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Or current resident

Volume 28 No. 4

July-August 2012

The Advocate - A Publication of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference of The United Methodist Church

OIMC Holds 170th Annual Conference Session The smell of cedar for the blessing of a brand new tabernacle at the Southwest Region Center, Anadarko, OK, its dedication and the smudging of those in attendance beginning with the bishop of the Oklahoma Area, Bishop Robert Hayes, Jr., set the tone for the 170th Session of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference annual conference held June 7-10. Bishop Robert E. Hayes, Jr., presiding bishop for the Oklahoma Area, was the preacher for all worship services. With the theme “Renewing Ourselves for Transformation through prayer, proclamation and witness” the opening ceremonies began with the presentation of flags. The American flag which was carried proudly by Mrs. Ramona Gooday, a Marine Veteran from Little Washita UMC and the Christian flag presented by Deacon Mrs. Delana McNac from Haikey Chapel UMC, were followed by the flags of the 39 Federally Recognized Nations of Oklahoma. Also included in the procession were the flags of Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas, the states where the 87 churches and fellowships are located. Serving as worship leader was Marcus Briggs-Cloud, a member of the Miccosukee Creek Nation and member of Norman First American UMC. Fifteen persons who participated in the Lay Missionary Planting Network were recognized and five were deployed during the reading of the appointments Sunday noon. Five ministerial candidates were presented during worship on Friday

Pastors of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference evening and received their appointments on Sunday. A lengthy discussion was held following the recommendation of the course to be taken concerning the Judicial Council’s determination at General Conference that the apportionment formula for missionary conferences that General Council on Finance and Administration has followed was unconstitutional. After having participated in an Act of Repentance to the indigenous persons of the church, the church turns right around and lowers this bombshell on the missionary and language conferences. The conference celebrated the retirement of three clergy with a total of 62 years of service. We once again celebrated our language retention program

with the children on Saturday evening with eight children/youth choirs and two solos. All songs presented were in the participants own tribal language. Certificates of participation were given to the churches that participated and all participants received a $5 gift card from Braum’s Ice Cream. The “Conference Bigheads” were once more victorious over the CCYM Officers in the battle of Family Feud. Also the conference was pleasantly surprised by a visit from the OIMC Blues Brothers (a.k.a. Rev. David Little and Merle Berryhill) who shared their rendition of “This Little Light of Mine.” Offerings received from the three nights of worship totaled $1599.02 and went to support the Native American Children’s

Fund, the Lay Missionary Planting Network and Clinton Indian Church and Community Center. Sunday’s offering went to the host to help with the expense of annual conference. The youth raised little over $500 for YSF through their silent auction, root beer floats, t-shirts and banquet. For those that received an item through the silent auction and may have slipped away before we received your bid, you may submit that to the conference office. Just be sure you indicate that it is for an item received through the silent auction. Nine graduating seniors were recognized during the youth banquet on Saturday. The conference voted to support the resolution that was presented regarding Water Rights. The 2013 budget of $1,059,184 was approved.

South Central Jurisdiction to elect three new bishops

Rev. Dr. David M. Wilson

History could be in the making during the Quadrennial Meeting of the South Central Jurisdiction. Rev. Dr. David M. Wilson, Conference Superintendent, if elected would be the first Bishop elected from the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference as well as the first Native American Bishop of the United Methodist Church. Rev. Wilson, a member of Fife Indian UMC in Muskogee began his ministry as a Sunday School teacher, youth coordinator and Lay Speaker under the guidance of Rev. Lee Chupco. His first appointment was at D.D. Etchieson UMC in Tahlequah where he also started a campus ministry with the Native American students at Northeastern State University. Rev. Wilson has been instrumental in establishing campus ministries on seven college and

university campuses for Native American students. David graduated from Okay High School, received an Associate Degree from Eastern Oklahoma State College in Mass Communications and a B.A. from Oklahoma City University. In 1994 he received his Masters of Divinity from Phillips Theological Seminary in Tulsa and received an honorary doctorate of Humane Letters from Bacone College in 2009. Rev. Wilson has served as an adjunct professor of religion for over twelve years at Oklahoma City University and as adjunct professor at Perkins School of Theology and teaches a Course of Study Program for Perkins. For the past two years he has served as adjunct professor

for Saint Paul School of Theology and is chair of the Native American Advisory Committee for the school. He also serves as a member of the Board of Trustees for Oklahoma City University. David is well qualified to serve as a Bishop in any conference. His knowledge and understanding of the church is immense. He is well known for his leadership not only across the South Central Jurisdiction but also across the denomination. continued on page 2 david The Advocate is published six times a year by the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference of The United Methodist Church. For subscription information, contact the office at 3020 S. Harvey, OKC. OK 73109. Phone: 405-632-2006; Fax: 405632-0209. E-mail:;




