Guyana chronicle 20 12 13

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GUYANA No. 103686


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President lauds GGDMA … calls for members to heed their civic duty

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Bandits nab $7.8M Public Works Ministry payroll

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President Donald Ramotar greeting a GGDMA member

House defers second reading of Procurement (Amendment) Bill

Murder accused Herbert Pilgrim to serve 24 years in jail Page 9

- for 2011 manslaughter of girlfriend in Norton St, W/ville

London’s Apollo Theatre’s ceiling Construction worker killed with shotgun collapses during show owned by CPG chairman Dr. Ashni Singh

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GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

President lauds GGDMA … calls for members to heed their civic duty

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar has extended commendation to the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) for establishing a new world record in gold production, but advised that the association pay more heed to its patriotic duty of developing the human capital in the country. He was at the time speaking at the GGDMA annual Christmas dinner and dance Wednesday at the Pegasus Hotel, also attended by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud. “Congratulations for a job well-done,” President Ramotar told the gathering, referring to the fact that gold production, today stood at 461,000 ounces, the highest production ever, surpassing a previous high level of 455, 918 ounces, recorded in 2001, which included the declarations of both Omai and small scale operators. The president expressed the belief that increased use of new technology is the cause for the augmented production. “The industry itself has a great future,” the president said, but one that must be done with

the realisation of the environmental aspect of the activity. “The question of preserving our environment, preserving what we have, we also see that it has great benefit for our people, economically but more over, it provides a service for the whole world as far as fighting climate change is concerned. We all know that climate change is upon us, and if we can make a contribution to slow it down and to reverse it, that is very important to us.” Significantly though, the president noted that mining is a finite operation, and as such stakeholders must ensure that investments going into mining must also be used to develop the human capital. “I have mentioned on several occasions, at several forums, that it is the quality of people that will ensure the quality and level of development of our country, and therefore, I would like to see more money going into developing the human capital; that means, I am asking you to also discharge your patriotic duty and ensure taxes are paid so that we may provide education and the best quality of education for our people, so that

President Donald Ramotar speaking to the gathering at the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association’s (GGDMA’s) dinner and dance they could go on and continue to build our country long after some of the resources would have been exhausted,” he said.

UNDP helps Parliament to move into technological age THE National Assembly’s move into the information technology age has been supported by the United Nations Development Project (UNDP). According to Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman, a donation of 15 Samsung galaxy tablets, five Dell Optiplex desktop computers and one Dell laptop computer was made yesterday. He stated that with the donation, the Assembly will reduce the “use and waste of volumes of paper,” among other benefits. The Speaker added that the donation, valued at some US$45,000, will see political parties on both sides of the House benefitting. “Undoubtedly, the time to begin to embrace and use modern technologies to aid in the work of the National Assembly is now,” Trotman said. Parliament, he added, will be embarking on a Paperless Parliament Test Project (PPTP), a four month initiative that will see a selection of a group of parliamentarians and staff members, who will report to the Parliamentary Management Committee, as well as the UNDP.

The 2013 production, in face of challenges experienced this year, speaks to the ‘resilience and commitment’ of the small and medium scale miners, Minister Persaud said. The minister said that he is worried when some seek to demonise the success in the industry, noting that, “there is absolutely nothing wrong in pointing out the challenges, and there are many challenges, and there are many issues in the mining industry that we will have to confront, because all is not well, but that is not to say that we must discount the success and the progress and misrepresent what is taking place in the industry,” Minister Persaud said. He noted that about this time last year, he was living with a no-confidence vote in the mining sector, and this time around, a newspaper has expressed a no-confidence vote in him for being ‘too pro-mining.

“I am just focusing on what needs to be done and what has to be done to take our country forward,” he said, and this translates into Guyana being an environmental model for sustainable mining. He therefore challenged the miners to aspire for this model. President of the GGDMA, Patrick Harding, although noting that the industry has grown from strength to strength, said it had a mixed year, and while there was a historic production achievement, it took a beating with the price of gold in 2013

plummeting almost 50 per cent, against prices achieved last year. He said the industry will still press forward and disclosed that the GGMDA is set to meet early next year to work with the President to map out the course in this regard. (GINA)


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

Suicide bombers kill 36 Shi’ite pilgrims in Iraq: police (Reuters) - SUICIDE bombings in Iraq killed at least 36 people on Thursday in attacks targeting Shi’ite pilgrims ahead of a major holy day next week, police said. Two years after U.S. troops withdrew from Iraq, violence is at its highest level since 2006-7, when strife between Sunnis and Shi’ites killed tens of thousands of people. The first major attack of the day came when a suicide bomber blew himself up near a funeral tent, killing at least 16 Shi’ite pilgrims and wounding 31 in southern Baghdad’s mainly Sunni neighborhood of Doura, police sources said. A former Reuters reporter, Mohanad Mohammed, and his son were among those killed in the blast, a family member said. Another bomber set himself off near Latifiya, 40 km (25 miles) south of Baghdad, amid a group of Shi’ite pilgrims of the ethnic Turkmen group who were coming from Kirkuk in the north, killing nine, medics and security sources said. A third suicide bomb went off in Latifiya, killing another 11 people. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attacks, which were the latest in a series targeting Shi’ite civilians and government buildings. The attacks have killed scores of people just days before Arbaeen, which commemorates the death of the Prophet Mohammad’s grandson Hussein, a major figure in Shi’ite Islam.

Many Shi’ite pilgrims are making their way on foot to the holy Shi’ite city of Karbala, south of Baghdad, ahead of the ritual. Shi’ites are considered apostates by Sunni militants, whose resurgence is blamed by the government partly on the impact of the increasingly sectarian war in neighboring Syria. In a separate incident, gunmen raided the home of a government-backed Sunni “Sahwa” militia leader in western Baghdad, shooting him dead alongside his wife and two of his children, police said. The Sahwa militias fought al Qaeda with U.S. troops in Sunni areas from 2006 to 2008, and are viewed as supporters of the Shi’ite-led government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

A woman walks near the site of a bomb attack in Baghdad’s Doura District, December 19, 2013. (Reuters/Ahmed Malik)

Putin to pardon jailed tycoon Khodorkovsky (Reuters) - PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin is to pardon one of his best known opponents, oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, after a decade in jail in what may be a gesture to critics of his human rights record before Russia hosts the Winter Olympics. Putin made the surprise announcement that he would soon free Khodorkovsky, once Russia’s richest man, after a marathon news conference on Thursday in which he exuded confidence that he has reasserted his authority in the face of street protests. He said two members of the Pussy Riot protest group would also be freed, but it was the about-turn on Khodorkovsky, who was due for release next August, that grabbed most attention, lifting Moscow

Oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky (R) is escorted by a security officer before an appeal hearing against his fraud conviction in Moscow City Court in this September 20, 2005 file photo. (Reuters/Sergei Karpukhin/Files)

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share prices on hopes it may mean investors have less cause to fear falling foul of Kremlin politics. Khodorkovsky, 50, fell out spectacularly with Putin a decade ago. His company, Yukos, was broken up and sold off, mainly into state hands, following his arrest at gunpoint on an airport runway in Siberia on fraud and tax evasion charges in 2003. He became a symbol of what investors say is the Kremlin’s abuse of the courts for political ends. The Kremlin denies this but Putin has singled Khodorkovsky out for bitter personal attacks and ignored many calls for his release. On Thursday, however, he said: “He has been in jail already more than 10 years. This is a serious punishment.” Saying Khodorkovsky’s mother was ill and that he had asked for clemency, he added: “I decided that with these circumstances in mind ... a decree pardoning him will be signed.” Russian shares rose over 1 percent on the news, though later settled back by the end of the day. A sustained rally would require “a consistent track record of implementation of market-friendly reforms - in particular, of steps to improve the judicial system, so that decisions are more predictable and property rights better protected,” a Moscow-based economist at an investment bank said. Lawyers for Khodorkovsky initially said he had not sought clemency but his representatives later said they were trying to reach him in prison near the Arctic Circle to clarify matters. An early release had not been expected and there had even been speculation that new charges might be brought against him, as they were before his sentence was extended in 2010 after a second trial for theft and money-laundering. Khodorkovsky began dabbling in small business as a Moscow student Communist leader under Mikhail Gorbachev’s perestroika reforms of the late 1980s. Still in his 30s, he emerged from the cut-throat chaos of the Soviet collapse as one of the wealthiest “oligarchs” under Putin’s predecessor Boris Yeltsin. His fall from grace after criticizing Putin, a former KGB officer, has long been held up by foreign investors as evidence of the weakness of property rights and the rule of law in Russia.






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GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

KEYIANNA JOY By Michelle Loubon

(Trinidad Express0 The murder of six-year-old Keyana Cumberbatch brought a lot of pain to her family and citizens over the last few weeks. Keyana’s stepfather has since been charged with her murder.

p.m., Keyianna was taken by a male relative from her apartment block home at Duncan Street, Port of Spain. According to Noel, the gate to the apartment block was unlocked and the relative entered. He went upstairs to the apartment, where he met the children, who were alone. He

doing with the child without his (Noel’s) consent. Noel then went to the Duncan Street apartment and questioned the other children, following which he went to the Besson Street Police Station and made a report. Elated at having his child home on Wednesdy, Noel said:

Comforting arms: Six-year-old Keyianna Noel, who was kidnapped on Tuesday, thanks WPC Camille Yearwood after she was reunited with her father, Jasson Noel, at Besson Street Police Station, Port of Spain, on Wednesday—Photo: ANISTO ALVE On Tuesday, in a strange turn of events, another sixyear-old child with a name pronounced the same but spelt differently—Keyianna—became the centre of a family drama, raising fears for her safety. But at the end of the day yesterday, Keyianna was happily reunited with her family. “I feel good to come back with everybody. Love you. I love everyone in the world. He lie and say he was going for snacks. And he carried me in two house,” a smiling Keyianna said to her father, Jasson “Rastaman” Noel, 32, and her siblings outside Besson Street Police Station in Port of Spain yesterday. Keyianna was joined by her siblings, Jerrel, nine, Naomi, eight, and Malachai Belasco, five, outside the police station. On Tuesday around 3.30

asked for water and who wanted to go for snacks. Keyianna said yes, but her siblings refused. He then left with Keyianna. Noel said: “I was across the road... And he called me. I told him I am doing something by the neighbour. The gate was unlocked. When she was going, her brother, Jerrel, and Naomi told her not to go. They were pulling her back...” Noel said Keyianna was taken by the man to his sister’s house on Tuesday, and the little girl was dropped off on the bus route in Aranjuez on Wednesday. Besson Street police went to the bus route and brought her back to the station. Keyianna’s father said when the child was taken, she was allowed to speak to a relative who called the man, asking what he was doing with the little girl. Noel said he also called the man and asked him what he was

“I feel a release. I have to give the police some props. Up to now I didn’t sleep or eat. Right now, my head light-headed. I was up with the police. I just thank everybody because I know some people does say the police not working or not doing enough. In a situation like this, you have to say thanks and give thanks to the Most High. I am happy. I want to carry them home now and make sure everybody happy. I hope they get the man because what he did there, I will not like anybody to go through that.” Noel said Keyianna was taken away “because of revenge” and not for snacks. He said the police are treating the matter as a kidnapping. And with Christmas around the corner, Noel said: “We are going to finish paint and put up decorations. We are going to have dinner and settle back into normal life.”

‘PNP reaps crime’

- Holness says gang resurgence could have been prevented with extension of 2010 state of emergency Adrian Frater, News Editor Western Bureau: (The Gleaner)Opposition Leader Andrew Holness is claiming the People’s National Party’s (PNP) failure to support an extension of the 2010 state of emergency has played a key role in allowing gangs to reform and crime to flourish across the island. “Had [the PNP which now forms the Government] supported the state of emergency, which was designed to go after

the gangs, they would not now be complaining that the gangs are reforming,” stated Holness yesterday while visiting victims of violence in several of St James’ toughest inner-city communities. The state of emergency was established during the Bruce Golding administration when fears of a breakout of violence gripped the nation during the security forces’ attempts to capture and extradite now-confessed gangster Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke. Coke, who then controlled

the Tivoli Gardens, west Kingston stronghold, was wanted by the United States on gun and drug-running charges. He is currently serving a 23-year sentence in a US prison, three years after gang members from across the island reportedly converged in Tivoli Gardens to battle the security forces and prevent his capture. More than 70 persons were killed in violent confrontation as police and soldiers entered Tivoli to execute an extradition warrant for Coke on May 24.



GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013


Major General (retd) Joe Singh clears the air on statement he made


Another year of impressive economic growth OUR economy has once again recorded another year of impressive growth of 5% amidst a harsh external economic and financial environment. This is certainly due to the creation of conditions that are favourable for investments and sound macroeconomic stewardship, because economic growth has been sustained for several years now in difficult and challenging conditions. And, perhaps, our economic growth would have been appreciably higher had it not been for the decline in sugar production in recent years. However, all other sectors have been showing robust growth in rice, forestry, mining and tourism, among others, and Foreign Direct Investments have also been increasing, despite strenuous efforts by some to block and discourage such investments. With regards to the latter, the latest attempt has been frenetic efforts to stop the Muri/Brasil Permission for Geological and Geographic Survey (PGGS), and of course, earlier, the Amaila Falls hydroproject, the Specialty Hospital and the CJIA expansion and modernisation project. But despite the best efforts by those who are opposed to development, the reality is that rice production has been record breaking in recent years, with this year’s being over 532,000 tonnes-the highest ever in our history; gold production has seen the highest declaration-over 458,000 ounces and we are seeing increasing numbers of visitors in recent years. Nevertheless, the “prophets of doom” among us do not see anything positive happening in this country and continue to spread their maddening propaganda. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says, despite a deteriorating external environment, including the deepening Euro-zone crisis, Guyana’s economy continues to be resilient. It said last year, the economy recorded another year of impressive growth of more than five per cent driven in part by high commodity prices, foreign direct investment, and domestic credit expansion to the private sector. “Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is projected to grow by about four per cent this year supported by increased activity in bauxite, gold, rice and the services sectors, which should offset any expected fall off in sugar production,” the IMF said. It said that while inflation remained low, an IMF team which has just concluded the yearly review of the Guyana economy, noted a marginal drop in gross foreign reserves to about four months of imports at end-June 2012, as capital imports rose. The IMF also said that the Donald Ramotar administration has been commended for its continued prudent macroeconomic management. “Going forward, infrastructure projects led by construction of the hydro power plant at Amaila Falls (AFHP) along with private mining investments should sustain growth levels at around five per cent,” the Washington-based financial institution said. So it is not the PPP or those who are supportive /sympathetic of it presenting a positive picture of our national economy, on the contrary, independent sources are doing this. Home Affairs Minister and General Secretary of the PPP Clement Rohee puts it succinctly when he said:

I have noted that sections of the media have been carrying statements attributed to me in relation to the issue of natural resources extractive activities in the geographic area in south-eastern Guyana referred to as the New River Triangle. The only statement I have made was in response to a question from a Stabroek News reporter, who asked whether during my tenure as Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force (1990 -2000) I was cognisant of an official policy regarding such activities. I informed the reporter that the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) was aware of government’s policy that no permits were being granted for natural resources extractive activities in the New River Triangle. As an example, I referred to when the GDF’s monitoring operations by air and ground-trooping patrols had identified alluvial mining activities in 1993 in the headwater tributaries of the Oronoque River,itself a tributary of the New River. It was brought to the attention of the Defence Board which then approved funding for a major operation to deal with this breach. The record will show that a GDF-mounted joint operation, using the element of surprise, interdicted a Brazilian civil-registered light aircraft and several nationals of Brazil at an illegal airstrip within Guyana’s territory. The airstrip, constructed in a primary forested area, was subsequently destroyed by cratering and trenching. The aircraft and persons were

brought to Georgetown where charges were laid and fines levied but subsequently waived as an outcome of diplomatic bi-laterals between Guyana and Brazil. One other outcome of this incident was an agreement for the mounting of joint GDF/Brazilian Armed Forces patrols along the Guyana-Brazil frontier to identify and interdict any illegal mining operations. As an aspect of its operational contingency planning, the GDF has an obligation to advise the Defence Board as to the security implications of infra-structure development and extractive activities in any part of Guyana. However, and in the final analysis, it is the Government, not the GDF, that is the determinant as to whether or not extractive activities will or will not be permitted. With specific reference to the New River Triangle, then President Jagdeo had vetoed any natural resources extractive activities in that area. His decision, I am informed, was based on the fact that given the exploitation of natural resources in the rest of Guyana, the New River Triangle is the only area where the integrity of eco-systems and biodiversity could be preserved and bequeathed to future generations. JOSEPH G SINGH Major General (retd)

Is wage increase the panacea for alleviation of living standards? KINDLY publish this article which will justify the government’s position of a wage increase of 5% for Public Servants. However, I will be the first to state that in many cases wages in the private and public sectors are far from being sufficient to afford a high standard of living and in some cases a reasonable living standard. But is wage increase the panacea for the alleviation of our living standards? The PPP/C government both under Dr Bharrat Jagdeo and His Excellency Donald Ramotar have done ‘mission impossible’ by steering the Guyana economy from the global economic meltdown and the devastating fallouts. On the other hand, if we look at the past we will see that the PNC government mismanaged, embezzled and pauperised this nation when the global economy was booming! We must applaud the PPP/C government for changing the social and economic landscape of this country for the past twenty years. Unfortunately, over this same period, PNC cum APNU cum AFC have been doing their utmost to destroy those social and economic gains, moreso after the one seat parliamentary heist in November 2011. This date has become the Guyanese 9/11- a black day in our history. The latest strategy of the opposition is to make the Public Servants’ 5% wage increase a political issue. We have seen APNU/ AFC in the forefront trying to win the sympathy of the striking workers so that they can win political support. We have seen Moses Nagamootoo in the forefront demanding using his melodramatic and absurd rhetoric that Minister Webster should try to live on nurses’ wages. Surely, in many instances, age, bias, and thirst for vengeance and power have taken its toll and objective reasoning has fled! The opposition’s main contention is that monies should be diverted from vital economic investments and used to pay a wage increase of 20%. Forget about the CJIA expansion, forget about the Marriot Hotel,forget about the Amaila Falls Hydro Project and forget about the specialty hospital! At this point an explanation is needed to clarify what is meant “The rising tide of economic growth has, as it were, lifted all boats as reflected in growing prosperity among all strata of the Guyanese society. A growing number of Guyanese people are today the proud owners of their own homes, motor vehicles and other consumer items. “Public servants have benefited from salary increases on an annual basis which are larger than the rate of inflation, resulting in a bigger and bigger basket of goods and services.” Rohee pointed out that Guyana recorded successes, which have been used to consistently improve the lives of all Guyanese people, at a time when other Caribbean countries are facing challenges. “Our neighbouring Barbados Government will lay off 3,000 public servants,” he said. “But our economy is growing, old age pension has increased, subsidies for water and electricity are given to pensioners, free school uniforms for children and increase in public assistance, while at the same time the Opposition is using their one seat majority to cut funding for these programmes.”

by the term ‘inflation’. Simply put, inflation is the steady increase in the prices of goods and services over a period of time. As prices increase the purchasing power of the dollar will decrease-the dollar will buy less and less over time. Firstly, if a wage increase is not sustained by economic growth then we will have a situation of wage-push inflation. This means that any wage increase above the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country will cause the prices of goods and services to skyrocket thereby eroding whatever wage increases were given. Our GDP is around 5%, therefore if wages and salaries are increased by 20% then the prices of goods and services will move in a similar manner. Then there will be another demand for a higher wage increase and the inflationary spiral will continue. The result is that we may have to pay $2,000 for a loaf of bread! Both APNU and AFC have qualified economists who know this for a fact and yet they are unreasonably and insanely insisting on a 20% increase so the question is: Do they have the interest of this nation at heart? I think not! Our GDP must increase to sustain wage increase. Secondly, the opposition is contending that monies which should be used for capital improvement and appreciation should be used to pay the 20% wage increase being demanded. This is killing the very investment that will ultimately assist to increase the GDP and any future wage increase. To obstruct investment in economic development is the worst form of unpatriotic behaviour and sabotage. This is a deliberate move to erode the economic gains made by this government and what is more appalling is that we have the so-called educated people lending a silent ear to this strategy being unleashed by the opposition. What are the views of financial and economic analysts and some of our leading personalities such as Christopher Ram, Dr Clive Thomas and Anand Goolsarran? It is time that they publicise their views on this subject matter. They owe the Guyanese populace this much! Please justify the demand for a 20% wage increase. Mr Granger has called the 5% offered by the government as an ‘indecent proposal’, well he ought to know, he is an expert. Can he recall the time when the PNC government implemented a total ‘wage freeze’ in this country? What kind of ‘proposal’ was that? Why was the PNC government unable to pay a cent wage increase? Look at the salaries of Public Servants before 1992 and compare it what they are getting now! In conclusion, it’s every Guyanese right to live a reasonable standard of living but we must understand that any wage increase must be backed by an increase in the volume of production and productivity. The PNC mantra when they were in government was ‘produce or perish’- that mantra should be revisited by them! I do hope that good sense will prevail in this season of love and goodwill! I do beg the combined Opposition to use the electorate to get into power,stop sabotaging the PPP/C Government at each and every opportunity! Our country comes first! HASEEF YUSUF ‘Former’ AFC Member/AFC Councillor


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

Stabroek News, APNU exposed for their unwarranted attacks on miners I am now comfortable to write on the issuance of the Permission of a Geological and Geophysical Survey (PGGS) issued to Muri Brazil Ventures Inc., following several revelations by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment and information provided by stakeholders within the gold mining sector. As a medium scale progressive miner, this matter has been of special interest to me, just as many other concerned Guyanese, particularly miners. At first, I thought that APNU and the media, particularly Stabroek News, have a very good case as it related to the information that the APNU member and newspaper churned out. However, despite the big hullabaloo by APNU and Stabroek

Cricketers and enthusiasts of Essequibo supported the cricket petition

AS the Chairman of the North Essequibo Cricket Committee and former President of the Essequibo Cricket Board, please permit me to respond to Mr. Fizul Bacchus’ letter captioned ‘MR. LUMUMBA, THE ‘’STAKEHOLDERS’’ AND GOV’T SHOULD ALL APOLOGISE’ which appeared in the Kaieteur Newspaper dated 2013-12-16. It is quite obvious that Mr. Bacchus’s letter on behalf the Essequibo Cricket Board and by extension the Guyana Cricket Board was purposely intended to mislead the general public when he stated that 7/8 of Essequibo did not support the cricket petition which was presented to Parliament by Mr. Odinga Lumumba, MP on 2013-1212. This is far from the truth since North Essequibo, cricketers and enthusiasts from Central Essequibo, South Essequibo, Wakenaam, Leguan and the Pomeroon, which incidentally is the constituency of Mr. Bacchus, overwhelmingly supported the petition which amounted to over 700 petitioners. It is evident, therefore, that supporters of the petition came from six out of the eight area committees of the ECB. Is Mr. Bacchus implying that because he did not sign as Chairman of the Pomeroon Cricket Committee or Mr. Christiani as Chairman of the Central Cricket Committee meant that there was no support from those areas? This is only a fabrication of his deceitful attempt since the two committees are detrimentally one-man organisations without a proper financial balance sheet since they account to no one. The Committees have not held statutory meetings for several years. I was personally involved in securing magnanimous support for the petition since the present scenario at the GCB is bereft of transparency, legitimacy and inclusivity of the majority of stakeholders of cricket in Guyana. I took time-off to traverse from Charity to Supenaam highlighting the petition to various stakeholders of cricket and they were all in unanimous support especially the cricketers from Charity, Cotton Field, Affiance, Queenstown and the Pomeroon, areas that have not played competitive cricket or had formal meetings for almost a year because of the poor leadership and virtually the non-appearance of neither Mr. Christiani nor Mr. Bacchus to those areas, while they continue to serve as Secretary and President of the ECB, respectively. Mr. Christiani is also the Administrator of the ECB but never occupied the office situated at the Hostel, yet he receives a monthly salary. I wonder who approves his salary and for what performance? In fact, the Essequibo Cricket Board suffers the same fate and continues to erode the confidence of the cricketers because of a non- existent selection policy inclusive of incompetent selectors, who never played for the county or committee, lack of sponsors for major tournaments, a depressed cricketing environment, no coaching seminars for the youths and the gradual destruction of the cricket Hostel that is now being frequently used to host other activities without a cent being spent for its rehabilitation. These are the issues that Mr. Bacchus should have taken time-off to address instead of ascertaining who would have supported the petition. In any case he was misled by his very constituent members because of their inactivity which would have led to their ignorance of the petition. Mr. Bacchus must also declare his involvement as a Director following the secrecy of the creation of the little known DEB ESSENTIALS INCOPORATED, a company hastily set up by individuals purported to represent the three counties, hence the acronym DEB. Mr. Bacchus was never authorised to hold shares in his personal name on behalf of the ECB, now claiming to be his private assets that he accused the Government of attempting to revoke. How can he possibly own the assets of the ECB? This company needs to be thoroughly investigated since it is acting on behalf of the GCB, which constitutionally does not exist without the constituent Demerara and Berbice Cricket Boards. Returning the assets to the legal GCB must take place in the wake of the hijacking of the Board. I am therefore challenging Mr. Bacchus, to prove that supporters from the six area committees including Pomeroon, did not sign the petition, while on the other hand, for him to state when last did he visit his constituent or held a cricket development meeting. In fact, I was approached by a prominent Umpire who claimed that he was not paid by the Pomeroon Cricket Committee since 2010 for a final that he officiated in the Pomeroon, while the ECB still owes several umpires since 2011. This is the inept state in which cricket has been administered in Essequibo and Mr. Bacchus should be the last person to speak on-behalf of Essequibians since he is out of touch with reality, while the cricketing fraternity has lost confidence in his(non) ability and integrity to lead the Essequibo Cricket Board(ECB). Instead, Mr. Bacchus and the ECB should all apologise for misleading and misrepresenting the cricketing public of Essequibo. PRINCE HOLDER Chairman-NECC

News, the facts provided by the Ministry, Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), the private sector, miners, Muri Brazil Ventures Inc. and other stakeholders involved decimated the sinister plan to implicate the minister and the GGMC of any wrong doing or secret deal with the mining company as it was implied. Despite the revelations that exposed APNU and Stabroek News, there have been no apologies or retractions for the disrepute and aspersions brought upon the Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, the GGMC and the mining sector as a whole. This is a flagrant disregard for basic journalistic and professional ethics, on part, by the Stabroek News and APNU’s Joseph Harmon,

respectively. The recent episodes of sensational and scandalous writing and comments occur too often without any validation and as such those culpable should be sanctioned by the relevant authorities, legal or otherwise the same trend is bound to continue. Stabroek News and APNU have been exposed for their unwarranted attacks on miners; the sector has taken note of these continuous attacks over the past few weeks and the facts and clarifications which adequately dispel the misinformation. MARK FRASER

Weren’t they put on some kind of Pension Plan with GT&T? I write concerning the issue of the ‘Telecoms Pensioners’. Superannuation benefits of former employees of Guyana Telecommunications Corporation (GTC) were governed by the prescriptions of the Pensions Act, Chapter 27:02, applicable to Public Servants. In 1990, the Government of Guyana and Atlantic Tele-Network (ATN) signed an Agreement in which ATN acquired eighty percent of the Telephone Corporation and the Government retained twenty. When this Agreement was consummated, the new Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company Limited (GT&T) replaced the Guyana Telecommunication Corporation, and employees of GTC were transferred to GT&T with effect from 1991. Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company Limited became a Private Company from 1991 and the Pensions Act ceased to apply forthwith. Those employees who were transferred to GT&T have services both with GTC, a Public Corporation, and GT&T, a Private Company. The Pensions Act does not recognise service with a Private Company. As such, the two types of services are not continuous. Those employees who attained the retirement age after 1991 are being compensated for their period of service up to 1991 under the Pensions Act, Chapter 27:02. Because of the computed Pensions of all those retirees being very small, (less than the minimum Pension payable), on account of the minimal years of service rendered up to 1991 and the low salaries earned at 1991, they all have been upgraded to the minimum Pension payable, i.e., half of the minimum wage. Thus, all are in receipt of the same Pensions. Their Pensions have been correctly computed under the Pensions Act.

