Camp Street for big investment 240 ft x 76 US$1.5M. Naresh Persaud 2259882, 681-2499.  flat three-bedroom concrete house at Eccles $19M, two-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms upstairs, and 2 bedrooms downstairs $25M. Call Pete's Real Estate 226-5546, 227-2487, 2269951, 623-7805.   and Lamaha Streets, Kitty, two Lister engines, 2 generators 75 KVA and 30 KVA, with heavy duty trailer. Tel. 2257732, 610-3043, 688-4771, 2270173, 622-7402.  EBD $6M, Diamond 6th Street - $24M, McDoom EBD $6M, Continental Park EBD $65M, Lusignan ECD $13M, Good Hope ECD $10M, $16M, $27M, Block 'CC' Mon Repos ECD $20M, Paradise ECD and 100 x 50 $1.5M. Contact 223-1440 or 687-6647.  six-bedroom house with studio apartment in Nandy Park $70M, one-family three-bedroom in Republic Park $35M, solid two-storey concrete building in Station Street $55M. Call Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-5546, 227-2487, 623-7805.  LAND ON CHARLOTTE STREET - $ 400.000 USD. EXECUTIVE HOUSES ON EAST COAST DEM, EAST BANK DEM & GEORGETOWN. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES IN GEORGETOWN. HOTEL IN GEORGETOWN, CONTACT: 2238479, 647-3768

 Street over Albert, size 32x110 $60M, North Road size 32x110 - $60M, Main Street threestorey building US$1M. Call Pete's Real Estate 227-2487, 2269951, 223-6218, 226-25546, 6237805.  building on land at Sandy Babb Street Kitty, size 50x150 - $28M, Da Silva Street corner land size 100x100 - $25M. Call Pete's Real Estate 226-5546, 223-6218, 227-2487, 623-7805.  building on land 45 feet by 150 feet on Bagotstown Public Road, suitable for business, priced at $35M. Contact Pete's Real Estate, Lot 2 George Street, W/Rust. 227-2487, 226-5546, 2236218, 623-7805.  Street $40M, East Coast $11M, East Bank $13M, South (land) $8.5M, Alberttown $25M - $32M, Campbellville $35M, Section 'K' $40M - $50M, Highway (land), $400 000 per acre. Diana 2272256, 626-9382.  property, prime location (land 200' x 50') store front 72' x 24', bond 87' x 32', extra space for 15 cars Public Road, McDoom. Tel. 233-0570 (No agent).  E.C.D 2 family concrete house upper flat 3 bedroom lower flat 2 bedroom. Price $56 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.  2-storey wooden and concrete house, 3 bedrooms upstairs and downstairs, inside toilet and bath, at Good Hope, ECD, with transfer. Can go through bank. Price $16.9M neg. Tel. 220-2366, 617-7929.  STREET, CHARLESTOWN - 2 family wooden and concrete house, 3 bedrooms upper and 2 bedrooms lower. Price $11.5 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.  close proximity to Sheriff Street - brand new 3 storey concrete building. Suitable for business, school, residence etc. Price USD $1.4 Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  BABB STREET KITTY - 2 storey wooden and concrete Income Property. Price $64 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  - 3 storey Investment Property. Currently renting as apartments and offices. Price $100,000,000 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353..  PARK E.B.D - 2 family wooden and concrete Income Property. Price $35 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  ROAD - brand new 3 storey concrete building with roof garden. Currently renting as hotel and bar. Price $115,000,000 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.  ST, KITTY - Investment property on corner. Suitable for any business. Price $60 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  HOPE E.B.D (Gated Community) - Executive modern four bedroom concrete houses with swimming pool. On single lot $39 million, with double lot $45 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

PROPERTYFORSALE  OLD ROAD E.B.D - 2 family house upper flat 3 bedroom, lower flat 2 two bedroom apartments repairs needed. Price $29 million . Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  E.B.D - 2 family wooden and concrete house upper flat 4 bedroom, lower flat 2 bedroom apartment repairs needed. Price $16 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.  E.B.D - brand new Executive concrete house, upper flat 4 bedroom and lower flat 2 apartments Price $53 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.  BACKLANDS 3 bedroom flat house on corner lot, repairs needed Price $14 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  W.B.D- brand new 5 bedroom executive house with extra house lot. Price $70 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  ROAD KITTY: two family concrete property suitable for business Price $45 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 6657400, 685-7887, 6436353. REPOS E.C.D- Modern 4 bedroom concrete property inclusive of 1 master room. Price $35 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  E.B.D - Modern 2 family concrete house. Price $35 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.=  OF CANAAN- 4 bedroom concrete house just off the public road. Price $17.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. NAGAR - Investment property. 3 bedroom upper flat and 2 bedroom lower flat. Price $ 56.5 million for quick sale . Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353  and Second Streets Alberttown, Georgetown corner property. Contact Gary 2250336, 663-3633 or for more information on Facebook under Gary Nauth $40M neg. Two-storey 3bedroom, toilet and bath upstairs and downstairs.  - Investment property on corner. Suitable for business, apartment complex, hotel or dream house etc. Land size 6500 Sq Ft.Price $85 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.  STREET, ALBERTOWN - 3 storey concrete investment property. Suitable for school, embassy, office complex etc. Price $160 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.  and Land for Sale Two Storyed Wooden and Concrete House, Sixth Street Alberttown Georgetown. $35 Million Dollars Negotiable. Contact: Mr. George Teekah Tel: 231-6278 Or Dr: Thasana Teekah Tel: 6260993  Home Int'l: Coldingen fully furnished $14.5M neg, 7-bedroom Eccles front $29M neg, Seaforth Street $25M neg, Alberttown $34M neg, Canal $17M neg, Good Hope $30M neg, Land Herstelling $3M, Mon Repos $8M neg, Enmore $7M neg, Ocean View $15M, Grove front $7M neg. Contact Theresa 6486033.

PROPERTYFOR FORSALE VEHICLES SALE  executive 3-self-contained Lamaha Gardens property on 7 200 sq. ft land with all international facilities $68M. Mr Boodram 692-3831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, Mr. Pereira 623-2591, Mr Harold Anthony Reid 627-0288, 225-5198, 225-2626, 225-3068, 226-1064. close to main road 7bedroom $29M neg, South Ruimveldt Gardens 5-bedroom $29M, East Ruimveldt 5-bedroom $14M, Enmore $7M neg, Non Pareil 3-bedroom, fully furnished $14.5M, Call Raul 655-8361, 699-6811, Fabulous Homes Realty. PAREIL $14.5M neg, fully furnished, Eccles seven-bedroom $29M neg, Enmore $7M neg, East Ruimveldt $13M, South Ruimveldt $20M neg, Shell Road $15M neg, Station Street $30M neg, Meadow Brook Gardens $26M. Alicia 6161442.  Strathspey ECD: Flat three-bedroom concrete building $6M, Eccles two corner spots, concrete buildings $25M, Canal No. 2 two-storey 4bedroom concrete building on 9 acres of land $25M, Tel. 225-3737, 2254398, 651-7078. : Campbellville twostorey concrete building $50M, Atlantic Ville furnished twostorey building with generator, overlooking Atlantic Ocean $55M. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078.  property in Independence Boulevard La Penitence - $7M giveaway, own leaving before Christmas. Phone 226-1064/692-3831/623-2591/ 615-0069/225-2626.  constructed commercial/residential building on Water Street/Strand New Amsterdam. Potential wharf facility, 2 acres land zone commercial .Tel. 626-0017, 627-1885, Email  Road US$3M neg, 29 lots, Duncan Street $180 000M neg, South Road $180M neg, D\Urban Street $25M neg, Charlestown $15M neg, Campbellville $60M neg. George Street $60M neg, Regent Street US$2M neg, Sheriff Street US$1.2M neg. Serious enquiries only Contact 592-665-7946. are ) JANUARY bargains: Sec. 'K' $23 million, Meadow Brook $28M, and $35M , K i t t y $ 2 3 , Al b e r t t o w n c o n c r e t e massive for hotel $45M, Bel Air Park in great condition $52M, Happy Acres executive $58M, Alb e r t t o w n $ 3 0 M , S e c . ' M' Campbellville $34M now, Phone 225-2626, 2255198, 227-6863, 227-6449, 2252709, 231-2064, 226-1064, 6677 8 1 2  Non Pareil ECD, two-storey concrete building $14M, Campbellville two-storey concrete building $50M, Diamond two-storey concrete buildings $32M $35M, $40M, Covent Gardens EBD on public road $38M. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4893, 651-7078.  WBD: almost brand new 5 bedroom house for sale, master room and all rooms selfcontained with AC and fans, open concept kitchen/dining/living room, large walk-in pantry, office/ library room and a powder room. Beautiful landscape and wrap around patio. Priced to sell- $75 Million. Tel. 592624-8704, 592-684-9203.                    Norton Street, C a r m i c h a e l S t r e e t , North Ruimveldt, South Ruimveldt, Craig, Republic Park, Diamond, Alberttown Section 'K', Melanie Damishana, Campbellville, Thomas Street business spot, Robb Street business spot, D\urban Street business spot. LAND: Friendship land size 115 x 450 (wharf side) $65M, Meadow Brook Gardens $8.5M, Non Pareil.


21 CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014 GUYANA PROPERTYFORSALE  to Country Real Estate, 264-0146, 264-0140, 2250854, 225-0843, 672-7390, 6020011: MEADOW Brook $11.5M, $12M, $13.5M, Mon Repos $14M neg, Sheriff Street US$1M, neg, Regent Street USS1M neg, Bel Air $45M, $55M, La Parfaite Harmonie $5.5M. Shell Road $18M neg, David Street Kitty $65M Public Road Kitty $46M. prime property on Main Street US$4.8M, La Parfaite Harmonie $18.7M, 2 storeys, 3 apartments, Mandela Avenue $17.2M, Prashad Nagar $40M neg, $65M neg, $126M neg, La Parfaite Harmonie $17.5M, $8M, $10.5M, 264-0146, 672-7390, 602-0011,   on all pro p e r t i e s f o r t h i s s u m m e r only. Sale ! Sale! Sale! Business property im m e d i a t e l y : East of Orange Walk in C h a r l o t te Stree t $ 2 8 M , 3 storey business property in Croal Street requires repairs $32M, Bent Street a l m o s t new 2-storey business p roperty $!6M, South Ruimve ldt Gardens residence $ 1 6 M, Ogle fully concrete new $49M, Tucville new $26M, Prashad Nagar exe c u t i v e $55M, Bel Air Park $55M, Kitty b u s i n ess or residence requires repairs, on 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, Forshaw old ho u s e $21M, 3storey business close to Main Street $55M, Meadow B r o o k $45M, fully concrete D ' U r b a n Backlands $30M, New S e c t i o n 'K' $42M, Lamaha Gardens e x e c u t i v e $ 6 8 M , o ne ranch-s tyle Section 'M' 3-bedroom suites for elderly $50M, fully concrete with excellent interior work, B e l Air Gardens $130M 2312 0 6 4 , 2 2 5 - 3 0 6 8 , 2 2 7686 3 , 226-1064, 227-6949,          location  Street, Kingston opposite the American Emb a s s y. O n e ( 1 ) h u g e f o u r s t orey concrete and steel building, 2 bedrooms on each flat, AC< hot water, refrigerator and stove one ach floor and fully furnished, generator. Can be used for embassy, office, apartments or residence. Price $180M. Property being sold with all equipment and furnishings inclusive. Serious enquiries 2238634, 646-3251, 227-0464'  $19M neg, Providence $26M, East Ruimveldt $10.5M, Middle Road La Penitence $27M, Diamond $10.5M, $22M, $40M, $65M,. Grove $13M, Chateau Margot $32M, Lamaha Gardens $120M, Wuamina Street $160M, Prashad Nagar $45M, $58M, Subryanville US$2M, Guysuco Gardens $80M. Call Rosanna 671-5008, 619-8000. Email www. rosannarealty PIN 236A219D  HUGE 3-STOREY BUILDING WITH GOING BUSINESS AND LOTS OF LAND SPACE. MUST SEE. WI T H G R E AT P O T E N T I A L S F O R S T O R E , FA C T O RY, B O N D , S U P E R M A R K E T, S C H O O L , D AY C A R E , O R G O I N G BUSINESS AND LOTS OF L A N D S PA C E M U S T S E E WITH GREAT POTENTIALS FOR STORE, FACTORY, APARTMENT, BOND, SUPERMARKET, SCHOOL, DAY CARE, OR APARTMENT. SERIOUS ENQUIRIES ONLY. 684-3718.  modern Pike North Ruimveldt ranch with master room $17M, Meadow Brook Gardens $35M, Tucville concrete new $27M, Providence $25M, new ranch $13M, Bel Air Park $45M, Prashad Nagar $37M, Duncan St. $23M, Sec. 'M' Campbellville requires repairs $14M, D'Urban St. $15M, Bent St. business residence. Phone Lord Johnny Ramsohoye 225-2709, 6180000, 227-6949, 225-2626,226-1064, 2276949, 225-5198.





