67 - Tangent News Magazine - Mar 2013

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TangenT [1] PERFUME BOTTLE (Approx. 12 Cm high inc. stopper) £10.00

Issue 67 • February 2013

A member of the Round Table Family












[2] FAN £5.00 [3] OAK DOOR WEDGE NOW! £3.50 Reduced from £6.50

[4] SELECTION OF HANDBAG MIRRORS (Also available without logo) £8.00

[5] MOUSEMAT £5.00

[6] FOLD UP BAG IN CHOICE OF TWO COLOURS NOW! £1.50 Reduced from £2.50


[8] HANDBAG HOOK £5.00



Pierced Stud/Drop £7.50

[10] 40th ANNIVERSARY PRODUCTS Last chance to buy! Bone China Mug NOW!! £1.00 Pens (Blue or Red) NOW!! £1.00

A selection of items from the shop Visit www.tangent-clubs.org for the complete range and to download the order form.

Find us on Facebook!

‘Let friendship continue’

National Executive 2013 Llandudno Conference Page 6

Coffee Corner Page 8



Jan Appleyard Chairman - Aireborough 375 Angela Clifford City of Truro 331

PRESIDENT Sue Marlow (Derek)

Regional lunches Page 13

Betty White Sutton Coldfield 7

E: president@tangent-clubs.org

Sheila Longden Sutton Coldfield 7


Rosemary Welch Canterbury 93

E: vice-president@tangent-clubs.org

Jane Thomas Founder Member - Chepstow & District 628

International News Page 7


Your Health Page 10

E: past-president@tangent-clubs.org


SECRETARY Terrie Hewitt (David)

Although the weather forecast is hinting at snow later today, I am sure that I can feel Spring just around the corner. And of course with Spring comes our NAGM and Conference in the lovely North Wales town of Llandudno 11th – 14th April. Preparations are well under way for some fantastic events including the Tangent Day lunch and NAGM on Saturday 13th. We would love you to attend some of the events of Conference, but if you cannot then remember you can still attend the meeting as a Tangent member free of charge. As a democratic organisation it is important to have as many clubs represented by a voting delegate as possible. The agenda for the AGM is enclosed with this magazine. Please take the time at your next meeting to have a look at the items for discussion so that your voting delegate can attend with a clear mandate.

SECRETARY ELECT Melodie Brookes (Nigel)

The AGM sees the start of my last year as your Editor, I will be finishing my term at the Bournemouth conference in 2014. If anyone would be interested in joining the Exec in this capacity then, please feel free to contact me for a chat about what it entails. I look forward to meeting up with many of you at the forthcoming Regional Lunches and Conference.

E: treasurer@tangent-clubs.org

E: secretary@tangent-clubs.org

E: secretary-elect@tangent-clubs.org

TEASURER June Boden (Ken)


Yours in continued friendship Sue Hill Editor

This very special day dawned bright and sunny if a little chilly for our early start. I was totally unprepared for the crowds as we arrived at the National Arboretum but fortunately additional car parking was provided on a field further down the road. I was pleased that we had arrived early and had the additional time needed to walk back to the venue. As we walked along we gradually met up with other Round Table Family members, which was quite amazing in the mêlée. We were able to make our way together to where the Armistice Service was being started. This service is always organised for the 11/11 although other Remembrance Services are held on the nearest Sunday, so it is unusual that the two coincide. Large screens had been erected so everyone had a good view. We were only able to watch part of this service before moving on to our garden for our own service. It was a wonderful opportunity to stand side by side again as the four Immediate Past Presidents and a proud moment for me. Malcolm led a moving service and then we once again laid our wreaths – Vaughan and John by the obelisk whilst Vicky and I laid ours by the sundial. The service concluded and we made our way to Lullington Village Hall. We were warmly welcomed by members of Lichfield 41 Club and their Ladies, who hosted a wonderful lunch which was very much appreciated and set us up for our journey home. Jan Dowling, Immediate Past National President

Caroline Batterbury Coulsdon & Purley 36 Ronnie Wells Cuffley 278 Beryl Mackay Farnham 469 Joan Mary Miller Founder Chairman - Harpenden 137 Valerie Berry Founder Member - Hutton & Shenfield 666 Rita Moon Stockton –on-Tees & District 479 Margaret Randfield Founder Member - Kinder 289 Dorothy Churchill Luton 154

Ampthill Tangent 504

Joan ‘Jo’ Carter Bury St Edmunds 187 and Harlow 144

In October Ampthill Tangent chairman Jan Beckett welcomed National President Sue Marlow to our monthly meeting. After dinner we had a short quiz and then Sue had a “getting to know you chat” with our members, it was a lovely evening and enjoyed by us all.

Julie Hayes Warrington 162 Elizabeth Morris Founder Member - Whitley Bay Tangent 17

E: sales@tangent-clubs.org

Quiz Solutions

STOP PRESS! JOIN OUR You are still in with a chance of joining the National Exec Team! We have received no nominations for Treasurer, so it is open to anyone attending the NAGM during April in Llandudno to stand from the floor. We are a fun-loving bunch, and although we work hard for the Association we still have time to enjoy ourselves. Look out for further information in the magazine, or ring the Treasurer or Secretary for an informal chat. Go on – you know you want to! What have you got to lose?


Do you want to find or keep in touch with Tangent members and past Circlers? Would you like to be the first to see photographs of Tangent events? Would you like to be able to let other Tangent members know about your forthcoming event? Then join our


Search for us under Tangent Clubs. We would love to meet you there! Although National Association of Tangent Clubs makes every effort to ensure accuracy, we can accept no responsibility for errors or omissions. © All information in this publication is copyright of National Association of Tangent Clubs.


Did you know that we record the names of members who have recently died in the magazine, but you can have a longer item on the website? Here you can celebrate their life, tell other Tangent members about their achievements and have pictures included if you wish. Please send anything you would like included to editor@tangent-clubs.org and they will be published in both places.

EDITOR & WEBSITE CO-ORDINATOR Sue Hill (Ray) E: editor@tangent-clubs.org

CLUB CONTACTS In this issue you should receive: NAGM Notification NAGM Delegate Form NAGM/Delegate/Proxy form NAGM Agenda Accounts Directory Details Form Welsh Luncheon Form Northern Luncheon Form If you need further copies of these forms they are all available to download from our website www.tangent-clubs.org


Please send your articles and digital photographs for Issue 68 by 22nd April 2013 to Editor: Sue Hill, Email: editor@tangent-clubs.org Telephone: 01606 832807



Whitchurch Tangent show what you can do! Tangents across the country have fun in many diverse ways! Nicola, Chairman of Whitchurch Tangent, sent in these examples of what they have been up to, sharing fun and friendship while trying new experiences. Maybe they will give you some ideas. If your Tangent has been doing something a bit unusual or that you think others might find fun please send me some pictures and an explanation of what you have been up to! Editor Falconry Experience In May 17 of our members attended a falconry experience at Battlefield Falconry Centre. The evening consisted of a short hawk walk where we all had a go at holding the falcon, releasing it and calling it back to us. Whilst this was a new experience for most of us, the hi-light of the evening was a close up encounter with the baby owls, which still had all their "fluff" rather than feathers. Strictly Come Dancing - June's Plaque We hold an annual competition between Whitchurch Circle and Tangent members and this year it was Tangent's turn to organise it. We therefore arranged a "Strictly Come Dancing" themed evening and invited a couple of local dancers to come and teach us a few steps. Our panel of "judges" consisted of the two professionals plus David Hewitt as Craig Revel Horwood, complete with spangled jacket and dance shoes and Pete James (husband of member Anna) as Bruno. They were not particularly polite about our attempts at ballroom dancing! Circle won the event and the plaque was presented by June Pearce (Tangent member) who originally donated it. Everybody enjoyed the evening, even the Circlers who had been reluctant to participate! The pictures show June (who started the event) and Hazel Nimmo dancing and also our panel of judges! Vintage Tea Party In August we held a fundraising event in the form of a vintage tea party in aid of Prostate Cancer UK. Tickets cost £5 and included tea/coffee plus sandwiches and cakes. To add to our fundraising a raffle was held. Members also submitted some of their favourite recipes which we made into a recipe booklet and sold during the evening. We raised over £185 which has already been sent to Prostate Cancer UK and a further sum will be sent shortly following the sale of further recipe books. This was a fun way to raise money for a charity which is particularly close to the hearts of some of our members. The picture shows the table laid with cake stands. Zumba Taster Session In September we held a Zumba taster night which 20 of our members attended. Unfortunately Whitchurch only have a short piece of video footage of the evening but they all thoroughly enjoyed it. Something a bit different. Circle 50th Charter It was Whitchurch Circle's 50th Charter on the 11th October and I've attached a photo of all the past chairs which include many of our current Tangent members. The guest speaker was TV celebrity and local vet Steve Leonard, who was fascinating and made excellent eye candy for us ladies on the top table!! (We old girls have to get our kicks somewhere)! The interruption by Whitchurch Tablers was "brave" as they paraded in clad in lycra which left rather too little to the imagination! Other up-coming events for the year:


2012 was an extraordinary year and 2013 looks like being another exciting time with plenty still to look forward to. As National President I have had the opportunity to do, see and experience things that I would probably never have done. I was delighted to be invited to The Women of the Year Lunch. This was a fantastic day and I was surrounded by so many inspirational women. The Cenotaph in London has to be up there as one of the best days of my life. I felt so honoured to represent the Association and very proud to be able to walk alongside so many veterans. It was a very moving and memorable experience. I, together with the Exec, have attended three more regional lunches. The Scottish, the SW in Teignmouth and the SE in Bracknell. All were excellent events and well attended. Many thanks to all of you who have been involved in organising these lunches. I appreciate that they do not just happen. A lot of time and effort is put into making the day a success. I still have the Midlands and Irish lunches to attend which I am looking forward to. Most of my visits in December were close to home although due to illness I did have to cancel a couple of my engagements. My apologies to those of you who missed out on my visit. Apart from visiting Tangent Clubs I have been invited to other organisations as National President. At the beginning of December I was very pleased to be invited as guest speaker at the RAF Club in London for a private lunch held by an old boys school society. Many of the members had not heard of Tangent so they were very interested to learn about our organisation. They treated me to a delicious lunch and kindly gave me a donation to my charity. I was able to attend the Christmas meeting at The Lamb pub in London. This is always a popular event but last year the numbers exceeded all expectations. It was good to see Round Table President Jason, 41-Club President David and myself amongst the throng of people present.

