Amjad Samuel acts like a bully and a knucklehead

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____________________________________} ECCT Title IV Matter 2021-1 ______________________________________________________________________________

RESPONDENT’S SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF RESPONDENT’S MOTION TO DISMISS et al ___________________________________________________________________ The Respondent, The Reverend Amjad J. Samuel, through his counsel, Michael F. Rehill, submits this Supplemental Memorandum to his Motion to Dismiss et al, as permitted by the Hearing Panel in response to the Church Attorney, Bishop Ian Douglas and the Episcopal Church in Connecticut withholding documents and information from Respondent and Respondent’s Counsel. In violation of Canon IV.13.5., on December 13, 2022, eight months after Mandatory Disclosures were due from the Church Attorney to Respondent’s Counsel, Donald J. Allison provided via email 475 pages of documentation and correspondence of Bishop Ian Douglas to Respondent’s Counsel. The Church Attorney stated that he had received this information approximately 4 weeks prior to sharing it with Respondent’s Counsel. Accordingly, all the dates set forth in the Proposed Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order in Respondent’s Motion to Dismiss et al must be revised. Respondent’s Counsel is unable to provide proposed new dates at this time as the Church Attorney still has more Mandatory Disclosures to provide and there are two motions currently pending. Respondent’s Counsel will send an email to the Church Attorney with a list of the remaining outstanding Mandatory Disclosures based upon information discovered in the 475 pages of documents and prior


documentation still being withheld at the Diocesan level. In an attempt to make some sense of the 475 pages of documents, Respondent’s Counsel has bate stamped all 475 pages as a way for the Hearing Panel to reference each of the emails and comment accordingly.

What goes on behind the scenes in a Title IV Matter in the Diocese of Connecticut?

B0003: Why is the Intake Officer sharing an email from a Complainant with The Rev. Linda Spiers, Esq., President of the Disciplinary Board; Ms. Kayla Tumbolino who is supposedly the Human Resources and Title IV Manager (although no term exists in the Canons); Robin Hammeal-Urban, Esq.; Bishop Ian Douglas; The Rev. Kevin Olds; Bishop Laura Ahrens; and Susan Jackson, Esq.? There seems to be an excessive amount of people that the Intake Officer is copying and engaging with to put together information. Did someone tell Olatokunbo Green, Esq., that she was to include all these people in her communications?

Why is The Rev. Linda Spiers, Esq., President of the Disciplinary Board, involved in the making of the Intake Report? Nowhere in the Canons is the President of the Disciplinary Board involved in drafting of or contributing to the Intake Report.

B0004: Why is Robin Hammeal-Urban involved in the making of the intake report and giving suggestions on how the Intake Report should be drafted? From this document it appears the Ms. Hammeal-Urban is trying to make material changes to the Intake Report. 2

B0005: In this email Ms. Green states, she received an email from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly who claimed that he was, “Very upset this morning. Apparently, you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM.” B0005: Mr. Kelly offers no documentation or evidence to substantiate his allegation. While the Intake Officer Olatokunbo Green, the only person of color at this point in this Title IV matter, suggests, “I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him.” None of the people copied on the email believe her or back her suggestion. B0005: Why is Intake Officer Olatokunbo Green, Esq., altering statements of Complainants? Ms. Green states: “I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well.” How does the Respondent defend himself if information is being altered, reworded, and combined with other reports? B0005: Why are Robin Hammeal-Urban and Bishop Ian Douglas deviating from their normal process? Why is Respondent being treated differently? “Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of identifying the anonymous reporters based on the allegations in this matter. We decided I would drab a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the entire intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviation from our normal process.”


B0006: Why is Robin Hammeal-Urban offering to speak directly to complainant Ron Kelly? Does she not think that Intake Officer and Attorney, Olatokunbo Green, can handle speaking to Mr. Kelly alone? Is it because Ms. Green is a person of color and Ms. Hammeal-Urban believes that she is smarter than Ms. Green? Ms. Hammeal-Urban offering to speak to Mr. Kelly suggests a bias of belief toward complainant against the Respondent.

B0006: Why did the Intake Officer only speak to Mr. Kelly and not to the Respondent? This shows a bias on the part of the Intake Officer towards Mr. Kelly.

B0009: Robin Hammeal Urban suggesting Respondent got into Ron Kelly’s emails and saying it is not “undue paranoia” “Hi Ian, I need a reality check to see if there is something I should do today in addition to offering to meet with Tokunbo and the [alleged] harmed Complainant.” Why is it assumed that Respondent did what Mr. Kelly accuses him of with no evidence and no investigation? Why does Robin Hammeal-Urban immediately give Mr. Kelly the status of a “harmed Complainant”? “I am very concerned that Amjad seems to have gotten a copy of part of Tokunbo’s intake report and posted or emailed it members of his parish. I wonder if Ron (Complainant) sent it to Amjad by accident or whether Tokunbo did. Or, whether Amjad got into Ron’s emails—and this is not undue paranoia. “Some of the issues raised a number of years ago by the 7 women included allegations that Amjad had bugged the parish property and was listening in to private conversations between members.” Canon IV.3 ( c) “Intentionally and maliciously bringing a false accusation or knowingly providing false testimony or false evidence in any investigation or proceeding under this Title”


Why is Robin Hammeal-Urban writing to Bishop Douglas that she wonders if Respondent got into Mr. Kelly’s emails? Ms. Hammeal-Urban is immediately able to make the leap from an unsubstantiated claim of Mr. Kelly that she wonders if Respondent engaged in criminal activity?

Why is Robin Hammeal-Urban bringing up a fabricated claim allegedly raised back in 2018 that was neither investigated nor was there any evidence that Respondent even remotely engaged in such behavior. This is another example of an unsubstantiated claim made against Respondent.

Furthermore, Respondent stated unequivocally back in 2018 that the attacks on him were racist. This can be backed up by the fact that at least one of the women who made that complaint, and gave information in this Title IV action, “liked” the racist Facebook post by Ron Kelly. (See Exhibit 2 in Respondent’s Motion to Dismiss)

It is most troubling that Robin Hammeal-Urban does not even take one second to consider the possibility that Respondent is innocent. Definition of paranoia 1. “unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people or their actions.” 2. “the unwarranted or delusional belief that one is being persecuted, harassed, or betrayed by others, occurring as part of a mental condition.” Robin Hammeal-Urban’s words in her email are the very definition of paranoia as are the outrageous claims in Mr. Kelly’s email to the Intake Officer. Robin Hammeal-Urban then tries to manipulate to convince the Bishop into believing more lies about Respondent by stating false information and inflating the number of women who complained about the Respondent in 2018.


“If you think there is anything I should be doing today beyond what I’ve done, please text to 860-212-4517. I’m trying to get away from my computer for a while. R” Respondent and his Counsel have no way of knowing if Bishop Douglas texted Ms. HammealUrban as no text messages regarding this matter have been provided although Respondent through his Counsel requested text messages. It is hard to believe in this day and age of electronics that there are no text messages regarding this matter between Ms. Hammeal-Urban and Bishop Douglas.

B0006: Why is the Intake Report that is being improperly collaborated on by individual staff and other people related to the diocese doing with the complainant? Why does the complainant have access to the Intake Report?

B00010: Robin Hammeal-Urban has improperly made suggested changes to the Intake Report and once again interfering and manipulating people in the process.

B0019: Why is the President of the Disciplinary Board, The Rev. Linda Spiers confirming “the plan” of what to show the Respondent is just right? In her email to Olatokunbo Green, Rev. Spiers copies Ms. Kayla Tumbolino, Robin Hammeal-Urban, Esq., Bishop Ian Douglas, The Rev. Kevin Olds, Bishop Laura Ahrens, and Susan Jackson, Esq. They are all complicit in withholding information from the Respondent. Where is the transparency? “Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. … With blessings, Linda+”


B0022: When Kayla Tumbolino indicates that it “must have been stomach dropping” to receive that email [from Ron Kelly] she is expressing her immediate belief in complainant’s false allegation with nothing to support the allegations made against Respondent.

B0033: Why does the President of the Disciplinary Board the Rev. Linda Spiers believe this case is complicated? B0038: Why is Robin Hammeal-Urban drafting a summary report? In her email she states, “Hello colleagues, Attached is the summary of the most recent intake. I tried to quote some language from the original report. Ian and I will share this document with the Respondent and his Advisor tomorrow afternoon. You are welcome to send feedback! Peace, Robin” The Summary Report mentioned in Ms. Hammeal-Urban’s email, is missing from the documents provided to Respondent. B0041: Olatokunbo Green sent an email stating how she took Robin Hammeal-Urban’s suggestions, “Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo” B0053: Bishop Douglas is the person who is required by Canon to appoint an Advisor for the Respondent. Why is Kayla Tumbolino appointing the Advisor? “Hi Kayla: I assume Taylor Albright is the Advisor for Amjad. Is that correct? Do you have Taylor’s contact info I can share with Amjad when I speak with him today about our meeting with him tomorrow at 5:00 pm? Thanks, Ian”


B0056: Every priest in ECCT should be concerned about how the Title IV is being administered as the whole Title IV process is looking for ways to withhold information from Respondents and using that as a template. Although there is no authority in the Canons, Robin Hammeal-Urban has seemingly usurped the Intake Officer’s role of drafting in this process and changed a document to a “summary” in which complainants’ information has been modified and manipulated to fit into the narrative that Robin Hammeal-Urban has created.

The Intake Officer is looking to Robin Hammeal-Urban for direction going forward, “Robin, great work on this thank you. Should we IOs [Intake Officers] going forward think about drafting summaries like this whatever the case may be (for example even with one named Complainant?) Or just when there are anonymous folks and or the allegations are lengthy?”

The Title IV process should not be an Easter Egg Hunt for the Respondent, his Counsel and Advisor to receive manipulated documents that the President of the Disciplinary Board, Robin Hammeal-Urban, the Intake Officer and the Bishops have all conspired to draft in an effort to tip the scale in order to deprive the Respondent of a fair process. Unfortunately, that is exactly what has happened in this case. Not one person from the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut even mentions anything about the process being fair to the Respondent. Furthermore, not one person from the Diocese even hints that the Respondent is presumed not to have committed any canonical offense. Ironically, in all the communications between the Intake Officer, Olatokunbo Green’s communications she includes the following quotes after her signature in her emails from The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr.


"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.” Despite the words of The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., appearing day after day in the communications, each and every one of the people sending or receiving those emails did in fact remain silent as reports and documents were changed and manipulated, as people acted repeatedly in violation of the Canons, as false accusations were launched against the Respondent by Complainants and even Robin Hammeal-Urban. Not one person spoke up! If the Respondent through his Counsel along with his Advisor did not persist in trying to get to these documents which were withheld by Bishop Ian Douglas for eight months past the due date for Mandatory Disclosures the corruption in the title IV process in the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut would never have been exposed. These documents prove exactly what the Respondent has been stating all along.

B0078: Robin Hammeal-Urban sent a very detailed email with all of the work that she put into the “Summary” that she drafted. Ms. Hammeal-Urban describes the work she herself has done on the intake report.

B0088: Robin Hammeal-Urban expressed opinions about the Respondent’s response to meeting where the Intake Report is discussed. “Hi allAttached is an updated summary of the Intake Report based on the new information and Tokunbo’ s suggestions. I made all the revisions Tokunbo suggested and I:


1. Added a section on Confidentiality and failing to preserve confidences as a potential Offense based on specific information that Tokunbo received yesterday 2. Added the last point in Budget 3. Added the last 4 points in General 4. Added second to last point in Vestry section 5. Changed unnamed reporters to named reporters and added 1 to the count of unnamed reporters 6. Indicated that latest report is 2021-1F—not G. 7. Check canonical references with my hard copy of the canons. Again, this document is only for the purposes of sharing the info with the Respondent later today. I will not likely have an opportunity to make any additional revisions before 5:00pm as I’m booked straight through. And, if there are changes that need to be made, please do let me know. Peace, Robin”

Notwithstanding the Church Attorney’s false claim that Ms. Hammeal-Urban only performed administrative work for the Panels, Ms. Hammeal-Urban in a document that she never expected the Respondent or Respondent’s Counsel to see, documented her work. Robin Hammel-Urban, with the blessing of the Intake Officer, Olatokunbo Green, Esq., the President of the Disciplinary Board, the Rev. Linda Spiers, Bishop Douglas, Bishop Ahrens, Father Kevin Olds, and Susan Jackson, esq., created a document not in the Canons and each and every person copied on her email and/or who interacted with her and the document conspired to misrepresent information to the Respondent and Respondent’s Counsel and Advisor in an attempt force the Respondent to voluntarily give up his position as Rector and in doing so would also deprive St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Shelton, Connecticut a Priest of their own choosing.

B0098: The President of the Disciplinary Board, the Rev. Linda Spiers, praises Robin HammealUrban’s interference with the Title IV process and then makes suggested edits to her.


B0106: Robin Hammeal-Urban’s email of Thursday Feb 25, 2021, states, “he can fill up the entire time by explaining the whole thing away.” Ms. Hammeal-Urban’s animus toward the respondent is clear “This is my second go around with Amjad regarding groups of people alleging poor behavior.” Ms. Hammeal-Urban is again trying to discredit the Respondent to Bishop Douglas.

B0106: In her arrogance, Ms. Hammeal-Urban states in that same email, “Tokunbo will need language to connect back with the unnamed reporters.” Ms. Hammeal-Urban comment suggests that despite Ms. Green being an attorney, she is not capable of communicating with complainants without being provided with the appropriate language. B0125: Bishop Ian Douglas states in an email that he is “going to set boundaries with the Respondent” and if he learns of any retaliation, he is going to restrict the Respondent’s ministry. Notwithstanding that the Respondent has not engaged in any retaliatory behavior, Bishop Douglas seems to already be thinking of a replacement Priest for St. Paul’s. Incredibly, Bishop Douglas thinks so poorly of St. Paul’s Church that they as a whole would not accept a lesbian Priest. However, Bishop Douglas vehemently rejects the notion that some parishioners are racist and biased against the Respondent as evidenced when he yelled at Julie Ayers for raising the question at a Parish meeting that Bishop Douglas and Robin Hammeal-Urban requested.


“I do not think that the parish would accept Carol, given the parishes [theological] position/history and the fact that Carol is a lesbian.” B0162: Despite all of the Complaints from Ron Kelly alleging financial mismanagement, the Church Attorney found no evidence of financial mismanagement by the Respondent, and he was not charged with any violation of the Canons having to do with financial mismanagement. Similarly, despite the allegations made by Ron Kelly, Jill Parkosowich, Kathy Bronson, Cindy Savage and Mike Savage and other anonymous Complainants made regarding the Christian Counseling Center, Respondent has not been charged with any violations relating to the Christian Counseling Center. That speaks volumes about their lack of credibility. Given the fact that the aforementioned allegations were found by the Church Attorney to be baseless, it is no wonder that the same Complainants have made allegations regarding how they have been treated by the Respondent, in retaliation for not getting their way.

B0164: The Savages falsely claimed, “The respondent has stated that the treasurer will now be the senior warden” While the Complainants’ claim is untrue, it should be noted that he and/or she is referring to Luis Cabral, a Hispanic man. Raising this comment reveals the racial bias against minorities.

B0164 through B0167: The information received from Cindy and Mike Savage is replete with false information, misrepresentations, racial bias against and fear of minority members of the congregation in leadership positions.


B0166: There appears to be something omitted from this page. If the Diocese has omitted or altered this document, the Church Attorney must provide the entire document to Respondent’s Counsel.

B0180: The false allegation made by Mr. Kelly regarding the attendance numbers was easily factually disproved and the Church Attorney did not charge the Respondent with inflating the attendance numbers.

It is inconceivable that Mr. Kelly has made false claim after false claim, posted racist material on his Facebook page and yet the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut refuses to support a priest of color against these baseless attacks.

B0182: Mr. Kelly has a hard time accepting the fact that the Episcopal Church welcomes everyone and everyone including new parishioners, have a right to offer their talents to the church.

B0180-B0182: Mr. Kelly makes a whole host of false allegations against the Respondent. Mr. Kelly has made no secret about how he feels about Pakistani people. Each of the foregoing should have been enough to show the Church Attorney and the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut that Mr. Kelly’s complaints should be dismissed and removed from this Title IV. However, Mr. Kelly once again shows his hand at the end of B0182, wherein he goes on a full rant about the Christian Counseling Center, which as everyone in this process now knows that through secular attorneys, was legally evicted.


B0203-B204: In his Motion to Dismiss, Respondent stated that the Diocese has a very heavyhanded approach in how it deals with its clergy. Robin Hammeal-Urban has repeatedly made references to issuing Pastoral Directions in the name of Bishop Ian Douglas to force clergy to do as they wish. In this matter alone she has raised it several times. However, apparently only when it suits her or her purposes. “I would prefer not to have to draft a pastoral direction” The Chancellor, Brad Babbitt gave an inappropriate response with regard to Church Property and a Pastoral Direction to accomplish what Robin Hammeal-Urban wants. Notwithstanding the Canons of the Episcopal Church of Connecticut, The Chancellor, Bishop Douglas and Robin Hammeal-Urban were discussing issuing a Pastoral Direction to the Respondent for something over which he had no control. The canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut state in pertinent part, “Canon I Section 8. Subject to Canon IV, Section 3, the property and all business affairs of the Parish shall be subject to the direction, management, and control of the Vestry” BO205: Why is Robin Hammeal-Urban advocating for the Complainants and the Christian Counseling Center against the decision of the Vestry in violation of Canon IV.4.(e)? B0208: Bishop Ian Douglas in an email complains, “Between the four of us, Amjad, and Byron, this is getting way to complex. I do not think it needs to be this difficult. Or am I just getting tired of Amjad’s seemingly obfuscation?” B0213: However, it appears from Respondent’s email to Bishop Douglas on Friday April 23, 2021, that it is Bishop Douglas who is engaging in “obfuscation.”


Respondent stated in pertinent part, “I do have to say, I am not too sure what to think about the fact that on the day of our meeting with Robin and Fr. Taylor, in response to my direct question, you said that the process of eviction should continue. Then on Tuesday April 20, the Vestry was informed of the status, and I receive a call from you on Wednesday afternoon with you wondering if there can be a “stay” on the process, and you concluding that you will ensure that the Title IV proceeding will wrap up by May 1st . On Thursday you call again and in response to another direct question from me as to how much +me you need, you ask for a month before any action is taken on the eviction process, Byron offers you an option that allows for a month and a half from May 1st, and today I get an email from you saying that the Title IV proceedings could take months. Which is true?” B0213: Why is Bishop Douglas’s “goal” as the Bishop Diocesan “to avoid harm to the tenant before the Vestry can decide whether to proceed with the eviction while the Title IV proceeding is pending?” As Bishop Douglas knows well the Vestry of a parish has control over the property of the parish. Why would the Bishop Diocesan involve himself in the property affairs of the parish, causing harm to the parish by increasing its legal cost to “avoid harm to the tenant.” B0236-B0238: Several email Communications between Robin Hammeal-Urban, Brad Babbitt and Bishop Ian Douglas wherein Robin Hammeal-Urban states that if the Respondent attempts to sue any of the people who have provided information to the Intake Officer or the Diocese that he should be charged with retaliation. This shows that Robin Hammeal-Urban did not care as to the truth of the information provided by those people and will stop at nothing to prosecute the Respondent.

If the leadership of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut was convinced that the information, they had received from Complainants were true, why were they discussing denying the Respondent the right to seek justice in the secular courts for defamation? If a secular attorney


advises the Respondent and his spouse that the best course of action is to file lawsuit, why would the Diocesan leadership try to prevent it? Many of the allegations made against the Respondent were unsubstantiated and shown to be false. Respondent and his wife had to pay money to defend himself against those false claims and continues to do so. Ms. Hammeal-Urban and the Complainants may think it is fun make false claims against the Respondent, but the Respondent and his wife take this very seriously and have the inalienable right to seek justice.

Each one of the Complainants and many others are going to be given Notice to have their deposition taken in this matter. Those depositions will be taken under oath and before anyone gives testimony, they will have to swear or affirm that they are telling the truth. The Complainants must be able to be held accountable for their false allegations against the Respondent.

B0256: Where are the emails between the Bishop and the other members of the Reference Panel concerning their meetings, after the investigation was done and before a possible agreement was being offered?

B0263 and B0264: Why is the Church Attorney once again trying to keep information from the Respondent and Respondent’s Counsel? Why all the secrecy and efforts to avoid being transparent? Robin Hammeal-Urban knows full well that the Investigator’s Report does not belong to the Reference Panel. Furthermore, in this matter there was no Investigator’s Report only a document prepared by the Church Attorney misleadingly referred to as an “investigation report.”


B0274: Bishop Douglas states that he, “usually sees the accord as a process of negotiation, although in this case I do not plan to negotiate.” Why is the Respondent being treated differently? Why is Bishop Douglas not willing to negotiate with the Respondent?

B0310: In an email Bishop Douglas stated, “Dear Robin, Brad and Don: Thought you would like to see this. It speaks volumes.” In response to the following post on the ECCT Clergy Facebook Group: "Self-deception is contagious. Many congregations are a conspiracy of niceness, a community that lives under a covenant that says, 'I promise never to tell you the truth about you if you will do the same for me.'" Stanley Hauerwas in 7/27/21.” “Amjad responded today:” Amjad Samuel “In my experience congregations go to great lengths to hide the truth by telling more and more lies. There is great comfort in living with lies. That is why, I believe, a ministry that follows Jesus’ model of truth telling, encouraging people to name it through the process of repentance receives pushback. And that is also why I believe that Jesus had to reassure his followers that when you are persecuted for this truth telling know that you are blessed for that is what the world has done to prophets who named it truthfully. Interestingly healing only comes when we deal with the truth which sets us free; and yet, the wisdom of the world and the structure of our churches encourage everyone to live in their lies for the sake of peace. Jesus said I did not come to bring peace! How I wish we could hear Jesus. Churches would become volatile places, and bursting with energy and healing if only we could follow Jesus!! But we seek our own security more than the healing of those we serve. Great thought provoking article, thank you for sharing!” Bishop Douglas concluded: “This is not going to be easy. Ian”


Bishop Douglas is correct the Respondent’s post does speak volumes. However, not in the way Bishop Douglas meant. It is puzzling as to why Bishop Douglas is following the Respondent on the clergy Facebook page in the first place. Why does Bishop Douglas have a problem with the Respondent’s post? The Respondent wrote about truth and listening to Jesus. How is that a bad thing? The Respondent wrote about the truth setting us free. The Bishop’s reaction and obvious insecurity is another example of Bishop Douglas’s White fragility. He seems to be uncomfortable with a person of color discussing the idea of truth and clearly thinks that engaging in the truth of this matter will in his words make this matter, “not easy.”

B0317: Email exchanges and the reactions between the Church Attorney, Donald Allison, Robin Hammeal-Urban, Bishop Ian Douglas and the Chancellor, Brad Babbitt, highlight exactly what the Respondent had written. The fact that Bishop Douglas and Robin Hammeal-Urban are discussing changing the Hearing Panel to make sure there is a person of color on it notwithstanding the fact that neither Bishop Douglas nor Robin Hammeal-Urban should have anything to do with the selection of the members of the Hearing Panel.

It is extremely ignorant and offensive that Bishop Douglas and Robin Hammeal-Urban think that just sticking a “token” person of color, any person of color, on the Hearing Panel with not even a thought of any qualifications other than skin color or batting an eye at the fact that what they are discussing is so egregious as to try and fake an outward appearance that they are not racist.

It is obvious that the Church Attorney, Donald Allison, Robin Hammeal-Urban, Bishop Ian Douglas and the Chancellor Brad Babbitt never thought that their emails would be exposed, but


now that they have, it sheds some light on a few earlier emails between Robin Hammeal-Urban and Counsel for the Respondent wherein Ms. Hammeal-Urban continued her practice of deception and lies.

On September 23, 2021, Robin Hammeal-Urban emailed Respondent’s Counsel and deceptively refused to provide the names of the members of the Hearing Panel. After seeing the email exchange wherein Robin Hammeal-Urban and Bishop Douglas shamefully discussed trying to change the Hearing Panel to put a “token” person of color on the Hearing Panel if there wasn’t one, and Robin Hammeal-Urban stated, “I do think we anticipated this dynamic and took it into account when those appointments were made.” It is little surprise that Robin Hammeal-Urban did not release the names of the members of the Hearing Panel until January 2022. As it happens there is one person of color on the Hearing Panel, unfortunately, Respondent, Respondent’s Counsel, Respondent’s Advisor and after reading this document with the evidence of the corrupt practices of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut in this Title IV Matter countless others will forever wonder if Robin HammealUrban and Bishop Douglas placed Mr. Smith on the Hearing Panel as a “token” person of color to use Mr. Smith as a pawn to carry out their deception. B0376: “Michael: The names of the Conference Panel members are the Rev. Jack Gilpin, who is designated as president, and Mr. John Baldwin. At this time it is premature to release the names of the Hearing Panel members assigned to this matter. This matter may be resolved at the Conference Panel without the need for the Hearing Panel to convene. Regards, Robin”


In his Opposition to Respondent’s Motion to Dismiss et al, the Church Attorney states, “The Investigator and the Church Attorney thoroughly and fairly investigated the complaints made to the Intake Officer and neither Robin Hammeal-Urban's administrative interactions with the intake, investigation, or Panel proceedings nor Bishop Douglas' pastoral involvement interfered with or influenced the fairness of the proceedings in this case.” It is sickening that the Church Attorney with the consent of the leadership of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut lied directly to this Hearing Panel about both Robin Hammeal-Urban’s and Bishop Ian Douglas’s improper involvement and influence in the Respondent’s Title IV Matter. Robin Hammeal-Urban stated in her email, “I do think we anticipated this dynamic and took it into account when those appointments were made.” Robin Hammeal-Urban’s statement shows how corrupt the Title IV process is in the Diocese of Connecticut and the lengths that the Church Attorney, Bishop Douglas, Robin Hammeal-Urban and the Chancellor, Brad Babbitt will go to prosecute and attempt to destroy Fr. Samuel. B0318-B0319: The Church Attorney, Don Allison wrote: “Hi All, Thought you all might find this recent email from Rev. Samuel to the Vestry interesting! Best, Don”

The Church Attorney was forwarding a writing that the Respondent wrote to the St. Paul’s Vestry members on August 17, 2021. Fr. Samuel wrote from his heart and soul to the


Vestry expressing his pain with being the victim of racism and repeated fabrications at the hands of a few parishioners at St. Paul’s Church. B0318-B0319: “Dear St. Paul's Vestry, On the Agenda for today are two items that will be discussed: 1. Ron and Laurie Marcho’s request to return their contribution to the Joining Jesus Capital Campaign 2. Ron Kelly’s email. It is the Vestry’s prerogative to take actions, as it sees fit, to the content of both of these items. My reason for writing this note is that I am constantly being accused of doing things that I have not done. Stories are fabricated and when facts are presented that prove the inauthenticity of these stories, the people claiming and spreading these falsehoods do not accept and take responsibility for their actions. For instance, a claim has been made repeatedly that Vestry members’ emails are blocked. Stories are fabricated to advance this claim. I am requesting the Vestry to fully investigate the authenticity of this claim. Similarly, a claim is being made by the Marchos that the Joining Jesus Campaign was presented in one way and is now being executed in another, and therefore it is deceitful. You all will be presented with a video recording which clearly states how the Joining Jesus Capital Campaign was planned and how its execution was clearly communicated. Here is my concern: A handful of people seem to have made it their life mission to accuse this Rector of wrong doing by making up falsehoods. They are doing this within the reality of a Rector who is a person of color. It is well understood that one of the ways white supremacy works is that the words of a white person are given more credibility than the words of a person of color. This is the reason why so many people of color find themselves incarcerated for the crimes they never committed. My concern is that this behavior of unfounded accusations is stemming from a place of white supremacy that that knows full well that these accusations are defaming and may in fact adversely affect my well being. In fact, I believe, that is exactly the intention of these false accusations. Question is: will the Vestry be complicit to such a white supremacist behavior by ignoring this pattern of behavior, OR, will it take notice and ensure that St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Shelton does not live into the ways of a white supremacist culture that wrongfully harms people of color? I look forward to your entertaining this question. Gratefully, Amjad+”


B0317: On Aug 17, 2021, at 2:04 PM, Bishop Douglas wrote: “Thanks for sending this along, Don. This is very disturbing. Matters of race, and the reality of racism, is always something to pay attention to when racial differences exist. And the fact that Amjad is using accusations of white supremacy to defend his bullying tactics is going to make this Title IV proceeding even more difficult. Robin, can you tell me who is on the Hearing Panel for this case? I do think it will be important for the Hearing Panel to include a person, or persons, of color. Ian”

B0317: On August 17, 2021, Robin Hammeal-Urban wrote an email stating, “Hi IanI don’t have access to all of my files right now. I don’t think we can change the people who were appointed to the Hearing Panel by the president of the DB when the case was initially referred to the Reference Panel. I do think we anticipated this dynamic and took it into account when those appointments were made. I’ll check with Kayla on this. I have very limited connectivity until the end of next week. Peace, Robin” B0321: On September 2, 2021, Robin Hammeal-Urban emailed Bishop Douglas, The Chancellor Brad Babbitt and copied the Church Attorney stating, “Here is the revised message taking into account your comments. I tried to use general language so that if Don decides he wants to present evidence on any of the other two issues, he can. I don’t want to say something that precludes him from taking an approach we don’t anticipate right now. Brad, we want to let them know that the Hearing Panel is a real possibility as an incentive to make an agreement. Ian, I accepted all your suggested edits except the language regarding leadership. For political reasons, I strongly advise against commenting on a person of color’s leadership style. We have objective behaviors of mistreatment of people or perhaps retaliation (if that’s the charge Don goes with.) I think wondering into subjective impressions of leadership will get us in trouble. And, Amjad is seen as an effective leader in some ECCT wide initiatives. This message may well be shared with others beyond the recipients. I want to prevent you and me from being in position of having to defend leadership styles. Peace, Robin”


In this rather brief email Robin Hammeal-Urban demonstrates several examples of poor leadership, racist behavior, deception, intentional vagueness with a malicious agenda and dishonesty. Furthermore, the content of Ms. Hammeal-Urban’s email is not only approved, but also praised and it appears that Bishop Douglas and Brad Babbitt contributed.

First, Ms. Hammeal-Urban wants to use “general language” so the Church Attorney can change his mind later if he wants to try and pursue issues which he already stated he did not have any evidence. Second, Ms. Hammeal-Urban wants to issue a threat of the Hearing Panel which she terms as an “incentive” but really is an attempt to coerce the Respondent into an agreement. Third, Ms. Hammeal-Urban states that she is against commenting on a person of color’s leadership style, not because it is wrong to do so, but only for “Political Reasons” Fourth, Ms. Hammeal-Urban acknowledges that the Respondent is seen as an “effective leader” in the Diocese. Bishop Ian Douglas has allowed the Church Attorney to continue to pursue a Title IV matter against the Respondent, despite the Respondent being known as an effective leader in the Diocese.

B0322: The Chancellor sent an email offering advice, which is rejected by Robin HammealUrban in her response as indicated hereinabove. The Chancellor makes two very important and telling comments in his email. He states,


“the investigator did not find evidence that supported the other Allegations” and “I just wonder if it could look like the “fix is in” with respect to this matter if the Reference Panel has already decided what it will do absent an Accord.” The Chancellor’s statements corroborate what the Respondent has been saying all along. The allegations against him are false and the fix was in. B0325: Robin Hammeal-Urban drafted a Pastoral Direction to give to the Respondent at the meeting. However, that is not enough for Ms. Hammeal-Urban, she maliciously states, “If this gets really difficult with respect to his role in the parish while the Title IV matter is pending, there is always the option of Administrate Leave.” It appears that Ms. Hammeal-Urban is stating that if this gets hard and they are losing ground then the solution is to remove the Respondent and place him on Administrative Leave. Otherwise, her statement makes no sense because the Vestry and the majority of parishioners are very supportive of the Respondent.

B0347: The Church Attorney Don Allison shockingly states that he agrees with Robin Hammeal-Urban that the Respondent requesting that the matter go to the Conference Panel is a “delay tactic.”

The Church Attorney clarifies the difference between the Investigator’s report and the Investigative report, clearly stating his report is not “the investigator’s report.” However, he once again wants to withhold information from the Respondent regarding the “Investigative Report.” One has to wonder why? Why is the Church Attorney and the Diocesan Leadership constantly trying to hide in secrecy. The answers can be found in the 475 pages of documents that precipitated the necessity of the Supplemental Memorandum after the Church Attorney and


Bishop Ian Douglas could no longer get away with withholding this treasure trove of deceit, malice and dishonesty.

B0355: The Chancellor Brad Babbitt wrote an email that once again shows that “the fix is in” against the Respondent, after stating that the reason for allowing the process to go to a conference panel is so that the Respondent can’t say that he is being treated differently as a priest of color. However, Mr. Babbitt shows that regardless of whether or not the Matter proceeds to the Conference Panel, it will be going to the Hearing Panel. He states, “if the Reference Panel sends the matter to a Conference Panel, that Panel will be able to assert some control, at least, over the schedule. One would hope that sending it to that stage will not prolong the process unnecessarily.” His concern seems to be how quickly can they play the game to avoid being called racist.

BO372: Robin stated in email to Bishop Douglas, “I will get Jack and John acclimated to their roles.”

The Rev. Jack Gilpin and Mr. John Baldwin were the only members of the Conference Panel. Robin Hammeal-Urban clearly interfered and influenced the members of the Conference Panel. Furthermore, Ms. Hammeal-Urban NEVER disclosed to Respondent and Respondent’s Counsel until they received these documents that she met with the members of the Conference Panel and “acclimated them to their roles.” There appears to be no end to Ms. Hammeal-Urban’s deceitful actions.