Help & Shelter extends condolences to Assistant Commissioner Josiah’s family HELP & SHELTER would like to offer sincere condolences to the family of the late Assistant Commissioner Deryck Josiah and the members of the Guyana Police Force. Guyana has lost one of its best and most capable advocates in the fight against the scourge of domestic violence, which continues to plague our country. Mr. Josiah could have always been called on by Help & Shelter and many other organisations to render professional assistance to survivors and victims of domestic violence in keeping with the Guyana Police Force domestic violence policy and guidelines, and will always be remembered as a champion in the fight against domestic violence in Guyana. When Help & Shelter was identifying persons to be interviewed for our documentary on domestic violence we knew that there was no one more capable than Assistant Commissioner Josiah to outline the role of the Guyana Police Force on domestic violence, and with the permission of the then commissioner, he willingly agreed to do the interview and gave an articulate, thoughtful and honest commentary on the role of the Guyana Police Force in addressing domestic violence. Even though he is no longer physically with us, the late Mr. Josiah’s interview has been captured for all to see whenever our ‘Break the Silence, Stop the Violence’ is shown. DANUTA RADZIK DENISE DIAS PATRICIA GRAY PAMELA NAUTH JOSEPHINE WHITEHEAD For Help & Shelter

There could not have been any ‘clause’ or ‘agreement’ in the letters of transfer or otherwise to the effect that ‘their services would be continuous and unbroken’ since no provision exists for such under the Pensions Regulations. In my over thirty years examining Superannuation Claims, I have seen much recklessness committed by organistions as well as employees. In their younger days, people jump from job to job, organisation to organisation, through transfers, appointment, contracted service, secondment, resignation, etc. Such indiscretions return to haunt many at the time of retirement. Many persons in the Public Service are not au fait with the rules and regulations governing their employment. In this case, I do not think that the employees in question are to be blamed. They were misled. But they should be paid for their post 1991 service, by someone. Weren’t they put on some kind of Pension Plan with GT&T? If not, this is a fatal error and their representative should be held responsible. R. BALBADAR. Asst. Auditor General (Retired)


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

House defers second reading of Procurement (Amendment) bill By Vanessa Narine

MEMBERS of Parliament last night, deferred the second reading of the Procurement (Amendment) Bill to a date within the next six months, following a motion moved by Government Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira – a motion moved after six hours of debate. The Bill is an act to amend the 2003 principal Procurement Act by making changes to section 54 by deleting subsection six. Section 54 deals with Cabinet’s involvement in reviewing the award of procurement contracts and the phasing out of its functions with the establishment of a Public Procurement Commission (PPC), in the interest of decentralising the procurement process. Subsection six states that: “Cabinet’s involvement shall cease upon the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission except in relation to those matters referred to in subsection one which are pending.” Teixeira’s motion for a deferral was an amendment to an initial motion moved by Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh for the House to vote to have the Bill read a second time. She told the media that the amended motion was intended to give Opposition MPs an opportunity to consider the options at hand.

CALL FOR NEGOTIATIONS The debate on the Bill was largely a contentious one – a fact A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) front-bencher, Carl Greenidge, concurred with. In stating his support for the deferral, he stated that the Opposition MPs have studied the bill and the views held are strong ones – arguments that were grounded in the basis that the PPC’s establishment negates the need for Cabinet’s role. He called for amendments to be made to the Procurement (Amendment Bill), changes that should be the result of negotiations going forward. The Speaker, Raphael Trotman, hailed the recommendations for amendment to the Bill and call for the deferral’s non-influence on the PPC as “reasonable” calls. The AFC MP also noted that further amendments ought to be the subject of joint deliberations Considering the calls for amendments to the Procurement (Amendment) Bill, the Finance Minister in his contribution to garner support for its passage, pointed out to the House that the Government’s position, grounded in legislative principles, was not “disputed, disagreed with, debunked or disproven” by the joint-Opposition. He stressed that the crux of the Government’s argument is the fact that the Cabinet is “clothed” with the responsibility

to be accountable to the National Assembly for public spending and to be held accountable the Cabinet must have a role in the procurement process. Singh stated that the main arguments proffered extend from this principle, that the Bill, in maintaining Cabinet’s role in the process, makes no case for increased involvement, and does

thirds majority support in the Parliament to appoint members, there can be a case when, with the passage of time, the House does not reach a consensus and the PPC is not constituted. “Where does the nation find itself,” he questioned? According to him, without any authority vested in the Cabinet, that body will not be

AG Anil Nandlall

Minister Irfaan Ali

not diminish the functions of the PPC, as was argued, as well as the fact that similar jurisdictions have similar, in many cases greater powers vested in their Cabinets. The minister called for the House to consider the scenario where the Cabinet is without its ‘no-objection’ role in the procurement process. He explained that given that that the PPC requires a two-

responsible and the nation will be in a “worse” situation than it is in today. He argued that the PPC cannot substitute the Cabinet, particularly considering that, according to the Constitution, it is to be an oversight body. The minister underscored the fact that the PPC’s involvement in the procurement process is outlined in the Constitution

as that of an oversight body and any further involvement will present a conflict of interest, as it cannot be expected to provide oversight for itself. Singh stressed that the preservation of Cabinet’s ‘no-objection’, the status quo, which is sought through the legislative amendment, does not and will not in any way “reduce, diminish or restrict the functions” of the PPC. “These remain constitutionally protected, enshrined in the comfort of the supreme law and remain intact…the Bill does no harm to these functions… the PPC will function and will discharge its mandates,” he said. Government MP, Manzoor Nadir, echoed similar sentiments and noted that considerations have to be given to the fact that the PPC will need time to “get up and going.” “The PPC will have a completely different role than that of the Executive,” he said. The Finance Minister observed that it is a “sad day” when the arguments presented in the House of Assembly are not grounded in “conviction and principles, but arguments of political convenience.” “Much has been disclosed, not only as it relates to procurement, but as it relates to the manner in which MPs chose and craft their arguments. I would say it is most unfortunate, the abandonment of principle in favour of political opportunity,” Singh said.

Minister Irfaan Ali, in adding his support to the Bill, made it clear that “blow hot or cold”, Cabinet has a “fiduciary responsibility” as given to the Government by the electorate. Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, in arguing for the passage of the Procurement (Amendment) Bill, pointed out that the arguments being advanced by the Opposition largely reflect misinformation. He maintained that the procurement process and procedures stand as the most “accountable and fair” in the entire English speaking Caribbean. Nandlall argued that the misinformation that suggests Cabinet has more than a no-objection role is an indictment on public servants who work in the procurement area. “The procurement structure stands out as one of the most elaborate and all of this is ignored because all we hearing that is puppet show….it is an indictment on public servants,” he said. He added that it is clear that the 46-page Procurement Act and accompanying regulations have not been read and are not understood by the Opposition. “We have, prepared by tender board, a preponderance of documents that explain the Procurement Act… all these are to inform on how public procurement is done in Guyana,” Nandlall said.

Bandits nab $7.8M Public Works Ministry payroll By Leroy Smith ARMED bandits yesterday entered the finance office of the Ministry of Public Works and robbed two payroll clerks of close to eight million dollars, which represented the payroll for the ministry’s field workers. This publication was informed that the two male bandits stood for almost half an hour at the guard hut inside the ministry’s compound, awaiting the return of the payroll clerks and their armed escort. They reportedly told the female security guard occupying the hut that they were workers from an interior location. The guard was reportedly not alarmed at the presence of the men, since they were outfitted as workers from the ministry, with safety vests and hats. However, when the vehicle with the payroll returned to the ministry, the two bandits pounced on the payroll clerks, gun-butting

the female guard on the head, disarming the escort who had accompanied the payroll, and seizing the briefcase with the payroll. As the bandits beat a hasty retreat from the premises, the briefcase with the payroll fell and approximately two hundred thousand dollars came out and was retrieved by Ministry personnel. Public Works Minister Robeson Benn told the Guyana Chronicle yesterday afternoon that he received a call just after noon informing him of the development. He said that, among other things, he was told that the men, after robbing the ministry, fled the area on CG motorcycles. Asked if the fact that the men were dressed as ministry employees had raised the concern of revisiting the dress code and means of positively identifying ministry workers, Minister Benn responded in the negative. He, however, pointed out that the ministry would be revisiting its security arrangements, including those for its staff.

He admitted that the ministry does not have security cameras, and that the ministry would have to rely on the security cameras from nearby businesses and other buildings to see if any useful footage could be delivered to the police. Minister Benn pointed out that the ministry would be working very hard to ensure that the workers who were affected by the robbery are paid in a timely manner, and in time for the Christmas season. He said the Finance Minister had already been informed of the development, and the matter would have to be investigated. Meanwhile, a letter detailing the events and theft of the money was being drafted by the Permanent Secretary of the Public Works Ministry for delivery to the Minister of Finance. The police have been called in, and investigations are ongoing.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

London’s Apollo Theatre’s ceiling collapses during show

(BBC News) MORE than 80 people have been injured, four seriously, after part of a ceiling in London’s Apollo Theatre collapsed during a show, police say. The venue in Shaftesbury Avenue was packed for a performance of The Curious Incident Of The Dog in the Night-Time. Eyewitnesses heard “a crackling” noise before the collapse at about 20:15 GMT. Theatre-goers left covered in debris. London Ambulance said there were 81 walking wounded and that all those who were trapped earlier had been freed. Some 25 ambulance crews and an air ambulance attended the scene, it said. London Fire Brigade said four people were seriously injured but none have life-threatening injuries. It said its “search is now complete” and the theatre has been sealed off. Eight fire engines and more than 50 firefighters attended the incident in London’s busy West End theatre district, along with hundreds of police officers. The Apollo’s ornate plasterwork ceiling collapsed and brought part of the lighting rig down, it said. In a media briefing the fire brigade said its officers inspected the theatre’s roof via an aerial ladder platform that had been raised above the building It said it did not believe scaffolding on adjacent building had anything to do with the incident. Nick Harding from Kingsland Fire Station said: “A section of the theatre’s ceiling collapsed onto the audience who were watching the show. The ceiling took parts of the balconies down with it.

“Firefighters worked really hard in very difficult conditions... They rescued people from the theatre, made the area safe and then helped ambulance crews with the injured. “Specialist urban search and rescue crews were also called to the scene to make sure no one was trapped.” He added: “In my time as a fire officer I’ve never seen an incident like this.” Firefighters said the theatre had been almost full and 720 people were watching the performance. The Met Police said more than 40 walking wounded were treated at the nearby Gielgud Theatre, while three London buses were used to transport others to hospitals. Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust said 34 adults and five children were being treated at the accident and emergency department at St Thomas’ Hospital. The majority had cuts and bruises, and a small number had fractures. The three most serious cases had injuries to the neck and back, or head. The trust said at this stage there were no life-threatening injuries. In a statement it said: “We have had a fantastic response from staff - both already on-site and those who came in from home - to help.” Prime Minister David Cameron tweeted: “I’ve been updated regularly on the Apollo incident. I’m grateful for the fast work of the emergency services in helping the injured.” A spokesman for London Mayor Boris Johnson said: “He has spoken to the Met Police Commissioner and is liaising with the relevant agencies. His

thoughts and prayers are with those involved in what is clearly a very serious incident.” Witnesses earlier said they had seen people leaving the building, covered in dust and plaster - with some people bleeding and crying. ‘Strange crackling noise’ Amy Lecoz, who was at the theatre with her two children, aged 16 and 19, said: “The entire dome roof fell down on the audience just in front of us. We were protected by the balcony above and we ran. People started screaming. “We thought it was water... We thought it was a part of the show. I grabbed my kids and ran.” Another witness said she heard a “strange crackling noise” before “the roof just crumpled”.

Emergency services reached the scene within minutes

Police commandeered three London buses to take the injured to hospital

Murder accused Herbert Pilgrim to serve 24 years in jail - for 2011 manslaughter of girlfriend in Norton St, W/ville

By George Barclay JUSTICE Diana Insanally has imposed a 24-year prison term on Herbert Pilgrim after he pleaded guilty to the charge of manslaughter committed on his girlfriend, Nathalie Loncke, on February 12th, 2011. Justice Insanally noted from the remarks of Prosecutrix Miss Dhanika Singh that, on the day in question, Pilrim had gone to Loncke’s home with the intention of killing the woman or of making

trouble. The judge could not find anything from which provocation could flow. In narrating the facts of the case, the Prosecutrix said that when Pilgrim entered Loncke’s home he found that she was preparing to go out, so he asked her where she was going. She did not reply, and this caused trouble, resulting in Loncke telling Pilgrim, “I already told you: when you drink, don’t come here!” Pilgrim continued attacking Loncke with a knife with which he

was armed, and Loncke subsequently died from knife-inflicted wounds. Defence counsel, Mr. Huckumchand, in a plea in mitigation, pointed out that the accused was remorseful for what had happened, and begged for leniency; but the judge, who started the sentence with 30 years, deducted six of those for Pilgrim not wasting the court’s time, the time he had already spent in custody, and the plea in mitigation by his counsel; leaving 24 years, the period of incarceration for which Pilgrim was sentenced. He took the sentence calmly.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

Cabinet approves reconstruction of school after arson destruction CABINET has approved the reconstruction of the L’Aventure Secondary School located at L’Heureuse Adventure, Canal Number One, West Bank Demerara, which was destroyed in an arson fire a few months ago. Head of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS), Dr. Roger Luncheon made the announcement last Wednesday, at his weekly post-Cabinet media briefing at Office of the President, Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, Georgetown. More than $25M has been approved for rebuilding of classrooms and the administrative section of the school, he informed. The blaze had displaced about 700 students but its annexe, which accommodates the Grade Seven children, numbering 134,

was not affected. The flames had started in the Administrative Block that accommodated several classes. Meanwhile, less than six months ago, another fire, of unknown origin, broke out in the midst of the National Grade Six Assessment examination at the Parfaite Harmonie Primary School, also on West Bank Demerara. About 80 pupils were taking the test when one of them saw smoke and alerted the invigilators who, immediately, sent them out of the building. Those candidates were, subsequently, able to complete their examinations.

Through solid waste project…

Some Region 4 NDCs to get compactor trucks By Clifford Stanley NEIGHBOURHOOD Democratic Councils (NDCs) in Region 4 (Demerara/Mahaica), whose geographic locations were recent beneficiaries of rubbish bins provided by the Georgetown Solid Waste Management Project (GSWMP), will get further assistance from it in the form of four compactor trucks, valued at a total of $126M, specially designed for the transportation of solid waste. Two of these trucks, a large and a small, will provide transport services for NDCs between Cane Grove, East Coast Demerara and Georgetown, and two more, also of the same description, will serve NDCs between Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara and Georgetown. Head of the GSWMP, Mr. Gordon Gilkes, disclosed recently that the two large trucks, called ‘Rear End Loaders’, have been acquired at a cost of $46M each and are already in the country. The two smaller vehicles of a similar type and valued at approximately $18M each have been purchased and are expected in the country soon, he said. The trucks are to be deployed early next year and the issue of cost recovery for these operations is currently being mulled, Gilkes said. BEING MANAGED The GSWMP is being managed by the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development with funds secured from an Inter-American Development (IDB) loan to the Government of Guyana. The Haags Bosch Landfill at Eccles, East Bank Demerara, is another component of the GSWMP. So, too, is the rehabilitation, expansion and closure of the Le Repentir landfill, a work still in progress, Gilkes said. Some 450 rubbish bins have been deployed within the NDCs in Region 4 as part of the project.

The destroyed Administrative Department of the L’Aventure Secondary School

Winston Moore appointed Ombudsman THE Office of the President has announced the appointment of attorney- atLaw, former Justice Winston Moore, as Ombudsman of Guyana. Attorney Moore is currently in private practice. In January 2014 he will be sworn in, prior to assuming office at the Brickdam More than $25M will be spent to reconstruct the school

Chambers of the Ombudsman.

Armed robbery defendant refused bail

KIERON Pereira, of Lot 28 Ann’s Grove, East Coast Demerara, was remanded to prison yesterday, when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry, charged with robbery under arms. He denied the allegation that, on Saturday, December 14, in Kingston, Georgetown, being in company with armed others, he robbed Shazan Mohamed of one Blackberry cellular phone, one shoulder bag and a laptop, all together valued $152,000. Police Corporal Bharat Mangru, prosecuting, told the court that the virtual complainant had been at the Guyana Society for the Blind and left there around 21:30 hrs when he was confronted by the defendant and other men, one of whom placed a knife to his neck and relieved him of the property mentioned in the charge. The prosecutor, successfully objected to bail for Pereira, citing the seriousness and prevalence of the offence and the case was put off to January 22, 2014.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

Bureau of Statistics launches web portal … to provide human resource data for nation-building

THE Bureau of Statistics has implemented a new web-based information portal called Guyana’s Development Information Database (GuyD_Info) that provides users the opportunity to share and access human development national statistics. The information database, developed with support from the United Nations Group of Organisations in Guyana, provides updated statistical data that play a key role in informing the planning of policies and programmes for the country. It was Wednesday demonstrated at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC) Liliendaal, in the presence of Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, Resident Coordinator United Nations Development Programme, Khadija Musa, and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Representative, Marianne Flach. Minister Singh noted the importance of having hard evidence to inform discourse, decision-making and management within every sphere of activities in the country, and more so in today’s world where resources are finite. Clarifying his statement, he pointed to the target set by government to realise widespread secondary education. “We have set ourselves the target of achieving universal secondary education, and we do so, not against the background of limitless resources, so that we can build schools everywhere…we do so against the background of finite resources and making an informed decision about how best, and the most efficient and effective (way) to achieve universal secondary education,” he noted. The minister said that government, in recognition of the importance of having hard data, devoted considerable effort to building and developing the country’s statistic capacity as part of a larger programme that includes establishing and strengthening monitoring and evaluation systems, and raising effectiveness in

government. Government has been updating many of its statistical data bases and building capacity at the Bureau of Statistics, but this is not the end, as Minister Singh pointed out. “We are working hard to build similar suitable statistical capability in the sector ministries…we are collaborating closely with our private sector partners to provide data reporting, to ensure better compliance with the Statistic Act and more timely submission of data, all with the aim of ensuring that we achieve this objective of better informed decision making,” he said. He said therefore that the importance of the GuyD_Info database “cannot possible be over-emphasised,” as it serves an extremely useful purpose. Government has already devoted considerable effort into cap- Minister Dr Ashni Singh turing and making available data through websites of the different ministries and agencies. GuyD_Info is Guyana’s adaptation of the Dev_Info programme, a tool developed under the auspices of the UN and endorsed by the United Nations Development Group, for countries to compile their human development with the specific purpose of monitoring their performances as it relates to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Dev_Info itself was originally adapted

11 from UNICEF’s ChildInfo database technology. UN Representative Musa noted that the GuyD_Info database will be a strong tool for the UN in Guyana, in helping to address the disparities, and to target the most vulnerable sections of society. She said the UN could use the database to monitor national data, disaggregated by sex, location, age, education and other factors related to groups at risk. “We are pleased with the partnership with the Ministry of Finance and the Bureau of Statistics in launching the GuyD_Info data base, through which we can inform our future plans for sustainable development including poverty reduction strategies, health and nutrition, and continue to contribute effectively to national development strategies and priorities,” she said. She warned that for the programme to be effective, every effort must be made to ensure that the data accessible is regularly updated. The Bureau’s Chief Statistician, Lennox Benjamin, said that the launch continues what has been the Bureau’s most recent history of instances of collaboration and cooperation with the United Nations Group of Organisations in Guyana. He said too that the launch was symbolic of the rapid strides made by the Bureau in the last 25 years, “to tap into and take advantage of the rapid global strides that have been made in the field of information technology” and the latest technologies pioneered by the United Nations system for more rapid efficient measurement and dissemination of national statistics. The Bureau’s first tentative step in building its institutional capacity as it relates to the world of information technology was in 1988, when with the support of the United Nations Group of Organisations, the first computer was installed at the agency. GuyD_Info allows for quick data search; it has visualisation tools that make it easier to explore data, a gallery that provides for users to save their visualised output for future use, which also allows for sharing with others via social media, e-mail and webpage embedding. The Bureau will in time seek to link the database system with those of other sectors and other private sector companies, to build a net of users and to advocate and eventually install a GuyD_Info help desk. Thus far, globally, 125 countries have adopted the Dev_Info programme. (GINA)


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

GPF reform, modernisation to yield long term results - Crime Chief THE project to reform and modernise the Guyana Police Force (GPF) now underway has, indeed, impacted its operations. And while it may not be seen now, the results will be delivered to members of the public in the long term, according to Deputy Commissioner (Law Enforcement) Seelall Persaud. He said it is not likely that the results will be seen in the shorter term but the long term is inevitable, since the reform process is taking place incrementally and its implementation needs to be taken very seriously and in stages. The Crime Chief added that there is a certain part of the procedure to be completed before the public begins to really see the benefits of the reformation.

Persaud made the observations while addressing other senior ranks and awardees at the annual GPF end of year awards ceremony. Pointing to some of the areas of change which are already in motion, he mentioned an integrated crime information system which is in place. Persaud told the gathering that the method is an electronic type that links all the stations countrywide. However, at the present stage, only the stations along the coastland are connected while works are still being done to ensure that those in ‘G’ Division are logged onto the network. There has been some amount of linkage to the stations in Bartica as well as Region 10 and, very soon, all the stations

countrywide will be integrated, he assured. MASTER COLLECTION Persaud said, once entered into the master collective, the data will be available to all the police stations. The network would deal, primarily, with reports on crime. There will also be a means to test the response of police officers to the reports that they receive through the network and the Deputy Commissioner noted that it would serve, as well, to enhance the development of the force and its ranks and see commanders assessing the performance of the ranks under their command. Meanwhile, one of the challenges facing the GPF is its staffing.