President’s Diary 2013 February Saturday 2nd Wednesday 6th Sunday 17th Friday 22nd Saturday 23rd

Bedford TC 40th & Bedford LC 60th. Joint 100th Celebration Derby TC Birthday meeting Portsmouth & Southsea TC Charity Lunch Exec Meeting Midlands Lunch

March Friday 1st - Sunday 3rd Tuesday 5th Wednesday 6th Saturday Saturday 23rd Tuesday 26th

Private Event Camberley TC 40th Anniversary Dunstable TC President's 'Bond & Bling' Charity event Irish Luncheon Waterlooville TC Buffet Supper

April Thursday 11th - 14th

NAGM Llandudno

The final few months of my year are just as busy as the last nine. There are still clubs to visit and anniversaries to celebrate. I look forward to sharing these events with you. Our pre-AGM meeting is at the end of January and it is at this time that you start to feel that the end is nigh. Sad but true. I am so looking forward to my charity 'Bond and Bling' event in March. I hope to raise yet more money for Brain Tumour Research but most of all I want everyone to have fun and enjoy themselves. Whilst mentioning my charity I have some very good news to report. As most of you know my goal during my year was to raise enough money to sponsor a day or more of research. In return Tangent’s logo and my sister’s name would be displayed on a 'Wall of Hope' situated at Portsmouth University. I am delighted to inform you that thanks to your generous donations I have purchased my first brick for the wall and an Open Day and naming ceremony will take place on the 14th February. A fitting day being the day of love. Pictures will follow. It will soon be time for our Conference in Llandudno from April 11th - 13th. This is a great fun filled week-end. The conference committee are working very hard to put on a good show for everyone. Our NAGM is on Saturday 13th April. This is an opportunity for you as members to come along and have your say. Why not make Llandudno your first conference? I am certain you will not regret it. I look forward to welcoming you all but especially those attending their first conference and NAGM.

Four presidents at cenotaph

You will of course soon be thinking about your own AGMs. As I travel around the country visiting Clubs I frequently hear the same story - ' No-one wants to be Chairman'. It does not seem to matter how many members you have in your Club, finding a Chairman still seems to be a problem. We all know this is nothing new. It was a problem when we were in Ladies Circle and will unfortunately continue to be an issue. I wish I could wave a magic wand and rectify this problem. An idea that some Clubs have decided on is to have a Shareman. They take it in turns to do 3 or 6 months at a time therefore taking the pressure off just one person. This also adds variety to the Club. Perhaps it is worth a try. I would like to mention discretionary membership as I am worried for the future of Tangent. We have to be realistic and accept the fact that membership is on the decline. If we want our Clubs to stay alive then we need to consider offering membership to other interested ladies. I have had the pleasure of being in the company of a few Chairman who are discretionary members. They are totally committed and very enthusiastic. These ladies can also bring fresh ideas into a Club. Please give it your consideration. Apart from conference to look forward to I have another exciting event. My eldest daughter is getting married in Antigua on the 22nd April so as soon as I leave Llandudno I will be packing my bikini and flying to the sunshine.

35 of us are off to Salford for a tour of BBC Media City Halloween Ghost walking tour of Chester. Christmas markets in Manchester.

Thank you all for giving me this opportunity to be your National President. The memories of my extraordinary year will remain with me forever.

Nicola Rogers Chair of Whitchurch Tangent 439




Regional Lunches

Rochdale 50th Anniversary

OLYMPICS VOLUNTEER During the Olympics I was a volunteer based at Heathrow Airport welcoming the Athletes. I spent five weeks being a volunteer, during which time I stayed with my son and his wife. These are my grandchildren trying on the uniform the day I collected it. I live In Whitby North Yorkshire, and am a member of Guisborough Tangent. At our November meeting I gave a talk about my wonderful Olympic experience, which was enjoyed by all.

On Saturday 29th September 2012, The Tangent Club of Rochdale celebrated its 50th Anniversary with a wonderful lunch at Nutters’ Restaurant in Rochdale. Almost a hundred members, past members and guests met together to renew friendships and further the joys of continued fellowship. The National President, Sue Marlow; the Mayoress of Rochdale, Jane Gartside; and the Chairman of Rochdale Tangent, Sandra Hewitt were amused and entertained along with the guests, by excellent Speaker, Lilian King QPM: the ex-Chief Superintendant of Greater Manchester Police. By the end of the afternoon many guests were reluctant to leave, having met new people thereby furthering ‘ContinuedFriendship’.

SOUTH EAST LUNCH Emeritus 900 and Lunch Chairman Janis Attwell welcomed Tangent members to the South East Regional Lunch held at the Hilton Hotel, Bracknell on 10th November 2012.

SOUTH WEST REGIONAL LUNCH 2012 It was a beautiful sunny day in Devon when we gathered at the Langstone Cliff Hotel on 16th October for the South West Regional Lunch hosted by Teignmouth Tangent. Pam Morris Chairman of the Luncheon Committee welcomed a packed room to the event, including the guest speaker The Rt. Hon. Ann Widdecombe who had been very busy signing copies of her novels for members before the lunch.

Rose Helm

What a Lady

Irene Clarke, Nithsdale Tangent 485, recently celebrated her 85th Birthday with fellow Tangent members and friends. This is no ordinary lady! Irene has been a Tangent member for 44 years, when she transferred from Shrewsbury Circle to Shrewsbury Tangent in 1968. Thence followed Blackpool, Aberystwyth, Birkenhead and finally Nithsdale, where she has been a member for the last 21 years.

Following a delicious lunch, during which everyone got down to some serious chatting, Ann came round the room and spoke to nearly everyone there. No mean feat! Her after dinner talk was very interesting and humerous in parts. She was happy to answer members’ questions at the end. Following the roll call, Kathy Hamlet the Chairman of Teignmouth Tangent gave a toast to NATC and President Sue Marlow responded. Everyone went home after a truly splendid day of friendship and fun!

Irene travels over 60 miles in her round trip to our monthly meetings and can regularly be seen at the Scottish and Northern Regional luncheons.

The hotel foyer and bar were packed to overflowing (literally, some ladies ate in an adjoining room!) with everyone in all their finery and a multitude of colours and fabulous head gear. The room and Emeritus members all looked fantastic co-ordinated in red and black. A surprise was in store when we found that our raffle envelopes were collected by 41 Club members dressed as “French girls” in red and black and fishnet stockings! Never knew they had such good legs! After a delicious lunch there was a packed programme which ran like clockwork through the afternoon. The Toast to NATC was proposed by BJ Brown and President Sue replied. The speaker was Julie Peasgood, an actress, TV presenter, author and journalist. The afternoon ended with a very successful raffle and everyone went home having had a most enjoyable day.

WELSH LUNCH 2013 The Welsh lunch this year will be hosted by Llwchwr Tangent 916 at Norton House Hotel, Mumbles on 11th May. A Buck’s Fizz reception at 11 am will be followed by a three course lunch. The speaker will be Behnaz Akghar speaking on “Fighting for your dream”. The cost will be £28. See the form with this magazine to book.


She has been Tangent Chairman in three countries – Wales (Aberystwyth), England (Birkenhead) and Scotland (Nithsdale).

In our September meeting at English Dining Room, Congleton Tangent celebrated Muriel Fraser’s 50th Anniversary in Circle and Tangent! After a delicious meal, we presented Muriel with an orchid and a card signed by everyone sending their good wishes and enjoyed some lovely celebratory cake.

Congratulations to such a stalwart member!

Muriel and Ian were married in August 1962. At this time Muriel’s Aunt was Circle Chairman to Dumfries Circle – in fact, Muriel’s Aunt and Uncle were founder members of Dumfries Round Table and Ladies Circle. Ian was introduced to Round Table by Muriel’s Uncle and her Aunt invited Muriel to join Dumfries Circle in September 1962. Dumfries Round Table gave them a lovely round coffee table as a wedding gift, which still sits in their sitting room today!


In 1964 they moved to Penicuik, just outside Edinburgh, and became part of Dalkeith and District Round Table and Ladies Circle. Between them they held most of the “offices” from community and programme to Secretary, Vice-Chairman and Chairman. They also went onto Area, where Ian was Area Secretary (Muriel was his assistant!!), then he was Area Vice Chairman and Area Chairman. Muriel was Area Secretary and was going to be Area Vice-Chairman when another house move to Solihull near Birmingham in 1973 put a halt to these plans.

I'm Janice. I'm 29..... and have been for several years! Maybe that's why I still have lots of energy and verve for living. I'm passionate about my life and my loves, some I can talk about! I love singing and am a member of Rock Choir. I adore entertaining my friends and family with excellent food and wine. Networking is not only a passion but also a defining part of my life; creating relationships and putting people together to the extent that I have my own network club. My 20 years involvement in Circle and Tangent (yes I did join aged 9, put your calculators away) have given me more fellowship and friendship than I could have ever dreamt. Whoever would have thought that a single organisation could teach me public speaking, belly dancing, fundraising skills and the art of dressing up, and getting dressed up in a short time. Whilst I have the perfect combination of time, experience, brain space, working hips, commitment and flexibility in my life, now is a fantastic opportunity for me to stand as the next Vice President of the National Association of Tangent Clubs. Wow, what an honour! Should I be successful, I can barely wait for the year to start, shadowing Karen and supporting her in her year as National President. I look forward to raising a few G&T’s with you.


SCOTTISH REGIONAL LUNCH 2013 Scottish Lunch will be hosted by Burntisland and District 888 at the Carnegie Conference Centre, Dunfermline on 21st September 2013. Go to their website www.tangentscottishluncheon2013.com for more information. Look forward to meeting up again with our members north of the border there!

They joined their respective Birmingham Moseley Ladies Circle and Round Table, and Ian became National Councillor for that area and Muriel held various “offices”. In 1978 they moved again to Congleton where Muriel joined Congleton Circle, again holding various “offices” and stayed there till “retiring” to Tangent. Muriel was a founder member of Congleton Tangent and has been Secretary, Treasurer and Chairman. Throughout the years Muriel and Ian have made many lifelong friendships in Circle, Round Table and Tangent, they have enjoyed these years so much. It goes without saying that we at Congleton Tangent say a massive thank you to Muriel and Ian for all that they have contributed over the last fifty years to Circle, Round Table and Tangent. Also congratulations on celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary in August!


Felixstowe 40th Charter Anniversary Now this is really a very special “Do” Organised by our present chairman Sue It’s lovely to have members from far away We hope you all enjoy this “Ruby Day”. We’ve been wined and dined and feel full of good cheer What a super way to celebrate this year. We formed this Tangent 40 years ago And we’re still going strong as today does show. We were green and hadn’t founded a club before So a member from Ipswich advised us, called Josie Law. Our founder chairman was a lass called Ann We met in her house and she told us her plan. No charity work for “this and that” Just meet once a month for a drink and a chat A committee was formed without much ado Ann just pointed her finger and said, ”You, you and you”.

Club members past and present standing on the steps at Horsted Place

We all help each other when things go wrong Never a grumble, we just “pop along” We’ve had “ups and downs” as everyone does But problems don’t last long with friends like us.


Isn’t it a shame that Circle has demised? Very little hope of it being revived. We’re a real mixed bag – some the size of houses Some tall, some small, some with large blouses.

Crowborough Tangent 749 celebrated twenty five years of friendship with a lunch held at Horsted Place, East Sussex, on September 2012. The event was organised by Margaret Stebbing, Chairman, and Sheila Hatchwell, Immediate Past Chairman. We started with a Buck's Fizz reception, and welcomed past and present club members. A delicious lunch followed and as the weather was kind, coffee was served, under umbrellas, in the garden. A present of string and scissors, Tangent naturally, was given to each lady and Eileen Richardson provided a tower of cupcakes in the blue and gold theme. Flowers on the table were arranged by Sue Allen and Di Byers, also in the blue and gold theme.

We have shy ones, bossy ones, some very funny Some who’ll be nameless, don’t like spending money We really are most talented of mobs All used to work in a variety of jobs. There were teachers, doctors and nurses galore Librarians, civil servants, magistrates and more A carnival queen, model and ice skater We even have our own undertaker Our children have long since flown the nest Most of us are grandmas and that is the best. I feel quite sad now the years have gone by In fact it brings quite a tear to my eye.