B0402- B0403: Complainant Jill Parkosewich and Bishop Ian Douglas had a few emails exchanges during which Bishop Ian Douglas once again demonstrates how differently he treats the Complainants vs. the Respondent and those supporting the Respondent. In Response to Ms. Parkosewich he states, “I am very sorry to see this, and I am also sorry for the additional pain this is causing you.” Sadly, Bishop Douglas does not share the same compassion for Mr. Scott Colvin, who is initially disparaged by Ms. Parkosewich and the following day retracted her comments. B0434: However, in response to people writing in support of Rev. Samuel, Bishop Douglas is quite different. Bishop Douglas stated, “I have received multiple emails today from people at Calvary, Stonington all extolling the virtues of Amjad when he was there as an Assistant. Clearly there is an organized effort afoot. I am thinking I will just acknowledge receipt politely.” Bishop Douglas then proceeds to bury these support letters and not even disclose them to the new Reference Panel member or the Respondent and Respondent’s Counsel.

B0422: The Chancellor, Brad Babbitt chimes in exposing his own racist behavior. “I think a polite acknowledgment would be a sufficient way to respond. I’m tempted to respond that he might also be a terrific driver and make a wonderful roast chicken but both are irrelevant to the issue.” B0463: Bishop Douglas claimed this is the first time he is hearing about handing over his documents and emails regarding Respondent. Bishop Douglas is being dishonest. The Church Attorney emailed Bishop Douglas, Robin Hammeal-Urban, and Bishop Laura Ahrens on or about June 7, 2022.


B0467: Bishop Douglas stated that he has handwritten notes from the Parish Visit. Those handwritten notes have not been produced to Respondent’s Counsel.


In the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut, in order to win at all costs, six lawyers and two bishops conspiring together against the Respondent to manufacture allegations and collaborate in preparing a manipulated, modified, intake report and strategize how they can perpetuate racism and destroy the life of a wonderful priest.

Not one of them was willing to consider the fact that Father Samuel was being attached because of his skin color and national origin even in the face of physical evidence. In Respondent’s Motion to Dismiss, Exhibit 2 attached to Respondent’s Motion to Dismiss et al, shows the racist “joke” that Ron Kelly posted on his Facebook page that directly relates to Pakistani people being terrorists and blowing things up. However, even with that documentation that shows Ron Kelly is racist, Bishop Douglas, Bishop Ahrens, Robin Hammeal-Urban and the Church Attorney all pretend that it doesn’t exist.

Incredibly, when Ron Kelly makes an unsubstantiated claim that the Intake Officer emailed the Respondent and then the Respondent emailed the entire parish with the Intake Officer’s email and included all of Mr. Kelly’s emails, all of the aforementioned people are ready to believe him instantly. The only person who gave pause for one minute was the Intake Officer, Tunkunbo Green who is a person of color who inquired if it was possible that Mr. Kelly dreamed


the alleged incident. Ms. Hammeal-Urban not only believed Mr. Kelly but then decided to launch a further attack on Respondent by making more outrageous false claims about him. The most shocking part of the email exchanges is that not one person thought to inquire of parishioners, or the vestry if they received such email from Father Samuel. Surely if this alleged email went out to the entire parish someone would have seen it. It obviously didn’t happen. Mr. Kelly made it up.

B0003-B0040: Emails between Olatokunbo Green, Esq. Intake Officer, Rev. Linda Spiers Kayla Tubolino, Robin Hammeal-Urban, Bishop Ian Douglas, The Rev. Kevin Olds, Bishop Laura Ahrens, and Susan Jackson.

The Church Attorney has repeatedly falsely claimed that Robin Hammeal-Urban, has only acted in a clerical role to each of the Panels. That is a bold-faced lie. Robin Hammeal-Urban is always involved in every step of this Title IV matter. If she acted in other matters as she has in this matter, her hands would be permanently stained with the blood and tears of the clergy whose vocations that she has destroyed.

In this case, Ms. Hammeal-Urban has used her power to literally and without any proof, accuse the Respondent of a federal crime of hacking into a Complainant’s email account. Her modus operandi, rather than seek the truth, is to throw gasoline on the empty baseless accusation of Mr. Kelly in the hopes of igniting a bonfire.

In the Church Attorney’s Opposition to Respondent’s Motion to Dismiss et al, under a heading that the Church Attorney titles “Facts,” he falsely stated, 28

“On February 15, 2021, the Intake Officer Olatokunbo Green prepared and submitted her Intake Report detailing the complaints against Respondent.” From all the documentation presented, it is evident that Intake Officer, Olatokunbo Green did not draft the Intake Report. It was done as group project in violation of the Canons with input from The Rev. Linda Spiers, Bishop Ian Douglas, and Robin Hammeal-Urban. The Church Attorney in his opposition to Respondent’s Motion to Dismiss et al, falsely stated, “When Bishop Douglas notified the Reference Panel that no Accord had been reached the Reference Panel referred the matter to a Conference Panel.” “Similarly, despite all of Respondent's protestations that Robin Hammeal-Urban and Bishop Douglas influenced the process and tainted the Panels, the only "facts" he can muster in support of his outrageous claims are that Ms. Hammeal-Urban sent and received administrative communications both to and from the Intake Officer and the Panels and sent out communications on their behalf. It is abundantly clear from even a cursory reading of those communications that Ms. Hammeal-Urban did not "influence" these proceedings in any substantive manner…”

When Donald Allison, the Church Attorney and the ECCT submitted its opposition to Respondent’s Motion to Dismiss et al, the Church Attorney, Bishop Douglas and Robin Hammeal-Urban all already knew what was in the 475 pages of documents and knew that what the Church Attorney was writing and filing with the Hearing Panel was false. The Church Attorney is wrong when he states that Respondent and Respondent’s Counsel do not have facts that Robin Hammeal-Urban and Bishop Ian Douglas influenced and interfered with the panels and the Title IV process and treated the Respondent unfairly. Please see the 29

following documents attached an exhibit to this Memorandum B0004; B0005; B0006; B0009; B0310; B0317; B0038; B0041; B0056.


The Public face of Bishop Douglas can be seen within the links below: This excerpt can be found on the Diocese of Connecticut’s website: “From Waking Up White by Debbie Irving (Elephant Room Press, 2014), 249.“Self-examination and the courage to admit to bias and unhelpful inherited behaviors may be our greatest tools for change. Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable enough to expose our ignorance and insecurities takes courage. And love. I believe the most loving thing a person, or a group of people, can do for another is to examine the ways in which their own insecurities and assumptions interfere with others’ ability to thrive. Please join me in opening your heart and mind to the possibility of you– –yes, even well-intentioned you––have room to change and grow, so that you can work with people of all colors and ethnicities to co-create communities that can unite, strengthen, and prosper.”


The Private face and words of Bishop Douglas: “This is very disturbing. Matters of race, and the reality of racism, is always something to pay attention to when racial differences exist. And the fact that Amjad is using accusations of white supremacy to defend his bullying tactics is going to make this Title IV proceeding even more difficult. Robin, can you tell me who is on the Hearing Panel for this case? I do think it will be important for the Hearing Panel to include a person, or persons, of color. Ian” “Between the four of us, Amjad, and Byron, this is getting way to complex. I do not think it needs to be this difficult. Or am I just getting tired of Amjad’s seemingly obfuscation?” “This is not going to be easy. Ian” “I do not think that the parish would accept Carol, given the parishes [theological] position/history and the fact that Carol is a lesbian.” “Hi Kayla: I assume Taylor Albright is the Advisor for Amjad. Is that correct? Do you have Taylor’s contact info I can share with Amjad when I speak with him today about our meeting with him tomorrow at 5:00 pm? Thanks, Ian” Robin Hammeal-Urban: “Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of identifying the anonymous reporters based on the allegations in this matter. We decided I would drab a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the entire intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviation from our normal process.” B0356: “Thanks Don: I agree that Rehill might be using the Conference Panel as a delaying tactic, or as a way of discovering more information from the complainants. He kept on saying that he could not mount a defense because he does not know what the charges are nor the alleged facts against Amjad. It is pretty clear to me that if they do not have a Conference Panel then 31

they are prepared to advance the narrative that the Reference Panel was out to get Amjad and that the option of a Conference Panel was denied him. This is all very racialized and it is easy to imagine that soon this process will be compared to a lynch mob, sorry to say. Ian” What is the truth in the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut? One has only to look at Bishop Ian Douglas’s own words that he has written in emails and spoken publicly to see that the ugly truth is that Bishop Ian Douglas is a hypocrite and engages in racist behavior.


It has already been established that most of the allegations made by the Complainants were false. The Respondent did not commit any financial improprieties. The Respondent did not act improperly with regard to the Christian Counseling Center. Respondent has shown tangible evidence of racist behavior by several of the Complainants, as well as Bishop Ian Douglas, Robin Hammeal-Urban, the Church Attorney and the Chancellor. The Respondent has shown that there have been well over 36 canonical violations on behalf of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut many of those violations were committed on or on behalf of Bishop Ian Douglas. The Respondent has shown how there has been interference and improper influence by Robin Hammeal-Urban at every single Panel stage in this process.


Accordingly, Respondent reasserts everything stated in his Motion to Dismiss; in his reply to the Church Attorney’s opposition, and in this Supplemental Memorandum and the exhibits submitted herewith, and respectfully requests that Hearing Panel, grant his Motion to Dismiss.


Michael F. Rehill Michael F. Rehill J.D., D.D. Counsel for Respondent Dated: 1-11-2023 cc: Donald Allison, Church Attorney The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel, Respondent Dr. Pamela L. Lutz, LL. D., Advisor to Respondent



Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:32:38 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Amjad Samuel's PDL informa5on Date: Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 9:29:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Amber Page Gehr To: Ian T. Douglas AEachments: Samuel_A PDL informa5on 2020.pdf Good morning IanALached is Amjad’s PDL informa5on that was received in the mail at the end of March. -Amber Amber Page Gehr Administrator for Transitions & Clergy Support

Episcopal Church in Connecticut 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x131 f 203-235-1008 Facebook: @EpiscopalCT Twitter: @EpiscopalCT Instagram: @Episcopal_CT Sign up for ECCT’s weekly enews at *This message is intended for the sole use of the individual and entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable laws. Please do not use, copy, disclose or distribute. Thank you.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:37:48 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: FW: Diocese of Pi-sburgh Bishop Search Date: Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 3:21:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Amjad Samuel To: Ian T. Douglas AGachments: Pi-sburgh-Profile.pdf Dear Bishop Ian, I received the following email this last Saturday. I am not sure who gave them my name. I have looked at the material they have online and would like to speak to you about it. When would be a good Ome for us to meet? Zoom? Gratefully, Amjad+ Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Michael Braxton Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2020 10:18 PM To: Cc: Subject: Diocese of Pi-sburgh Bishop Search

Dear Father Samuel, The Diocese of Pi-sburgh has opened a search for its ninth bishop diocesan. Your name has been passed on to us as someone who might possess the giYs and experience we are seeking. I invite you to give prayerful consideraOon to whether you would like to enter into discernment with us. Our profile is a-ached. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours in Christ, Michael E. Braxton Chair, Bishop NominaOng Commi-ee Sent from my iPad


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:41:40 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Date: Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 2:35:12 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Tokunbo Green To: Linda Spiers CC: Kayla Tubolino, Robin Hammeal-Urban, Bishop Ian Douglas, The Rev. Kevin Olds, Bishop Laura Ahrens, Susan Jackson You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All,


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Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." MLK, Jr.

<Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:46:48 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Date: Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 3:52:41 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Tokunbo Green To: Robin Hammeal-Urban CC:, Kayla Tubolino, Ian T. Douglas, The Rev. Kevin Olds, Bishop Laura Ahrens, Susan Jackson Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo,

Yikes! I just saw this troubling development.

To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first mee^ng we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy.

Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of iden^fying the anonymous reporters based on the allega^ons in this ma`er. We decided I would drab a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the en^re intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is devia^on from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of iden^fying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a ma`er of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them.


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It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the pos^ng that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report.

Please let me know if you think a three way conversa^on with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join.

Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision

You're Welcome and thank you Linda.

Hi All,

I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning:

Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM.

He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. B0006

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From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well.

Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone.

Best, Tokunbo

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings!

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case.

Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: B0007

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Good Evening All,

Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Best Regards, Tokunbo

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings!

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

<Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:45:37 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Intake report leakedDate: Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 3:07:08 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas

Hi Ian, I need a reality check to see if there is something I should do today in addiKon to offering to meet with Tokunbo and the harmed Complainant. I am very concerned that Amjad seems to have goRen a copy of part of Tokunbo’s intake report and posted or emailed it members of his parish. I wonder if Ron (Complainant) sent it to Amjad by accident or whether Tokunbo did. Or, whether Amjad got into Ron’s emails—and this is not undue paranoia. Some of the issues raised a number of years ago by the 7 women included allegaKons that Amjad had bugged the parish property and was listening in to private conversaKons between members. If you think there is anything I should be doing today beyond what I’ve done, please text to 860-2124517. I’m trying to get away from my computer for a while. r. From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision

You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made B0009

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against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the B0010

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introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:47:36 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Intake report leakedDate: Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 6:09:12 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas AHachments: image001.jpg Thanks, Ian. This event is troubling to me. I’m glad to have your take on it. R Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 4:30 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

I don’t think there is anything else we can do at this stage. And it seems as if Tokunbo has handled it well with Ron. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 3:07 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Intake report leakedHi Ian, I need a reality check to see if there is something I should do today in addiTon to offering to meet with Tokunbo and the harmed Complainant. I am very concerned that Amjad seems to have goXen a copy of part of Tokunbo’s intake report and posted or emailed it members of his parish. I wonder if Ron (Complainant) sent it to Amjad by accident or whether Tokunbo did. Or, whether Amjad got into Ron’s emails B0012

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—and this is not undue paranoia. Some of the issues raised a number of years ago by the 7 women included allegaTons that Amjad had bugged the parish property and was listening in to private conversaTons between members. If you think there is anything I should be doing today beyond what I’ve done, please text to 860-212-4517. I’m trying to get away from my computer for a while. r. From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision

You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know


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he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote:


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Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:44:16 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: New Intake Report Revision Date: Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 2:58:22 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Tokunbo Green, CC: Kayla Tubolino, Ian T. Douglas, The Rev. Kevin Olds, Bishop Laura Ahrens, Susan Jackson

Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeZng we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of idenZfying the anonymous reporters based on the allegaZons in this ma\er. We decided I would dra^ a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the enZre intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviaZon from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of idenZfying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a ma\er of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them. It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posZng that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversaZon with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision

You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning:


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Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, B0017

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Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:48:25 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Date: Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 8:53:23 PM Eastern Standard Time From: To:, CC:,,,, Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeSng we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of idenSfying the anonymous reporters based on the allegaSons in this maUer. We decided I would draW a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the enSre intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviaSon from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of idenSfying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a maUer of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them. B0019

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It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posSng that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversaSon with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote:


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Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:51:06 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Date: Monday, February 22, 2021 at 7:11:44 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Bishop Laura Ahrens To: Tokunbo Green CC: Kayla Tubolino,, Robin Hammeal-Urban, Ian T. Douglas,, Prayers ascending for you Tokunbo. you are a blessing and your ministry as a giT. Thank you Sent from my iPad The Rt. Rev. Laura J.Ahrens, D. Min. Bishop Suffragan Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. Psalm 84:5 NIV Episcopal Church in ConnecQcut The Commons 290 PraZ Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x 109 c 203-240-9426 f 203-235-1008 On Feb 21, 2021, at 2:48 PM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote:

Thank you All. And yes Kayla it was a stomach dropping is a great descripbon. And I felt so bad that Ron was exposed that way. Seemed preZy vindicbve to me. Tokunbo On Sun, Feb 21, 2021, 8:17 AM Kayla Tubolino <> wrote: Hi All, Tokunbo, that must have been a stomach dropping email to receive. I am sorry. I just wanted to confirm that I have not reached out to the respondent. I have set up zoom links for the respondents meebng with Ian and Robin and obtained an advisor for the respondent. The advisor does not know who the respondent is unless he gets a call from the respondent the day before the meebng with Ian and Robin. This is scheduled for 2/25. I also have not reached out to any of the complainants yet for next steps of introducing myself and providing advisor(s).


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Could it be possible that another complainant was feeling guilty that they came to the diocese and wanted to share their story with the respondent? Ron was named in the other stories. Sbll a mystery and the informabon sharing was not on our part- although Tokunbo, you are correct in reminding Ron that the respondent will know Ron is a complainant next week. I will do my best to get advisors paired so that the complainants have support before 2/25. -Kayla Sent from my iPad On Feb 20, 2021, at 8:53 PM, wrote:

Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. B0023

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On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meebng we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of idenbfying the anonymous reporters based on the allegabons in this maZer. We decided I would draT a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the enbre intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviabon from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of idenbfying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a maZer of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them. It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posbng that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversabon with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM.


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He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:50:22 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Date: Sunday, February 21, 2021 at 2:47:46 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Tokunbo Green To: Kayla Tubolino CC: Linda Spiers, Robin Hammeal-Urban, Ian T. Douglas,, Bishop Laura Ahrens, Thank you All. And yes Kayla it was a stomach dropping is a great descripUon. And I felt so bad that Ron was exposed that way. Seemed preWy vindicUve to me. Tokunbo On Sun, Feb 21, 2021, 8:17 AM Kayla Tubolino <> wrote: Hi All, Tokunbo, that must have been a stomach dropping email to receive. I am sorry. I just wanted to confirm that I have not reached out to the respondent. I have set up zoom links for the respondents meeUng with Ian and Robin and obtained an advisor for the respondent. The advisor does not know who the respondent is unless he gets a call from the respondent the day before the meeUng with Ian and Robin. This is scheduled for 2/25. I also have not reached out to any of the complainants yet for next steps of introducing myself and providing advisor(s). Could it be possible that another complainant was feeling guilty that they came to the diocese and wanted to share their story with the respondent? Ron was named in the other stories. SUll a mystery and the informaUon sharing was not on our part- although Tokunbo, you are correct in reminding Ron that the respondent will know Ron is a complainant next week. I will do my best to get advisors paired so that the complainants have support before 2/25. -Kayla Sent from my iPad On Feb 20, 2021, at 8:53 PM, wrote:

Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm B0026

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Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeUng we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of idenUfying the anonymous reporters based on the allegaUons in this maWer. We decided I would draj a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the enUre intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviaUon from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of idenUfying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a maWer of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them. It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posUng that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversaUon with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. B0027

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Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I


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Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:49:24 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Date: Sunday, February 21, 2021 at 8:17:17 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Kayla Tubolino To: CC:, Robin Hammeal-Urban, Ian T. Douglas,, Bishop Laura Ahrens, Hi All, Tokunbo, that must have been a stomach dropping email to receive. I am sorry. I just wanted to confirm that I have not reached out to the respondent. I have set up zoom links for the respondents meeTng with Ian and Robin and obtained an advisor for the respondent. The advisor does not know who the respondent is unless he gets a call from the respondent the day before the meeTng with Ian and Robin. This is scheduled for 2/25. I also have not reached out to any of the complainants yet for next steps of introducing myself and providing advisor(s). Could it be possible that another complainant was feeling guilty that they came to the diocese and wanted to share their story with the respondent? Ron was named in the other stories. STll a mystery and the informaTon sharing was not on our part- although Tokunbo, you are correct in reminding Ron that the respondent will know Ron is a complainant next week. I will do my best to get advisors paired so that the complainants have support before 2/25. -Kayla Sent from my iPad On Feb 20, 2021, at 8:53 PM, wrote:

Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with


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Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeTng we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of idenTfying the anonymous reporters based on the allegaTons in this macer. We decided I would drae a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the enTre intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviaTon from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of idenTfying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a macer of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them. It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posTng that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversaTon with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to B0031

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He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:59:22 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Date: From: To: CC:

Re: New Intake Report Revision Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 9:06:54 PM Eastern Standard Time Tokunbo Green Linda Spiers,,,,, AGachments: Intake Report 2021-1 G annonymous Re A. Samuel.docx HI All, I'm going to try to read through now that safe church is done. Attached is another Report very rough I have not done any editing on it . Very rough and Allegation that is additional would be sharing confidential information. Linda is correct. I corrected it in one of my docs and not in the official one I sent I guess.

Intake Officer Recommendation: If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true the Respondent has: • possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h) (e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h) (6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h)(9)].

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 4:25 PM <> wrote: Thank you, Robin, for your summary and, Tokunbo, for your detailed work. With this complicated case, I think the summary will be very helpful and represents Tokunbo's details with one exception. On the first page of the summary under Intake Officer Recommendation, I believe the Canon references are off. Please see my highlights below that indicate what I believe should be the references:

Intake Officer Recommendation:

If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true the Respondent has:


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• possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h) (e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h)(9)].

My prayers will be with you all tomorrow. Many thanks for this work, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> To: <>; <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; <> Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2021 2:03 pm Subject: RE: New Intake Report Revision Hello colleagues, Attached is the summary of the most recent intake. I tried to quote some language from the original report. Ian and I will share this document with the Respondent and his Advisor tomorrow afternoon. You are welcome to send feedback! Peace, Robin

From: <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 8:53 PM To:; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+

-----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision


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Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeting we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of identifying the anonymous reporters based on the allegations in this matter. We decided I would draft a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the entire intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviation from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of identifying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a matter of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them. It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posting that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversation with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace,


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From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote:


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Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:53:26 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Date: From: To: CC:

RE: New Intake Report Revision Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 2:03:38 PM Eastern Standard Time Robin Hammeal-Urban, Kayla Tubolino, Ian T. Douglas,, Bishop Laura Ahrens, AIachments: Samuels-Intake Report Summary RH-U.docx

Hello colleagues, AVached is the summary of the most recent intake. I tried to quote some language from the original report. Ian and I will share this document with the Respondent and his Advisor tomorrow aXernoon. You are welcome to send feedback! Peace, Robin From: <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 8:53 PM To:; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision

Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so B0038

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tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings!

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeang we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of idenafying the anonymous reporters based on the allegaaons in this maVer. We decided I would draX a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the enare intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviaaon from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of idenafying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a maVer of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them. It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posang that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversaaon with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin


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From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote:


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Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:57:44 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 8:47:00 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: CC:, Kayla Tubolino, Ian T. Douglas,, Bishop Laura Ahrens, Thanks Linda. I’ll double check these in the morning. Peace, Robin Sent from my iPhone On Feb 24, 2021, at 4:25 PM, wrote:

Thank you, Robin, for your summary and, Tokunbo, for your detailed work. With this complicated case, I think the summary will be very helpful and represents Tokunbo's details with one exception. On the first page of the summary under Intake Officer Recommendation, I believe the Canon references are off. Please see my highlights below that indicate what I believe should be the references:

Intake Officer Recommendation:

If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true the Respondent has:

• possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Comm unity, [Canon IV.4.1(h)(e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation [Can on IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h)(9)]. My prayers will be with you all tomorrow. Many thanks for this work, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>


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From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> To: <>; <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; <> Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2021 2:03 pm Subject: RE: New Intake Report Revision

Hello colleagues, Attached is the summary of the most recent intake. I tried to quote some language from the original report. Ian and I will share this document with the Respondent and his Advisor tomorrow afternoon. You are welcome to send feedback! Peace, Robin From: <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 8:53 PM To:; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+

-----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision

Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think


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if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings!

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeting we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy.


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Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of identifying the anonymous reporters based on the allegations in this matter. We decided I would draft a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the entire intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviation from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of identifying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a matter of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them. It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posting that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversation with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented.


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you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:56:10 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Link for tomorrow. Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 6:39:20 PM Eastern Standard Time From: To: Ian T. Douglas Good evening Bishop. I spoke to Taylor+ and he will be at the meeting tomorrow. If you could kindly arrange for the zoom link to be sent to him as well, I will appreciate. Thank you. Amjad+

Get Outlook for iOS


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:55:22 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 4:25:43 PM Eastern Standard Time From: To:, CC:,,,,, Thank you, Robin, for your summary and, Tokunbo, for your detailed work. With this complicated case, I think the summary will be very helpful and represents Tokunbo's details with one exception. On the first page of the summary under Intake Officer Recommendation, I believe the Canon references are off. Please see my highlights below that indicate what I believe should be the references:

Intake Officer Recommendation:

If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true the Respondent has:

• possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Community, [Cano n IV.4.1(h)(e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h)(9)]. My prayers will be with you all tomorrow. Many thanks for this work, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> To: <>; <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; <> Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2021 2:03 pm Subject: RE: New Intake Report Revision

Hello colleagues, Attached is the summary of the most recent intake. I tried to quote some language from the original report. Ian and I will share this document with the Respondent and his Advisor tomorrow afternoon. You are welcome to send feedback! Peace, Robin


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Robin From: <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 8:53 PM To:; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+

-----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision

Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to


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behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings!

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeting we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of identifying the anonymous reporters based on the allegations in this matter. We decided I would draft a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the entire intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviation from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of identifying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a matter of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them. It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posting that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversation with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning:


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Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All,


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Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:51:58 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Intake Advisor Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 11:46:35 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Kayla Tubolino To: Ian T. Douglas AEachments: image001.jpg Hi Ian, Taylor knows he is going to be offered as an advisor. Taylor’s email is and his phone number is (413) 478-5367. -k Sent from my iPad On Feb 24, 2021, at 11:27 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

Hi Kayla: I assume Taylor Albright is the Advisor for Amjad. Is that correct? Do you have Taylor’s contact info I can share with Amjad when I speak with him today about our meeting with him tomorrow at 5:00 pm? Thanks, Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 09:54:12 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Intake Advisor Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 2:51:48 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Kayla Tubolino To: Ian T. Douglas AFachments: image001.jpg Yes, I can. Just let me know when and if you would like me to include Taylor. From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 2:45 PM To: Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Re: Intake Advisor Thanks Kayla: Will you be sending out the zoom invite details? Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Kayla Tubolino <> Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 11:46 AM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Re: Intake Advisor Hi Ian, Taylor knows he is going to be offered as an advisor. Taylor’s email is and his phone number is (413) 478-5367. -k Sent from my iPad


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On Feb 24, 2021, at 11:27 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Hi Kayla: I assume Taylor Albright is the Advisor for Amjad. Is that correct? Do you have Taylor’s contact info I can share with Amjad when I speak with him today about our meeting with him tomorrow at 5:00 pm? Thanks, Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg> Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:00:34 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 12:42:49 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Tokunbo Green To: Linda Spiers CC: Robin Hammeal-Urban, Kayla Tubolino,,,, Hi All I'm doing this on my phone. I couldn't look at the computer any more today aSer my break from it. Robin, great work on this thank you. Should we IOs going forward think about draSing summaries like this whatever the case may be (for example even with one named Complainant?) Or just when there are anonymous folks and or the allegaZons are lengthy? Mike and Cindy Savage have decided they want to be named Complainants. Report le[er A is theirs (and Cindy added supplemental info most already covered by others.) They were two of the anonymous. So we have 3 anonymous (with the new very rough addition I just sent) and 5 named Complainants. I'd switch the order of the following bullet points in the Vestry section because of the timeline: "Respondent lied to parish..." This event happened last year at the annual meeting so this bullet should come before the below bullet the begins "This year..." I think I'd delete the last sentence in the last bullet of paragraph 4 (Vestry issues) It doesn't seem to match with the preceding sentence for me without some of the info that came before that. She contacted the Vestry about the CCC lease or something else, I believe not about the "dynamic". The following is info that came to me aSer Feb 15. (In case you want to add anything from here): The Anonymous reporter in the the last addiZonal very rough report I sent would easily be recognized from that report if some of it is "quoted". It's too rough to quote from anyway I think and probably some of the sentences don't make sense to you all yet. This happened years ago when the person was on staff: The person did want to make sure we knew that Rev. Samuels shared confidenZal info with staff that they should not know (for example regarding health ma[ers that he was not given permission to share with others) and that he is cunningly manipulaZve. He tried to get the staff to report on their conversaZons with the women who reported him 5 years ago and to make them feel ostracized. He tried to and did convince folks that people were wrong to report against him 5 years ago and he also admi[ed that when he was asked to see the therapist because of the previous allegaZons he did not beleive he did anything wrong and and said he would not admit to and wrong doing. One addiZonal peice of informaZon from Ron Kelly, not already covered by others, besides the posZng on REALM on Sunday is that: "The 35 K Diocesan loan that is shows on the budget budget as revenue acZviZes and not also as a liability on the financial statements (report)." He suspects that the PPP loan will be handled this way was well. Some info Cindy Savage added is" My concern is that there are people on the voZng list that live in other states

and there are people who have been omi[ed because they have not contributed money, even though they B0056

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have been involved in our virtual services or have contributed in other ways." Best, Tokunbo On Wed, Feb 24, 2021, 9:06 PM Tokunbo Green <> wrote: HI All, I'm going to try to read through now that safe church is done. Attached is another Report very rough I have not done any editing on it . Very rough and Allegation that is additional would be sharing confidential information. Linda is correct. I corrected it in one of my docs and not in the official one I sent I guess.

Intake Officer Recommendation: If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true the Respondent has: • possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h) (e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h)(9)].

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 4:25 PM <> wrote: Thank you, Robin, for your summary and, Tokunbo, for your detailed work. With this complicated case, I think the summary will be very helpful and represents Tokunbo's details with one exception. On the first page of the summary under Intake Officer Recommendation, I believe the Canon references are off. Please see my highlights below that indicate what I believe should be the references:

Intake Officer Recommendation:

If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true the Respondent has: •

possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h)


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(e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h)(9)].

My prayers will be with you all tomorrow. Many thanks for this work, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> To: <>; <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; <> Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2021 2:03 pm Subject: RE: New Intake Report Revision Hello colleagues, Attached is the summary of the most recent intake. I tried to quote some language from the original report. Ian and I will share this document with the Respondent and his Advisor tomorrow afternoon. You are welcome to send feedback! Peace, Robin

From: <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 8:53 PM To:; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+

-----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I B0058

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me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeting we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of identifying the anonymous reporters based on the allegations in this matter. We decided I would draft a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the entire intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviation from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of identifying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a matter of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them. It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posting that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversation with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning:


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Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All,


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Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:05:05 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 10:03:31 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Tokunbo Green To: Robin Hammeal-Urban CC: Ian T. Douglas, Linda Spiers, Kayla Tubolino,, Bishop Laura Ahrens, It will be F for the official report. Thanks I forgot to change that. On Thu, Feb 25, 2021, 7:21 AM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Yes. I’ll make revisions and get a new summary out to for review by 9:30. Thanks so much Tokunbo for all your work. One ques\on- is the latest reporter really G or are they F? Peace, Robin Sent from my iPhone On Feb 25, 2021, at 7:11 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Thanks Tokunbo: Robin, do you want to make these changes and send out a revised summary? I can then share it on my screen tonight (making sure to ask Amjad not to take a screen shot.) Ian

The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan Episcopal Church in ConnecJcut The Commons 290 Prab Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 On Feb 25, 2021, at 12:43 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote:

Hi All I'm doing this on my phone. I couldn't look at the computer any more today aier my break from it. Robin, great work on this thank you. Should we IOs going forward think about draiing B0062

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summaries like this whatever the case may be (for example even with one named Complainant?) Or just when there are anonymous folks and or the allega\ons are lengthy? Mike and Cindy Savage have decided they want to be named Complainants. Report leber A is theirs (and Cindy added supplemental info most already covered by others.) They were two of the anonymous. So we have 3 anonymous (with the new very rough addition I just sent) and 5 named Complainants. I'd switch the order of the following bullet points in the Vestry section because of the timeline: "Respondent lied to parish..." This event happened last year at the annual meeting so this bullet should come before the below bullet the begins "This year..." I think I'd delete the last sentence in the last bullet of paragraph 4 (Vestry issues) It doesn't seem to match with the preceding sentence for me without some of the info that came before that. She contacted the Vestry about the CCC lease or something else, I believe not about the "dynamic". The following is info that came to me aier Feb 15. (In case you want to add anything from here): The Anonymous reporter in the the last addi\onal very rough report I sent would easily be recognized from that report if some of it is "quoted". It's too rough to quote from anyway I think and probably some of the sentences don't make sense to you all yet. This happened years ago when the person was on staff: The person did want to make sure we knew that Rev. Samuels shared confiden\al info with staff that they should not know (for example regarding health mabers that he was not given permission to share with others) and that he is cunningly manipula\ve. He tried to get the staff to report on their conversa\ons with the women who reported him 5 years ago and to make them feel ostracized. He tried to and did convince folks that people were wrong to report against him 5 years ago and he also admibed that when he was asked to see the therapist because of the previous allega\ons he did not beleive he did anything wrong and and said he would not admit to and wrong doing. One addi\onal peice of informa\on from Ron Kelly, not already covered by others, besides the pos\ng on REALM on Sunday is that: "The 35 K Diocesan loan that is shows on the budget budget as revenue ac\vi\es and not also as a liability on the financial statements (report)." He suspects that the PPP loan will be handled this way was well. Some info Cindy Savage added is" My concern is that there are people on the

vo\ng list that live in other states and there are people who have been omibed because they have not contributed money, even though they have been involved in our virtual services or have contributed in other ways." Best, B0063

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Tokunbo On Wed, Feb 24, 2021, 9:06 PM Tokunbo Green <> wrote: HI All, I'm going to try to read through now that safe church is done. Attached is another Report very rough I have not done any editing on it . Very rough and Allegation that is additional would be sharing confidential information. Linda is correct. I corrected it in one of my docs and not in the official one I sent I guess.

Intake Officer Recommendation: If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true the Respondent has: • possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h)(e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentatio n [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h) (9)].