 Homes International Realty: Coldingen $14M neg, Rasville $14M neg, Enmore $8M neg, Campbellville $15M neg, Diamond 2 for 1 deal $15M neg, Cove and John 2 homes 5 bedrooms $12M, 4-bedroom $10M, McDoom Solid concrete $20M, North Ruimveldt 7-bedroom fixer upper, Nismes $6.5M, La Parfaite Harmonie $8.5M, 6-bedroom apartment (4 2-br, 2 1-br) only $21M neg), corner lot 89x80 Albouystown. Ready to go now! And many more, call Ahaziah 613-3018

 Marketing and Realty. Good Hope PUBLIC Road East Coast (land - 675 x 92) $150M, Agriculture Rd, Triumph (land 600 x 45 ft) $ 1 4 M , Chimney Road, Chateau Margot - (4 bedroom self cont) $29M, Atlantic Ville 5 bedroom self contained $53M, Diamond 2nd Ave5 Bedroom $40M,Robb & Ornoque Sts $46M, Oleander Gdns $40M, Alberttown 6th St $52M, Republic Park $40M, L/Gardens $55M, Atlantic Gardens $ 45M , D u n c a n S t $ 30 M , A l e x a n d e r S t $ 50M , R o b b St $60M,Barr St $65M , E a r l ' s Court $35M, Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Queenstown $70M, Republic Gdns -Land (100x100) $24M, Alexander st. & South Road $900,000US. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332.

 concrete Section 'K' $44M, 7apartment William St. concrete building reduced from $60M to $50M, Kitty house requires. repair on 8 000 sq. ft $19M, Middle Road La Penitence $ 1 6.5M, a l m o s t Regent and Oronoque St. $36M, Charlotte Street East of Orange Walk $28M, South Ruimveldt G a r d e n s $ 66M, Meadow Brook concrete $45M, executive Republic Park $48M, Lamaha Gardens 3 self-contained $70M, Prashad Nagar 6-bedroom $58M, business 3-storey Quamina Street $85M, Bel Air Gardens on double lot $140M, S u b r y a n v i l l e $ 5 8 M , Alberttown concrete business $40M, New Hav e n 4 s e l f - c o n t a i n e d $ 80M, 3be d r o o m n e w c o n c r e t e O g l e $ 4 8 M , Bel Air Park $52M, Croal St. 3-storey require repairs $30M, 4 lots in AA Eccles wi t h i n c o m pl e t e c a t h e d r a l - s t y l e s t ructure requires $20M to complete, plus reserve and p l a c e f o r l a k e $ 9 0 M n e g . , M r. Darendra 615-0069, Vic e Presiednt Alysious Pereira 6 2 3 2 5 9 1 , V i c e P r e s i d e n t J honny Ramsahoye 225-2709, Vice President Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 225-3068, 2 27-6863, 226-1064, 667-7812, facebook Tony Reid Realty 7 days a week 24 hours a day all holidays and all prices are negotiable.

 3-storey concre t e building, Price $ 1 00 M .    property in good condition. Price $18M.   beautiful 2storey concrete property 3 self-contained, 1 master, lib r a r y, television room, living room, upstairs back verandah, d o w n s t a i r s den, fully marble stone tile, family room patio, garage parking space, for 3 cars, needs cosmetics, land space P r i c e $ 9 0 M,O g l e b e a u t i f u l p r o p e r t y $90M,  $36M neg,   $120M beautiful home excellent condition in   $ 5 5 M n eg, Queenstown property $100M. Do call us at Joy Reid's Realty. We are located at 247(D) Forshaw and Oronoque Streets, Queenstown. Tel. 2 2 5 - 6 8 5 8 , 2 2 5 - 7 1 6 4 , 6 6 7 - 7 8 12, email:

 property at 59 Public Road, Kitty Georgetown with small white wooden cottage $18M, 59 Light Street, Alberttown, 3-storey concrete building with all modern facilities. Suitable for business and residence $165M. Corner lot at 82 Robb and Light Streets Georgetown with two-storey concrete and wooden building suitable for business and residence $95M. Modern two-storey building at 6 Albion Public Road, Chesney, Berbice $58M. Contact Trudy 225-4712, 6962435. Serious enquiries only. No Agents.  Sam's Real Estate and Property Management has the best priced properties for 2014. Grove $8M (land) Diamond $4.5M, (land) Leonora $40M neg, Brickdam $65M neg, D'Urban Backlands $30M neg, Campbellville $45M, David Street $14M, Subryanville $65M, Section 'K' $38M, Hadfield Street $36M, Light Street $21M, South Road $38M, Duncan Street (land) $32M, Rentals Subryanville US$800 - US$1500, Kitty US$600, Bel Air US$750, Grove 12M, Da Silva St. $17M, Diamond $22M. Tel. 697-7842, 231-7052, 6716653.   on all properties for this summer only. UG Gardens $140M, Republic Park $30M, Nandy Park 4 apartments $32M, Middle Road La Penitence land size 140 x 60 $17M, second Street Alberttown business and residence $45M, 5th St. Alberttown massive concrete $48M, Eccles $14M, Kitty Sandy Babb St. two properties on double lot $38M, Lamaha St Queenstown apartment complex $58M. Phone Vice President 231-2064, 225-3068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 227-6949, 225-2626.  Marketing and Realty. KITTY- $17M, $32M & $35M, Guysuco Gardens $78M, Good Hope $15.5M, Garnett St $31M, SEC K C/ville 4 bedroom self-contained $44M, AA Eccles $68M, Carmichael Street 2 storey back house $22.5M, Montrose $16M, Mon Repos Block CC $10.5M & $11.5M, Ganges St. P/ Nagar - 5 Bedroom $58M, Granville Park $31M, Lusignan business property $13M, Durban St $21M, Ogle A/Strip Road $55M, Better Hope Pub Rd $37M, Cummings St $37M, New Market St $55M, East St $60M, Happy Acres $30M, North Road $70M, Bel/A/ Park $60M, P/Nagar $28M, L/Gardens $75M,Regent St. $1.2MUS. Diamond - 2nd Ave, 5 Bedroom $38M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332  Marketing and Realty. Middleton St C/VILLE 5 bedroom self-contained back house 15ft driveway $28M, Kitty business property $44M, Pike St. C/ Ville $45M, LBI Embankment $2 4M , G o o d H o p e P / R d (land - 280x 1 4 0 ) $ 9 0 M , Da Silva St (land) $21M. Charlotte St. (land) $55M, Sheriff & Enachu Sts. $75M, Vlissengen Rd. (land) $75M, Sherrif St, $50M, South R u i m v e l d t $ 1 6 M , D i a m ond $9M,$12M, $22M, East R/veldt $10.5M, Eccles $30M, $34M, A/town $36M,Triumph $14M, Agriculture Road, Trium p h $ 2 0 M , S h e r i f f S t . $150M, Subryanville $58M, Brickdam $100M, Ogle brand new 2 s t o r e y, 5 b e d r o o m h o u s e $80M, Lamaha St, Queenstown, 3-storey, corner proprty $85M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332

built two flat concrete building at Diamond New Scheme. The upstairs consists of two self-contained bed r o o m s with b u i l t - i n c l o s e t s , a s p a c i o u s k i t c hen, dining and living rooms along with a large verandah at the back. The lower flat has a twobedroom apartment and a larg e a r e a that c o u l d b e u s e d a s a bond or for any business. The yard has a conc r e t e f e n c e w i t h s p i k e s a n d r a z o r wire above it. T h ere is also a laundry and a generator room downstairs along with a fully tiled carport. A complete water supply is available including six tanks and pump. Asking price: $42M. Interested persons can contact owner at 693 2531. bargains Norton Street - $14M, Bent Street business and residence - $16M, executive Prashad Nagar mansion double lot $85M, 8 apt. apartment complex was $120M, now - $85M, Sec. 'K' Campbellville - $23M, Alberttown concrete 5 bedrooms - $46M, other for - $19M, and - $30M, South Ruimveldt Gardens - $19M, Festival City - $14M Charlotte Street business and residence by Bourda Market - $26M, Cummings Stre e t - $ 3 4 M , Meadow Brook - $28M, D'U rban Street for double lot for 5-storey - $ 2 5 M , Phone Lord Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, 227-6949, 225-2709, 231-2064, 227-6863, 226-1064, 2276 8 6 3 , 2 2 5 - 5 1 9 8 , 6 6 7 -7812 Bargains in Guyana: Full concrete D'Urban Street business $19M, business and residence Bent Street 16M, G o r d o n S t r e e t b u s i n e s s & residence $23M. Waterloo Street business an d residence (new) $35M. South Road Land $3 6M, C h a r l o t t e S t r e e t 2 b u i l d i n g s 2 h o u s e s b y L i ght $32M. Land 140 x 60 by Russia n E m b a s s y $ 30M. Land at Turkeyen 1 4 0 x 6 0 $ 32M. L0 Ressovenure Land 126x60 $20M. Campbellville flat house needs r e p a i r s $ 13M. Section K $19M needs repa i r s , 3-storey Quamina Street for hotel US$599 000, Bel Air Park $49M Lamaha Gardens va l u e d $85M now $ 7 0 M . R e ntal o f a p a r t m e n t s f r o m US$7 0 0 , R e s i dence US$1 200 u p w a r ds. Phone Lord Patrick Pereira 227-6863, 225-2709, 227-6949, 226-1064, 669-3350. 7 days a week tonyr e i d s r e a l t y @ h o t m a i l . c o m   26% 26% 26% discount: Two-family concrete business and residence in the front of Happy Acres $32M, Dowding Street, Kitty with driveway $16M, BB Eccles $16M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $!6M, Light Street $21M, Second building with 12 ft drive way $!4M, David Street Subryanville with 14ft driveway $16M, West Ruimveldt c o n crete flat house $4.9M, Dazell H o u s i n g S c h e m e $ 11 M , L a Penitence bu s i n e s s a n d r e s i dence with reserve for 20 c a r s $ 11 M , M e a d o w B r o o k old house $12M, Lodge $ 1 4 M , Middle Road La Penitence with 20ft driveway 4 apartments $15M, second ranch concrete $38M, Garnett St. business and residence $32M. Phone Mr. Budram 692-3831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, Mr. A. Pereira 623-2591, Mrs Hercules 661-1952, 225-2626, 225-2709, 225-5198.

 two-storey concrete building suitable for school, bond, church $26M, six fully furnished suites in apartment complex complete with office, reception area, generator, water pump, $600M neg, 4storey, 7-room, 5 self-contained, $180M neg, 6 bedrooms with master room in residential area $45M neg, 3-storey building suitable for supermarket or shopping complex, security facilities, parking, open space, storage & 7 selfcontained rooms, US$1M, 3 selfcontained rooms and master suite, AC, parking, fully furnished $65M, three-bedroom two-flat concrete house, parking, fully furnished $30M, fully furnished, twostorey building $30M, residential area two-flat 2-family, furnished concrete building $55M, 2 twostorey corner lot properties in Georgetown $35M neg, 3-storey concrete building appro.x 4800 sq. ft in Georgetown, $80M neg. Wills Realty 227-2612, 223-1877,627-8314, 655-0755 Like us on face book  us at Raphael's Real 204 Charlotte St. Bourda Tel. # 225-8241, 227-4950, after hours 226-7829 Fax 227-1537 Executive Ogle $115M, Diamond $20M, $13M, Queenstown, Versailles $25M, Good Hope $27M, Subryanville 7 bedrooms w i t h swimming pool US$2.5M, C o n t i n e n t a l P a r k ( e xquisitely furnished) $70M, Wismar Burnham Drive $8M, Breda St, Werk-en-Rust $20M, Plaisance (2-storey concrete) $23M, Dazzell Scheme $27M, Atlantic Ville $19M, John Street, C a m pbellville $55M, North Ruimveldt $12M, La Parfaite Harmonie $16.5M. LAND La Grange $3M, 157 acres river to Linden Highway $30M.   your year for 28% discount on all properties. Happy Acres 2storey concrete $24M, Providence Stadium new $16M, concrete Republic Park $36M, Eccles concrete $34M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $12M needs repairs, Middle Road La Penitence 4-apartment $14M, La Penitence two-storey $11M, D\Urban Backlands concrete $28M, Meadow Brook $12M, D\Urban Street concrete residence and business $28M, Lamaha Gardens executive $68M, Prashad Nagar 8000 sq ft land $60M, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park $83M, Bel Air Park $45M Dowding Street Kitty $29M, and $19M, David Street Subryanville from $19M, back with 12ft driveway $14M, Section 'K' Campbellville $40M, Garnett Street ranch concrete $38M, Owen Street Kitty concrete 2-storey $39M, Camp Street business and residence. Phone Mr Darindra 615-0069, Mr Carlos Budram 692-3831, Mr. Alex Pereira 231-2064, Mr. Ramsahoye 225-2709, 225-2626, 225-3068, 227-6949, 225-5198, 627-7812, 226-1064.