Seminary Lite – United Methodist Youth Fellowship Theological Education Conference Wide Youth Camp July 25-29 Thursday’s program will consist of Bible study, crafts, tribal social dances and for the Laity The Southwest Region Youth tribal games Saint Paul School of Theology – Oklahoma City University

The South Central Jurisdiction Conference of the United Methodist Church is fastly approaching and will be held in Oklahoma City, July 18-21! The conference will begin Wednesday evening, July 18 at 7:00 p.m. with Holy Communion and Memorial Service. This service will be held at St. Luke’s UMC, 222 Northwest 15th Street just north of the downtown area. The business will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 19 with an opening devotion followed by the business of the day. Three bishops are to be elected with the first ballot to be taken at approximately 9:00 a.m. Balloting will continue throughout the day until all three have been elected. Business of the conference will continue throughout the day Thursday as well as into the evening and throughout the day Friday. A service honoring the retiring bishops will be held Friday morning. Those retiring include Bishop Anne Sherer-Simpson, Nebraska Conference; Bishop Max Whitfield, Northwest Texas/New Mexico Conference;Bishop William Hutchison, Louisiana Conference; and Bishop Charles Crutchfield, Arkansas Conference. One of the items of interest will be the establishment of a Great Plains Conference which will be the Kansas East, Kansas West and the Nebraska Conferences all coming together as one conference. Friday evening we will celebrate Area Night with traditional dancers, Cherokee National Children’s Choir, Andre Cruz, a mariachi band and will be greeted by Tribal Princesses. The closing plenary will begin at 8:30 and will conclude with the assignment of bishops. Saturday morning July 21 will be the Service of Consecration for the newly elected bishops. This too will be held at St. Luke’s UMC. Everyone is welcome to attend the conference; however there is a cost for the Area Night celebration. Tickets are $30 each and you may register for them on line at and click on 2012 South Central Jurisdiction Conference. In the left column is where you can click on the registration form. This could be a history making conference should Rev. David Wilson be elected bishop. Not only would he be the first elected out of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference but he would also be the first Native American bishop in the United Methodist Church.

Have you ever wondered what pastors learn while they are in seminary? Do you have a longing to go deeper in the study of our Christian faith? Do you understand what God desires from you as a Christian in ministry? Seminary Lite is a program at Saint Paul School of Theology at Oklahoma City University focusing on learning for the laity. Seminary Lite will provide you (as laity) with a deeper knowledge base in subjects pertaining to Christian faith and life, and will allow you to sample the seminary experience. Highlights: * Classes are held on one Saturday a month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with an hour break for lunch in the Oklahoma City University cafeteria. * Qualified professors will instruct all sessions. * You will prepare for the class sessions by reading assigned materials. * You won’t have to worry about tests – because there aren’t any – or written homework. * When lay participants complete all six basic courses, they will receive a certificate from Saint Paul School of Theology. * If you miss a class you may pick it up later as courses are offered on a rotating basis. * You do not have to take all six courses to attend. Take one session or as many as you like. Courses topics for 2012-13. These courses are based upon the same basic courses taken by seminary students. 2012: * Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament September 15, 2012 * Introduction to the New Testament, October 13, 2012 * Introduction to Christian Theology, November 17, 2012 2013: * Introduction to Church History, February 16, 2013 * Introduction to Worship, March 16, 2013 * United Methodist Heritage, April 20, 2013 Elective Course: * The Bible and Preaching – September 15, 2012. Cost for OIMC: No Charge For more information or to register contact: Rachel McClain, 405-208-5757;; or 2501 N Blackwelder, Oklahoma City, OK 73106 This program is endorsed by the Oklahoma Conference Board of Laity.

Coordinators, AJ and Juleen Davilla, have been busily preparing to host the conference wide summer youth camp at the SW Region Center. Registration deadline is postmarked on or before July 9, 2012. Registration cost is $40 and must accompany registration form. Late registrations will be accepted up to one week following the deadline and late registration will be $80. Late Registration will be anything postmarked July 10-16. All registrations are non-refundable. Registration will begin on Wednesday, July 25, at 3:00 p.m., supper will be served and the evening program will consist of a guest speaker, ice breakers and a scavenger hunt.