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 4:25 PM <> wrote: Thank you, Robin, for your summary and, Tokunbo, for your detailed work. With this complicated case, I think the summary will be very helpful and represents Tokunbo's details with one exception. On the first page of the summary under Intake Officer Recommendation, I believe the Canon references are off. Please see my highlights below that indicate what I believe should be the references:

Intake Officer Recommendation:

If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true t he Respondent has:


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• possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church a nd Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h)(e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentati on [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h) (9)].

My prayers will be with you all tomorrow. Many thanks for this work, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> To: <>; <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; <> Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2021 2:03 pm Subject: RE: New Intake Report Revision Hello colleagues, Attached is the summary of the most recent intake. I tried to quote some language from the original report. Ian and I will share this document with the Respondent and his Advisor tomorrow afternoon. You are welcome to send feedback! Peace, Robin

From: <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 8:53 PM To:; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+

-----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for B0065

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this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeting we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of identifying the anonymous reporters based on the allegations in this matter. We decided I would draft a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the entire intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviation from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of identifying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a matter of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them.


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It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posting that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversation with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin HammealUrban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it


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any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.


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<Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:01:14 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 7:21:40 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Tokunbo Green,, Kayla Tubolino,, Bishop Laura Ahrens, Yes. I’ll make revisions and get a new summary out to for review by 9:30. Thanks so much Tokunbo for all your work. One quesZon- is the latest reporter really G or are they F? Peace, Robin Sent from my iPhone On Feb 25, 2021, at 7:11 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Thanks Tokunbo: Robin, do you want to make these changes and send out a revised summary? I can then share it on my screen tonight (making sure to ask Amjad not to take a screen shot.) Ian

The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan Episcopal Church in ConnecJcut The Commons 290 Prab Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 On Feb 25, 2021, at 12:43 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote:

Hi All I'm doing this on my phone. I couldn't look at the computer any more today aher my break from it. Robin, great work on this thank you. Should we IOs going forward think about drahing summaries like this whatever the case may be (for example even with one named Complainant?) Or just when there are anonymous folks and or the allegaZons are lengthy? B0070

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Mike and Cindy Savage have decided they want to be named Complainants. Report leber A is theirs (and Cindy added supplemental info most already covered by others.) They were two of the anonymous. So we have 3 anonymous (with the new very rough addition I just sent) and 5 named Complainants. I'd switch the order of the following bullet points in the Vestry section because of the timeline: "Respondent lied to parish..." This event happened last year at the annual meeting so this bullet should come before the below bullet the begins "This year..." I think I'd delete the last sentence in the last bullet of paragraph 4 (Vestry issues) It doesn't seem to match with the preceding sentence for me without some of the info that came before that. She contacted the Vestry about the CCC lease or something else, I believe not about the "dynamic". The following is info that came to me aher Feb 15. (In case you want to add anything from here): The Anonymous reporter in the the last addiZonal very rough report I sent would easily be recognized from that report if some of it is "quoted". It's too rough to quote from anyway I think and probably some of the sentences don't make sense to you all yet. This happened years ago when the person was on staff: The person did want to make sure we knew that Rev. Samuels shared confidenZal info with staff that they should not know (for example regarding health mabers that he was not given permission to share with others) and that he is cunningly manipulaZve. He tried to get the staff to report on their conversaZons with the women who reported him 5 years ago and to make them feel ostracized. He tried to and did convince folks that people were wrong to report against him 5 years ago and he also admibed that when he was asked to see the therapist because of the previous allegaZons he did not beleive he did anything wrong and and said he would not admit to and wrong doing. One addiZonal peice of informaZon from Ron Kelly, not already covered by others, besides the posZng on REALM on Sunday is that: "The 35 K Diocesan loan that is shows on the budget budget as revenue acZviZes and not also as a liability on the financial statements (report)." He suspects that the PPP loan will be handled this way was well. Some info Cindy Savage added is" My concern is that there are people on the voZng

list that live in other states and there are people who have been omibed because they have not contributed money, even though they have been involved in our virtual services or have contributed in other ways." Best, Tokunbo On Wed, Feb 24, 2021, 9:06 PM Tokunbo Green <> wrote: HI All,


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I'm going to try to read through now that safe church is done. Attached is another Report very rough I have not done any editing on it . Very rough and Allegation that is additional would be sharing confidential information. Linda is correct. I corrected it in one of my docs and not in the official one I sent I guess.

Intake Officer Recommendation: If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true the R espondent has: • possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and C ommunity, [Canon IV.4.1(h)(e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation [ Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h)(9)].

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 4:25 PM <> wrote: Thank you, Robin, for your summary and, Tokunbo, for your detailed work. With this complicated case, I think the summary will be very helpful and represents Tokunbo's details with one exception. On the first page of the summary under Intake Officer Recommendation, I believe the Canon references are off. Please see my highlights below that indicate what I believe should be the references:

Intake Officer Recommendation:

If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true the Respondent has: • possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h)(e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentatio n [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and


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• engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h) (9)].

My prayers will be with you all tomorrow. Many thanks for this work, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> To: <>; <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; <> Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2021 2:03 pm Subject: RE: New Intake Report Revision Hello colleagues, Attached is the summary of the most recent intake. I tried to quote some language from the original report. Ian and I will share this document with the Respondent and his Advisor tomorrow afternoon. You are welcome to send feedback! Peace, Robin

From: <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 8:53 PM To:; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+

-----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision


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Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeting we show the Intake Report to the Respondent — they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of identifying the anonymous reporters based on the allegations in this matter. We decided I would draft a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the entire intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviation from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of identifying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a matter of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to


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them. It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posting that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversation with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin HammealUrban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any


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From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf> B0076

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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:02:45 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Date: From: To: CC:

RE: New Intake Report Revision Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 9:44:22 AM Eastern Standard Time Robin Hammeal-Urban Ian T. Douglas, Tokunbo Green, Kayla Tubolino,, Bishop Laura Ahrens, AGachments: Samuels-Intake Report Summary RH-U.docx

Hi allAUached is an updated summary of the Intake Report based on the new informaVon and Tokunbo’ s suggesVons. I made all the revisions Tokunbo suggested and I: 1. Added a secVon on ConfidenVality and failing to preserve confidences as a potenVal Offense based on specific informaVon that Tokunbo received yesterday 2. Added the last point in Budget 3. Added the last 4 points in General 4. Added second to last point in Vestry secVon 5. Changed unnamed reporters to named reporters and added 1 to the count of unnamed reporters 6. Indicated that latest report is 2021-1F—not G. 7. Check canonical references with my hard copy of the canons. Again, this document is only for the purposes of sharing the info with the Respondent later today. I will not likely have an opportunity to make any addiVonal revisions before 5:00pm as I’m booked straight through. And, if there are changes that need to be made, please do let me know. Peace, Robin

From: Linda Spiers <> Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 8:16 AM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Ian T. Douglas <>; Tokunbo Green <>; Kayla Tubolino <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision

Continued thanks, Robin and Tokunbo, for your thorough and faithful work. Peace, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 25, 2021, at 7:21 AM, Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Yes. I’ll make revisions and get a new summary out to for review by 9:30. Thanks so much Tokunbo for all your work. One question- is the latest reporter really G or B0078

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are they F? Peace, Robin Sent from my iPhone On Feb 25, 2021, at 7:11 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Thanks Tokunbo: Robin, do you want to make these changes and send out a revised summary? I can then share it on my screen tonight (making sure to ask Amjad not to take a screen shot.) Ian

The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 On Feb 25, 2021, at 12:43 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Hi All I'm doing this on my phone. I couldn't look at the computer any more today after my break from it. Robin, great work on this thank you. Should we IOs going forward think about drafting summaries like this whatever the case may be (for example even with one named Complainant?) Or just when there are anonymous folks and or the allegations are lengthy? Mike and Cindy Savage have decided they want to be named Complainants. Report letter A is theirs (and Cindy added supplemental info most already covered by others.) They were B0079

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two of the anonymous. So we have 3 anonymous (with the new very rough addition I just sent) and 5 named Complainants. I'd switch the order of the following bullet points in the Vestry section because of the timeline: "Respondent lied to parish..." This event happened last year at the annual meeting so this bullet should come before the below bullet the begins "This year..." I think I'd delete the last sentence in the last bullet of paragraph 4 (Vestry issues) It doesn't seem to match with the preceding sentence for me without some of the info that came before that. She contacted the Vestry about the CCC lease or something else, I believe not about the "dynamic". The following is info that came to me after Feb 15. (In case you want to add anything from here): The Anonymous reporter in the the last additional very rough report I sent would easily be recognized from that report if some of it is "quoted". It's too rough to quote from anyway I think and probably some of the sentences don't make sense to you all yet. This happened years ago when the person was on staff: The person did want to make sure we knew that Rev. Samuels shared confidential info with staff that they should not know (for example regarding health matters that he was not given permission to share with others) and that he is cunningly manipulative. He tried to get the staff to report on their conversations with the women who reported him 5 years ago and to make them feel ostracized. He tried to and did convince folks that people were wrong to report against him 5 years ago and he also admitted that when he was asked to see the therapist because of the previous allegations he did not beleive he did anything wrong and and said he would not admit to and wrong doing. One additional peice of information from Ron Kelly, not already covered by others, besides the posting on REALM on Sunday is that: "The 35 K Diocesan loan that is shows on the budget budget as revenue activities and not also as a liability on the financial statements (report)." He suspects that the PPP loan will be handled this way was well.


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Some info Cindy Savage added is" My concern is that there are people on the voVng list that live in other states and there are people who have been omiUed because they have not contributed money, even though they have been involved in our virtual services or have contributed in other ways." Best, Tokunbo

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021, 9:06 PM Tokunbo Green <> wrote: HI All, I'm going to try to read through now that safe church is done. Attached is another Report very rough I have not done any editing on it . Very rough and Allegation that is additional would be sharing confidential information. Linda is correct. I corrected it in one of my docs and not in the official one I sent I guess.

Intake Officer Recommendation:

If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anony mous Reporters are true the Respondent has: • possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of th e Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h) (e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misr epresentation [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Cano n IV.4.1(h)(9)].

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." MLK, Jr. B0081

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On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 4:25 PM <> wrote: Thank you, Robin, for your summary and, Tokunbo, for your detailed work. With this complicated case, I think the summary will be very helpful and represents Tokunbo's details with one exception. On the first page of the summary under Intake Officer Recommendation, I believe the Canon references are off. Please see my highlights below that indicate what I believe should be the references:

Intake Officer Recommendation:

If the allegations made by the Complainants and Ano nymous Reporters are true the Respondent has: • possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds o f the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h) (e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [C anon IV.4.1(h)(9)].

My prayers will be with you all tomorrow. Many thanks for this work, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> To: <>; <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; <> Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2021 2:03 pm Subject: RE: New Intake Report Revision


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Hello colleagues, Attached is the summary of the most recent intake. I tried to quote some language from the original report. Ian and I will share this document with the Respondent and his Advisor tomorrow afternoon. You are welcome to send feedback! Peace, Robin

From: <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 8:53 PM To:; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride.


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I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeting we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of identifying the anonymous reporters based on the allegations in this matter. We decided I would draft a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the entire intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviation from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of identifying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a matter of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them.


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It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posting that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversation with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. B0085

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will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can B0086

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do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:04:25 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: FW: New Intake Report Revision Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 9:49:21 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Alison Hollo AGachments: Samuels-Intake Report Summary RH-U.docx

Ian, If the formaPng of this document really bothers you, feel free to ask Allison to clean it up. However, it will only be shared with R and Advisor this evening. And, I have some thoughts on how we might proceed this evening. I will try to send them to you beforehand—and, we know how to do this. I may ask some quesSons that are normally not part of this conversaSon. And, how long do you have scheduled for this evening? I can foresee the Respondent talking a lot and taking up lots of Sme, or being so angry he doesn’t speak. r. From: Robin Hammeal-Urban Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 9:44 AM To: Linda Spiers <> Cc: Ian T. Douglas <>; Tokunbo Green <>; Kayla Tubolino <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: RE: New Intake Report Revision

Hi allA_ached is an updated summary of the Intake Report based on the new informaSon and Tokunbo’ s suggesSons. I made all the revisions Tokunbo suggested and I: 1. Added a secSon on ConfidenSality and failing to preserve confidences as a potenSal Offense based on specific informaSon that Tokunbo received yesterday 2. Added the last point in Budget 3. Added the last 4 points in General 4. Added second to last point in Vestry secSon 5. Changed unnamed reporters to named reporters and added 1 to the count of unnamed reporters 6. Indicated that latest report is 2021-1F—not G. 7. Check canonical references with my hard copy of the canons. Again, this document is only for the purposes of sharing the info with the Respondent later today. I will not likely have an opportunity to make any addiSonal revisions before 5:00pm as I’m booked straight through. And, if there are changes that need to be made, please do let me know. Peace, Robin


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From: Linda Spiers <> Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 8:16 AM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Ian T. Douglas <>; Tokunbo Green <>; Kayla Tubolino <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision

Continued thanks, Robin and Tokunbo, for your thorough and faithful work. Peace, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 25, 2021, at 7:21 AM, Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Yes. I’ll make revisions and get a new summary out to for review by 9:30. Thanks so much Tokunbo for all your work. One question- is the latest reporter really G or are they F? Peace, Robin Sent from my iPhone On Feb 25, 2021, at 7:11 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Thanks Tokunbo: Robin, do you want to make these changes and send out a revised summary? I can then share it on my screen tonight (making sure to ask Amjad not to take a screen shot.) Ian

The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 B0089

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On Feb 25, 2021, at 12:43 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Hi All I'm doing this on my phone. I couldn't look at the computer any more today after my break from it. Robin, great work on this thank you. Should we IOs going forward think about drafting summaries like this whatever the case may be (for example even with one named Complainant?) Or just when there are anonymous folks and or the allegations are lengthy? Mike and Cindy Savage have decided they want to be named Complainants. Report letter A is theirs (and Cindy added supplemental info most already covered by others.) They were two of the anonymous. So we have 3 anonymous (with the new very rough addition I just sent) and 5 named Complainants. I'd switch the order of the following bullet points in the Vestry section because of the timeline: "Respondent lied to parish..." This event happened last year at the annual meeting so this bullet should come before the below bullet the begins "This year..." I think I'd delete the last sentence in the last bullet of paragraph 4 (Vestry issues) It doesn't seem to match with the preceding sentence for me without some of the info that came before that. She contacted the Vestry about the CCC lease or something else, I believe not about the "dynamic". The following is info that came to me after Feb 15. (In case you want to add anything from here): The Anonymous reporter in the the last additional very rough report I sent would easily be recognized from that report if some of it is "quoted". It's too rough to quote from anyway I think and probably some of the sentences don't make sense to you all yet. This happened years ago when the person was on staff: The person did want to make sure we knew that Rev. Samuels shared confidential info with staff that they should not know (for example regarding health matters that he was not given B0090

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permission to share with others) and that he is cunningly manipulative. He tried to get the staff to report on their conversations with the women who reported him 5 years ago and to make them feel ostracized. He tried to and did convince folks that people were wrong to report against him 5 years ago and he also admitted that when he was asked to see the therapist because of the previous allegations he did not beleive he did anything wrong and and said he would not admit to and wrong doing. One additional peice of information from Ron Kelly, not already covered by others, besides the posting on REALM on Sunday is that: "The 35 K Diocesan loan that is shows on the budget budget as revenue activities and not also as a liability on the financial statements (report)." He suspects that the PPP loan will be handled this way was well. Some info Cindy Savage added is" My concern is that there are people on the voSng list that live in other states and there are people who have been omi_ed because they have not contributed money, even though they have been involved in our virtual services or have contributed in other ways." Best, Tokunbo

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021, 9:06 PM Tokunbo Green <> wrote: HI All, I'm going to try to read through now that safe church is done. Attached is another Report very rough I have not done any editing on it . Very rough and Allegation that is additional would be sharing confidential information. Linda is correct. I corrected it in one of my docs and not in the official one I sent I guess.

Intake Officer Recommendation:

If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anony mous Reporters are true the Respondent has:


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• possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of th e Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h) (e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misr epresentation [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Cano n IV.4.1(h)(9)].

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." MLK, Jr.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 4:25 PM <> wrote: Thank you, Robin, for your summary and, Tokunbo, for your detailed work. With this complicated case, I think the summary will be very helpful and represents Tokunbo's details with one exception. On the first page of the summary under Intake Officer Recommendation, I believe the Canon references are off. Please see my highlights below that indicate what I believe should be the references:

Intake Officer Recommendation:

If the allegations made by the Complainants and Ano nymous Reporters are true the Respondent has: • possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds o f the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h) (e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [C anon IV.4.1(h)(9)].

My prayers will be with you all tomorrow. Many thanks for this work, B0092

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Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> To: <>; <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; <> Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2021 2:03 pm Subject: RE: New Intake Report Revision Hello colleagues, Attached is the summary of the most recent intake. I tried to quote some language from the original report. Ian and I will share this document with the Respondent and his Advisor tomorrow afternoon. You are welcome to send feedback! Peace, Robin

From: <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 8:53 PM To:; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than B0093

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what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before


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we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeting we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of identifying the anonymous reporters based on the allegations in this matter. We decided I would draft a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the entire intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviation from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of identifying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a matter of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them. It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posting that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversation with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I B0095

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didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page B0096

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I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:07:02 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: New Intake Report Revision Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 12:16:04 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To:, CC: Ian T. Douglas, Kayla Tubolino,, Bishop Laura Ahrens,

Thanks Linda. I made the change. r From: <> Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 10:51 AM To:; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Ian T. Douglas <>; Kayla Tubolino <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Robin, one very minor change. Under section 3, 4th dot point, last sentence "are" should be "area". Great summary. Thanks to you both, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Ian T. Douglas <>; Linda Spiers <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; <> Sent: Thu, Feb 25, 2021 10:03 am Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision It will be F for the official report. Thanks I forgot to change that. On Thu, Feb 25, 2021, 7:21 AM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Yes. I’ll make revisions and get a new summary out to for review by 9:30. Thanks so much Tokunbo for all your work. One question- is the latest reporter really G or are they F? Peace, Robin Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 25, 2021, at 7:11 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Thanks Tokunbo: Robin, do you want to make these changes and send out a revised summary? I can then share it on my screen tonight (making sure to ask Amjad not to take a screen shot.) Ian


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The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

On Feb 25, 2021, at 12:43 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote:

Hi All I'm doing this on my phone. I couldn't look at the computer any more today after my break from it. Robin, great work on this thank you. Should we IOs going forward think about drafting summaries like this whatever the case may be (for example even with one named Complainant?) Or just when there are anonymous folks and or the allegations are lengthy? Mike and Cindy Savage have decided they want to be named Complainants. Report letter A is theirs (and Cindy added supplemental info most already covered by others.) They were two of the anonymous. So we have 3 anonymous (with the new very rough addition I just sent) and 5 named Complainants. I'd switch the order of the following bullet points in the Vestry section because of the timeline: "Respondent lied to parish..." This event happened last year at the annual meeting so this bullet should come before the below bullet the begins "This year..." I think I'd delete the last sentence in the last bullet of paragraph 4 (Vestry issues) It doesn't seem to match with the preceding sentence for me without some of the info that came before that. She contacted the Vestry about the CCC lease or something else, I believe not about the "dynamic". The following is info that came to me after Feb 15. (In case you want to add anything from here): The Anonymous reporter in the the last additional very rough report I sent would easily be recognized from that report if some of it is "quoted". It's too rough to quote from anyway I think and probably some of the sentences don't make sense to you all yet.


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This happened years ago when the person was on staff: The person did want to make sure we knew that Rev. Samuels shared confidential info with staff that they should not know (for example regarding health matters that he was not given permission to share with others) and that he is cunningly manipulative. He tried to get the staff to report on their conversations with the women who reported him 5 years ago and to make them feel ostracized. He tried to and did convince folks that people were wrong to report against him 5 years ago and he also admitted that when he was asked to see the therapist because of the previous allegations he did not beleive he did anything wrong and and said he would not admit to and wrong doing. One additional peice of information from Ron Kelly, not already covered by others, besides the posting on REALM on Sunday is that: "The 35 K Diocesan loan that is shows on the budget budget as revenue activities and not also as a liability on the financial statements (report)." He suspects that the PPP loan will be handled this way was well. Some info Cindy Savage added is" My concern is that there are people on the voWng list that live in other states and there are people who have been omiXed because they have not contributed money, even though they have been involved in our virtual services or have contributed in other ways."

Best, Tokunbo On Wed, Feb 24, 2021, 9:06 PM Tokunbo Green <> wrote:

HI All, I'm going to try to read through now that safe church is done. Attached is another Report very rough I have not done any editing on it . Very rough and Allegation that is additional would be sharing confidential information. Linda is correct. I corrected it in one of my docs and not in the official one I sent I guess.

Intake Officer Recommendation:

If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Re porters are true the Respondent has:


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• possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church an d Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h)(e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentatio n [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h) (9)].

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings!

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 4:25 PM <> wrote:

Thank you, Robin, for your summary and, Tokunbo, for your detailed work. With this complicated case, I think the summary will be very helpful and represents Tokunbo's details with one exception. On the first page of the summary under Intake Officer Recommendation, I believe the Canon references are off. Please see my highlights below that indicate what I believe should be the references:

Intake Officer Recommendation:

If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true the Respondent has: • possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h)(e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresent ation [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h )(9)].

My prayers will be with you all tomorrow. Many thanks for this work,



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-----Original Message----From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> To: <>; <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; <> Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2021 2:03 pm Subject: RE: New Intake Report Revision Hello colleagues, Attached is the summary of the most recent intake. I tried to quote some language from the original report. Ian and I will share this document with the Respondent and his Advisor tomorrow afternoon. You are welcome to send feedback! Peace, Robin

From: <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 8:53 PM To:; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not B0102

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suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeting we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of identifying the anonymous reporters based on the allegations in this matter. We decided I would draft a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the entire intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviation from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of identifying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the


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intake Report as a matter of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them. It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posting that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversation with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well.


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Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:09:05 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Samuels: dra, outline for tonight's mee5ng Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 2:17:54 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Kayla Tubolino AFachments: Samuels- mtg 2.25.2021.docx

IanThis is my second go around with Amjad regarding groups of people alleging poor behavior. I want to be sure there is 5me for you to orally set boundaries for him going forward. He can fill up the en5re 5me by explaining everything away. A,er the mee5ng the unnamed reporters and complainants should be informed that Amjad has been informed. I can’t do that follow up. I have more on tonight and start with zoom at 6:00am tomorrow morning. Tokunbo will need language to connect back with the unnamed reporters. Ian, happy to have a different agenda. Let me know. I’ll be off line for a liZle while. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connec5cut 290 PraZ Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:01:46 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 8:16:25 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Linda Spiers To: Robin Hammeal-Urban CC: Ian T. Douglas, Tokunbo Green, Kayla Tubolino,, Bishop Laura Ahrens, ConUnued thanks, Robin and Tokunbo, for your thorough and faithful work. Peace, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 25, 2021, at 7:21 AM, Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Yes. I’ll make revisions and get a new summary out to for review by 9:30. Thanks so much Tokunbo for all your work. One quesUon- is the latest reporter really G or are they F? Peace, Robin Sent from my iPhone On Feb 25, 2021, at 7:11 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Thanks Tokunbo: Robin, do you want to make these changes and send out a revised summary? I can then share it on my screen tonight (making sure to ask Amjad not to take a screen shot.) Ian

The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan Episcopal Church in ConnecJcut The Commons 290 Prad Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 On Feb 25, 2021, at 12:43 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote:


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Hi All I'm doing this on my phone. I couldn't look at the computer any more today aier my break from it. Robin, great work on this thank you. Should we IOs going forward think about draiing summaries like this whatever the case may be (for example even with one named Complainant?) Or just when there are anonymous folks and or the allegaUons are lengthy? Mike and Cindy Savage have decided they want to be named Complainants. Report leder A is theirs (and Cindy added supplemental info most already covered by others.) They were two of the anonymous. So we have 3 anonymous (with the new very rough addition I just sent) and 5 named Complainants. I'd switch the order of the following bullet points in the Vestry section because of the timeline: "Respondent lied to parish..." This event happened last year at the annual meeting so this bullet should come before the below bullet the begins "This year..." I think I'd delete the last sentence in the last bullet of paragraph 4 (Vestry issues) It doesn't seem to match with the preceding sentence for me without some of the info that came before that. She contacted the Vestry about the CCC lease or something else, I believe not about the "dynamic". The following is info that came to me aier Feb 15. (In case you want to add anything from here): The Anonymous reporter in the the last addiUonal very rough report I sent would easily be recognized from that report if some of it is "quoted". It's too rough to quote from anyway I think and probably some of the sentences don't make sense to you all yet. This happened years ago when the person was on staff: The person did want to make sure we knew that Rev. Samuels shared confidenUal info with staff that they should not know (for example regarding health maders that he was not given permission to share with others) and that he is cunningly manipulaUve. He tried to get the staff to report on their conversaUons with the women who reported him 5 years ago and to make them feel ostracized. He tried to and did convince folks that people were wrong to report against him 5 years ago and he also admided that when he was asked to see the therapist because of the previous allegaUons he did not beleive he did anything wrong and and said he would not admit to and wrong doing. One addiUonal peice of informaUon from Ron Kelly, not already covered by others, besides the posUng on REALM on Sunday is that: "The 35 K B0108

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Diocesan loan that is shows on the budget budget as revenue acUviUes and not also as a liability on the financial statements (report)." He suspects that the PPP loan will be handled this way was well. Some info Cindy Savage added is" My concern is that there are people

on the voUng list that live in other states and there are people who have been omided because they have not contributed money, even though they have been involved in our virtual services or have contributed in other ways." Best, Tokunbo On Wed, Feb 24, 2021, 9:06 PM Tokunbo Green <> wrote: HI All, I'm going to try to read through now that safe church is done.

Attached is another Report very rough I have not done any editing on it . Very rough and Allegation that is additional would be sharing confidential information. Linda is correct. I corrected it in one of my docs and not in the official one I sent I guess.

Intake Officer Recommendation: If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true the Respondent has: • possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of th e Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h) (e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misr epresentation [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Cano n IV.4.1(h)(9)].

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 4:25 PM <> wrote: Thank you, Robin, for your summary and, Tokunbo, for your detailed work. With this complicated case, I think the summary will be very helpful and represents Tokunbo's details with one exception. On the first page of the summary under Intake Officer Recommendation, I believe the Canon references are off. B0109

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Recommendation, I believe the Canon references are off. Please see my highlights below that indicate what I believe should be the references:

Intake Officer Recommendation:

If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporte rs are true the Respondent has: • possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h) (e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or mi srepresentation [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Ca non IV.4.1(h)(9)].

My prayers will be with you all tomorrow. Many thanks for this work, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> To: <>; <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; <> Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2021 2:03 pm Subject: RE: New Intake Report Revision Hello colleagues, Attached is the summary of the most recent intake. I tried to quote some language from the original report. Ian and I will share this document with the Respondent and his Advisor tomorrow afternoon. You are welcome to send feedback! Peace, Robin

From: <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 8:53 PM To:; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+

-----Original Message----B0110

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-----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo,


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Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeting we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of identifying the anonymous reporters based on the allegations in this matter. We decided I would draft a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the entire intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviation from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of identifying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a matter of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them. It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posting that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversation with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM.


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He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote:


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Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr. <Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:05:39 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 10:50:46 AM Eastern Standard Time From: To:, CC:,,,, Robin, one very minor change. Under section 3, 4th dot point, last sentence "are" should be "area". Great summary. Thanks to you both, Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Ian T. Douglas <>; Linda Spiers <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; <> Sent: Thu, Feb 25, 2021 10:03 am Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision It will be F for the official report. Thanks I forgot to change that. On Thu, Feb 25, 2021, 7:21 AM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Yes. I’ll make revisions and get a new summary out to for review by 9:30. Thanks so much Tokunbo for all your work. One question- is the latest reporter really G or are they F? Peace, Robin Sent from my iPhone On Feb 25, 2021, at 7:11 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Thanks Tokunbo: Robin, do you want to make these changes and send out a revised summary? I can then share it on my screen tonight (making sure to ask Amjad not to take a screen shot.) Ian

The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 On Feb 25, 2021, at 12:43 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote:

Hi All I'm doing this on my phone. I couldn't look at the computer any more today after my break from it.


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Robin, great work on this thank you. Should we IOs going forward think about drafting summaries like this whatever the case may be (for example even with one named Complainant?) Or just when there are anonymous folks and or the allegations are lengthy? Mike and Cindy Savage have decided they want to be named Complainants. Report letter A is theirs (and Cindy added supplemental info most already covered by others.) They were two of the anonymous. So we have 3 anonymous (with the new very rough addition I just sent) and 5 named Complainants. I'd switch the order of the following bullet points in the Vestry section because of the timeline: "Respondent lied to parish..." This event happened last year at the annual meeting so this bullet should come before the below bullet the begins "This year..." I think I'd delete the last sentence in the last bullet of paragraph 4 (Vestry issues) It doesn't seem to match with the preceding sentence for me without some of the info that came before that. She contacted the Vestry about the CCC lease or something else, I believe not about the "dynamic".

The following is info that came to me after Feb 15. (In case you want to add anything from here): The Anonymous reporter in the the last additional very rough report I sent would easily be recognized from that report if some of it is "quoted". It's too rough to quote from anyway I think and probably some of the sentences don't make sense to you all yet. This happened years ago when the person was on staff: The person did want to make sure we knew that Rev. Samuels shared confidential info with staff that they should not know (for example regarding health matters that he was not given permission to share with others) and that he is cunningly manipulative. He tried to get the staff to report on their conversations with the women who reported him 5 years ago and to make them feel ostracized. He tried to and did convince folks that people were wrong to report against him 5 years ago and he also admitted that when he was asked to see the therapist because of the previous allegations he did not beleive he did anything wrong and and said he would not admit to and wrong doing.

One additional peice of information from Ron Kelly, not already covered by others, besides the posting on REALM on Sunday is that: "The 35 K Diocesan loan that is shows on the budget budget as revenue activities and not also as a liability on the financial statements (report)." He suspects that the PPP loan will be handled this way was well. Some info Cindy Savage added is" My concern is that there are people on the voMng list that live in other states and there are people who have been omiNed because they have not contributed money, even though they have been involved in our virtual services or have contributed in other ways."

Best, Tokunbo On Wed, Feb 24, 2021, 9:06 PM Tokunbo Green <> wrote: HI All, I'm going to try to read through now that safe church is done. Attached is another Report very rough I have not done any editing on it . Very rough and Allegation that is additional would be sharing confidential information. Linda is correct. I corrected it in one of my docs and not in the official one I sent I guess.

Intake Officer Recommendation: If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true the Respondent has: • possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h)(e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and B0116

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[Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h)(9)].

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 4:25 PM <> wrote:

Thank you, Robin, for your summary and, Tokunbo, for your detailed work. With this complicated case, I think the summary will be very helpful and represents Tokunbo's details with one exception. On the first page of the summary under Intake Officer Recommendation, I believe the Canon references are off. Please see my highlights below that indicate what I believe should be the references:

Intake Officer Recommendation:

If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true th e Respondent has: • possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church an d Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h)(e)], [Canon IV.4.1(e)] • engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentati on [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; [Canon IV.4.1(h)(6)] and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h) (9)].

My prayers will be with you all tomorrow. Many thanks for this work,


-----Original Message----From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> To: <>; <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; <> Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2021 2:03 pm Subject: RE: New Intake Report Revision


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Hello colleagues, Attached is the summary of the most recent intake. I tried to quote some language from the original report. Ian and I will share this document with the Respondent and his Advisor tomorrow afternoon. You are welcome to send feedback! Peace, Robin

From: <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 8:53 PM To:; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Tokunbo, Robin, and Ian, thank you for your quick actions with this. I am just now seeing these emails. What happened seems a mystery at this point. The plan with what to show the respondent sounds just right. Lots of prayers are needed for all involved. Prayers are therefore ascending. With blessings, Linda+

-----Original Message----From: Tokunbo Green <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2021 3:52 pm Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision Thanks Robin. This is very strange. I double checked my emails to make sure the only people I communicated with are reporters and you all and that communications between he and I are only between he and I other than what is in the report. I spoke with Ron to ask if he thinks he shared any of this information with anyone else and he said he didn't think so. I let him know what the procedure is for notifying Respondents as you have laid out and that was far as you know Amjad would not have been notified by anyone at ECCT yet. He does not have a screen shot of the message. I wonder if he possibly dreamed it. I've had some dreams myself that I could almost believe were reality and at times have asked others if what I dreamt actually happened. I did not suggest this to him. He suggested to me though that with Amjad being so tech savvy that he somehow got access


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to emails. At this point it's a mystery. Anyway he was very happy to talk to me again and was a pleasure to be working with me and to get the update from me and that I have made it an ok process for him. I share that just to say that he seems to be ok and taking things in stride. I too am always concerned about the anonymous reporters. They want the details in there and they don't want to be named. One of them just sent me more information that I think would identify them and I said that we should have a conversation about how I make it anonymous. As I mentioned to you I combined two reports to try to preserve anonymity. I tried to reword something as hearsay as well. And its possible Rev. Amjad could guess who made reports. I think it's a great idea to pull out behaviors. I'll try to do the same as well is good practice for future reports too. And it's good for us to have the details. Thank you, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:58 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Tokunbo, Yikes! I just saw this troubling development. To my knowledge, the Respondent has not been contact by our office in any way. He will get a phone call from Ian the day before we are scheduled to meet with him. Typically at that first meeting we show the Intake Report to the Respondent— they are not given a copy. Ian and I conferred this morning as to the risk of identifying the anonymous reporters based on the allegations in this matter. We decided I would draft a list of alleged behaviors rather than share the entire intake report. We also thought it prudent that I share that list with all of you before Ian and I meet with the Respondent as this is deviation from our normal process. Other dioceses in our Province do not show Respondents the Intake Report due to risk of identifying anonymous reporters. We do show the Respondent the intake Report as a matter of due process and fairness. We never give them a copy or email it to them.