 DIAMOND 4-bedroom furnished with pool $78M, Behind Plaza 4 apts double lot $30M, Lot 5 Best Road 3-bedroom flat WCD $17M, Diamond 2-bedroom flat $9.5M, Mon Repos 3-bedroom flat $12M, Ogle Airport 5 bedrooms $65M, Charlestown 3-storey building $33M, Republic Park 2-storey $37M, Robb and Albert $95M, Plaza bridge 3-bedroom house double lot $20M, Pike Street house top flat, 2 self-contained bedrooms $45M, hot/cold shower, lower flat 1- & 2-bedroom apartments North Road before Camp Street (100x35) $160M, Robb Street 3-storey building $160M, Agricola 2nd Street $7 & 8M, Enmore ECD house 4 bedrooms $17M, Queenstown Business property $95M, South Ruimveldt Park 5 bedrooms, 2 baths $35M, 4-car parking garage, study etc. Section K 4 bedroom, parking, yard space, $50M, and 3 bathrooms DAguiar Park 4-bedroom house US$1.5M, South Kaikan Street 3 bedrooms 2 baths $20M, Johnny P Supermarket Aubrey Barker & Kaikan Street $45M, Penny Lane 2-storey concrete house $35M, Ogle 2-storey concrete 55x110, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths $45M, Diamond AA 2-storey concrete 3 bedrooms, 2 baths $16M, Princes Street $15M, D'Urban Street between Hardina and Louisa $30M, Upper D\Urban Street two properties together $30M, Bel Air Park 4 bedrooms, 3 baths $55M, Providence (behind stadium) $18M, Mon Repos Martyrsville $13M, New Amsterdam $10M, South Sophia $12M, Meadow Brook Gardens $45M, Tel:225-8101/ 225-8103/658-3928/686-3153

AGRI. EQUIP. MISC.        & Ranjah Import and Export. For all genuine truck parts and accessories new and used for Leyland, DAF, ERF Bedford Model M and TM etc from the UK, also foreign used Cummins and Perkins engine from the UK We currently have transfer boxes (power box) for 6x6 TM. Tel. 592-660-9152, 592-610-2873.



    .  F150 spare parts and accessories. Call 685-2584.  Daschund mixed with puddle. Tel. 609-5810.  Generator, $100,000, Hi-earns DG6500se. Tel: 6160312.   tables 8'x4'x3', suitable for workshop etc. 2330570 . PIGS and piglets, 14 Kersaint Park, LBI. 699-9201.  pitbull mixed. 0345.

and 625-

FOR SALE  165 KVA generator with very low hours. 656-2350. Te l :

 & plucked chicken. 650-4421, 220-9203.

 electric horse walker, walks four horses at a time, Call 689-5858.  new Xbox one + PS4 system (w/accessories) Kinect for 360 with game. 668-1906.   12-week-old German Shepherds. 629-5289, 2540608 after 18:00hrs.  RCA Plasma 32-inch TV. Price $100 000 neg. Tel. 655-3545 (anytime).  steel buildings made to order, send all information for pricing to  PROPERTIES IN GEORGETOWN  CRASHED 150cc dirt bike for parts. 662-0001. 2-door MABE refrigerator, working and in good condition $25 000 Call 613-3992, 225-7136.  new treadmill, BMW car, Toyota Rush SUV. Tel. 225-1540, 622-8308  birds, Lot 1 L'Orataire Canal No. 1, WBD. Tel. 655-1284.  290 Massey Ferguson Tractor, one irrigation pump. Tel. 658-4910.   Yamaha outboard engine. Tel. 218-2039, 688-7017, 628-2692. Shore with 1x3 tee straps, 9 feet plus, giveaway prices. 669-1113, 696-9529.  fuel plastic drums, 55 gallons. Contact 697-9610 or 646-6000. FT FISHING boat with 12 000lb seine and 10 000lb ice box. Any reasonable offer accepted. Tel. 641-9597.  Turnkey Business, 6 Goed Fortuin Public Road. Phone 600-3927. ONE fishing boat, seine and engine. Tel. 220-7648, 6262066. NEW Samsung Galaxy Tablet. No reasonable offer refused. Tel. 685-9321. 580c HYMAC, sale by tender, Wakenaam NDC. Closing date February 25. Tel. 774-5060. nickel mag rims (16) 6 logs minibus bmm $1.3M. Tel. 220-2472, 653-2868.     PS2 $20 000, Nintendo 64 $15 000, with games and control. 670-2732, 264-2732.   metal decking, over 100 pics 39" wide. Priced for quick sale. 669-1113, 6969529.  flip car deck, 7", serious enquiries only $65 000, brand new, memory card, USB, Aux. Tel. 648-0088.  pure breed Rottweiler pups, five months old, fully vaccinated. Asking price $80 000 each. Contact Kevin 601-3533.  SNACKETTE WITH ALL EQUIPMENT IN Bourda Green. Phone 226-5503 after 7 pm. -bred Rottweiler pups and pure-bred German Shepherd pups. Tel. 686-3072, 610-8627, 618-2903.  Hymac, gearbox, tracks, rims, foreign-used Toyota 5VZ engine 3400cc, twin steer radiator. 621-4862. generator, key start, excellent condition. Asking price $450 000 neg. Tel. 602-2033, 684-8164.  Annandale Market Road, Toyota Dyna 14B, self-loading Ransom five-sack cement. 676-5727.     12" Robinson Moulder need motor, priced for quick sale $1M. - 652-5601.


22 GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014







 pups, both parents imported with full pedigree from champion blood lines. Call 685-2584.

with John Deere engine, with turbo 63 KVA, on wheels, very low hours, in excellent condition. Call for more information.. 639-3100, 667-1116, 619-5400.

    Power ware UPS needs batteries, 1 - snow cone machine electric, 2 flat screen monitors, 5 - 750 APC need batteries, 3 wind turbines. Tel. 621-1549.  from Jerusalem. We have various variety of amazing and unique gift items coming straight from Jerusalem which you can choose from - key rings, pens, wall magnets, souvenirs, etc. Contact Ms. Reshma Tel. 613-9589, 614-1439, 233-3422. Mr Homes 678-0998.

 heavy duty Kolbe German made band saw 4340 MM to 450 MM model B 63, 240, 208 and 440 volts 50/60 Hz could also tilt the table. Large De Walt industrial cross and rip saw on large metal table, could move in any dire c t i o n w i t h 4 f o o t original, 208, 240 and 440v, 50/60 Hz, 2825 to 3425 R P M 3 H p m o t o r, s l i d i n g o n arm adjustable to tilt or turn to any direction, 12-inch disc sander for sanding edge of any furniture 110-240, electric Mac tool brand parts washer 110v with 25-gal drum that holds wash fluid at the bottom and square metal bin 2ft by 3 ½ ft at the top with cover to wash engine parts, etc All machines are working. Make an offer for 1 or the lot. Owner leaving 614-9432.

 SV-40 Toyota Camry in excellent condition. Tel. 644-5931.

 imported! David's beautiful bridal outfit and accessories, re jewellery and purse, etc. All going at reasonable prices. Call now 225-9450, 649-4435.

 machines: 1- large Canadian Band Saw 240v, one large De Walt Rip Saw or Cross Cut Saw with large arm and table, move in any direction- 240v. 1 Edge sander with 12 inch disc 240v, to sand wood edge, 1 Wadkin adjustable up and downcross cut saw on table - 240v, 1- Wadkin 12 inch plane with blades- 240v. All machines are in good working order. Owner leaving 664-3368.

 Desktop computer set, with webcam, speaker, etc. Recently serviced. Tel. 6654658, 662-0809.  backhoe 3 CX, caterpillar backhoe, 10-ton toad roller, portable welder on wheels. Call 6233404.   boat 600 lb, 5-inch nylon seine, 15 Hp new model Yamaha engine. Price $1.8M nege. Contact 621-2875.  caterpillar engine 3406 Di $1M. 2 set 17" mags with tyre (6 logs), 4 wheel 2 wheel drive. 6546166. 3 INDUSTRIAL air-condition units, crashed Mercedes Benz, 1 - 15 KVA generator, AE 100 Toyota, 5 printers Call 2231589, 227-4406 (8:00 - 16:00).

 cell phone, 9650 model, Blackberry Bold excellent condition (like new) no camera $12,000. 624-6464, 665-6061, 6860900.. Keith.  jack hammer to break very strong concrete and rock, can work on 320 and 324 CAT and also Kobelco and Doosan excavators. 656-2350.  Games Games: Xbox 360, PS2, PSP, games and mod, starting at $500. Contact 684-3025.  refurbished Yamaha outboard motor from N.Y. Sold with one-month warranty. Contact Patrick 601-8826.  generator with John Deere engine with turbo 175 KVA, very low hours, Call for more information. Tel. 639-3100, 667-1116,6195400.  AC, 12.6 and 1 8 0 0 0 B T U , 2 2 0 v o l t s . Te l . 623-3280, 689-4372. Hp Yamaha salt water engine, 1 excavator slush bucket. Contact 622-7522, 652-3217.  truck tyres 1000-20 $20 000 each, 11R 22.5 $20 000 each, 11R 24.5 $25 000 each. Call 6274148. -used Massey tractor, 2 - 60Hp tractors $1.6M00 each, 75Hp tractor $2.4M. Call 627-4148

 new, light blue fibreglass bath tub US-made $40 000, 2 hot and cold water sinks with fittings UK-made $10 000 each. Owner migrating 616-5340.  and mirrors foreign-used, screw on antenna, Japanese-made for all types of vehicles also rear view mirrors original, 192, 212 Honda and many more. $6 000 per pair and antenna $5 000. Tel. 616-5340.  Honda Rebel motorcycle 250cc clean, black $400 000 neg, CG 9345, Samsung Galaxy Tablet 2, $70 000 new,. Both bikes in GT, owner leaving country. 6737734.

 juice-mobile canteen equipped with generator, cupboards, running water, commercial Vitamix etc.Going cheap. Owner leaving country. 638-9116, 603-0976.  arrivals: 16 gallons wet and dry Ridgid vacuums, 32 gallons rough neck black bins with cover, Glacier Bay toilet set, compressor 20 gallons, 33 gallons, 30 gallons and 60 gallons, generators Stanley 8000 watts and all power 10 000 watts. Contact Donna on tel. 609-1179, 6110402. 2E ENGINE transmission 5x15 tyres for pick-up, Weber racing carburetor, 1- and 3-phase entrance switch, 1- and 3-Hp electric motors, counter top fridge, air tools - chisel, mini-angle die grinder/ sander, cut off drilling and grinding tool, air sander, 6" dual action air sander, 120v AC finishing sander, DeWalt mitre saw, cordless drill/driver, ½" Impact cordless driver, cordless jig saw, 12v trickle charger. Tel. 222-4158, 641-7526.  brand new, complete vulcanising equipment (coats), tyre changer, (60 gals) compressor 4 jackstan and lots of plugs, patches, and valve stems, also hose and air tools. Everything $1.2M. Tel. 267-2329, cell 6915588. -PIECE dining set (wholesale/retail) $35 000/$45 000, 30, 32, 34, 36 purpleheart panel doors, $28 000 each, 30, 32, 34, 36 Kabakali panel doors $20 000 each. Tel. 688-9712, 651-0717, 669-1448.

 boat 43' Cabin Cruiser with 48 Yamaha, 450 lb banga seine, 5 000 lb ice box. All in excellent condition, $2M neg. Tel. 256-0382, 602-2946.  treadmill, Kenwood fridge, two small power wash, 1 church mixer with two speakers, 2 Bose speakers, (901 series) $650 000. Tel. 692-2016. 250-gallon plastic totes, ideal to transport fuel to the interior also oil paint and concrete paint, 5 gallons and 1 gallon,, marine paint also. Phone 220-1014.

 equipment: 1 used Xerox work centre photocopy machine with scanning kit, all cards, manual CD available with machine, excellent condition, hardly used, also spare ink available $325 000. 4 Printers Laser Jet Hp 4200N, 4300 series $30 000, 2420 - $10 000, Hp Laser Jet $20 000 and Lexmark 253 $6 000. All 110v and in good condition. Owner leaving 616-5340.

