41 communique february 2014

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41 COMMUNIQUE February 2014

Past President 41 INTERNATIONAL Billy Moss passes away LOVE Is The Condition In Which The Happiness Of Another Person Is Essential To Your Own May this Valentine’s Day be filled with love, understanding, and contentment as you journey through life with those you hold dear.

Albert James Moss (Billy to everyone), Former 41 International President 1986/87 and Former National President 41 South Africa 1982/83 died in hospital after suffering a stroke. He was 77. Billy had an illustrious carrier in Round Table which included an eighteen months period as PRO for WOCO. Billy participated in countless fund-raising stage productions for many years, and would have the audience in splits with his drag impersonations. At the house parties guests would be entertained by him on the guitar until someone turned off the lights!


Sid Secretary 41 INTERNATIONAL

May his soul rest in peace

Note on

“Any other matter with the permission of the Chair” Sid Secretary, 41 INTERNATIONAL ANYOTHER MATTER WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE CHAIR The Secretary of the organisation sends out a call for matters to be discussed in the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. Matters that are proposed in the required format are evaluated by the Board and may be accepted for discussion at the AGM. Then Notice for the Annual General Meeting is issued, usually 21 days in advance. If there is any important matter that has come up between the date of issue of NOTICE and the date of meeting, the President or the person presiding over the meeting should have a prior consultation with the Board on the proposition or suggestions received as per the instruction or not. These proposals if acceptable will come under ANYOTHER MATTERS and taken up for discussion without prior intimation to all members. However, if the Board or the person presiding the meeting feels that such a proposal or any suggestion or any resolution which they feel that is not legal or necessary to be placed before the meeting, he can deny to table such a proposal or suggestion before the meeting by giving his ruling.


Matters Arising is a term used to refer to issues/subjects put up for discussion in a current meeting which originated from the minutes of the previous meeting. These issues were not discussed in the previous meeting and so are up for discussion in the current one.

Welcome to Cluster 2014 31 October to 1st November 2014 st

The Cluster is an old Iberian 41 tradition. This is the 22nd year that the 41 Clubs on the Iberian Peninsula with International 41ers have joined together and ‘clustered’ for a long weekend of FUN and FELLOWSHIP in true ROUND TABLE style. The added bonus in 2014 is that weekend also marks 41 CLUB NERJA’S 10TH ANNIVERSARY and we will celebrate this on the Friday evening, followed by the traditional ‘gala dinner’ on the Saturday. 41 Club Nerja comprises of many Ex Tablers from 10 countries throughout Europe - Austria, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Belgium as well as England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. A ‘touch of the sixties’ theme will run throughout the Cluster. If you feel tempted to join, do not hesitate to visit website: www.41clubnerja.org

May the hinges of friendship never rust, or the wings of luve lose a feather. Toast from Dean Ramsey’s Reminiscences of Scottish Life. (Tracing the source of our motto) This accompaniment of domestic drinking by a toast or sentiment—the practice of which is now confined to public entertainments--was then invariable in private parties, and was supposed to enliven and promote the good fellowship of the social circle. There was a great variety of these toasts, some of them exclusively Scottish. The ordinary form of drinking a health was in the address, "Here's t' ye." Then such as the following were named by successive members of the company at the call of the host:-Edward Bannerman Ramsay May those who live truly be always believed, And those who deceive us be always deceived. Here's to the men of all classes, Who through lasses and glasses Will make themselves asses! I drink to the health of another, And the other I drink to is he In the hope that he drinks to another, And the other he drinks to is me. Then let us toast John Barleycorn, Each man a glass in hand Andy may his great prosperity Ne'er fail in old Scotland! May the hinges of friendship never rust, or the wings of luve lose a feather.

41 Morocco President Mohamed Nasri Passes away It is with profound sorrow that we announce the news of the sudden demise of 41 Morocco President Mohamed Nasri following a heart surgery. 41 INTERNATIONAL Family across the globe deeply mourn the loss of a good friend and fellow 41er.

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