Introducing Java and Key benefits of learning Java Programming

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Introducing Java and Key benefits of learning Java Programming Java is a computer programming language written by James Gosling when he was working at Sun Microsystems along with two of his friends. Initially, it was named Oak programming language. It is being used widely for software program creation and internet applications. As Sun Microsystems was acquired by Oracle, now Java is owned and maintained by them. It is one of the most reliable, secure, and fast languages that are being used for developing several types of programs and applications that are used in a variety of devices, such as game consoles, super scientific computers, smartphones, and more. Key Benefits of learning Java Programming As the scope of Java is wide, there are endless opportunities and benefits that one can gain by learning Java programming. Among the many languages developed so far, every language is contributing to the advancement of one or more specific fields or industries. And, Java programming language has a huge contribution towards the technological advancement that we witness today. Here is a list of some of the benefits of Java: 

Java comprises of incredible tool set that helps the programmer to perform whatever they like to do with it.

Java language is more secure than any other programming language. It was designed from the scratch with security features in mind.

It is accepted all over the world as the easiest language to write code.

It supports international characters.

Java programming is an object oriented language, which has been almost used around quite a long time.

Java documentation and help is available easily. Lots of information which a programmer may need to answer, ask, or index is available perfectly on the internet. So, it becomes seriously difficult to stump with a coding issue related to Java on search engine.


Once a programmer gains proficiency in Java programming, he or she can find tons of opportunity waiting for him or her.


Many distinct sectors embrace the Java language, and certainly they can get placed easily in the job market they prefer to join.


Java at first sight may look daunting, if a programmer learns the basics, he or she can find it easy to cope up with the advanced concepts. The reason behind is Java is a verbose programming language and the code is quite explicit.

Listed above are some of the benefits of the java programming language among many other. So, if you want to choose a better career, learn Java.

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