! 1 inverter +2 deep cycle batteries, 6-8 hours backup electricity, automatic switchover and recharge, can use solar panels, 1 year warranty, affordable $134 000. 226-2646.  water pump, 10" gold mine, 2 - 125 Yamaha outboards, 2 cool storage print, 1 Cummings engine, 6-cylinder, 1 CAT engine 6-cylinder. Tel. 627-0819, 6834015.

  radiators for 6- or 4-cylinder (1) red engine 2 x 2-1/2 ft in good condition $50 000 excellent. Large commercial vacuum cleaner 120v, 60 Hz, 10 A, stainless steel, on trolley for car wash or industrial purposes, Hp 4.2 shop vac, wet/dry $60 000, 4 new 650-16 tyres Goodyear nylon 10-ply rating $21,000 each, 5 used mag rims for Toyota Land Cruiser 5hole, 17 tyre $120 000. Owner leaving 616-5340.

 Perkins generator 12500 watts $550 000, Perkins 1000 series 4-cylinder engine on bed with radiator $875 000 like new Welder engine driven $450 000 large American-made wood shaper $250 000, wood morticer $180 000. Tel. 619-6863, 226-3883, 601-8276.  box, Dell desktops, Apple Laptop 17"/13" CD duplicator, Canon/Nikon SLR camera, video projector, Gibson/Yamaha Guitars/keyboards Apple Ipods 4G, Pioneers/ Denon jugglers, drive racks BBE crossovers, mixers, 15"/18" RCF/JBL/ Celestion speakers. 226-6432, 6232477.  sale, stove, bed, carpet, wicker, chairs (4 pcs) kitchen items, living room set, pots and pans, dishes, saucers, dresser closet, sofa, breakfast table (4 chairs) office printers, projector, coffee tables, dish washer. Hot dog cart comes with 3-wheel bike, large cooler, picture frames much more. Call 227-1028, 2315788.   large table lamps antique with shade 110v $15 000, toaster oven with glass door 110v$4 000, coffee percolator with glass mug 110v $4 000, antique half round small table and antique stool $15 000, Milkshake machine 3speed, 3-pint cup stainless steel good for home or business 110v (Hamilton Beach) made $20 000, new 4-speed Premium blender with large mug 110v $5 000. Owner leaving 675-8008. -by-side large refrigerator and freezer hardly used 11 0 v g o o d c o n d i t i o n $ 1 8 0 000, 32-inch S o n y T V, coloured curved screen 110v with remote $50 000, Inverter 140-watt power invertors DC 12 volt to 110 volts with fuse system $20 000, Detecto scale large for measuring height and weight of patient, good for doctor\s clinic or any medical organisation, UKmade $45 000. Owner migrating 675-8008.  new catridges and Hp ink in box, cheap. Owners leaving 2 Xerox ink cartridges 113R 634 $30 000 each, 5 Xerox ink cartridges 113R 321 $30 000 each, 8 Hp Laser Jet ink cartridges 98X 92298S, 3 Hp Laser Jet ink cartridges 13X $6 000 each, 4 Hp Laser Jet ink coloured cartridges 4193A $5 000 each, 3 Canon cartridges NPG H toner $4 000 each. All prices are neg. Owner migrating 616-5340.

 items: Large flat screen TV's, ice cream maker in box, floral arrangements, universal six-hole custom chrome wheels, brand new 305 x 40 x22 fits all 4x4, wares, guard grille for 4x4 engines, Sony computer, body building creatine powders, steel grilles for windows and doors, large complete standing units with glass shelves (food warmers) with 8/9" stainless steel pans, with burners and all fittings, suitable for snackette, restaurant, canteen, brand new polarised Oakle y s u n g l a s s e s , b r a n d name colognes, inflatable new sturdy big chair bed, inflatable mattress, writing desks, living room chairs, dining room table set, cocktail centre tables, karaoke player in box, wardrobes, large stainless steel fridge (Frigidaire) with ice m a k e r, computer desks, Panasonic stereo complete with subwoofer speakers, large carpets, industrial standing fans (110 volts), new designer clothing, accessories Lasko fans with remote, comforter set, standing clothes rack, new hammock designer curtains for windows much more all items in excellent condition, DVD players camcorder with LCD screen. 2231885, 642-3722.


 for office: Paper cutter guillotine hand type 18x30 US-made $10 000, 1 set office wall divider UK-made to set up two to three offices with glass door $40 000, office paper shredder 110v fully automatic to destroy documents $10 000, Whirlpool dehumidifier on wheels 110v, for office, home or patio, filters clean air $15 000, large new APC smart uninterruptable power supply 120 vac, along with all fittings and new laptop and manuals, CD instructi ons $90 000, 10 large flat screen computer monitors 60 Hz 11 0 v $ 1 5 0 0 0 e a c h 1 4 ' x 1 6 ' , 10 surge protector and batt e r y b a c k u p s ES 750, 120v, 60Hz, $10 000 each, Owner leaving. Tel. 616-5340.  dish for communication or TV station or anything that you want to set up. 50 pieces of 10 feet dish width at $100 000 complete each, 10 pieces central air conditioner units large 240v complete with motor $50 0 0 0 e a ch, large fuel tank metal on stand with gauge 2000 gallon $60 000, large Kholer generator housing to keep noise low while generator working $50 000, 10 sturdy metal cages with door to secure air conditioner units, water pumps, etc.Could place a lock on door for security purposes $15 000 each, 2 large 2400 BTU air conditioner evaporator complete wall unit 240v $50 000 each with all brackets complete. Owner leaving. 675-8008.

                85 Daf truck, GRR series. Contact 610-8954. Corolla AE 81 automatic. 683-8013.  minibus. Price neg. Contact 660-0972.    Carina $500 000. 697-5378. DIESEL bus, BLL 9038, 4WD. 674-2639.    Corolla NZE, HC 129. 660-6027. AT 212 in immaculate condition. Tel. 649-9143.  Premio, PNN 8268, $2.3M. NEGOTIABLE. Tel. 6040866.  Toyota Hilux Pickup 2WD, excellent condition. Call 658-0199.  Lancer car, PHH series, fully loaded. Tel. 611-5426.  2005 model and NZE Corolla, excellent condition. Call 617-8500.  Toyota BB, mid PLL series, 1 owner, $1.6M neg. Tel. 6104291.  Black Toyota Lexus IS200, Year 2003 / 2004. 1800cc. Price $3.4 Contact: 699-8189.     RR 600 motorcycle, like brand new. Contact 682-0384.  AT 192, automatic, good condition. Call 225-8915 (Office).  3287 bus, $1.3M neg Tel 686-0900

 212 PNN series, AC, CD, mags, very good condition. Call 617-9507.  F150 V6 in working condition $700 000. Tel. 2563749, 681-5422, 692-0526.  Allion, clean, 2 Toyota Voxy, and one Toyota Noah PPP. Call 688-1657.  BMW 316I, mag rims, music, AC, etc. Price $2.1M neg. Tel. 649-7005.  Corona Wagon, working condition. Contact 6133377.  RX8 18-inch allow rims, fully leather interior, spoiler, $1.8M. 220-0170.   TOYOTA Carina motor car, good condition. For more information, call 643-4096.   Carina executive-driven in excellent condition, $1M cash. Tel. 6910756. model AT 212, never registered, excellent condition $1.9M. Tel. 629-4494, 6784513.  150 in working condition $200 000. Naresh Persaud. 225-9882, 681-2499.   Honda Civic fully loaded in excellent condition $1.2M. Contact 6005550.  Raum PLL series, AC, mags, excellent condition. Call 610-0514.  series, 212 Corona, good condition. Contact 2181800, 629-9438.  new model AT 212, alarm system, CD player. Tel. 625-7416, 227-8659.  L-Touring Wagon, mags, music, alarm, $950 000 neg. Tel. 618-8040.  USED trucks for sale. Contact Bakewell 220-1304, 220-1353.  10-seater bus, BMM 1832 in perfect condition. Tel. 656-9835.  3922 RZ minbus, in working condition. Call Robert on 234-1888, 609-9972.  TL Bedford truck 8 and 10 tons. Excellent condition. Tel. 612-6426, 667-7010.  Nissan Tiida Latio PPP series, in excellent condition. Owner migrating. Tel. 617-3834.  Toyota Town Ace minibus, BMM series. Price $1.2M. 664-5593. Spacio, music, rims, excellent condition. Tel. 689-3881.   tractor, foreignused, in excellent condition. Price neg. Contact 670-9393.  RZ BGG series, automatic in good condition $750 000 neg. Must go. Tel 6216215.  Pickup, excellent condition, 5-speed transmission. Asking $2.2M neg. Contact 683-0658, 693-7635 Hilux Surf Extra Cab 5L diesel pickup -excellent condition. 656-2350.   100 Toyota Sprinter as is, where is. Asking price $300 000 neg. Call 6723586.   Toyota Fielder, silver in colour. Price $1.9M neg. Tel. 628-8183.   new model car, fully powered with AC, CD music. Price $1.3M neg. Tel. 6267436.  model Raum with mags, spoiler, AC, CD music. In excellent condition. Price $1.8M neg. Tel. 626-7436.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014 23 VEHICLES FOR SALE  Touring Hiace Regius van, reg. GRR. Contact 618-2576, 678-0109. Owner leaving country. Anthony.  D A F H a u l e r t r u c k s a l s o 1 CF Daf for parts. 6562350.  212 old model in excellent condition. Tel. 671-2220.   S C R A P 3 1 2 B C AT excavator - 656-2350.  Raum $1.165M neg, rims, AC. Contact Vishal Tel. 2704674, 621-9080.  Tacoma 4x4 2006, $4.2M, RX8 Mazda 2004, $ 2 . 2 M . Te l . 6 1 5 - 8 6 8 3 , 2 2 5 7593.       1) Toyota 212 PLL series, driven by lady, price $1.1M negotiable. Tel. 698-1733 (June).  PMM series, ladydriven, 2 Raum, PRR series. Owner migrating. 070-5196, 604-0183, 651-8979.  Noah bus, BMW 320, 4x4 Pickup, Mitsubishi canter, 1 - 20 ft boat trailer. 693-5610, 616-9727, 6235845, 227-0190.  Rav 4 (MANUAL, 4WD) in EXCELLEENT condition $1.6M negotiable. Contact: 622-4746  FERGUSON TRACTORS. 165 AND 135 WITH SPARES. Price $1.5M and $600 000. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624.  CRV PMM series, HID lights, reverse camera, dark interior, alloy wheels, 6-disc changer, Call 693-7722.  RZ long base 15seater minibus, BLL series, good condition. Price $1.15M. Call 2160367, 676-6948.  Raum model 2005, PMM 3298, TV, CD, AC, mag rim, $1.6M neg. Tel. 625-9873.  Mitsubishi Dingo, lady-driven, PPP series. Price $1.7M neg. Contact 610-3777.  Nissan Pick-up, engine KA20, AC, music, good working condition, first owner, GNN series. Call 259-3158, 673-1935.  3Y Super Custom GGG series, in excellent working condition, $450 000 neg. Tel. 6253265, 618-2317.  2004 Toyota Allion, fully equipped with TV, reverse camera, DVD, CD. Car like new. 638-9116, 603-0976.  Altezza, with ful body kit, viperalarm, TV, PS, PW, AC, fog lamp, 17" rims, 35 engine, 6-disc changer, air bags. Call Anto 624-8183.  long base EFI, BJJ series, 2 AT 212 motor cars. All in excellent condition. Phone 2683953, 638-5301.  model NZE Corolla AC, TV, DVD, mags, excellent condition. Priced to go - $1.8M neg. Tel. 6820274, 625-8775.  owner, Suzuki Escudo, Vitara, low mileage, late PMM series, Contact 623-8172, 629-2404. No reasonable offer refused.  AE 100 Toyota L-Touring Wagon, PMM series, excellent condition, CD, mags, tint and alarm. Price neg. Tel. 642-7813, 266-2696.  IST 2004 model, PRR series, TV, reverse, camera, AT 192 hire car (yellow). Contact 688-9159, 654-1080.   Titan, hardly driven $3.5M neg. Toyota 212 (woman driver), perfect condition $1.5M. 648-4627, 6393042.  Hilux pickup 4x4, long base, manual, single cab, just imported. Excellent condition. Tel. 665-2880.  Premio PNN series, in excellent condition (ladydriven), 17" chrome rims, alarm, automatic start, ac, CD player etc. $2.3M neg. Tel. 649-2541.