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It sounds as though you did a great job listening to and addressing Ron’s concerns. If Ron has evidence (screen shot?) of the posting that might be helpful. The incident of this morning sounds consistent with what is shared in the pages of your report. Please let me know if you think a three way conversation with you, Ron and me would be helpful to Ron. If so I am glad to join. Peace, Robin

From: Tokunbo Green <> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 2:35 PM To: Cc: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin HammealUrban <>; Ian T. Douglas <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Susan Jackson <> Subject: Re: New Intake Report Revision You're Welcome and thank you Linda. Hi All, I received the following message from one of the Complainants, Ron Kelly this morning: Dear Tokumbo, Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM. He and I have spoken. I let him know that I had not emailed Rev. Amdjad directly and that it probably came from the office on my behalf to notify Rev. Amjad that a reports were made against him and that I didn't think the report itself was sent to Rev Amjad and that I would ask about that. I did remind him that Rev. Amjad would see the report and because he decided to be named Rev. Amjad would know he reported and see what he sent to me as we had discussed. I had even called to double check with him before sending the report to you all. He is ok with that and reconsented. From what Ron said it seems that what Rev Amjad sent only Ron's name out and not any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it


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any of the other named Complainants. If the whole report was sent to Rev. Samuel it seems that he singled out the portions from Ron Kelly to publish to the whole parish. Per Ron it was taken down some hours later. Ron was very upset by all of this. He did say that I helped calm him down some and I let him know that I would add this as a supplemental allegation and he also gave me some other details that will be added as well. Kayla, Can we talk about this on Tuesday at our scheduled meeting and what gets sent out to the Respondents in the time of COVID. And Or You can reply for the good of the whole. I had told each Complainant/Reporter that the Respondent gets to see and not keep the Intake Report as that is my understanding. I was also a little surprised that Rev. Samuel would be able to post a portion of the report to anyone. Best, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thank you, Tokunbo, for your helpful revisions and in depth work on this case. Blessings, Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Feb 20, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Tokunbo Green <> wrote: Good Evening All, Please find attached a revised Intake Report. I did some editing and at Robin's wonderful suggestion added an introduction page and changed how I referred to the Anonymous Complainants. They are now Anonymous Reporters. On the introduction page I included some of the general allegations. Have a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Tokunbo Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.


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<Intake Report 2021-1 Re A. Samuel.pdf>


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:06:29 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: 5 pm Zoom Mee+ng Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 11:35:46 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Fr. Taylor Albright To: Ian T. Douglas, Kayla Tubolino, CC: Robin Hammeal-Urban AFachments: image001.jpg Thanks. Fr. Taylor Albright Trinity Church, Tariffville 413 478 5367

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 11:34:55 AM To: Kayla Tubolino <>; <>; Fr. Taylor Albright <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: 5 pm Zoom Mee+ng Thank you. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Kayla Tubolino <> Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 9:10 AM To: "" <>, "'Fr. Taylor Albright'" <> Cc: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: 5 pm Zoom Mee+ng Hello All,


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Attached is the Zoom link for tonight’s meeting. Peace, Kayla

Kayla Tubolino is invi+ng you to a scheduled Zoom mee+ng. Join Zoom Mee+ng h\ps:// Mee+ng ID: 948 1821 6191 Passcode: 071451

One tap mobile +13126266799,,94818216191# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,94818216191# US (New York) Dial by your loca+on +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Mee+ng ID: 948 1821 6191 Find your local number: h\ps://

Kayla Tubolino, SHRM- CP Human Resources and Title IV Manager The Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Suite 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 ext. 119 Sign up for ECCT’s weekly enews communication at


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:10:00 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Samuels: dra. outline for tonight's mee7ng Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 5:09:42 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Kayla Tubolino To: Ian T. Douglas, Robin Hammeal-Urban ACachments: 2021- 1 no7ce to complainant.docx, image001.jpg Hi Robin and Ian, I have not reached out to the complainants who were named. It would make sense that I reach out to them, provide my contact, introduce them to the process, give them an advisor, and let them know about retaliation all in one piece of communication. Attached is a drafted letter that may accomplish all the above. I was waiting to see if we could pair complainants so we don’t use our whole bench of advisors in one case and I can provide separate advisors or leave it out and stay I am working on securing advisors for them. Happy to do this after the kiddos go to sleep or tomorrow morning. -K From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 4:36 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Re: Samuels: dra. outline for tonight's mee7ng Dear Robin: Thanks for this. I have only an hour as I have another meeting at 6:00 pm so we cannot go into long discussion of either the charges or his possible explanation. I will clearly emphasize that boundaries, and confidentially, are paramount here. And he should not discuss this report, or retaliate in any way, complainants or individuals he thinks might be complainants. If I lean of such behavior then there will be a restriction on ministry. I do not think that the parish would accept Carol, given the parishes thrological position/history and the fact that Carol is a lesbian. See you soon. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. B0125

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Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 2:17 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Samuels: dra. outline for tonight's mee7ng IanThis is my second go around with Amjad regarding groups of people alleging poor behavior. I want to be sure there is 7me for you to orally set boundaries for him going forward. He can fill up the en7re 7me by explaining everything away. the mee7ng the unnamed reporters and complainants should be informed that Amjad has been informed. I can’t do that follow up. I have more on tonight and start with zoom at 6:00am tomorrow morning. Tokunbo will need language to connect back with the unnamed reporters. Ian, happy to have a different agenda. Let me know. I’ll be off line for a li`le while. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connec7cut 290 Pra` Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:17:15 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: IEC Date: Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 9:10:33 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Bishop Laura Ahrens To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Alison Hollo I’ll ask her. Thanks Sent from my iPad

The Rt. Rev. Laura J.Ahrens, D. Min. Bishop Suffragan Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. Psalm 84:5 NIV Episcopal Church in ConnecOcut The Commons 290 PraP Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x 109 c 203-240-9426 f 203-235-1008 On Mar 4, 2021, at 9:10 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: I think Marilyn would be great. Ian

The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan Episcopal Church in ConnecOcut The Commons 290 PraP Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 On Mar 4, 2021, at 8:24 AM, Bishop Laura Ahrens <> wrote:


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Good point.I'm not sure Ben gets the vision. Not sure Diana Pete or Joseph are the chair types. What do you think about the idea of Marylyn? She's declined good standing group and she's so capable +Laura

Sent from my iPhone

The Rt. Rev. Laura J.Ahrens, D.Min. Bishop Suffragan

Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. Psalm 84:5 NIV Episcopal Church in ConnecOcut

The Commons

290 PraP Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x 109 c 203-240-9426 f 203-235-1008 On Mar 4, 2021, at 7:41 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: I think he is already doing a ton of stuff: redred chaplain, RHJR, Reparadons. Might be too much for one person. Ian

The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan Episcopal Church in ConnecOcut The Commons 290 PraP Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 B0128

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On Mar 4, 2021, at 6:55 AM, Bishop Laura Ahrens <> wrote: Thanks. What about Don Hamer? Sent from my iPad

The Rt. Rev. Laura J.Ahrens, D. Min. Bishop Suffragan Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. Psalm 84:5 NIV Episcopal Church in ConnecOcut The Commons 290 PraP Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x 109 c 203-240-9426 f 203-235-1008 On Mar 3, 2021, at 10:12 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

Sounds good. Even for the “intendonal Pisca bowl Communides” task force. I do not think Sandra should be the Cahir as she is an Officer of the Diocese and she also has a ton on her plate. I wonder if we can recruit another person to serve and also be the Chair. Do we have any retired Chaplains who might fit the bill? Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan


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Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Bishop Laura Ahrens <> Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 7:35 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Alison Hollo <> Subject: IEC Dear Ian and Alison. We’re collecdng names for people who want to be on the intendonal Pisca bowl Communides Bishops task force. The names are Amjad Samuel‘s and Geoff Hahnaman from Standing CommiPee Sandra Cosman and Bonnie MaPhews from Mission Council. Jack Gilpin at large. Ian , I suggest you and I meet with this team to outline the work ahead. I might imagine that might include communicadng about intendonal Episcopal Communides to the Episcopal Church in Connecdcut, and maybe reaching out to the list that Alison already has to just check in. The group will also need to meet with Ryan Fleenor and perhaps the treasurer from the Episcopal Church at Yale to talk about their financial support of the episcopal church CT. Ian, I don’t know if there’s another name you want to tap or if you think one of these B0130

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people should be the chair. I might suggest Sandra for the chair. I’ve never seen her in that role and it might be a good Try on for her. Alison, I added you just because I think we will probably start trying to explore scheduling once we confirm the group. Thank you all Sent from my iPad The Rt. Rev. Laura J.Ahrens, D. Min. Bishop Suffragan Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. Psalm 84:5 NIV Episcopal Church in ConnecOcut The Commons 290 PraP Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x 109 c 203-240-9426 f 203-235-1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:19:54 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Fwd: Red Flag Check - the Rev. Amjad Samuel Date: Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 2:58:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Lee Ann Tolzmann To: Ian T. Douglas Should I say that the bishop needs to call you? thanks, Lee Ann The Rev. Lee Ann D. Tolzmann Canon for Mission Leadership Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 office 203-639-3501 x 115 mobile 203-979-3154 Did you know ECCT has a fabulous podcast? Check it out at

Begin forwarded message: From: "Licia ." <> Subject: Red Flag Check - the Rev. Amjad Samuel Date: March 18, 2021 at 2:49:06 PM EDT To: Good afternoon, I am contacting you for a red flag check on The Rev. Amjad Samuel who has applied for a rector position for St Paul's in Key West. If there are issues to report, please call me at 305.849.9385. Otherwise, please reply to this email. Any info you are willing to share will be highly appreciated. Thank you! Licia+ -The Reverend Canon Licia B. Affer Canon to the Ordinary Diocese of Southeast Florida 525 N.E. 15th Street Miami, FL 33132 Tel (305) 373-0881 x123 Cell (305) 849-9385 Email B0132

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St. Paul's Episcopal Church

2021 Budget Account 




P I - Current



P I - Prior



Loose Plate






Investment FT



RI - Cell Tower



RI - Parish Bui



RI 11 Nichols



RI Ent F B& G Aggregate



Special Seasona



Special Offerin



From Restricted



Misc Income



Dio Pledge






C-Housing Allow



C-SS Allow



C-Housing Eq












C-Cont. Ed



Supply Clergy



Clergy Life Ins



Deacon Expense



Parish Sec.



Sexton 1



Music Senior






Payroll Tax Exp



Supply Musician



Part Time Offic



Children Min.



Youth Programs


Printed on January 15, 2021 at 09:41pm


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Account 



Adult Education






Stewardship Pro






Postulancy Prog



Altar Supplies



Worship Materia



Music Expenses






Office Supplies





Print Services









Computer and Te



Bank Fees



Acc. & Legal



Payroll Process



Build. Supplies



Snow Removal






Gen. Maintain B& G Church/ Office



Gen. Maintain B& G Historic Church



Gen. Maintain B& G Rectory



Gen. Maintain B& G 11 Nichols Ave.



Electric B& G Church/Office



Electric B& G Historic Church



Electric B& G Rectory


Electric B& G 11 Nichols Ave.



Phone & Inter B& G Church/ Office



Phone & Inter B& G Rectory



Phone & Inter Communications Church/Office



Water and Sewer


Printed on January 15, 2021 at 09:41pm





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Account 



Fuel B& G Church/Office



Fuel B& G Historic Church



Fuel B& G Rectory



Fuel B& G 11 Nichols Ave.


Com. & Soc. Med



P&L Insurance



Property Tax



Worker's Compen



Misc. Expenses



Rectory Mortgag




Revenues Expenses Net

Printed on January 15, 2021 at 09:41pm

$263,409.00 $326,416.48 ($63,007.48)


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St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Year end Statement of Financial Position As of: Dec 31st 2019 Assets Bank Accounts 100001 NSB Operating Checking 100002 NSB Money Market Savings 100003 NSB Rector's Discretionary Total Bank Accounts In Invvestments 100301 Investment D&B 100302 Infinex Investment Account Total Investments Fix Fixed ed Assets 100401 Building & Improvements Total Fixed Assets

22,320.29 29,824.41 5,924.03 58,068.73 143,081.61 90,247.81 233,329.42 441,392.85 441,392.85 $ 732,791.00

Total Assets Liabilities & Net Assets Liabilities Accounts P Paayable 223001 Rectory Mortgage Payable Total Accounts Payable Payroll 223000 403(b) Payable Total Payroll Credit Cards 220022 Rector's Credit Card Total Credit Cards Total Liabilities Net Assets Tempor emporarily arily Restricted Accounts 220042 Cell Tower Fund 220043 Building Maintenance Fund 220045 Mission and Evangelism 220046 Rector's Discretionary Fund 220048 Spiritual Growth Fund 220049 Tucker Emergency Maint Fund 220050 V Enscoe Memorial Fund 220052 Youth Fund 220056 Instrument Fund 220057 Christian Education (VBS + Adults) 220058 Family Table 220063 Rector's Initiative Fund 220064 Rogowski Stained Glass Window 220069 Flower Guild 220070 Deposit from Rental 11 Nichols Total Temporarily Restricted Accounts Permanently Restricted Accounts 220044 Hilliard Family Memorial Total Permanently Restricted Accounts Reserv Reserve eF Funds unds 221001 Beard Trust Printed on January 20, 2020 at 05:05pm

157,587.55 157,587.55 ( 18.53 ) ( 18.53 ) 310.49 310.49 157,879.51

64,334.72 608.27 2,236.34 5,924.03 76,454.47 9,005.65 1,267.04 3,749.11 804.57 1,465.93 1,578.50 6,675.02 220.00 1,544.85 3,400.00 179,268.50 12,570.00 12,570.00 66,003.06 B0137

Page 1 of 2

221002 Memorial Fund Total Reserve Funds Equity 100303 Unrealized Gain/Loss on Investments 111001 Accumulated Unrestricted 300001 Operating Fund Balance 300002 Non-Operating Fund Balance Total Equity Total Net Assets

14,731.22 80,734.28 29,951.60 ( 16,586.93 ) 526.44 288,447.60 302,338.71 574,911.49 $ 732,791.00

Total Liabilities & Net Assets

Printed on January 20, 2020 at 05:05pm


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St Paul’s Episcopal Society Vestry Minutes December 15, 2020 Attending: Mary Grosso, Audrey Hupp, Ron Kelly, Ron Marcho, Winifred Perley, Byron Peterson, Amanda Renz, The Reverend Amjad Samuel, Absent: Dennis Bludnicki, Cindy Savage, Bill Tyliszczak REFLECTION: Today’s Vestry meeting began at 7:30 pm via zoom as we are embracing and adhering to social distancing protocol. We began by watching the last part of a video series on leadership in a time of crisis and had a brief discussion A business meeting began at 7:58pm REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF November 2020 Minutes and Consent Agenda Items 

Winnie Perley motioned to approve the November 2020 minutes with corrections and Audrey Hupp seconded. APPROVED

NEW BUSINESS Questions for the Treasurer Review of Financial Reports- The treasurer has submitted a report to the Vestry which details the current financial position. There is currently no deficit in the budget, which the treasurer pointed out is largely due to the PPP loan. Questions on certain budgeted categories were asked and answered by the treasurer. Pledge income is at 93.65% of pledges made for the year 2020. Additionally, we have been officially approved for loan forgiveness on the PPP loan and we have to keep documentation for six years. Technology Grant and Building Improvement Grant- We have applied for a grant from the Diocese for technology upgrades and another one for capital improvements. Building and Grounds Report Fence Repair – The Senior Warden has been looking for pieces of the fence that has been broken. He has put the fence back together. There are pieces that are broken, and the Senior Warden is looking for the pieces. OLD BUSINESS Christian Counseling Center -

The chair of the committee (Byron Peterson) made a report to the Vestry. St. Paul’s had hired an attorney to work with the Counseling Center’s attorney. The communication between the two attorneys has not furthered any progress on making a decision regarding the status of the two entities. The Counseling Center’s attorney has suggested the inspection that was completed was not accurate. The counseling center has not, to the knowledge of the committee chair, made any effort to work with the church, and has suggested the church is trying to take advantage of the center to better their financial position. These negotiations have been ongoing for the past four years with no movement in any direction. There is no agreement in place, and there has not


been for quite some time. The chair of the committee has suggested that it is time to engage the attorney to terminate the inhabitance, as there has been no lease for quite some time. The counseling center asked for a three-month interim agreement with the option of three-month extension to continue the agreement that was in place two years ago. There was an agreement in place that the counseling center was responsible for maintaining the property. The church engaged an inspector to review the property and had asked the repairs be made that were mentioned in the report. The church asked that the center make the repairs before a new lease was made, or the repairs could be assessed, and the counseling center could fulfill the cost of the repairs and the church would make them. The counseling center’s attorney has essentially stated that the center does not agree with these terms. Of note, the counseling center has distributed a letter to their donor base that misrepresents what the church’s intention has been all along. Winnie Perley motioned, and Audrey Hupp seconded that the Vestry take the next steps to begin the eviction process with the counseling center through the attorney employed by the church. This would begin with serving a notice to quit which will give the center 30 days to respond. There were six yes votes and one no vote. The motion was approved. The Vestry has decided to draft a letter to the church that will be sent when the minutes would be released. Audrey and Byron will work together to draft a letter to the parish. Ron Kelly’s request to discuss alleged by-law infraction Ron has brought up the by-law regarding the nominating committee formation and how this was not brought before the Vestry. Byron mentioned that the Vestry never brought up their responsibility to add the nominating committee to the agenda for September or October, so the Rector took responsibility to help in forming the committee. Ron has also brought up the role of the Vestry and how they should be approving every financial transaction. Father Amjad made a statement that the role of the Vestry is to come alongside the Rector for the good of the church. Mary Grosso motioned to adjourn the meeting and Audrey Hupp seconded. The meeting adjourned at 9:5o pm. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 19, 2021 at 7:30pm. Respectfully Submitted,

Amanda Renz, Vestry Clerk


11/20/20 St. Paul’s Letter of Intent to Lease Business Premises: This letter of intent sets forth the material terms upon which St. Paul's Episcopal Church ("Landlord") intends to lease certain premises to The Christian Counseling and Family Life Center, Inc. ("Tenant"). This letter of intent is only intended to facilitate further discussions between the parties and solely represents the parties current intention to negotiate for and attempt to enter into a mutually agreeable lease, subject however, to the terms and conditions hereafter provided.

Parties acknowledge that under their prior agreements Tenant was responsible for all maintenance and repairs to the property and that the repairs described in Schedule A are presently needed to bring the building in good repair. Any Lease contemplated herein shall be subject to Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, making the foregoing repairs to the building on or before December 18, 2020. Such repairs shall be performed by contractors who are licensed and insured and shall comply with all applicable building codes, electrical and fire codes. In the alternative, on or before December 18, 2020, Tenant shall pay a lump sum to Landlord in an amount to be determined based upon Landlord's estimates for the cost of completion of such repairs. In the event that Tenant has not completed such repairs or paid such sum to Landlord on or before December 18, 2020, Tenant shall vacate the premises on or before January 1, 2021. The parties shall enter into a written agreement memorializing whether Tenant will perform the repairs as set forth herein or will pay Landlord a fixed sum for the performance of such repairs.

A general outline of the proposed lease is as follows:

1. Premises: The building presently occupied by tenant located at 25 Church Street, Shelton, Connecticut to be used as a non-profit counseling center.


Term: Lease term shall commence on or about January 1, 2021 and shall expire December 31, 2030.

3. Rent: The base rent shall be $3,000.00 per month ($36,000.00 annually) for the term of the lease. Rent shall increase 3% during each year of the option term.

4. Insurance: Tenant shall maintain general premises liability insurance in an amount of not less than $3 million dollars and shall maintain professional liability insurance and shall insure its own personal property against loss or casualty.


5. Services/Utilities: Tenant to pay its own gas, electric, oil, internet, telephone, garbage removal, alarm monitoring, cable, and any other utilities or services required for its use of the premises. All such utility and service accounts shall be in Tenant's name, except that unless and until the water bill for the leased

premises is separately metered Tenant shall pay a pro rated share of the water bill for the entire property. Tenant shall also pay the sewer use bill for the leased premises within 10 days of receipt of the same from Landlord.


Security Deposit: Tenant to pay a security deposit in the amount of $6,000.00 upon signing of the Lease.

7. Maintenance and Repair of Property: Upon completion of the repairs to be performed by Tenant as set forth in Schedule A, under the Lease the Landlord shall be responsible at its sole cost and expense for structural repairs to the roof, load-bearing partitions and walls, and floors below finishes. Landlord shall be responsible at its sole cost and expense for repairs to mechanical systems including HVAC, plumbing and electrical; provided, however, that Tenant shall be required at its own expense to pay for an annual service contract for the HVAC system and shall pay the first $250.00 in any repairs to the HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems. Tenant shall be responsible at its sole cost and expense for all other repairs and maintenance to the interior and exterior of the building, including but not limited to repair or replacement of any plumbing fixtures or electrical fixtures and replacement of light bulbs. Aside from the repairs identified in this paragraph Tenant shall lease the property in as is condition with no fit up or other repairs to be performed by Landlord.

8. Taxes: In the event that the property should lose its tax-exempt status as a result of the Tenant's occupancy, Tenant shall pay any and all property taxes assessed on the leased premises as additional rent. Landlord will forward any such tax bills to Tenant and Tenant shall pay the same by their due date.

9. Parking Lot Lighting: Tenant has expressed an interest in new lighting in the parking lot. Tenant shall be permitted to have a licensed and insured contractor upgrade the parking lot lighting at Tenant's sole expense upon Landlord's written approval of a written proposal setting forth the plans and specifications for such lighting. Any such lighting shall become the property of the Landlord. Any utility bills for the new lighting shall be the responsibility of the Tenant.

10. Use of Parking Lot: Tenant shall have the right to reasonable use of the parking lot for its employees and invitees for ingress and egress to the leased premises in common with Landlord, its employees and invitees provided Tenant shall cooperate with Landlord as not to interfere with functions and operations of Landlord. Tenant shall be permitted to have 2 reserved parking spaces near the building. Landlord shall be responsible for snow removal of the parking lot but Tenant shall be responsible for snow removal of Tenant's sidewalk, entryway and emergency exits. B0142

11. No Assignment or Sublet: written consent of Landlord.

Tenant shall not be permitted to sublet or assign the lease without the

12. Inspection: Landlord shall be provided with a key to the Premises for emergency access and absent an emergency shall be permitted access to the premises upon 12 hours notice for inspection or non-emergency repairs.

13. Indemnification: Tenant shall indemnify, defend, and hold Landlord harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, costs, liabilities, damages, and expenses, including, without limitation, penalties, fines, and reasonable attorneys' fees, to the extent incurred in connection with or arising from the use or occupancy or manner of use or occupancy of the Premises or any injury or damage caused by Tenant, Tenant Parties, or any person occupying the Premises through Tenant.

14. Right to Terminate: The Lease shall contain a provision allowing either party to terminate the Lease upon sixty days written notice.

The parties acknowledge that this letter of intent creates no legal obligations between the parties and shall not be binding on any party hereto. The parties agree that no binding obligation shall exist as to the lease contemplated herein until a written definitive lease is executed by all parties and that no equitable cause of action shall be asserted by any party that a contract or agreement exists between the parties with respect to any lease contemplated herein St. Paul's Episcopal Church Landlord

The Christian Counseling and Family Life Center, Inc

Tenant SCHEDULE A 1.


a. Perform any repairs necessary to bring the existing chimney to code and provide written confirmation from the building department that the chimney meets building code requirements. B0143

b. Install a stainless steel chimney cap is encouraged to limit potential damage resulting from spalling of the chimney flue surfaces. c.

Repair the base corners of the lead flashing due to squirrel activity.




All gutters need to be inspected and cleaned.


Gutter leaders need to be extended away from the structure.



a. The inspection report indicates that a corrugated stainless steel piping (CSST) has been installed to provide gas distribution within the building but that the current system installed does not appear to be properly grounded as per manufacturer recommendations. This situation needs to be reviewed further by a qualified contractor and repaired if required.



a. Open "knock outs" or openings noted in these panels need to have filler caps installed to limit re-entry of and potential nesting of mice within the electrical panels. b.

Install proper weather tight covers at all exterior outlets to avoid mice infiltration.



a. Provide written confirmation of when and by whom the gas fired heating systems have been serviced and maintained. There was no posted record of service noted. b.

Install Carbon Monoxide detectors.


Air Conditioning:


The condenser unit servicing the front of the building needs to be replaced.




Replace approximately 7 windows in the older section of the building.

b. Need to determine the cause of water stains in ceiling tiles at multiple locations and make any necessary repairs. Repair or replace stained tiles. 8.


a. Repair/replace multiple minor siding and aluminum flashing defects that have been noted in the inspection report. B0144


Repair torn flashing noted at side entry door trim.


Repair corrosion on one entry door at the base of door blank.


All exposed wood trim is to be restored with the proper prep, prime and paint.

e, Obtain a written assessment from a licensed contractor of drainage of the retaining wall to determine any damage that may need repair and perform such repairs. f. Repair sill and exterior wall (under siding) damage on the northwest side of the building.


November 30, 2020 File No. 20-1397

Christine Curtiss, Esq. Via Email Only: RE: Christian Counseling Center

Dear Attorney Curtiss: I have reviewed this matter with the tenant. For a number of reasons, this has been a difficult matter to come to mutual resolution between the parties. At this time, due to the pandemic, the current tenant is simply not in a position to make long term plans. Rather, I have discussed with the Tenant, the concept of an interim agreement between the parties for a period of 3 months with an option for a 3-month extension/renewal. Upon expiration of the interim agreement, it is hopeful the parties will be in a better position to make long term plans and enter into a long-term lease agreement.

The interim agreement would take into consideration the current status of the relationship between the parties and the property. We can review the property repair and maintenance as a part of the interim agreement.

Please review with the Landlord and let me now your thoughts taking all matters into consideration.

Very Truly Yours, ANTHONY & REALE

Matthew C. Reale, Esq. MCR/jm Enclosure B0146







Tokunbo Green <>

St. Paul’s loan issues Ron Kelly <> Cc: Tokunbo Green <>

Fri, Mar 19, 2021 at 10:46 AM

Dear Tokunbo,

I feel that the two issues below are financial mismanagement within our financial reporting to vestry.

We took in $35,000 in January from a diocesan loan. It was recorded as revenue but not as outstanding loan in our statement of financial position. Generally accepted accounting principles it should have appeared in both places.

Second issue is a PPP loan taken in February for $31,456. This item does show as restricted funds but never shows as revenue. I questioned both issues at our March 16, 2021 vestry meeting. I was given no answer as to why these issues were not reported.

I attach the statement of activities for February and also a copy of our stated financial position statement as of February 28, 2001.

I questioned the second item by email to our treasurer and received the attached email as a response. I believe that this reporting is being directed by Rev. Amjad.

From: Luis Cabral To: Ron Kelly Subject: Fwd: PPP loan February receipt Date: Thursday, March 18, 2021 3:04:17 PM Ron, As I mentioned in the meeting, I trust that Charlie is doing great job with the help guideline of the Vermont Manual. Charlie and I have been put in the this position to take care of the finances. I respect your input, but please understand that we will manage this area as we see fit, based on the rules of the Parish. I will consider your input, but at the end of the day we will do the accounting and book keeping. Regards, Luis Cabral m: 203 868 0070


On Mar 18, 2021, at 9:34 AM, Ron Kelly <> wrote:

2 attachments Monthly Statement of Activities.pdf 44K Monthly Statement of Activities.pdf 44K


Tokunbo Green <>

: Financial issues not in accord with generally accepted accounting principles Ron Kelly <> To:, Tokunbo Green <>

Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 2:24 PM

From: Ronald Kelly Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2021 12:34 PM To: Subject The two reports shown above are our February month- end statements of financial activities and statement of financial position.

Two items of critical import are two loans taken by St. Paul's

In January we told a loan from the diocese for $35,000. We showed it as revenue but did not show it as a liability. We still don't.

In February we took a PPP loan for $31,456. We did not show that as revenue February and in our statement of financial position we show it as temporarily restricted fund instead of a liability which is where it should show.

Our statement of financial position, therefore, does not show $66,456 in debt for loans outstanding.

I feel that our Rector is playing fast and loose with our financial reporting to vestry which holds fiduciary responsibility for parish finances, they are being misinformed.