Friday’s program will consist of a mission project at Petarsy Mission as well as swimming. Saturday will be a mission project at Sherwood Tsotigh UMC, visit to The Holy City in the Wichita Mountains and will conclude with the 3rd Annual Talent Show. Camp will conclude with attending worship at Ware’s Chapel UMC. We welcome the new Northeast Region Youth Coordinators to the wonderful world of youth – Patsy Spottedbird and Rev. Mike Svitak. We look forward to working with them for the next four years!

Leadership within the OIMC for 2013-2016: Conference Secretary – Sunrise Ross Conference Lay Leader – Jim Chalakee Council on Local Church Ministries: Rev. Bernadien Dowdy Diana Fitzpatrick Rev. Donna Pewo Jonathan Clour Carissa O’Dell Jason Eyachabbe Ron Burgess Rev. Edgel Samuel Joyce Deere Lisa Rhoades Tamara Wilson Oneida Wilson Rev. Judy Aaron Council on Finance and Administration: Gloria Spybuck Sue Burgess Kim McKinney Mary Williams Rev. David Little Rev. Bill Foote, Sr. Rev. David Cook Rev. Debbie Humphrey Eva Williams Episcopal Committee: Rev. Nelson Wesley Leslie Barse Clarence Yarholar Rev. Monroe Tsatoke Vinnie Hoover Ron McHenry Sue Burgess Rev. David Wilson Standing Rules/Journal Review: Jeff O’Dell Rev. Robert Simpson Patsy Spottedbird Patty Thompson Campus Ministry Board: Rev. Eli McHenry Rev. Jami Moss Rev Meri Whitker Jalissa Ross Andrew Baer Tabatha Harris

Nominations Committee: Rev. Tim Byington RoyceWittman Vera Wahkinney Tammy White Lynnetta Eyachabbe Rev. David Warden Rev. Margaret Johnson Rev. July Tecumseh Archives and History: Bud Sahmaunt Jeannie Quoetone Gloria Lowe Kenny Sivard Monitor and Review: Ricky Horse Paul Tecumseh Geneva Foote Lola Keeler Board of Ordained Ministry Rev. Julienne Judd Rev. Anna Stilwell Rev. David Dunson Rev. Delana Taylor McNac Sunrise Ross Steve Barse Continuing Education Rev. Anna Stilwell Rev. Margaret Johnson Rev. Mike Svitak Rev. Edgel Samuel Rev. Debbie Humphrey Rev. Bernadine Dowdy

Diana Fitzpatrick, Rev. Donna Pewo, Sunrise Ross

July-August 2012

Advocate - 3

19 Signs of Vital Worship We serve a triune God who is alive and constantly active in mission in our world. Worship can be the vibrant overflow of our discipleship to Jesus Christ. How can you help your congregation offer worship that is fully vital? Vital worship looks, sounds, and even feels different in different contexts because the people who offer it and the gifts they bring are different. But whatever the context or the style, when worship is vital, there is energy and authenticity in what happens. The power of God’s Word touches the hurts and awakens the hopes of real people. Visitors are glad they came. People participate because the singing, the hearing, the praying, the sharing at the Lord’s Table, and the sending forth are done in ways that say, “This is real. This matters. This is life!” In vital worship the people are addressed, touched, washed, fed, anointed, and strengthened in relationship to God and to one another. Considering these more holistic aspects of worship and the congregation is the work of the worship planning team. Your church need not be large for your leaders in worship ministry to develop a more comprehensive approach to worship. What is important is to discover your own passion for helping your congregation offer worship that is authentic and vital and to sense that you are a leader gifted by God and supported by resources and people in your congregation and beyond. Vital Worship Many of these signs of vitality are present in worship. In what ways does your congregation express vitality in worship? 1. People are welcomed, honored, and cared for. 2. God’s story, which is our story, is always told. 3. Jesus is experienced as present in love and power. 4. The people and the community are changed by the power of the Holy Spirit. 5. People are active in singing, praying, and responding. 6. There is passion in the pastor’s