Deputy Commissioner (Law Enforcement) Seelall Persaud Persaud disclosed that, presently, there are 285 new members while there has been a depletion of ranks by 194. He said the GPF losses are, usually, well-trained and experienced ones.

Booty recovered from $6.5M burglary but defendant remanded

SUNIL Somra, 21, of Lot 69 Robb Street, Bourda, Georgetown, was remanded to prison, by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry yesterday, on a break and enter charge. The defendant pleaded not guilty to the offence, particulars of which alleged that, on Tuesday, November 26, in Georgetown, too, broke and entered the business place of Dexter John and stole $55,000 cash, gold jewellery and raw gold, all together valued $6,555,000. Police Corporal Bharat Mangru, prosecuting, told the court that the virtual complainant is a goldsmith, who operates a business in the bottom flat of a two-storey building. The prosecutor said, that day, John secured his workshop and went out but returned, around 20:30 hrs, to discover the place ransacked and the mentioned articles missing. However, some of them were recovered. Attorney-at-law Mr. Keavon Bess, for Somra, in his bail application stated that the defendant has no antecedents but the prosecutor, successfully, objected to the grant, citing the seriousness and prevalence of the crime. The case was postponed to January 13, 2014.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

Construction worker killed with shotgun owned by CPG chairman By Michel Outridge A CONSTRUCTION worker who was on his way to file a report with the police was confronted by three men and shot and killed following a dispute with his mother after which a neighbour intervened and dealt him a blow to the

her son returned home from work. He began quarrelling with her after he realised the remote control for the DVD player was broken, then their next door neighbour joined in the row. The mother stated that the man, who runs a rum shop, started to quarrel with them

GODFREY JAGGROO stomach with a piece of wood on Wednesday night. The man was reportedly shot and killed with the licensed firearm owned by the Chairman of the Community Policing Group (CPG) of the area. The shooter, along with the neighbour and the CPG Chairman, was taken into police custody pending the probe. Police reported that Godfrey Jhaggroo, 20, of Bellevue, West Bank Demerara, was killed at about 19:00hrs on December 18, 2013, at Bellevue. Initial investigations revealed that Godfrey Jaggroo was involved in an argument with his mother during which a man, who resides next door and operates an off-licence liquor store, intervened and assaulted him with a piece of wood. It is reported that Godfrey Jhaggroo was on his way to the Wales Police Station to make a report when he was confronted by three men, one of whom is a licenced firearm holder, and who were at the off-licence liquor store. He was shot in the back with a shotgun. Jaggroo was pronounced dead on arrival at the West Demerara Regional Hospital. Meanwhile, the man’s mother, Babita Jhaggroo, 40, of lot 31 Bellevue, said that she was at home at about 18:30hrs on Wednesday afternoon when

Grieving mother, Babita Jhaggroo yesterday saying that they were always making noise, disturbing the quiet of the neighbourhood. She noted that a heated argument ensued since her son told the man that it was a private matter between him and mother and he should mind his own business. This, the woman added, annoyed the shop owner, who armed himself with a piece of wood and dealt her son a lash to his stomach after which the wood bounced off the road and hit the man’s daughter. She pointed out that her son

was beaten in front of her yard by the gate and her son clutched his stomach and collapsed to the ground. He recovered and was making his way to the police station when he was shot and killed. It was until Thursday the mother got a glimpse of the body, which bore a huge gunshot wound to the back of the head and his stomach also had a wound. Godfrey Jhaggroo was shot and killed by a shotgun from close range after three shots were discharged, eyewitnesses said. A post-mortem is expected to be performed today. The National Community Policing Executive, in a press statement yesterday, said that they have launched an investigation into the murder. It stated that CPG members, particularly rural constables, are all made fully aware of the Standard Operational Procedures in Community Policing and where their responsibilities and operational boundaries lie, always acting and reacting within the permitting confines of the law. The document noted that they should not act against the law, especially to always exercise the use of peaceful control approaches, and never to engage negative excessive measures that are beyond the Standard Operational Procedures. The statement said the N.C.P.E. offers and conveys sincere condolences to the family and friends of the late Godfrey Jaggroo.

Godfrey Jhaggroo’s residence


Funeral for Asst. Commissioner Josiah tomorrow THE funeral of the late Assistant Commissioner of Police Mr. Derrick Josiah will take place tomorrow. The body will be for viewing at Sandy’s Funeral Parlour, Lot 1 Chapel Street, Lodge, from 09:00hrs to 09:45 hrs, then it will be removed to the house of mourning at 103 Uitvlugt, West Coast Demerara, for further viewing from 11:00 hrs 13:00hrs. The body will then leave for the Maranatha Assembly of God Church, Uitvlugt Pasture, West Coast Demerara, for a brief stop, thence to the Uitvlugt Community Centre ground for the funeral service commencing at 14:00hrs. Burial takes place at the Brethren Church ground, Stewartville DERRICK JOSIAH Public Road, West Coast Demerara.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

Aries March 21 - April 19

Get a new adventure underway today, and you will show the universe that you are ready for action! It will reward you with interesting days. Move any upcoming travel plans into high gear and get your tickets reserved -- the earlier you financially commit to things, the better price you are going to get. Ask that cutie out on a date and find out once and for all whether or not they’re interested. Give yourself something to get a little bit excited about.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

Given the independent energy you’re filled with right now, it is not a good day for you to work in a team. You understand the value of alliances, but today you just won’t have the patience. No one is working at your pace, and the last thing you’ll want to do is spend your day waiting for other people to catch up to you. Impatience and frustration are sure to follow. So try to avoid groups. Stick it out by yourself for the foreseeable future. You’ll be happier.

Gemini May 21 - June 21

You are feeling less serious today, and in the mood for light conversation and silly stuff. It’s probably due to a huge surge in your creativity -- you’re itching for a way to express yourself, and spending your day doing nothing but research or work is not going to make for a happy day. If you can, make time today to just have fun. Pick up a silly magazine and find out what’s going on with celebrity couples. You are a well-rounded person who needs different kinds of stimulation.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

You are faced with a tough climb up a tall mountain, but you will love the view once you get to the top! You cannot let this challenge intimidate you and force you to go in another direction. This is something you have been waiting for, so grab your chance in the spotlight and go for it. It is time you sought out the attention of others more actively -- you deserve to be the star, and you know it. Take this climb one step at a time, and be sure to pace yourself.

Leo July 23 - August 22

Cuba loosens restrictions on buying foreign-made cars (BBC News) Cuba is loosening restrictions on people buying foreign-made new and used cars, according to state media. Cubans will no longer need government permits to buy modern cars from state

sellers. Until new regulations in 2011, people could only sell cars built before the 1959 revolution. Private property has been severely restricted on the Communist-run island since 1959. The changes are part of a shake-up of Cuba’s struggling economy. Yeah, I can buy it, but with

For Friday December 20,2013 -05:00hrs For Saturday December 21,2013 -05:00hrs For Sunday December 22,2013 -08:30hrs

what?” Jorge Canso Havana resident ‘Freed up’ Following reforms adopted two years ago, Cubans can buy and sell used cars from each other, but must request authorisation from the government to purchase a new vehicle or a second-hand one from state-controlled retailers. Priority for the permits was given to people “in positions of benefit to the government”, such as doctors and diplomats. But the Communist Party newspaper, Granma, said the Council of Ministers approved new regulations on Wednesday that “eliminate existing mechanisms of approval for the purchase of motor vehicles from the state”. As a result, the paper said, “the retail sale of new and used motorcycles, cars, vans, small trucks and mini buses for Cubans and foreign residents, companies and diplomats is freed up”. People who already have permits are expected to be given priority, however. And buyers will still need to purchase vehicles through state retailers. Cubans and foreigners will not be able to import their own cars.

Your urge to get closer to someone may be becoming so strong that it’s unbearable, but before you make any moves, you need to stop. Pay closer attention to the clues they are sending -- they might not be quite ready to open up to you just yet. To test the waters, keep your conversation light. Resist your urge to ask them to spend the rest of their life with you! Baby steps will get you closer to their heart than giant leaps. So take some time apart and make them miss you.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

Is your career your top focus right now? It should be. Right now, you are in a phase of rich clarity -- you have the ability to fully understand the opportunities in front of you in a way you never could before. But first, you have to slow down and look around. Take a moment to make some loose plans for your future -- and make them big! Give yourself a general idea of where you want things to go, and you’ll figure out how to get there later on.

Libra September 23 - October 22

If you are made a group leader today, your group is going to be very lucky! You’re smart as a whip and able to cut through the politics that inevitably happen whenever more than two people get together. No one is going to be able to distract you from what needs to get done. Plus, you are exceptionally charming and people are going to follow whatever decision you make to the letter. Popularity has never been terribly important to you, but that’s only because everyone always likes you.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

This could be the day when all of your hard work will finally pay off! If your boss has been a big problem for you lately, you can say goodbye to any tensions quite soon. There have been discussions going on among the big power players -- they’ve been about you, and they have been favourable. There will be a huge change in the dynamic coming soon, and someone’s ego could get a bit bruised. Don’t worry, it won’t be yours. You will come out of this transition doing quite well for yourself.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21

If you think that you need to start making some changes, then do it. You can’t wait for other people to give you permission -- or even encouragement. This is your life to lead. The kind of growth you experience and the types of changes you make are totally up to you. Following fads might make you feel like part of the crowd, but if it doesn’t make you feel better about yourself, what good it is? Ironically, it’s when you go off on your own that you feel the biggest crowds supporting you.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

Your vision is going to be clear as a bell today, so it’s a great day to finally come to a decision on that issue you’ve been wringing your hands over for so long. You need to make a choice, then stick to it! Look at those puzzling things one more time today, and the right way to go could be embarrassingly obvious. Your omnipotent vision might also reveal a few business problems you can get a jump on today, before they grow into bigger headaches tomorrow.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

If there’s a party going on and you’re not on the guest list, so what? This fact shouldn’t stop you from being a part of the good times. You have enough creativity and charm to be able to figure out a way to get on the list and in on the fun. The inner circle of the social set needs you to be there -- you offer the right energy. Do what you can to get involved, but stop short of putting yourself in a position to be taken advantage of. You are the coolest, and you need to remember that!

Pisces February 19 - March 20

The past few days may have been dragging along too slowly for you, and the slower pace is sure to continue today. Try not to get frustrated, though. Time might feel like it’s moving slowly, but rest assured: Things are still happening and you are still making headway on your goals! Patience is all you need to regain a more mellow, happy vibe. What you are waiting for will come -- you just need to relax and have faith in the people who are making it happen.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

Public urged to report fare increases By Vanessa Narine

THE continued arbitrary increase of fares by minibus drivers on Route 32 continues, much to the chagrin of commuters. And Minister of Tourism Irfaan Ali told the Guyana Chronicle that an advisory on the matter has been issued and members of the public are urged to report increases to the police or directly to the ministry. He stated that police officers will be asked to act to enforce the current and approved fare structure and prevent unfair demands by transport operators. According to him, the fare increases are not sanctioned and are unjustified. Commuters on the West Coast of Demerara have been complaining about the issue since last Wednesday. According to complainants who spoke to the Guyana Chronicle, the fares have been upped by as much as $60. The new increases are reflected in a new fare structure implemented by the United Minibus Association and the Combined Road

Transportation Association for Route 32. Ali maintains that there is no way the Route 32 drivers can unilaterally decide to increase fares, adding that there have been no consultations with the Association on the matter. The minister made it clear that the ministry has a standing agreement with the Minibus Association, which clearly states that in the absence of increases in gas prices, there cannot be an increase in fares. Unilateral fare hikes by minibus operators have been an on and off cause of concern in the last three years, with some incidents resulting in strike actions that left hundreds of commuters stranded.

Earlier this year, Transport Minister Robeson Benn promised an investigation into the unregulated hike in minibus fares across the various routes at nights, whereby commuters are asked to pay double.


The best cops of the various divisions pose with Deputy Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud, with their cash and plaques in hand

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

A minute of silence is observed for the late Assistant Commissioner of Police, Derrick Josiah

Best Cop for 2013 Mitchell Caesar receives his award from Deputy Commissioner of Police Primo

Police ranks awarded for outstanding work by Leroy Smith THE Guyana Police Force (GPF), on Thursday, awarded its outstanding officers and ‘Best Cop’ for the year, at its annual awards ceremony held at the Eve Leary, Drill Square, Georgetown. The awards were for their performances in the area of proper investigations, drug busts, recovery of firearms and other illegal items and generally good police work throughout the year. Criminal investigation rank Mitchell Caesar was given the coveted ‘Best Cop’ of 2013, together with $250,000 and a plaque. He was also the recipient of the award of best CID rank for 2013, carting off another $150,000 and a plaque. The ceremony also saw ranks from the various divisions being rewarded for their performances in their different districts. Men appeared to have dominated the awards with only a few females being honoured for their showing in sports. COLLABORATE CLOSELY The event also saw members of the community policing groups (CPGs) being considered for awards since they, too, aid in the fight against crime and collaborate closely with the GPF. An award was given, as well, to media worker and regular host of the GPF’s informative television programme ‘Law Enforcement and You’, Raymond Cummings. Assistant Commissioner of Police Balram Persaud, who chaired the morning’s proceedings, pointed out that while ranks are often criticised, it has been determined that their job is one of the most difficult in society. Deputy Commissioner (Law Enforcement) Seelall Persaud reminded that the Force began awarding its ranks for outstanding performances in 1990, with $824,000 being disbursed at the start. This year, the total awarded was $13.9 M and saw awardees getting cash and trophies. The awards were also made possible by members of the business community, with one offering $100,000 each to the surviving relatives of two policemen who were shot dead in the recent Middle Street, Georgetown shootout. Attendees at the function observed a minute of silence for Assistant Commissioner of Police Derrick Josiah who passed away last week Friday at the Woodlands Hospital.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013



GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

CONTACT NO: 616-0301/ 604-3518

Santa to visit Aracari Resort on Dec 22

Santa would be bringing good tidings to the Westside.

THE Aracari Resort, located at Lot 160 Plant a t i o n Ve r s a i l l e s , We s t Bank Demerara, has, over the years, become quite popular for hosting some of the most memorable entertainment ventures ever held in Guyana as a whole. With the year coming to a close, folks there are preparing to give back to their worthy supporters. Come Sunday, December 22, 2013, the resort will come alive in colour a nd gre a t fe s tivity from,

-Chico mascot to provide side attraction 3pm to 5pm, as the famous We s t s i d e S a n t a s w o o p s down on the venue with tinkling bells and feisty little reindeers. And, of course, the dazzling Santa Helpers will be there to ensure there is order as patrons congregate to receive their Christmas goodies. Mark well, Santa will be bringing gifts only for the ‘well behaved child re n ’ , s o k i d s , y o u s t i l l have a few days to be

on your best behaviour! And trust me, Santa is watching you closely, so b e c a re f u l t h a t y o u a re not rude or disobedient to your parents, friends and elders. And this Santa is really special, because he would be treating the kids to refreshments and a Christmas gift. Santa is inviting chil dr en, yout hs and per sons of all ages to this event,

which is truly family-orie n t e d . P a r e n t s a r e u rg e d to walk with their cameras and cellular phones to enjoy photo opportunities with Santa, and folks are reminded that the CHICO Mascot will be there to distribute goodies for the young at heart. The Aracari Resort wishes its supporters a Ve r y M e r r y C h r i s t m a s and all the best for the coming year.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013


High Rollers Company to host biggest ‘Old School Fair’ in Mahaicony IT has been quite a while since the environs of the Mahaicony Secondary School compound has seen an entertainment venture of any form, but the High Rollers Promotion Company is about to drastically change this trend. Come tomorrow, it will be all startling colour, riveting sounds, and great festivity as all Mahaicony and neighbouring villages congregate for the annual ‘Old School Fair’, which is said to be the event of the year for the Mahaicony district. And the promoters have certainly taken time out to ensure that this event carries features to satisfy the entertainment whims and fantasies of practically everyone. Families are urged to come out in their numbers, since they can enjoy fishing, games, hoop shooting, football clashes, tug-owar, ring games, and a Bouncy Castle for the kids. That aside, MC Malcolm Ferreira there will also be a Merry-gowill set the place on fire Round and a Haunted House for the adventurous at heart. Patrons can enjoy succulent ‘country-style bar-b-que’ as they listen to reverberating music from the famous Big Life Sound System.

The night will bring added excitement when delegates take to the stage as they vie for the coveted Miss Mahaicony crown and title. Patrons are urged to stay on for the exciting after-party that will begin promptly after the pageant. Radio personality Malcolm Ferreira has been carded at the MC for the night. The sponsors for this event are Blessings Boutique, Curies General Store, Hercules Service Station, Big Jules Guinness Bar, N. Singh Distributors, Buddy’s Rice Milling Complex, Bruster’s Ice-Cream, N. Singh Lumber Yard, MAR Trading Enterprise, and others.

Tug-o-war will be part of the action at the Mahaicony Old School Fair.

Brace yourselves, folks, the Haunted House will send shivers creeping up your spine

Macka Diamond to ‘fire up’ Vergenoegen Village Day

Macka Diamond

THE Slingerz Family has done it again, this time ensuring their fans celebrate the holidays in fine style. Come Christmas Day 2013, the Slingerz Family will rock the Westside with their annual Vergenoegen Village Day, an event that promises fun and frolic for the entire family. This year around, the Slingerz Christmas Party will showcase spectacular performances by Jamaican World Clash champions Bass Oddessy, one of whose member is Charlie Black. The real hub of excitement, however, generates around a much-anticipated frenzied showcase by Jamaican Dancehall Diva Macka Diamond, who has promised to ‘tear de place apart’ the moment she touches down in Guyana. And fans, of course, will be able to savour presentations by their customary local entertainers in the likes of reigning Carib Soca Monarch Jomo Primo, Chutney Soca Monarch competitor Bunty Singh, and others. As usual, the event will be hosted on the Vergenoegen Rice Mill Tarmac, and the fun begins at 14:00 hrs with the much-anticipated ‘Slingerz Cook-out’. Santa Claus will arrive at 16:00h to distribute free gifts to all the children of Vergenoegen. The live stage show performances are expected to start when the sun sets.


Toto Gas Station stages massive ‘Free-up Christmas Fete’ ––giving back to supporters

It will be frolic and fun for the little misses

ALL around Guyana, individuals and businesses are caught up in the frenzy of giving back to society in the good spirit of Christmas. And the Toto Gas Station Sand and Stone Depot is certainly not allowing itself to be left out of all the holiday festivity. Come tomorrow, this promoting entity will treat its supporters to a superb hosting of the second annual Parika Christmas Fete, slated for the Parika White Fence venue (Parika Public Road). This year, admission to the event is absolutely free, as promoters intend for patrons to enjoy the good tidings of the holiday season. Patrons are being offered a divine ‘free up day’ as they would be allowed free Merry-go-Round rides, be allowed to frisk about and frolic on the trampoline for free, explore the bouncy castle, and also receive free ice-cream. Parents are urged to bring out the entire family, since the promoters would also be distributing free toys and other giveaways to the kids.The action begins at 17:00 hrs (5pm). This event is proudly sponsored by Toto Gas Station Sand and Stone Depot, Stag Beer, Sunny Sawmill, Charmilla Variety Store, Parika Sawmill, Anil Variety Store, Bushy Park Sawmill, Classic Culture Gas Station, Parboo General Store, Mangal Lumber Yard, Chico Cargo Boat Service and others. Music will be supplied by Slingerz Family.



GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

Let’s tell it like it is…

Grievous wolves are destroying the ‘flock of God’ ––it was predicted to happen ‘in the last days’

I am always awfully appalled at the manner in which so many men folks are running around the place pretending to be ‘men of God’ while their worship of the Devil goes on in the dark…, or so they seem to think! When they think that they can hide in the dark to do their dirty work and no one would see, the same Satan they secretly worship exposes them at the most inopportune of times, and throws back his head in the pits of hell and laughs them to scorn. I know I am not living the life of a real Christian, but at least I know real Christianity when I see it. So all dem bogus pastors masquerading around de place really can’t fool me! Action speaks louder than words any day anyway. And it appears like most ah de so-called pastahs operating from Durban Street, Georgetown (note that I did not specify which ward in G/t). Not so long ago, we exposed a very popular pastor who was trying to date every sister in the church, until his wife found out the whole story. He was also hooked on pornography, and that included the type that involved ‘sexual liaisons with the same sex’. Well, de story did bruk out in de middle of a prayah meeting, and de sistah he de chasing aftah cuss out he wife ‘trigga loose’. Shame! Shame!! Shame!!! Now anadda pastah get skin up big time de odda day, and ah wondah wheah he deh now. He must be hiding undah some big brick somewhere in Georgetown. If you see how dis pastah used to be dressing up in gold jewellery more dan dem big-time drug cartels; and he dressing style was just like any one ah dem young men in de world. He nevah used to stand out as being ‘different’, and you wouldah shocked to hear that dat man is a pastah. Well, Satan surely forsake he de odda day, and now he suh shame

Why yuh hollering and drinking now? De damage already done! Yuh shoudda known bettah, pastah. he deh hiding about de place. Dis goodly pastah sell a cellular phone to a young man recently; but guess what, he thought he wiped de phone clean, but he was sadly mistaken. As de young man was checking de phone features, he came across tons of naked photos of dis pastah in various explicitly sexual positions wid several females

Shouldn’t you be home in your mother’s house washing dishes? What are you doing in the Pastor’s bedroom? in dat church and wid a few outsiders as well. Oh me mama whoy! Dis man really terrible!!! People, dis man is supposed to be happily married! There is even one photo where he is having oral sex with a young sister inside the church after the others had left the building. And we dared not mention what he was doing with one church sister whose face was partially hidden. In viewing the pictures, I became sick to the stomach. I never imagined that ‘men of God’ would be indulging in such horrid acts of immorality. Brimstone and hell fire gon rain pon all ah dem!!! Well, when the young man called the pastor to tell him about the photos, he hurriedly met the young man and gave him a substantial sum of money to keep his mouth shut. But the young man collected the pastor’s money and is still showing Tom, Dick and Harry the pastor’s lewd photos. If yuh want tuh see de photos, yuh can call me and I would give yuh directions tuh de young man’s home. But just note dat yuh have to pay tuh see those photos, because de young man just find a way tuh mek a quick dallah. Eh-eh, it look like dis pastah suddenly tun a big porn star. And de man seems tuh be a very seasoned star at dat! Someone needs to rid our land of these ‘bogus pastors’, who are robbing poor people and continuing to live undercover lives that are more horrid than those of the men in the world. Shame! Shame!! Shame on them!!! Pastor, I urge you to fall on your face in genuine repentance of your life of horrible double-standards. But from what I have been told, that might hardly be the course of action you would take…

Miss Bootilicious 2014 looming ahead I am quite sure you guys would remember all the excitement and, of course, the degree of controversy that was generated last year when Suckerpunch Promotions hosted the third leg of the hilarious Miss Bootilicious Reloaded Lingerie Pageant for very curvy women. Patrons from far and wide flocked the venues to soak up the scandalous routines and very provocative presentations as the very curvaceous, very sexy and very creative contestants demonstrated on stage who was best at entertaining their mates in suggestive (but not vulgar) ways, to keep them from the clutches of ‘wanton vultures’. Last year, the ladies took to the stage in some of the sheerest and most revealing lingerie, and in most cases they smothered their male counterparts with the smouldering intensity of their showcases. Patrons saw an alluring flurry of sexy school teachers transforming themselves into raging sirens, nurses by day and erotic dancers by night; not to mention coy and seemingly harmless librarians and cooks transforming themselves into some of the most captivating divas of the night. Last year the choreography was electric, and the air was pregnant with sensual chemistry. Now folks have been clamouring for a repeat, and they are indeed so lucky. Promoters have already begun preparing for Miss Bootilicious Reloaded 2014, and come next year, the pageant will feature ten “boombastic contestants” and their equally mesmerizing male models. Promoters are urging interested persons to contact them on phone numbers 604-3518 for more information and guidance. Promoters wish to remind that this pageant is more associated with the curvy ladies who are ready to affirm that one can be ‘big yet bold and sexy’. Meanwhile, we showcase some of the ‘electric ladies’ from the very first Miss Bootilicious Lingerie Pageant.

Some of the contestants from the first Miss Bootilicious Lingerie Pageant

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013


Bombshell’s most eligible bachelors

Purnell Alsopp: Another way of saying ‘sugar’

He is ready for ‘the taking’.

