39 - March 2013 Newsletter 41 Club

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Editor: Paul Molley, National Councillor, Region 11

41 NEWS IN BRIEF National Golf Competition

February 2013

Have you been in touch with your National Councillor to discuss your Region’s golf competition yet? This is a fantastic opportunity for fellowship whether you play in the game, help to arrange the event, or just attend the dinner that usually follows. The winners of your Regional Golf Day will enter the National Golf Competition which will be held on Thursday 26th September 2013 at Ladbrook Park Golf Club in the Midlands. The competition is being organised by: National Councillor, Ken Donald (region2@41club.org)

National President’s ‘Movember’ Challenge At the end of October I challenged members to join me in growing (or attempting to grow) a moustache for ‘MOVEMBER’ to raise funds for my chosen charity this year, PROSTATE CANCER UK. Many of you threw yourselves into the Challenge and 23 members joined me in the 41 Club Team on the ‘Movember’ website and we raised £8,876. Many more did your own thing and raised funds which were sent directly to the charity. I offered two prizes of a case of wine each to the member raising the most funds (notified to me) and to the member growing the best moustache – and I’m pleased to announce the winners: Most Funds: Winner - Mike Shingler of Scarborough 41 Club who raised £2,006 Honourable Mentions to Keith Gilmour of Locksbottom 41 Club (£1,584) and Tom Lewis of Wrexham 41 Club (£760) Best ‘tache: Winner – Ernie Bell of Ashington 41 Club Honourable Mentions – John Wood of Tamworth 41 Club (who dyed his in the charity’s colour) and Tom Lewis (again). I shall make arrangements to ensure the two winners receive their prizes in the near future. I can also assure Members of 41 Club that is the last time I will be sporting such a “hair lip”!! I’m keeping a record of monies raised for my charity this year. However, many members and clubs have sent donations directly to the charity of which I have no record. If you or your club have donated directly please email me (president@41club.org) with a note of the amount and the date sent. Thanks. David Smith National President

All news items send as a Word document with separate photographs to: news@41club.org

41 Club National Council Liaison Officer, Terry Cooper from Clevedon 41 Club has working hard with the National Councillors for the Association to ensure they are prepared when they attend your meetings. National Councillors have access to a variety of information that can be used formally as well as informally when they attend your 41 Club to assist them in getting the message across about where we stand, what we stand for and how we will achieve together. The first workshop where the tool-kit was released took place at the National Council Meeting held at Rednal Conference Centre in January. The pack was well received and created a good deal of debate amongst the Councillors as to how this initial pack can be used and over time improved to ensure the National Councillors can provide the most up to date information to the Membership. Terry said, “I am genuinely excited by this positive move to ensure our National Councillors are better prepared when they attend Club meetings. The resources available now provide opportunities for Regional Workshops to assist 41 Club Officers recently appointed to office so that we can provide the wider membership of the Association with additional benefits” Contact your Regional Councillor and ask him to attend your next meeting—he will always be cheaper than a formal speaker!! Terry Cooper National Council Liaison Officer

ARE YOU PLANNING ANY EVENTS OVER THE NEXT 12 MONTHS THAT YOU THINK OTHER MEMBERS OF 41 CLUB WOULD BE INTERESTED IN? WE CAN PROMOTE YOUR EVENT IN THE NEWSLETTER! National Conference 2013 Llandudno is the perfect location for our 2013 Conference and AGM with fast communications by road, rail, sea and air. Known as the ‘Jewel of North Wales’ the town has a major, purpose-built conference centre and a host of hotels to suit all pockets. Conveniently located just off the A55 there is dual carriageway to within a few miles of the venue and mainline trains run frequently to Llandudno Junction. The town has maintained its Victorian charm and is an ideal centre for those wishing to enjoy the wonderful scenery and attractions of North Wales. A return to Wales is long overdue and the committee are delighted to offer you the opportunity to practice your Welsh language skills without having to cross the water. We look forward to welcoming you to Llandudno in 2013 and Dai our Dragon has promised to make it a very special event. To book use: http://www.41clubconference.co.uk Over 500 people have already booked in to attend using the website. Dai says, “The Two Day Package of £165 Includes Friday Night’s Formal President’s Banquet and Ball, the Annual conference meetings on Saturday and The Final Night Party with a Dungeon and Dragon theme so I am really looking forward to meeting you in my Den!” The modern Venue Cymru is our Conference Centre on the Promenade surrounded by our sea front Hotels. We have the very popular Golf Tournament arranged with transport laid on and a visit to the beautiful iconic fantasy village Portmeirion with its shops and café’s on Friday 12th April 2013 Keep checking the website for further updates on the availability of events!

Dai the Conference mascot surveying his kingdom of Llandudno

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