2 attachments Monthly Statement of Activities.pdf 44K 2020.11 - Monthly Statement of Fina (transferred).pdf 35K


St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Monthly Statement of Activities Date Range: Feb 1st 2021 - Feb 28th 2021









% Used

Feb 01, 2021 - Feb 01, 2021 - Feb 01, 2021 -

This Year

Budget Actual



Feb 28, 2021


This Year This Year

Feb 28, 2021

Feb 28, 2021





( 10,547.00 )



18.54 %



( 10,547.00 )



18.54 %






1.00 %






1.00 %

0.00 815.00

125.00 833.33

125.00 18.33

1,500.00 10,000.00

1,490.00 7,000.00

0.67 % 30.00 %






26.17 %

2,965.40 25.00 1,900.00 0.00

2,965.33 0.00 1,900.00 0.00

( 0.07 ) ( 25.00 ) 0.00 0.00

35,584.00 7,500.00 22,800.00 9,000.00

29,653.20 7,450.00 19,000.00 9,000.00

16.67 % 0.67 % 16.67 % 0.00 %



( 25.07 )



13.06 %






0.00 %






0.00 %

0.00 0.00 0.00 77.80

125.00 125.00 416.67 166.67

125.00 125.00 416.67 88.87

1,500.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 2,000.00

1,475.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 1,775.19

1.67 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 11.24 %

Revenues Oper Operating ating Income Pledged 403001 Pledge Income -- Current Year Total Pledged Loose Cash 403004 Loose Plate Total Loose Cash Unpledged 403002 Pledge Income -- Prior Year 403005 Unpledged Income Total Unpledged Space Use 405007 Rental Income -- Cell Tower 405009 Space Use Income -- Parish Building 405010 Rental Income -- 11 Nichols Ave. 405011 Rental Income -- Entrance F Total Space Use In Invvestment 404002 Investment Fund Transfers Total Investment Other Oper Operating ating Income 405100 Special Seasonal 405200 Special Offerings 405300 Restricted Invest Income for Operations 405901 Miscellaneous Income Total Other Operating Income Total Operating Income Special Income 407000 Assistance from Diocese






2.50 %



( 9,504.45 )



16.57 %





( 35,000.00 )

0.00 %

Total Special Income Non-Oper Non-Operating ating Income (Donor Designated) 408101 Reimbursed Expenses





( 35,000.00 )

0.00 %



( 59.37 )


( 89.27 )

0.00 %

Total Non-Operating Income (Donor Designated)



( 59.37 )


( 89.27 )

0.00 %

$ 30,139.57

$ 20,575.75

( $ 9,563.82 ) $ 263,409.00 $ 184,664.12

29.89 %

4,940.42 100.00 820.00 258.00 1,427.95 0.00 2,290.00 0.00 150.00 30.00 0.00

4,859.92 100.00 804.17 252.33 1,575.00 0.00 2,187.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 8.33

( 80.50 ) 0.00 ( 15.83 ) ( 5.67 ) 147.05 0.00 ( 103.00 ) 0.00 ( 150.00 ) 0.00 8.33

58,319.00 1,200.00 9,650.00 3,028.00 18,900.00 2,000.00 26,244.00 1,850.00 5,000.00 360.00 100.00

48,599.00 1,000.00 8,010.00 2,512.00 16,044.10 2,000.00 19,477.00 1,850.00 4,850.00 300.00 100.00

16.67 % 16.67 % 16.99 % 17.04 % 15.11 % 0.00 % 25.78 % 0.00 % 3.00 % 16.67 % 0.00 %



( 199.62 )



17.30 %

Total Revenues Expenses Personnel - Clergy 514001 Clergy Salary 514002 Clergy Housing Allowance 514003 Clergy SS Allowance 514004 Clergy Housing Equity 514005 Clergy Pension 514006 Clergy Travel 514007 Clergy Medical Insurance 514008 Clergy Continuing Education 514009 Clergy Supply 514010 Clergy Life Insurance 514011 Deacon Expense Total Personnel - Clergy Personnel - La Layy

Printed on March 16, 2021 at 08:29pm


Page 1 of 3









% Used

Feb 01, 2021 - Feb 01, 2021 - Feb 01, 2021 -

This Year

Budget Actual


This Year This Year

Feb 28, 2021

Feb 28, 2021

Feb 28, 2021




0.00 794.34 833.32 208.32 140.44 0.00 210.00

0.00 800.00 833.33 216.67 350.00 33.33 208.33

0.00 5.66 0.01 8.35 209.56 33.33 ( 1.67 )

18,360.00 9,600.00 10,000.00 2,600.00 4,200.00 400.00 2,500.00

18,360.00 8,011.32 8,333.36 2,183.36 3,919.12 400.00 2,290.00

0.00 % 16.55 % 16.67 % 16.02 % 6.69 % 0.00 % 8.40 %

Total Personnel - Lay Parish Progr Program am 514201 Ministry with Children 514202 Youth Programs 514203 Adult Education 514204 Hospitality 514205 Stewardship Program 514206 Retreats 514207 Postulancy Program






8.73 %

0.00 0.00 379.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

41.67 20.83 291.67 83.33 83.33 41.67 41.67

41.67 20.83 ( 88.32 ) 83.33 83.33 41.67 41.67

500.00 250.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00

500.00 250.00 3,040.02 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00

0.00 % 0.00 % 13.14 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 %

Total Parish Program Liturgical 514301 Altar Supplies 514302 Worship Materials 514303 Instrument & Music 514304 Flowers






6.34 %

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

50.00 25.00 83.33 16.67

50.00 25.00 83.33 16.67

600.00 300.00 1,000.00 200.00

600.00 180.05 1,000.00 200.00

0.00 % 39.98 % 0.00 % 0.00 %






5.71 %

52.25 95.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.99 28.70 100.00 60.46

62.50 125.00 41.67 41.67 416.67 425.00 166.67 416.67 125.00

10.25 29.31 41.67 41.67 416.67 422.01 137.97 316.67 64.54

750.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 5,000.00 5,100.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 1,500.00

654.56 1,312.00 500.00 500.00 4,944.00 4,867.02 1,306.27 4,900.00 1,166.11

12.73 % 12.53 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 1.12 % 4.57 % 34.69 % 2.00 % 22.26 %






7.78 %

0.00 850.00 0.00 0.00

125.00 850.00 0.00 625.01

125.00 0.00 0.00 625.01

1,500.00 4,250.00 4,000.00 7,500.00

1,500.00 2,550.00 4,000.00 6,300.00

0.00 % 40.00 % 0.00 % 16.00 %






16.81 %

569.02 633.64 73.08 2,973.85 78.96

791.66 554.17 166.67 2,460.00 208.33

222.64 ( 79.47 ) 93.59 ( 513.85 ) 129.37

9,500.00 6,650.00 2,000.00 18,400.00 2,500.00

8,342.49 5,605.26 1,851.43 13,367.65 2,237.04

12.18 % 15.71 % 7.43 % 27.35 % 10.52 %



( 147.72 )



19.58 %



( 0.50 )



16.67 %



( 0.50 )



16.67 %

1,298.24 0.00 69.21

1,125.00 0.00 70.83

( 173.24 ) 0.00 1.62

13,500.00 5,000.00 850.00

10,903.52 2,613.72 711.58

19.23 % 47.73 % 16.28 %

Total Insurance & Taxes Other Oper Operating ating Expense 514802 Miscellaneous Expenses 514803 Rectory Mortgage Payments



( 171.62 )



26.47 %

0.00 1,386.29

41.67 1,386.29

41.67 0.00

500.00 16,635.48

500.00 13,862.90

0.00 % 16.67 %

Total Other Operating Expense Non-Oper Non-Operating ating Expense (Donor Designated)






16.18 %

Accounts 514101 Parish Life Coordinator 514102 Sexton 1 514103 Music Director-Senior 514104 Music Director-Children 514106 Payroll Tax Expense 514109 Supply Musician 514110 Part Time Office Help

Total Liturgical Administr Administrativ ative e 514401 Office Supplies 514402 Copier Lease and Service 514403 Print Services 514404 Postal 514405 Advertising 514406 Computer and Technology 514407 Bank Fees 514410 Professional and Legal Fees 514411 Payroll Processing Expense Total Administrative Maintenance 514501 Building Supplies 514502 Snow Removal 514503 Landscaping & Garden Care 514505 General Maintenance Total Maintenance Utilities 514601 Electric 514603 Phone & Internet 514605 Water and Sewer 514607 Heating Oil Fuel 514609 Communication & Social Media Total Utilities Diocesan Common Support 512001 Diocesan Pledge Total Diocesan Common Support Insur Insurance ance & T Tax axes es 514701 Property and Liability Insurance 514702 Property Tax 514703 Worker's Compensation Insurance

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% Used

Feb 01, 2021 - Feb 01, 2021 - Feb 01, 2021 -

This Year

Budget Actual

Accounts 516000 To Discretionary Account Total Non-Operating Expense (Donor Designated)


This Year This Year

Feb 28, 2021

Feb 28, 2021

Feb 28, 2021









0.00 %




0.00 %

$ 2,407.40 $ 326,466.48 $ 275,178.88

15.71 %



Total Expenses

$ 23,203.16

$ 25,610.56

Net Total

$ 6,936.41

( $ 5,034.81 ) ( $ 11,971.22 ) ( $ 63,057.48 ) ( $ 90,514.76 ) ( 43.54 % )

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St. Paul's Episcopal Church

2020.11 - Monthly Statement of Fina (transferred) As of: Feb 28th 2021 Assets Bank Accounts 100001 NSB Operating Checking 100002 NSB Money Market Savings 100003 NSB Rector's Discretionary 100005 NSB Capital Campaign Savings Total Bank Accounts In Invvestments 100301 Investment D&B 100302 Infinex Investment Account Total Investments Fix Fixed ed Assets 100401 Building & Improvements Total Fixed Assets

25,542.76 96,280.41 5,191.03 68,509.33 195,523.53 162,027.95 89,915.31 251,943.26 439,484.48 439,484.48 $ 886,951.27

Total Assets Liabilities & Net Assets Liabilities Accounts P Paayable 223001 Rectory Mortgage Payable Total Accounts Payable Payroll 221300 CT Pay for Medical Leave Total Payroll Credit Cards 220022 Rector's Credit Card Total Credit Cards Total Liabilities Net Assets Tempor emporarily arily Restricted Accounts 220042 Cell Tower Fund 220043 Building Maintenance Fund 220045 Mission and Evangelism 220046 Rector's Discretionary Fund 220048 Spiritual Growth Fund 220049 Tucker Emergency Maint Fund 220050 V Enscoe Memorial Fund 220052 Youth Fund 220056 Instrument Fund 220057 Christian Education (VBS + Adults) 220058 Family Table 220063 Rector's Initiative Fund 220064 Rogowski Stained Glass Window 220069 Flower Guild 220070 Deposit from Rental 11 Nichols 220071 Paycheck Protection Program 2020/21 220072 Joining Jesus Capital Campaign Total Temporarily Restricted Accounts Permanently Restricted Accounts 220044 Hilliard Family Memorial Printed on March 16, 2021 at 08:29pm

147,265.18 147,265.18 ( 37.18 ) ( 37.18 ) ( 244.66 ) ( 244.66 ) 146,983.34

61,334.72 608.27 2,236.34 5,191.03 76,454.47 9,005.65 1,267.04 3,749.11 804.57 1,465.93 1,608.50 6,825.02 220.00 202.00 3,794.90 31,456.00 68,509.33 274,732.88 12,570.00 B0159

Page 1 of 2

Total Permanently Restricted Accounts Reserv Reserve eF Funds unds 221001 Beard Trust 221002 Memorial Fund Total Reserve Funds Equity 100303 Unrealized Gain/Loss on Investments 111001 Accumulated Unrestricted 300001 Operating Fund Balance 300002 Non-Operating Fund Balance Total Equity Total Net Assets

12,570.00 66,003.06 14,731.22 80,734.28 48,565.44 ( 17,113.37 ) 45,670.15 294,808.55 371,930.77 739,967.93 $ 886,951.27

Total Liabilities & Net Assets

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Title IV Intake Report Case 2021-1 In Re: Rev. Amjad . Samuel (St. Paul’s Shelton) Complainants: Multiple Complainants and Anonymous Reporters Respondent: Rev. Amjad Samuel Intake Officer: Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Intake Report Submitted: February 15, 2021 ______________________________________________________________________________ Introduction: A number of anonymous reporters and named Complainants contacted the Intake Officer. The information provided by individuals or pairs of people has been set out within this one Intake Report with subsections labeled alphabetically A through F (ie. 7LWOH ,9 ,QWDNH 5HSRUW &DVH $ Portions of the Report are in the words of Complainants LQ WKH IRUP of 6WDWHPHQWV ZULWWHQ E\ &RPSODLQDQWs DQG SURYLGHG WR ,QWDNH 2IILFHU. Allegations against the Respondent include and are not limited to: • Dividing the parish; • Causing parishioners to leave the parish; • Causing employees to quit; • Autocratic behavior; • Unfair dealings with the Christian Counseling Center; • Lying and asking others to lie; • Questionable budgeting and spending • Inflating service attendance count; and • Failure to engage in pastoral care. Intake Officer Recommendation: If the allegations made by the Complainants and Anonymous Reporters are true the Respondent has:  failed to respect and preserve confidences except that..., [Canon IV.4.1(a)],  possibly failed to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(e)],  engaged in Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation [Canon IV.4.1(h) (6)]; and  engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h)(9)].

Highlighted names = Possible Witnesses (Please note there are a few highlights on random words that I was unable to remove)


Attachments: 

St. Paul's 2021 budget which was approved by vestry at its January meeting. - Per Complainant Large cash balances are a result of receipts to parish capital campaign, Joining Jesus.

Statement of financial position. - Per Complainant - This statement shows high balances in our checking accounts due to capital campaign funds (around $164,000).

Minutes of vestry meeting in December are above – Per Complainant, this shows all the information that was shared with Vestry before they voted to evict the counseling center. They had not seen, or heard about, the letters between the two attorneys.

Letter – St. Paul’s to Christian Counseling Center

Letter – Counseling Center Response

Note to Intake Officer regarding irregular financials with January 2021 financial statements attached.

Emails From Ron Kelly to Intake Officer dated March 19, 2021 and March 21, 2021 regarding irregular financials, with February 2021 financial statements attached.


Title IVIntake Report Case 2021-1 A In Re: Rev. Amjad . Samuel (St. Paul’s Shelton) Complainants: Cindy and Mike Savage, originally wanted to be anonymous then decided to be named. Respondent: Rev. Amjad Samuel Intake Officer: Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Intake Report Taken: January 25, 2021 Intake Report Submitted: February 15, 2021 All allegations and statements in this report are stated from the Reporters' points- of-view. Reporters start their allegations by referring to a Matter against the Respondent from about 5 years ago. It was supposed to be resolved about 4 years ago with the Respondent having been sent to sensitivity training. At that time there were a lot of women, including, the Jr. Warden, the Choir director, and the Treasurer who had complaints about the Respondent's behavior towards them. He seemed to be aggressive towards women and exhibited bullying behavior towards woman. At this time, the Reporters believe that that was the wrong thing to look at. The Respondent's negative behaviors does not have a specific gender target. He bullies everyone. Nothing happens at St. Paul’s unless approved by the Respondent. Reporters feel the Respondent has forced a few people out of their positions because they wouldn’t do things his way. They say the Respondent insisted that the parish form a junior choir and there were no kids who wanted to be part of the choir. He blamed the choir director for not starting said choir. She left about 2 or 3 years ago before Easter because she "couldn’t deal with" the Respondent. One of the Reporter supported the Respondent 5 years ago when the other claims were made. This person now says he realizes that he was wrong to do that. Reporter says he felt like he "drank the kool-aid" and feels used, abused and duped. Reporters say the Junior Warden left his position last year because he did not want to be seen as a supporter of the Respondent, as an executive committee member. Reporters say the executive committee is seen as the Respondent's supporters. Reporters believe that the Parish Coordinator quit her job because she was tired of dealing with the Respondent. Reporters feel Respondent runs the church by making people who don't agree with him feel forced to leave. "He’s losing people to choose from because he has run out of people who can work with him. People are not allowed to think on their own. Even when the Vestry makes decisions he does not stand by their decision." When there is an issue that a Vestry member thinks needs to be discussed the Respondent decides whether or not he will let the person talk about it at the Vestry meeting. "If he does not want the issue brought up it does not get talked about at vestry meetings. He wants to know what people want to talk about before they can be talked about and he decides if they will or won’t be." B0163

The most recent Junior Warden got a proposal for a parking lot repair. The vestry got quotes and voted to get the work done with that proposal. Respondent was present at this meeting. Afterwards the Respondent later said "no don’t get that repair done". The Junior Warden got it done anyway, because Vestry was concerned about liability in case someone gets hurt. He later quit his position as junior warden. Months later he moved to NC. Reporters say Respondent claims that the Junior Warden quit because he planned to move. Reports say the Junior Warden said that the move was decided after he quit his position, not before and that the move was not the reason he quit. "He did not want to deal with the Respondent anymore." Reporters state that the Respondent published a voting member list without consulting the Vestry as to who was on it. Vestry says it was their responsibility to decide who are voting members. (Example: A choir member who is financially strapped for cash, but participates in parish life otherwise, was not included on the list. She is under financial constraint and so was unable to pledge. She was not allowed to vote.) Reporters feel the Vestry should have been consulted with regard to the voting list. Reporters state that the Senior Warden was forced out by the Respondent as well. According to them the Respondent is thrilled that they are now a "Virtual" Church and he had the Senior Warden install an 85 inch television, so that if anyone comes to church they can still see what is going on even with social distancing in the church. Respondent and the Senior Warden had a blow up about it and the Senior warden quit. The Respondent has now decided that the Treasurer would be the Senior Warden. Reporters state that the parish was carrying a $50,000 deficit and Respondent spent $25,000 on technology for the parish, which was not built into the budget, and the parish got a Paycheck Protection Program Loan to pay Respondent’s salary. The new budget for the coming year has built in a $63,000 deficit. Reporters do not like or understand this. Reporters state that the Respondent hasn’t done anything for the community all year (2020 present). Reporters don’t think the parish needs a full time Rector anymore and that if Respondent stays Rector the parish will will lose many pledging families. They says 10 families have already cut their pledges because they are fed up with the Respondent. Reporters say Respondent lies to people and spreads rumors around about people. In February 2020 the parish decided to start a capital campaign to payoff the mortgage on the rectory. They currently have $50,000 in the account. This amount has not yet been applied to the mortgage. When asked about it Respondent and the Treasurer are hostile. Reporter's say that the Respondent brought up the possibly using the funds from account for something else. Reporters also make allegations regarding a counseling center located on the church property. Forty years ago it was a one room garage. They renovated it and put in hundreds of thousands of dollars into it and made it an office building. The Christian Counseling Center (CCC) pays rent of $1. It was a ministry of the parish. About 15 years ago the Diocese was concerned about liability, so the counseling center divested themselves from the church. They are now independent. Reporters say the Respondent decided that he wants to charge CCC $3000 a month in rent and that the proposed agreement that was sent to CCC says that if the church looses its tax exempt status because of renting to CCC, CCC has to pay the tax levied against the church. Reporters don’t think any of this makes sense. The Vestry had previously voted not to treat CCC as an asset and to have CCC contribute to repairs and landscaping. The new reduced (see below) Vestry and voting executive committee voted to evict CCC. St. Paul’s and CCC hired lawyers. B0164

Reporters believe Respondent decided to reduce the Vestry from 9 people to 6 last year. This makes the Executive Committee size as big as the Vestry, almost 5 to 6. Reporters say the Executive committee always agrees with the Respondent or they leave their position and he replaces them with someone who will agree with him. They complain that Respondent replaced the Treasurer with someone who joined the parish in March. Reporters say the Respondent refused to accept the apology of a particular Vestry member unless that person resigned from the Vestry. The parish uses a software program called Realm. Church finances go through it, as does correspondence. Reporters believe Respondent blocked this vestry member from getting any communication from the Church. The Vestry member called Realm and was told that an administrator (from the church) blocked him. Respondent is the administrator for the software. Reporters love their parish and they don’t want it to be torn apart. The people who follow him, see him as the messiah and he creates division and those who love him look at the rest of them like they are awful people. Respondent is a Puppet master. Respondent promotes himself, but he is not really a Shepard of the flock. He is trying to promote himself at the expense of the parish and those trying to do the right thing. There was a deacon, Lee Forshaw at the parish. He was forced to leave by the Respondent. One reason was because he disagreed with the Respondent. It feels like all the sermons are meant to promote himself (“look at all the great things I’ve done”.) The Respondent just forced out Ron Marcho as Senior Warden who was just forced out. Ron Kelly, vestry member, was forced out by Respondent as well. The Respondent at that meeting discussing his behaviors, years ago, called Robin and Laura racist in front of everyone else. Reporters reiterate that no decision can be made without going through Respondent and share the following with regard to the men's group and women's group at the parish. The men’s group has been having a bible study on Saturday for 40 years. A woman asked if she could join because that was the only time she had. The women’s group met Wednesdays and she had to work. The deacon emeritus was the leader of the men’s group and the group voted that it would be ok for her to join them. Once she started going a few other women asked if they could join and the group said ok. As soon as the Respondent found out he demanded that the women leave the group. The women’s bible study group decided men could join their group as well. The Respondent demanded that that this stop as well. Respondent tried to form a small group (small groups of the parish are gathered for fellowship) to pull the men out of the women’s. That didn’t stand and the groups have stayed mixed. The Respondent forced the Deacon Emeritus out. He then made the formally men’s group, a discussion group, instead of bible study, with the Respondent in charge. The men don’t like this format. They are told this is the way the Respondent wants it. The Respondent just changed the format and he chooses the books they read and discuss. person.

Reporters feel that as soon as a person disagrees with the Respondent they are seen as a pad


The Reporters want the church's finances looked at and ask "Why is the church going into the new budget year with such a large deficit? Reporters are not sure where the money is or where is money spent. They say money earmarked for one thing is used for another thing and that a Vestry member was told by Respondent that as long as there is a line item they don’t need to know where the money is spent; and another Vestry member asked to see the credit card statement and was told by Respondent, that it was not their concern. The Executive committee can spend up to $10K without getting vestry approval. Vestry doesn’t get to look at the bills the Clerk just pays the bill. Reporters end their allegations by stating that the Respondent is the one who really knows how to use the REALM system. (The system for their communications and finance.)


Supplemental Complaint from Cindy Savage via email to Intake Officer of February 19, 2021

I was going to contact you regarding other interactions that I have had with Fr. Amjad that cause me great frustration and the feeling that everything is done his way only. I believe that I mentioned to you during our conversation that I was unhappy with the fact that Fr. Amjad had published a voting member list for the Annual Meeting and I felt that there were people left off the list because they had not contributed financially. I texted the Vestry about this and Fr. Amjad basically told me that I was wrong about the Vestry being involved in the decision because pledge/donation information is confidential. Having gotten no response from any of the other members of the Vestry I decided that I would ask for this to be discussed with the Vestry at the next meeting. My concern is that there are people on the voting list that live in other states and there are people who have been omitted because they have not contributed money, even though they have been involved in our virtual services or have contributed in other ways. He refused to add my discussion to the agenda. Another situation that troubles me is the fact that all bible study meetings are completely under his control now. When the leader of the “Mostly Women’s” group is going to be away and needs someone to step in for the week as leader, she cannot share the Zoom log in information with me or my husband. The last time she was away, Fr. Amjad stepped into the role of leader and since he doesn’t read in advance, he has a difficult time directing the conversation. Fr. Amjad actually objected to my husband being a co-leader of the group. This group leader is concerned that if she shares the necessary information and Amjad finds out, she will be removed as leader. This is not the kind of climate that should exist in a church. Thank you, again, for your assistance in this regard. I hope things get settled soon. Blessings to you, Cindy Savage


Title IV Intake Report Case 2021-1 B In Re: Rev. Amjad Samuel, St. Paul’s Shelton Complainant: Jill Parkosewich,, 203-444-0483 Respondent: Rev. Amjad Samuel Intake Officer: Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Intake Report Taken: January 26, 2021 and January 29, 2021 Intake Report Submitted: February 15, 2021

Email dated: January 26, 2021 to Intake Officer Olatokunbo T. Green. Dear Ms. Green, Attached is some information about me as well as some serious concerns I have about St. Paul's current priest, Amjad Samuel. At my request, I met with Amjad last June along with the Senior Warden and an additional person present for my personal support. At that time I raised the issues I describe in the attached (rough) document. I look forward to meeting with you. Thank you, Jill Parkosewich

Statement of Concern Written by Jill Parkosewich About me:             

63 years old, female Raised and confirmed in the Episcopal Church (NY) B.S. in Biology (Yale); a leader in the Yale InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Led student Bible Studies while at Yale Attended Regent College one year program in Christian Studies Actively engaged in inner city mission work within the Episcopal church throughout my twenties, in a “neo-monastic” intentional community. Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (SCSU) Started attending St. Paul’s Church in Shelton in January of 1992 when I moved to Shelton, transferred my membership to St. Paul’s in 1992 Married in St. Paul’s by Father Tom Furrer in June 1992 Served on St. Paul’s Vestry (twice?) In 1994 our infant son was baptized at St. Paul’s In 1997 I became Director of Christian Education at St. Paul’s, where I served about two years while I went back to school for my Master’s Degree. I worked as a student intern at The Christian Counseling & Family Life Center, Inc. (“CCFLC” founded by St. Paul’s in 1982 and housed on St. Paul’s property) and became a full-time therapist


there in 2000. Since 2010 I have served as both a licensed therapist (MFT) and as Co-Director of the agency. The Center became independent of the Episcopal Diocese 2007. CCFLC currently has 12 licensed psychotherapists, 2 APRNs, 1 psychiatrist, 2 full-time admin, 2 PT admin and is overseen by a Board of Directors. On March 23, 2020 we transitioned to remote telehealth out of pandemic safety concerns and requirements. In 2020 we provide over 11,000 direct hours of clinical services (a 5% increase over the prior year). An understanding of the longterm relationship of CCFLC and St. Paul’s is important as background to my statement of concern. I have been an active participant in the St. Paul’s Wednesday Bible Study and Fellowship group for as long as I can remember and have led the group for the past several years. The group currently meets weekly via Zoom, and in 2019 became the “Mostly Women’s Wednesday Bible Study and Fellowship Group” including men in our fellowship. My husband and I hosted a St. Paul’s small group for a year or so when St. Paul’s initiated small home groups.

Attempt to express my grievances directly: By Spring of 2020 I was very concerned about some situations that had occurred that involved Amjad. I considered going directly to the diocese, and knew that others had gone to the diocese with their concerns. I remembered hearing leadership say they wished those parishioners had gone to the vestry instead. So I contacted the Senior Warden (Ron Marcho) and requested a meeting with Amjad where I could share my grievances with him. I requested that Ron be present at the meeting, and I wanted someone present as a witness and support to me. Ron listened at length to my concerns, for which I was and am grateful. He encouraged me to contact Amjad directly to request a meeting, which I did. When I proposed who I wanted present with me, I was told it could not be a current member of St. Paul’s or a former priest of St. Paul’s (the names I had proposed included both of these categories). I remember Ron suggesting some vestry members, but I declined his suggestions. Amjad and Ron did agree to the trusted friend and mentor I then proposed, as she was not a member of St. Paul’s. I was pleased with that, as she is a solid person of faith who I knew would be direct with me after the meeting about any of my own blindspots. The meeting was held outdoors at St. Paul’s (due to pandemic) on June 23 rd, 2020. Amjad arrived with a blank notepad, saying he was ready to hear me. He seemed friendly and genuine. What I remember of the meeting is the absence of Amjad taking ownership for any of the concerns I identified. There was no acknowledgment (as far as I remember) that he had done anything wrong, and there was nothing for which he apologized. At the end of the meeting, he said I was welcome to talk with him anytime, and he seemed to encourage that. I was glad I had taken the step that I knew I needed to take; there was no reason for me to have any further meetings with Amjad, as while he was physically present, I did not get the impression he was truly hearing me or working toward repair. All the concerns I list are based on being a longterm member of St. Paul’s, but I think it may be helpful if I separate out concerns that are directly related to my work at CCFLC.


CONCERNS: 1. St. Paul’s Women’s Bible Study Concern/Complaint Timeframe Failure of Leadership Summer 2019

Pastoral role and questionable actions Amjad has taken


Situation My recollection: Amjad said he wanted to set up a small group on Wednesdays midday when he was available to lead it. I suggested he offer it at 1:00, once the Bible study was finished on Wednesdays (Bible study group was meeting 11:30 – 1:00). He posted the new small group as meeting at roughly the same time as the Bible study, and then listed my co-leader as his coleader and listed as members a subset of the current Bible study. I spoke to him about it, and he said he didn’t know the person was my coleader. He also seemed annoyed that I had made someone co-leader without his knowing about it. Interesting, my co-leader said Amjad had not had any conversation with him about being co-leader of the new small group, and members of the Bible study did not understand why they had been assigned to a small group at the same time as the Bible study. A male member of our weekly Bible Study group told me Amjad had given him an ultimatum: that if he didn’t quit the Bible study, he would be removed from the vestry. I was very disturbed to hear this, and went in and spoke with Amjad. Amjad stated that he was concerned that the member’s wife (also a member of the Bible study group) needed the support of the group without her husband present. I was surprised, so I checked in with the wife. She was very upset about Amjad’s decision and said it was not her wish to have her husband removed from the group. I then set up a meeting for Amjad, the wife and me; at that meeting the wife was able to state she did not want her husband removed from the group. I was very disturbed by the ultimatum Amjad have given her husband.


2. CCFLC Concern/Complaint Amjad’s handling of the relationship with CCFLC, and his view of boundaries.

Timeframe From 2017 on

Situation This history of the relationship of St. Paul’s with CCFLC is complex, and I can expand on that if needed at a later date. Amjad stated to me that we were either in Christian mission together or we were in a “landlord-tenant” relationship. I stated that we are clearly both in Christian mission. Amjad stated to me that we should honor Rev. David Reed (St. Paul’s priest who helped found CCFLC) by making on honorary position on CCFLC’s Board of Directors in Rev. Reed’s name that would be filled by the rector of St. Paul’s (did not need to be a voting position). While I agreed with the thought of honoring Rev. Reed, especially with the 40th anniversary of the center approaching in 2022, I felt uncomfortable about Amjad’s proposal during a time we were negotiating a new building use agreement. It was also around this time that Amjad asked me to consider becoming the Jr. Warden, which he said he was making a more spiritual position to help advise him (as opposed to property management which had been the focus of the position). I declined, but became concerned about his judgment about boundaries given that I was and am Co-Director of CCFLC. In my recollection, that was when the shift seemed to happen. Amjad promoted a landlordtenant relationship with CCFLC paying a marketrate rent. Toward the end of our first joint meeting with a subset of vestry (regarding the need for a new building use agreement since St. Paul’s had decided not to take the ten-year option listed in the lease that would have expired in 2026), one of the vestry members stated that they could not go back to the full Vestry without a monthly rental amount identified. Background: St. Paul’s has had a $40K budget deficit for a number of years. It is my belief that


Amjad saw in CCFLC the opportunity to close that gap by $36K.

Failure of Leadership

Winter, 2020

Failure of Leadership

March 2, 2020

At CCFLC we had contacted Amjad about a serious safety concern; specifically, the parking lot is dark at night in the winter and someone had fallen and injured themselves going to their car in the dark. We sent him a letter 2/5/2020 explaining the situation and offered to pay for the installation of the lighting ourselves as it was an urgent safety matter (and we did not have the authority to do this without St. Paul’s permission). There was no response from Amjad, therefore a second follow-up email was sent to Amjad and two vestry members (see below); again, there was no reply. When I met with Amjad on June 23rd to express my complaints and concerns, I reminded him of this situation. He had no response, no apology. CCFLC sent out email announcements to local churches about our upcoming annual meeting, including St. Paul’s. We received an unusual email “response” on March 5th from Amjad’s administrative assistant. (I can forward you the email). I told Amjad about this when I met with him June 23rd, explaining I have been an administrative assistant and I believe his assistant was very aware of his expectations. She wrote to Amjad: “This was sent to me… FYI. I assume you neither want me to put the blurp in the bulletin nor respond. We actually don’t have room in the 10am bulletin anyways!” Note: there was plenty of room in the bulletin. His assistant is a bright organized woman, and I sometimes wonder if she intended for us to receive this email.


Email sent 2/18/2020 from our Board Chair to Amjad and two vestry members, to which there was no response: Gentlemen, I hope this email finds you all well. The CCFLC Board met this evening and resolved to have me send this email on their behalf. We understand that the Church Vestry has recently undergone a number of changes, and that both Byron and Michael have had some issues that have slowed our progress toward resolution of outstanding issues between the Church and the CCFLC. We are very hopeful that the new Vestry and the New Year will bring some action for us all. With that said, we are seeking some quick guidance on the issue of lighting the outside of the Center building and Church parking lot. As this is a safety issue that has already been identified, and we believe our clients and employees risk potential harm due to the inadequate lighting, we are very eager to move on this issue. Per Marcy's letter of 2/5 to Fr. Amjad, we have researched the lighting issue with a professional, have received quotes, and are prepared to cover the expense, both for what is advised for our building, the parking lot and the Church's part of the parking lot. We just need to hear from the Church that we have approval to proceed. Given the relatively awkward status of our standing on the property, we are uncomfortable proceeding without your approval. At the same time, we are deeply concerned about the safety of our clients and employees and are eager to proceed. Please advise on this matter with all due haste. Of course, we are also eager to make progress on the Use Agreement for the building and hope that the seating of the new Vestry will allow us to proceed with that matter as well. Again, wishing you all well, with kind regards, Brian Kelahan, Board Chairperson CCFLC PS - I understand that Michael has left the Vestry, so please advise as to whether I should continue to include him in these communications. Thanks.


Intake Officer notes from Conversation with Jill Parkosewich on January 29, 2021: Additional thoughts from the Complainant: Bishop Laura came to St. Paul’s and was answering questions after the service and the Respondent was seated at her table. What the Complainant found strange was that some of the senior leadership were hanging out in the back of the room having their own conversation. She thought it was rude. Thinking back she thinks that the Respondent orchestrated that. The Respondent was being respectful of Bp. Laura, however, it seems like senior leadership was instructed not to engage with Bp. Laura. Complainant states that this is conjecture and it fits into with a picture of Respondent, behind the scenes, having decided a certain path and seems so similar to what was going on with Trump. Complainant thought of going to the diocese about her concerns and she talked to another priest who said maybe she and The Respondent could work things out and to to have a conversation with him, which she did. Things were not worked out. The person the Complainant brought with her to talk with the Respondent said to her after the conversation that the Respondent didn’t take any responsibility for anything. Complainant knows Respondent is not a bad man. She also knows this is the first place he has been a rector. Her sense is that he doesn’t have someone mentoring him and he needs one. The Respondent can be very decisive and he will even explain that something is in the Canons and this is his role. Complainant heads up a bible study (Ron Kelly is the person who the Respondent told to step down). Complainant says the Respondent said Bible Study should be open to everyone, but he meant it’s going back to just all women. (Intake Officer comment: maybe he meant all women should feel comfortable joining women’s group without men?). Complainant says that Respondent said that on the website everyone needs to feel welcome to join the bible study. Complainant says it’s bible study and fellowship. She said people don’t have to come every week and on the other hand they are not a drop in bible study. The way Complainant runs the bible study is that it is a fellowship group of people who intentionally get together weekly, not a drop in and that a separate drop-in bible study can also be formed. Complainant felt like she was seeing how she was going to be pushed out of her position because her vision is not the Respondent’s vision. She has seen it happen with other people and some have left the church. There was some history of an elderly man, Fred, not having a good experience with a small group. (Small groups are/were in people homes. People to come together and share with one another. Sometime there were guiding books. Time for getting to know one another and share more deeply). So the Respondent said he, the Respondent, could do one on Wednesdays so Fred could be in a small group. The Complainant suggested suggested that the small group be after the bible study. Fred who also attends the bible study, said that he couldn’t do back to back sessions (bible study then small group). Respondent listed Complainant’s bible study, co-lead, Mike Savage, and others in the bible study as members of this new small group and made the time for i over lap the time of the bible study. He did not ask Mike or the others first. Mike had


previously stepped down as Junior Warden, because he was upset about things the Respondent was doing things. The Respondent said he didn’t know that Mike was co-lead of the bible study. Mike had stepped up as co-lead when men joined what was previously the women’s bible study. Mike and the others didn’t know why they were put in this group without being talked to about it first. Bible study history per Complainant: There was a Saturday men’s bible study group. And a Wednesday women’s bible study group. Some women had to work Wednesday so asked if they could join the Saturday group. The men decided yes. Folks asked if men could join the women’s bible study group and the women voted and said yes. So 3 men started attending the women's group (at least two with their wives) including, Fred. Fred sometimes says things that are somewhat inappropriate towards women. The group does half time bible study and half time prayer. So they decided that they could have some separate, by gender, prayer time. Complainant asked Mike to lead that to be with Fred and that was a mixed gender prayer group. Complainant let the women's only prayer. Respondent said he didn’t know that Mike was co-lead. Complainant didn’t think she would need to ask Respondent’s permission to have Mike co-lead with her. Complainant says the Respondent made a statement that church membership turns over every 5 years. In Complainants 29 years she has seen turnover but not the high turnover that they are seeing now with the Respondent as Rector. She says many people are leaving because of the Respondent and the Respondent says their virtual service is getting 800 hits (they are growing). There is an Complainant has thought about leaving the church because of the unhealthy dynamic and she thinks will out last him, so she stays. Additional information from the Complainant re CCFLC: Priest was David Reed in late 1970s. A group at St. Paul’s felt there was a need for folks in the community with mental health issues. CCFLC started in 1982. It was a separate entity a 501(c)(3). It was an initiative or mission of St. Paul’s. In the 1990s Rev Tom Furrer said they had a space issue; the counseling had been going on in the classrooms in the church. The dilapidated garage was given to CCFLC if they could raise the funds to renovate it, which they did. In 1984 there was a lease for 10 years with the option to renew. It was still under St. Paul’s or the Diocese then. The counseling center talked to St. Paul’s about an addition to the building and CCFLC would pay for it. And it was agreed to. That was getting started with a new lease being drawn up and around the same time there were some issues and questions coming from the Diocese. Through those discussions it (Rev. Janet Waggoner was Rector) was decided that the counseling center would no longer be under the Diocese and would be completely separate. This was 2006/2007. A new lease was put in for 9 years with $1 a year rent. St. Paul’s would donate to the center for mission outreach. The lease had a 9 year term with an option for an additional 10 years. As co-director in 2016 the Complainant thinks she brought it up that the lease is up. The Respondent said they are either in mission together or it is landlord tenant relationship, not both. The Complainant and another person related to CCFLC and St. Paul’s said of course they are in mission together, no matter what. The Respondent mentioned that the center should have an honorary chair person position to be filled by Rector of St. Paul’s. And CCFLC didn’t think that was a good idea given the tension about the lease and having to pay rent. There was never before ever any intent for rent to be paid over a dollar. The Complainant said the Respondent started saying that no one at St. Paul’s really knew what the counseling center was and the counseling center was taking advantage of the situation. B0175

Complainant says there was ugly spinning of the situation by the Respondent; Respondent was telling St. Paul’s that the center is refusing to pay rent. Respondent’s narrative was a distortion on the situation. Complainant says St. Paul’s had a budget gap and someone did an evaluation and figured out that St. Paul’s could be getting $36K rent for use of the building, that CCFLC is using. It started with a subset of the vestry meeting with Center board. Folks at the Center were shocked that rent would go from $1 to $36K a year and the Vestry subset said there is no way they could go back to the Respondent and rest of the Vestry with no rental amount. Complainant says this has been going for four years and the Respondent says counseling center is unwilling to come to an agreement. She thinks that from the start it was going to be $36K or nothing; no negotiation. The center offered to buy the property from St. Paul’s. Complainant says the Vestry minutes said the opposite. (Intake officer note: Perhaps Vestry was not told they offered to purchase.) The Complainant told him that and Respondent said he could not talk to Amanda the Clerk about changing the minutes. Complainant believes that "a dynamic" has started that the vestry ends up protecting anyone on the vestry who is being scrutinized in some way. She contacted the Vestry and got no response. Complainant felt, as a member of the church and the director of the Center, that “This is not my church.” The Pandemic happened and luckily they didn’t need the center building. Complainant was told the Vestry had a discussion vestry about the Center. Outcome Complainant would like to see is for the Respondent to be able to hear people and hear things about himself and get some mentoring and a repair process and help for the church in the form of a consultant.