T HI S w e e k, w e s how c as e a young man w ho is ambitious , s ophis tic ate d, and ins is te nt that he has s omething e xtr a s pe c ial for the ladie s . Twenty-one-year-old Purnell Alsopp is a soft spoken ‘ge ntle ma n’ w ith a da s hing s mile a nd tons of ge nuin e love for the fe ma le s pe c ie s . Some c ons ide r him a tru e C a ribbe a n ra rity, a nd he ra ve s tha t he is the G uya ne se version of ‘de gals dem suga’, a slang made popular by J a ma ic a n da nc e ha ll king ‘B e e nie M a n’. But Pernell is not interested in meeting just about any girl. This “delectable species of tropical masculinity” is n’t ye t re ady to give it up to e ve r y M ar y, Jane and Susan, so to speak. While he would not say no to othe r r ac e s , Pur ne ll fanc ie s hims e lf be longing to a vigorous and beautiful, slant-eyed Chinese diva w ith lips like the s upe r mode l N aiomi C ampbe ll. Hi s Oriental conqueror must also be an excellent dancer and must know how to bring out the best in this man. So ladie s , if you think you c an fit the bill, just c all him on phone numbe r 220-9650.

Don’t dis this dashing Caribbean dude with the Oriental fancy.

Karaoke DJs’ Year-end Roundup…

DJ ‘CJ’ is Bombshell’s ‘Karaoke DJ of the Year’ THIS year we took time out to visit several nightclubs that featured karaoke on their entertainment platter, and we received quite a few surprises, much of which was unpleasant. You see, readers, our first survey of the ‘karaoke happenings’ was in response to complaints that DJs were being biased and were overtly compromising themselves, resulting in karaoke lovers being greatly disappointed and dissat-

isfied. This year, we took three long months to scrutinise the hotspots again, and lo and behold, we found out that not much has changed since, save for only three karaoke DJs who were obliviously doing all they could to ensure their supporters were happy and satisfied! At many places of entertainment, we observed karaoke DJs allowing to sing repeatedly those patrons who had passed them ‘a

Bombshell salutes DJ CJ, our choice of ‘Karaoke DJ of the Year’

lil raise under the table’; those who had bought them beverages; and those with whom they were very closely associated. In many cases, high-spending customers fell asleep waiting to sing a song, while those who were sipping one beer for the entire night were allowed to sing as they pleased. There were only three DJs who were found to be quite okay in their dealings, and these were DJ Joe, DJ Wade, and DJ CJ. By far, DJ CJ was the best of the lot, ensuring that his customers were comfortable, and that everyone rightfully got their turn to sing, according to the list he had prepared as they made their entries. His relationship with customers was warm and jovial, and he greeted everyone, going to great lengths to ensure everyone was satisfied. Naturally, we dubbed him the ‘Karaoke DJ of 2013’. In the runner-up spot was DJ Joe, who has a very excellent sound system and some of the best microphones around town. This, of course, gave extra comfort to singers, and this DJ was certainly good at setting his microphones and amplifiers. That aside, he followed a well prepared list of singers; and try as they might, no one could bribe him with goodies to get the upper hand at his karaoke sessions. In third position was DJ Wade, who is known for his bubbly demeanour, which works well with his followers. He is very polite and pleasant, and does all he can to ensure his fans

are satisfied. He certainly has an attitude of integrity (he accepts no bribes), so ‘sleazies’ are afraid to approach him with ‘suggestions’ of bribery. Even though he sometimes gets carried away and may try to sing too much, none can take from the fact that he is rated amongst the very few ‘real karaoke DJs’ we have remaining around town. Bombshell congratulates these three talented and considerate karaoke DJs, and urges them to continue their efforts at maintaining ultimate customer satisfaction. As for the others, we say, “Get your act together, man; or get out of the karaoke game”.

Keep up the good work, DJ Wade; your fans will continue to love you.

Palm Court launches exciting Christmas festivities THE Palm Court Nightclub has planned a series of exciting Christmas events with its faithful, longstanding customers in mind. And according to the Manager, Catherin Gonsalves, they are kicking off things this weekend with the Pulse Party, called ‘Naughty or Nice’, before moving to their traditional ‘Jingle Bell Ball’ on December 24, 2013 (Christmas Ever Day) Come New Year’s Eve (December 31, 2013) Palm Court would again excite its fans with its ‘New Year’s Eve Masquerade Ball’. VIP accommodation to this event will cost $25,000, with the inclusion of snacks and dinner. That apart, patrons can also enjoy, for $5,000, regular deals that include breakfast. Then there is the exciting ‘ball drop moment’ that will showcase local singer Megan Vieira popping out of a large shiny ball to perform ‘Auld Lang Syne’ for patrons. What a perfect manner in which to welcome the New Year.

22 22


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 world symmetry and health care products of Lot 255 Earl's Avenue Subryanville offers products for good preventative lifestyles, detoxing of feet and body, body scans. Visit us or call 225-0423.


LEARN TO DRIVE  Driving School Lot 2 Croal Street Stabroek and enjoy our Anniversary s p e c i a l b e t w e e n 1 9th October to 30th November 2013 fee reduce by 20% Call 227-3869, 227-3835, 227-7560, 622-8162.  Institute of Motoring Learn to drive at an affordable cost. Professional, Courteous and Patient Driving Instructor. For more details contact Annmarie/Vanessa at 172 Light and Charlotte Streets, Bourda. Te# 227-5072, 226-7541, 2 2 6 - 0 1 6 8 . BEAUTY SALON BEAUTY SALON of getting your hair, nails, lashes, etc. done. Call 6023380, 652-2903.

MASSAGE MASSAGE                    .                Divinty Spa, 245 Sheriff St., specialise in relaxation and therapuetic massages, facials. C a l l 661- 6 6 9 4 , a s k f o r D i a n n a

NOTICE NOTICE      (Pursuant to Section 4, Money Lenders Act) I,   of Lot 132, Regent Road, Bourda, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana hereby give  that I have applied to the Magistrate of the Georgetown, Magisterial District for a Renewal Certificate under the Money Lenders Act, authorising the grant to me of a Money Lender's Licence to carry on the business of a Money Lender under the Title of   of Lot 132, Regent Road, Bourda, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana. NOTICES of any objections to this appliiat6on should be sent forthwith to the        and a copy of any such Notice should be sent to the subscriber. FAZRUL RAHMAAN Dated at Georgetown, Demerara, This 17th day of December, 2013.      (Pursuant to Section 4, Money Lenders Act) WE,    and  both of Lot W½ 137 Regent Road Bourda, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana, hereby give  that we have applied to the Magistrate of the Georgetown, Magisterial District for a Renewal Certificate under the Money Lenders Act, authorising the grant to us of a Money Lender's Licence to carry on the business of a Money Lender Under the Title of   of W½ 137 Regent Road, Bourda, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana. NOTICES of any objections to this application should be sent forthwith to the     , and a copy of any such Notice should be sent to the subscribers. Harry Yenkana and Marlon Yenkana Dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 16th day of December, 2013.      (Pursuant to Section 4, Money Lenders Act). I, GANESH


NOTICE SINGH of Lot 1 Yarrow Dam, Company Path Ruimveldt, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana, hereby give  that I have applied to the Magistrate of the Georgetown, Magisterial District for a Renewal Certificate under the Money Lenders Act, authorising the grant to me of a Money Lender's Licence to carry on the business of a Money Lender under the Title of   of Lot 11-14 Princes and Lombard Streets, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana, Lot 71 Public Road, Grove, East Bank Demerara, Guyana and Lot 9 'A' Vreed-en-Hoop West Coast Demerara, Guyana respectively. NOTICES of any objections to this application should be sent forthwith to the        , and a copy of any such Notice should be sent to the subscribers. GANESH SINGH Dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 16th day of December, 2013.     (Pursuant to Section 4, Money Lenders Act)     both of Lot 53 Robb Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana, hereby give  that we have applied to the Magistrate of the Georgetown, Magisterial District for a Renewal Certificate under the money Lenders Act, authorising the grant to us of a Money Lender's Licence to carry on the business of a Money Lender Under the Title of   of Lot 53 Robb Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana.  of any objections to this application should be sent forthwith to the         and a copy of any such Notice should be sent to the subscribers. R. Alli, L. Gomes Dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 16th day of December, 2013.         (Pursuant to Section 4 of the Music & Dancing Licensing Act)      both of Lot 53 Robb Street, Lacytonw, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana hereby give NOTICE that we have applied to the Magistrate of the Georgetown, Magisterial District for a Renewal Certificate under the Music & Dancing Licensing Act, authorising the grant to us of a Music & Dancing Licence to carry on the business of a Licence to keep a place for public dancing. singing of music or other entertainment under the Title of        of Lot 53 Robb Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Demerara Guyana.  of any objections to this application should be sent forthwith to the        , and a copy of any such Notice should be sent to the subscribers. R. Alli and L. Gomes Dated at Georgetown, Demerara, This 16th day of December, 2013.



    (Pursuant to Section 4, Money Lenders Act)   both of Lot 64 Duncan Street, Newtown, Kitty, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana, hereby give  that we have applied to the Magistrate of the Georgetown Magisterial District for a Renewal Certificate under the Money Lenders Act, authorising the grant to us of a Money Lender's Licence to carry on the business of a Money Lender Under the Title of    of Lot 219 South Road, Lacytown, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana and Lot 224 Duncan Street, Newtown, Kitty, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana.  of any objections to this application should be sent forthwith to the       , and a copy of any such Notice should be sent to the subscribers. C. Caleb, Y.A. Caleb Dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 16th day of December, 2013.

                            1) (i) Juswanty Pooran Zone WCD Block XXIV Parcel 100, 2) (i) Wishart Lloyd Zone EBD Block XXX Parcel 2989, 3) (i) Thakur Mangra (etanor) Zone WBD Block XV Parcel 36, 4) (i) Ram Singh Zone WBD Block XX Parcel 106, 5) (i) Tiamattie Persaud Zone WCD Block XXIII Parcel 170, 6) (i) Abdool H. Jamal Zone EBER Block 11 Parcel 75, 7) (i) Lorraine E. Hamilton Zone EBD Block XXX Parcel 2452, 8) (i) Elizabeth Lovell Zone ECD Block XXXIII Parcel 232, 9) (i) Jennifer Persaud Zone WBD Block LI Parcel 641, 10) (i) Ornette Willis Zone WBMR Block I Parcel-1303, 11) (i) Daniel Sarjoo Zone EBD Block XXVIII Parcel 294, 12) (i) Bhimraj Seeraj Zone WCD Block XV Parcel-13, 13) (i) Edwin L. Thomas Zone RBER Block VII Parcel 134, 14) (i) Issac Alguram Zone WCD Block XXIII Parcel 7, 15) (i) Eugene Thompson Zone EBD Block XXX Parcel 1866, 16) (i) Marva E.L. Grant Zone EBD Block IX, Parcel 303, 439 & 440, 17) (i) Bibi A. Mohabir Zone ECD Block XV111 Parcel 22, 18) (i) Guyana Bauxite Company Limited Zone RBDR, Block XLIII Parcel 467 & 469, 19) (i) Karen David Zone EBD Block XXX Parcel 3884, 20) (i) Vibert Johnson Zone WBD Block XXXIII Parcel-810, 21) (i) Savitri Doobay Zone ECD Block XXII Parcel 443, 22) (i) Indrowtie Ramdhan Zone WCD Block XIX Parcel 94, 23) (i) Stanislaus Gomes Zone EBD Block XXX Parcel 1728, 24) (i) Hymwantie Olievira Zone ECD Block CXVIII Parcel 518 25) (i) Nankoomari Algu Zone 421 Block 421212 Parcel 693, 26) (i) Ruth Abraham Zone 911 Block 91128 Parcel 519, 27) (i) Sheik S. Ally Zone WCD Block XXI Parcel 346, 28) (i) Khemraj Banwarie Zone EBD Block XXX Parcel 4029, 29) (i) Oneeka Harper Zone ECD Block XXXVII Parcel 129, 30) (i) Helena Bovell Zone EBD Block IX Parcel 121, 31) (i) Boodhnee Zone WCD Block XVI Parcel 38, 32) (i) Bibi Safora Zone ECD Block XXII Parcel164, 33) (i) Alfred Morris Zone EBD Block XXX Parcel 3174, 34) (i) Lennox McKinnon Zone ECD Block XXV Parcel 2273, 35) (i) Lennox McKinnon Zone ECD Block XXV Parcel 2633, 36) (i) Opheila E. Richards Zone RBDR Block VIII Parcel 81, 37) (i) Saroop Jeet Zone EC Block XXXI Parcel 85 & 222, 38) (i) Kurt Roberts Zone EBD Block XXX Parcel 1203, 39) (i) Deodat Persaud Zone EBD Block XLIV Parcel 16, 40) (i) Guy E. Perry Zone EBD Block XXX Parcel 2074.

     (Pursuant to Section 4, Money Lenders Act)  and    both of Lot 27 Vigilance Public Road, East Coast Demerara, Guyana hereby give  that we have applied to the Magistrate of the Georgetown Magisterial District for a Renewal Certificate under the Money Lenders Act, authorising the grant to us of a Money Lender's Licence to carry on the business of a Money Lender under the title of      of Lot 27 Vigilance Public Road, East Coast Demerara, Guyana.  of any objections to this application should be sent forthwith to the         and a copy of any such Notice should be sent to the subscribers. Sunita Kum, Malvern kum Dated at Georgetown, Demerara, This 16th day of December, 2013.       (Pursuant to Section 4, Money Lenders Act).    of Lot 1 Company Path Ruimveldt, Georgetown, Demerara Guyana hereby give  that I have applied to the Magistrate of the Georgetown Magisterial District for a Renewal Certificate under the Money Lenders Act, authorising the grant to me of a Money Lender's Licence to carry on the business of a Money Lender under the Title of       of Lot 9-10 Croal Street, Stabroek, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana and Lot 167 Lusignan West Public Road East Coast Demerara, Guyana NOTICES of any objections to this application should be sent forthwith to the          and a copy of any such Notice should be sent to the subscriber.   Dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 16th day of December, 2013.  



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  

 Construction and Rental Service excavator, bobcat, truck, tools. Tel. 6015024, 227-4536. to refrigerators, washing machines, gas stoves, AC units. Tel. 666-2276, 223-7975 (Kirk).  Seal, Water proofing, roofing, roof repairs, Get your roof done the right way. Tel. 694-5128  repair LCD, Plasma LED TV, microwave, washer, dryer and stereo sets. Call 647-2677, 693-3277.

 repair AC units, refrigerators, washing machines, gas stoves, freezers, microwaves, etc. 683-1312, 627-3206 (Nick)..  lawn mowing, hedging, potted plants/soil, wreaths, lawn grass, landscape renovation. Call 655-0755, 227-2612.

RENTAL / HIRE RENTAL HIRE  an event? C a l l T r a v e l l e r s S o u n d C ompany, thirty years in the business. Indian wedding, religious function, barbecue, conference, concerts (all levels). We do stage lighting, disco lighting, parties, generators from 5 KVA to 400 KVA, PA system, all types. Tel. 226-6527, 600-7242, 600-3122, 623-7242, 623-3122, Leonard or Steven, based at Club Monaco.



 Jewellery and Pawn Shop, Lot 1 Durban Street Werk-en-R u s t b e t w e e n C a m p and George Streets. Tel: 2236331, 227-2307.

 Associates Financial Services Chartered Accountants Services: Taxation, Consultancy, Accounting, Income tax, Vehicle and Building Compliances. Office located at 190 Church Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown. Tel. 2232105, 662-7467, or Email at  Pest Control Services Plus. We provide the following services - termite extermination, baiter abdication, cleaning of powerise bat, faeces, sealing and sat-proofing, bee capture/eradication, rat/ mice, roaches, ants, weevils, ticks, bugs and other insect pests. Call 621-4871, 690-5931.

23 23

GUYANA CHRONICLE CHRONICLE, Friday FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2013 GUYANA December 20, 20, 2013 SERVICES  Services Have you been denied a visa, been deported, need advice on VISA matters?Email for free advice and subsequent help from our trained Immigration Attorneys in USA and Canada for further information Email , Business Cards, Bill Books - a must for Christmas sales. All types, many options, low quantities as low as $900 for $400 flyers. Business cards from $2 700. Call Alert Printing 227-2679, 655-3070.

 VACANCY , salesgirls, night security. Apply Avinash Water St. 226-3361, 2277828. male Sales Clerks, previous experience would be an asset. Please bring written application to Mike's Pharmacy, 56 Sheriff Street, Georgetown.  for a van driver, and a canter driver. Excellent salary and commission. Apply in person with police clearance, a copy of your driver's license, and 2 recommendations. Tel # 226-5473.

 Calendars special! 50 - $8 000; 100 - $10,000. Wow! 250 1-colour $20,000, (Big Wow). Make your customers happy this Christmas. Call Alert Printing 227-2679, 655-3070.

  Minimum 5 years' experience, PORTERS and WATCHMAN- Apply with written application to Patsan - Sheriff &Johnsmith Streets, Campbellville.

                             

 exist at Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff Street, Campbellville, for cleaners and drivers. Persons must send in application along with a passportsize photograph. For more information, contact 227-5286-89.

 for all your Tech Support: Computer repairs (Mac and PC), computer sales, laptop charger replacement, network installation, software development, printer repairs and servicing, IT consultation, security camera installation. 125 Light Street, Alberttown, Georgetown. Tel 226-0085, 693-1259.


 spouse, polygraph testing, background checks, locating missing persons, bodyguard service, private + criminal investigation, any other (Worldwide). C o n t a c t St r a t e gic Advisory Services. Tel. 592-6 51-3508, 5 9 2 - 668-9532 Email: M e m b e r of National Association of Investigative Specialists (USA) (All assignments treated as top secret



 reading, other works done. For fast results - reuniting lovers, removing evil and all blockages, etc. Call 696-8873, 6 7 3 - 11 6 6 . works done to bring peace, finance, success, enhance prosperity, remove evil, blockage, reu n i t e f a m i l i e s , l o vers, etc. 610-7234, 644-0058.  spiritual help in removing evil spirit, bad luck, evil sickness, spells, reuniting lovers, bringing prosperity to business, etc. Tel: 612-6417, 220-0708, .6875653.

TAXI SERVICE TAXI SERVICE     R U N N I N G S Ta x i Service, 46 Sheriff Street 225-6926, 231-5808, short drop $300.

 exist for Sales Clerk, Bond Clerk, Accounts Clerk and Pharmacist at Roy's Pharmacy. Interested persons can send in applications along with Curriculum Vitae and one passport-size photograph to Roy's Pharmacy Stall #3233 and 64-65 Bourda Market. Tel. 2260693, one cleaner call Samantha 2236072.  exists at Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff Street for an IT Technician. Applicants must send in an application along with a passport-size photograph and CV. For more information, contact 227-5288-89. Accounts Clerk: Must possess a Grade 1 or 2 in Maths and English, computer-literate with knowledge of Quickbooks and Microsoft Office. Please send applications to Lot 19 Middleton Street, Campbellville, Georgetown or call 219-4683 for more information.  Manager - Wharf facilities. Requirements: 5 subjects CXC, must have minimum of 3 years experience in similar position, preferably over 35 years. Salary based on qualification and experience Address to Transportation Services, 171 'A' Light Street Bourda Georgetown.  Engineer full time. Qualifications are as follows: BSc. Civil Engineering. Minimum (3) years working experience. Security Personnel, Labourers, Accounts Clerk, Skid Steer Operators (Bobcat) Truck Drivers. Interested persons can contact the office on telephone numbers 603-4001.  Clerk, 5 subjects CXC with Maths and English, CAT. At least 2 years work experience. Knowledge of Accounting Software (Peachtree) would be an asset. Send application to or apply in person at Aracari Resort, Pln Versailles, West Bank Demerara. Phone 264-2948.

LAND FOR SALE Land For Sale   of lease land at Yarrokabra. Tel. 601-9297, 616-8193.  Ville & Friendship ECD EBD. No price will be refused . Tel. 689-9388,  , Republic Drive, Betterverwagting, East Coast. No Agent. Tel. # 684-3009, 667-3953.  x 120, SUCCESS, ECD $9.5M neg. Tel. 621-6888.  Vreed-en-Hoop commercial land size 80' x 160' on public road $36 million. Tel. #: 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078.   cultivated citrus, house, fish pond, storage, 2 acres cultivated, ACRE cultivated Parika. Contact 226-7968.  lot of land situated at No. 148 - 144 North Enterprise ECD. Price $7.5M neg. Phone 619-3388, 231-1578, 639-7817.





100 x 50 only $14M, Call 231-2064, 2252626, 227-6863, 615-0069, 627-0288, 226-1064.

 Providence EBD $3 million, Diamond $8 million, $12 million, Annandale ECD, ¾ acres of land at sand reef $25 million, Canal No. 2 Polder 5 acres land, with three house lots to road $12 million. Tel. #: 225-3737, 2254398, 651-7078.

  to Brickdam, $75M suitable for 5storey complex, hotel Mr Ramsohoye 618-0000, Mr Pereira 226-1064, Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 2276863, 225-5198

 bedroom apartment in Campbellville suitable for business also. 621-3661.

 land at Phase 2 Martyrsville, Mon Repos ECD. Price $3M neg. Tel. 629-5300.  high income, residential house lot (53 ft x 100 ft) Phase 1 La Parfaite Harmonie. Price $2.6M. Phone 697-5378.  Street $60M, Da Silva Street $22M, Diamond $5M neg, Providence $3.3M South $10M neg. Tel. 611-7004, 680-2596.  sale! Campbellville $25M neg, D\Urban $15M neg, Ogle $35M neg, Republic Park $22M neg.. Contact 665-7946, 601-5830.  in Queenstown 165 x 60 over $100M. Phone Vice President Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice President Darandia 615-0069, 618-0000, 225-2626  land in Duncan St. for 4-storey office complex, bond, school, apartment $31M. Phone 627-0288, Mr. Ramsayoe 618-0000, MrAlysious Pereira 623-2591, Mr. Darindra 615-0069.                Linden Highway near Splashmins, 30 acres of land, housing, factory, sand pit, etc. $16 million, 155 acres of forest land $35 million. Tel. #: 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078.  Corner lot 9000 Sq Ft Land Price $16 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 643-6353, 6857887.  GARDENS/ REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D (Gated community) - Size 5000 sq ft. Price $13.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  STREET- double prime business spot (Size 12,500 sq ft) Price USD$ 1.4 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  GARDENS/ REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D (Gated community) - (Size 10,000 sq ft) Price $23 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  Street Newtown- Double lot. Price $21 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.  GARDENS E.C.D- Triple lot. Price $59 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.  RD- WORTHMAN-VILLE- triple lot suitable for business, bond, etc. Price reduce to $35 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  - Size 90 x 80. Price USD$600,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  ST NEWTOWNLand for commercial building, bond, apartments, etc. Size 32x135. Price $34 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665- 7400, 6857887, 643-6353.  STREET, FREEBURG - INVESTMENT corner lot . Size 11,000 sq ft. Price $77 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  E.B.D - Unfinished concrete structure and land. Price $4.8 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  E.C.D - Land size 65x 90. Price $4.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

 for bond, hotel, apartment complex, Blygezight 120 x 60 - $36M, neg, Austin St. 134 x 56 - $36M, Kitty 8 000 sq ft $22M, Phone Vice President 2252626, 618-0000, 225-2626, 6232591, 226-1064, 227-6863, 6150069  with 20ft driveway Dennis Street $17M, Sec. 'M' 90 x 50 plus reserve $17M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, one house in McDoom close to main road $9M. Phone Mr Darindra 615-0069, 618-0000 Vice President Alysious Pereira 623-2591, 227-6863, 2261064, 225-2626.    land in Bel Air Village for hotel, bond, 5-storey, students' dorm - $42M. Phone Vice President Patrick Pereira 6693350, Vice President Ramsohoye 618-0000, 623-2591, 227-6863, 225-2626, 667-7812.  lot 180 x 80 for truck, workshop, bond, in Agricola, very safe area. Price $19M, Phone Mr Patrick Pereira 226-1064, Mr Alex Pereira 231-2064, Mr Budram 692-3831, Darindra 615-0069, Mrs Hercules 661-1592, 2252626, 225-5198, 225-3068, 227-6949, 225-2709.  Park (60x90) $16M, Bag o t s t o w n o n m a i n r o a d (45x150) $29M, prime business land at Cummings St close to Regent Street (42x56) $60M, Agricola double lot $8M, Contact Pete's Real Estate 2236218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805.  lot in Dennis St, with driveway 20 feet $17M, Sec. 'M', 80 x 60, plus reserve for bond $19M, Da S i l v a S t 8 0 x 5 0 $13M, Kitty Railway Emb a n k m e n t 8 0 0 0 s q . f t $ 20M, land has 20 ft driveways. Vice President Drandia 615-0069, Vice President Alysious Pereira - 6232591, Vice President Ramsayae 618-0000, Vice President 225-2626, 226-1064, 667-7812.  Acres front, residential areas $16M, Bagotville, W.B.Dem land 45 by 150 feet on eastern side of road, D'Urban Street close to High Street 50 by 100 feet for $16M, five acres of prime land at Pearl, EBD for $12M, Agricola, double lot $8M, Success and Railway line road on ECD 22 000 sq.ft of land for $48M, Nandy Park residential $16.5M, Contact Pete's Real Estate - 223-6218, 226-9951, 2272487, 226-5546.  businesses must think out of the box. They must adopt a new strategy. The Chinese are moving in some locations that land for bond/factory is cheap, 20 000 sq ft land close to the Chinese embassy for bond. $58M, 8 000 sq. ft on the main road close to the Chinese Embassy $54M for 4-storeyfast food/supermarket 200-car parking. 1½ acres of land in Turkeyen for hostel, school, university, bond, Buy now, be decisive. Present, you have a boss, now decide. Phone Mr. Danhandri 615-0065, M r. Patrick Pereira 669-3350, Mr. Alysious Pereira 623-2591, 2252709, 225-2626, 225-3068, 2261064, 227-6863, 225-5198 Seven days of h o t m a il:  land is going to solve your business need, in Smyth close to Brickdam 120 x 60 the only land available for $55M neg All lands that would give you the same return on your investment $95M, talking of 5-storey complex. Phone Lady Boston 684-2244, Lady Racel Jones 688-3434 lady Davi Dyal 697-9377, Master Darindra 615-0069, 618-0000, 623-2591, 225-2626, 225-3068, 226-1064 , Email: m