 Solid Def Hilux Pinckup $2.4M, 2-ton Isuzu Dump truck $2.3M, New model Raum, $2.2M. Tel. 641-1800, 223-5324.

 2003 Honda CRV in immaculate condition, AC, leather interior, rims, new tires, chrome kits, door, lights, etc, music. Serious enquiries only. 626-2237, 602-3294.

 Allion, Premio, both excellent condition. Contact Leonard 617-1505, 2269316. Also used grilles for window, doors.

     

 Nissan Vanette small minibuses, privately used - PEE series, driving condition, stick shift gear, disc brakes, mag wheels, $325 000; PDD series not driving, needs minor work to drive $225 000. Double sliding door, disc brakes, stick gear good. Owner leaving - 616-5340.

 Candy Apple Red 325 BMW mag nickel rims, low miles and outstanding condition, vehicle only drives on Fridays and have a good maintenance record. One GAIA Caravan vehicle, engine in good condition with maintenance record, little body work is needed. One Toyota HIACE minibus, can be used for a mobile food bus. Serious enquiries only. Tel. 680-4008, 2266458, 223-6487.

 & Ranjah Import and Export. For all genuine truck parts and accessories new and used for Leyland, DAF, ERF Bedford Model M and TM etc from the UK, also foreign used Cummins and Perkins engine from the UK We currently have transfer boxes (power box) for 6x6 TM. Tel. 592-660-9152,592-610-2873.

 X-Trail, 56,000 km, original, excellent condition, no accidents, one owner, $3.6M. Mr. Paul 626-1150, 10 Am - 12 noon.    unregistered Toyota Premio (new shape) 2007 year model, press start, reverse camera, TV, etc. $3.850. Tel. 644-0530.  Toyota Rav4, one Mitsubishi Lancer, one Toyota Corolla NZE, vehicles in good condition, selling as a package $3M negotiable. Tel. 609-5810. minibuses BMM and BNN, CRV new model, AT 192, 212, NZE, AT 170, Toyota Hilux Surf, 06 Tacoma, Family van (7 seater) canters, Tacoma, Nissan Cefirowagon and cheap cars - 680-3154.  buy and sell and trade invehicles for cash and we also do trading-in of vehicles: 30seater buses low as $900 000, Spacio, Allion, Super Custom bus. - 680-3154   Hiace BRR1, RZ Super Custom Hiace, PKK. both excellent condition, never worked hire. Tel. 612-1718, home 325-3057.   Civic, CD player, AC, mag rims, alarm system, $780 000 neg. Ford Ranger 2003 $2.2M neg. Tel. 658-5400.  D2200 double cab pick-up, single drive, 3Y engine and gear box. Working condition. Contact 618-1773, 216-4199 after 17:00hrs.  - TOYOTA Tacoma, year 2002 - 2006, One Nissan Vanette, one Toyota IST. 657-1930, 6601943. -DOOR automatic Toyota Starlet, 4-door, 5-speed Dihatsu charade. Tel. 222-4158, 641-7526.  Journey bus 47-seater series, BSS 115. Price $5.2M neg. Contact Bro. Keith 614-5036. Carina, AC, alarm, private, AE 110 Sprinter, excellent condition, cheap price $950 000 each. Tel. 655-7839, 690-7344.  Nissan Tiida Latio PPP series, in excellent condition. Owner migrating. MILAGE 58,000, LADYDRIVEN Tel. 617-3834.   Grey Toyota Vigo double cab fully loaded in excellent condition, with roof rack, crash bar, CD player, price to go. Contact 600-5550.  Benz CLK200 Kompressor 2005 PRR series, pearl white, 67 000 miles. Flawless, features too numerous to mention. 6235492.  Auto blowout sale! Unregistered Mazda Axela $2 295 000 Pioneer CD, crystal lights, remote start, alarm. 643-6565, 2269931.  Auto blowout sale! Unregistered Toyota IST $2 195 000 body kit, TV, camera, spoiler, fogs, HID, alarm. 643-6565, 2269931.  TOYOTA Premio, deck, AC, rims, PMM series, HID lights, etc in excellent condition. Reasonably priced. Tel. 691-3388.  new model 212 Carina motor car, one AT 176 Toyota Carina wagon both in excellent condition. Price neg. Contact 3374544, cell 626-1525.  Premio PNN series, in excellent condition (lady-driven), 17" chrome rims, alarm, automatic start, ac, CD player etc. $2.3M neg. Tel. 649-2541.  unregistered Toyota Spacio, wine colour fully loaded with rails, TV, reverse camera, mag rims, etc. Price $2.3M neg. Tel. 642-6030.  Mazda Miata convertible with hard top as an extra, one Bedford 330 model TK dump truck, r e a d y f o r p a d d y. C a l l 6 8 9 5858.

 Toyota IST lady-driven, PPP series, AC, CD, very clean $1.65M neg. One Toyota 212 new model, PRR series, $1.475M neg. Tel. 233-6337 or 601-2532. , excellent working condition, below 75 000 miles, BJJ series, mag rims. Asking $1.2M. Call 216-2791, 626-0819.  , V6 automatic, fully powered, chrome, antirowbar, bedliner. Price $1.595M or offer. Contact 220-8770, 616-0427, 6893612.  at a giveaway price, fully loaded, must be seen. Contact 220-8770, 616-0427, 6893612.  4-Runner automatic, very well, clean, fully loaded. Price $1.295M or offers. Contact 2208770, 616-0427, 689-3612.  192 in a very nice condition, automatic, fully loaded, mag rims, price $890 000. Contact 220-8770, 616-0427, 6893612.       H i l u x d i e s e l T u r b o 4 x 4 , R H D , PA S , C D player. P r i c e $ 2 . 5 M o r o ff e r. Contact 220-8770, 616-0427, 689-3612.  Civic fully loaded, black, PKK registration. Must be seen. Price $1 250. Contact 2208770, 616-0427, 689-3612.  Toyota IST with TV $1.550M neg. One 212 Carina $1.150M neg, One 110 Sprinter $1.050M neg, excellent condition with 15 inch mags, AC and CD. Tel. 628-1682.  Nissan Rasheen, Year 2000, PNN series - shaped featured a small Hummer. In good working condition, Fully loaded, AC, Alloy Wheel, Cd and Flash drive etc. Interested persons kindly contact - Tell# 645 6828.  Toyota NZE motorcar, PMM series in excellent condition, chrome rims, remote start, fully functional alarm system, etc. Price $2M. Serious enquiries only. Tel. 697-7476, 617-0030, 680-8365.  Toyota Tacoma, four cylinders, 44 000 miles, sunroof, AC, manual transmission, 4x4, 4WD, TRD package, tray cover, bedliner, tow package, step-up rails, very clean, fully powered, sturdy. Excellent condition. 223-1885, 642-3722.  Ninja 600cc, silver Suzuki 2009, 250cc. Both bikes excellent condition. Have 4 000 km each. Unregistered. Make offer. 2231885, 642-3722  Sera sports car, mags fully powered, new shocks and struts, Honda Fit, end of PNN, mags, fully powered, excellent on gasolene. 223-1885, 642-3722.  F150 private $4M neg, fully powered, leather interior, 2002 Yamaha 4-stroke 1000cc with Jet Ski push trailer $2.2M neg, (3seater) both in excellent condition, never registered. Tel..658-0337, 666-6618, 670-4019.  shipment: Toyota Premio, Toyota Belta, Raum, Vitz, IST, Corolla, Spacio, Toyota Noah, Hilux Solid Def, R.H. Auto Sales, Blankenburg, WCD - 269-0794, 688-4847.  or selling used motor vehicles: 192, 212 Carina, NZE, Fielder wagons, Spacio, Raum, Allion, Premio, Allex, pickups and much more. Call Marketing Pro. - 6195784.

 2002 Honda Civic in immaculate condition, leather interior, 17-inch mag rims, lower adjustable shocks with springs, AC, music, VTec engine. Must see. Serious enquiries only. 626-2237, 602-3294.   BPP series $3.3M neg,, 2RZ BKK series mag rims, working condition. Ideal for school run $900 000 neg., 212 HB yellow, working $1M neg. Tel. 614-9537, 644-2099, 218-2297 (Call after 18:00hrs)>  1 2002 model unregistered Toyota Regius Wagon, colour Black two tone, AC< air bag, alloy wheels powered windows, power steering, fog lights, TV, navigation price $2.3M. Contact 624-5617.        off road package, fully loaded, automatic, bright red, excellent condition side bars, steps, extended cab 6718 8 8 3 , 6 6 9 - 111 3 , 6 9 6 - 9 5 2 9 . Price neg. with     Wagon good condition, yellow, needs nose cut and transmission, $550 000 hire, AT 192 working condition (Private PLL series) $650 000, 212 yellow hire, working condition $650 000. Crown Cabs 317 East Street. 225-9698, 613-5657, 6809333.    hard-to-get vehicle parts including windscreen, computer box, doors, lights, engines, front half, back half, mirrors,window screen for all t y p e s o f v e h i c l e s , s p o i l e r, door visors, mud-flap for 2002 Rav-4, etc for Toyota, Nissan, BMW, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Honda Isuzu, Fuzo, etc. at unbeatable prices. Contact Tel. 645-7800, 001-597-866-6358.    , Sport package, fully loaded, extended cab, dark blue, side bars, with cargo high top. Price neg 671-8883, 6691113, 696-9529 with   'S Auto Sales, Lot 2 George Street Werk-en-Rust back of Camp and Brickdam church. We buy and sell used vehicles, we also trading yours for another, RZ buses, Tundra, CRV, R AV-4, Premo, Allio n, NZE, AT 212, Spacio, Vios. We have all models of used vehicles - 2313690, 649-0329, David.  Titan 22-inch chrome rims, 4WD, powered seat, chrome accessories, rear tray cover, $3.5M. Toyota Land Cr u i s e r P r a d o , 2 0 - i n c h chrome rims, 4WD, leather seats, rear extra seats $5M, Toyota Hilux Surf limited 20inch chrome rims, 4WD, chrome accessories, sunroof, $5.5M - 622-8300.  TACOMA 2011 4 x 2, pickup with new safety features and redesigned interior, driver and passenger front air bags, seats, air bags, side curtains air bags, stability and traction control system, whiplash protection system, 4wheel abs, tyre pressure monitoring system, emergency braking ass, extended cab. Price neg. 671-8883, 669-1113, 696-9529 with    

 ! Top quality re-conditio n e d v e h i c l e s To y o t a N o a h ; To y o t a Voxy, Toyota IST (New Shape) Suzuki S w i f t ; Daihatsu Move (660cc) Mercedes Benz C200 Compressor; Corolla AE100 Wagon; Honda CRV RD4; Land Cruiser (fully loaded); Mazda Proceed 4WD Extra-cab pickup; Toyota Hilux 4WD Extra-cab pickups - 3RZ, 5L, 3L-Solid Differential; Mitsubishi Canter Trucks 3, TONS OPEN TRAY, 2-TON4WD;3 - Tons Dump Truck; Nissan Atlas 2 Ton Truck. Pre-Order your units early and get the best prices. Full after-sales s e r vice and financing a v ailable.                  A name and service you can trust.\         We buy and sell used cars and trade in your car for another All prices are negotiable. USED RZ bus $850 000, Range Rover des 5L eng SolId Def $5M, Land Cruiser $4M, Honda Accord $1M, 318 BMW $2.9M, Nadia $1.7M, Toyota Gaia (7-seater) $1.7M, Allion $2.15M, Lancer $1.2M, Honda Civic $1.2M, Mitsubishi Galant $1.3M, Caldina Wagon 3S Turbo, 5-speed manual $2.6M, small bus $1M, AT 192 $950 000, 210 Corolla $1.4M, AE 110 Corolla $1.5M, 212 $1 25M, Vios $1.6M, Raum $1.25M, new model Raum $1.7M, Premio $2.8M (unregistered), Tundra bubble back 4-wheel drive $3.4M, Tundra square back $2.4M.            We buy and sell used cars and trade in your car for another. All prices are neg USED Mitsubishi Galant $1.3M, Caldina Wagon 3S turbo, 5-speed manual $2.6M, small bus $1M, AT 192 $950 000, 210 Corolla $1.4M, AE 100 Corolla 10.50 212 $1.25M Vios $1.6M, Raum $1 250M, new model Raum $1.7M, Premio $2.8M (unregistered) Tundra bubble back, 4-wheel drive $3.4M, Tundra square back $2.4M, RZ bus $850 000, Range Rover des 5L eng Solid Def $5M, Land Cruiser $4M, Honda Accord $1M, 318 BMW $2.9M, Nadia $1.7M, Toyota Gaia (7-seater) $1.7M, Allion $2 15M, Lancer $1.2M, Honda Civic $1.2M.



 live maid. 643-1554.  Guards. 6703804. -out maid to work on East Coast. Tel. 223-5324. MECHANIC for interior Contact 223-5273/4.   to work on contract. 641-3595.  Mechanic for interior/Georgetown. Contact 2235273/4. Cook. Must have Food Handler's Certificate. Call: 2258066  car drivers to work with base, work and park. From 50 years up. 223-7634, 611-7379. . Apply in person M.F. Shikhan Hotel, 34 Princes Street, Wortmanville.  Guard to work at LBI. Kindly contact Regency Homes on 226-0575.  responsible person to rent and work canter. Tel. 6226136. : One- or twobedroom apartment to rent. Call 610-7328.