Title IV Intake Report Case 2021-1 C In Re: Rev. Amjad Samuel, St. Paul’s Shelton Complainants: Two Anonymous Reporters ("Reporter(s)") Respondent: Rev. Amjad Samuel Intake Officer: Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Intake Report Taken: January 29, 2021 February 3, 2021 Intake Report Submitted: February 15, 2021

February 13, 2021

One Reporter has been with the parish for decades and has seen multiple rectors and interims. The Respondent has been one of the longer term rectors. Reporter has been on the Vestry and is not currently on the Vestry or any leadership roles currently. Reporter has done a number of things and has stepped back. Reporter is in his 60s and considers himself an active member. Other Reporter is also in his 60s and has never seen any church run this way. The following comments and allegations were made by one or both of the Reporters. Reporters feel that the Respondent has split the church. Reporter was a supporter of Respondent before when others made complaints against him, now the Reporter believes that the things other people have been saying about Respondent were true. Reporter told Bp. Laura back then that the Respondent was a good guy. He says realizes now how wrong he was. Reporter states that when the parish was searching for a Rector they wanted someone who would do Mission and Outreach and that those have been neglected by the Respondent. Reporter says there were so many thriving ministries that the Respondent stopped and won’t let them happen. In 2019 there was a supper every Sunday at the church that people paid $7.00 to go to. Respondent said they can’t do it anymore because it was getting big and they (he) are too busy. Two of the parishioners owned a restaurant and offered to let the parish do the dinner at their restaurant and use the money to help renovate the church kitchen and hall. Respondent said no. These same parishioners ended up later losing their restaurant and home in a short sale and the Respondent never checked in on them. The Christian Counseling Center (CCC) was started by St. Paul’s as a ministry then became independent of the parish. They have had a rough time recently. Over the last 4 years they have been trying to come to an agreement about how the physical building would be handled and lease negotiations. That fell apart. There was no leadership in developing an ongoing relationship with CCC.


The Vestry has voted to evict CCC. It was published to the parish. CCC came back and requested an extension to try to determine "what next". CCC got no response to that request. Then the notice was sent to the parish that an eviction notice was sent to CCC. It saddens the Reporter that they have gotten to this point and that the church that set up this program is now evicting them; "It’s a turning of the back on the program. CCC is successful and doing very well and is well thought of." Reporter says the Respondent was trying to balance some of the budget with a significant lease payment being levied on CCC and CCC hadn’t been paying any rent before. The agreement was that CCC renovated and maintained the building and continue to do upgrades and whatever was necessary for the upkeep of the facility. St. Paul’s had not had to invest in that. As long as the Center kept maintenance up they did not have to pay rent to St. Paul’s. Sometimes St. Paul’s gave gifts to the Center and sometimes the center gave gifts to St. Paul's. Now St. Paul’s is wanting $36K for the rent. Reporter does not know what Respondent’s problem is with the counseling center and says Respondent doesn’t want to negotiate; he wants all or nothing. Reporter says the Respondent asked a parishioner to make false statements on his behalf with regard to the CCC and how things happened. The parishioner disagreed with him about lying and since then he has given said parishioner "the cold shoulder". Respondent also removed the parishioner from an official position at the church. If anyone disagrees with Respondent that person is gone. Senior Wardens, Junior Wardens, Secretaries. Reporter says many of those parish secretaries said that Respondent turned on them if they disagreed with him and that sometimes Respondent would make fun of some people behind there backs after they came to talk to him about something. Reporter says Respondent’s personality is such that if he has a difficult time working with others in positions of authority in the parish he becomes very difficult. Reporter has spoken to prior wardens who say trying to work with the Respondent is very difficult. Respondent makes decisions and implements them no matter what has been discussed. For instance a junior warden went ahead and implemented what the vestry voted on and the Respondent came back and said that he did not want that done. Over the years many who have been on the Vestry or Executive Committee have stepped down or left because of the relationship with the Respondent. Folks he doesn’t listen and people feel disregarded and don’t feel valued in their positions. It’s not that Respondent has to agree with them, but they feel that if they don’t agree with Respondent they feel ostracized. At least 6 people the Reporter spoke with said that they left over this. Vestry.

Reporter says Respondent asked Bill, the Junior Warden to get rid of Ron Kelly on the

Reporter says everyone asked why this year there is only one choice on each open position on the Vestry. People asked why are they even voting. Respondent picked who he wanted and he didn’t release the names until a few days before the Annual meeting. B0178

Now, Sr. Warden, Ron Marcho is leaving. Marcho told Reporter he can’t deal with the Respondent anymore and he’s tired of being a “yes man” and that Respondent wants $12,000 emergency money for electronics so that church can be fully online and he wants to record his sermons ahead of time so that he doesn’t have to be there. Marcho has now decided to go to another church. Reporter says folks are wondering whether or not they need a full time priest especially, now. Reporter wants a new priest and that lots of people no longer want to speak to each other anymore because of the Respondent. Reporter believes Respondent has an "inability to effectively work with others and to develop means for communication and understanding" and that his communication skills are lacking; he does not have that capability and because of that bad decisions have been made. Reporter says, this knowing that as a person not on the vestry, he has not heard many discussions first hand. Reporter heard that the amount of money spent on computer related equipment is high even though there was no line item for it and that Respondent pulls it from other line items on the budget, like maintenance. Reporter also heard that the Respondent has changed the count of attendees in services to make it look like more people attended, than actually did; Ushers count and the Respondent has asked them to increase the count or he falsifies them himself to round the numbers up significantly. There are multiple reports of the Respondent playing with the service attendance numbers by inflating them. Reporters are very concerned about the parish. Reporter believes the Respondent does not respect anyone, especially females and that that Respondent disrespects females big time; especially females who challenge him. One Reporter says that the Respondent also pushed out Deacon Knute Hansen. Reporters say many people want to stop pledging to the church and give their pledges to the Christian Counseling Center or the diocese instead.


Title IV Intake Report Case 2021-1 D In Re: Rev. Amjad Samuel, (St. Paul’s Shelton) Complainant: Ron Kelly, Cell phone 203-260-9849, Respondent: Rev. Amjad Samuel Intake Officer: Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Intake Report Taken: January 26, 2021 and January 30, 2021 Intake Report Submitted: February 15, 2021

Email sent to Jan 26, 2021 to Intake Officer I am a 40-year member of St. Paul’s. I am currently entering the third year of my sixth three-year term on vestry. Have also served five years as collector (posting all receipts from parishioners). Also served five years on the oncenamed diocesan BDEC as an at-large member.

Complainant Written Statement (Composed with voice to text by Complainnt - possible slight edits by Intake oficer with Complainant's permission)

Amjad Samuel issues 1. During Amjad’s first month at St. Paul’s I discovered a discrepancy in attendance numbers. We had a service book in the vesting area. I was entering service information on an inhome Eucharist as a lay Eucharistic minister. I looked at the entry for the previous Sunday, which I attended. The attendance numbers in the book were inflated by 30% (said nothing). Another parishioner noticed the same thing on the following Sunday. That parishioner pointed out to Rev. Amjad the inflation of attendance numbers. The service record book was immediately removed from the vesting area and was moved to Amjad’s locked office. 2. Amjad assumes, and uses, the authority to be the sole decider of what goes on vestry agenda. The consent agenda was being sent out to vestry members the day of the vestry meeting that night. Motion was made to distribute agenda five days before the meeting. After discussion the decision was made by vestry to have agenda sent out one day before the meeting. This lasted for three months then was returned to being distributed in the afternoon the day of vestry meeting, sometimes as late as two hours before the vestry meeting. Many submissions have been left out! (Vestry resource guide was purchased by a vestry member for all members and distributed to all on vestry). The guide, on page 79, suggests that consent agenda be distributed one week before a vestry meeting). Amanda Renz vestry clerk to vestry prior to January vestry meeting: VESTRY


One Week Countdown Good Evening, Our monthly Vestry meeting will convene one-week from tonight (01/19/2021) via zoom. This will be the final meeting for our members completing their terms (aside from annual meeting which we do need to be present at!). If you want something on the agenda, please forward it to my attention with a write-up of your talking points so that I might forward it on to Father Amjad. He makes the final agenda, and sometimes there just isn't enough time to get to everything. If you do not submit your write-up, report, or talkingpoints ahead of schedule, it is likely you will not be granted time on the agenda. This is truly for everyone's benefit! Please look in the Consent Agenda Folder on Dropbox before the meeting. The agenda will be there before the meeting starts and the zoom information is at the top of the agenda. We try, but there isn't always time to inform people of things multiple ways! Audrey has been great about putting reports in the folder ahead of schedule, please take time to look at them. Please let me know if you will not be at the meeting so that we can ensure we have quorum as we will surely be voting on some things. Any questions - let me know! Stay warm, stay healthy, and see you in a week! Amanda 3. Budget and spending issues. The norm, under all previous rectors was that all expenditures were to be approved by vestry and the vestry would decide where that money would come from. Current procedure is to get approval (for most expenditures) from vestry and Amjad would determine where the money would come from. Many expenditures were made without vestry approval and money taken from wherever Amjad decided. Case in point is that half our maintenance budget for 2020 was spent on electronic equipment. 4. Very important. Deficit budgeting. Budget for 2020 was approved by vestry with a $51,000 deficit. (Year-end report shows $20,000 deficit due to a forgiven PPP loan for $34,000). Proposed budget for 2021 shows a $63,000 deficit. There is no plan on how to fill this deficit. We are currently operating on borrowed money; this cannot go on forever without disastrous results. I believe that our finances should be reviewed by a diocesan appointed person. I.e. can we afford a full-time rector? 5. Extremely high turnover in parishioners. I estimate that some 80% of long-standing parishioners who were at St. Paul’s when Amjad arrived are gone and not attending services at all. Many of these people were lifelong members of St. Paul’s. Those who disagree with any point Amjad makes are ignored and, if they continue to disagree on issues, they are ostracized and totally ignored by Amjad.


New parishioners, who have no knowledge of St. Paul’s history are being put in places of authority. Our rector is running the parish as a one-man show. 6. Sole decider of vestry agenda items. If a vestry member wants an item placed on the agenda, it must be submitted two weeks before the vestry meeting with backup. Several vestry members have submitted items for the agenda, and they have not been included in the addenda for the meeting. After vestry approval of and expenditure Amjad alone decides where the money is to come from. He takes it from whatever account he sees fit. An example is half our maintenance budget this year was used for purchase of computer equipment. He seems to feel that if the budget is approved, he can take money from wherever he wants in that budget. This leaves the various ministries and operations without sufficient funds to fulfill their duties. I am told, that there has not been an executive committee meeting in more than four months (input is from an executive committee member). Vestry has been reduced from 12 to 6 over three years. I see this as a consolidation of power in one person. I find that if you don’t agree 100% with our Rector, you are ostracized, humiliated, (publicly) ignored and rejected. I am one of them. How sad! Email sent with attachments to Intake officer on January 26, 2021 "Attached is the letter of intent from St. Paul's that was received by the Counseling Center on 11/20/20 (St. Paul's lawyer had sent it to the CCFLC lawyer). Attached is also the letter of response (dated 11/30/20) from CCFLC to St. Paul's via the lawyers that was sent on 11/30/20. CCFLC has not had any response from St. Paul's; the recent letter sent out in Realm (from the Vestry) to the whole parish makes it clear that St, Paul's has decided to remove CCFLC from the property. From reading the Realm message one would think some discussions had occurred in recent months attempting a good faith effort toward an agreement. That did not happen. I find this course of events very disturbing, particularly in the midst of a pandemic. As a longtime member of St. Paul's I am very concerned about this and other issues at St. Paul's. Attached separately is the Counseling Centers response from their attorney. Vestry voted at its December 15, 2020 meeting to proceed with eviction without seeing or hearing of the content these documents."


Intake Officer Notes: Conversation with Ron Kelly Jan 30, 2021 Complainant and Respondent are on the outs. Respondent has has not spoken to him in a year. Respondent blocked the Realm E-mail (church-wide e-mail) from going to Complainant and he had to call to get unblocked. Complainant was told that the block would have had to be done by the account's local administrator. So Respondent would have done it or instructed someone to do it. This was around Feb 13, 2020. Respondent emailed Complainant that day to say "I am blocking you from email because I do not find it a good means for us to communicate." Complainant was on the Vestry at that time. At the time Vestry were being “yes men”. Complainant would speak up when he had a disagreement and Respondent didn’t like it. He is still on Vestry. He has been pressured to resign and asked to resign and he has refused to resign and told the Respondent and Byron Peterson (coming off of Vestry) and Ron Marcho, Warden that he can removed only if they decided to call a special parish meeting or if they have that done at the Annual Parish meeting. Complainant adds that Respondent did not visit or call when he was in the hospital with COVID-19 and then home recovering and has not called to check on him since. Regarding CCC the Complainant says the the Vestry never saw the proposals of the two attorneys for St. Paul’s and CCC. They were not shown they were only provided with Byron’s committee report. Complainant says the Respondent is driving every decision for the church and the parish went through 3 Junior Wardens in 4 years. the Junior Wardens did research on various projects and were chastised if they tried to go forward with any of the projects. Complainant states that Respondent says it’s up to him to decide if money gets spent regardless of what the vestry votes on. The Annual meeting is tomorrow and the Annual Report just came out this afternoon.


Ron Kelly supplemental complaint: On February 20, 2021 Complainant reports that Respondent received an email from this Intake Officer along with copies of email sent to this Intake Officer. “Very upset this morning. Apparently you sent an email to Rev. Amjad regarding my involving the diocese in my issues with his leadership. He has emailed the entire parish with your entire email, including my emails to you. I saw this email from him to the entire parish this morning showing my name. Saw it around 6 AM, it was taken down sometime before 8 AM.” (Intake Officer Note: Quoted Statement is from email from Complainant to Intake Officer. I, the Intake Officer, did not email the Respondent neither did other folks involved in the Title IV Process. We are not sure what what was sent to the Respondent or who sent it and Complainant was not able to provide it.) In addition Complainant reports via follow-up phone call the following: The diocesan loan of $35,000 that shows up on the budget as revenue activities and not as a liability on the financial statements. In February the parish received a PPP Loan 34.1K. Complainant has not seen the report yet and he expects that when they have their March meeting this PPP loan will show as revenue and not as a liability. He reports that after the Annual meeting the parish has a new Senior warden, a new Junior warden, new treasurer and two new Vestry members. The previous year vestry member count was reduced from 12 to 6 as, the Complainant believes, a consolidation of power in the Respondent. One of the new vestry members is devoted to the Respondent, the other has been at the parish less than a year has no clue as to what the Vestry does and the senior warden probably can’t say no to the Respondent and won’t stand up to the Respondent even if he feels there is a need for it. Complainant asked for a meeting with the Respondent, to discuss something personal, in mid September. Respondent said he would get back to Complainant the following week to schedule and he never did. None of the information Complainant shared with the Intake Officer was ever shared with the parish just some with Vestry. Vestry meeting agenda is only released the night before the Vestry meeting and the Respondent solely decides what goes on the agenda even though the Vestry Resource Guides (appendix) says a consent agenda should go out at least a week before the meeting.


Title IV Intake Report Case 2021-1 E In Re: Rev. Amjad Samuel, St. Paul’s Shelton Complainant: Kathy Bronson,, 203-906-9358 Respondent: Rev. Amjad Samuel Intake Officer: Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Intake Report Taken: February 7, 2021 Intake Report Submitted: February 15, 2021 All allegations and statements made are from the point-of-view of the Complainant. Complainant says there were concerns about Respondent some time ago and nothing was done. Complainant has had concerns for years. And she has spoken about them with others. Many of those folks have left the parish including those who previously reported on the Respondent. New members have come in and that is good, however the parish has lost so many people because of the Respondent. Last year at the Annual meeting, Complainant had big concerns about the parishes bylaws changes and what was happening. She spoke up about it and then was treated badly by a few of the others parishioners. She was yelled at. Complainant feels that her standing at the church has gone down from there. She is a parishioner and a member of the board of the Christian Counseling Center. The parish had 3 female employees leave unhappily. A Junior Warden has also left as well. Complainant gathers that it was because of the Respondent. She does not think a leader can try any harder to close down a church. Complainant has had concerns for a number of years. She can’t say that she didn’t have concerns about the finances when Rev. Janet Waggoner was there. And that is a different type of concern than she has now. The financial issues have continued and the parish remains in critical status. People have brought their concerns to the Respondent about the church’s finances. Responded just responds that the problem existed before he got there. Many long time members have left the parish due to current leadership. Complainant voiced her concerns about membership turnover to the Respondent. He responded that turnover is 3-5 years in and that is normal. Complainant felt like what she had to say didn’t matter. The parish had 300 members when Fr. Tom left, then when Rev Rick left they lost more, then again when Rev. Janet left they lost more. And since the Respondent came there has been a "mass exodus" in even greater numbers than ever before. By the time in person church stopped most of the parishioners had stopped coming. The last two reverends refused to do fund raising because they were told that was what they always did that and the leadership didn’t want to do that anymore.


Complainant says Respondent only seems to concentrate on Small Groups. Church and services are in constant change. (Example: children's time every week is not done anymore; then it was going to be once a month and it doesn’t seem like that is happening.) She asks "Why is so much change always happening" There is no youth group. There is no Christian Education. The director of Christian Ed left with her family. Complainant is not 100% sure why. The person told her she couldn’t talk about what happened and why and she is not ready to go back to any church. The Choir director left supposedly because she was retiring and leaving town. However she is still in town. Complainant’s understanding is that the choir director did not leave her position under happy circumstances. Complainant heard the other female employees that left were unhappy as well. She asks is no one asking why this is happening? and Where is our leadership in this? Complainant remembered that the last time (the previously mentioned annual meeting) she questioned something she was made to feel she was completely wrong and she was yelled at by other parishioners and Respondent lied to the whole church while they were all there at the annual meeting. Supposedly there were openings on the Vestry and there was a nominating committee trying to get people to volunteer. For once, in a very long time, there were enough people to fill all the Vestry positions. One of the changes being made to the bylaws that year was the reduction of the number of vestry members. Complainant believed and asked that if they are reducing the number of Vestry members how does that represent the rest of the parish. She was concerned that the 7 people who would be selected would be “yes people” and they are now "yes people". They say yes to whatever the Respondent wants. The reason that was given for the bylaw Vestry reduction was that the parish had not been able to fill the spots. Complainant argues that in this year there were enough people. She says the Respondent lied to the parish by saying he did not have anything to do with nominating the Vestry candidates. During the meeting one of the candidates got up and said she wasn’t sure if she wanted be on the Vestry until the Respondent asked her to do it. Then she really thought about it. There were other people who also wanted to serve the church and they were knocked down. That is when Complainant asked why they were reducing the numbers if there were enough people to serve. One woman said that if she had known she was going to have to get up and make a speech and be voted on she wouldn’t have volunteered. Last year was the first time in all Complainant's years at St. Paul's that she can remember that the voting was done differently. Complainant feels like it doesn’t matter what anyone has to say; only Respondent’s vote counts so people don’t speak up anymore. A family that had been at the parish for generations left and no one contacted them to ask where they are or how they are or why they left. No one is calling to ask about those who are leaving the parish and most of them are attending other churches. She says it’s like half the church is up the street at the church in Trumbull.


Complainant says when one looks through the Vestry minutes it’s like maybe there is only one person on who has anything to say. She believes that basically they just do what they are told by Respondent. That is her understanding of who is calling the shots and disagreement is not ok. She wonders why the parish has not been fundraising when they are struggling financially. Her understanding is that the Respondent does not believe in fundraising and that the funds should come from parishioners. There is a deficit in the budget every year. Complainant feels like membership is down, but she is being told that it is not. From what she can see the number of folks coming to church is down. She asks what is the review process when Respondent’s contract is up and whether or not the parish needs a full time rector anymore? This last year Complainant definitely distanced herself after the annual meeting. She felt the whole thing was not good and many parishioners were angry at her for speaking up about what she thought and the Respondent allowed that to happen to her. He didn’t say anything to folks berating her for stating a different opinion. Now there is a pandemic so service is live streamed. There have been some technical difficulties recently so she hasn’t virtually attended as much as she did before. The Respondent did call all the parishioners to ask how they are doing last March. Since then Complainant has never heard from him again. She feels like he could have contacted folks again since then especially since their numbers are down now. She asks what the Respondent is doing now that he can’t be visiting people in person. Complainant feels that the church allows the Respondent a lot of time to spend elsewhere. They are struggling financially and yet the Respondent is volunteering time with the diocese and not paying attention to the parish who pays him. She also asks why aren’t they getting outside help financially. Why aren’t they (vestry) seeking help? Complainant does recognize that she does not have all the facts and that has kept her from saying something all this time, but her current feeling is that they should be getting help, maybe from the diocese? With regard to the Christian Counseling Center (CCC): Complainant has been on the board for 15 years. Another parishioner of St. Paul’s who was on the board asked her to volunteer to be on the board so she did. The way it was put to her is that she was volunteering for St. Paul’s, as a St. Paul’s member. That is why she volunteered as a parishioner of St. Paul’s not for a separate group. Complainant has been doing this for St. Paul’s. She has held different offices at the center. She is a CPA so she ended up as Treasurer. When Complainant first got on the board, the counseling center was struggling. It had something like a $50K deficit. So her role there as a volunteer became very big. She gave a lot of time to that role. She was an alter guild member are as well. CCC pulled themselves out of the financial hole and into a stable organization. It took about 10 years of long hard work to do that. Numerous fundraisers etc. St. Paul’s was also always doing fundraisers at the same time. She B0187

never felt overwhelmed by being asked to buy tickets for various fundraisers. When Rev. Janet came Rev. Janet said it can be financially exhausting for people to always have to give to fundraisers and decided St. Paul’s isn’t doing fundraisers anymore. Since then they haven’t done fundraisers. Complainant says all of a sudden the church is saying to the counseling center “you are going to pay $36,000 to us for rent", that they weren’t paying before. Complainant feels, as the treasurer who watched and helped the Center pull themselves out of their financial hole, the church has some obligation to do the same for itself. Complainant suggested joint fundraising--In the process build community, come together in a way that they haven’t in so long. The answer "was no, just pay us". She acknowledges this is a simplistic look at what happened. She believes there are inappropriate things that happened with St. Paul’s and the counseling center. The counseling center is run by 2 strong women leaders and there are problems with the Respondent. There seems to be a theme with regard to dealing with women (The women who left their positions at the parish). The working atmosphere is a problem. Complainant asks: Is anyone looking at this? Discussion about the situation between St. Paul's and CCC in not allowed to happen. There is no back and forth. She asks is it because the leaders are women? For her the situation looks like this: It’s like working really hard for something nice and your neighbor says oh I want that I’m taking that. Complainant feels that it doesn’t matter what you say to the people in leadership at St. Paul’s. It’s one way and that’s that. The counseling center board meetings happened the same night as St. Paul’s Vestry. CCC meetings would go for hours to make sure they got done what they needed to. The Vestry at St. Paul’s would be done in an hour most times. Complainant that the church does not seem to be working hard to pull itself out of the hole. The leadership from St. Paul’s also took a long time to respond to communication from the counseling center. She asks: Why is there is no sense of urgency at St. Paul’s, a failing church, to get things done to get stable. People are leaving in droves and she wonders is no one concerned? To her it seems not; the answer she gets when she asks is: we have new people and they have money. In other words no need to worry about people having left. For so long Complainant has felt the church is not doing well and the Respondent keeps saying he as Rector is their last resort; if the parish doesn’t get this done the parish is done. Complainant thinks that nothing is working. She wonders if the Respondent is doing all this on purpose? How can he think that what is doing is growing the church? She says he’s not attractive to young families; they come and leave. The people who have been there for so long are now gone. Complainant believes it’s one person in control who has put together a group parishioners who do what he says to the detriment of the parish – The Respondent. B0188

Complainant is told there is large attendance but she is online during service and not see the large attendance numbers. She is also concerned that they have started streaming with another church. The clergypersons sometimes take turns and sometimes they do services together. She asks then: when they are separate what is Respondent doing when he should be at the service? There have been tech issues lately so she hasn’t been on regularly to see if he was there lately. Complainant’s biggest concern is that the church is not going to survive that she calls "this poor leadership". She does also believe that Respondent has done some good things, like great services and sermons.


Title IV Intake Report Case 2021-1F In Re: Rev. Amjad Samual, St. Paul’s Shelton Complainant: Anonymous Reporter “Reporter” Respondent: Rev. Amjad Samuel Intake Officer: Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Intake Report Taken: February 23, 2021 Intake Report Submitted: February 24, 2021 Anonymous Reporter is a former employee, Choir Director, who chose not to be named or identified in the official complaint. All allegations in this section of the are made from Reporter’s perspective. Reporter believes the Respondent exhibited a lot of unhealthy behaviors. A few years ago because of previous complaints made against the Respondent, he had to meet with a psychiatrist/therapist. And yet, from the Reporter’s viewpoint it did not seem that the Respondent’s behaviors had changed. The Respondent admitted that the psychiatrist/therapist was trying to get the Respondent to admit culpability and he, the Respondent, would not because from Respondent’s viewpoint of himself, he did nothing wrong. Everyone who made the complaints against the Respondent left the parish and the Respondent basically helped them out the door; pushed them out the door. When folks brought complaints to the Diocese before (about 5 years ago now) the Reporter didn’t realize how valid those complaints were until Reporter became the Respondent’s target. Others at the parish have felt the same way. Reporter says parishioner Jill was put on a pedestal by the Respondent until she crossed him and she found herself in major conflict with the Respondent. The Reporter saw the writing on the wall and decided she didn’t have to stay there and take the negative behavior from the Respondent. She was in a no win situation so she decided to quit her job. Even the senior warden was fed up with the Respondent. Reporter says the Respondent was manipulating the staff and that now with no staff left he is now manipulating the Vestry and others. When Reporter was at the parish they had a Vestry nominating committee, which the Reporter says was “basically just for show.” Respondent controlled who could be nominated, not the committee. Reporter says Respondent also mistreated Nancy Wilson, another former employee. She left her position because she was treated very badly by the Respondent. The Reporter at that time wrote it off as the Respondent being new to the parish and that he and Nancy just have different ways of doing things. Reporter now realizes that Respondent was in the wrong.


Respondent later hired Virginia Glassman “Ginny”. Respondent asked the staff to also come listen to the interview and decided she was a good fit. Then he didn’t work well with Ginny. He didn’t work well with Dawn Barber, the Christian Ed person. He treated them all poorly especially if they disagreed with him and they all left. Reporter says Respondent “is very sneaky he will demean a person in public in a way that others don’t realize that they are being manipulated by his words” to believe negative things about that person. Respondent wanted a junior choir the Choir Director tried to establish one and there wasn’t enough interest so no junior choir was created. Respondent blamed the Choir director. One day he used his sermon to say that the organ was once a valuable instrument and it is no longer valuable. Choir director felt that this was speaking about her, that she was no longer needed. She didn’t do exactly what he wanted so she was no longer needed. She was well versed in many instruments and voice. There was more to her job and capabilities than the just the organ. She is versatile. And she could not believe the Respondent was doing this to her (with his sermon metaphor). So it was at this point that the choir director decided to leave before he could tear her down like he had done to others. When Reporter was on staff and the first group of complainants went to the diocese, it became an obsession of the Respondent. Staff meetings every week were 3 hours. Most of the time was spent talking about the people who went to the diocese to report against him. Respondent was trying to get the staff to alienate them those individuals or kick them out. Some of these folks were the Reporter’s friends. Respondent wanted the staff to report to him conversations they had with these folks. Respondent overheard a conversation between the Reporter and someone who made a complaint against him and saw that the Reporter was being friendly toward this person. Respondent was very upset with the Reporter and angry that Reporter hadn’t come to tell him immediately about the contents of her conversation with the person. Respondent was trying to always get her and other staff members to tell him about conversations they had with folks who complained against him. When Respondent heard that the Reporter had a conversation with someone who went to the diocese about him and that the Reporter hadn’t told him about it, Respondent shouted at her in the middle of a staff meeting, asking if she spoke to Steve Johnson. Respondent shared information with the staff that was shared with him in confidence. Reporter says knew things that she should not have known about other folks. Reporter had to pretend that she didn’t know things that she knew. When dealing with those folks the Reporter then cut them some slack during choir practice, that she might not otherwise have done, possibly indicating that she knew things she shouldn’t have. She knew she was acting based on information that she should not have had. Respondent accused the group of people who reported him to the diocese of targeting those with large pledges and trying to get them to withhold their pledge. Reporter told him that she was never approached. Respondent hinted that Reporter contributed more than someone else. Reporter was aghast that the Respondent would talk about her pledge publicly. At one point after these negative interactions Reporter’s password for the REALM system (parish communication) would not work. It served as her parish directory and each person’s pledge contribution record. She couldn’t get in. She mentioned it to a few people, who must have gotten word to the Respondent, then a few weeks later she was able to get in. As far as Reporter knows. Respondent B0191

controlled who could and could not have access to the system so he must have intentionally locked her out. Reporter ended up leaving the parish in February 2019. Reporter spent the spring doing some subbing at other parishes. Then went to New Hampshire for the summer. When she came back to CT she decided to go to a church Trumbull, where her son went. She and her husband discussed that they wanted to become members of the this church and they mentioned it to the priest of the Trumbull parish. He said that their paperwork had already come through. It was hand-delivered in an envelope with no postmark. Reporter and her husband had not made a request about this to the Respondent yet or anyone at St. Paul’s and somehow someone delivered their paperwork to Trumbull without their request or permission. During choir rehearsal the church would be too cold. The thermostat was supposed to be programmed to turn on when the choir was there. After weeks of complaining to the Respondent about it. The Respondent gave the choir director’s husband the code for the thermostat so that he could turn on the heat on when the choir was there, however the rooms would not get worm enough while they were there. Reporter thought thought this was suspicious. When Reporter was a member of the church she was also in charge of the prayer chain. Each person had someone who they were supposed to contact. The person Reporter was supposed to call to share a prayer with was someone who always online. Reporter and this individual decided the prayer would be typed and sent to the person electronically electronically. When Janet Waggoner was Rector she asked to be included in this electronic communication so that she knew who is being prayed for. The interim who came after Rev. Wagonner also liked this and was included in the communication. Eventually they switched to an online prayer chain for all, with prayers being sent out for everyone with specific, personal touches. When Respondent came to St. Paul’s he said he needed to know what was happened and who was being prayed for. Reporter said this is why they now include the priest in the communication. Some three years years later one person complained that maybe too much was shared about a person’s specific prayer need and everyone saw it. Reporter went to talk to Respondent about it. Respondent told Reporter “this is why I didn’t want them to be emailed to everyone” and that he was trying to protect her. Reporter is upset that Respondent had concerns and let let her do this for 3 years and before saying “see I want to protect you.” Respondent decided that the Reporter was to should send Respondent the prayer requests and then he would say what she could send out as a prayer. There was no longer any personal element to the prayers. Reporter felt so strongly about this important ministry and Respondent completely stripped it and took control of it. Reporter had to start telling people that she couldn’t take the prayers anymore and that they had to contact the Respondent. Respondent painted one of the former reporters as a victim of the other reporters. He made it seem like the majority of the folks who reported on him manipulated this person into joining them and this was not true. He want ed make them look bad. Reporter is glad to now get the chance to express what happened to her as she had not done so before. She was at St. Paul’s for 19 years and built relationships. She lost her spiritual home, when she felt forced to leave. Reporter says thank goodness for Alan Murchie and Paul Jacobson who were helpful to her. B0192

Reporter is also afraid that her friends who remain at St. Paul’s will get built up by the Respondent, and then eventually torn down like so many others. Reporter believed the Respondent to be manipulative and narcissistic. Reporter decided she was not equipped to battle this because she was probably not going to get any where and she would be railroaded and then made to be seen as the bad person in the scenario. So she quit.


