GREEN Volume 1 Number 3

Page 22


Photo: Kevin Whitton

The debate whether bottled water is better than tap water is long standing, but is either the way to make sure you’re glass is half full rather than half empty?

Think Before You Drink Do you know what’s in your water?



Water is the medium in which all other nutrients are found. It is the most abundant substance on Earth and in the human body, making up at least 60 percent of our adult body. Its simple molecular structure of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom form a substance our Earth and all its inhabitants can’t live without. Water is our daily reminder of what is natural, healing and irreplaceable. The million or so inhabitants of Hawai‘i, who share circular borders with the Pacific Ocean, are the best to understand the magnitude and life giving properties of water. But is our drinking water being held to the highest standards for optimal health and healing? Remember back when drinking a glass of water was as simple as turning on the tap? We would turn on the faucet, fill our glass, drink and feel satisfied. Today we may perform the same habit, but the act is mired in apprehension and speculation. What is “in” the drinking water? Today, choices abound when it comes to tilting your head back and downing a glass of the clear stuff (not vodka). Take your pick of tap water or vitamin-infused water, bottled water or mineral water, Brita (activated carbon filtered) or reverse osmosis, alkaline or ionized water. In this day and age, when bottled water companies claim to offer a water alternative better than tap water, how are we to know if their claims of purity are valid? Is bottled water better than tap water or vise versa? Maybe we can do better than both. In Hawai‘i, tap water comes from groundwater or well water, from reservoirs filled with mountain streams, rainwater and rivers. The water

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