 Yarrowkabra 30 acres in the vicinity of Maduni Creek $8M, Land of Canaan, 3 acres roadside width 500ft, road to river 400ft riverside frontage 500ft - $120M neg., New Amsterdam riverside 112 x 114 (12 768 sq, ft), 98x48 ft (4,704 sq ft), factory building on 75 x 62 ft - $60M neg., Soesdyke riverside, 160 x 300 ft - $35M neg., Mahaica Creek 100 acres arable land $35M., St Eustacious Llana Timehri 18.4 acres - $30M, Happy Acres one house lot $16M neg. Wills Realty - 227-2612, 223-1877, 627-8314, 655-0755.   Street $32M, South Road 120-x31 $62M, Charlotte Street lot close to Citizens bond 135x38 $50M, Smyth Street 120x60 $75M, Continental Park double lot $19M, LBI 10 000 sq. ft $16M, Republic Park $10M double lot $16M, Da Silva Street 120x34 $17M. Phone Mr Ramsohoye 6180000, Mr Boodram 692-3831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, Mr Pereira 5232591 225-3066, 231-2061, 2255198, 226-1064.  wish to advertise all land was made by the creator for different purposes. Go as high as you can to enjoy economy of height. Earl's Court LBI double lot 120 x 90 - $17M, Happy Acres parallel to the Main Road 100 x 50 - $16M, for business or 4-storey apartment land for bonds on the East Coast $28M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft $20M, Da Silva St 70 x 35 - $14M, 9 000 sq. ft on Main Road 500 yards south of Chinese Embassy, Turkeyen 1.4 acres $38M, Campbellville 80 x 60 with lots of reserve $16M, Republic Park $16M, Continental Park d o u b l e l ot $35M, Croal Street 75 x 50 - $32M, 3 lot s a t ' A A ' Eccles with massive unfinished structure $98M, plus reserve. Friendship $3.5M, Pearl 5 acres for gated c o m m u n i t y $45M neg. Phone cell 697-9377, 225-3068, 226-1064, 227-6863 , 227-6964, 225-2626. to let


 and apartments 621-5282. room apartment in Diamond $40 000 per month. Call 611-5017, after 17:00hrs.  space - 2500 square feet- Lamaha and Carmichael Street. Call 225-8915 (office). -bedroom apartment at La Parfaite Harmonie, WBD Tel. 694-7817, 668-0306. : New modem 5-storey building for sale or rent. Studio apartments. Tel. 2260025, 648-3171.  for decent working girls or students. 670-2653, 6181706.  3 bedroom fully furnished top flat at Da Silva Street, Newtown. Tel. 227-5871, Sheila Singh.         f o r r e n t from January 1, 2014, walking distance to UG. Call 2226708.  room and apartment $3 000, $4 000, $5 000, $6 000 daily. Call Julian 638-4505, 225-4709.  and bar available from January 1, 2014, UG Road, also area for any kind of business. Call 623-3404.  furnished top flat in Kitty, 2 bedrooms $75 000. Call 6004343 for more details. No agents.  flat 3-bedroom, Parking Shell Road and Lamaha Streets Kitty $80 000 month. 677-2732. : Unfurnished two-bedroom executive apartment with all conveniences, Price $60 000. Tel. 642-0636.

place, Garnett Street: Price $50 000, beauty salon, internet café, boutique. Tel. 642-0636.  Unfurnished three-bedroom executive apartments with all conveniences. Tel. 225-0545.  (1 self-contained) apartment hot and cold, AC, etc. Price $90 000. Location Mon Repos ECD. Tel. 618-0626..  property semi-furnished in Waterloo Street near Lamaha Street, US$850 monthly. Phone 645-0133, during office hours.  (3) bedroom middle flat, fully furnished and fully grilled long term or short term. 225-0071, 674-7420.  BEDROOM apartment at Da Silva Street $70 000. Tel. 610-2021, 629-4337. furnished two bedroom executive apartment with all conveniences. Tel. 642-0636.  unfurnished three bedroom executive apartment with all conveniences. Tel. 225-0545.  for overseas visitors, US$30 per day. Tel. 6506231, 697-0480.  built apartment, $50 000 per month. Tel. 6506231, 697-0480.   bedroom concrete bottom flat EBD, inside toilet & bath, telephone, parking. Decent working couple. 648-3342, 668-5384.  bedroom Furnished apartment with AC Hot & Cold shower and internet. $25 US Daily 231-6061/621-1524.  room and apartment $3 000, $4 000, $5 000, $6 000 daily. Call Julian 638-4505, 225-4709. -bedroom apartment at La Parfaite Harmonie, WBD Tel. 694-7817, 668-0306.  (1) semi-furnished apartment in Subryanville, available immediately, price US$900 per month. Tel. 664-5322.  two-bedroom apartment at 27 Hugh Ghanie Park, Cummings Lodge, ECD. Tel. 674-2639.  REPOS: 2-bedroom house, upstairs inside toilet and bath, parking $50 000 monthly. Tel. 613-4536. -free executive office space in the heart of Georgetown, with lots of parking available. Call 609-3899, 225-6370.  ground floor 104 feet x 26 feet, located on South Road, between Camp and Alexander Street. Contact 626-6909, 642-7963.  located 2bedroom upper flat, suitable for residence or business, -$60 000 neg. Tel. 227-1871, 646-293. -bedroom fully furnished flat, Queenstown US$1500 Wills Realty - 227-2612, 223-1877, 6278314, 655-0755.  apartment from US$500, US$800, US$1000, $US1200 and upwards. 226-1064, 669-3350. apartment, fully furnished long-term or short-term, 115 Thomas Street, Kitty, Georgetown. 225-0071, 674-7420. -bedroom bottom flat with hall at Kersaint Park, L.B.I., East Coast Demerara. Tel. 2205516.  2-bedroom, semi-furnished, middle income apartment, Golden Grove ECD. Call 600-5550, 623-5550.  from overseas, also interior, 4 hours, 6 hours etc - furnished apartment, 227-4792, 656-9894.

24 24 TO LET  business place as a going concern on Sheriff Street, Campbellville. Call owner for sale on 682-7733, 225-6433.  room and apartment $3 000, $4 000, $ 5 0 0 0 , $ 6 0 0 0 d a i l y. C a l l Julian - 638-4505, 2254709.  Air (one-bedroom apartment) $80 000, Kitty (one-bedroom apartment) $60 000, Campbellville $100 000 etc Diana 227-2256, 626-9382.  - 3 Bedroom house, fully grilled etc. Price $35,000 monthly.   with bottom, fully furnished, 2 bedrooms, toilet, bath. Unfurnished bottom 2 bedrooms, toilet, bath at Chateau Margot ECD. Tel. 660-0943.  furnished 2-bedroom apartment in South, TV, AC, hot and cold, US$60 per day. Tel. 689-5877 Sisher Car Rental $6 000 per day.  2-bedroom upper flat, western side of McDoom Public Road $45 000 monthly. Married couple preferred. Tel. 653-7654.  2-bedroom top flat and 1-bedroom bottom flat apartment, long- and short-term and for overseas guests. Duncan Street. Contact 645-0787.  Street, Bourda: Fully furnished two-bedroom upper flat with AC, internet, hot and cold, all inclusive US$35 daily. Rate neg, for monthly visiting. Phone 623-9308, 2275852.  Store, secure ground floor 60'x10,' suitable for electronic, cell phone, computer, general or Jewellery store . Mr. Paul 231-9181, 626-1150, 118 Regent & Alexander Streets.  super convenient garden flat all amenities fully furnished US$550 available from December 18, 2013. Call 641-4664, 225-7211.  space on Charlotte St, middle flat. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546, 623-7805. : furnished 4-bedroom $125 000. Contact Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 223-6218, 226-5546, 227-2487, 623-7805.  with bottom, fully furnished, 2 bedrooms, toilet, bath. Unfurnished bottom 2 bedrooms, toilet, bath at Chateau Margot ECD. Tel. 660-0943.  Springs 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms unfurnished, selfcontained master room, enclosed garage US$1000 neg. Contact Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 2236218, 227-2487, 226-5546, 6237805.  Air Park: Newly built, fully furnished 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms, parking US$2500. Contact Pete's Real Estate 2269951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 2236218, 623-7805.  Nagar 2-storey 3bedroom unfurnished, parking US$1200. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 2265546, 227-2487, 623-7805.  Park: 2storey, 3 bedrooms, furnished, big yard parking US$1300, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 226-5546, 227-2487, 623-7805. Haven: 2-storey, unfurnished, parking AC, US$2500. Contact Pete's Real Estate 2236218, 226-9951, 226-5546, 2272487, 623-7805.  Barr Street: Upper flat 3-bedroom unfurnished $125 000. Contact Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 223-6218, 623-7805.

TO LET  Garnett Street: 2-storey semi-furnished, 3 bedrooms, parking guard hut US$1500. Contact Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 226-5546, 2236218, 227-2487, 623-7805. - Bottom flat suitable for storage bond size (1160 sq ft). Price $90,000 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.  Gardens E.C.D semi furnished 4 bedroom house Price USD $1400 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  GARDENS- Fully furnished Executive 3 bedroom house. Price USD $1800. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. - Unfurnished 3 bedroom house can be used as office or residence. Price USD $1100. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  E.B.D - brand new executive 5 bedroom house furnished, semi furnished or unfurnished. Price USD $3000 . Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  STREET SECTION K C/VILLE- Unfurnished 3 bedroom house can be rented as office. Price USD $1700. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 6436353.  E.C.D - Unfurnished 2 bedroom bottom flat . Price $45,000.Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  close proximity to Sheriff Street - brand new 3 storey concrete building. Suitable for business, school, residence etc . Price USD $ 12,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.  - 3 storey concrete building suitable for school. Building size 10,250 sq ft. Price USD $4500 neg . Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  newly renovated 3-bedroom, 2 bathrooms, South $120 000 Executive 3- bedroom, Campbellville furnished US$1200. Huge 2-family house, Cummings Lodge a must have US$1500 neg, 2-bedroom furnished, Queenstown US$1200, D\Urban Street needs some repairs $9M. 610-8282, 671-9614.  furnished 2-bedroom apartment located in Bel Air Park US$750. Furnished/ unfurnished newly built 2-bedroom apartment at Eccles $80 000, $100 000. Very spacious unfurnished 3-bedroom at Republic Park US$800. Tel. 621-6888.  - Semifurnished 3 bedroom house with office space on ground floor. Price USD$1350. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. - Furnished 2 bedroom Executive top flat. Price USD $1250. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  NAGAR - furnished 2 bedroom apartments for a single person or couple. Price USD $600. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. - bottom flat suitable for office/residence. Price USD $1200. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 6857887, 643-6353.  5-bedroom concrete house with hot and cold, AC etc. One 3-bedroom apartment with hot and cold, AC and one 2-bedroom apartment with hot and cold, AC etc. Price $200 000, $110 000 and $90 000. Location Mon Repos ECD. Tel. 618-0626.


 ST CHARLESTOWN- 3 storey concrete building for general store/ storage bond. Size 15225 Sq Ft. Price USD $10,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  STREET, ALBERTOWN 3 storey concrete building. Suitable for school, embassy, office complex, call centre, medical complex, etc. Price USD $10,000 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.     - 5 bedroom executive house. Price USD $4500. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. : Blygezight Gardens, large, secure unfurnished house. Price US$1000. Large commercial three-storey concrete building for any business, price neg. Tel. 2254398, 225-3737, 651-7078.  STREET brand new executive offices . Size per unit 1650 sq ft. Price USD $2200 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.   GARDENS - unfurnished 4 bedroom house can be used as office or residence. Price USD $1500 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  GEORGETOWN - office space available suitable for attorney-at-law, lawyers, agents etc. Price USD $900 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. - Furnished 2 bedroom Executive top flat. Price USD $900. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.  wooden house $70,000, Agricola Public Road. 2 bedroom house in Diamond $90,000. Brand new 5 bedroom house in Diamond $200,000, various business space, $100,000 Tel. 216-3120(office), 667-6644. Gardens US$2500, Bel Air Gardens US$1500, Ogle 4-bedroom $120 000, Ogle $80 000, Norton Street $60 000, South Ruimveldt $75 000. 6117004, 680-2596.  $65 000, Campbellville $100 000, Atlantic Gardens US$900, Greenfield Park US$1300. Have properties to let or sell? Then call Diana 227-2256, 626-9382. /executive rental: Wonderful 7-bedroom property for office & residence at Atlantic Ville, East Coast Demerara. Price US$2000. Call Mr Darin 615-0069, 225-2626, 225-5198, 2253069, 225-2709, 231-2064.  Street, Georgetown: 1 large secure bond US$1800, with 3 bedrooms upper flat US$500, Bel Air Park new 2-storey house with 3 apartments ideal for company US$2500 neg. Naresh Persaud 225-9882, 681-2499.  of Eden 1-4 bedroom house on land with lots of fruit trees. 3rd house from Public Road. 90x1, 100 ft 100,000 per month rental. For Sale 36M. 2 bedroom apartment upper flat $ 45,000 575 block X Diamond June 623-1562.  bedroom furnished apartment, telephone, internet, parking, tiled and carpeted floor. Diamond, EBD. Available from January 1, 2014, $60,000 per month. Call: 661-4988 after 5 pm.  3 big bedrooms upstairs -80k, North Ruimveldt 3 bedrooms upstairs -55k, 2 bedrooms down -55k, Nandy Park 3-bedroom house by itself -120k neg, Hadfield St. semi furnished 1 bedroom, light and water included -45k, Paul 655-8361, 699-6811, Fabulous Homes Realty.  2-bedroom very spacious $90 000, furnished 1- 2-, & 3-bedroom, including AC, internet, parking, pool US$500, US$600, US$700. Very exquisite. Contact Alexander Pereira - 6690943 Email

TO LET  have a variety of Residential and Commercial Properties and vehicles for sale/rent on the Essequibo Coast. [Wharf, gas station, houses, lands etc] Contact: Miss Manman for more information on 617-4252/ 447960814858 e m a i l r. m a n m a n _ g y @ y a h o o . c o . u k Price: Negotiable. World #1 Realtor Mist e r Te r ry Redford Reid 667 78 1 2 , 2 25 - 6 8 5 8 , 2 2 5 - 7 1 6 4 , 2 2 6 - 1 0 6 4 , 2 2 5 - 2626, 2312068, 619-7945. Ha ve the executive rental reduced by 35%, Prashad Nagar US$1000, Jacaranda Ave. Bel Air Park U S $ 2 0 0 0 , B a r ima Ave Bel A i r Park US$1 8 0 0 , B e l A i r S p r i n g s US$1000, large bond for rental office small form US$375, 10 000 sq ft office space for technologybusiness, Lam a h a G a r d e n s U S $ 1 5 0 0 , Lama Ave, Bel Air Park US$180 0 , B e l A i r P a r k o n t he round about US$1000, Prashad Nagar US$1500, land from $11 million, riverside land hotels w i t h US$35 000 month rental a nd of fice s p a c e US$40 000 month propertie s from $14 million. 22 5 - 2626, 225-5198, 2261064, 623-2591, 6693 3 5 0             B S c h a s more than 20,000 hrs in Real Estate Investment and Economic Transformation of People Economic Gr o w t h . W e h a ve rental from US$1500, in Bel Air Park, ambassador's residence in University Gardens Le Resouvenir, Lama Ave with pool, Jacaranda Ave. with large lawns US$2000, Prashad Nagar US$1000, apt. from U S $ 7 0 0 , b o n d 8 0 0 0 sq ft, small and large office space up to 15000 sq foot; stateoftheart hotel and office complex with income o f US$40 000 monthly; 2 acres of land in the city for hotel, and any complex Main Street 2 ½ acres US$5M, Water Stre e t 4 a cres for hotel, hotel on 5 acres of land overlooking t h e s e a U S $ 5 M ; another overl o o k i n g the sea U S $ 1 . 5 M , income US$15000; riverside land resident ial land at LBI - $10M; Republic Park $8M, Dia m ond $ 7 M , Sec. 'K' $20 M , B e l A ir Park $ 2 5 M , G a r nett double lot $42M, Phone 225-2626, 231-2064, 2252709, 226-1064, 227-6949, 227-6863, 667-7812. 619-7945.  have rental from US$800 in    beautiful 2-storey concrete property, 4 self-contained rooms, large den, large living room, family room, television room, beautiful kitchen, fully air conditioned, hot and cold facilities, land space. Price US$2500, unfurnished.    2-storey concrete property, master room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, family room, den, verandah, hot and cold facilities, semi-furnished, security cameras, land space US$1500.    2-storey concrete property, fully air conditioned 3 bedrooms, un f u r nished US$2000, (neg).   2-storey concrete property large living a r e a , 4 s elf-contained rooms hot a n d c o l d f a c i l i t i e s , g e n erator, unfurnished US$1500 neg.   middle floor suitable for business $175 00 0 . : Beautiful 2storey concrete property in perfect condition, 4 bedrooms, hot and cold facilities, master room, family room, den, air-conditioned, parking space for vehicle US$2500. Do call u s o n Te l . 2 2 5 - 6858, 225-7164, 688-1885 Call Terrence 667-7812. We are situated at 247 'D' Forshaw &Oronoque Sts. Queenstown. Street, Kitty: 3-bedroom front house, 1 self-contained room, tub, washroom, hot and cold, 2 washrooms, 2 AC, ceiling fans in all rooms, breezy verandah and all rooms beautifuly lacquered fully grilled, private driveway for 3 vehicles. Suitable for foreigners. Call 225-3262, 678-6948.

TO LET  & HOUSES, ECCLES: 3- and 2-bedroom unfurnished top $100 000, and bottom $80 000 or whole house, REPUBLIC GARDENS: well-appointed furnished house. OGLE: 2-bedroom unfurnished, AC $120 000, KITTY: 2-bedroom unfurnished $85 000.      floor 3 420 sq. ft, residence/office 3 rooms, complete kitchen and water system, compound fully secured, three-bedroom fully furnished executive property in gated community, property with four self-contained bedrooms in gated community, four-bedroom fully furnished house, top flat for office with two offices and open space, fully secured, four-bedroom house, fully furnished in residential area, three-floor building for residence or office, studio apartment fully furnished, office space 900 sq. ft, South Cummingsburg two-bedroom, fully furnished 1st and 2nd floors of building. Wills Realty 2272612, 223-1877, 627-8314, 6550755, Email          S p a c i o us upper flat, 3 bedrooms, unfurnished, big yard, parking $120 000. Eccles, new apartment building, quiet area, 2-bedroom, unfurnished, parking $120 000. Subryanville, quiet and residential area, beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean, 2-storey concrete, semi-furnished, 4 bedrooms, 2 self-contained study room, guest suite, walk-in pantry, spacious patio, security hut, maid's quarters, AC< parking US$2500, Eccles, residential area, 2-storey unfurnished 3 bedrooms upstairs, automatic garage, AC, parking US$2500, Campbellville, bottom flat, 2-bedroom unfurnished $60 000. Nandy Park, bottom flat 2 bedroom unfurnished $65 000. Lamaha Gardens, beautiful semi-furnished property, 3 bedrooms, large back patio, garage yard space US$1800, Greenfield Park gated community, 2-storey furnished, 3 bedroom, big yard large patio, US$1300. Lamaha Gardens, quiet and secure 2-storey unfurnished 3 bedrooms, back patio, yard space AC US$1500, Happy Acres, 2storey apartment building, 3 bedrooms each, fully furnished, parking US$1500 each. Call Pete's Real Estate Lot 2 George Street, W/Rust. 227-2487, 226-5546, 2269951, 223-6218.


 house (100x50). Serious enquiries only. Tel. 670-8958. 2-storey concrete house in Grove, fully tiled, 3 bedrooms upstairs. 628-2330.  wooden building, Agricola Public Road $9M neg. Land with foundation $6.8M Tel. 216-3120(office), 667-6644.  house and land at Good Hope New Scheme, E.C.D. Price $18M. Tel. 6179372.         concrete 2-bedroom West Ruimveldt, requires repairs - 225-5198, 226-1064, 231-2064, 227-6863, 227-6949, 225-2626.  new concrete twostorey, Kitty property, vacant. $36M, Mr Boodram 692-3831, Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 623-2591.  2-flat concrete house at 30 Fort Street Kingston, 3 bedrooms top flat, kitchen and garage. Price neg. Call 225-2902, 673-1095. Real Estate and Apartments: Enterprise lot with house $6M, La Parfaite Harmonie $3.5M. 628-1567, 628-5738. : $35M Church St. $75M, D\Urban St. $50M, Guysuco Gardens, New Haven, Lamaha Gardens, Bel air Park. TEL  

PROPERTY FOR SALE  concrete 2-bedroom house located in Charity, Essequibo Coast $7M. Tel. 653-4947.  concrete building at Chateau Margo,t ECD $32M. Tel. 661-9431.  City: one wooden house, needs a little repairs, selling price$16.5M. Call 225-7173, cell 684-4194.  Gardens New Housing Scheme Gated community situated in Peter's Hall District, East Bank Demerara.  are in place. Interested persons are asked to make contact at our office: 225-1787 or 672-7189  concrete building bordered by 3 Main Streets in central Georgetown. Ideal for offices, school, bond, etc., 4 flats 130ft x 35 ft each, land 250ft x 50 ft. 227-0190, 693-5610. sale! Republic Park $80M neg, $60M neg. $55M neg, D\Urban Street $25M neg. Regent St. - $2.5MUS neg. Contact 665-7946.  large executive concrete building with two self-contained bedroom. Vacant possession. Tel. 225-0545. large concrete and wooden building with four self-contained bedroom. Vacant possession. Tel. 642-0636. two-storey property situated at Lusignan Highway ECD, $28M neg. Call 225-4359, 6233443. No agents.  on double lot in Republic Park $40M, 2-storey concrete and wooden building with going business $60M, Ogle $45M. Call 645-5938.  Air $60M neg, Section 'K' Campbellville $38M, $45M, Diamond $10M, Little Diamond $15M, Eccles $40M. Tel. 6117004, 680-2596.  Two-bedroom executive concrete flat building with yard space. Price $9M. Tel. 6420636. : Alberttown - old building on land $14M, Saffon Street large ongoing business for sale. Price neg. Tel. 225-4398, 225-3737, 651-7078.  One large concrete and wooden building with four self-contained bedrooms. Vacant possession. Tel. 642-0636.  Peter Rose Street: Large concrete and wooden building with four self-contained bedrooms. Vacant possession. Tel. 2250545. : Fully furnished 5-bedroom house, all rooms self-contained, modern facilities including generator. Beautiful landscape in gated community. Tel: 592-624-8704, 592-6849203. B Grant's Scheme, Craig, E.B.D. 3-room flat concrete garage, water trestle -$13 million neg. No Agents. Tel. 266-2779 after 6:00pm.  concrete building with land, suitable for business can also be converted into home, located at Better Hope ECD. Tel. 601-9297, 616-8193.

GUYANA CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2013 GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013 2013 PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTYFORSALE  four-storey building, recently constructed, suitable for mall, office complex etc in South Georgetown $85M. Wills Realty - 227-2612, 223-1877, 6278314, 655-0755.

 2-storey, 4bedroom $12M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 2269951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805.      , St a t i o n St r e e t : Beautiful 2-storey concrete, 2family 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 downstairs $55M, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 2272487, 226-5546, 623-7805  Repos 2-storey furnished, 3 bedrooms, master room, self-contained, business downstairs, furnished restaurant and pools hall, one-bedroom self-contained apartment separate in same yard $43M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805.  residential area: 2storey concrete 3 bedrooms upstairs two 2-bedroom apartments downstairs $35M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 227-2487, 226-9951, 226-5546, 623-7805.

