MSConnection 2013 Issue 2

Page 5

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CONTINUED FROM COVER disease activity on MRIs, and in one trial it reduced progression of disability. The FDA’s approval was based largely on results of two large-scale phase III studies of Tecfidera capsules, which were conducted in people with relapsing-remitting MS. The results were published in 2012 and showed that it reduced risk of relapse by as much as 49%. Common adverse events experienced by people taking Tecfidera include flushing and gastrointestinal events issues. Before starting treatment, the FDA recommends that a person’s health care provider assess a recent

DID YOU KNOW? More than 4,400 local people living with MS have made a donation to the Society or have raised money by taking part in one of our fundraising events since 2010. Make 2013 your year to participate in one of these great events!

(within 6 months) blood cell count, and repeat the blood cell count annually thereafter. Before starting treatment with Tecfidera, women should talk to their health care providers if they are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Taking a disease-modifying therapy is currently the best way to reduce MS disease activity. Selecting an MS therapy should be done in collaboration with an MS specialist. To find a neurologist in your area, call 1-800-FIGHT-MS. n




City to Shore Ride 2012



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