Horsted Place is a magnificent Victorian mansion and provides comfort and pleasure as a dignified and luxurious country house hotel. We were able to walk and enjoy the grounds and admire the architecture of the building.

As the years roll by we’re dosed up with pills Some with health problems and various ills We’ve got to the age when things start to dangle And tend to grow at a peculiar angle.

We were chauffeured to and from the venue by husbands/partners - no worries about drinking and driving! What a very special day, and let us look forward to the next twenty five years with much fun and friendship.

Some of us have our own teeth – fantastic! Others have ones that are crafted in plastic. When the sad time comes when we’re left on our own Let’s pool our resources and buy an Old People’s Home. We could sit in a circle and sleep all day long Even join the “Sally Army” in their annual sing-song By nine o’clock we’d be tucked up in bed No sex or “nookie” – a cup of cocoa instead.

Shirley Carey, Secretary

Seated, from the left - Sheila Hatchwell, Margaret Stebbing. Jan Turner. Standing, Lynn Street

Many moons ago they said “nookie” was fine Now a bar of chocolate is more in our line. We’d just pull off our roll-ons, bras and our tighties Take out our false teeth – and wear our “seersucker” nighties! No more jerking of legs to wake you with a start No more elbows in the face and the occasional fart! No more “I’ve got a headache “and all that bother We’d just cuddle down under the duvet cover.


Marlow Tangent Club 205 has over 40 members with ages spread fairly evenly in every decade from the forties to the eighties and one nonagenarian.

The number of membership enquiries has slowed, so perhaps Christmas has given potential members something else to focus on? Just three this last week, but at last I am up to date with them! My sincere thanks to Penny Denby for all her help and also to members up and down the country who have so kindly taken the time to follow up these contacts, giving a flavour of the local Tangent activities and invitations to meetings. I hope that this has introduced some new members to our clubs to secure a healthy future. I am very aware that Tangent members average age is rising and that the main reason given for clubs closing is advanced years and decreasing mobility coupled with the fact that they have had no new members.

There are several sub-groups – Circlers who joined Tangent together with some being founder members from 1971; others spent family and subsequent holidays together; some have hobbies in common and quite a few are still working. Although some members feel that the age gap isn’t easily bridged, generally all groups mix well. There is no specific formula, but plenty of goodwill. We have one evening and one lunchtime meeting each month. A core of members attends both meetings. Some older members prefer lunchtimes and those working can only attend in the evening. We have speakers; theatre trips; an annual pot-luck supper; mulled wine and mince pies at Christmas and recently a Cup Cake demonstration by one of our members – which had a very high turnout. Each Chairman stamps her personality on the year’s events.

I have recently received enquiries from Brackley and Callander Ladies Circles about starting Tangents which is very good news. I really appreciate Dunblane Tangent’s kind offer to visit the Callander girls to help and support them as they are only 7or 8 miles away. It is always good to have a link between our clubs and to perhaps share a couple of meetings each year. I have also had contact with Karen Johnson – Ladies Circle Membership Officer, about starting a new Tangent in Norfolk so the future is looking quite rosy and I Know that President Sue is looking forward to chartering some new clubs.

The group as a whole is hugely supportive of its members. During personal difficulties or health problems members frequently visit and email support. It is a small thing but much appreciated by those on the receiving end. For those who are less willing to drive, lifts can always be provided, ensuring that contacts are maintained. The older generation is always keen to find out about new members and sometimes the older members surprise the younger group with tales of their exploits in the war years and an encyclopaedic knowledge of our town. Our oldest member, although previously a Circler, only joined us 3 years ago, but feels very welcome and one of the crowd. She regularly regales us with dirty stories!

Jan Dowling, Immediate Past National President

Some members prefer to sit with their friendship group, especially if they cannot attend very often, making it less easy for the others to get to know them, but they feel that it does work. We have on occasion ensured random seating at dinners by issuing raffle tickets which are then matched to those on the tables. Despite some initial misgivings the volume of conversation has proved that it works well.


We decided against open membership a couple of years ago but do have some friends of Tangent who come to meetings and events. We are visited by and visit members who have moved away. We invite the immediate past President/Chairman of Inner Wheel and Ladies’ Circle to be an honorary member for a year and hold an annual dinner for the 3 Clubs, each one hosting in turn.

Wednesday 24th October was the climax to a lot of work and organising. It was our annual Friendship Evening and we had a new venue and gave people a choice of menu this time. The replies were slow to start with, but after a few panics (on my side) the acceptances started to come in. My Joint Chairman, Jan, and I worked together deciding who was doing what, which included our other Exec. friends, Sue, Ruth and Issy. The big day (or evening) arrived, along with President Sue who was staying with me. Around forty people attended the evening, with friends from other clubs joining us. After National President Sue had lit the Candle of Friendship we enjoyed a superb meal, and our speaker followed. He is a guide at Rockingham Castle in Northamptonshire, and gave a talk on the Castle's history and the family who live there, accompanied by slides. Very interesting. Later in the evening National President Sue gave a short address and thanked us for swelling her Charity Fund by way of our raffle money. As Joint Chairmen, Jan and I had decided who was going to say what during the evening, and as my voice was 'on its way out' that night I thought I would be mouthing 'my bit' with Jan narrating! Anyway I managed with a croak. At the end of the evening Jan and I thanked everyone for joining us, and, in 'Strictly Come Dancing' mode, we jointly told everyone to "KEEP TANGENTING."

We now have a Vice-Chairman from the ‘younger generation’ who is recruiting her peer group to committee positions so we are confident that Tangent will continue to bridge the age gap. Pattie Beresford - Marlow 205

No more loud snores, till you could throttle The bed to ourselves plus a hot water bottle. We could play Bingo and knit our bed socks And patiently wait for the Grim Reaper’s knocks. Some of our dear friends are no longer here But we’ll never forget them – have no fear. But don’t let’s dwell on things that are sad We’re all here together and we should be glad. So let’s say “Cheers” - that’s if we’re able. Remember – we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Round Table. On that cheerful note, I’ve come to the end LET FRIENDSHIP CONTINUE My dear Tangent friends.

Pat Kaye Jan and I "Keep Tangenting".



Vice President Karen says… 11th to 14th April 2013

Come and visit us in sunny north Wales by the sea! Not long to go now until we meet at Llandudno for our Conference and National AGM and Tangent Lunch. Places are filling up fast, but if you act quickly you will still be able book in to some of the events, and there is plenty of hotel accommodation in the town of Llandudno, much of it in easy walking distance of the venues. Go online to www.41conference.co.uk and book in for all your events in one place!


Well I have now processed over 400 regalia orders but there are still a lot to come and if you haven’t yet placed your order it is unlikely it will arrive before your AGM, although we will do our best to get it to you in time if you order now.

You may remember that this time last year Our fundraising effort was a different idea A “Flog It” was held when we auctioned off lots But this year the subject involved using pots For 65 people who came on the night A food demonstration - what a glorious sight Of good food prepared with ideas to cook And add to your own homemade recipe book

I would like to remind clubs to take a picture of their regalia as we have had another couple of insurance claims this year and it makes it so much easier if you can supply a picture of your chairman’s collarette with the name bars on. I must also point out that if the Chairman’s Jewel is lost we can only replace it under the Tangent Insurance with the current version. If your club is very old then your Chairman’s Jewel may be more intricate and more expensive to replace than the current version so you may want to insure it separately.

Local chef Colin Ord offered to cook us some food Honey Glazed Chicken got us all in the mood His dishes designed to offer us a peek Of food from all countries – Chinese and Thai, Italian and Greek There were Sweet Chilli Noodles and Lamb Koftas grilled The smells were divine and with tastes we were thrilled There were Fishcakes in Thai style, Tiramisu to end Our tastebuds were tickled, on that you can depend Cakes made by our members were sold with some tea A wonderful raffle raised a fantastic fee With prizes donated by friends at no cost A profit was made and no money lost

Bookings are starting to come through for visits to clubs next year and I have already had a few clashes of dates so please let me know in good time if you want me to visit, especially if it is for a special occasion. I look forward to meeting as many clubs as possible next year.

The venues for the whole Conference are superb. The Tangent Day is being held in The Hall at Venue Cymru, a purpose-built conference centre with fantastic views over the Bay. If you arrive early there is a café where you can buy a drink or even breakfast, and from 10 am the Bar in the Orme Suite on the ground floor will be open to purchase coffee and other drinks.

The “F word” in this case doesn’t mean something rude It stands for Fundraising, Flog It and Food Over £500 raised in only one night For the VIP Club for those with poor sight

YICF Tangent Exec enjoy the cold weather, Vice President Karen sports a fetching fur hat!


So give it a go in any way you choose With fund raising efforts you just cannot lose The charities are grateful and when the hard work is done You too will see “F” is also for FUN !

We will move upstairs to The Hall for Lunch and the NAGM during the afternoon. I can promise you delicious cuisine, beautifully presented and served. It promises to be a real treat for us all! From the Welcome Party on Thursday evening, through the 41 Club President’s Ball on Friday night and culminating in the (optional) Fancy Dress Party on Saturday, you will have every opportunity to meet up with old and new friends and enjoy all the fun and friendship that Conference has to offer. Look forward to seeing you there! Sue Hill Tangent Day Chairman



If you are coming along to the NAGM and would like to see and take part in how it runs, why not volunteer to act as one of our Minute Secretaries? Although we make an audio recording of the meeting and all the National Officers provide their reports in writing to the National Secretary, we still have two Tangent members who sit together and take notes of the meeting, such as Tangent names and number of proposers and seconders, notes of what is said by other speakers and the result of votes.

March 2 9 16 22 23

If you are interested in giving us a hand then please contact Terrie the National Secretary by email secretary@tangent-clubs.org

Llandudno at night

Omagh 851

RT President's Ball Tangent Charity Ball Quiz Night Travel to Ireland Irish Lunch

April 11/14 15/18 18/22

National Conference Llandudno Holiday Walking Weekend

May 4 10 11 18/19 24/26 30/31

Ladies Circle NAGM Executive Meeting Welsh Lunch 1st Birthday TBC Norway Tangent Charter TBC Private Visit

June 1/2 13 15 18 21/23 28 29


Stansted Fareham 92 Wokingham 268

Llwchwr 916 Llwchwr 916 Octagon 926 Oslo

Southend on Sea 5 Hinckley 52 Dunmow & District 32 Northwich 426 Northwich 426

Private Visit Friendship Evening 50th Anniversary Celebration Friendship Evening 41 Club Council Weekend Executive Meeting Northern Lunch

July 13 28

Private Event Round Table Family Event

August 15/17 23/30

Edinburgh Military Tattoo Holiday


September 1/6 14 Wokingham 268 21 Burntisland & District 888 27 Farnham 469 28

Holiday Charity Lunch Scottish Lunch PNO's Weekend Ladies Circle Charity Ball

October 2 4 5 12 19 26

Stourbridge & District 913 City of Wells 747 City of Wells 747 Clitheroe 309 Dundee 290 Hagley & District 515

4th Birthday Executive Meeting South West Lunch 40th Anniversary Lunch 50th Anniversary Celebration Lunch TBC

November 2 8 9 10 16

Hagley & District 515 Northfleet(Gravesham) 702 Northfleet(Gravesham) 702

Lunch TBC South East Lunch South East Lunch Cenotaph Lunch TBC

Hagley & District 515

December 11

The Lamb Xmas Meeting

2014 February 1 Amersham 15 Wokingham 268 17/26 28 Newport (Shropshire) 333

RT President's Ball Charity Ball Holiday Executive Meeting

March 1

Midlands Lunch

Newport (Shropshire) 333

April 23/27

National Conference Bournemouth

September 20 Taunton 199

South West Lunch

November 8 Fareham 92

South East Lunch

Tangent across the w rld In the UK, around 10 million people have arthritis. The condition affects people of all ages including children. There are many different types of arthritis that cause a wide range of symptoms. Two of the most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. What is osteoarthritis?