Intake Officer Recommendation: •failed to respect and preserve confidences except that..., [Canon IV.4.1(a)], •possibly failed to safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(e); • engaged in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation [Canon 4.1(h)(6)]; and • engaged in Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h) (9)].

Attachments (Separate PDF): • St. Paul's 2021 budget which was approved by vestry at its January meeting. - Per Complainant Large cash balances are a result of receipts to parish capital campaign, Joining Jesus. • Statement of financial position. - Per Complainant - This statement shows high balances in our checking accounts due to capital campaign funds (around $164,000). • Minutes of vestry meeting in December are above – Per Complainant, this shows all the information that was shared with Vestry before they voted to evict the counseling center. They had not seen, or heard about, the letters between the two attorneys. • Letter – St. Paul’s to Christian Counseling Center • Letter – Counseling Center Response • Note to Intake Officer regarding irregular financials with January 2021 financial statements attached. • Emails From Ron Kelly to Intake Officer dated March 19, 2021 and March 21, 2021 regarding irregular financials, with February 2021 financial statements attached.

End of Intake Report for Case # 2021-1


Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:27:30 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Tubolino no,ce of Release from Suspension and the Rev. Susan McCone redponse Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 4:31:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: AEachments: image001.jpg, image002.jpg Thank you, Ian. Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Ian T. Douglas <> To: <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Alison Hollo <> Sent: Tue, Apr 13, 2021 4:23 pm Subject: Re: Tubolino notice of Release from Suspension and the Rev. Susan McCone redponse

And I have connected with Don Allison and he agrees that there is no canonical need to send out a notice. He was sympathetic to and supportive of our decision not to do so. I will communicate this to Susan and Bob Gito and will copy Kayla for the record. Thanks all for your help with this. I also asked how Don was doing on the Amjad Samuel investigation and he said he was going to get back to Kayla today. He implied that he would not have his report for our Reference Panel Meeting next week. Sorry. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: "" <> Reply-To: "" <> Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 4:18 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, Kayla Tubolino <>, Alison Hollo <> Subject: Re: Tubolino notice of Release from Suspension and the Rev. Susan McCone redponse Just wanted to give you all a quick update from the Province I call today. I asked the gathered group whether B0195

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anyone had encountered a situation like we discussed this morning. No one had a case like ours. A couple of folks thought it would be good to issue a notice that the accord's time certain date had been reached & the end of probation was over. They thought it would give closure to all. Michael Ambler said that the Canons don't require another notice for the end of probation. In Maine they have a practice of sending a notice like this, as he believes symmetry is a form of justice. He did say that if the respondent asked that the notice not be sent, then it was ok not to do it. In our case with Susan's concern of continued pain to her, her request not to send out a notice, and that this was probation and not suspension, I think our decision this morning was correct. Blessings all, Linda+

-----Original Message----From: Ian T. Douglas <> To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Alison Hollo <>; <> Sent: Mon, Apr 12, 2021 2:30 pm Subject: Re: Tubolino notice of Release from Suspension and the Rev. Susan McCone redponse

Great. Let’s do this at 9:00 then. Alison, can you please send out a zoom for 9:00 am tomorrow. I will be calling in as I will be driving to our cathedral at that time. Thanks all for your flexibility and availability to meet with short notice. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Monday, April 12, 2021 at 2:28 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Kayla Tubolino <>, Alison Hollo <>, "" <> Subject: RE: Tubolino notice of Release from Suspension and the Rev. Susan McCone redponse I can do 9:00- 9:45 tomorrow morning. Robin

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Monday, April 12, 2021 2:25 PM To: Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban B0196

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<>; Alison Hollo <>; Subject: Re: Tubolino notice of Release from Suspension and the Rev. Susan McCone redponse I believe that Kayla might be available at 9:00 am tomorrow. Can we reschedule to 9:00 am on Tuesday? Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Kayla Tubolino <> Date: Monday, April 12, 2021 at 8:09 AM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, Alison Hollo <>, "" <> Subject: RE: Tubolino notice of Release from Suspension and the Rev. Susan McCone redponse

Hi All, Happy to do whatever you decide. I am not available tomorrow at 2 pm- I will be in a training facilitated by VISIONS and do not feel I will be able to “step out” of the meeting. -Kayla From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2021 9:35 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Alison Hollo <>; Cc: Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Re: Tubolino notice of Release from Suspension and the Rev. Susan McCone redponse Thanks Robin, Alison, and Linda. Let’s plan on 2:00 pm on Tuesday then. Alison, can you please send out a zoom invite? Thanks. Should we invite Brad, if he can make it? Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan B0197

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Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Sunday, April 11, 2021 at 7:15 PM To: Alison Hollo <>, "" <> Cc: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: RE: Tubolino notice of Release from Suspension and the Rev. Susan McCone redponse Hi allI am also available at 2:00 on Tuesday. We can figure this out. I always thought that having to send a notice at the end of suspension to a date certain was not necessary—but I know others in TEC disagree. And, this was not a suspension but a period of probation, as that is what the Conference Panel agreed to in the Accord. I look forward to the conversation. Peace, Robin

From: Alison Hollo <> Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2021 7:05 PM To: Cc: Ian T. Douglas <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: Tubolino notice of Release from Suspension and the Rev. Susan McCone redponse The constant contact email has been unscheduled and will not be sent. I, of course, can meet whenever is convenient, Tuesday at 2 works. Alison Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 11, 2021, at 6:50 PM, Linda Spiers <> wrote: Thanks, Ian. I can do anytime between 2 & 3 on Tuesday. Linda+ Sent from my iPhone On Apr 11, 2021, at 4:52 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

Dear Kayla, Robin, Linda and Alison: Can we please speak together before the notice of the end of Susan’s suspension is made public? I think Susan has a point about the delay causing her additional pain.


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Let’s wait on sending out the notice until the four of us can meet. I could do a brief meeting between 2:00-3:00 on Tuesday. Thank you. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg> Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Susan McCone <> Date: Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 11:17 AM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Fwd: Tubolino notice of Release from Suspension and the Rev. Susan McCone redponse Sorry it was not attached to my earlier email. SJM Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: SUSAN MCCONE <> Date: April 10, 2021 at 4:43:27 AM EDT To: Kayla Tubolino <> Cc: Bob Zito <>, "Don Alison (" <> Subject: Re: Release from Suspension - the Rev. Susan McCone Dear Kathy: I'm sure you will agree that the failure to send this notice in a timely fashion is beyond simply unacceptable. To remedy that error by sending it out now - almost a year late - is extremely prejudicial to me, suggesting on a quick read that I was suspended for 2 years not one, and reviving a matter that I am sure is no longer in anyone's mind. I would prefer the notice not be sent at all. If, for some canonical reason, it must be sent to bring the Diocese's responsibilities into compliance, then the fact that the notice should have been sent nearly a year ago needs to be prominently stated at the outset. Thank you, The Rev. Susan McCone Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 9, 2021, at 7:14 PM, Kayla Tubolino <> wrote: B0199

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Hello Rev. McCone, I hope you and yours are well. I just wanted to make you aware that a notice of release from suspension will be send out from the office of the Rt. Rev. Ian Douglas on Tuesday April 13, 2021. This notice is regarding the probation period that ended in June of 2020. Below is a preview of the message that will be distributed. I apologize for the delay in sending out this notice. Peace, Kayla Kayla Tubolino, SHRM- CP Human Resources and Title IV Manager The Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Suite 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 ext. 119 Sign up for ECCT’s weekly enews communication at



April 5, 2021 To: The Presiding Bishop The Secretary of the House of Bishops The President of the House of Deputies The Secretary of the House of Deputies The Bishops of The Episcopal Church The Ecclesiastical Authority of every Diocese of The Episcopal Church The Recorder of Ordinations The Church Pension Fund B0200

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The Church Pension Fund The Transition Ministry Office The Archives of The Episcopal Church The Clergy of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Vestries of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Standing Committee of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Secretary of Convention of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut NOTICE OF RESTORATION AFTER SUSPENSION

In accordance with Title IV.14.12 (d) of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Chur notice is hereby given that on June 18, 2020 The Reverend Susan McCone

was restored to exercise the gifts and spiritual authority of God’s work and sacraments con at ordination, upon expiration of a period of probation as specified in an Accord, for an Offe under Title IV.4.1.h.9. The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Fifteenth Bishop of Connecticut




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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:39:33 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Long Island Property Developers LLC Date: Friday, April 16, 2021 at 7:29:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: The Rev. Amjad Samuel To: Ian T. Douglas Good Morning Bishop Ian, Who do I connect with for a potenQal survey of the property potenQal at St. Paul’s Shelton? We have a parcel of land that the parish has been exploring the possibility to sell since before I arrived here. In fact, the pressure to sell was quite some my first year. Since then the financial posiQon of the parish has improved and therefore the pressure has subsided; and because I believe the land offers a great potenQal for development that generates revenue for the parish, I would like to explore the opQons of retaining the property while pu[ng it to use for revenue generaQon. Who do I contact? Gratefully, Amjad+ The Rev. Amjad Samuel Sent from Mail for Windows 10


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:41:18 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Authority to issue a pastoral direc4on? Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 7:24:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas, BabbiK, Bradford CC: Kayla Tubolino AEachments: image001.jpg

Thanks Brad. Yes, Ian. I think you could call Amjad and ask him to refrain from any further ac4on regarding the efforts to evict CCC un4l the pending Title IV ac4on is brought to conclusion or there is clarity as to the facts. If he agrees, I would then send him an email confirming the conversa4on and close with, “If your understanding differs from mine, in any way, please let me know immediately by email.” I would prefer not to have to draY a Pastoral Direc4on so can try to get these sets of responses to interrogatories into good enough shape to let them go. FYI- we had a breakthrough in the Teen Theater case today in that we found the alleged perpetrator aKended Safe Church Training on September 22, 2007—Deb found the sign in sheet! This is before any of the alleged sexual abuse occurred. It’s the liKle things… Peace, Robin From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2021 6:43 PM To: BabbiK, Bradford <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Re: Authority to issue a pastoral direc4on? Thanks Brad, this is very helpful. So, Robin and Kayla, should I call Amjad first and ask him to move out the date of the eviction, and then if he refuses to do so, we can issue a pastoral direction? Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 B0203

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c 860-895-3964

From: Bradford BabbiK <> Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 5:33 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: RE: Authority to issue a pastoral direc4on? Hi Robin, There are 7 requirements for a valid pastoral direction: a) Be made in writing; b) Set forth clearly the reasons for the Pastoral Direction; c) Set forth clearly what is required of the Member of the Clergy; d) Be issued in the Bishop Diocesan’s capacity as the pastor, teacher, and overseer of the Member of the Clergy; e) Be neither capricious nor arbitrary in nature nor in any way contrary to the Constitution and Canons of the General Convention or the Diocese; f) Be directed to some matter which concerns the Doctrine, Discipline or Worship of the Church or the manner of life and behavior of the Member of the Clergy concerned; and g) Be promptly served upon the Member of the Clergy. With respect to requirement d, a direction not to evict the organization would be consistent with Ian’s capacity as overseer and pastor of the Member of the Clergy. The current situation obviously involves significant loss of trust between the Respondent and members of the Parish, including lay leaders. I think Ian’s role as pastor and overseer would include helping the Respondent take steps, even temporary ones, that might help to rebuild that trust, or at least slow the rate of its ongoing erosion. A direction not to evict would also seem to concern the doctrine and discipline of the Church as required by requirement f, because the property and all business affairs of the Parish are the responsibility of the Vestry, per ECCT Canon I, Section 8. The allegations include a claim that the Respondent failed to include the Vestry in the decision to evict the organization. If true, that decision would be inconsistent with Canon I, Section 8, which arguably makes the allegations and a direction not to evict the entity a matter that concerns the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church. I think the rest of the requirements are easily satisfied here. Happy to discuss this further at your convenience, if that would be helpful. Thanks. Brad From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2021 4:52 PM To: BabbiK, Bradford <> Cc: Ian T. Douglas <>; Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Authority to issue a pastoral direc4on? B0204

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Good evening, Brad. The Reference Panel met today regarding the maKer summarized in the aKached document. The maKer was referred for inves4ga4on last month. Addi4onal complainants were added to the case since I draYed the summary. Don Allison commiKed to have a preliminary inves4ga4on report to the Reference Panel for today, but has been delayed in star4ng the inves4ga4on as he just completed an inves4ga4on for Dio. New Hampshire. He is to start the inves4ga4on this week. This case involves, in part, allega4ons of the abuse of authority of the cleric in the way maKers are brought before the vestry and what informa4on is provided to the vestry. A key decision made by the vestry is to evict the Chris4an Counseling Center (CCC) that was started by the parish 40 years ago. Complainants, some of whom are on the vestry, alleged that the rector overstepped authority in this maKer and didn’t give vestry members access to all inforamiton. Rector believes that the CCC is taking advantage of the parish by not paying annual market rent of $36,000. Apparently the CCC is scheduled to be evicted by April 30. (I don’t know where in the evic4on process they really are—I just know complainants are worried about this date.) Does Ian have the authority to ask and/or issue a pastoral direc4on to the Respondent direc4ng him to refrain from taking any ac4on to evict CCC during the pendency of this maKer? In other words, can Ian direct the priest to maintain status quo un4l the inves4ga4on is complete and the maKer is concluded? I do not believe that there is another use for the property planned at this 4me. Looking forward to your thoughts on this maKer. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connec4cut 290 PraK Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

This transmiKal may be a confiden4al R+C aKorney-client communica4on or may otherwise be privileged or confiden4al. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby no4fied that you have received this transmiKal in error; any review, dissemina4on, distribu4on, or copying of this transmiKal is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communica4on in error, please no4fy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its aKachments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:50:39 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons Date: Friday, April 23, 2021 at 1:50:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas CC: BabbiP, Bradford, Donald Allison, Kayla Tubolino AHachments: image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg I’m s,ll holding Wednesday night. Just let me know if conversa,on with the vestry is needed. R. Sent from my iPhone On Apr 23, 2021, at 9:48 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

Thanks Brad: I will use some of your language and respond to Amjad. I’ll keep you posted. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Bradford BabbiP <> Date: Friday, April 23, 2021 at 9:36 AM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Donald Allison <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: RE: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons I agree, Ian. It’s getting unnecessarily complex and I’m sorry for that. I think it would make sense to say to Amjad that the goal is to avoid harm to the B0207

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I think it would make sense to say to Amjad that the goal is to avoid harm to the tenant before the Vestry can decide whether to proceed with the eviction while the Title IV proceeding is pending. Title IV proceedings could take months. Option 2 does not appear to avoid harm to the tenant. So, if the Parish decides to pursue Option 2, then Amjad needs to convene the Vestry on Wednesday night. Alternatively, he can pursue Option 1 and convene the vestry at some point over the next few weeks. It’s a decision that needs to be made by the Parish not by the Bishop. Brad From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 9:04 AM To: Donald Allison <>; BabbiP, Bradford <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Re: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons Do I say that to Amjad? See my earlier question to Brad as to what I say to Amjad. Between the four of us, Amjad, and Byron, this is getting way to complex. I do not think it needs to be this difficult. Or am I just getting tired of Amjad’s seemingly obfuscation? Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image002.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Donald Allison <> Date: Friday, April 23, 2021 at 9:01 AM To: Bradford BabbiP <> Cc: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Re: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons Hi Ian, I agree completely with Brad's analysis. It sounds to me like this process is at the very B0208

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beginning stages; sending a No,ce To Quit (with the appropriate number of days no,ce) to the Tenant. By far the easiest thing for all par,es (and with the least cost) would be to not proceed on the original No,ce and simply send out a new No,ce. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, MassachusePs 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 6:13 AM BabbiP, Bradford <> wrote:

Good morning Ian, I don’t think you should be putting yourself in the position of making a decision about litigation strategy in that matter. That doesn’t seem to me to be your role here. The reason for asking Amjad to explore whether the May 1 date could be postponed or changed was to give the Vestry time to gather and consider whether it wants to continue to pursue the eviction while the Title IV proceeding progresses. The alternative was a meeting this coming Wednesday night, so the Vestry could consider the issue before events rendered its consideration moot. That still seems to me to be the goal. Option 1 would clearly accomplish the goal of buying time for the Vestry to consider whether and how to proceed during the Title IV process. No one can predict what the response or the outcome will be under Option 2. The tenant could simply move out, mooting the Vestry’s consideration of the issue and (presumably) harming the tenant. The tenant could pay a lawyer to fight the eviction, which would impose cost on the tenant and, to the extent that a public record of eviction could cause the tenant reputational harm, potentially inflicting other negative ramifications on the tenant. And, in either circumstance, we can’t predict the ramifications of either response by the tenant on those members of the Parish who oppose the eviction. Option 2 does not put the eviction on hold in the short term. As a result, it doesn’t seem to me to satisfy the immediate goal of buying time for the Vestry to consider the issue in a non-time-pressured way. The issue is whether Amjad is willing to maintain the status quo until the Vestry can make the decision about whether to proceed with the eviction during the Title IV proceeding. Only Option 1 would accomplish that. Amjad’s attempt to force you to make that decision is inappropriate, in my opinion. His tacit suggestion that you should be instructing the agent of the Parish about what steps to take is likewise incorrect. And, while it’s by far not the most important issue, Amjad’s description of Title IV as “his” (meaning your) process demonstrates either a serious misunderstanding of our Canons or an unfortunate perspective about them. B0209

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Happy to discuss further if that would be useful. Thanks. Brad Brad Babbitt Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 5:38 PM To: BabbiP, Bradford <>; Donald Allison <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: FW: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons FYI. Should I take any action with Byron? Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image003.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: "" <> Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 4:12 PM To: 'Byron Peterson' <>, Amjad Samuel <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <>


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<>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: RE: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons Thank you so much Byron for your leadership, wisdom, and tender care of this maPer over the last few years. I respect your recommenda,on for it alleviates Bishop Ian’s concern of irreparable damage to CCFLC should his process discover anything that may indicate a disregard of due process, while it honors the democra,c process that so many of you have conducted faithfully. I am copying Bishop Ian Douglas on this email. Bishop Ian, should you decide to take a different approach, please speak to Byron directly. Faithfully, Amjad+ From: PETERSON BYRON <> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 3:37 PM To: Rev Amjad Samuel <>; Rev Amjad Samuel <> Subject: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons

Dear Amjad' Pursuant to our earlier discussions I spoke with our attorney and asked about options that are available to modify the current eviction process that has been started with the Christian Counseling and Family Life Center (CCFLC). The options are: Option One: We could withdraw our original Notice to Quit that has the April 30 deadline. Our attorney then could prepare new papers and file a new Notice to Quit asking for a May 30 deadline. Option Two We let the original process with the April 30 deadline date continue. On May 1 presuming that there is no response or appeal from the CCFLC :the attorney would normally prepare the next set of papers to continue to the formal removal of the tenant with a definite eviction date, which in this case could be May 30. However, we can have our attorney delay in filing the second set of papers, for


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However, we can have our attorney delay in filing the second set of papers, for one or two weeks, and ask for a definite eviction date at a later time, like June 15, etc. Having vested more that three years time with this situation I would recommend for us to follow Option Two. That keeps the process moving but would allow the extra time to follow through with the Bishop's process to review the matter. If there are any questions or a need for clarification please feel free to have anyone contact me directly Byron Peterson Mobile #: 1 (203) 722-3165 Email:

This transmiPal may be a confiden,al R+C aPorney-client communica,on or may otherwise be privileged or confiden,al. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby no,fied that you have received this transmiPal in error; any review, dissemina,on, distribu,on, or copying of this transmiPal is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communica,on in error, please no,fy us immediately by telephone at 1-860275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its aPachments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:52:02 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: CCFLC Evic+on Process modifica+on op+ons Date: Friday, April 23, 2021 at 7:04:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: 'Ian T. Douglas', AEachments: image001.jpg Dear Bishop Ian, What +me on Wednesday would you like to meet with the Vestry? The Zoom mee+ng ID to use is 203 929 1722 I do have to say, I am not too sure what to think about the fact that on the day of our mee+ng with Robin and Fr. Taylor, in response to my direct ques+on, you said that the process of evic+on should con+nue. Then on Tuesday April 20, the Vestry was informed of the status, and I receive a call from you on Wednesday aXernoon with you wondering if there can be a “stay” on the process, and you concluding that you will ensure that the Title IV proceeding will wrap up by May 1st . On Thursday you call again and in response to another direct ques+on from me as to how much +me you need, you ask for a month before any ac+on is taken on the evic+on process, Byron offers you an op+on that allows for a month and a half from May 1st, and today I get an email from you saying that the Title IV proceedings could take months. Which is true? At any rate, I will see you Wednesday. Faithfully, Amjad+ From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 9:53 AM To:; 'Rev Amjad Samuel' <> Subject: Re: CCFLC Evic+on Process modifica+on op+ons Dear Amjad: Thank you for your efforts with this. The goal is to avoid harm to the tenant before the Vestry can decide whether to proceed with the eviction while the Title IV proceeding is pending. Title IV proceedings could take months. Option 2 does not appear to avoid harm to the tenant. So, if the Parish decides to pursue Option 2, then I will need to speak to the Vestry on Wednesday night. Alternatively, you can pursue Option 1 and convene the vestry at some point over the next few weeks. It’s a decision that needs to be made by the Parish not by the me as the Bishop. Please let me know what you decide. Faithfully, Ian


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The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: "" <> Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 4:12 PM To: 'Byron Peterson' <>, Amjad Samuel <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: RE: CCFLC Evic+on Process modifica+on op+ons Thank you so much Byron for your leadership, wisdom, and tender care of this mader over the last few years. I respect your recommenda+on for it alleviates Bishop Ian’s concern of irreparable damage to CCFLC should his process discover anything that may indicate a disregard of due process, while it honors the democra+c process that so many of you have conducted faithfully. I am copying Bishop Ian Douglas on this email. Bishop Ian, should you decide to take a different approach, please speak to Byron directly. Faithfully, Amjad+ From: PETERSON BYRON <> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 3:37 PM To: Rev Amjad Samuel <>; Rev Amjad Samuel <> Subject: CCFLC Evic+on Process modifica+on op+ons

Dear Amjad' Pursuant to our earlier discussions I spoke with our attorney and asked about options that are available to modify the current eviction process that has been started with the Christian Counseling and Family Life Center (CCFLC). The options are: Option One: We could withdraw our original Notice to Quit that has the April 30 deadline. Our attorney then could prepare new papers and file a new Notice to Quit asking for a May 30 deadline. Option Two B0214

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We let the original process with the April 30 deadline date continue. On May 1 presuming that there is no response or appeal from the CCFLC :the attorney would normally prepare the next set of papers to continue to the formal removal of the tenant with a definite eviction date, which in this case could be May 30. However, we can have our attorney delay in filing the second set of papers, for one or two weeks, and ask for a definite eviction date at a later time, like June 15, etc. Having vested more that three years time with this situation I would recommend for us to follow Option Two. That keeps the process moving but would allow the extra time to follow through with the Bishop's process to review the matter. If there are any questions or a need for clarification please feel free to have anyone contact me directly Byron Peterson Mobile #: 1 (203) 722-3165 Email:


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:54:15 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: CCFLC Evic+on Process modifica+on op+ons Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 5:04:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas,, AEachments: image004.jpg, image005.jpg, image006.jpg

Dear Amjad, Could you please send me a zoom invita+on to the vestry mee+ng? I am not familiar with how to join the mee+ng with only the mee+ng ID and my few minutes of exploring on Google wasn’t helpful. I regret adding to your tasks. Peace, Robin From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:04 PM To:; Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: CCFLC Evic+on Process modifica+on op+ons Thank you. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Amjad Samuel <> Date: Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 1:02 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, "" <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: CCFLC Evic+on Process modifica+on op+ons I will inform the Vestry that you both will be mee+ng with them on Wednesday at 6PM. B0216

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Please note the Zoom mee+ng ID we use is 2039291722 Faithfully, Amjad+ Get Outlook for iOS From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 9:39 PM To:; Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban Subject: Re: CCFLC Evic+on Process modifica+on op+ons Dear Amjad: If we do go forward with the vestry meeting on Wednesday, Canon Robin Hammeal-Urban and I are prepared to meet with the vestry from 6:00-7:00 pm on 4/28. Please confirm if we are meeting. Faithfully, Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Amjad Samuel <> Date: Friday, April 23, 2021 at 7:04 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, "" <> Subject: RE: CCFLC Evic+on Process modifica+on op+ons Dear Bishop Ian, What +me on Wednesday would you like to meet with the Vestry? The Zoom mee+ng ID to use is 203 929 B0217

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What +me on Wednesday would you like to meet with the Vestry? The Zoom mee+ng ID to use is 203 929 1722 I do have to say, I am not too sure what to think about the fact that on the day of our mee+ng with Robin and Fr. Taylor, in response to my direct ques+on, you said that the process of evic+on should con+nue. Then on Tuesday April 20, the Vestry was informed of the status, and I receive a call from you on Wednesday ahernoon with you wondering if there can be a “stay” on the process, and you concluding that you will ensure that the Title IV proceeding will wrap up by May 1st . On Thursday you call again and in response to another direct ques+on from me as to how much +me you need, you ask for a month before any ac+on is taken on the evic+on process, Byron offers you an op+on that allows for a month and a half from May 1st, and today I get an email from you saying that the Title IV proceedings could take months. Which is true? At any rate, I will see you Wednesday. Faithfully, Amjad+ From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 9:53 AM To:; 'Rev Amjad Samuel' <> Subject: Re: CCFLC Evic+on Process modifica+on op+ons Dear Amjad: Thank you for your efforts with this. The goal is to avoid harm to the tenant before the Vestry can decide whether to proceed with the eviction while the Title IV proceeding is pending. Title IV proceedings could take months. Option 2 does not appear to avoid harm to the tenant. So, if the Parish decides to pursue Option 2, then I will need to speak to the Vestry on Wednesday night. Alternatively, you can pursue Option 1 and convene the vestry at some point over the next few weeks. It’s a decision that needs to be made by the Parish not by the me as the Bishop. Please let me know what you decide. Faithfully, Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan


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Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: "" <> Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 4:12 PM To: 'Byron Peterson' <>, Amjad Samuel <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: RE: CCFLC Evic+on Process modifica+on op+ons Thank you so much Byron for your leadership, wisdom, and tender care of this mamer over the last few years. I respect your recommenda+on for it alleviates Bishop Ian’s concern of irreparable damage to CCFLC should his process discover anything that may indicate a disregard of due process, while it honors the democra+c process that so many of you have conducted faithfully. I am copying Bishop Ian Douglas on this email. Bishop Ian, should you decide to take a different approach, please speak to Byron directly. Faithfully, Amjad+ From: PETERSON BYRON <> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 3:37 PM To: Rev Amjad Samuel <>; Rev Amjad Samuel <> Subject: CCFLC Evic+on Process modifica+on op+ons

Dear Amjad' Pursuant to our earlier discussions I spoke with our attorney and asked about options that are available to modify the current eviction process that has been started with the Christian Counseling and Family Life Center (CCFLC). The options are:


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Option One: We could withdraw our original Notice to Quit that has the April 30 deadline. Our attorney then could prepare new papers and file a new Notice to Quit asking for a May 30 deadline. Option Two We let the original process with the April 30 deadline date continue. On May 1 presuming that there is no response or appeal from the CCFLC :the attorney would normally prepare the next set of papers to continue to the formal removal of the tenant with a definite eviction date, which in this case could be May 30. However, we can have our attorney delay in filing the second set of papers, for one or two weeks, and ask for a definite eviction date at a later time, like June 15, etc. Having vested more that three years time with this situation I would recommend for us to follow Option Two. That keeps the process moving but would allow the extra time to follow through with the Bishop's process to review the matter. If there are any questions or a need for clarification please feel free to have anyone contact me directly Byron Peterson Mobile #: 1 (203) 722-3165 Email:


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:55:23 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 5:33:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Amjad Samuel To: Robin Hammeal-Urban, Ian T. Douglas, AFachments: image005.jpg, image004.jpg, image006.jpg hTps:// If you go to and click on "Join a mee,ng", it will ask you for the mee,ng ID. That should grant you access to the mee,ng. See you in a few. Amjad+ Get Outlook for iOS

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 5:04:42 PM To: Ian T. Douglas <>; <>; <> Subject: RE: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons

Dear Amjad, Could you please send me a zoom invita,on to the vestry mee,ng? I am not familiar with how to join the mee,ng with only the mee,ng ID and my few minutes of exploring on Google wasn’t helpful.

I regret adding to your tasks.

Peace, Robin

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:04 PM To:; Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons

Thank you.


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The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Amjad Samuel <> Date: Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 1:02 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, "" <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons

I will inform the Vestry that you both will be mee,ng with them on Wednesday at 6PM.

Please note the Zoom mee,ng ID we use is 2039291722

Faithfully, Amjad+

Get Outlook for iOS


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From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 9:39 PM To:; Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban Subject: Re: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons

Dear Amjad:

If we do go forward with the vestry meeting on Wednesday, Canon Robin Hammeal-Urban and I are prepared to meet with the vestry from 6:00-7:00 pm on 4/28.

Please confirm if we are meeting.



The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964


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From: Amjad Samuel <> Date: Friday, April 23, 2021 at 7:04 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, "" <> Subject: RE: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons

Dear Bishop Ian,

What ,me on Wednesday would you like to meet with the Vestry? The Zoom mee,ng ID to use is 203 929 1722

I do have to say, I am not too sure what to think about the fact that on the day of our mee,ng with Robin and Fr. Taylor, in response to my direct ques,on, you said that the process of evic,on should con,nue. Then on Tuesday April 20, the Vestry was informed of the status, and I receive a call from you on Wednesday akernoon with you wondering if there can be a “stay” on the process, and you concluding that you will ensure that the Title IV proceeding will wrap up by May 1st . On Thursday you call again and in response to another direct ques,on from me as to how much ,me you need, you ask for a month before any ac,on is taken on the evic,on process, Byron offers you an op,on that allows for a month and a half from May 1st, and today I get an email from you saying that the Title IV proceedings could take months. Which is true?

At any rate, I will see you Wednesday.

Faithfully, Amjad+

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 9:53 AM To:; 'Rev Amjad Samuel' <> Subject: Re: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons

Dear Amjad:

Thank you for your efforts with this.

The goal is to avoid harm to the tenant before the Vestry can decide whether to proceed with the eviction while the Title IV proceeding is pending. Title IV proceedings could take months. Option 2 does not B0224

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appear to avoid harm to the tenant. So, if the Parish decides to pursue Option 2, then I will need to speak to the Vestry on Wednesday night. Alternatively, you can pursue Option 1 and convene the vestry at some point over the next few weeks. It’s a decision that needs to be made by the Parish not by the me as the Bishop.

Please let me know what you decide.



The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: "" <> Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 4:12 PM To: 'Byron Peterson' <>, Amjad Samuel <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: RE: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons

Thank you so much Byron for your leadership, wisdom, and tender care of this maTer over the last few years. I respect your recommenda,on for it alleviates Bishop Ian’s concern of irreparable damage to CCFLC should his B0225

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process discover anything that may indicate a disregard of due process, while it honors the democra,c process that so many of you have conducted faithfully.

I am copying Bishop Ian Douglas on this email.

Bishop Ian, should you decide to take a different approach, please speak to Byron directly.

Faithfully, Amjad+

From: PETERSON BYRON <> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 3:37 PM To: Rev Amjad Samuel <>; Rev Amjad Samuel <> Subject: CCFLC Evic,on Process modifica,on op,ons

Dear Amjad'

Pursuant to our earlier discussions I spoke with our attorney and asked about options that are available to modify the current eviction process that has been started with the Christian Counseling and Family Life Center (CCFLC). The options are:

Option One:

We could withdraw our original Notice to Quit that has the April 30 deadline. Our attorney then could prepare new papers and file a new Notice to Quit asking for a May 30 deadline.

Option Two

We let the original process with the April 30 deadline date continue. On May 1 presuming that there is no response or appeal from the CCFLC :the attorney would normally prepare the next set of papers to continue to the formal removal of the tenant with a definite eviction date, which in this case could be May 30. However, we can have our attorney delay in filing the second set of papers, for one or two weeks, and ask for a definite eviction date at a later time, like June 15, etc. B0226

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Having vested more that three years time with this situation I would recommend for us to follow Option Two. That keeps the process moving but would allow the extra time to follow through with the Bishop's process to review the matter.