Grove: 2-family, 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 downstairs $10M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 2265546, 623-7805. : Near Harbour Bridge on Public Road old wooden building on land 38'x90'.Price 26M, Concrete two-storey building in Diamond EBD 30M. Tel. 225-4398, 225-3737, 651-7078.

 Park: Quiet and secure, area 2-storey concrete 13 bedrooms $35M yard space. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 226-5546, 227-2487, 623-7805.  flat concrete house 3 bedrooms $11M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 2269951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 6237805.  PAREIL: 2-storey 3bedroom yard space $13M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 223-6218, 2265545, 227-2487, 623-805. , Samatta Point: 2storey concrete 4 bedrooms upstairs, 2 apartments downstairs $27M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 226-5546, 227-2487, 623-7805.  Beautiful 2-storey concrete 2-family furnished 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 downstairs, parking $60M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 226-5546, 226-9951, 2236218, 227-2487, 623-7805.  property in Bent St - $16.5M, Phone Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 226-1064, 618-0000, Mr Pereira 6232591, 225-2626. 225-5198, 231-2064, 226-1064.

DOOR ZEE: Flat concrete 3-bedroom, needs internal works $8M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 2265546, 623-7805. : 2-storey concrete, 2-family, 2 bedrooms upstairs, 1 downstairs $12M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805.


: Campbellville twostorey concrete building $50M, Atlantic Ville furnished two-storey building with generator, overlooking Atlantic Ocean $55M. Tel. 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078.

 STREET, CHARLESTOWN - 2 family wooden and concrete house, 3 bedrooms upper and 2 bedrooms lower. Price reduced to $11.5 million for quick sale. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

- Investment property on corner. Suitable for business, apartment complex, hotel or dream house etc. Land size 6500 Sq Ft.Price $85 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.

 close proximity to Sheriff Street - brand new 3 storey concrete Investment Property. Suitable for business, school, residence etc. Price USD $ 1. 4 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643- 6353.

STREET - close proximity to Bourda. Investment properties. Price $ 180 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 6657400, 685-7887, 6436353.

 Diamond EBD two storey concrete building three bedrooms top, 3 bedrooms bottom price $32 million. Covent Gardens on Public Road, $38 million. Tel. #: 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078.  E.C.D 2 family concrete house upper flat 3 bedroom lower flat 2 bedroom price $56 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.  E.B.D- brand new Executive concrete house, upper flat 4 bedroom and lower flat 2 apartments Price $53 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. : beautiful 2storey concrete newly built, furnished with modern amenities, 3 self-contained bedrooms fully tiled $35M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 223-6218, 2272487, 226-5546, 623-7805.  BACKLANDS - 3 bedroom flat house on corner lot, repairs needed Price $14 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 6857887, 643-6353. W.B.D- brand new 5 bedroom executive house with extra house lot. Price $70 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  ROAD KITTY: two family concrete property suitable for business Price $45million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  REPOS E.C.D- Modern 4 bedroom concrete property inclusive of 1 master room. Price $35 million neg .Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  E.B.D- Modern 2 family concrete house. Price $35 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

 William St - $30M, land sixe 100x50 - 669-3350, 6232591, 226-1064, 225-2626, 2255198, 225-3068, 231-2064, 2276949, 227-6368, 225-2709. : Three bedroom concrete building 28M; Diamond concrete and wooden two-storey building - 16M; Guyhoc Park - two-storey concrete and wooden building- 11M. Tel # 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078.

 NAGAR- Investment property. 3 bedroom upper flat and 2bedroom lower flat. Price reduced to $56.5 million for quick sale . Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353

 and Bar Cody's Place 345 East and Middle Streets, North Cummingsburg, For sale by owner only. Tel. 656-9835, 908-456-6683.

 STREET C/ VILLE- concrete building on double lot. Price $60 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353

: Grove EBD - Large concrete three-storey building with going hardware store and bond. Price $100M. Tel. 225-4398, 2253737, 651-7078.

- Investment property on corner. Suitable for business, apartment complex, hotel or dream house etc. Land size 6500 Sq Ft.Price $85 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

: Sandy Babb Street business property 2-storey concrete with land space. Price $70M. Plantain Walk, Vreed-en-Hoop, Public Road nice spot for business, $35M. Tel. 225-4398, 225-3737, 6517078.



OF CANAAN- 4 bedroom concrete house just off the public road. Price $17.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

: Providence - just off public road, corner lot with two concrete buildings with good land space. Price $40M. Tel. 225-4398, 225-3737, 651-7078.

 Gardens, Residential area: 2-storey concrete 4bedroom, 2 self-contained, fully furnished, hot and cold, AC, $45M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 2272487, 226-5546, 623-7805.


 STREET - close proximity to Bourda. Investment properties. Price $ 180 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

 BABB STREET KITTY - 2 storey wooden and concrete Income Property. Price $64 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

 STREET, ALBERTOWN - 3 storey concrete investment property. Suitable for school, embassy, office complex etc. Price $160 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

 3 storey Investment Property. Currently renting as apartments and offices. Price $100,000,000 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.

 STREEET 2 storey wooden and concrete back building with 7 ft drive way. Suitable for office/residence. Price $23 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

 PARK E.C.D - 2 family wooden and concrete Income Property. Price $35 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.

 $25M, 18 acres land on highway $20M, East Coast $11M, Alberttown $31M, South, Duncan Street (land) $33M, East Bank $13M, Quamina Street 80x100 $75M. Dian 227-2256, 626-9382.

 ROAD - brand new 3 storey concrete building with roof garden. Currently renting as hotel and bar. Price $115,000,000 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. E.C.D 2 family concrete house upper flat 3 bedroom lower flat 2 bedroom price $56 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  E.B.D- brand new Executive concrete house, upper flat 4 bedroom and lower flat 2 apartments Price $53 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.  BACKLANDS - 3 bedroom flat house on corner lot, repairs needed Price $14 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 6857887, 643-6353. W.B.D- brand new 5 bedroom executive house with extra house lot. Price $70 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  ROAD KITTY: two family concrete property suitable for business Price $45million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 6657400, 685-7887, 6436353.  REPOS E.C.D- Modern 4 bedroom concrete property inclusive of 1 master room. Price $35 million neg .Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  E.B.D- Modern 2 family concrete house. Price $35 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. -storey building with driveway in Light Street $12M. Call Mr Boodram 225-2626, 225-3068, 225-5198, 227-6949, 2261064, 231-2064, 623-2591, 692-3831.

 concrete 2-flat house at 47 Happy Acres ECD, fully furnished. 3 bedrooms top flat, hot and cold bath, big yard space. Call 225-2902, 673-1095..

 OF CANAAN- 4 bedroom concrete house just off the public road. Price $17.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

 and Land for Sale Two Storyed Wooden and Concrete House, Sixth Street Alberttown Georgetown. $35 Million Dollars Negotiable. Contact: Mr. George Teekah Tel: 231-6278 Or Dr: Thasana Teekah Tel: 626-0993

 STREET, ALBERTOWN - 3 storey concrete investment property. Suitable for school, embassy, office complex etc. Price $160 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

 NAGAR- Investment property. 3 bedroom upper flat and 2bedroom lower flat. Price reduced to $56.5 million for quick sale . Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353

 Strathspey ECD: Flat three-bedroom concrete building $6M, Eccles two corner spots, concrete buildings $25M, Canal No. 2 two-storey 4-bedroom concrete building on 9 acres of land $25M, Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078.

 STREEET 2 storey wooden and concrete back building with 7 ft drive way. Suitable for office/residence. Price $23 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

 STREET C/ VILLE- concrete building on double lot. Price $60 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353

 STREET, CHARLESTOWN - 2 family wooden and concrete house, 3 bedrooms upper and 2 bedrooms lower. Price reduced to $11.5 million for quick sale. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  close proximity to Sheriff Street - brand new 3 storey concrete Investment Property. Suitable for business, school, residence etc. Price USD $ 1. 4 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643- 6353.  3 storey Investment Property. Currently renting as apartments and offices. Price $100,000,000 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.  PARK E.C.D - 2 family wooden and concrete Income Property. Price $35 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.  ROAD - brand new 3 storey concrete building with roof garden. Currently renting as hotel and bar. Price $115,000,000 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  Subryanville ocean view property, $120 million, Campbellville two storey concrete building $45 million, Atlantic Ville overlooking the Atlantic ocean two storey concrete building with all furnishings, fittings generator, etc $62 million. Tel. #: 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078.  Mahaica house and land (6 acres) $9 million, Little Diamond BD two storey concrete building, $13 million, Dazzle Housing Scheme, EBD concrete building and two lots $14 million. Tel. #: 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078.  South Ruimveldt 5 bedroom concrete building $30 million, Eccles concrete two storey building, $26 million, Grove EBD new concrete building $35 million, Mon Repos two storey concrete building, $28 million. Tel. #: 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078. Canal No. 2 Polder four bedroom building on 9 acres land part cultivated price, $24 million, Good Fortune WBD house and land $25 mill i o n . Te l . # : 2 2 5 - 3 7 3 7 , 2 2 5 4398, 651-7078.  Home Int'l Queenstown $13M, Queen Street Kitty $25M neg, Shell Road $20M neg, Cemetery Road $12M, Greenheart St $21M, Hibiscus St $19M, Diamond $22M, Grove $13M, Land Grove $3M, $6M, Diamond $4M, etc,. Contact Theresa 648-6033.

PROPERTYFORSALE  BABB STREET KITTY - 2 storey wooden and concrete Income Property. Price $64 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.  residential and business property in D'Urban Street close to Mandela Avenue for Christmas giveaway. Land in Da Silva Street 140 x 40 for $18M neg. Call Lady Jones 227-6863, 225-2626, 225-3068, 225-5198, 231-2064, Mr Budram, 692-3831.       Road La Penit e n c e $ 11 M , P i k e St , K i t t y $22M, Diamond EBD $22M neg, Guyana Variety Store and Nut Centre US$1.2M neg, West Ruimveldt $8M. Call Corretta. Tel. 697-7842, 671-6653, 2317052. are ) DECEMBER bargains: Sec. 'K' $23 million, Meadow Brook $28M, and $35M, Kitty $23, Alberttown concrete massive for hotel $45M, Bel Air Park in great condition $52M, HappyAcres executive $58M, Alberttown $30M, Sec. 'M' Campbellville $34M now, Phone 225-2626, 2255198, 227-6863, 227-6449, 2252709, 231-2064, 226-1064, 6677 8 1 2 1 spacious modern 3-bedroom concrete house, 3 master rooms, guest room, AC, generator, separate caretaker's apartment plus 2bedroom flat concrete house, fully fenced in concrete, lots of fruit trees on 3 acres of land. Ideally built for a Hindu family. Price US$550 000 neg. Naresh Persaud. 225-9882, 681-2499.  Marketing and Rea l t y. K I T T Y$ 17M , $32M&$35M, Good Hope $15.5M, Garnett St $31M, SEC K C/ville 4 bedroom self-contained $44M, Carmichael Street 2 storey back house $22.5M, Montrose $16M, Mon Repos Block CC $22M, $10.5M & $9M, Ganges St. P/ Nagar - 5 Bedroom $58M, Granville Park $31M, Lusignan business property $13M, Durban St $21M, Ogle A/Strip Road $55M, Better Hope Pub Rd $37M, Cummings St $37M, New Market St $55M, Ea s t St $ 6 0 M , Happy Acres $30M, North Road $70M, Bel/ A/Park $60M, P/Nagar $28M, L/Gardens $75M,Regent St. $1.2MUS. Diamond - 2nd Ave, 5 B e d r o o m $ 3 8 M . Tel. 2194399, 610-8332  Marketing and Realty. Middleton St C/VILL E 5 bedroom self-contained back house 15ft driveway $28M, Kitty business property $44M, LBI Embankment $24M, Good Hope P/Rd (land 280x 1 4 0 ) $ 90 M , Sheriff & Enachu Sts. $75M, Vlissengen Rd. (land) $75M, $110M, $140M, Sherrif St, $50M, S o u t h Ruimveldt $16M, Diamond $9M,$12M, $22M, East R/ veldt $10.5M, Eccles $30M, $34M, A/town $36M,Triumph $14M, Agriculture Road, Triumph $20M, Sheriff St. $150M, Subryanville $58M, Brickdam $100M, Ogle brand new 2-storey, 5 bedroom house $80M, Lamaha St, Queenstown, 3-storey, corner proprty $85M. Tel. 219-4399, 6108332  Marketing and Realty. Good Hope PUBLIC Road East Coast (land 675 x 92) $150M, Agriculture Rd, Triumph (land 600 x 45 ft) $14M, Chimney Road, Chateau Margot - (4 bedroom self cont) $29M, Atlantic Ville 5 bedroom self contained $53M, Diamond 2nd Ave- 5 Bedroom $40M,Queenstown 5 bedroom self-contained (back lot 80x60) $48M, Oleander Gdns $40M,Alberttown, Republic Park $40M, 6th St, $52M, L/Gardens $55M, Atlantic Ga r d e n s $ 45M , D u n c a n S t $ 30 M , A l e x a n d e r S t $ 50M, Robb St $60M,Barr St $65M, Earl's Court $35M, Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Queenstown $70M, South Road $85M. Republic Gdns Land (100x100) $24M. Tel. 219-4399, 6108332.

26 26 PROPERTYFORSALE  executive property in Lamaha Gardens, 4 bedrooms, patio, AC, hot and cold, all international facilities in Lamaha Gardens $70M. Phone Mr Darindra 615-0069, Mr.Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Mrs Hercules 661-1952, 619-0000, Mr Budram 692-3831, Mr Alex Pereira 231-2064, 225-2626, 226-1064, 225-3068.  modern Pike North Ruimveldt ranch with master room $17M, Meadow Brook Gardens $35M, Tucville concrete new $27M, Providence $25M, new ranch $13M, Bel Air Park $45M, Prashad Nagar $37M, Duncan St. $23M, Sec. 'M' Campbellville requires repairs $14M, D'Urban St. $15M, Bent St. business residence. Phone Lord Johnny Ramsohoye 225-2709, 618-0000, 227-6949, 225-2626, 2261064, 22 7 - 6 9 4 9 , 2 2 5 - 5 1 9 8 .    property in Independence Boulevard La Penitence $7M giveaway, own leaving before Christmas. Phone 226-1064/692-3831/6232591/615-0069/225-2626.        TEL. 227-0265, 227-1881, 629-5178 Norton Street, Carmichael Street, North Ruimveldt, Bel Air Park, South Ruimveldt, Continental Park, Craig, Republic Park, Diamond, Thomas Street business spot, Robb Street business spot, D\Urban Street business spot. LAND Friendship size 115 x 450 (wharf side) $65M, Meadow Brook Gardens $8.5M, Non Pareil.  Leonora WBD large newly constructed concrete building on end land, all room self contained $50 million, Vreed-en-Hoop Public Road two storey, concrete and wooden building lots of land space, nice for auto sales, price $38 million. Tel. #: 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078.  Dowding twostorey concrete building with driveway $17M Lodge Scheme $14M, Meadow Brook Scheme old house $1.5M, Bent Street business and residence $17.5M. All vacant for Christmas. Phone Mr Alex Pereira, Mr Ramsohoye 618-0000, Mr Budram 6923831, Mrs Hercules 661-1952, 225-2626, 615-0069, 2255198, 227-6949, 623-2591, 669-3350, 226-1064, 2312064, 225-3068.

PROPERTYFORSALE   on all properties for this summer only. UG Gardens $140M, Republic Park $30M, Nandy Park 4 apartments $32M, Middle Road La Penitence land size 140 x 60 $17M, second Street Alberttown business and residence $45M, 5th St. Alberttown massive concrete $48M, Eccles $14M, Kitty Sandy Babb St. two properties on double lot $38M, Lamaha St Queenstown apartment complex $58M. Phone Vice President 231-2064, 2253068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 2276949, 225-2626. built two flat concrete building at Diamond New Scheme. The upstairs consists of two self-contained bedrooms with bu i l t - i n c l o s e t s , a s p a c i o u s kitchen, dining and living rooms along with a large verandah at the back. The lower flat has a two-bedroom apartment and a large area that could be used as a bond or for any business. The yard has a concrete fence with spikes and razor wire above it. There is also a laundry and a generator room downstairs along with a fully tiled carport. A complete water supply is available including six tanks and pump. Asking price: $42M. Interested persons can contact owner at 693 2531.  b a r g a i n s Norton Street - $14M, Bent Street business and residence - $16M, executive Prashad Nagar mansion double lot - $85M, 8 apt. apartment complex was - $120M, now - $85M, Sec. 'K' Campbellville - $23M, Alberttown concrete 5 bedrooms - $46M, other for - $19M, and - $30M, South Ruimveldt Gardens - $19M, Festival City - $14M Charlotte Street business and residence by Bourda Market $26M, Cummings Street - $34M, Meadow Brook - $28M, D'Urban Street for double lot for 5-storey $25M, Phone Lord Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, 227-6949, 225-2709, 231-2064, 227-6863, 226-1064, 227-6863, 2 2 5 5198, 667-7812  Homes International Realty: Coldingen $14M neg, Rasville $14M neg, Enmore $8M neg, Campbellville $15M neg, Diamond 2 for 1 deal $15M neg, Cove and John 2 homes 5 bedrooms $12M, 4-bedroom $10M, McDoom Solid concrete $20M, North Ruimveldt 7-bedroom fixer upper, Nismes $6.5M, La Parfaite Harmonie $8.5M, 6-bedroom apartment (4 2-br, 2 1-br) only $21M neg), corner lot 89x80 Albouystown. Ready to go now! And many more, call Ahaziah 613-3018

 Lot Village, West Coast Berbice. Vacant lots from  - $+5M and lots with newly completed houses from . 2-, 3and 4-bedroom homes close to race track, seashore, schools, supermarke t , churches, gas station, shops etc.      : m o n t h l y, q u a r t e r l y o r h a l f -yearly instalments. Roads, water, electricity, phone. Regency Homes 232-0107, 610-0956.

P for sale by bid. Contact Pete's Real Estate Lot 2 George Street, Werk-en-Rust Georgetown 223-6218, 2269951, 227-5546, 623-7805 Lot 65 3½ Mile, Housing Scheme, Bartica, 1 flat concrete building, 3 bedrooms. Lot 110E Elizabeth Hall, Enterprise, ECD 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms. Lot 76 3½ Mile Hou s i n g Scheme, Bartica, 1 flat concrete building, Lot 214 La Parfaite Harmonie, WBD, 2-store concrete needs internal repairs. Lot 577 Section 'C' Sophia, 1 flat concrete structure. Lot 101 Blankenburg, WCD, 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms. Lot 43 Sans Souci, Wakenaam, 2-storey wooden building.

 us at Raphael's Realty, 204 Charlotte St. Bourda Tel. 225-8241, 227-4950 after hrs 226-7829 fax 227-1537. Timehri hotel $60M, executive Ogle $100M, $115M, $170M, Diamond $21.5M, $26M, Queenstown $65M, $75M, $120M, Kitty $60M, LBI $43M, Versailles $25M, Westminster WBD $24M, Republic Park $ 4 0 M , N a n d y Park $40M , South R o a d . 3 - s t o r e y b u i l d ing. $220M, B r i c k dam $180M, Hop e E C D $ 2 5 M , L a m a h a G a r d e n s $125M, $200M, Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Louisa Row $44M, L amaha St Alberttown $85M, Subry a n v i l l e $ 5 0 0 M . L A N D for sale La Grange $3M, S m y t h S t . $ 6 0 M , Bel Air (ECD) $42M.

: One fivebedroom two-family property on 50 x 80 land fully furnished, four bedrooms, fully f u r nished, property in residential area, one four-storey building comprising 7 rooms, 5 self-contained. Six-bedroom, two-family property, top flat furnished in residential area, one furnished hotel with restaurant, dining area and b a r, two 2 flat buildings on 50x80, one two-flat concrete and wooden building with derelict building aback on 31 x 118 ft, four-bedroom property (2 master rooms) on large land in residential area, one 3-bedroom concrete and wooden property on 50 x 80 ft land. Wills Realty 227-2612, 223-1877, 627-8314, 655-0755.



  on all properties for this summer only. Sale! Sale! Sale! Business property immediately: East of Orange Walk in Charlotte Street $28M, 3-storey business property in Croal Street requires repairs $32M, Bent Street almost new 2-storey business property $!6M, South Ruimveldt Gardens residence $16M, Ogle fully concrete new $49M, Tucvile new $26M, Prashad Nagar executive $55M, Bel Air Park $55M, Kitty business or residence requires repairs, on 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, Forshaw old ho u s e $21M, 3-storey business close to Main Street $55M, Meadow Brook $45M, fully co n c r e t e D ' U r b a n B acklands $30M, New S e c t i o n 'K' $42M, Lamaha Gardens executive $68M, one ranchstyle Section 'M' 3-bedroom suites for elderly $50M, fully concrete with excellent interior work, Bel Air Gardens $130M 231-2064, 225-3068, 2276863, 226-1064, 227-6949,

 set model D 343, 250 kva, 3 Ph, 415-240, 220/127v, AC 60 Hz. Call 2270190, 693-5610, 616-9727.

PROPERTYFORSALE  location  Street, Kingston opposite the American Embassy. One (1) huge four storey concrete and steel building, 2 bedrooms on each flat, AC< hot water, refrigerator and stove one ach floor and fully furnished, generator. Can be used for embassy, office, apartments or residence. Price $180M. Property being sold with all equipment and furnishings inclusive. Serious enquiries 223-8634, 646-3251, 227-0464'        Bargains in Guyana: Full concrete D'Urban Street business $19M, business and residence Bent Street 16M, Gordon Street business & residence $23M. Waterloo Street business and residence ( n e w ) $ 3 5 M . S o u t h R o a d L a n d $36M, Charlotte Street 2 buildings 2 houses by Light $32M. Land 140 x 60 by Russian E mbassy $30M. Land at Turkeyen 140x60 $32M. L0 Ressovenure Land 126x60 $20M. Campbellville flat house needs repairs $13M. Section K $19M needs repa i r s , 3 - s t o r e y Q u a m i n a S t r e e t for ho tel US$599 000, Bel Air Park $49M Lamaha Gardens valued $85M now $70M. Rental of apartments from US$7 0 0 , R e s i dence US$1 200 upwards. Phone Lord Patr ick Pereira 227-6863, 225-2709, 227-6949, 226-1064, 669-3350. 7 days a week tony r e i d s r e a l t y @ h o t m a i l . c o m Sam's Real Estate and Property Management has the best deals on properties this Christmas: Alberttown (land) $35M, Tucville $30M, South Ruimveldt Park $21M, $25M, $32M, Continental Park $60M neg, West Ruimveldt $15M, Leonora $40M neg, Camp Street $38M, Shell Road Kitty $16M, Grove (land) $8M, Diamond (land) $4.5M, Non Pareil $13M neg, Punt Trench, La Penitence $12M neg, Camp St. $38M, Shell Road Kitty $16M, Grove (land) $8M, Diamond (land) $4.5M, Non Pareil $13M neg, Campbellville $40M neg, Prashad Nagar $80M, $65M Section 'K' Campbellville $45M neg, Lanaha Gardens $65M, Plaisance (land) $7.8M neg, Land of Canaan $16M, Charlotte St (land) $40M, Rentals Duncan St. US$600, Atlantic Gardens US$3000 (furnished), Kitty US$500, Republic Park US$1200, D\Urban St US$700, Call us now on 6977842, 671-6653, 231-7052.  concrete Section 'K' $44M, 7apartment William St. concrete building reduced from $60M to $50M, Kitty house requires. repair on 8 000 sq. ft $19M, Middle Road La Penitence $16.5M, almost Regent and Oronoque St. $36M, Charlotte Street East of Orange Walk $28M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $66M, Meadow Brook concrete $45M, executive Republic Park $48M, Lamaha Gardens 3 self-contained $70M, Prashad Nagar 6-bedroom $58M, business 3-storey Quamina Street $85M, Bel Air Gardens on double lot $140M, Subryanville $58M, Alberttown concrete business $40M, New Haven 4 self-contained $80M, 3-bedroom new concrete Ogle $48M, Bel Air Park $52M, Croal St. 3-storey require repairs $30M, 4 lots in AA Eccles with incompl e t e c a t h e d r a l - s t y l e structure requires $20M to complete, plus reserve and place for lake $90M neg. , Mr. Darendra 615-0069, Vice Presiednt Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Vice President Jhonny Ramsahoye 2252709, Vice President Darindra 615-0069, 2252626, 225-3068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 6677812, facebook Tony Reid Realty 7 days a week 24 hours a day all holidays and all prices are negotiable.  3-storey concrete building, Price $100M.   property in good condition. Price $18M.       beautiful 2-storey concrete property 3 self-contained, 1 master, library, television room, living room, upstairs back verandah, downstairs den, fully marble stone tile, family room patio, garage parking space, for 3 cars, needs cosmetics, land space Price $90M,Ogle beautiful property $90M,  $36M neg,    $120M beautiful home excellent condition in  $55M neg, Queenstown property $100M. Do call us at Joy Reid's Realty. We are located at 247(D) Forshaw and Oronoque Streets, Queenstown. Tel. 225-6858, 225-7164, 6677812, email:

 backhoe 3 CX, caterpillar backhoe, 10-ton toad roller, portable welder on wheels. Call 623-3404.  quality 16" Michelin (German) tyres with new American-made rims, 16" 5-hole $320 000. Tel. 626-0595, 670-4161.  table, imported and local and accessories such as cues, balls, cloth, rubber, spot chalk, etc. Tel. 609-3311, 614-4841, 2204298.  Huskey air compressor, 60 gallons $200 000 also Trek and GMC American bicycles. 668-7805.