What is rheumatoid arthritis?

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in the UK, affecting an estimated 8.5 million people. In people affected by osteoarthritis, the cartilage (connective tissue) between their bones gradually wastes away, leading to painful rubbing of bone on bone in the joints. The most frequently affected joints are in the hands, spine, knees and hips. Osteoarthritis often develops in people who are over 50 years of age. However, it can develop at any age as a result of an injury or another joint-related condition.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a more severe, but less common, form of arthritis than osteoarthritis. It occurs when the body's immune system attacks and destroys the affected joints, causing pain and swelling to occur. This can lead to a reduction in movement and the breakdown of bone and cartilage. In the UK, rheumatoid arthritis affects around 400,000 people, and often starts in people between the ages of 40 and 50 years old. Women are three times more likely to be affected by the condition than men.

Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation within a joint. For osteoarthritis, analgesics (painkillers), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids are often prescribed. In severe cases, surgery may be recommended such as:

Symptoms of arthritis There are many different symptoms of arthritis and the symptoms you experience will vary depending on the type of arthritis you have. However, common arthritic symptoms include: • • • • •

• • •

joint pain, tenderness and stiffness inflammation in and around the joints restricted movement of the joints warmth and redness of the skin over the affected joint weakness and muscle wasting

arthroplasty (joint replacement) arthodesis (joint fusion) osteotomy (where a bone is cut and re-aligned)

The aim in treating rheumatoid arthritis is to slow down the progress of the condition and minimise joint damage. Recommended treatments may include: • • • •

Treating arthritis

analgesics (painkillers) disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) physiotherapy regular exercise

Support groups

There is no cure for arthritis but there are a number of treatments that can help slow down the condition’s progress.

Support groups, such as Arthritis Research UK and Arthritis Care offer information, advice and support for people living with arthritis. You can also use the post code search to find arthritis services in your area and hospitals for arthritis.

Medication can help relieve the symptoms of arthritis. In severe cases, surgery may be recommended.

Bill and I were very pleased to be able to attend the 30th Charter Anniversary celebrations of Tangent Denmark together with Gill and Ralph Preston. Attendance exceeded all expectations with overseas guests from Sweden, Germany, and Norway as well as UK, which meant a move to a bigger venue for the Friday evening which actually was a good opportunity to see the hotel which will be used as one of the venues for their Conference in April. We were made very welcome and well looked after.

INTERNATIONAL DIARY DATES 8/3/13 19/4/13 3/5/13 31/5/13 6/6/13 21/8/13

10/3/13 21/4/13 5/5/13 2/6/13 9/6/13 24/8/13

Charter of Ladies Circle Portugal - Lisbon Ex Table and Tangent Denmark National Conference - Middlefart LC and Tangent Germany National Conference - Norden Charter of Tangent Norway - Oslo Swedish NAGM - Lycksele LCI Lusaka, Zambia

It is 25 years since Agora was formed in Northern France by a few Ladies who sadly were then not eligible for Tangent membership. However over that period rules have changed so that now they are similar in both clubs. Our discussions continue, our questions were answered by e-mail and may be viewed on our website. Issues remain mainly concerning capitation and representation which the Exec. feel may be more easily resolved during a face to face meeting between our Exec. and Agora Board members. We are currently exploring the possibility of achieving this at minimal cost to both organisations.

On Saturday, Odense Ex Table entertained our menfolk with a tour of Hans Christian Anderson’s home town, which of course included a visit to a micro brewery and some sampling, while our meeting was held at the college of Art and Design in Kolling. Amazing fabrics, shoes and clothes in various stages of design were on display as we had a walking tour of the building to burn off the calories from a good breakfast, and make room for more to come from a beautifully presented lunch. The Head of Department was able to explain the history of the faculty and why it was such a popular choice with students, working its way up the league tables. I found the relationship they had with industry particularly interesting as they encouraged manufacturers to come to them with their problems and were getting very successful at working to provide the solutions. After lunch the Half Yearly Meeting commenced with an update on the year, a new club was chartered and Else Tradsfeldt (Founder President of Tangent Denmark in 1982 and now a life honorary member) made the three minute speech which was a fascinating insight into their history, with many mentions of our dear Ros Raper. Songs were sung, a few tears shed, lots of laughter then time for guests to present their gifts and greetings before sharing a glass of fizz and birthday cake. We then took the opportunity to have our first joint meeting under the governance of the MoU, as all signatories were present. It is so rewarding to see this growing and developing. The Norwegian Tangents will be Chartering their National Board in Oslo on 31/5/13 and have asked Tangent Denmark to perform this. They plan to sign the MoU on this occasion too. NAGM and HYM dates were exchanged and the next MoU meeting will be combined with the Danish NAGM 19/4/13. All the details of the Memorandum of Understanding are printed on page 12 of our Directory and may also be found on our website.

Our first MoU meeting with 2 delegates from Denmark, Sweden, UK (and Norway who plan to sign up in May)

Tangent India

Various thoughts were then shared, centred around improving communication and distributing information on a nil or low cost basis - an International Tangent Newsletter? an International Tangent Facebook group? This really fired us with enthusiasm and I am pleased to report that this is now up and running.

We had a successful Tangent AGM at Hotel Le Meridian, Coimbatore. The new Tangent India Board for the year 2012-13 is as follows:

President Vice President IPP Secretary Treasurer

Opportunities of working “side by side” with other members of the Round Table family were then explored. 41 Club International Conference will be held in Denmark in 2014, followed by Cyprus in 2015. These meetings may provide an opportunity for all Tangent countries to get together and it is hoped to plan a meeting in for Friday afternoon as part of the 2014 Conference. Ladies Circle International Conference may provide another opportunity too. I feel at long last we are really moving forward and strengthening our international links. The future looks exciting. Some of us were able to stay on for a relaxed, informal supper and spent a very pleasant evening at the lovely home of President Jeanett Korch. The time to bid farewell came all too quickly but it had been a very special time together which I felt privileged to share. Jan Dowling, Immediate Past National President




Mini Kar Mamta Bhargava Aruna Ummat Perin Pombra Jayshree Thaper

NEW PIN Following the success of the competition which was judged at the 2012 NAGM in Jersey, it has been decided to run the microFICTION Competition again. Write a piece of 36 words the last three of which should be ….”in the future.” Send it to editor@tangent-clubs.org and it will be put up on the website. The winner will be chosen by delegates at the Conference in Llandudno in April 2013

It’s the Thought That Counts Two married men were drinking in a bar. One said to the other “I got my wife a bag and a belt for her fiftieth birthday.” “Oh really?” said the other, “That was very thoughtful of you.” “Well, she wasn’t very pleased” said the first, “but the Hoover works fine now.”


New Filling

Due to the huge response for the Swarovski pin produced for the 40th Anniversary of Tangent I have commissioned a new badge, which I will launch at the conference & AGM in Llandudno in April. I look forward to seeing you there and showing you the new pin! Jenny Bevan National Sales & Regalia Officer

Longton Tangent 585 Words (not figures) from the National Treasurer A belated Happy New Year.

Ted was in his seventies and had a job as a night-watchman, and every evening before he set off for work his wife Muriel dutifully made him some sandwiches so that he could have something to eat around midnight. One morning when he returned home she asked him “How were your sandwiches?” “They were fine” he replied. “Are you sure they tasted ok?” she queried. “Yes they were very tasty.” “You don’t feel ill at all?” she added hesitantly. “No, never felt better. Why?” “Oh, no reason. Just asking…. By the way, tomorrow you’re going to have to clean your shoes with fish paste.”

North Wales

Ladies who Lunch For over forty years Betty and Rose had met up once a week for lunch. Eventually Betty said “All we ever seem to talk about over lunch are the trivial things in life – like buying new cushions, what the weather forecast is or what colour you should paint your lounge. Next time we meet why don’t we have a serious discussion about world affairs?” “That’s as good idea.” said Rose So the following week while they were waiting for lunch to arrive Rose said “Go on Betty, you start the serious political debate.” “OK” said Betty. “What do you think about the situation with Red China?” Rose replied “Not much – it won’t go with your green tablecloth.”


GO PINK. RAISE MONEY. SAVE LIVES. Breakthrough Breast Cancer is looking for thousands of people to GO PINK in fun and fabulous ways to help end the fear of breast cancer. Join us in making this happen by signing up for your FREE fundraising pack or calling 08080 100 200.


Llandudno will be my last AGM, having completed my three year stint. It’s disappointing to find that there are no candidates for the job. I know that there are many people who would be perfectly capable of doing this job. I realise that everybody leads busy lives but without this help, it would be extremely difficult for the Association to function. If you don’t feel confident enough to deal with the complete accounts, why not consider perhaps just recording the receipts and payments and then passing on the schedules to a firm of accountants. This could be done using a suitable computer programme.

On Thursday 25th October 2012 Longton Tangent Club celebrated its 30th Anniversary with a lunch and flower arranging display at The Upper House in Barlaston. We were delighted to be joined by the National President, Sue, who was a fantastic and friendly guest. The lunch was followed by a flower arranging display by two very gifted ladies, who not only did the most outstanding flower designs, but also were a comedy duo in their own rights.

Enjoy Llandudno if you are able to go and I look forward to meeting the next national treasurer there.

It was a great day enjoyed by all including many past members, some of whom travelled long distances to be with us. Long may we continue.

Yours in continued friendship

Longton Tangent Chairman Ruth

Please ladies just consider whether it is now time for you to give something back.

June Boden National Treasurer

Have Ringwood scored a record? There is no truth in the rumour that nepotism is alive and kicking in Ringwood Ex-Tablers Club. Just because the Tangent Chair has been the wife of the 41 Club Chair in 3 out of the last 5 years, just because the new chairman, Richard Dyson, is the brother-in-law of his predecessor in the role and now his twin sister, Ro (wife of the immediate past chairman) has become the Tangent Chair; nepotism - perish the thought! However, the challenging question is: are Richard Dyson and the former Miss Dyson the first twins (not quite identical, as you will probably have noticed!) to become Chairmen of their respective clubs at the same time? Answers on a post card please. As the photo suggests, there is a slight difference between the twins, Ro being the good looking one on the left. They have come a long way from their native Huddersfield, first Ro settling in the New Forest after having lived in foreign parts, like Zambia, where she was a nursing sister. Richard followed her to Ringwood some time later. They have come into their respective chairs when there is a huge amount going on in the Ringwood clubs; apart from the main stream social calendar for which Ringwood is renowned, it is an auspicious time for both the golf society and the annual Frogham camping weekend, both of which are celebrating their ruby anniversaries in 2012. The Ringwood Ex-Tablers’ Cruising Club (ignominiously referred to as the RECC!) have just been cruising in the Solent albeit that their horizons were somewhat limited by the weather. There is a full programme of meetings and social events planned for the rest of the year, including the club’s first hosting of the famous Dorset Knobs in March 2013. For further details of what is in store do refer to the website (www.ringwood41club.co.uk).