: One ice cream van driver between 40 and 50 years old. Contact 2183021.  baby-sitter, porter. Contact 223-5273-4. Officer: Premilitary experience and assets. Excellent pay and benefits available. Contact 6119769.  (husband & wife) to work on a farm, 6015500.  yardman/gardener to work at residence in Georgetown. Contact 2269768. -IN age 30-50. 604-4629,

n a n n y, Contact

 Dispatcher. Tel. 619-8537.  girls and porter boys. Apply in person Daswaney's Sharon Building, 154 King Street Lacytown. Tel. 225-8036.  cook and one waitress to work in a hotel, restaurant and bar. Experience necessary. Contact 225-1821, 665-7659.  to buy in La Parfaite Harmonie. We pay cash. We pay all legal fees. We clean your land 675-7292, 218-5591.  experienced cook to work in a hotel. Call 223-5207, 669-7523, 220-4952 after working hours.  live-in maid preferably form Berbice or Essequibo. Tel. 2163120 (office), 671-0927, 667-6644.  carpenter to work at Regency Hotel, 93 Hadfield Street. Kindly contact Tel 226-0575.  waitress to work at Kamboat Restaurant, 17 Public Road, Vryheid's Lust, ECD. Tel. 220-0147.  Taxi Drivers with and without car, Crown Cabs. Visit office at 317 East St, North Cummingsburg, Dispatchers for Kitty base. 225-9698.  family man to manage and work a farm in the Pomeroon River. Must have vast farming knowledge. Contact 226-9768.  to prepare parts list and repair 300 E Mercedes Benz 1992 model. Tel. 628-8591 Raza.  female between the ages of 18 and 25, to work in factory located in Georgetown. Tel. 227-3341, 699-1212.  Maid required for household work and cooking, to work up EBD from 08:00hrs to 14:00hrs. Contact 6245100.  girls and porter boys. Apply in person Daswaney's Sharon Building, 154 King Street Lacytown. Tel. 225-8036.  experienced hire car driver. Contact Mrs. Z. Khan. Tel. 226-7948 or 6866648.  experienced merchandiser to work for factory, holder of a driver's licence would be an asset. Tel. 227-3341, 6991212.  to work with limited supervision - 225-0188, 225-6070, 225-4492, 225-9404 Monday to Saturday.  Operator, 5 years experience. Monday to Saturday 8am-5pm (Occasionally Sundays). Overtime will be paid. Please call 6000840


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014

Wawrinka stuns wounded Nadal to win Australian Open By Nick Mulvenney MELBOURNE, (Reuters) Stanislas Wawrinka staged the biggest upset in a grand slam final for nearly half a decade when he put down a wounded Rafa Nadal 6-3 6-2 3-6 6-3 in a surreal Australian Open final to win his maiden major title yesterday. The record books will record a shock on a par with Juan Martin del Potro’s victory over five-times defending champion Roger Federer at the 2009 U.S. Open but it was a far more com-

Rafael Nadal plex evening than that. The Swiss had started brilliantly to take the opening set of a match few had given him a chance of winning but the contest changed irrevocably when world number one Nadal pulled up with a back injury at the beginning of the second stanza. After medical treatment, the Spaniard remarkably came back to win the third set and it took some time before the eighth seed was able to sufficiently regather himself to serve out for victory after 141 extraordinary minutes. Wawrinka sat on court in tears after receiving the trophy from Pete Sampras, who, if the pre-match script had held, would have handed it to Nadal after the Spaniard matched his haul of 14 grand slam titles. “It’s quite crazy what’s happening right now,” said Wawrinka, the first player since Del Potro to break the grand slam monopoly of Nadal, Federer, Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray. “I never expected to win a grand slam. I never dreamed about that because for me, I was not good enough to beat those guys.” Nadal, top seed and holder of the French and U.S. Open titles after a brilliant 2013 season, did everything in his power to avoid taking the limelight away from Wawrinka’s arrival into the grand slam winner’s circle.

“That’s not the real moment to talk about (the injury),” said Nadal, who admitted his back had troubled him from the warm-up. “It’s the moment to congratulate Stan. He’s playing unbelievably. He really deserved to win that title. I’m very happy for him. He’s a great, great guy. He’s a good friend of mine. I am really happy for him. “So just congratulate him for everything.” His tears, though, told of the frustration of an ultra-competitive man whose path to a second Australian Open title had been blocked by injury for a fourth time in five years since his sole triumph in 2009. “IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN” The 27-year-old retired in his quarter-final against Murray in 2010, slumped out while clearly injured against compatriot David Ferrer in the 2011 last eight and missed the entire tournament in 2013. “I tried hard until the end, trying to finish the match as good as I could for the crowd, for the opponent, for me,” Nadal added. “So that’s what I did, tried everything until the last moment, but it was impossible to win this way.” After also beating defending champion Djokovic in the quarter-finals, Wawrinka became first man to defeat the top two seeds at a grand slam since Spain’s Sergi Bruguera at Roland Garros in Paris in 1993. Wawrinka will now move above Federer in the world rankings to become Swiss number one, an almost inconceivable thought not more than 12 months ago when he was considered no more than a decent top 20 journeyman. The 28-year-old has been a revelation under new coach Magnus Norman over the last six months, though. Serving like a dream and smashing winners from both wings, he grabbed a break for

3-1 when Nadal netted a backhand and held firm to hold his own serve and take his first ever set off the Spaniard in their 13 meetings. Nadal had been glancing nervously up at his uncle and coach Toni in the stands in the first set but it was not until he had been broken to love to start the second that it became apparent that something was wrong. RUBBER-NECKING When he came to serve again at 2-0 down, he suddenly pulled up short and at the next change of ends, raced off court for a medical timeout. Wawrinka raged at umpire Carlos Ramos for not explaining clearly what was going on and the crowd booed the 13-times grand slam champion when he returned to court, obviously suspecting some gamesmanship to arrest his slide. It soon became obvious that was not the case as, clearly impeded, Nadal shuffled lamely along the baseline. For the remainder of the set the crowd were like rubber-neckers at a car crash, watching to see how long Nadal could last before retiring. After winning the second set, though, Wawrinka appeared to have been knocked off his stride by Nadal’s predicament and whatever treatment the Spaniard had received kicked in and he incredibly won the third. “It wasn’t easy,” said Wawrinka. “He got injured. I saw that. He wasn’t serving at all. He wasn’t moving during one set. Then was a completely different match. I had to focus on myself, to try to find the way just to win it.” Wawrinka grabbed the first break in the fourth set with a thumping forehand winner only for Nadal to break right back but another huge forehand soon had the world number eight serving for the match at 5-3.

Cook to sit out of England’s ODI tour of West Indies (REUTERS) - Captain Alastair Cook will sit out of England’s limited-overs tour of West Indies as the team prepare for the Twenty20 World Cup in Bangladesh in March. Cook, who does not play the T20 format for England, will not be part of the squad to the Caribbean during which the visitors will play three ODIs and three T20 matches, starting Feb. 28. Asked if he would be captain against the West Indies, Cook told Sky Sports: “No I won’t be. The Twenty20 guys have got their World Cup in Bangladesh and I think we see

it as a great six weeks for them to start building the team. “They’re never together very often and it gives them, and Broady (Stuart Broad) and Gilo (Ashley Giles) time, to really have six weeks together to build for Bangladesh.” England opener Cook failed to score a fifty in the five matches against Australia after a dismal Ashes series, during which the visitors were whitewashed 5-0. The 29-year-old had hinted at stepping down as England’s ODI skipper after his side lost the limited overs series against Australia but later said he was “desperate”

to continue in his role. England lost the final one-dayer yesterday in Adelaide to lose the series 4-1. England’s limited-overs coach Ashley Giles said Broad, who leads England in the T20 format, will be promoted by the selectors for the ODIs in West Indies. “The plan is we are playing three one-day games there but with the T20 World Cup we are probably going to pick a T20 squad which gives us a good preparation time running into Bangladesh,” Giles said. “It’s likely that Stuart Broad will captain that side.”

Fans to see 30 CPL matches in ... From Back Page

more international players will be available to come to the Caribbean for the tournament. The player draft will take place on March 12 in Barbados and teams will be allowed to retain at least six players from the last season. Khan also revealed that 25 countries took television coverage of the tournament in 2013 but now the organisers are targeting 50 countries so that the players would get greater exposure. A total of 240,000 persons in the Caribbean witnessed the tournament live while some 36 million worldwide had the

opportunity also to watch the games. The games were featured on 29 different television stations. A check with a local sponsor of the Red Steel revealed that owners of the team have already increased their value for sponsorship packages and this may well be as a result of the greater audience that would now be viewing the matches. Over the past week, officials of the CPL have been making the rounds of the Caribbean, meeting with all the team officials, to bring them up to scratch with the new season. (Trinidad Guardian)

GABF plans bid to host Junior CBC Championship... From Back Page sake of moving on and developing the game of basketball right now, this new executive is going to ignore all that happened in the break down in some areas and we will working on getting this entity somewhat affiliated to us. I believe they have the perfect structure for youth development, but just need us now to embrace that so this game could grow.” Meanwhile, with the CBC Men and Women Championship just six months away, Hinds affirmed his federation’s willingness to insure that the best possible team WILL represent the Land of

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Many Waters. Asked if the make up of the team would be the same as last year in terms of having only local representation, Hinds said that the GABF will seek to engage its overseas players but are presently working on a formula for selection. “The thing is, we want to have them, if we have people that want to represent their country, it is only right we formulate a reasonable method to engage their participation. So, the GABF has a lot of work to do and we will be making a couple things public to this regard because we would want full representation from all of corporate Guyana,” Hinds said.

13:10 hrs The Blue Dog 13:40 hrs Smalljohn South Africa Racing Tips Flamingo Park 08:25 hrs Blushing Grey 08:55 hrs Derbaas 09:25 hrs Wisper The Wind 09:55 hrs Sky Marshall 10:25 hrs Court Jester French Racing Tips Cagnes-Sur-Mer 08:30 hrs Mister Gigraltar 09:05 hrs Folko 09:35 hrs Le Ring 10:05 hrs Tycoon’s Secret 10:40 hrs Venetien 11:10 hrs Tigerville

GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014


Wawrinka leads big shake-up at top of rankings By Martyn Herman LONDON-(Reuters) - An Australian Open tennis tournament that began in a heatwave and contained seismic shocks aplenty ended with Stanislas Wawrinka defeating Rafa Nadal to further undermine the superiority of the socalled big four in men’s tennis. In reaching the final after missing last year’s tournament Nadal has cemented his world No. 1 ranking and will be hard to shift from the summit but below him the landscape is changing.