 180-90 4x4 tractor, Fiat 110-90 4x4 tractor, Ford 7740 4WD tractors, 416 Caterpillar 4x4 L/backhoe, Cherry picker lifts 45ft, . Tel 666-2518, 671-1809, 639-2789, 666-2518.



 mixed. 625-0345. Te l :

and pitbull

 & plucked chicken. 650-4421, 220-9203.

    Projector, 1 receiver amplifier. Contact 642-0078.  WATER: DRINK EVER PURE WATER, DELIVERY. Call 442-1952, 442-1656.  Frost free commercial upright freezer $90 000. Contact 622-9589.  Cadence G5.9 Threadmill $90 000. Contact 6229589.  freezers for sale. Sizes from 8x8 to 10x15. Contact # 223-7975, 666-2276. -AN ATV's Evinrude, Seadoo Jet Ski, new household appliances. 26-0025, 648-3171.  mobile canteen two stoves, sink etc, 1 PS3 with games. Tel. 6602880, 621-5514. -old pit bull for sale, 148 Shell Road, Kitty. Call 2270740.              165 KVA generator with very low hours. 6562350. MICHELIN tyres for sale, like new, great price. Call 611-5414.  Hymac, foreign-used 3400 cc 5VZ V6 engine, 10-ton TK dump truck. 621-4862.  welder/generator 6cylinder gas. Price $675 000 neg. Tel. 226-5999, 619-2525.  room chairs: $30 000, and one long carpet. Tel. 223-4649, 668-5449, 223-5033.  equipment: I BK pressure fire. Tel. 642-9974, Rabin  ENGINE 1 Yamaha 4-stroke 75 Hp. Tel. 6429974 Rabin.    sound system: over 20 pieces to go, price negotiable. Tel. 227-0761, 610-4515.  Terrier: 10 weeks old, fully vaccinated, and dewormed. Tel. 617-9476, 660-4003.

 circular saw, DeWalt miter saw winches, 16 light chandelier sets, 1 Dunlop CBR front tyre 120/70 ZR 17, 1 Deep cut band saw, two foreignused six-cylinder engines. Call 673-9501.  new queen size spring-filled mattress with box spring $125 000, brand new RCA LED TV 32" $75 000, vehicle dashboard video recorder camera $25 000, brand new. 6217728, 609-7257.  phones accessories with warranty, wholesale, and retail unbeatable prices: screen protector, charger, ear phones, batteries, cases, memory cards, flash drive, etc. Contact 649-5232.  Hymac: Brazilian, MF 290; Ford 6600 tractor; 24 disc tatu chipper; 20 disc tatu chipper; 28 disc Baldan Rome plough; 3 disc, MF plough; one irrigation pump; one cyl, 6Hp Lister. Tel. 676-6630, 616-9402.  110 volts energy saver, 13 watts bright like 60 watts; we give warranty $500 each wholesale; we also have beautiful LED lights. Check us out at Azelea Store, 111 Regent Road, Bourda. Call 623-0290 or 619-7211.


 & Ranjah Import and Export. For all genuine truck parts and accessories new and used for Leyland, DAF, ERF Bedford Model M and TM etc from the UK, also foreign used Cummins and Perkins engine from the UK We currently have transfer boxes (power box) for 6x6 TM. Tel. 592-660-9152, 592-610-2873.


, paints, paints: top brands American and Canadian made paint for concrete, wood, metal, floor, ceiling, and anti rust. Starting from $1 900 up per gal. Contact 623-0290 or 270-4650.

360 new model with games and one Beats by Dre Studios head phone (over ears). Brand new at affordable prices. Phone 671-3320, 690-2739.  cell phone, 9650 model, Blackberry Bold excellent condition (like new) $12,000. 624-6464, 675-3062. Keith.  Galaxy Tab 3 (2013 Edition) and Beats by Dre Studios (over-ear) headphones. Very affordable prices. 6713320, 690-2739.

OWL 8 channel surveillance camera systems with 8 out door/indoor cameras (30 feet clear night vision), DVR with 500 GB hard drive, all cables and power adaptors, remote, mouse, and software CD, internet ready with motion detection email alert. $150 000. Contact 689-1957. ASCO200ampsand100amps automatic change-over switch, 2 New Q see bullet 1080 TV lines camera, 1 Speco technologies 1080 TV lines, HD Dome camera, 1 Bosch 16-channel DVR 600 series. Tel. 694-7817, 612-1351.

 new, light blue fibreglass bath tub US-made $40 000, 2 hot and cold water sinks with fittings UK-made $10 000 each. Owner migrating 6165340.   terrier and French poodle, mixed with Tibetan terrier puppies. Contact Miss Burke on 223-6463, 6168005, 661-1720.  ball guns, balls and accessories. Alpha black, Tippman Project Salvo, Kingman MRX S p y d e r, Sp y d e r stormer. Call 670-9606.  (England) 1000 series, diesel engine generator, 4-cylinder, complete with radiator (without battery). Price $800 000. Tel. 226-5999, 619-2525.  online vehicles, Iphones, Ipads, Galaxy S4 laptops, Tablets, clothing, footwear, cosmetics. Send link: 6262771.  Ferguson parts, Perkins engines, tractor's complete front, gear box, square back leg and many more Bedford 330 and 500 engine, spring, gear box and many more. Tel. 339-3608.  deals on all gent's sketchers and Go walk ladies, gents. Sizes available. Tel. 675-6723 (using Duncan St, third building in Middleton Street Campbellville. 8 Channels video Security kit, with 500 GB Hard Drive and 8 Night Vision Cameras. Viewable on Smartphones and tablets, Motion activated recording; contact: 6229589. , diesel 10 KVA Lister Petter superduty quiet, digital, portable. Ramroop Furniture Store, Lombard Street, Georgetown. 612-8879, 678-2918.

 Ruckus, Apple Laptop/Ipads, Crown/QSC Amps, drive racks, Celestion/RCF speakers, projectors, Iphone 5/55, Canon,/Nikon SLR cameras, Bluray Players, jugglers, mixers, PS3 Wii. Tel. 226-6432, 623-2477.  clothing, designer brands such as Jessica Howard, Jessica Simpson, Vince Camuto etc from $1 000 - $12 000. Retail as well as wholesale, 126 Thomas St,, Kitty between Alexander and Lamaha Streets. Tel. 680-2177.  opened Azelea top brand Store at 111 Regent Road, Bourda, Georgetown. We have Aeropostal, American Eagle, Calvin Klein, Hollister, Guess, Abercombe and Fitch, American exchange, H.M., Forever 21, Nike, Addias, Lockers, etc.; original brands at unbeatable prices. Contact 619-7211.

27 27






 Rover County, 4 cylinders, Turbo 4x4. Diesel (very economical) $3.5M, Mitsubishi Canter 1.5-ton box truck (hardly driven) $3.5M, Mitsubishi Lancer, 2004 Model $1.2M, Mitsubishi Shogun just finished 50 000 miles $5.8M All vehicles are in excellent condition. Inspect before you buy. Contact 227-2174, 226-0351, 2277865

 for office: Paper cutter guillotine hand type 18x30 USmade $10 000, 1 set office wall divider UK-made to set up two to three offices with glass door $40 000, office paper shredder 110V fully automatic to destroy documents $10 000, Whirlpool dehumidifier on wheels 110v for office, home or patio, filters clean air $15 000, large new APC smart uninterruptable power supply 120 vac along with all fittings and new laptop and manuals, CD instructions $90 000, 10 large flat screen computer monitors 60 Hz 110v $15 000 each 14'x16', 10-surge protector and battery back ups ES 750, 120v, 60Hz, $10 000 each, 2 large automatic voltage regulator, stabiliser 110-240v input 110-240 output AR 2000 - $12 000, and A$ 3000 $15 000 with breaker protection, large wooden writing desk 5 drawer $10 000, Avanti hot and cold water dispenser with cup storage at the bottom and 5-gal bottle 110v $20 000 new model, hardly used. Owner leaving 6165340.

 ITEMS large flat screen TVs, Ice cream maker in box, wares, floral arrangements, universal six holes custom chrome wheels brand new 305x40x22 fits all 4x4, guard grill for 4x4 e n g i n e s , S o n y c o m p u t e r, body building creative powders, steel grills for windows and doors, large complete standing unit with glass shelves (Food warmers) with 8/9 stainless steel pans, with burners and all fittings suitable for canteen, snackette, restaurant, 100 lbs cylinders new designers clothing and accessories, brand new polorised Oakley sun glasses, brand name colognes, inflatable new sturdy big chair bed, inf latable mattress, writing desk, cocktail and centre tables, karaoke player in box, decorative standing floral arrangements stands, wardrobes, large stainless steel fridge Frigidaire with ice maker, computer desk, Panasonic stereo complete with subwoofer and speakers, large carpets, industrial standing fans (110 volts), ice box, much more all items in excellent condition. 223-1885, 642-3722

 G-Touring Wagon AC, mags, music, roof rack, alarm. Tel. 618-8040.

 212 motor cars, AT 192 motorcar, RZ minibus, EFI L-base. Phone 268-3953, 638-5301. All in excellent condition.

  radiators for 6- or 4cylinder (1) red engine 2 x 2-1/2 ft in good condition $50 000 excellent. Large commercial vacuum cleaner 120v, 60 Hz, 10 A, stainless steel, on trolley for car wash or industrial purposes, Hp 4.2 shop vac, wet/dry $60 000, 4 new 650-16 tyres Goodyear nylon 10-ply rating $21,000 each, 5 used mag rims for Toyota Land Cruiser 5-hole, 17 tyre $120 000. Owner leaving 616-5340.   16-cylinder Cummins e n g i n e O n a n 1 2 5 0 K VA c o i l (1.2 megawatts), 3 Phase 440 volts, 1,242 hours, 1992 model, 12,000 volt transf o r m e r, manual transfer switch, 8 distribution panels, m a i n s w i t c h f o r t r a n s f o r m e r. Price G$15.5M (neg.), one new diesel generator 20 KVA key start, $250 000 neg. Ideal for interior or farm. Contact Rajesh - 614-8960 Guyana, Tr i n i d a d : 0 0 11 - 8 6 8 - 2 9 7 - 4 8 2 3 (anytime).


 Daf truck with hyab. Tel.. 626-5706.

  large table lamps antique with shade 110v $15 000, toaster oven with glass door 110v$4 000, coffee percolator with glass mug 110v $4 000, antique half round small table and antique stool $15 000, Milkshake machine 3-speed, 3-pint cup stainless steel good for home or business 110v (Hamilton Beach) made $20 000, new 4-speed Premium blender with large mug 110v $5 000. Owner leaving 675-8008. -by-side large refrigerator and freezer hardly used 110v good condition $180 000, 32-inch Sony TV, coloured curved screen 110v with remote $50 000, Inverter 140-watt power invertors DC 12 volt to 110 volts with fuse system $20 000, Detecto scale large for measuring height and weight of patient, good for doctor\s clinic or any medical organisation, UK-made $45 000. Owner migrating 675-8008.

  Daf hauler truck. 656-2350.    Tundra in excellent condition. 623-1355.  Silver Honda CRV PMM series, year 2001, $3M neg. Tel. 641-5670, 677-7666. Hilux Surf Extra Cab 5L diesel pickup -excellent condition. 656-2350.  booms long and short for CAT 3IL and 320 machines. 656-2350.  and mirrors foreign-used, screw on antenna, Japanese-made for all types of vehicles also rear view mirrors original, 192, 212 Honda and many more. $6 000 per pair and antenna $5 000. Tel. 616-5340.

 new catridges and Hp ink in box, cheap. Owners leaving 2 Xerox ink cartridges 113R 634 $30 000 each, 5 Xerox ink cartridges 113R 321 $30 000 each, 8 Hp Laser Jet ink cartridges 98X 92298S, 3 Hp Laser Jet ink cartridges 13X $6 000 each, 4 Hp Laser Jet ink coloured cartridges 4193A $5 000 each, 3 Canon cartridges NPG H toner $4 000 each. All prices are neg. Owner migrating 616-5340.  equipment: 1 used Xerox work centre photocopy machine with scanning kit, all cards, manual CD available with machine, excellent condition, hardly used, also spare ink available $325 000. 4 Printers Laser Jet Hp 4200N, 4300 series $30 000, 2420 - $10 000, Hp Laser Jet $20 000 and Lexmark 253 $6 000. All 110v and in good condition. Owner leaving 6165340.  heavy duty Kolbe German made band saw 4340 MM to 450 MM model B 63, 240, 208 and 440 volts 50/60 Hz could also tilt the table. Large De Walt industrial cross and rip saw on large metal table, could move in any direction with 4 foot original, 208, 240 and 440v, 50/60 Hz, 2825 to 3425 RPM 3Hp motor, sliding on arm adjustable to tilt or turn to any direction, 12-inch disc sander for sanding edge of any furniture 110240, electric Mac tool brand parts washer 110v with 25-gal drum that holds wash fluid at the bottom and square metal bin 2ft by 3 ½ ft at the top with cover to wash engine parts, etc All machines are working. Make an offer for 1 or the lot. Owner leaving 614-9432.

 10-seater bus, BMM 1832 in perfect condition. Tel. 614-2878. Hilux Surf 4-Runner, AC, CD player in excellent condition $3.95M. Tel. 225-8761, 6009568.     RR 600 motorcycle, like brand new. Contact 682-0384.  Raum, PNN series, AC, music, Alarm. Lady-driven. Price $1.7M neg. Tel. 696-4695.   bus 3Y engine, PJJ series; 1 Hilux Surf 4x4 3Y engine, PHH series. Call 610-0514.   Carina; AE 100 Corolla. Contact City Taxi Service 660-1100.  Axio $2 850, Spacio PRR series $2.1M, CRV PJJ $1.7M. 697-0294.  RAV-4 2002 model, PNN series. Contact owner on. 6507875. Serious enquiries only.  RX8 leather interior, fog lights, spoiler, 18-inch alloy rims, $1.8M neg. Tel. 220-0170.  Wing Road 2005 model, PRR series, fully loaded. 645-6966.

 dish for communication or TV station or anything that you want to set up. 50 pieces of 10 feet dish width at $100 000 complete each, 10 pieces central air conditioner units large 240v complete with motor $50 000 each, large fuel tank metal on stand with gauge 2000 gallon $60 000, large Kholer generator housing to keep noise low while generator working $50 000, 10 sturdy metal cages with door to secure air conditioner units, water pumps, etc.Could place a lock on door for security purposes $15 000 each, 2 large 2400 BTU air conditioner evaporator complete wall unit 240v $50 000 each with all brackets complete. Owner leaving. 6758008.

   PNN series, very good condition. Call 6179507.  F150 1994 model, GKK series, new pressure plate, clutch plate, clutch cylinders, battery, all documents current. $750 000. Contact 689-1957.                    Ceres AE 100 good working condition, reasonable offer accepted. Tel. 601-0225.  AT 192 excellent condition with mag rims and CD. Price neg. 642-4408, 220-4748. AT 212 new model, AC, alarm, mags. Tel. 625-7416, 2278659.

Starlet EP 82, PGG 5751 Call Timothy 642-6628, or Mark 618-8696. Price $500 000 neg.    3, excellent condition, owner migrating. Contact 677-1940, 621-4601.  model Raum in excellent condition. Price $1.7M neg. Tel. 625-6397.   minibus in excellent condition with mags and music. Tel. 625-6397. Price $1M neg.  212 new model car, in excellent condition with AC and music. Price $1.3M neg. Tel. 6256397.  double cab Nissan Pickup $700 000 neg. Tel. 2330591, 667-6644, 216-3120(office).  170 Carina, automatic, good condition. Any reasonable offer, $450 000 and above. Call 619-1047, 672-6670, 6047232.

 Toyota four-runner, excellent condition, leather interior, fully loaded, left hand drive. low mileage. Price neg, Tel. 6238103, 623-8104. Rav-4, pearl white, late PMM series, fully loaded, excellent condition, under 80 000 km. Call 6245331.   Carina mags, CD, AC, Toyota Raum, Toyota NZE and Toyota Runx. All in excellent condition. Tel. 650-4200, 656-7900.  212 Carina, old and new models, in excellent condition with AC,<CD and mags. Price $1.175M and $1.35M neg. Phone 628-1682.  RZ minibus in excellent condition in Berbice, rims, music, etc. Contact 326-0971, 649-0950.  Toyota Camry in excellent condition, mags, music, AC, alarm etc. Price neg. Tel. 6800212, 218-5515.

 Nissan Titan, GMM series, $2M neg, one Toyota Extra Cab Hilux, 3 VZ (V6) winch, steel rims, ideal for off road. Tel. 685-5100.               , open and enclosed canter trucks with lift, and 4x4 Super cab pick up 61 Dennis St., Campbellville. 227-0190, 693-5610, 6169727.   Fielder, PNN 8657, brand new tires, rims, shocks, and lift kit, $2.0M neg. Tel. 266-2779, 661-3353.    Wagon, PKK series, $1 050 000, 4 BF Goodrich mud terrain tyres 33x10.50x15, 95% thread $220 000. Contact 223-8780, 669-3741.  Tacoma 2011 4x2 automatic fully loaded, excellent condition. Extended cab. Price neg. Tel. 671-8883, 6969529, 669-1113 .  Tacoma 2008, 4x4, TRD fully loaded automatic, dark blue colour, with cargo high top.Extended cab. Tel. 671-8883, 696-9529,6691113.  Ta c o m a 4 x 4 , TRD 2005, automatic cherry red, excellent condition fully loaded.Extended cab. Price n e g . Te l . 6 7 1 - 8 8 8 3 , 6 9 6 9529,669-1113.  off wharf, two To y o ta P r e m i o $ 1 2 . 5 M , $2.6M, two Allion $2.4M, $2.5M. All unregistered. Prices neg. 622-5534.  unregistered, 1 Allion registered, all excellent condition. Contact Leonard 226-9316, 617-1505, 6738451.  Carina Wagon backwheel drive. Price $600 000 neg. Tel. 626-7979. series Super GL minibus, fully loaded in excellent condition, VVTI engine. Tel. 628-0513, 611-9336.  TO GO! 2005 Mitsubishi Lancer motor car, alloy wheels, CD player, alarm, low mileage. Price $1.95M neg. Contact Fazela Auto Sales - 2690210, 625-6833, 628-4179.

   Hilux fuse double cab Vigo, fully loaded, crash bar and roof rack, etc in excellent condition. Call 600-5550, 623-5550.  ACE small bus excellent condition, complete music system, sold separately. Call 616-5622, 666-2744. Owner leaving country. , Premio, NZE Corolla, Allex, AT 212, 192, Carina, IST, AT 110 Sprinter, Corolla Pickup RR 650, Honda, Raum, Pajero JR. Amar 621-6037.  -$1.4M, 2004 Mercedes E Class -$5.3M, 2004 Subaru WRX -$3.5M.   kits $18 000, car alarm -$7000, Sony CD deck -$25 000, FM transmitter -$6500. 698-7104.  cargo van to be registered in 'G', 2004 Toyota I S T, 2 0 0 6 & 2 0 0 2 To y o t a Tacoma, All unregistered, private seller.   192, 17-inch rims, Pioneer sound system, alarm in box, brand new. Never worked hire, PKK, buy and drive $950 000. 616-6130.  Mitsubishi Galant $1.5M negotiable, good condition, bought from Mitsubishi dealer, original owner. Contact 671-6296 or 624-4388  pick-up $1.5M, Toyota Tundra $1.75M, Toyota Carina AT 212, new model $1.45M neg. Call John 609-1740.  Ninja 600cc silver Suzuki 2009 250cc. Both bikes excellent condition. Have 4 000 km each, unregistered. Make offer. 223-1885, 642-3722.  Sera sports car, mags, fully powered, new shocks and struts, Honda Fit end of PNN mags, fully powered, great on gasolene. 223-1885, 642-3722.  Tundra 2005, bubble tray with hard cover with rims, leather, interior, 4-wheel drive. Clean & excellent condition. Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306, 685-2099.  Mazda RX8 6-port 6speed manual,, body kit, immaculate condition $1.9M, one Kawasaki Ninja 636 206 model in excellent condition CF 6979 $1.4M neg. Tel. 685-5100.

 GNN series, lift hand drive, extra cab Hilux in good working condition. 2222394.

  ! (2) 2002 Toyota Regius, colour Black, two-tone with wood panel (13) seats; Alloys, Navi, CD, fog lights and AC and more, price $2.2M. Tel. 624-5617

  Hiace BRR1, RZ Super Custom Hiace, PKK. both excellent condition, never worked hire. Tel. 612-1718, home 325-3057.

 Price Auto Sale.s Tel. # 254-0441, 650-1369, 619-2431 Toyota Wills, Spacio, Premio, Fielder - Options: low mileage, TV, CD, radio, Alloy wheels, rear Spoiler.

VEHICLES FOR SALE  3 ton and 2 ton canters, one Chevy Blayer, 2 - 2" chrome, music, one H3 stone crusher, beded complete with engine YN 65 - 4 door Solid Deff Hilux. Tel. 616-8193, 601-9297  private Town Ace bus $1.2M, one Toyota Raum 2000 model $1.4M, one Mercedes Benz Smart $2.5M, one Honda Zest Sport unregistered $2M. Contact Peter 664-2100, 260-4323.  Nissan Rasheen, Year 2000, PNN series - shaped featured a small Hummer. In good working condition, Fully loaded, AC, Alloy Wheel, Cd and Flash drive etc. Interested persons kindly contact - Tell# 645 6828.  T/ Tacoma, four cylinders, 44 000 miles, sun roof, manual transmission, 4x4, 4WD, TRD package, tray cover, bedliner, tow package, step-up rails, very clean, fully powered, sturdy, excellent condition. 223-1885, 642-3722.  hard-to-get vehicle parts including windscreen, computer box, doors, lights, engines, front half, back half, mirrors, etc for Toyota, Nissan, BMW, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Honda Isuzu, Fuzo, etc. at unbeatable prices. Contact Tel. 645-7800, 001-597-866-6358. 'S Auto Sales, Lot 2 George Street Werk-en-Rust back of Camp and Brickdam church. We buy and sell used vehicles, we also trading yours for another, RZ buses, Tundra, CRV, RAV-4, Premo, Allion, NZE, AT 212, Spacio, Vios. We have all models of used vehicles - 231-3690, 649-0329, David.  & Ranjah Import and Export. For all genuine truck parts and accessories new and used for Leyland, DAF, ERF Bedford Model M and TM etc from the UK, also foreign used Cummins and Perkins engine from the UK We currently have transfer boxes (power box) for 6x6 TM. Tel. 592-660-9152, 592610-2873.               TEL. 629-5178, 223-8655. We buy and sell used cars and trade in your car for another. All prices are negotiable USED RZ Bus $850 000, Ranger Rover Des 5L Eng Solid Diff $5M, Land Cruiser $4M, Honda Accord $1M, 318 BMW $2.9M, Nadia 41.7M, Toyota Gaia (7seater) $1.7M, Allion $2.15M, Lancer $1.2M, Honda Civic $1.2M, Mitsubishi Galant $1.3M, Caldina Wagon 3S Turbo 5-speed manual $2.7M, Mazda Axela $2M, Small bus $1M, AT 192 $850 000, 210 Corolla $1.4M, 212 $1.25M, Vios $1.6M, Raum $1.25M, Primo $2.8M (unregistered) Tundra, bubble back 4-wheel drive $3.4M,Tundra,square back $2.4M,           TEL. 227-0265, 227-1881, 629-5178 We buy and sell used cars and trade in your car for another All prices are negotiable USED RZ bus $850 000, Ranger Rover Des 5L Eng Solid Diff $5M, Land Cruiser $4M, Honda Accord $1M, 318 BMW $2.9M, I-Touring Wagon $1.2M, Nadia $1.7M, Toyota Gaia (7 seater) $1.7M, Vista $900 000, Toyota Wagon Corona $850 000, Allion $2.15M, Lancer $1.2M, Honda Civic $1.2M, Mitsubishi Galant $1.3M, Tacoma Year Model 1998 $2.5M, Caldina Wagon 3S Turbo 5-speed manual $2.7M, Mazda Axela $2M, 100 Corolla $800 000, Small bus $1M, AT 192 $850 000, 210 Corolla $1.4M, 212 $1.25M, Vios $1.6M, Raum $1.25M, Primo $2.8M (unregistered), Tundra Bubble back, 4-wheel drive $3.4M, Tundra square back $2.4M.