NEW PIN Following the success of the competition which was judged at the 2012 NAGM in Jersey, it has been decided to run the microFICTION Competition again. Write a piece of 36 words the last three of which should be ….”in the future.” Send it to editor@tangent-clubs.org and it will be put up on the website. The winner will be chosen by delegates at the Conference in Llandudno in April 2013

It’s the Thought That Counts Two married men were drinking in a bar. One said to the other “I got my wife a bag and a belt for her fiftieth birthday.” “Oh really?” said the other, “That was very thoughtful of you.” “Well, she wasn’t very pleased” said the first, “but the Hoover works fine now.”


New Filling

Due to the huge response for the Swarovski pin produced for the 40th Anniversary of Tangent I have commissioned a new badge, which I will launch at the conference & AGM in Llandudno in April. I look forward to seeing you there and showing you the new pin! Jenny Bevan National Sales & Regalia Officer

Longton Tangent 585 Words (not figures) from the National Treasurer A belated Happy New Year.

Ted was in his seventies and had a job as a night-watchman, and every evening before he set off for work his wife Muriel dutifully made him some sandwiches so that he could have something to eat around midnight. One morning when he returned home she asked him “How were your sandwiches?” “They were fine” he replied. “Are you sure they tasted ok?” she queried. “Yes they were very tasty.” “You don’t feel ill at all?” she added hesitantly. “No, never felt better. Why?” “Oh, no reason. Just asking…. By the way, tomorrow you’re going to have to clean your shoes with fish paste.”

North Wales

Ladies who Lunch For over forty years Betty and Rose had met up once a week for lunch. Eventually Betty said “All we ever seem to talk about over lunch are the trivial things in life – like buying new cushions, what the weather forecast is or what colour you should paint your lounge. Next time we meet why don’t we have a serious discussion about world affairs?” “That’s as good idea.” said Rose So the following week while they were waiting for lunch to arrive Rose said “Go on Betty, you start the serious political debate.” “OK” said Betty. “What do you think about the situation with Red China?” Rose replied “Not much – it won’t go with your green tablecloth.”


GO PINK. RAISE MONEY. SAVE LIVES. Breakthrough Breast Cancer is looking for thousands of people to GO PINK in fun and fabulous ways to help end the fear of breast cancer. Join us in making this happen by signing up for your FREE fundraising pack or calling 08080 100 200.


Llandudno will be my last AGM, having completed my three year stint. It’s disappointing to find that there are no candidates for the job. I know that there are many people who would be perfectly capable of doing this job. I realise that everybody leads busy lives but without this help, it would be extremely difficult for the Association to function. If you don’t feel confident enough to deal with the complete accounts, why not consider perhaps just recording the receipts and payments and then passing on the schedules to a firm of accountants. This could be done using a suitable computer programme.

On Thursday 25th October 2012 Longton Tangent Club celebrated its 30th Anniversary with a lunch and flower arranging display at The Upper House in Barlaston. We were delighted to be joined by the National President, Sue, who was a fantastic and friendly guest. The lunch was followed by a flower arranging display by two very gifted ladies, who not only did the most outstanding flower designs, but also were a comedy duo in their own rights.

Enjoy Llandudno if you are able to go and I look forward to meeting the next national treasurer there.

It was a great day enjoyed by all including many past members, some of whom travelled long distances to be with us. Long may we continue.

Yours in continued friendship

Longton Tangent Chairman Ruth

Please ladies just consider whether it is now time for you to give something back.

June Boden National Treasurer

Have Ringwood scored a record? There is no truth in the rumour that nepotism is alive and kicking in Ringwood Ex-Tablers Club. Just because the Tangent Chair has been the wife of the 41 Club Chair in 3 out of the last 5 years, just because the new chairman, Richard Dyson, is the brother-in-law of his predecessor in the role and now his twin sister, Ro (wife of the immediate past chairman) has become the Tangent Chair; nepotism - perish the thought! However, the challenging question is: are Richard Dyson and the former Miss Dyson the first twins (not quite identical, as you will probably have noticed!) to become Chairmen of their respective clubs at the same time? Answers on a post card please. As the photo suggests, there is a slight difference between the twins, Ro being the good looking one on the left. They have come a long way from their native Huddersfield, first Ro settling in the New Forest after having lived in foreign parts, like Zambia, where she was a nursing sister. Richard followed her to Ringwood some time later. They have come into their respective chairs when there is a huge amount going on in the Ringwood clubs; apart from the main stream social calendar for which Ringwood is renowned, it is an auspicious time for both the golf society and the annual Frogham camping weekend, both of which are celebrating their ruby anniversaries in 2012. The Ringwood Ex-Tablers’ Cruising Club (ignominiously referred to as the RECC!) have just been cruising in the Solent albeit that their horizons were somewhat limited by the weather. There is a full programme of meetings and social events planned for the rest of the year, including the club’s first hosting of the famous Dorset Knobs in March 2013. For further details of what is in store do refer to the website (www.ringwood41club.co.uk).


Tangent across the w rld In the UK, around 10 million people have arthritis. The condition affects people of all ages including children. There are many different types of arthritis that cause a wide range of symptoms. Two of the most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. What is osteoarthritis?

What is rheumatoid arthritis?

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in the UK, affecting an estimated 8.5 million people. In people affected by osteoarthritis, the cartilage (connective tissue) between their bones gradually wastes away, leading to painful rubbing of bone on bone in the joints. The most frequently affected joints are in the hands, spine, knees and hips. Osteoarthritis often develops in people who are over 50 years of age. However, it can develop at any age as a result of an injury or another joint-related condition.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a more severe, but less common, form of arthritis than osteoarthritis. It occurs when the body's immune system attacks and destroys the affected joints, causing pain and swelling to occur. This can lead to a reduction in movement and the breakdown of bone and cartilage. In the UK, rheumatoid arthritis affects around 400,000 people, and often starts in people between the ages of 40 and 50 years old. Women are three times more likely to be affected by the condition than men.

Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation within a joint. For osteoarthritis, analgesics (painkillers), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids are often prescribed. In severe cases, surgery may be recommended such as:

Symptoms of arthritis There are many different symptoms of arthritis and the symptoms you experience will vary depending on the type of arthritis you have. However, common arthritic symptoms include: • • • • •

• • •

joint pain, tenderness and stiffness inflammation in and around the joints restricted movement of the joints warmth and redness of the skin over the affected joint weakness and muscle wasting

arthroplasty (joint replacement) arthodesis (joint fusion) osteotomy (where a bone is cut and re-aligned)

The aim in treating rheumatoid arthritis is to slow down the progress of the condition and minimise joint damage. Recommended treatments may include: • • • •

Treating arthritis

analgesics (painkillers) disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) physiotherapy regular exercise

Support groups

There is no cure for arthritis but there are a number of treatments that can help slow down the condition’s progress.

Support groups, such as Arthritis Research UK and Arthritis Care offer information, advice and support for people living with arthritis. You can also use the post code search to find arthritis services in your area and hospitals for arthritis.

Medication can help relieve the symptoms of arthritis. In severe cases, surgery may be recommended.

Bill and I were very pleased to be able to attend the 30th Charter Anniversary celebrations of Tangent Denmark together with Gill and Ralph Preston. Attendance exceeded all expectations with overseas guests from Sweden, Germany, and Norway as well as UK, which meant a move to a bigger venue for the Friday evening which actually was a good opportunity to see the hotel which will be used as one of the venues for their Conference in April. We were made very welcome and well looked after.

INTERNATIONAL DIARY DATES 8/3/13 19/4/13 3/5/13 31/5/13 6/6/13 21/8/13

10/3/13 21/4/13 5/5/13 2/6/13 9/6/13 24/8/13

Charter of Ladies Circle Portugal - Lisbon Ex Table and Tangent Denmark National Conference - Middlefart LC and Tangent Germany National Conference - Norden Charter of Tangent Norway - Oslo Swedish NAGM - Lycksele LCI Lusaka, Zambia

It is 25 years since Agora was formed in Northern France by a few Ladies who sadly were then not eligible for Tangent membership. However over that period rules have changed so that now they are similar in both clubs. Our discussions continue, our questions were answered by e-mail and may be viewed on our website. Issues remain mainly concerning capitation and representation which the Exec. feel may be more easily resolved during a face to face meeting between our Exec. and Agora Board members. We are currently exploring the possibility of achieving this at minimal cost to both organisations.

On Saturday, Odense Ex Table entertained our menfolk with a tour of Hans Christian Anderson’s home town, which of course included a visit to a micro brewery and some sampling, while our meeting was held at the college of Art and Design in Kolling. Amazing fabrics, shoes and clothes in various stages of design were on display as we had a walking tour of the building to burn off the calories from a good breakfast, and make room for more to come from a beautifully presented lunch. The Head of Department was able to explain the history of the faculty and why it was such a popular choice with students, working its way up the league tables. I found the relationship they had with industry particularly interesting as they encouraged manufacturers to come to them with their problems and were getting very successful at working to provide the solutions. After lunch the Half Yearly Meeting commenced with an update on the year, a new club was chartered and Else Tradsfeldt (Founder President of Tangent Denmark in 1982 and now a life honorary member) made the three minute speech which was a fascinating insight into their history, with many mentions of our dear Ros Raper. Songs were sung, a few tears shed, lots of laughter then time for guests to present their gifts and greetings before sharing a glass of fizz and birthday cake. We then took the opportunity to have our first joint meeting under the governance of the MoU, as all signatories were present. It is so rewarding to see this growing and developing. The Norwegian Tangents will be Chartering their National Board in Oslo on 31/5/13 and have asked Tangent Denmark to perform this. They plan to sign the MoU on this occasion too. NAGM and HYM dates were exchanged and the next MoU meeting will be combined with the Danish NAGM 19/4/13. All the details of the Memorandum of Understanding are printed on page 12 of our Directory and may also be found on our website.

Our first MoU meeting with 2 delegates from Denmark, Sweden, UK (and Norway who plan to sign up in May)

Tangent India

Various thoughts were then shared, centred around improving communication and distributing information on a nil or low cost basis - an International Tangent Newsletter? an International Tangent Facebook group? This really fired us with enthusiasm and I am pleased to report that this is now up and running.

We had a successful Tangent AGM at Hotel Le Meridian, Coimbatore. The new Tangent India Board for the year 2012-13 is as follows:

President Vice President IPP Secretary Treasurer

Opportunities of working “side by side” with other members of the Round Table family were then explored. 41 Club International Conference will be held in Denmark in 2014, followed by Cyprus in 2015. These meetings may provide an opportunity for all Tangent countries to get together and it is hoped to plan a meeting in for Friday afternoon as part of the 2014 Conference. Ladies Circle International Conference may provide another opportunity too. I feel at long last we are really moving forward and strengthening our international links. The future looks exciting. Some of us were able to stay on for a relaxed, informal supper and spent a very pleasant evening at the lovely home of President Jeanett Korch. The time to bid farewell came all too quickly but it had been a very special time together which I felt privileged to share. Jan Dowling, Immediate Past National President




Mini Kar Mamta Bhargava Aruna Ummat Perin Pombra Jayshree Thaper

Vice President Karen says… 11th to 14th April 2013

Come and visit us in sunny north Wales by the sea! Not long to go now until we meet at Llandudno for our Conference and National AGM and Tangent Lunch. Places are filling up fast, but if you act quickly you will still be able book in to some of the events, and there is plenty of hotel accommodation in the town of Llandudno, much of it in easy walking distance of the venues. Go online to www.41conference.co.uk and book in for all your events in one place!