presiding and preaching and the congregation’s singing, praying, and responding. 7. Varied ages and cultures participate actively. 8. Things (food, water, candles, furnishings, fabrics, vessels) are used generously to point to the presence of God. 9. Actions (people being baptized, sharing bread and cup, offering the peace of Christ to each other) point to the presence of the risen Lord. 10. People offer their whole bodies in worship in culturally appropriate ways (posture, hands raised in prayer, dance, movement, clapping, meditation). 11. Worship space is arranged so the people can be together and see one another. 12. There are calls and responses: people experience God calling, and they respond. Leaders work in concert to prompt the participation of all the people. 13. Leaders are prepared and expect to hear God’s Word and experience God’s power. 14. Leaders act with the people more than for the people. 15. Everyone acts in ways that say, “Worship matters.” 16. People who are experiencing hurt and isolation receive a healing touch. 17. All the people have a sense of belonging and know how to participate. 18. There is energy, and the way worship unfolds makes sense. 19. The worship reveals the planning, gifts, and preparation of the people. Consider what’s working well now and ways your congregation shows or has shown signs of vital worship. How might you and others on the worship planning team or committee help your congregation claim and build on its strengths and, over time, add more vital practices to its repertoire? This article is excerpted from Worship: Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation, Copyright © 2008 Abingdon Press.

United Methodist Women The Conference Mission Education Event sponsored by the United Methodist Women will be held July 26-28, 2012 at Eastern Oklahoma State College, Wilburton, Oklahoma. Mission studies for this year include Immigration in the Bible (Spiritual Growth), Haiti (Geographic) and Poverty (Social Issue). Study leaders for this year are: Spiritual Growth – Sue Burgess, Mary Williams and Rev. julienne Judd; Geographic – Sheryl Crooks and Poverty, Rev. Bernadine Dowdy and Rev. Debbie Humphrey. Registration fee is $150 and is due along with the registration form by July 15. Registration fees will cover room, board

2012 Ministerial Candidates

Debbie Humphrey appointed to Stilwell Indian UMC.

Amy Johnson appointed to Davis Chapel UMC and Springtown UMC

Jimmy White appointed to Ponca Indian Mission

David Cook appointed to D.D. Etchieson UMC.

Sam Battiest, Jr. appointed to Fife Indian UMC

Edgel Samuel appointed as the first Resident Local Pastor

and study books. Registration will begin at 10 a.m. on Thursday July 26. Casual dress is recommended as well as comfortable walking shoes; however golf carts will be available. For more information on registering contact Registrar, Tamara Wilson, 918-5126076 continued from page 1 david David is a member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. His grandfather, Calvin Wilson, was one of the Choctaw CodeTalkers from World War I. He is the son of Mrs. Pat Wilson and has five siblings who reside in and around Okay, Oklahoma.

Lay Missionaries Jeff O’Dell, Carissa O’Dell, Phillip Wilson, Tamara Wilaon and Tammy White

4 - Advocate


OIMC 2012-2013 Appointments


(Bold print= changes in appointment, status of appointee, or circuit changes) Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference

Extension Ministry Conference Superintendent Superintendent – Northern District Superintendent – Southern District GBGM, Director, Cookson Hills Center Manager of Volunteer and Community Organizing, Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Native American Comprehensive Plan Banfield Charitable Trust Clinton Indian Church and Community Ministry Dir. Programs & Interpretation

David Wilson Margaret Johnson July Tecumseh Meri Whitaker


Rick Gassaway Anita Phillips Delana Taylor-McNac


Donna Pewo Josephine Deere


Jonathan Clour Walter Quoetone Donna Pewo William Foote, Sr. Glen Kernell, Jr. TBS-Clarence Yarholar Jim White Julienne Judd


NORTHEAST REGION Arbeka Abraham Jackson Big Cussetah/Concharty TBS-Newman Frank, Jr. Broken Arrow Anna Stilwell Canterbury Chapel TBS-Meri Whitaker Choska TBS Christ UMC/Bryan Chapel Fellowship Bernadine Dowdy Specialized Ministry: Bryan Chapel/Locust Grove Lay Missionary Tammy White Davis Chapel/Springtown Amy Johnson D.D. Etchieson David Cook Fife Indian Sam Battiest, Jr. Glenpool Fellowship Marcus Briggs Cloud Specialized Ministry: Lay Missionaries Phillip and Tamara Wilson Grant Chapel TBS-Josephine Deere Haikey Chapel TBS-Royce Wittman Honey Creek TBS-Jerry Baker Kahbeah Fellowship TBS-Lila Wilson Kaney Chapel Rick Burns Specialized Ministry: Lay Missionaries Jeff and Carissa O’Dell Lawrence Indian/Kansas City Fellowship Jami Moss Little Cussetah TBS-Paul Tecumseh Mutteloke TBS-Sue Helms Nagawee TBS New Hope Mike Svitak Newtown David Dunson Pickett Chapel Carol Txipama Salt Creek TBS-Nelson Harjo, Sr. Seminole Hitchitee TBS-Rick Deer Serenety Fellowship TBS-Rick Gassaway Springfield/Thlopthlocco David Little Stilwell Indian Debbie Humphrey Sullivan Chapel TBS-John Martin Thewarley/Yeager TBS Tulsa Indian Judy Aaron Wewoka TBS-Kenric Boyiddle

