Green Child Magazine Winter 2013

Page 48



to Help Clear the Winter Sniffles

Colds are no fun for anyone… but they can be especially troubling for babies and children who are too small to blow their own noses. The key to keeping colds from turning serious is to keep the mucus thin and moving. Here are a few tips to help your little one breathe more easily: 1. Hydrate! This simple step can help keep mucus from becoming thick and more troublesome. 2. Keep baby’s surroundings dust-free. Remove any feather pillows or stuffed animals. 3. Never allow smoking around your child. Be sure to keep your little away from aerosols, perfumes, paint or gas fumes, and other irritants that can further irritate their already troubled little nose. 4. Help your child sleep on her stomach with her head turned slightly to one side. She’ll breathe better in this position because it allows the tongue and any saliva in the throat to come forward, making more room for air to pass. 5. Baby Comfy Nose. This handy little device is fabulous and will help clear even the stuffiest of noses - and don’t give a second thought to the “ick factor.” This device has protection built in protection and works faster, more comfortably and effectively than any bulb aspirator can ever dream of.


For little ones that can blow their own noses, help them keep their nose from becoming sore by using a dab of Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm to help heal and protect their delicate skin.

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