Well I have now processed over 400 regalia orders but there are still a lot to come and if you haven’t yet placed your order it is unlikely it will arrive before your AGM, although we will do our best to get it to you in time if you order now.

You may remember that this time last year Our fundraising effort was a different idea A “Flog It” was held when we auctioned off lots But this year the subject involved using pots For 65 people who came on the night A food demonstration - what a glorious sight Of good food prepared with ideas to cook And add to your own homemade recipe book

I would like to remind clubs to take a picture of their regalia as we have had another couple of insurance claims this year and it makes it so much easier if you can supply a picture of your chairman’s collarette with the name bars on. I must also point out that if the Chairman’s Jewel is lost we can only replace it under the Tangent Insurance with the current version. If your club is very old then your Chairman’s Jewel may be more intricate and more expensive to replace than the current version so you may want to insure it separately.

Local chef Colin Ord offered to cook us some food Honey Glazed Chicken got us all in the mood His dishes designed to offer us a peek Of food from all countries – Chinese and Thai, Italian and Greek There were Sweet Chilli Noodles and Lamb Koftas grilled The smells were divine and with tastes we were thrilled There were Fishcakes in Thai style, Tiramisu to end Our tastebuds were tickled, on that you can depend Cakes made by our members were sold with some tea A wonderful raffle raised a fantastic fee With prizes donated by friends at no cost A profit was made and no money lost

Bookings are starting to come through for visits to clubs next year and I have already had a few clashes of dates so please let me know in good time if you want me to visit, especially if it is for a special occasion. I look forward to meeting as many clubs as possible next year.

The venues for the whole Conference are superb. The Tangent Day is being held in The Hall at Venue Cymru, a purpose-built conference centre with fantastic views over the Bay. If you arrive early there is a café where you can buy a drink or even breakfast, and from 10 am the Bar in the Orme Suite on the ground floor will be open to purchase coffee and other drinks.

The “F word” in this case doesn’t mean something rude It stands for Fundraising, Flog It and Food Over £500 raised in only one night For the VIP Club for those with poor sight

YICF Tangent Exec enjoy the cold weather, Vice President Karen sports a fetching fur hat!


So give it a go in any way you choose With fund raising efforts you just cannot lose The charities are grateful and when the hard work is done You too will see “F” is also for FUN !

We will move upstairs to The Hall for Lunch and the NAGM during the afternoon. I can promise you delicious cuisine, beautifully presented and served. It promises to be a real treat for us all! From the Welcome Party on Thursday evening, through the 41 Club President’s Ball on Friday night and culminating in the (optional) Fancy Dress Party on Saturday, you will have every opportunity to meet up with old and new friends and enjoy all the fun and friendship that Conference has to offer. Look forward to seeing you there! Sue Hill Tangent Day Chairman



If you are coming along to the NAGM and would like to see and take part in how it runs, why not volunteer to act as one of our Minute Secretaries? Although we make an audio recording of the meeting and all the National Officers provide their reports in writing to the National Secretary, we still have two Tangent members who sit together and take notes of the meeting, such as Tangent names and number of proposers and seconders, notes of what is said by other speakers and the result of votes.

March 2 9 16 22 23

If you are interested in giving us a hand then please contact Terrie the National Secretary by email secretary@tangent-clubs.org

Llandudno at night

Omagh 851

RT President's Ball Tangent Charity Ball Quiz Night Travel to Ireland Irish Lunch

April 11/14 15/18 18/22

National Conference Llandudno Holiday Walking Weekend

May 4 10 11 18/19 24/26 30/31

Ladies Circle NAGM Executive Meeting Welsh Lunch 1st Birthday TBC Norway Tangent Charter TBC Private Visit

June 1/2 13 15 18 21/23 28 29


Stansted Fareham 92 Wokingham 268

Llwchwr 916 Llwchwr 916 Octagon 926 Oslo

Southend on Sea 5 Hinckley 52 Dunmow & District 32 Northwich 426 Northwich 426

Private Visit Friendship Evening 50th Anniversary Celebration Friendship Evening 41 Club Council Weekend Executive Meeting Northern Lunch

July 13 28

Private Event Round Table Family Event

August 15/17 23/30

Edinburgh Military Tattoo Holiday


September 1/6 14 Wokingham 268 21 Burntisland & District 888 27 Farnham 469 28

Holiday Charity Lunch Scottish Lunch PNO's Weekend Ladies Circle Charity Ball

October 2 4 5 12 19 26

Stourbridge & District 913 City of Wells 747 City of Wells 747 Clitheroe 309 Dundee 290 Hagley & District 515

4th Birthday Executive Meeting South West Lunch 40th Anniversary Lunch 50th Anniversary Celebration Lunch TBC

November 2 8 9 10 16

Hagley & District 515 Northfleet(Gravesham) 702 Northfleet(Gravesham) 702

Lunch TBC South East Lunch South East Lunch Cenotaph Lunch TBC

Hagley & District 515

December 11

The Lamb Xmas Meeting

2014 February 1 Amersham 15 Wokingham 268 17/26 28 Newport (Shropshire) 333

RT President's Ball Charity Ball Holiday Executive Meeting

March 1

Midlands Lunch

Newport (Shropshire) 333

April 23/27

National Conference Bournemouth

September 20 Taunton 199

South West Lunch

November 8 Fareham 92

South East Lunch

Felixstowe 40th Charter Anniversary Now this is really a very special “Do” Organised by our present chairman Sue It’s lovely to have members from far away We hope you all enjoy this “Ruby Day”. We’ve been wined and dined and feel full of good cheer What a super way to celebrate this year. We formed this Tangent 40 years ago And we’re still going strong as today does show. We were green and hadn’t founded a club before So a member from Ipswich advised us, called Josie Law. Our founder chairman was a lass called Ann We met in her house and she told us her plan. No charity work for “this and that” Just meet once a month for a drink and a chat A committee was formed without much ado Ann just pointed her finger and said, ”You, you and you”.

Club members past and present standing on the steps at Horsted Place

We all help each other when things go wrong Never a grumble, we just “pop along” We’ve had “ups and downs” as everyone does But problems don’t last long with friends like us.


Isn’t it a shame that Circle has demised? Very little hope of it being revived. We’re a real mixed bag – some the size of houses Some tall, some small, some with large blouses.

Crowborough Tangent 749 celebrated twenty five years of friendship with a lunch held at Horsted Place, East Sussex, on September 2012. The event was organised by Margaret Stebbing, Chairman, and Sheila Hatchwell, Immediate Past Chairman. We started with a Buck's Fizz reception, and welcomed past and present club members. A delicious lunch followed and as the weather was kind, coffee was served, under umbrellas, in the garden. A present of string and scissors, Tangent naturally, was given to each lady and Eileen Richardson provided a tower of cupcakes in the blue and gold theme. Flowers on the table were arranged by Sue Allen and Di Byers, also in the blue and gold theme.

We have shy ones, bossy ones, some very funny Some who’ll be nameless, don’t like spending money We really are most talented of mobs All used to work in a variety of jobs. There were teachers, doctors and nurses galore Librarians, civil servants, magistrates and more A carnival queen, model and ice skater We even have our own undertaker Our children have long since flown the nest Most of us are grandmas and that is the best. I feel quite sad now the years have gone by In fact it brings quite a tear to my eye.

Horsted Place is a magnificent Victorian mansion and provides comfort and pleasure as a dignified and luxurious country house hotel. We were able to walk and enjoy the grounds and admire the architecture of the building.

As the years roll by we’re dosed up with pills Some with health problems and various ills We’ve got to the age when things start to dangle And tend to grow at a peculiar angle.

We were chauffeured to and from the venue by husbands/partners - no worries about drinking and driving! What a very special day, and let us look forward to the next twenty five years with much fun and friendship.

Some of us have our own teeth – fantastic! Others have ones that are crafted in plastic. When the sad time comes when we’re left on our own Let’s pool our resources and buy an Old People’s Home. We could sit in a circle and sleep all day long Even join the “Sally Army” in their annual sing-song By nine o’clock we’d be tucked up in bed No sex or “nookie” – a cup of cocoa instead.

Shirley Carey, Secretary

Seated, from the left - Sheila Hatchwell, Margaret Stebbing. Jan Turner. Standing, Lynn Street

Many moons ago they said “nookie” was fine Now a bar of chocolate is more in our line. We’d just pull off our roll-ons, bras and our tighties Take out our false teeth – and wear our “seersucker” nighties! No more jerking of legs to wake you with a start No more elbows in the face and the occasional fart! No more “I’ve got a headache “and all that bother We’d just cuddle down under the duvet cover.


Marlow Tangent Club 205 has over 40 members with ages spread fairly evenly in every decade from the forties to the eighties and one nonagenarian.

The number of membership enquiries has slowed, so perhaps Christmas has given potential members something else to focus on? Just three this last week, but at last I am up to date with them! My sincere thanks to Penny Denby for all her help and also to members up and down the country who have so kindly taken the time to follow up these contacts, giving a flavour of the local Tangent activities and invitations to meetings. I hope that this has introduced some new members to our clubs to secure a healthy future. I am very aware that Tangent members average age is rising and that the main reason given for clubs closing is advanced years and decreasing mobility coupled with the fact that they have had no new members.

There are several sub-groups – Circlers who joined Tangent together with some being founder members from 1971; others spent family and subsequent holidays together; some have hobbies in common and quite a few are still working. Although some members feel that the age gap isn’t easily bridged, generally all groups mix well. There is no specific formula, but plenty of goodwill. We have one evening and one lunchtime meeting each month. A core of members attends both meetings. Some older members prefer lunchtimes and those working can only attend in the evening. We have speakers; theatre trips; an annual pot-luck supper; mulled wine and mince pies at Christmas and recently a Cup Cake demonstration by one of our members – which had a very high turnout. Each Chairman stamps her personality on the year’s events.

I have recently received enquiries from Brackley and Callander Ladies Circles about starting Tangents which is very good news. I really appreciate Dunblane Tangent’s kind offer to visit the Callander girls to help and support them as they are only 7or 8 miles away. It is always good to have a link between our clubs and to perhaps share a couple of meetings each year. I have also had contact with Karen Johnson – Ladies Circle Membership Officer, about starting a new Tangent in Norfolk so the future is looking quite rosy and I Know that President Sue is looking forward to chartering some new clubs.

The group as a whole is hugely supportive of its members. During personal difficulties or health problems members frequently visit and email support. It is a small thing but much appreciated by those on the receiving end. For those who are less willing to drive, lifts can always be provided, ensuring that contacts are maintained. The older generation is always keen to find out about new members and sometimes the older members surprise the younger group with tales of their exploits in the war years and an encyclopaedic knowledge of our town. Our oldest member, although previously a Circler, only joined us 3 years ago, but feels very welcome and one of the crowd. She regularly regales us with dirty stories!