Novak Djokovic, whose bid for a fourth consecutive Australian Open title was thwarted by the inspired Wawrinka, remains No. 2 but both Andy Murray and Roger Federer are falling, to numbers six and eight respectively. There are mitigating factors in Murray’s case because he missed the final third of last year because of a back surgery which, as proved in his loss to Federer, will require time before he regains his former strength and power. Federer, who played beautifully to reach the semis, was

Stanislas Wawrinka outplayed by Nadal and the suspicion remains that while still majestic at his best, his chances of adding to his record haul of 17 grand slam titles are receding. Wawrinka’s wonderful fortnight in Melbourne has pro-

pelled him to third in the rankings, making him Switzerland’s number one after a career spent in Federer’s shadow. At number four is burly Argentine Juan Martin del Potro, who before Wawrinka’s defeat of Nadal, was the last player to muscle into the grand slam winners’ club dominated for the past decade by Federer, Nadal, Djokovic and more recently Murray. Del Potro’s second-round exit in Melbourne can be seen as a blip and with his injury woes behind him he will be dangerous at all the remaining

Windies Under-19s beat CCC in warm-up match BRIDGETOWN, Barbados - West Indies Under-19s defeated Combined Campuses & Colleges by seven wickets on the Duckworth-Lewis method after rain took a big chunk out of their one-day warm-up match at 3Ws Oval. What was to have been a 50-over side match to prepare both teams for imminent big tournaments started as late as 12.35 p.m. because of early morning rain which swept across most of the island. It was then decided a play a 25-over game and CCC were bowled out for 117 in 22.4 overs after losing the toss. Kyle Corbin, the former CCC captain, topscored with

47 off 42 balls including four sixes and one four. He and lefthander Raymon Reifer, who made 22 off 36 balls with one six featured in a fourth wicket partnership of 62. Once they were parted, a collapse set in with the last seven wickets crashing for 30 runs. The only other batsman to reach double-figures was Floyd Reifer, the 41-year-old player/ coach and former Barbados lefthander and West Indies captain, who made 14. Skipper and off-spinner Ramaal Lewis, one of five Jamaicans in the West Indies Under-19 team for the ICC Youth World Cup in United Arab Emirates starting in

mid-February, took three for 11 off 3.4 overs including the scalp of Corbin. Vincentian fast bowler Ray Jordan, who picked up the first three wickets to help reduce CCC to 25 for three, finished with three for 23 off five overs. Rain interrupted the West Indies Under-19s innings after 11 overs with the score 42 for two. Set a revised target of 86 off 20 overs, they duly won with nine balls remaining. All of the batsmen who went to crease reached double-figures. Barbadian Jonathan Drakes topscored with 19 not out, Brian King of Jamaica was unbeaten on 18 while Trinidad & Tobago’s Jeremy Solozano got 18, Shimron Hetmeyer of

FA Cup draw brings top four together By Mike Collett LONDON- (Reuters) - The top four teams in the Premier League will face one another after Manchester City were paired yesterday with Chelsea and Arsenal were drawn to play Liverpool in the FA Cup fifth round. Holders Wigan Athletic, who scored a major upset when they were relegated and beat Manchester City in last year’s final, will travel to Cardiff City, who were promoted to the Premier League at the end of last season. Everton, whose manager Roberto Martinez left Wigan after taking them to FA Cup glory against City, will face his old club Swansea City in one of four all-Premier League ties. The other match between top-flight sides pits Capital One Cup finalists Sunderland against Southampton at the Stadium of Light. Sheffield Wednesday will meet Charlton Athletic in an all-Championship tie and Premier League Hull City travel to Brighton of the Championship. The winners of the replay between Sheffield United and Fulham will face Nottingham Forest or Preston North End who are also involved in a fourth-round replay. The standout games are those between City and Chelsea - who met in the semi-final at Wembley last season when City won 2-1 - and Arsenal and Liverpool. Chelsea, who have won the Cup four times in the last seven seasons, and City, who lifted the trophy in 2011, have met once since the semi-final with Chelsea winning 2-1 in the league at Stamford Bridge in October. Chelsea coach Jose Mourinho said he was looking forward to the tie. “If you want to be the best you have to play the best,” he told ITV. League leaders Arsenal, chasing their first silverware since winning the FA Cup in 2005, are unbeaten against Liverpool in their last four meetings and notched up a 2-0 home win over the Merseyside club in November. The matches will be played on the weekend of February15/16. Manchester City v Chelsea Sheffield United or Fulham v Nottingham Forest or Preston North End Arsenal v Liverpool Brighton & Hove Albion v Hull City Cardiff City v Wigan Athletic Sheffield Wednesday v Charlton Athletic Sunderland v Southampton Everton v Swansea City.

Guyana (14) and vice-captain Nicholas Pooran, who comes from Trinidad & Tobago (13). Akeem Dewar, the tall, Jamaican leg-spinner picked up two for seven off three overs. CCC are leaving for Trinidad & Tobago on Wednesday for the WICB NAGICO Super50 tournament, which begins January 30, while the West Indies Under-19s are having a one-week camp which started last Tuesday at 3Ws Oval before heading to Dubai. West Indies have been drawn alongside South Africa, Zimbabwe and Canada in Group C. Their opening preliminary match is against the Proteas on Friday, February 14 at the Dubai International Stadium.

slams this year. Melbourne semi-finalist Tomas Berdych, at number seven, will also take heart from Wawrinka’s breakthrough after regularly reaching the business end of grand slam tournaments, only to fall short against the big guns. Spain’s David Ferrer will slip from three to five in Monday’s ranking list and while he will continue to hustle and bustle, his career looks unlikely to include a major title. Although the quartet of Nadal, Djokovic, Murray and Federer will, for now, continue to be the first names brought up when talking of the main challengers at the big tournaments, the gap between them and the rest is shrinking. Wawrinka, still at the peak of his powers at 28, is the spearheading the assault with Del Potro and Berdych in close support but others are lurking in the undergrowth. Bulgaria’s 22-year-old Grigor Dimitrov will enter the world’s top 20 for the first time and his run to the quarter-finals in Australia where he hade Nadal in all sorts of trouble could prove a pivotal moment in his career. DO DAMAGE Japan’s Kei Nishikori is growing in stature and Canadian Milos Raonic has the serve and forehand to do damage. They will all move on from

Australia with an extra spring in their step, believing that they will not necessarily have to wait for the current golden generation to step aside before they can make their mark. Former world number three Ivan Ljubicic summed up the mood. “I wonder how many players went: “oh, so it can be done!” the Croatian said on Twitter following Wawrinka’s victory. The women’s game has also been given a shake-up this past fortnight with Serena Williams surprisingly beaten by a rejuvenated Ana Ivanovic, Maria Sharapova losing to Dominika Cibulkova and Victoria Azarenka going out Agnieszka Radwanska. China’s Li Na is not exactly a new kid on the block but in winning her second grand slam title could well have an eye on the No.1 ranking this year, should Williams fall below the incredible standards she set in 2013. Canada’s Eugenie Bouchard, who reached the semi-finals in Australia, will lead the challenge from the next generation. The Australian Open, far from being a predictable romp for the favourites, has breathed new life into the sport and the months ahead promise to be engrossing as the heavyweights try to stand their ground under fire from multiple directions.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014

Speed, Gray join Mani’s protest By Daniel Brettig MALCOLM Speed and Malcolm Gray, both former senior administrators with Cricket Australia and the ICC, have broken away from their national board’s position by undersigning a formal letter to the ICC and member nations requesting that the “big three” proposal be immediately withdrawn. The letter, composed by the former ICC president Ehsan Mani in the wake of his damning 13-page assessment of the draft finance and governance proposal that is due to be voted on by the ICC’s executive board this week, is also undersigned by the former West Indian captain Clive Lloyd and former PCB presidents Shahrayar Khan and Lt Gen. (retd) Tauqir Zia and former BCB president Saber Hossain Chowdhury. Ali Bacher, the former managing director of the first South African board after reunification, also came out in support of the argument being made by Mani. In a letter to Alan Isaac, the current president of the ICC, Bacher reminded him of the “animosity” that existed particularly in the Asian subcontinent and the Caribbean, when England and Australia had the veto in the ICC. He said that the working group position paper, if accept-

Malcolm Speed has remained linked to Cricket Australia even after leaving his post as ICC chief executive in 2008 . ed, would “lead to division and strife in world cricket as never seen before.” * But it is the presence of Speed and Gray on the letter that is most significant, for each have remained linked to the workings and decisions of CA in the years since they left formal administrative posts. Speed still retains a close working relationship with the CA chief executive James Sutherland under the banner of the Coalition of Major Professional and Participation Sports (COMPPS). He was also a member of the Argus review panel that charted a new path for the Australian team in 201 All signatories agreed that

the ICC needed to re-examine the conclusions of the 2012 Woolf Report into ICC governance, which recommended, among other things, an improvement in governance standards, the appointment of independent board directors and greater transparency. The text of the letter reads: “We are writing to ask you, the custodians of world cricket: 1. That the Paper by the ICC F&CA Committee should be withdrawn. 2. That the ICC directors and management, its members and other stakeholders are, as a matter of urgency, invited to review and comment on the Governance Report by Lord Woolf and PWC, published in 2012, with a view to implementing its recommendations and improving ICC’s Governance structure, in keeping with contemporary best practice.” Following a long period in senior roles with CA when it was known as the Australian Cricket Board, Gray served as president of the ICC from 2000 to 2003, when he was succeeded by Mani. Speed was the chief executive of the ACB/ CA from 1997 until 2001, then served the same role with the ICC from 2001 to 2008. He told ESPNcricinfo that he trusted the motives of the CA chairman Wally Edwards, but held grave


I BELIEVE that the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) should issue a statement setting out its position on Mr.

Srinivasan’s attempt to take over world cricket. Although the proposal is in the names of India, Australia

CRICKETQUIZ CORNER (Monday January 27, 2014) Compliments of THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market & The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230)& CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 225-6158; 223-6055) Answers to yesterday’s quiz: 261 (WI vs ENG, Nottingham, 1950) Clive Lloyd and Joel Garner Today’s Quiz: Which WI cricketer was known as ‘Electric Heels” for his superb fielding? How many runs Shiv Chanderpaul has made in ODI cricket to date? Answers in tomorrow’s issue

and England, I have little doubt that the intellectual author of this proposed takeover is the BCCI President. Reading Tony Cozier’s article, yesterday, it would appear as if the West Indies Cricket Board is going to toe the line and support this outrageous proposal – the reason being lucrative future India tours. However, although finance is important, we must not put finances above principles. I do not believe it will be fair to call on the Guyana Cricket Board to issue an individual position on this matter as it is surely subject to the principle of collective responsibility at the WICB. However, I do not believe there is any impediment to the Guyana Cricket Board demanding that the WICB publicly state its position before the meeting. We know the position of not only India, Australia and England but also South Africa. The WICB should take the West Indian public into its confidence and state its position. This cannot be a secret. BISH PANDAY

The formal letter to the ICC is also undersigned by the former West Indian captain Clive Lloyd doubts about the redistribution model the proposal outlined. “I have no doubt that Wally Edwards has given the matter very close consideration and believes that this is the best outcome for world cricket,” Speed said. “Wally has been in the thick of the debate and I respect his opinion and have no doubt that he is acting in the best interests of the game and Australian cricket. “I cannot see any reason whatsoever why India should receive extra funding from ICC Events at the expense of struggling countries such as Scotland, Ireland, Uganda, Kenya and the other 100 Associate and Affiliate members where every

dollar counts. India generates hundreds of millions from domestic and international media and sponsorship rights from matches played against the other Full Member countries. “India already benefits more than any other country from the popularity of the game in India and India’s huge population. It receives this revenue as a result of playing against the other countries. The rationale for ICC Events is to raise funds to support the game across the world. All of the other members need additional funding. Previous Presidents of BCCI were strong supporters of the other countries. Jagmohan Dalmiya as BCCI and ICC President was a pioneer in spreading cricket’s revenues around the cricket world. BCCI needs to reconsider its position.” The letter was accompanied by Mani’s analysis of the proposal, which raised many and varied concerns about the conflicted interests of its authors - the BCCI, CA, and the ECB - and the revenue modelling they are suggesting. Among his reservations was the fact that under the new plan, the game’s developing nations stood to lose an enormous percentage of projected revenue, relative to their current allocation. Mani estimated that under

the proposal, Associate and Affiliate Members would lose more than US $312 million in projected revenue, an amount that would instead be redistributed largely to the boards of India, Australia and England. “The biggest gainers are BCCI, ECB and CA. In addition, ICC events for the period 2015-2023 will be held only in India, England and Australia. These Boards will receive hosting fees for the events in addition to the ICC Distributions they propose,” Mani wrote. “A point that also needs to be addressed is; why does BCCI need more money at the expense of other countries? The domestic and international media fees that BCCI receives from playing with other members are massive and underpin BCCI’s financial position. It is the richest cricket board in the world. “If cricket is to grow and develop around the world more investment is required in the Associate & Affiliate countries, not less. The Associate & Affiliate countries represent some of the biggest economies in the world. If cricket could be established properly in the United States of America and China and become an Olympic sport, the ICC could double its revenues in real terms over the next 10-15 years. This requires vision and a less parochial approach.” (ESPN Cricinfo)