Hinds and Walsh on new-look selection panel in Jamaica KINGSTON, Jamaica (CMC) - Former West Indies cricketers Wavell Hinds and Courtney Walsh have been appointed on a new-look national senior selection panel for cricket in Jamaica. Hinds, a former batsman for the regional side has been appointed chairman making the move up from the Under-19 selection panel, with the rest of the panel including Walsh, the fast-bowling great, Delroy Morgan, Wayne Lewis and Cleveland Davidson. “The new board in select-

ing the panel deliberated carefully and in the end we believe what we came up with a good mix,” said Jamaica Cricket Association (JCA) president Wilford Heaven. “We have Morgan coming back to lend his experience, Hinds and Davidson stepping up from their successful stint with the Under-19s, Lewis, who is new, plus Walsh.” Both Walsh, the recently elected JCA second vice-president, and Lewis are serving as national selectors for the first time.

Courtney Walsh

World Champs Windies to face Ireland in Jamaica ST JOHN’S, Antigua – The WICB today announced that defending World T20 Champions West Indies will face Ireland in two T20 Internationals at Sabina Park, Jamaica, in February, 2014. The two teams will also meet in a One-Day International also at the historic venue. The three-match series will be played immediately following the NAGICO Super50 Tournament in Trinidad and Tobago. The Irish will travel directly from Trinidad while the Windies will assemble in Jamaica on Sunday, February 16, to start their preparations. Following the series West Indies will played three ODIs against England at the Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Ground in Antigua (February 28, March 2 and 5) and three T20s at Kensington Oval in Barbados (March 9, 11 and 13). “We are delighted to welcome the Irish Team to play against our Windies in this upcoming series. It comes immediately after the NAGICO Super50 Tournament and will be a great opportunity for the squad to get quality preparation ahead

of the visit by England and before they head off to defend the ICC World T20 title which they won so spectacularly back in October 2012,” said Richard Pybus, the WICB Director of Cricket. “It will also signal the start of the international season in the West Indies and it promises to be a bumper year of cricket for the fans here in the Caribbean. The Windies will have several assignments and we foresee some tough and exciting cricket as we look to build and move up the ICC rankings in all three formats.” SCHEDULES: West Indies vs Ireland at Sabina Park, Jamaica: Wednesday, February 19 - 1st T20 International, Friday, February 21 – 2nd T20 International and Sunday, February 23 - One-Day International West Indies vs England: Tuesday, February 25: England v Vice Chancellor’s XI (venue TBC) At Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Ground, Antigua: Friday, February 28 – 1st

One-Day International, Sunday, March 2 - 2nd One-Day International and Wednesday, March 5 - 3rd One-Day International. Kensington Oval, Barba-

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dos: Sunday, March 9 - 1st T20 International, Tuesday, March 11 - 2nd T20 International and Thursday, March 13 - 3rd T20 International.

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GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

India battle back after South Africa suffer collapse (REUTERS) - A spectacular toporder batting collapse left South Africa floundering on 213 for six on the second day of the first Test against India yesterday. The Proteas slipped from a commanding 130 for one to 146 for six in reply to India’s total of 280 before an unbeaten partnership of 67 between Vernon Philander (48 not out) and Faf du Plessis (17 not out) steadied the innings. They remain 67 runs behind India’s first innings total on a Wanderers wicket that usually quickens on the second and third days, as was the case in the afternoon session when the tourists tore through the home side’s top order. Ishant Sharma (three for 64) and Mohammed Shami (two for 48) were the chief destroyers in a brilliant spell of fast bowling after tea. “Some of the dismissals didn’t have much to do with the pitch but the wicket is offering quite a lot to the seamers, they just have to get the right length,” South African batsman Hashim Amla told reporters. “We are not out of the woods yet but we have started a bit of a recovery. You can see now that 280 is a pretty good total on this wicket, so chasing anything like that in the fourth innings is going to be tough.” The day should have been

better for India but Rohit Sharma dropped a simple chance off du Plessis at second slip off the bowling of Shami with 10 minutes of play remaining. India lost their last five wickets for 16 runs in the morning session and South Africa suffered the same fate in the afternoon. But while it was the Indian tail that were skittled, for the Proteas it was the wickets of Amla, Jacques Kallis, Graeme Smith, JP Duminy and AB de Villiers, with Amla (36) being the first to go as he left a Sharma delivery that nipped back into him and cannoned into the stumps. Kallis fell for a first-ball duck, Sharma trapping him leg-

before-wicket to extend a poor run of form for the 38-year-old, who now averages just six in his last seven innings. Smith batted doggedly for 68 but became India’s third wicket in nine balls when Khan trapped him leg-before-wicket, the 14th time he has got him out in Test matches. Ten minutes earlier South Africa had looked comfortable at the crease but suddenly the Indian quicks appeared unplayable. Duminy scratched around for his two runs before edging Shami to Murali Vijay at first slip. Two balls later the tourists had the prized wicket of de Villiers (13), who was beaten for pace on the quickening wicket

and struck on the pads in front of the wicket. “South Africa are still trailing us by 67 runs,” Indian batsman Ajinkya Rahane said. “We need to continue to bowl well tomorrow and take wickets of their tail. Then we need to bat well because chasing 275 runs on this pitch will be a challenge.” South Africa had run through India’s tail in the morning session with some excellent seam bowling. The tourists resumed on 255 for five, but Philander (four for 61), who took his career tally to 99 Test wickets, and Morne Morkel (three for 34) restricted them to 280 all out, a total that now looks like a good one.

New Zealand name squad for ODI series against West Indies India’s Suresh Rahane is dismissed in the next over in similar fashion, nicking a backof-a-length delivery from an airborne Vernon Philander.

Angry Sammy holds back from blasting Shillingford’s suspension

Darren Sammy HAMILTON, New Zealand procedure in which things are (CMC) - West Indies captain done. I’ve always been one Darren Sammy has stopped who has stuck by the rules. I short of openly criticising the don’t want to find myself in suspension of off-spinner Shane any compromising situation”. Shillingford by the InternationReports from Hamilton, al Cricket Council (ICC). New Zealand, say there is a Sammy has conceded that strong sense that the West Inhe would like to have commentdies feel harshly treated after ed extensively but has held back Shillingford’s whose doosra from direct comments on the and traditional off-spinner were decision to ban Shillingford on found to breach the 15-degree the grounds that his bowling limit laid down by the ICC. action was illegal. Marlon Samuels was al“I’d love to spill my guts lowed to continue his off-break out and say what I have to delivery in international cricket, say,” Sammy said. “No matter but banned from bowling his what the situation there is a quicker balls and coach Ottis

Gibson has said that Shillingford and Samuels will receive the full support of the West Indies Cricket Board. “I would have loved to say a lot of things but I’ve always been a diplomatic guy so won’t take part in that. We all have our personal opinions. Some have voiced it and we’ll just put all our energy into this Test,” said Sammy. “The board, coach and director of cricket at home are going to handle it and I’m backing them to handle it in the best possible way for us as a team and especially for Shilly and Marlon.” It is the second time the Dominican bowler has been suspended from international cricket after a similar suspension in 2010. The WICB is studying the full report before deciding on their next course of action but Gibson has said that work to rehabilitate Shillingford’s bowling will begin in the New Year. “It’s a tough pill to swallow. We all support Shilly as a team. He’s been through that before and hopefully his mental toughness will carry him through,” said Sammy, who along with Shillingford, plays for the Windward Islands in the WICB regional tournaments.

CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand (CMC) - New Zealand have included Jesse Ryder in its one-day squad for the series against West Indies starting on Boxing Day in Auckland. The 29-year-old last played for his country in February 2012 against South Africa and has slowly returned to cricket after being viciously attacked in Christchurch in March. Ryder, who has played 39 ODI matches for New Zealand and has a strike rate of 89.72, has had a successful

return to domestic cricket for his new side the Otago Volts, scoring two centuries and two half-centuries in four Plunket Shield matches. Paceman Tim Southee will miss the first two matches as he is having his big toe treated on Tuesday in Auckland and is expected to return in time for the Queenstown match on New Year’s Day. Auckland’s Martin Guptill returns to the squad after missing the recent tours to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka through injury. Wellington’s Luke Ronchi

will take the wicket-keeping gloves for the five-match ODI Series ending in Hamilton on January 8. The squad for the two ANZ Twenty20 matches, which follow the ODI series, will be named in early January. New Zealand squad to play ODI Series v West Indies: Brendon McCullum, Corey Anderson, Martin Guptill, Mitchell McClenaghan, Nathan McCullum, Kyle Mills, Adam Milne, Colin Munro, James Neesham, Luke Ronchi, Jesse Ryder, Ross Taylor and Kane Williamson.

Ramdin and Chanderpaul revive Windies with record-breaking stand HAMILTON, New Zealand (CMC) - A gallant 200-run partnership between Denesh R amdin and Shivnarine Chanderpaul pulled West Indies out of a spectacular slump on the first day of their third and final Test at Seddon Park Hamilton here yesterday. Ramdin scored his fourth Test hundred and Chanderpaul closed in on his 29th as West Indies recovered from 86 for five after lunch to reach 289 for six, having squandered a solid start of 77 for one in just 34 deliveries, where they lost four wickets for nine runs in less than 30 minutes of typical chaos after lunch. Kraigg Brathwaite and Kieran Powell put on 41 for the first wicket before Powell, on 26, edged Neil Wagner to wicketkeeper BJ Watling. Brathwaite, promoted to play his first Test since 2011 when Darren Bravo was injured during practice, reached 45 before his dismissal soon after lunch which started the top order collapse. But Ramdin and Chander-

paul stunned New Zealand with a sixth-wicket salvage operation that lifted the score to respectability as the West Indies fight to win the Test in a bid to level the three-match series. Ramdin was dismissed just before the close for 107 while Chanderpaul was not out 94, the two sharing a new West Indies sixth-wicket record of 200 for Tests in New Zealand, eclipsing 165 between Gordon Greenidge and Jeff Dujon 26 years ago. Ramdin was dropped twice on 57 and 92 at midwicket and short cover, and Chanderpaul

WEST INDIES 1st innings K. Brathwaite c Williamson b Southee 45 K. Powell c wkpr Watling b Wagner 26 K. Edwards c wkpr Watling b Southee 6 M. Samuels c Williamson b Anderson 0 S. Chanderpaul not out 94 N. Deonarine lbw b Deonarine 2 D. Ramdin c wkpr Watling

escaped with several airy nudges that just beat leg gully. Corey Anderson was the most successful of the New Zealand bowlers with three for 25 off 14 overs and while the host nation is playing the same team that won the second Test inside three days by an innings and 73 runs after the first was drawn, the West Indies made three changes. Sunil Narine replaced spinner Shane Shillingford, who has been suspended for an illegal bowling action, Braithwaite came in for the injured Bravo and Veerasammy Permaul took the place of Shannon Gabriel.

b Anderson 107 D. Sammy not out 0 Extras: (b-2, lb-6, w-1) 9 Total: (for 6 wickets, off 90 overs) 289 Fall of wickets: 1-41, 2-77, 3-78, 4-82, 5-86, 6-286. Bowling: Boult 19-1-67-0; Southee 2 0 - 1 - 5 6 - 2 ; Wa g n e r 2 0 - 4 - 6 6 1; Corey Anderson 14-3-25-3; Williamson 4-0-14-0; Sodhi 130-53-0


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013

GOA gives affiliates early Christmas treat Those who were present included GASA president Dr Karen Pilgrim, GBA president and Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport Steve Ninvalle, AAG president Aubrey Hutson, GCF president Cheryl Thompson, GOA General Secretary and Treasurer Hector Edwards and Garfield Wiltshire, and former GOA General Secretary Ivor

By Michael DaSilva THE GUYANA Olympic Association (GOA) last Wednesday evening gave its affiliates an early Christmas treat at a simple get-together that was held at the Association’s president K. Juman Yassin’s residence. Speaking at the function, Yassin said the cash incentives are a token of appreciation for the work and successes of the GOA’s affiliates during the past year, while he encouraged the Associations to continue to strive for more successes at the regional and international levels. He assured that Guyana will have representatives at the upcoming South American, Pan American and Olympics Games, even as he doled out a total of $4M to the various associations. Those who benefited from the GOA’s coffers are: Athletic Association of Guyana (AAG), Guyana Boxing Association (GBA), Guyana Rug-

Vryman’s Erven training centre donates boxing gear to NOC Some members of the various associations pose with GOA president K. JumanYassin (sitting centre), while on Yassin’s immediate right is Dr Karen Pilgrim and on his left is GBA president Gokarn Ramdhani. Former General Secretary Ivor O’Brien is standing directly behind Yassin (Sonell Nelson photo). by Football Union (GRFU), Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation (GAPF), Guyana

Amateur Swimming Association (GASA), Guyana Hockey Board (GHB), Guyana

Cycling Federation (GCF) and the Guyana Badminton Association.


Stevedore and Queen Street battle for top prize in tomorrow’s final By Calvin Roberts HAVING blasted home a double in his team Queen Street-Tiger Bay’s 4-0 quarterfinal win over Berlin Massive, Deon Alfred returned last Tuesday night and repeated the feat in their semifinal encounter against Hope Street-Tiger Bay, earning them a place in the final of this year’s Guinness ‘Greatest of de Streets’ Futsal football competition at the National Cultural Centre tarmac. Asked to play two matches on the same night once they won the first, Queen Street-Tiger Bay showed that they have the stamina and endurance to do so, even if it was at the expense of their village mates in Hope Street-Tiger Bay whom they defeated 3-1. In the other semifinal matchup, Stevedore Housing Scheme displayed grit, stamina and determination to dispose of Albouystown ‘B’ 5-4 on sudden-death penalty kicks from the halfway mark,

O’Brien. O’Brien, who served the GOA for over two decades, told Chronicle Sport while he is no longer the General Secretary, he advises them on a number of things. Ninvalle gave the vote of thanks on behalf of the recipients and said the timely gesture is a `shot in the arm’ for all the associations.

following a 0-0 result at the end of regulation time, to book a matchup with Queen Street. Alfred scored the first two goals in his double double in the 3rd and 16th minutes of play which together with strikes from Alpha Fletchman (18th) and James Meredith (24th), steered Queen Street-Tiger Bay into the semifinals with a 4-0 win over Berlin Massive. In the second quarterfinal matchup, Dwayne Dickson’s 32-second strike was all Hope Street-Tiger Bay needed to give pre-tournament favourites West Front Road ‘Gold is Money’ their exit ticket out of the tournament. The scoreline was the same when Stevedore faced California Square in the third quarterfinal match of the night, with Quason Winter finding the back of the net in the 5th minute for the victors, before Marlon Nedd scored a brace in the 10th and 23rd minutes of play for Albouystown ‘B’, who came away with a 2-0 win over Island All Stars. The two sides from Tiger

Bay, namely Queen Street and Hope Street had the bad luck of the draw, since they were destined to face each other in the first semifinal. Alfred continued to show his mettle by scoring in all of Queen Street-Tiger Bay’s fixtures. He did not disappoint their fans, as he found the back of the net twice in the 13th and 23rd minutes and along with a solitary strike from Dion Fredericks in the 28th minute, handed Hope Street their marching orders even though Stephan Moore pulled one back for them, one minute before Fredericks’ goal. Semi-final number two was an exciting one, in which both teams displayed stern and stubborn defence to deny each other, sending the fixture into penalty kicks and later sudden-death penalties from the halfway line, in which Stevedore came out on top

and earned the right to meet Queen Street-Tiger Bay in tomorrow night’s final at the National Park, while Hope Street and Albouystown ‘B’ will battle for third. Cash prizes totalling G$1M will be distributed to the various winners, with the top team taking home $500 000, while the second-, thirdand fourth-placed teams take home $300 000, $200 000 and $100 000 respectively along with trophies, while all the teams in the preliminary round will pocket $25 000, $20 000, $15 000 and $10 000 each, according to their placing. Like the previous two years of the tournament, the winners and runners-up will go on to represent Georgetown in the nationwide tournament, whose winner will represent Guyana in next year’s Caribbean ‘Guinness Greatest of the Streets’ Futsal Football competition that is scheduled to be held in Trinidad and Tobago in June.

IN KEEPING with the spirit of sharing and goodwill, the Vryman’s Erven Training Centre in Region 6 presented a quantity of boxing gear to the New Opportunity Corps (NOC) in Region 2. Both of the centres come under the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport training programmes. Assistant Director of Youth, Davanand Ramdatt noted that a survey was done at the NOC to determine how training and the students’ participation in sports and cultural activities can be enhanced at the centre. The survey indicated that the students had interest in participating in boxing. The department has since met with the Deputy Permanent Secretary, Steve Ninvalle and discussed the re-launch of boxing at the NOC and the managers of both of the centres, Mark Dover - NOC and Omeshwar Sirikishun – Vryman’s Erven, expressed satisfaction with the presentation of the items. Ramdatt explained that the NOC has a sports club that was launched about 6 months ago, and the aim is to have youths from the surrounding community go to the NOC for sports activities. This he added will help with the re-integration process. So far the students are strong with cricket, athletics and football and the institution also has a history of producing many athletes and even boxers.

Manager of Vryman’s Erven Omeshwar Sirikishun (3rd from right) presents part of the gear to manager of the New Opportunity Corps (NOC) in Region 2 Mark Dover, while other officials look on appreciatively.

GFA/Banks Beer Knockout Football Tournament

Camptown face Winners Connection; Den CRICKET QUIZ CORNER Amstel tackle Determinators at GFC tonight Compliments of THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market & The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230) & CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 225-6158; 223-6055) Answers to Thursday’s quiz: 187 (Mumbai, 1978-79) Viv Richards and Paul Collingwood Today’s Quiz: How many West Indians have played over 100 Tests to date? Desmond Haynes played 238 ODIs. How many times he copped the ‘Man of the Match Award’? Answers in tomorrow’s issue

By Michael DaSilva SUNBURST CAMPTOWN will face Winners Connection while Den Amstel tackle Mahaica Determinators when action in the Georgetown Football Association (GFA)/ Banks Beer Knockout Football tournament continues this evening at the Georgetown Football Club ground. The two winning teams will advance to the quarterfinal to join Santos and BV/Triumph in that

round, in which all quarterfinalists will receive $250 000 each. Sunburst Camptown reached the second round through an emphatic 10-0 drubbing of Essequibo, while Winners Connection edged Guyana Police Force 2-0 to advance. Den Amstel, on the other hand, edged Silver Shattas 3-2, while Mahaica Determinators needled Riddim Squad 5-4 in a penalty shoot-out after the two teams were locked 1-1 at the end of regulation and

extra time. The quarter-final round begins next Wednesday (Christmas Day) with a double-header that will see the winners of this evening’s game between Sunburst Camptown and Winners Connection come up against Santos and the winners of the Den Amstel/Mahaica Determinators match meet the winners of the Monnederlust versus Slingerz game which will be played on Sunday at the GFC ground. The overall winners of the

tournament will receive $4M while the second-, third- and fourth-place teams will earn $2.5M, $1.5M and $1M respectively. Meanwhile the double-header that was scheduled for the Mackenzie Sports Club ground on Wednesday evening was rescheduled to tomorrow at the same venue, with Net Rockers playing Guyana Defence Force from 18:00hrs and Milerock taking on BK Western Tigers from 20:00hrs.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday December 20, 2013


GCB Senior Chairman of Selectors charges players … Chanderpaul in 37-man to represent country with pride squad, no place for Christian By Calvin Roberts

SENIOR Chairman of Selectors of the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) Rayon Griffith last Wednesday afternoon charged the 37-man squad to represent Guyana with pride, when they go out to do so in next year’s West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) Regional fourday and NAGICO Super50 tournaments. The 34-year-old Griffith, himself a former first class fast bowler, made the charge before announcing the 37-man squad which will go into training as early as next week Saturday and which also includes dependable middle-order batsman Shivnarine Chanderpaul, but has no sign of Derwin Christian. Prior to announcing the squad, Griffith in an invited comment with Chronicle Sport said he saw some good performances from a few players in the just concluded GCB/Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company/Hand-in-Hand-sponsored four-day tournament, who merited selection in the training squad despite the weather playing

abroad and compete. “However, while we will be giving them some early preparation with lots of cricket exercises, matches and game simulations planned, I wish to remind the players that when they go out there, they are competing for Guyana, carrying the Golden Arrowhead on their chest.” He added, “For far too long we have had players who were giving us a show during the encampment period and when they get out there, their attitude and performances are beyond mediocre stage and more likely like ‘I don’t care’ stage and I wish to stamp that out now. As the saying goes, ‘better late than never’.” Quizzed on his thoughts about the just concluded tournament which Berbice won to regain the title they lost to Demerara three years ago, Griffith said the batsmen especially those in the senior bracket lacked application. “Yes we know the weather played a part in the tournament, with even the curators being affected, but even if that is so, some of these guys are semi-professionals and they should have applied themselves more, espe-

Flashback! Well done, Leon: GCB Senior Chairman of Selectors Rayon Griffith (right) presents Senior Cricketer-of-the-Year Leon Johnson with his trophy at the Awards ceremony held two weeks ago. (Photo by Cullen Bess-Nelson) havoc with a few games. “The weather, which we have no control over, played a great part in hampering the tournament and the games were not played in the best of conditions at times especially wicket-wise and to judge the players in such conditions was difficult. “Despite such, with the weather also hampering programmes that were being run by the Georgetown Cricket Association and other associations around Guyana, we did manage to see some creditable performances from a few players, whom I will not mention at this time, but will safely say merited selection in the training squad,” explained Griffith. He said the provisional squad of 37 players was selected as the GCB saw it fit to have both the Regional four-day and NAGICO Super50 units commence training as early as possible, unlike previous years when preparations got started late. “I think we need to give the guys some early and adequate preparation, since this area has always been a humbug with the teams leaving these shores to go

cially the seasoned ones. Who can say it is proper cricket when we have teams being bowled out twice inside two days. “Not taking anything away from the bowlers, especially Devendra Bishoo who took 25 wickets and Amir Khan who was close to that figure, and those other bowlers who stuck to their task well, I feel the batsmen should have done more than what they gave us,” said Griffith. He added, “When you look at the first two rounds, we had a total of six days cricket from both matches, with the first day in the Berbice versus President’s XI game being washed out while Demerara defeated Essequibo inside three days. “For the second round, a combined total of four days and less than three hours of cricket was played, despite the sun being out in all its glory while for the final round the first three days were washed out and even when play was possible on the final day, both sides batting first were bowled out.” He chided the players to get their act together, especially the senior ones, since no player is a

permanent fixture on any team irrespective of his or her status. Meanwhile, among the 37 players who were invited to the trials are Chanderpaul’s eldest son Tagenarine, along with his West Indies Under-19 teammates in Shimron Hetmyer and Gudakesh Motie-Kanhai, Royan Fredericks, Robin Bacchus, Collis Butts, Raun Johnson and Ryan Ramdass.

No place was found for Christian, who earlier this year was replaced by Anthony Bramble in the Guyana team for the final two matches in the Regional four-day and then Super50 tournaments, with Bramble having to compete with Jason Sinclair for the wicket-keeping spot. The 37 players who were called are: Leon Johnson, Devendra Bishoo, Veerasammy

Permaul, Anthony Bramble, Robin Bacchus, Assad Fudadin, Zaheer Mohamed, Royston Crandon, Christopher Barnwell, Shivnarine Chanderpaul, Tagenarine Chanderpaul, Vishal Singh, Ronsford Beaton, Rajiv Ivan, Amir Khan and Ramnaresh Sarwan. Chanderpaul Hemraj, Shaquille Williams, Jonathan Foo, Narsingh Deonarine,

Steven Jacobs, Keon Joseph, Raun Johnson, Jason Sinclair, Paul Wintz, Anthony Adams, Rajendra Chandrika, Gudakesh Motie Kanhai, Shimron Hetmyer, Andre Stoll, Sewnarine Chattergoon, Ryan Ramdass, Trevon Griffith, Chris Pattadin, Royan Fredericks, Totaram Bishun and Collis Butts.


The Chronicle is at

GCB Senior Chairman of Selectors charges players to represent country with pride

… Chanderpaul in 37-man squad, no See Page 31 place for Christian


Stevedore and Queen Street battle for top prize in tomorrow’s final See Page 30

Hope Street-Tiger Bay’s Rensford Coleridge (black bib) protects the ball against this player from Queen Street-Tiger Bay, during their epic semifinal encounter last Tuesday night at the National Cultural Centre tarmac. (Photo by Sonell Nelson)

Ramdin and Chanderpaul revive Windies with record-breaking stand

See Page 29

West Indies wicketkeeper Denesh Ramdin celebrates his ton on the first day of the third Test Dependable West Indies middle order batsman Shivnarine Chanderpaul is a model of concentration as he plays a defensive shot during his unbeaten 94. (Photos courtesy of against New Zealand at Seddon Park, Hamilton.

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