Jan Dowling, Immediate Past National President

Some members prefer to sit with their friendship group, especially if they cannot attend very often, making it less easy for the others to get to know them, but they feel that it does work. We have on occasion ensured random seating at dinners by issuing raffle tickets which are then matched to those on the tables. Despite some initial misgivings the volume of conversation has proved that it works well.


We decided against open membership a couple of years ago but do have some friends of Tangent who come to meetings and events. We are visited by and visit members who have moved away. We invite the immediate past President/Chairman of Inner Wheel and Ladies’ Circle to be an honorary member for a year and hold an annual dinner for the 3 Clubs, each one hosting in turn.

Wednesday 24th October was the climax to a lot of work and organising. It was our annual Friendship Evening and we had a new venue and gave people a choice of menu this time. The replies were slow to start with, but after a few panics (on my side) the acceptances started to come in. My Joint Chairman, Jan, and I worked together deciding who was doing what, which included our other Exec. friends, Sue, Ruth and Issy. The big day (or evening) arrived, along with President Sue who was staying with me. Around forty people attended the evening, with friends from other clubs joining us. After National President Sue had lit the Candle of Friendship we enjoyed a superb meal, and our speaker followed. He is a guide at Rockingham Castle in Northamptonshire, and gave a talk on the Castle's history and the family who live there, accompanied by slides. Very interesting. Later in the evening National President Sue gave a short address and thanked us for swelling her Charity Fund by way of our raffle money. As Joint Chairmen, Jan and I had decided who was going to say what during the evening, and as my voice was 'on its way out' that night I thought I would be mouthing 'my bit' with Jan narrating! Anyway I managed with a croak. At the end of the evening Jan and I thanked everyone for joining us, and, in 'Strictly Come Dancing' mode, we jointly told everyone to "KEEP TANGENTING."

We now have a Vice-Chairman from the ‘younger generation’ who is recruiting her peer group to committee positions so we are confident that Tangent will continue to bridge the age gap. Pattie Beresford - Marlow 205

No more loud snores, till you could throttle The bed to ourselves plus a hot water bottle. We could play Bingo and knit our bed socks And patiently wait for the Grim Reaper’s knocks. Some of our dear friends are no longer here But we’ll never forget them – have no fear. But don’t let’s dwell on things that are sad We’re all here together and we should be glad. So let’s say “Cheers” - that’s if we’re able. Remember – we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Round Table. On that cheerful note, I’ve come to the end LET FRIENDSHIP CONTINUE My dear Tangent friends.

Pat Kaye Jan and I "Keep Tangenting".



Regional Lunches

Rochdale 50th Anniversary

OLYMPICS VOLUNTEER During the Olympics I was a volunteer based at Heathrow Airport welcoming the Athletes. I spent five weeks being a volunteer, during which time I stayed with my son and his wife. These are my grandchildren trying on the uniform the day I collected it. I live In Whitby North Yorkshire, and am a member of Guisborough Tangent. At our November meeting I gave a talk about my wonderful Olympic experience, which was enjoyed by all.

On Saturday 29th September 2012, The Tangent Club of Rochdale celebrated its 50th Anniversary with a wonderful lunch at Nutters’ Restaurant in Rochdale. Almost a hundred members, past members and guests met together to renew friendships and further the joys of continued fellowship. The National President, Sue Marlow; the Mayoress of Rochdale, Jane Gartside; and the Chairman of Rochdale Tangent, Sandra Hewitt were amused and entertained along with the guests, by excellent Speaker, Lilian King QPM: the ex-Chief Superintendant of Greater Manchester Police. By the end of the afternoon many guests were reluctant to leave, having met new people thereby furthering ‘ContinuedFriendship’.

SOUTH EAST LUNCH Emeritus 900 and Lunch Chairman Janis Attwell welcomed Tangent members to the South East Regional Lunch held at the Hilton Hotel, Bracknell on 10th November 2012.

SOUTH WEST REGIONAL LUNCH 2012 It was a beautiful sunny day in Devon when we gathered at the Langstone Cliff Hotel on 16th October for the South West Regional Lunch hosted by Teignmouth Tangent. Pam Morris Chairman of the Luncheon Committee welcomed a packed room to the event, including the guest speaker The Rt. Hon. Ann Widdecombe who had been very busy signing copies of her novels for members before the lunch.

Rose Helm

What a Lady

Irene Clarke, Nithsdale Tangent 485, recently celebrated her 85th Birthday with fellow Tangent members and friends. This is no ordinary lady! Irene has been a Tangent member for 44 years, when she transferred from Shrewsbury Circle to Shrewsbury Tangent in 1968. Thence followed Blackpool, Aberystwyth, Birkenhead and finally Nithsdale, where she has been a member for the last 21 years.

Following a delicious lunch, during which everyone got down to some serious chatting, Ann came round the room and spoke to nearly everyone there. No mean feat! Her after dinner talk was very interesting and humerous in parts. She was happy to answer members’ questions at the end. Following the roll call, Kathy Hamlet the Chairman of Teignmouth Tangent gave a toast to NATC and President Sue Marlow responded. Everyone went home after a truly splendid day of friendship and fun!

Irene travels over 60 miles in her round trip to our monthly meetings and can regularly be seen at the Scottish and Northern Regional luncheons.

The hotel foyer and bar were packed to overflowing (literally, some ladies ate in an adjoining room!) with everyone in all their finery and a multitude of colours and fabulous head gear. The room and Emeritus members all looked fantastic co-ordinated in red and black. A surprise was in store when we found that our raffle envelopes were collected by 41 Club members dressed as “French girls” in red and black and fishnet stockings! Never knew they had such good legs! After a delicious lunch there was a packed programme which ran like clockwork through the afternoon. The Toast to NATC was proposed by BJ Brown and President Sue replied. The speaker was Julie Peasgood, an actress, TV presenter, author and journalist. The afternoon ended with a very successful raffle and everyone went home having had a most enjoyable day.

WELSH LUNCH 2013 The Welsh lunch this year will be hosted by Llwchwr Tangent 916 at Norton House Hotel, Mumbles on 11th May. A Buck’s Fizz reception at 11 am will be followed by a three course lunch. The speaker will be Behnaz Akghar speaking on “Fighting for your dream”. The cost will be £28. See the form with this magazine to book.


She has been Tangent Chairman in three countries – Wales (Aberystwyth), England (Birkenhead) and Scotland (Nithsdale).

In our September meeting at English Dining Room, Congleton Tangent celebrated Muriel Fraser’s 50th Anniversary in Circle and Tangent! After a delicious meal, we presented Muriel with an orchid and a card signed by everyone sending their good wishes and enjoyed some lovely celebratory cake.

Congratulations to such a stalwart member!

Muriel and Ian were married in August 1962. At this time Muriel’s Aunt was Circle Chairman to Dumfries Circle – in fact, Muriel’s Aunt and Uncle were founder members of Dumfries Round Table and Ladies Circle. Ian was introduced to Round Table by Muriel’s Uncle and her Aunt invited Muriel to join Dumfries Circle in September 1962. Dumfries Round Table gave them a lovely round coffee table as a wedding gift, which still sits in their sitting room today!


In 1964 they moved to Penicuik, just outside Edinburgh, and became part of Dalkeith and District Round Table and Ladies Circle. Between them they held most of the “offices” from community and programme to Secretary, Vice-Chairman and Chairman. They also went onto Area, where Ian was Area Secretary (Muriel was his assistant!!), then he was Area Vice Chairman and Area Chairman. Muriel was Area Secretary and was going to be Area Vice-Chairman when another house move to Solihull near Birmingham in 1973 put a halt to these plans.

I'm Janice. I'm 29..... and have been for several years! Maybe that's why I still have lots of energy and verve for living. I'm passionate about my life and my loves, some I can talk about! I love singing and am a member of Rock Choir. I adore entertaining my friends and family with excellent food and wine. Networking is not only a passion but also a defining part of my life; creating relationships and putting people together to the extent that I have my own network club. My 20 years involvement in Circle and Tangent (yes I did join aged 9, put your calculators away) have given me more fellowship and friendship than I could have ever dreamt. Whoever would have thought that a single organisation could teach me public speaking, belly dancing, fundraising skills and the art of dressing up, and getting dressed up in a short time. Whilst I have the perfect combination of time, experience, brain space, working hips, commitment and flexibility in my life, now is a fantastic opportunity for me to stand as the next Vice President of the National Association of Tangent Clubs. Wow, what an honour! Should I be successful, I can barely wait for the year to start, shadowing Karen and supporting her in her year as National President. I look forward to raising a few G&T’s with you.


SCOTTISH REGIONAL LUNCH 2013 Scottish Lunch will be hosted by Burntisland and District 888 at the Carnegie Conference Centre, Dunfermline on 21st September 2013. Go to their website www.tangentscottishluncheon2013.com for more information. Look forward to meeting up again with our members north of the border there!

They joined their respective Birmingham Moseley Ladies Circle and Round Table, and Ian became National Councillor for that area and Muriel held various “offices”. In 1978 they moved again to Congleton where Muriel joined Congleton Circle, again holding various “offices” and stayed there till “retiring” to Tangent. Muriel was a founder member of Congleton Tangent and has been Secretary, Treasurer and Chairman. Throughout the years Muriel and Ian have made many lifelong friendships in Circle, Round Table and Tangent, they have enjoyed these years so much. It goes without saying that we at Congleton Tangent say a massive thank you to Muriel and Ian for all that they have contributed over the last fifty years to Circle, Round Table and Tangent. Also congratulations on celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary in August!



Whitchurch Tangent show what you can do! Tangents across the country have fun in many diverse ways! Nicola, Chairman of Whitchurch Tangent, sent in these examples of what they have been up to, sharing fun and friendship while trying new experiences. Maybe they will give you some ideas. If your Tangent has been doing something a bit unusual or that you think others might find fun please send me some pictures and an explanation of what you have been up to! Editor Falconry Experience In May 17 of our members attended a falconry experience at Battlefield Falconry Centre. The evening consisted of a short hawk walk where we all had a go at holding the falcon, releasing it and calling it back to us. Whilst this was a new experience for most of us, the hi-light of the evening was a close up encounter with the baby owls, which still had all their "fluff" rather than feathers. Strictly Come Dancing - June's Plaque We hold an annual competition between Whitchurch Circle and Tangent members and this year it was Tangent's turn to organise it. We therefore arranged a "Strictly Come Dancing" themed evening and invited a couple of local dancers to come and teach us a few steps. Our panel of "judges" consisted of the two professionals plus David Hewitt as Craig Revel Horwood, complete with spangled jacket and dance shoes and Pete James (husband of member Anna) as Bruno. They were not particularly polite about our attempts at ballroom dancing! Circle won the event and the plaque was presented by June Pearce (Tangent member) who originally donated it. Everybody enjoyed the evening, even the Circlers who had been reluctant to participate! The pictures show June (who started the event) and Hazel Nimmo dancing and also our panel of judges! Vintage Tea Party In August we held a fundraising event in the form of a vintage tea party in aid of Prostate Cancer UK. Tickets cost £5 and included tea/coffee plus sandwiches and cakes. To add to our fundraising a raffle was held. Members also submitted some of their favourite recipes which we made into a recipe booklet and sold during the evening. We raised over £185 which has already been sent to Prostate Cancer UK and a further sum will be sent shortly following the sale of further recipe books. This was a fun way to raise money for a charity which is particularly close to the hearts of some of our members. The picture shows the table laid with cake stands. Zumba Taster Session In September we held a Zumba taster night which 20 of our members attended. Unfortunately Whitchurch only have a short piece of video footage of the evening but they all thoroughly enjoyed it. Something a bit different. Circle 50th Charter It was Whitchurch Circle's 50th Charter on the 11th October and I've attached a photo of all the past chairs which include many of our current Tangent members. The guest speaker was TV celebrity and local vet Steve Leonard, who was fascinating and made excellent eye candy for us ladies on the top table!! (We old girls have to get our kicks somewhere)! The interruption by Whitchurch Tablers was "brave" as they paraded in clad in lycra which left rather too little to the imagination! Other up-coming events for the year:


2012 was an extraordinary year and 2013 looks like being another exciting time with plenty still to look forward to. As National President I have had the opportunity to do, see and experience things that I would probably never have done. I was delighted to be invited to The Women of the Year Lunch. This was a fantastic day and I was surrounded by so many inspirational women. The Cenotaph in London has to be up there as one of the best days of my life. I felt so honoured to represent the Association and very proud to be able to walk alongside so many veterans. It was a very moving and memorable experience. I, together with the Exec, have attended three more regional lunches. The Scottish, the SW in Teignmouth and the SE in Bracknell. All were excellent events and well attended. Many thanks to all of you who have been involved in organising these lunches. I appreciate that they do not just happen. A lot of time and effort is put into making the day a success. I still have the Midlands and Irish lunches to attend which I am looking forward to. Most of my visits in December were close to home although due to illness I did have to cancel a couple of my engagements. My apologies to those of you who missed out on my visit. Apart from visiting Tangent Clubs I have been invited to other organisations as National President. At the beginning of December I was very pleased to be invited as guest speaker at the RAF Club in London for a private lunch held by an old boys school society. Many of the members had not heard of Tangent so they were very interested to learn about our organisation. They treated me to a delicious lunch and kindly gave me a donation to my charity. I was able to attend the Christmas meeting at The Lamb pub in London. This is always a popular event but last year the numbers exceeded all expectations. It was good to see Round Table President Jason, 41-Club President David and myself amongst the throng of people present.

President’s Diary 2013 February Saturday 2nd Wednesday 6th Sunday 17th Friday 22nd Saturday 23rd

Bedford TC 40th & Bedford LC 60th. Joint 100th Celebration Derby TC Birthday meeting Portsmouth & Southsea TC Charity Lunch Exec Meeting Midlands Lunch

March Friday 1st - Sunday 3rd Tuesday 5th Wednesday 6th Saturday Saturday 23rd Tuesday 26th

Private Event Camberley TC 40th Anniversary Dunstable TC President's 'Bond & Bling' Charity event Irish Luncheon Waterlooville TC Buffet Supper

April Thursday 11th - 14th

NAGM Llandudno

The final few months of my year are just as busy as the last nine. There are still clubs to visit and anniversaries to celebrate. I look forward to sharing these events with you. Our pre-AGM meeting is at the end of January and it is at this time that you start to feel that the end is nigh. Sad but true. I am so looking forward to my charity 'Bond and Bling' event in March. I hope to raise yet more money for Brain Tumour Research but most of all I want everyone to have fun and enjoy themselves. Whilst mentioning my charity I have some very good news to report. As most of you know my goal during my year was to raise enough money to sponsor a day or more of research. In return Tangent’s logo and my sister’s name would be displayed on a 'Wall of Hope' situated at Portsmouth University. I am delighted to inform you that thanks to your generous donations I have purchased my first brick for the wall and an Open Day and naming ceremony will take place on the 14th February. A fitting day being the day of love. Pictures will follow. It will soon be time for our Conference in Llandudno from April 11th - 13th. This is a great fun filled week-end. The conference committee are working very hard to put on a good show for everyone. Our NAGM is on Saturday 13th April. This is an opportunity for you as members to come along and have your say. Why not make Llandudno your first conference? I am certain you will not regret it. I look forward to welcoming you all but especially those attending their first conference and NAGM.

Four presidents at cenotaph

You will of course soon be thinking about your own AGMs. As I travel around the country visiting Clubs I frequently hear the same story - ' No-one wants to be Chairman'. It does not seem to matter how many members you have in your Club, finding a Chairman still seems to be a problem. We all know this is nothing new. It was a problem when we were in Ladies Circle and will unfortunately continue to be an issue. I wish I could wave a magic wand and rectify this problem. An idea that some Clubs have decided on is to have a Shareman. They take it in turns to do 3 or 6 months at a time therefore taking the pressure off just one person. This also adds variety to the Club. Perhaps it is worth a try. I would like to mention discretionary membership as I am worried for the future of Tangent. We have to be realistic and accept the fact that membership is on the decline. If we want our Clubs to stay alive then we need to consider offering membership to other interested ladies. I have had the pleasure of being in the company of a few Chairman who are discretionary members. They are totally committed and very enthusiastic. These ladies can also bring fresh ideas into a Club. Please give it your consideration. Apart from conference to look forward to I have another exciting event. My eldest daughter is getting married in Antigua on the 22nd April so as soon as I leave Llandudno I will be packing my bikini and flying to the sunshine.

35 of us are off to Salford for a tour of BBC Media City Halloween Ghost walking tour of Chester. Christmas markets in Manchester.

Thank you all for giving me this opportunity to be your National President. The memories of my extraordinary year will remain with me forever.

Nicola Rogers Chair of Whitchurch Tangent 439




National Executive 2013 Llandudno Conference Page 6

Coffee Corner Page 8



Jan Appleyard Chairman - Aireborough 375 Angela Clifford City of Truro 331

PRESIDENT Sue Marlow (Derek)

Regional lunches Page 13

Betty White Sutton Coldfield 7

E: president@tangent-clubs.org

Sheila Longden Sutton Coldfield 7


Rosemary Welch Canterbury 93

E: vice-president@tangent-clubs.org

Jane Thomas Founder Member - Chepstow & District 628

International News Page 7


Your Health Page 10

E: past-president@tangent-clubs.org


SECRETARY Terrie Hewitt (David)

Although the weather forecast is hinting at snow later today, I am sure that I can feel Spring just around the corner. And of course with Spring comes our NAGM and Conference in the lovely North Wales town of Llandudno 11th – 14th April. Preparations are well under way for some fantastic events including the Tangent Day lunch and NAGM on Saturday 13th. We would love you to attend some of the events of Conference, but if you cannot then remember you can still attend the meeting as a Tangent member free of charge. As a democratic organisation it is important to have as many clubs represented by a voting delegate as possible. The agenda for the AGM is enclosed with this magazine. Please take the time at your next meeting to have a look at the items for discussion so that your voting delegate can attend with a clear mandate.

SECRETARY ELECT Melodie Brookes (Nigel)

The AGM sees the start of my last year as your Editor, I will be finishing my term at the Bournemouth conference in 2014. If anyone would be interested in joining the Exec in this capacity then, please feel free to contact me for a chat about what it entails. I look forward to meeting up with many of you at the forthcoming Regional Lunches and Conference.

E: treasurer@tangent-clubs.org

E: secretary@tangent-clubs.org

E: secretary-elect@tangent-clubs.org

TEASURER June Boden (Ken)


Yours in continued friendship Sue Hill Editor

This very special day dawned bright and sunny if a little chilly for our early start. I was totally unprepared for the crowds as we arrived at the National Arboretum but fortunately additional car parking was provided on a field further down the road. I was pleased that we had arrived early and had the additional time needed to walk back to the venue. As we walked along we gradually met up with other Round Table Family members, which was quite amazing in the mêlée. We were able to make our way together to where the Armistice Service was being started. This service is always organised for the 11/11 although other Remembrance Services are held on the nearest Sunday, so it is unusual that the two coincide. Large screens had been erected so everyone had a good view. We were only able to watch part of this service before moving on to our garden for our own service. It was a wonderful opportunity to stand side by side again as the four Immediate Past Presidents and a proud moment for me. Malcolm led a moving service and then we once again laid our wreaths – Vaughan and John by the obelisk whilst Vicky and I laid ours by the sundial. The service concluded and we made our way to Lullington Village Hall. We were warmly welcomed by members of Lichfield 41 Club and their Ladies, who hosted a wonderful lunch which was very much appreciated and set us up for our journey home. Jan Dowling, Immediate Past National President

Caroline Batterbury Coulsdon & Purley 36 Ronnie Wells Cuffley 278 Beryl Mackay Farnham 469 Joan Mary Miller Founder Chairman - Harpenden 137 Valerie Berry Founder Member - Hutton & Shenfield 666 Rita Moon Stockton –on-Tees & District 479 Margaret Randfield Founder Member - Kinder 289 Dorothy Churchill Luton 154

Ampthill Tangent 504

Joan ‘Jo’ Carter Bury St Edmunds 187 and Harlow 144

In October Ampthill Tangent chairman Jan Beckett welcomed National President Sue Marlow to our monthly meeting. After dinner we had a short quiz and then Sue had a “getting to know you chat” with our members, it was a lovely evening and enjoyed by us all.

Julie Hayes Warrington 162 Elizabeth Morris Founder Member - Whitley Bay Tangent 17

E: sales@tangent-clubs.org

Quiz Solutions

STOP PRESS! JOIN OUR You are still in with a chance of joining the National Exec Team! We have received no nominations for Treasurer, so it is open to anyone attending the NAGM during April in Llandudno to stand from the floor. We are a fun-loving bunch, and although we work hard for the Association we still have time to enjoy ourselves. Look out for further information in the magazine, or ring the Treasurer or Secretary for an informal chat. Go on – you know you want to! What have you got to lose?


Do you want to find or keep in touch with Tangent members and past Circlers? Would you like to be the first to see photographs of Tangent events? Would you like to be able to let other Tangent members know about your forthcoming event? Then join our


Search for us under Tangent Clubs. We would love to meet you there! Although National Association of Tangent Clubs makes every effort to ensure accuracy, we can accept no responsibility for errors or omissions. © All information in this publication is copyright of National Association of Tangent Clubs.


Did you know that we record the names of members who have recently died in the magazine, but you can have a longer item on the website? Here you can celebrate their life, tell other Tangent members about their achievements and have pictures included if you wish. Please send anything you would like included to editor@tangent-clubs.org and they will be published in both places.

EDITOR & WEBSITE CO-ORDINATOR Sue Hill (Ray) E: editor@tangent-clubs.org

CLUB CONTACTS In this issue you should receive: NAGM Notification NAGM Delegate Form NAGM/Delegate/Proxy form NAGM Agenda Accounts Directory Details Form Welsh Luncheon Form Northern Luncheon Form If you need further copies of these forms they are all available to download from our website www.tangent-clubs.org


Please send your articles and digital photographs for Issue 68 by 22nd April 2013 to Editor: Sue Hill, Email: editor@tangent-clubs.org Telephone: 01606 832807





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Issue 67 • February 2013

A member of the Round Table Family












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[10] 40th ANNIVERSARY PRODUCTS Last chance to buy! Bone China Mug NOW!! £1.00 Pens (Blue or Red) NOW!! £1.00

A selection of items from the shop Visit www.tangent-clubs.org for the complete range and to download the order form.

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