RHTYSC opens membership for Junior and Female Cricketers - To unveil biggest ever incentive scheme GUYANA’S leading youth and sports club, the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club has opened its membership to Junior and Female Cricketers for the year 2014. The Cricket Development Committee headed by Office Manager Moonish Singh and cricket coach Winston Smith is inviting youths to join the Club’s Under-15, 17 and 19 teams, while females can apply to join the Metro Female Team. The cut off date of birth for the Under-15 team is the September 1, 1999; Under-17 - September 1, 1997, and Under-19 - September 1, 1995, while females from the ages of 12 years up to the maximum age of 30 are also encouraged to sign up. The Club requires all its members to be discipline, have strong faith in the God they serve, must be prepared to work hard, be drug free and be committed to obtaining an educa-

tional background. Members of the Club’s cricket teams would have access to club gear and be trained by a qualified coach, while they would also be provided with educational materials and be part of the club’s multi-million incentive scheme for its members at the Annual Award Ceremony. They would also be in a position to obtain personal cricket gear under the Basil Butcher and Western Union Cricket Ambassadors Programmes and it must be noted, by Management, that all cricketers of the Club must be part of a self development programme where over 80 projects are undertaken every year to make positive difference in the lives of youths, the elderly and less fortunate. Meanwhile, Secretary/ CEO of the Club, Hilbert Foster has disclosed that the club would shortly be unveiling its largest ever incentive scheme

for its cricketers, something they have been doing since 1991, where they have organised an Annual Awards Ceremony and in 2013 handed over $2.5M worth of trophies, medals and prizes to 40 members. The 2014 Award Scheme would include a Cricketer of the Year Award of over $500, 000.00 worth of cash and prizes while special awards would also be shared out to the Runner-up Cricketer of the Year, Female Cricketer of the Year, Youth Cricketer of the Year, Bowler of the Year, Batsman of the Year and Discipline Player of the Year. A press conference will be hosted shortly where the full incentive package would be unveiled along with the sponsors, as the expanded incentive package’s main aim is to inspire all the cricketers to fulfil their potential while at the same time propelling the club to greater success.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday January 27, 2014


Australia edge England in low-scoring thriller (REUTERS) - England wilted under pressure as Australia edged home by five runs in a low-scoring thriller in Adelaide yesterday to win the five-match series 4-1. Set a meagre 218 to win their second match on the tour, England looked on course while Joe Root (55) and Eoin Morgan (39) were at the crease, having added 64 runs for the fourth wicket. England needed another 64 at that stage with seven wickets in hand but Morgan’s dismissal, while trying to loft James Faulkner over the infield, turned the game in Australia’s favour. Root also fell to Faulkner two overs later as Australia tightened the screws. The needless run-out of Tim Bresnan (13), to a direct hit from Glenn Maxwell, complicated things for the visitors and the unfortunate stumping of Ravi Bopara (25) in the penultimate over put paid to England’s

Australia celebrate their 4-1 ODI series win over England after the fifth and final match in Adelaide, yesterday. Bopara was England’s off the same number of dehopes. best bet with nine required liveries but the batsman was

Berbice River Bridge Company donates $100,000 worth of coaching kits to BCB THE MASSIVE coaching programme that would be undertaken by the Special Events Committee of the Berbice Cricket Board for this year, on Friday last received a major boost when the Berbice River Bridge Company donated $100,000 worth of coaching kits. The company late last year was approached by Secretary/CEO of the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club and Special Events Committee Chairman, Hilbert Foster, for assistance in this regard and they readily agreed to do so. Foster stated that the coaching kits would be shared out to 14 clubs across Berbice and would be used to coach young cricketers between the ages of 8 to 12 years old, adding that it would assist to identify promising talents for the future and thus continuing the rich tradition of Berbice producing outstanding players. He expressed gratitude to the Management and Staff of the Berbice Bridge Company for their assistance and investment in Berbice Cricket, even as Administrative Assistant of the Company Bibi Alli in handing over the kits, said her Company was pleased to be associated with the BCB and pledged continued co-operation in the future.

Administrative Assistant of Berbice Bridge Company Bibi Alli (right) hands over one of the coaching kits to Secretary of the Berbice Cricket Board, Angela Haniff.

given out stumped when the ball ricocheted off wicketkeeper Matthew Wade onto the stumps with Bopara’s feet barely in the air. Watson came on to bowl the last over with England needing eight but the all-rounder dismissed last man James Tredwell caught behind from the fourth delivery. Mckay and Nathan CoulterNile took three wickets apiece as the visitors were shot out for 212. Earlier, Stuart Broad and Ben Stokes shared six wickets as Australia struggled for momentum after captain Michael

AUSTRALIA innings A. Finch b Broad 7 S. Marsh c Cook b Stokes 36 S. Watson c Buttler b Broad 0 M. Clarke b Bresnan 8 G. Bailey c Broad b Stokes 56 G. Maxwell c Buttler b Stokes 22 M. Wade b Broad 31 J. Faulkner c Morgan b Jordan 27 N. Coulter-Nile lbw b Jordan 15 C. McKay not out 1 X. Doherty not out 1 Extras (lb-9, w-4) 13 Total (nine wickets; 50 overs) 217 Fall of wickets: 1-14 2-22 3-43 4-64 5-112 6-167 7-176 8-215 Bowling: Broad 10-2-31-3 (1w), Jordan 10-0-37-2 (2w), Bresnan 10-0-51-1, Tredwell 7-0-28-0, Stokes 10-0-43-3 (1w), Bopara 3-0-18-0 ENGLAND innings

Clarke won the toss and opted to bat. Broad struck early for England as Australia lost four wickets inside the first 20 overs and were forced to consolidate on a sluggish Adelaide Oval pitch. Clarke (eight) and Shane Watson (zero), rested during the one-day series for their Ashes workload, returned to the team yesterday but had a forgettable outing with the bat. It was left to Bailey to resurrect the innings for Australia and he did the repair job first with a 48-run stand with Glenn Maxwell (22) for the fifth wicket and then added 55 for the sixth with Matthew Wade (31). Bailey fell trying to clear Stokes over the infield. Fast bowling partners James Faulkner (27) and Nathan Coulter-Nile (15) added some quick runs towards the end to take Australia past 200.

A. Cook c Bailey b Coulter-Nile 39 I. Bell c Finch b Coulter-Nile 14 B. Stokes C Marsh b McKay 0 J. Root c Doherty b Faulkner 55 E. Morgan c Watson b Faulkner 39 R. Bopara st Wade b McKay 25 J. Buttler c McKay b Coulter-Nile 5 T. Bresnan run out 13 S. Broad b McKay 7 C. Jordan not out 4 J. Tredwell c Wade b Watson 0 Extras (b-1, lb-4, w-6) 11 Total (all out; 49.4 overs) 212 Fall of wickets: 1-23 2-29 3-90 4-154 5-157 6-174 7-194 8-204 9-209 Bowling: McKay 10-1-36-3 (4w), Coulter-Nile 10-1-34-3, Faulkner 10-0-37-2 (1w), Doherty 10-1-40-0, Watson 6.4-0-35-1 (1w), Maxwell 3-0-25-0.

Miller vows to fight on without Gayle

KINGSTON, Jamaica, (CMC) – Newly-appointed Jamaica vice-captain Nikita Miller says it will be a big blow playing without opener Chris Gayle in the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) NAGICO Super50 Regional cricket tournament, however the team is prepared to fight on without him. Gayle, who was originally named captain of the team, had to be withdrawn on Friday after he failed a medical examination carried out by the head of the WICB medical panel, Dr Akshai Mansingh. Gayle injured his hamstring on the tour of India last October “It’s a big loss given his ability and stature in international and regional cricket,” said Miller. “He would have been a great asset to us as a lot of bowlers around the region

Nikita Miller has been appointed Jamaica’s vice-captain. fear him, and by just his presence it would give the team a boost. “But cricket is a team sport, and as such we will have to pick ourselves up and collectively try to fill the void.” “Also, it is not the first time we are playing without him, as

we have done so in the past and done well.” Gayle has been replaced in the team by young opener Kennar Lewis, who was the leading runs getter during the recent Super50 trials. The captain position, in the meanwhile, will be taken by original vice-captain David Bernard Jr, who makes the step up. Jamaica will open their Super50 campaign on Thursday against title-holders Windward Islands at Queen’s Park Oval. Squad — David Bernard (captain), Nikita Miller (vice-captain), Kenar Lewis, John Campbell, Nkrumah Bonner, Jermaine Blackwood, Horace Miller, Andre McCarthy, Tamar Lambert, Andre Russell, Carlton Baugh, Andrew Richardson, Sheldon Cottrell, Jerome Taylor.


The Chronicle is at

Wawrinka stuns wounded Nadal

STANISLAS Wawrinka of Switzerland carries the Norman Brookes Challenge Cup at the Walk of Champions after winning his men’s final match against Rafael Nadal

of Spain during day 14 of the 2014 Australian Open at Melbourne Park. Wawrinka became only the third Swiss to win a grand slam title after Rog-

e r Fe de re r and M ar tina Hingis. Having long lived in the shadow of Federer, eighth seed Wawrinka will be world number three when the new

rankings come out today, while his compatriot slides to eight.

(See story on Page 24)

Fans to see 30 CPL matches in 2014 THE tremendous success of the 2013 season left fans calling for more Caribbean Premier League (CPL) matches and their wish will be granted this year, as a total of 30 matches will be played in the 2014 season. Manager of the Guyana Amazon Warriors and former T&T and West Indies manager Omar Khan told T&T Guardian that the 2014 edition will bowl off on July 10 and end on August 16. He also added that there will be an increase in the number of matches from 24 to 30, so that each of the six teams will play each other twice (on a home and away) basis. “One has to remember that the 2013 season was rushed and was a bit of a dry-run to see how things would work. It did work well and now the organisers can move in the direction of a bigger better tournament. “In 2013 some of the teams played other teams on more occasions, than they did others, now it has been settled and the teams will play each other on a home and away basis. This would lead to a better understanding of the structure and also more importantly more matches. We have a situation now where 30 matches are going to be played. “The organisers have also agreed to have a grand opening and also a grand finish to the tournament. The opening weekend and the finals weekend will be open to bids from all the countries that have teams in the tournament,” he said. The 2014 season has been brought forward as the inaugural season started at the end of July. Now See Page 24 Manager of the Guyana Amazon Warriors Omar Khan with the season starting earlier, many Printed and Published by Guyana National Newspapers Limi ted, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park, Georgetown. Telephone 2 2 6- 3243-9 (General); Editorial: 2 2 7- 5204, 2 2 7- 5216. Fax:2 2 7- 5208

GABF plans bid to host Junior CBC Championship in August - Federation to begin CBC Men’s championship preparation By Rawle Toney PRESIDENT of the Guyana Amateur Basketball Federation (GABF) Nigel Hinds has confirmed that Guyana is set to make a bid to host the Caribbean Basketball Confederation (CBC) U-16 Championships in August. The recently elected Hinds also reaffirmed that Guyana will be represented at this year’s CBC Men’s and Women Championship, which is set for the British Virgin Islands from July 1 – 12. Hinds was speaking to Chronicle Sport, offering an update on the outcome of the January 18 CBC Congress in Puerto Rico. “As it relates to the U-16 Championship, we have indicated to the CBC at the meeting that Guyana will be bidding to host the event. Antigua and Barbuda also signalled their intention to host. So looking at it from a business perspective, I think this will benefit all stake-holders of both the private and public sector because we would have about 3 – 400 people here” Hinds said. Hinds said that the GABF would be preparing a draft proposal to corporate Guyana and the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sport and is optimistic that when presented, the entities will come on board. The former National Basketball player pointed out “I will use my office personally, along with teaming up with the other executives to get this done. It will take a collective effort and I believe that this new Executive is very willing to put Guyana’s basketball back to where it was and even better. We all have the understanding that the sport is more than just us playing tournament’s here, but also engaging our regional counterpart. Hinds also noted that for this to happen, the GABF will soon engage Youth Basketball Guyana (YBG), to regularise the entity which has over the last six years, been the high-point for youth development in the sport. “I don’t want to give out too much on the YBG issue because we plan on meeting with (Chris) Bowman very soon. I had related the YBG issue to Mr. (Usie) Richards (CBC President) and he would’ve asked that we the GABF get them regularise as soon as possible because of the stands the CBC and FIBA is going to take on entities running basketball outside of the National Association See Page 24 structure,” Hinds said. He added “I’m aware of the shortcomings between YBG and the GABF of the past, but for the

President of the Guyana Amateur Basketball Federation (GABF) Nigel Hinds MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2014

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