Cgsa gm v48 5 v3

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v ie wp oi n t ◗ john mills

“We need to show our stakeholders how our membership in the CGSA will benefit the sustainability of the golf facility.” John Mills, CGSA President John Mills, president

CGSA Membership is More Essential Than Ever During Tough Economic Times L’adhésion à l’ACSG est plus essentielle que jamais lorsque les temps sont difficiles ◗ There is no question that many golf facilities are facing budget challenges in the current golf economy. Finding creative solutions to these challenges without sacrificing quality is an ongoing process that, as industry professionals, we deal with on a daily basis. However, when I hear that facilities are choosing not to renew membership in the CGSA for their superintendent due to budget pressures, it causes me great concern. I believe we need our associations more than ever when times are tough and budget pressures are hitting the golf course maintenance operation. The easy thing for owners or boards to do is chop the line items that may appear to be a perk or not to have an immediate impact on the sustainability of the operations. We need to show our stakeholders how our membership in the CGSA will benefit the sustainability of the golf facility. Actively participating in CGSA activities and opportunities will help superintendents find solutions to the operational challenges that many of us face on a daily basis. Whether it’s through networking with colleagues who have faced similar issues at their facility or attending a workshop, seminar or educational session dealing with topics that relate to your circumstance, CGSA membership is an invaluable tool to help superintendents seek solutions that fit their respective operations. As a key member of the facility management team, superintendents need to communicate the 8 greenMaster |

value of membership in the CGSA to our stakeholders on a regular basis, long before the budget axe comes down. Another consequence of the budget scrutiny that is taking place is that superintendents are faced with the task of choosing between associations when renewal time rolls around. In some regions of the country, the superintendent has the opportunity to join four different superintendent associations. Each association plays a very important, but, for the most part, different roll in how they serve and benefit the superintendent. I certainly understand why a GM might ask for justification, especially during budget pressures. A quick, honest, eyes wide open, overview of the respective programs and services provided will very quickly identify the value of each organization and the reasons why membership in each is not only justified, but also very good value. As an industry and profession, we need to find ways to work together and find solutions that reduce the duplication and fragmentation that currently exists within the golf sector. All organizations add value for the golf facility and help make the superintendent, golf course management staff and the maintenance operation more efficient. The investment in regional, provincial and national organizations does pay dividends for the superintendent, the profession of golf course manager and the overall industry and each organization should be supported because of the value

it provides. The duplication of programs and services offered is an issue that needs to be addressed by the various organizational levels in order to gain the support of owners and industry participants. As we enter the fall season, start to prepare our facilities for winter and turn our thoughts to some much needed down time and time spent with families, I want to remind everyone to watch for the conference materials for Vancouver Feb 17 – 22. Our conference and events committee along with the 2014 conference committee have put together an exciting week of education sessions and a new trade show format. It promises to be a don’t-miss opportunity for all superintendents. I hope to see you in Vancouver! GM ◗ Il ne fait aucun doute que les difficultés économiques actuelles qui touchent à l’industrie du golf pèsent lourd dans le budget de plusieurs clubs. À titre de professionnel de l’industrie, il nous faut tous les jours trouver des solutions créatives pour relever les défis sans sacrifier la qualité. Cependant, lorsque j’apprends que certains clubs ne veulent plus renouveler l’adhésion de leur surintendant à l’ACSG en raison des compressions budgétaires, je me pose de sérieuses questions. Je crois que notre association est plus importante que jamais lorsque les temps sont durs et que les compressions budgétaires affectent les activités d’entretien du parcours. Une solution facile pour les

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