Mike Boyiddle

Conference Calendar Angie Smith Memorial UMC Birthday Singing, 2-5 p.m. Conference Office Closed, Independence Day observed Angie Smith Memorial UMC Indian Taco Sale, 4-8 p.m. Council on Local Church Ministries, Conference Office, 10 a.m. SE Region Council on Local Church Ministry, SE Reg. Center, 6 p.m. SW Region Trustees & Finance Mtg., Hog Creek, 6:30 p.m. NE Region Kansas Mission Trip North District UMW Exec Committee Planning Mtg., NE Reg. Center SW Region Third Sunday Night Revival, Ware’s Chapel UMC, 5:30 p.m. SE Reg. Pastors meeting, SE Region Center, 7 p.m. South Central Jurisdiction Conference, Oklahoma City Angie Smith Breakfast Sale, 7:30 - 11:00 a.m. SE Region Youth Meeting, SE Region Center SE Region Trustees Meeting, SE Region Center. 9 a.m. Conference Youth Camp, SE Region Center Conference UMW Mission Education Event, Wilburton SW Region 5th Sunday Singing, TBA, 2:30 p.m.

August 3 4 5 11 13 18


19 20 25

Angie Smith Memorial UMC Indian Taco Sale, 4-8 p.m. NE Region Youth Election/Calendar, Fife Indian UMC, 10 a.m. SE Region UMW Exec Mtg., SE Region Center, 9:30 a.m. SE Region Children Back to School Blast Angie Smith Memorial UMC Birthday Singing, 2-5 p.m. Board of Laity Mtg., Conference Office Central Reg. Pastors Gathering, OKC, 6:30 p.m. SW Region Trustees and Finance Mtg., Hog Creek, 6:30 p.m. Angie Smith Memorial UMC Breakfast Sale, 7:30 - 11 a.m. SE Reg. UMW Annual Meeting, SE Region Center, 9 a.m. SE Reg. Youth Planning Meeting, SE Region Center, 9:30 a.m. SW Region Third Sunday night Revival, Ware’s Chapel UMC, 5:30 p.m. NE Region Pastor’s Meeting, NE Region Center, 6:30 p.m. Conference UMW Exec./MEE Mtg., Broken Arrow UMC



Southern District SOUTHWEST REGION Botone Memorial

13-15 14 15 17 18-21 21 25-28 26-28 29

Northern District CENTRAL REGION Angie Smith Memorial Billy Hooton Memorial El Reno Indian Fellowship Mary Lee Clark Memorial Norman First American Pawnee Ponca Indian Mission Wichita Mission

1 4 6 7 9



Cache Creek Cedar Creek J.J. Methvin Little Washita Huntinghorse Mt. Scott Kiowa/Mt. Scott Comanche Petarsy Mission Sherwood Tsotigh Memorial UMC of Apache Ware’s Chapel

David Harjo Gerald Haunpo Robert Simpson TBS Sharon Yeahquo Michael Eddy TBS-Ricky Horse Rhonda Hejny Gary Tahmahkera Arthur Tsatoke


SOUTHEAST REGION Bethel Hill/Kullituklo Bobb-Myers/Old Cedar/Big Lick Boiling Springs Bokchito Cane Hill Chihowa Okla Dallas Indian Goodland Good Springs Grace Chapel/St. Paul Talihina Hampton Chapel/Goodwater/Choctaw Academy Johnson Chapel Kullichito/Tohwali Mitchell Memorial Nanih Chito Pennington Seeley Chapel Sulphur Springs/White Sands Bennington William Anderson White Sand Valliant Yasho UMC

Rosa Baker FE/PT TBS Stanley Smith Lay/SY TBS-Charles Davidson Lay/SY TBS-Linda Jacob Lay/SY Eli McHenry FsL Lester Tims FE TBS-Kim McKinney Lay/SY TBS-Margie Jones Lay/SY David Warden RE/SY Tommy Wesley PL TBS-Belle Harjo Lay/SY Edgel Samuel PL Don Jacob PL TBS TBS Duane Baker SY TBS-Mel Gaines RLP/SY TBS-Ray Jessie Lay/SY TBS-Ray Jessie Lay/SY TBS


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