October 2013

Page 27

story of hope

Co-Pastor Deloris C. Henry Co-Pastor Deloris C. Henry, has shared in pastoring with her husband, Bishop Hansel H. Henry, at Mt. Calvary Holy Church in Baltimore, Md. She is an Ordained Elder and has served at her church as the administrator, and business consultant. She finds joy in serving the Lord in ministries to women, through preaching the Word of God, and motivational seminars. She has traveled throughout the United States and is the District First Lady for the Midwest Diocese. She has presented seminars throughout the United States, abroad, and training for the International Empowerment Conferences. Co-Pastor Henry loves to sing and has been on stage on many occasions singing with Pastor Shirley Caesar, especially in travel to South Africa, Australia, and invited to sing for the Sweeping through the City Album recording. Co-Pastor Henry has an extensive educational and professional background in Business, Education, Management, and Communications. She is presently employed with Howard County Department of Education, for elementary, middle school, high school, and special education. Co- Pastor Henry is the mother, of two children Erica M. Washington and Hansel H. Henry, III, a son-inlaw, and three grandchildren. Her spiritual statement is, “I love the Lord with all my mind, body, and soul, and where He leads me, I will follow. She stands on the premise that it is never too late to do what God intended.

Be Aware of Your Body Take Care of Your Health Revealing as a survivor is one of the most transparent ways to prove there is hope when you hear the words, “you have cancer”. My story is about having the words mentioned to me, and the outcome phrases, “you are cancer free”, and “you will live to be an old woman”. These are the three phrases that I have heard during my journey as a survivor of breast cancer. As transparent as I can be and this column will allow, I share my story of a 23 year survivor! This can be considered as a testimony of God’s unmerited favor, Gods’ blessing because of ones’ faith, and knowing that He is able to heal! How could this happen to me? I am strong in my faith, a leader in the church, loving the Lord with all my heart, mind and soul. Let me tell you the story. First, I share that my mother died of breast cancer, and the story that I could tell about her experience, and my close encounter until her last breath, is a novel in itself. I was very familiar with how devastating it would be to ever find out that I would have breast cancer. I am an individual who happened to survive four other surgeries in my life time. So to say the least, I am missing some body parts. Being conscious of the warnings, and knowing that I had a family history of cancer, I would have breast examinations, and my own breast exams. While showering one Saturday morning, I felt

a lump in the right breast. Oh my God; and this was seven years after my mothers’ death. What made this so ironic was in a dream, about two months prior, my mother came to me (in a dream) softly speaking these words, “Deloris take care of your health.” I woke up and said to my husband, my mother came to me in a dream and said for me to take care of my health. He replied, well I guess you better do as she says. To make a long story short, I was diagnosed with level 3 or 4. I had the mastectomy, a radical one, and after the surgery the doctor explained that the level was only 1. He also explained that the radical mastectomy was necessary due to my family history of cancer. My doctor said to me, however, “Deloris you are cancer free, and you will live to be an old lady”, and at 67 years old the Lord is good! I lost most of my hair, and suffered with phantom pains. Every time I see a commercial showing any type of medication infusion, or chemotherapy, I have flash backs of my own treatment, even now! I had a difficult time adjusting to living with one breast, and opting to have a prosthesis, rather than reconstruction. Here I am today, so thankful that the Lord healed me through all of this. I can remember as I was being prepared to go under the anesthesia, the Lord whispering, “This is not as unto death, your faith brings hope and healing”. I woke up knowing that the Lord had full control of my life, and if I could write more details about my experience you would know that the Lord can, and will be on your side through it all. Yes, I am a survivor; this page cannot describe all of what I experienced or all of what others experience in their journeys as survivors. The most comforting words to give to any one going through, have gone through, or have yet to go through cancer is, “your faith will bring hope and healing to you”. This is an awareness month for cancer. Be aware of your body, “take care of your health”. Stay positive in your challenges with breast cancer, or any other cancer that occurs. God is a healer. Keep the faith, hope is our advocate against any attack upon our bodies. www.gracenglorymagazine.org  www.gracenglorymagazine.org  27 27

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