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v ie wp oi n t ◗ john mills

“The CGSA strives to make leadership a common thread that weaves through all of the its initiatives.” John Mills, CGSA President John Mills, president

Leadership: More than a Title Leadership : Plus qu’un titre ◗ It only seems fitting that I begin a discussion on leadership by recognizing the dedicated guidance that Tim Kubash brought to the presidency of the CGSA. On behalf of the entire membership, thank you for all of your insight and direction during your term. Enjoy your year as Past President, but be prepared for the odd phone call asking for your input. Let me also recognize Debbie Amirault for her dedication to the CGSA Board of Directors over the last eight years. It is a huge commitment of time and energy for anyone who steps forward to serve as a CGSA Director. Thank you for all your passion and insights and I wish you well in your “retirement” from the golf industry. As golf course superintendents, we aspire to be leaders on our respective properties. Leadership is so much more than having the title that goes with being the person in charge. There are plenty of people in a leadership role who do not possess the skills and character to be effective as a leader. Some people have a natural quality about them that commands respect and which results in people listening and following their lead. Generally, effective leaders have great communication skills, a vision, a sense of purpose, confidence and a willingness to hold themselves to high personal standards. All of these attributes can be developed by investing time and effort into one’s personal development and not taking it for granted. The CGSA Board of Directors identified leadership as one of the three key initiatives of the strategic plan that was developed last year. In order for the 8 greenMaster |

CGSA to be effective in carrying out its vision to keep the CGSA essential to success in the golf course management industry through a mission to provide support for and promote the golf course management profession, we must be mindful of our role as industry leaders and work towards continuous improvements in the area of leadership. This is not to suggest that the CGSA has not been providing strong leadership in the past. Quite to the contrary. The CGSA has provided great leadership since 1966; otherwise our profession would not enjoy the professional recognition that it does today. By listing it as a key initiative we are reinforcing its importance and our desire to create an awareness of its importance within the profession and the golf industry. We should never take leadership for granted, personally or organizationally. If we do, that is precisely when leadership will be absent. The CGSA strives to make leadership a common thread that weaves through all of its initiatives. Take the following as examples of CGSA leadership: the development of the National Occupation Standards for the golf course management profession, the organization and delivery of the country’s leading annual turfgrass and golf course management conference and trade show, the initiation of the National Allied Golf Associations (NAGA), the continuing development of environmental policy and best practices papers and the ongoing collection of data and release of statistical information on compensation and environmental best practices at

the national level. There are many other examples of leadership and still many opportunities for the CGSA to demonstrate its commitment to this important association characteristic and key focus area. These same principles apply to how we, as superintendents, conduct our day to day interactions while carrying out our golf course management responsibilities. Effective leadership skills will ensure proper management of the facility and its resources, especially in the areas of staffing, long range planning, member/board/customer relations and the development of sound agronomic programs. Just as I encourage the CGSA not to get complacent with respect to leadership, I also remind everyone not to take leadership for granted. Look for opportunities to seek professional development in this important area and never leave it to chance. In closing, a heartfelt thank you to all who were able to travel to Toronto back in January for the joint CGSA/OGSA conference. It truly was a great week and I extend an invitation to everyone in the golf sector to join us in Vancouver in February 2014. GM ◗ Il me semble tout à fait approprié de commencer cet article sur le leadership en soulignant la contribution exceptionnelle à cet égard de M. Tim Kubash, président sortant de l’ACSG. Au nom de tous les membres de l’association, je vous remercie de la direction éclairée que vous nous avez

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