If there are any questions or a need for clarification please feel free to have anyone contact me directly

Byron Peterson Mobile #: 1 (203) 722-3165 Email:


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:57:18 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: FW: Vestry Ma-er - St. Paul's Shelton Date: Friday, April 30, 2021 at 7:36:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas AEachments: TitleIVTrainingManualMarch2021 (1).pdf

FYIJust so we are both on the same page when we return to the vestry. r. From: Robin Hammeal-Urban Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 7:37 PM To: 'Amanda Renz' <> Subject: RE: Vestry Ma-er - St. Paul's Shelton

Good evening, Amanda. The three canons that were cited by the Intake Officer in the Intake Report are: - Failure to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h)(e)], - Engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentabon [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; and - Engaging in conduct unbecoming a member of the clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h)(9)]. At this point, there is no formal charging document—just the Intake Officer’s analysis. If you or anyone on the vestry wants to know more about The Episcopal Church (TEC) Disciplinary process (called Title IV) here is a link to a website developed by TEC I have also a-ached a Training Manual on Title IV that is located on our diocesan website. When I return to update the vestry aher the complebon of the invesbgabon, I would be glad to answer any quesbons about this overall process. I am grateful for the vestry’s decision on Wednesday evening. I do hope that your wardens, or two other lay leaders, can join us at 8:30 Wednesday mornings. Please let me know if you have any further quesbons. Peace, Robin From: Amanda Renz <> Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 4:06 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Vestry Ma-er - St. Paul's Shelton

Hello Canon Hameal-Urban B0228

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Hello Canon Hameal-Urban As we were consolidating our notes from the meeting on Wednesday evening, we realized that the three canons Father Amjad stands accused of breaking were all mentioned during the meeting, but were not spelt out. As we made decisions with these infractions in mind, I do believe it would be beneficial to at least be able to name those three cannons for the Vestry. Thank you for your help Amanda Renz (Clerk) -Amanda Renz C: (860) 543-0989


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:58:19 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Vestry Ma-er - St. Paul's Shelton Date: Friday, April 30, 2021 at 7:41:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas AFachments: image003.jpg, image004.jpg

I’ll look at my schedule to see. I need to cross off a few daysr From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 7:41 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: Vestry Ma-er - St. Paul's Shelton Can you do a comp/flex day this week for working the weekend and Monday? Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Friday, April 30, 2021 at 7:39 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: RE: Vestry Matter - St. Paul's Shelton Yes. I will take off part of Saturday and part of Sunday. Monday I’m at the Commons to welcome Bernice and start her orientaZon. Thanksr From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 7:38 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: Vestry Ma-er - St. Paul's Shelton B0230

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Thanks for responding to Amanda. I do hope and pray you will get some time away to rest this weekend. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Friday, April 30, 2021 at 7:36 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: FW: Vestry Matter - St. Paul's Shelton FYIJust so we are both on the same page when we return to the vestry. r. From: Robin Hammeal-Urban Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 7:37 PM To: 'Amanda Renz' <> Subject: RE: Vestry Ma-er - St. Paul's Shelton

Good evening, Amanda. The three canons that were cited by the Intake Officer in the Intake Report are: -

Failure to Safeguard the property and funds of the Church and Community, [Canon IV.4.1(h)(e)],


Engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentaZon [Canon IV.4.1(e)]; and


Engaging in conduct unbecoming a member of the clergy [Canon IV.4.1(h)(9)].


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At this point, there is no formal charging document—just the Intake Officer’s analysis. If you or anyone on the vestry wants to know more about The Episcopal Church (TEC) Disciplinary process (called Title IV) here is a link to a website developed by TEC I have also a-ached a Training Manual on Title IV that is located on our diocesan website. When I return to update the vestry ajer the compleZon of the invesZgaZon, I would be glad to answer any quesZons about this overall process. I am grateful for the vestry’s decision on Wednesday evening. I do hope that your wardens, or two other lay leaders, can join us at 8:30 Wednesday mornings. Please let me know if you have any further quesZons. Peace, Robin From: Amanda Renz <> Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 4:06 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Vestry Ma-er - St. Paul's Shelton

Hello Canon Hameal-Urban As we were consolidating our notes from the meeting on Wednesday evening, we realized that the three canons Father Amjad stands accused of breaking were all mentioned during the meeting, but were not spelt out. As we made decisions with these infractions in mind, I do believe it would be beneficial to at least be able to name those three cannons for the Vestry. Thank you for your help Amanda Renz (Clerk) -Amanda Renz C: (860) 543-0989


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:59:46 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: The Rev. Amjad Samuel Date: Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 10:15:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Michael Rehill To: AGachments: Bishop Douglas 5-13-2021.pdf Dear Bishop Douglas: Please see leJer aJached. Faithfully, Michael -MICHAEL F. REHILL, ESQ. CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:01:17 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: The Rev. Amjad Samuel Date: Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 10:44:07 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: ADachments: image001.jpg Thank you, Ian. Linda+ -----Original Message----From: Ian T. Douglas <> To: <> Cc: Donald Allison <>; <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Bradford Babbitt <> Sent: Thu, May 13, 2021 10:22 am Subject: FW: The Rev. Amjad Samuel

Dear Michael: Thank you for letting me know that you are representing the Rev. Amjad Samuel in his Title IV disciplinary matter. By copy of this email, I will inform our: Church Attorney: Mr. Donald Allison President of the Disciplinary Board: The Rev. Linda Spiers Title IV Manager: Ms. Kayla Tubolino Canon for Mission Integrity and Training, Ms. Robin Hammeal Urban Chancellor Bradford Babbitt Faithfully, Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Michael Rehill <> Date: Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 10:15 AM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: The Rev. Amjad Samuel B0234

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Dear Bishop Douglas: Please see leNer aNached. Faithfully, Michael -MICHAEL F. REHILL, ESQ. CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:09:24 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Title IV Inves/ga/on Date: Monday, June 7, 2021 at 4:33:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: BabbiG, Bradford To: Ian T. Douglas, Robin Hammeal-Urban CC: Kayla Tubolino AFachments: image003.jpg, image005.jpg

Hi all, I agree with Robin that pursuing a civil claim against someone based on information that person provided in an investigation would likely constitute retaliation in violation of Canon IV.3.1(e). Additionally, investigations are “confidential” under Canon IV.11.5. Persons with knowledge or possession of confidential information derived from an investigation are not permitted to disclose it except in accordance with the Canons, by any applicable law, or by Accord or Order. Canon IV.19.26. I read that to mean that it would be a violation of the Canons for Amjad to pursue a civil suit against persons who provide information as part of an investigation based on that information. Given those provisions, I believe that Ian could issue a Pastoral Direction not to pursue a civil claim against persons who provide information in the investigation. I think it was prudent not to promise to defend these individuals if they are sued. First, I don’t know whether ECCT’s insurance would extend a defense to them in that circumstance. I’m doubtful. On the other hand, their own homeowner’s insurance might. Second, we should avoid anything that could be argued to be an inducement to provide information or what information to provide. Being promised a defense if the subject of the information pursues a claim against the person doesn’t seem like much of an inducement, I’ll admit. But in this circumstance, it seems prudent to err on the side of caution and avoid anything that Amjad might spin to his benefit. All the best, Brad Brad Babbitt

General Counsel Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Monday, June 7, 2021 4:13 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; BabbiG, Bradford <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Re: Title IV Inves/ga/on Sounds good.


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Thanks. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Monday, June 7, 2021 at 3:50 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Bradford BabbiG <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: RE: Title IV Inves/ga/on And clearly such legal ac/on would be retalia/on under IV.3.1(e). I just want to try to assure lay folk that talking to the inves/gator is not as risky as their fears may lead them to believe. r. From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Monday, June 7, 2021 3:00 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; BabbiG, Bradford <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Re: Title IV Inves/ga/on Interesting question. Honestly, I do not know. Brad? Also, Amjad’s last name does not have an “s” as in Samuel. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 B0237

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p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Monday, June 7, 2021 at 2:51 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Bradford BabbiG <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Title IV Inves/ga/on Good a]ernoon Ian and Brad. I hope you are both finding ways to stay cool. Don Alison con/nues his inves/ga/on into the maGer regarding Rev. Amjad Samuels. He has asked to interview the women who came forward in 2018. They did not pursue Title IV. They wanted to work with mediators to see if their rela/onships with Amjad could be repaired. It didn’t go well. Amjad refused to abide by the Guidelines for Mutuality. Just a heads up--at least one of the women is fearful that Amjad will sue her for anything she shares with Don. She also assumed that the diocese would defend her in any ac/on. I explained the concept of liability insurance for parish and ECCT, insurance defense counsel, and that such a lawsuit would be retalia/on resul/ng in addi/onal charges against the priest. I did not promise that ECCT would defend her in any such ac/on. If needed, could Ian issue a pastoral direc/on prohibi/ng Amjad from suing anyone involved in the inves/ga/on or this maGer generally? The level of fear around him is palpable. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connec/cut 290 PraG Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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This transmiGal may be a confiden/al R+C aGorney-client communica/on or may otherwise be privileged or confiden/al. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby no/fied that you have received this transmiGal in error; any review, dissemina/on, distribu/on, or copying of this transmiGal is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communica/on in error, please no/fy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its aGachments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:06:16 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: ECCT Mee)ng Presenta)on & Proposal Date: Monday, June 7, 2021 at 6:51:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Haiko Cornelissen To: Ian T. Douglas, Rosanna Rosado, Dan Panitz CC: Jon Heflin AEachments: image001.jpg, STEWARDSHIP & DEVELOPMENT_060421.pdf Good morning Bishop Ian, Rosanna and Jon, Thank you for the kind words and it was a pleasure talking to you and the rest of the leadership. I have aYached the presenta)on which you can share with the aYendants. Father Mark Byers of St. Andrew's, Meriden and Father Amjad Samuel of St. Paul's in Shelton have reached out to us regarding their development projects and we’ll follow up with them. Regarding Southport, the feedback from the Fairfield County planners and developers has been very encouraging. We’ll keep you posted on the project and expect to have offers next month. Best, Haiko

Haiko Cornelissen / Director of Real Estate Episcopal Diocese of Long Island (516) 248-4800 ext. 147 36 Cathedral Ave Garden City, NY 11530 Twitter



From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Saturday, June 5, 2021 10:04 PM To: Rosanna Rosado <>; Dan Panitz <>; Haiko Cornelissen <> Cc: Jon Heflin <> Subject: Re: ECCT Mee)ng Presenta)on & Proposal Yes, Thank you so much Haiko and Dan. It is a joy working with you. Faithfully,


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Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Rosanna Rosado <> Date: Saturday, June 5, 2021 at 11:47 AM To: Dan Panitz <>, Haiko Cornelissen <> Cc: Jon Heflin <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: RE: ECCT Mee)ng Presenta)on & Proposal Dear Haiko & Dan, Thank you for an informa)ve and comprehensive presenta)on, it has afforded the leadership body the opportunity to reimagine the stewardship of its assets. I’m looking forward to the Southport proposal and to our con)nued diocesan collabora)on. Have a great weekend. With Warm Regards Rosanna Rosado Canon for Mission Finance and Operations Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 office 203-639-3501 x 123 mobile 914-364-3350 eNews: Facebook: @EpiscopalCT Twitter: @EpiscopalCT Instagram: @EpiscopalCT

Did you know ECCT has a fabulous podcast? Check it out at B0241

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From: Rosanna Rosado Sent: Tuesday, June 1, 2021 2:59 PM To: Dan Panitz <>; Haiko Cornelissen <> Cc: Jon Heflin <> Subject: RE: ECCT Mee)ng Presenta)on & Proposal Importance: High Dear Dan & Haiko I hope this finds you and yours safe and well. Please see the Leadership Gathering zoom link for this Saturday, June 5th feel free to log-in 5-10min sooner your presenta)on is scheduled for 10:45am. See you then. Thank You Join Zoom Mee)ng hYps:// Mee)ng ID: 949 303 4183 One tap mobile +13126266799,,9493034183# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,9493034183# US (New York) Dial by your loca)on +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Mee)ng ID: 949 303 4183 Find your local number: hYps:// With Warm Regards Rosanna Rosado Canon for Mission Finance and Operations Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 office 203-639-3501 x 123 mobile 914-364-3350 eNews: Facebook: @EpiscopalCT Twitter: @EpiscopalCT B0242

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Instagram: @EpiscopalCT

Did you know ECCT has a fabulous podcast? Check it out at

From: Dan Panitz <> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2021 11:33 AM To: Rosanna Rosado <> Cc: Haiko Cornelissen <>; Jon Heflin <> Subject: Re: ECCT Mee)ng Presenta)on & Proposal Rosanna, think our emails crossed. But just in case, please see below.

Title: Stewardship & Development, building a sustainable mission and church with real estate. Presenters: Haiko Cornelissen, Director of Real Estate Dan Panitz, Asset Manager Have a wonderful rest of the day. Sent from my iPhone On May 20, 2021, at 10:46 AM, Rosanna Rosado <> wrote: I hope this finds you all well. Just following up on my request below. Thank you Rosanna Rosado Canon for Mission Finance and Operations Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 office 203-639-3501 x 123 mobile 914-364-3350 eNews: Facebook: @EpiscopalCT Twitter: @EpiscopalCT Instagram: @EpiscopalCT

Did you know ECCT has a fabulous podcast? Check it out at B0243

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From: Rosanna Rosado Sent: Monday, May 17, 2021 3:10 PM To: Haiko Cornelissen <>; Dan Panitz <> Cc: Jon Heflin <> Subject: RE: ECCT Mee)ng Presenta)on & Proposal Importance: High Haiko & Dan, I hope this finds you and yours safe and well. Can you provide me with your topic name/theme and the names and )tles of all presenters for June 5th, we are in the process of prepping the agenda. Thank You Rosanna Rosado Canon for Mission Finance and Operations Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 office 203-639-3501 x 123 mobile 914-364-3350 eNews: Facebook: @EpiscopalCT Twitter: @EpiscopalCT Instagram: @EpiscopalCT

Did you know ECCT has a fabulous podcast? Check it out at

From: Haiko Cornelissen <> Sent: Friday, May 7, 2021 12:53 PM To: Rosanna Rosado <>; Dan Panitz <> Cc: Jon Heflin <> Subject: RE: ECCT Mee)ng Presenta)on & Proposal Hi Rosanna, Just one ques)on. In our conversa)on we were talking about an ERELI flyer you could share with other churches and leaders. Has the June 5th presenta)on replaced the need for the flyer or would you like to have both? Cheers, Haiko


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Haiko Cornelissen / Director of Real Estate Episcopal Diocese of Long Island (516) 248-4800 ext. 147 36 Cathedral Ave Garden City, NY 11530 Twitter



From: Rosanna Rosado <> Sent: Friday, May 7, 2021 11:30 AM To: Haiko Cornelissen <>; Dan Panitz <> Cc: Jon Heflin <> Subject: RE: ECCT Mee)ng Presenta)on & Proposal Thank You. Have a great weekend. Rosanna Rosado Canon for Mission Finance and Operations Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 office 203-639-3501 x 123 mobile 914-364-3350 eNews: Facebook: @EpiscopalCT Twitter: @EpiscopalCT Instagram: @EpiscopalCT

Did you know ECCT has a fabulous podcast? Check it out at

From: Haiko Cornelissen <> Sent: Friday, May 7, 2021 9:17 AM To: Rosanna Rosado <>; Dan Panitz <> Cc: Jon Heflin <> Subject: RE: ECCT Mee)ng Presenta)on & Proposal Dear Rosanna, Thank you for the details – we’re looking forward to the Leadership Gathering on June 5th. We’ll prepare the presenta)on based on your recommenda)ons. B0245

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Great to hear we have un)l June 30th for the Berg Home, so we’ll get started on that. Best, Haiko

Haiko Cornelissen / Director of Real Estate Episcopal Diocese of Long Island (516) 248-4800 ext. 147 36 Cathedral Ave Garden City, NY 11530 Twitter



From: Rosanna Rosado <> Sent: Thursday, May 6, 2021 7:55 PM To: Haiko Cornelissen <>; Dan Panitz <> Cc: Jon Heflin <> Subject: ECCT Mee)ng Presenta)on & Proposal Importance: High Dear Dan & Haiko, I hope this finds you and yours safe and well. I want to thank you for agreeing to par)cipate in on our Leadership Gathering on Saturday, June 5th your presenta)on is scheduled for 10:45am you can log onto the zoom 5-10 minutes before (I will send the zoom link, in a separate e-mail). You will have 25 minutes for your presenta)on and 20 minutes for Q&A. Please focus your presenta)on taking into considera)on a collabora)ve vision with ECCT, the possibili)es of fulling God’s mission, the impact (benefits) and the cost benefits, (help us form a new narra)ve on the management of our greatest assets, our proper)es). Also, with respect to the Berg Home, Bishop Ian, will welcome a proposal and can afford you the )me frame through the end of June 30th would that be viable for you? Please be sure that your proposal covers the (4) values that the Missionary Society deem essen)al. 1. Maximize the Resource (sale price) 2. Ensure Affordable Housing 3. Environmental Conserva)on (Preserva)on) 4. The Prudent Stewardship of the Region Parish (minimize their impact) Please feel free to reach out if you have any ques)ons. With Warm Regards Rosanna Rosado Canon for Mission Finance and Operations B0246

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Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 office 203-639-3501 x 123 mobile 914-364-3350 eNews: Facebook: @EpiscopalCT Twitter: @EpiscopalCT Instagram: @EpiscopalCT

Did you know ECCT has a fabulous podcast? Check it out at


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:08:25 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Title IV Inves/ga/on Date: Monday, June 7, 2021 at 3:50:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas, BabbiK, Bradford CC: Kayla Tubolino AEachments: image002.jpg

And clearly such legal ac/on would be retalia/on under IV.3.1(e). I just want to try to assure lay folk that talking to the inves/gator is not as risky as their fears may lead them to believe. r. From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Monday, June 7, 2021 3:00 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; BabbiK, Bradford <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Re: Title IV Inves/ga/on Interesting question. Honestly, I do not know. Brad? Also, Amjad’s last name does not have an “s” as in Samuel. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Monday, June 7, 2021 at 2:51 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Bradford BabbiK <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Title IV Inves/ga/on Good a\ernoon Ian and Brad. I hope you are both finding ways to stay cool. B0248

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Don Alison con/nues his inves/ga/on into the maKer regarding Rev. Amjad Samuels. He has asked to interview the women who came forward in 2018. They did not pursue Title IV. They wanted to work with mediators to see if their rela/onships with Amjad could be repaired. It didn’t go well. Amjad refused to abide by the Guidelines for Mutuality. Just a heads up--at least one of the women is fearful that Amjad will sue her for anything she shares with Don. She also assumed that the diocese would defend her in any ac/on. I explained the concept of liability insurance for parish and ECCT, insurance defense counsel, and that such a lawsuit would be retalia/on resul/ng in addi/onal charges against the priest. I did not promise that ECCT would defend her in any such ac/on. If needed, could Ian issue a pastoral direc/on prohibi/ng Amjad from suing anyone involved in the inves/ga/on or this maKer generally? The level of fear around him is palpable. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connec/cut 290 PraK Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:11:54 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Sugges*ons re: DCF inves*ga*on Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at 11:19:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: BabbiG, Bradford To: Robin Hammeal-Urban CC: Ian T. Douglas

Hi Robin, Not surprisingly, that’s a new one for me as well. I agree that we need to exercise caution given the source of the information about the DCF investigation. It might be absolutely accurate, or it might have been modified as it moved through the grapevine. Accordingly, I agree that encouraging Amjad to be watchful makes good sense. But I don’t think we can take other actions relating to the paraprofessional’s involvement in the Parish on the basis of the information we have at present. Other than being vigilant about following Safe Church protocols, I can’t think of other steps that we could take at this point. If circumstances change, such as if an arrest is made, then we can reevaluate. It’s also possible that nothing will ever come of the alleged investigation. In that case, we won’t be able to do anything other than adhere closely to Safe Church. And that’s not a bad thing to do at all, obviously. Happy to discuss live if that would be helpful. Thanks. Brad Brad Babbitt Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 11:02 AM To: BabbiG, Bradford <> Cc: Ian T. Douglas <> Subject: Sugges*ons re: DCF inves*ga*on

Hi BradHere is a new situa*on for me. A parish priest learned through the parent grapevine that a paraprofessional at a local school was put on Administrate Leave while DCF inves*gates allega*ons of child sex abuse. That parish priest (priest #1) reached out to me last week to ask whether they should no*fy the rector of the parish where the paraprofessional on Administra*ve Leave is a member (priest #2). A quick poll of bishops and canons revealed that if they were priest #2—they would want to know. I asked Priest #1 to contact Priest #2. Priest #2 has reached out to ask my advice. I have suggested that he (Priest #2 is Amjad Samuel) hold the informa*on in confidence and ensure that all safe church prac*ce are followed paying par*cular aGen*on to the two-unrelated adult rule so that no adult is alone with a child/children or youth. I don’t know the ministries or role that person on Admin. Leave holds in her parish. B0250

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It is tricky as we only know about the DCF inves*ga*on through word of mouth—mom of alleged vic*m knows priest #1. Should there be an arrest, then the informa*on becomes public and the way forward is clearer. If I had to predict what will happened, I think DCF will inves*gate, we may learn the outcome through the grapevine, and there will be no public informa*on. Do you have any further sugges*ons that I might pass on to Amjad on this point? I will keep you updated if I learn more. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connec*cut 290 PraG Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:16:24 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Follow up about ECCT Case 2021-1 Date: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 2:00:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Kayla Tubolino, Bishop Laura Ahrens, Ian T. Douglas,, Susan Jackson, The Rev. Kevin Olds, Tokunbo

Thanks, Kayla. Now that Don has indicated we can move forward, I will be wriWng to the Respondent and his legal counsel to offer a date to meet with me and Ian in September. I will inform them that the maYer was referred to the bishop for possible agreement regarding discipline. The terms that Ian is offering will be discussed when we meet and there will be a Wme limited period for the Respondent to indicate acceptance of those terms or not. The Respondent will be told that the Reference Panel will refer the maYer to a Hearing Panel if the terms are not acceptable. Once I send the email I’ll let Kayla know. Kayla, could you inform the complaints of the acWon of the Reference Panel? And perhaps Tokunbo could let the unnamed reporters know of the Reference Panel’s referral to the bishop for possible agreement. Peace, Robin From: Kayla Tubolino <> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 1:36 PM To: Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Susan Jackson <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Tokunbo <> Subject: FW: Follow up about ECCT Case 2021-1 Hi All, Don has given us the all clear to proceed. I believe this means he has access to all the financials he was waiting on and buttoned up all his interviews with complainants. Case 2021-1 has been referred to the Bishop for possible agreement. We need to notify the complainants and the respondent (and his counsel). With Ian and Robin going on vacation at least the first two weeks of August should this wait until mid-August? Peace, Kayla From: Donald Allison <> Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2021 9:43 AM To: Kayla Tubolino <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: Follow up about ECCT Case 2021-1 B0252

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Hi Kayla, Yes. All clear to proceed. Sorry I forgot to respond earlier. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, MassachuseYs 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 2:43 PM Kayla Tubolino <> wrote: Hi Don, I just wanted to check in to see if Robin and Ian are clear to proceed on Amjad Samuel’s case and share the news that the panel referred it to a Bishop for Possible Agreement. I have a note that you were waiting on a couple things and were going to give us an all clear on Monday. Peace, Kayla Kayla Tubolino, SHRM- CP Human Resources and Title IV Manager The Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Suite 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 ext. 119 Sign up for ECCT’s weekly enews communication at


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:17:22 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: FW: Update on Title IV ma3er Date: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 9:44:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas, Kayla Tubolino, Alison Hollo

FYII’ll let you know as soon as I hear which date works for them. I really hope they don’t reach out to me for conversaUon before then. r. From: Robin Hammeal-Urban Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 9:44 PM To: Cc: Michael Rehill <> Subject: Update on Title IV ma3er

Dear Amjad, Thank you for cooperaUng with the invesUgaUon in this ma3er. When the Reference Panel last met they reviewed the invesUgaUon report and voted to refer this ma3er to the Bishop for possible agreement regarding terms of discipline. This requires an in person meeUng with Bishop Ian. I will also be present. To accommodate the need for your counsel to travel from out of state, I have secured two dates on Ian’s calendar for you and counsel to choose from. I ask that you let me know by next Wednesday, August 4, which of the two dates works best for both of you. The possible meeUng dates are: Thursday, September 2, at 5:00 pm Thursday, September 9, at 3:00 pm The meeUng will take place at the Commons of the Episcopal Church in ConnecUcut, 290 Pra3 Street, Meriden, CT. Regardless of the date of the meeUng, Ian will need a response to his offer to enter an Accord (agreement) by noon on Tuesday, September 14, when the Reference Panel next meets. It is my understanding that the Reference Panel will consider referring the ma3er to another canonical opUon if an Accord has not been reached. You have knowledgeable counsel to guide you through this process. In addiUon, The Rev. Taylor Albright was offered as an Advisor to assist you in this process. I don’t know if you have conUnued to use the services of Rev. Albright. You can use his services in addiUon to having legal counsel. If you and your counsel have any quesUons or concerns, I am available unUl next Wednesday, acer which I will be on vacaUon unUl August 26. I look forward to hearing from you by next Wednesday as to the meeUng date that works best for you B0254

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and your counsel. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in ConnecUcut 290 Pra3 Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:20:08 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Follow up about ECCT Case 2021-1 Date: Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 10:10:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Tokunbo Green To: Robin Hammeal-Urban CC: Kayla Tubolino, Bishop Laura Ahrens, Ian T. Douglas, Linda Spiers, Susan Jackson, The Rev. Kevin Olds Thank you Robin. On Thu, Jul 29, 2021, 10:06 AM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Kayla and Tokunbo, I wrote to the Respondent and his counsel last night. Please feel free to update the Complaints and unnamed reporters as to the most recent referral of the Reference Panel. You can also tell them that we anYcpate another update aZer the Reference Panel meeYng on September 14.

Thanks so muchr

From: Kayla Tubolino <> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 1:36 PM To: Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Susan Jackson <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Tokunbo <> Subject: FW: Follow up about ECCT Case 2021-1

Hi All,

Don has given us the all clear to proceed. I believe this means he has access to all the financials he was waiting on and buttoned up all his interviews with complainants.

Case 2021-1 has been referred to the Bishop for possible agreement. We need to notify the complainants and the respondent (and his counsel). With Ian and Robin going on vacation at least the first two weeks of August should this wait until mid-August?

Peace, B0256

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From: Donald Allison <> Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2021 9:43 AM To: Kayla Tubolino <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: Follow up about ECCT Case 2021-1

Hi Kayla, Yes. All clear to proceed. Sorry I forgot to respond earlier. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachusebs 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax)

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 2:43 PM Kayla Tubolino <> wrote: Hi Don,

I just wanted to check in to see if Robin and Ian are clear to proceed on Amjad Samuel’s case and share the news that the panel referred it to a Bishop for Possible Agreement. I have a note that you were waiting on a couple things and were going to give us an all clear on Monday.

Peace, B0257

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Kayla Tubolino, SHRM- CP Human Resources and Title IV Manager

The Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Suite 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 ext. 119

Sign up for ECCT’s weekly enews communication at


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:21:12 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Follow up about ECCT Case 2021-1 Date: Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 4:39:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Tokunbo Green To: Kayla Tubolino CC: Robin Hammeal-Urban, Bishop Laura Ahrens, Ian T. Douglas,, Susan Jackson, The Rev. Kevin Olds Thanks Kayla!

Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 2:07 PM Kayla Tubolino <> wrote: HI All,

Emails to the complainants have been sent out today and if I knew they had reached out to their Title IV advisors I cc’ed them in the communication.


From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2021 10:06 AM To: Kayla Tubolino <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Susan Jackson <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Tokunbo <> Subject: RE: Follow up about ECCT Case 2021-1

Kayla and Tokunbo, I wrote to the Respondent and his counsel last night. Please feel free to update the Complaints and unnamed reporters as to the most recent referral of the Reference Panel. You can also tell them that we an^cpate another update a_er the Reference Panel mee^ng on September 14.

Thanks so much-


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From: Kayla Tubolino <> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 1:36 PM To: Bishop Laura Ahrens <>; Ian T. Douglas <>;; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Susan Jackson <>; The Rev. Kevin Olds <>; Tokunbo <> Subject: FW: Follow up about ECCT Case 2021-1

Hi All,

Don has given us the all clear to proceed. I believe this means he has access to all the financials he was waiting on and buttoned up all his interviews with complainants.

Case 2021-1 has been referred to the Bishop for possible agreement. We need to notify the complainants and the respondent (and his counsel). With Ian and Robin going on vacation at least the first two weeks of August should this wait until mid-August?

Peace, Kayla

From: Donald Allison <> Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2021 9:43 AM To: Kayla Tubolino <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: Follow up about ECCT Case 2021-1

Hi Kayla, Yes. All clear to proceed. Sorry I forgot to respond earlier. Best, Don Donald J. Allison


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Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachusecs 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax)

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 2:43 PM Kayla Tubolino <> wrote: Hi Don,

I just wanted to check in to see if Robin and Ian are clear to proceed on Amjad Samuel’s case and share the news that the panel referred it to a Bishop for Possible Agreement. I have a note that you were waiting on a couple things and were going to give us an all clear on Monday.

Peace, Kayla

Kayla Tubolino, SHRM- CP Human Resources and Title IV Manager

The Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Suite 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 ext. 119


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Sign up for ECCT’s weekly enews communication at


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:28:25 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 1:26:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Donald Allison To: Robin Hammeal-Urban CC: Bradford Babbi-, Ian T. Douglas Hi Robin, A ma-er that I thought would go all aNernoon has hit a snag. The meeOng was suspended unOl Monday aNernoon so I have a few minutes to respond. The Respondent is not enOtled to the InvesOgaOve Report. As I read the Canons, the Respondent is never enOtled to the Report. The Canons (Canon IV.11.5), provide that invesOgaOons are confidenOal "unOl such Ome as informaOon obtained may be uOlized by the Church A-orney, the Bishop Diocesan or the Panels". Even when the ma-er is referred to a Hearing Panel the Respondent is not enOtled to the Report. What Respondent receives is a Statement of Offenses prepared by me which Respondent receives from the Hearing Panel. (Canon IV. 13. 2). Subsequently and prior to the actual hearing, the Respondent is enOtled to receive "documents". The definiOon of "documents" is set forth in Canon IV. 13.3(a). It is not even clear to me that the Report is a document covered by that Canon. I understand "documents" to mean admissible evidence. Nevertheless, even if I am wrong, the Hearing Panel can order that the document be redacted to protect "any Injured Person or allegedly Injured Person" I am prepared to discuss the ma-er on Monday morning. While I understand that providing Rev. Samuel and his counsel with material will perhaps aid in reaching a resoluOon of the ma-er, I am strongly of the opinion that such material be carefully redacted to protect the idenOty of the individuals interviewed. I am also of the opinion that the Pastoral DirecOon you suggested must accompany whatever material is provided. It is clear to me from the invesOgaOon that Rev. Samuel is in communicaOon with his supporters and indeed spoke with most of them aNer I had interviewed them. Some even contacted me aNer the fact to "clarify" their earlier statements. I will be curious to learn Brad's take on these issues. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachuse-s 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 12:34 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Dear Don and Brad,

Ian and I will be meeOng with Amjad (Respondent) on September 9 to discuss the terms of an Accord. The Reference Panel (RP) referred this ma-er to the bishop for possible agreement. If there is no agreement by the RP’s next meeOng on September 14, they plan to refer the ma-er to a Hearing Panel. Once referred to the Hearing Panel the ma-er becomes much more public, which is why we are giving an opportunity to enter an Accord before Hearing Panel involvement. The general B0263

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terms Ian will offer are: 1. Respondent resigns as rector 2. Respondent is offered resources (at ECCT expense) to learn new leadership styles.

Our plan is to present these terms orally when we meet on September 9.

Respondent’s counsel, Michael Rehill, just wrote to request the following: please advise the Bishop that we would like to have copies of both the Inves6gator's report and the dra: proposed Accord in advance of the mee6ng on September 9, so that I can have 6me to review and discuss them with Amjad. Hopefully, we can then have a produc6ve mee6ng, and perhaps bring this maDer to a close.

Our concerns are: 1. The invesOgaOon report belongs to the Reference Panel, it is not for the bishop to distribute to anyone. (Please let me know if I am mistaken on this point.) 2. The invesOgaOon report concludes that there is evidence that Respondent has retaliated against anyone who opposed him, especially aNer they a-empted to report his behavior. Over 21 people were interviewed and many are named in the report. (Don, as I recall the version of the report we have is not your final version. We would need the final version if we are going to provide it.) If we were to provide Respondent with this report: a. I think it best to issue a wri-en pastoral direcOon prohibiOng Respondent from any contact with anyone named, or sharing the content of the report with anyone other than counsel, his Advisor, spiritual director, etc., and b. would we need to reach out to all those named in the report to let them know the report is being shared and ask them to reach out to ECCT if Respondent approaches them about this ma-er? 3. Our pracOce has been to have oral conversaOon with Respondent regarding the possible terms of an Accord before reducing them to wriOng. Do you suggest we write out our proposed terms and provide them before the Sept. 9 meeOng?

I do think we could provide a draN of an Accord before the meeOng. This wouldn’t happen unOl the first week of September as Ian begins vacaOon on Sunday (unless we get this done in the next 24 hours.)

I do not thing we should provide the invesOgaOon report to the Respondent or anyone else unOl the process proceeds and we are directed to by the canons.


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I would like to respond to counsel’s request within the next day or so. (I start vacaOon next Thursday and will have very limited cell access if any for 3 weeks.)

At your earliest convenience, please advise me and Ian how best to proceed.

Thanks for considering this ma-er with us. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in ConnecOcut 290 Pra- Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:29:00 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 1:28:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Donald Allison To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Robin Hammeal-Urban, Bradford BabbiAFachments: image001.jpg I am available before 9:30 Monday morning. Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachuse-s 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 12:53 PM Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: I could do a zoom call first thing on Monday morning.


The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964


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From: Donald Allison <> Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 12:46 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Bradford Babbi- <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er

Hi Robin, I am not available this a`ernoon but can respond first thing Monday morning. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachuse-s 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax)

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 12:34 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Dear Don and Brad,

Ian and I will be meebng with Amjad (Respondent) on September 9 to discuss the terms of an Accord. The Reference Panel (RP) referred this ma-er to the bishop for possible agreement. If there is no agreement by the RP’s next meebng on September 14, they plan to refer the ma-er to a Hearing Panel. Once referred to the Hearing Panel the ma-er becomes much more public, which is why we are giving an opportunity to enter an Accord before Hearing Panel involvement. The general terms Ian will offer are: 1. Respondent resigns as rector B0267

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2. Respondent is offered resources (at ECCT expense) to learn new leadership styles.

Our plan is to present these terms orally when we meet on September 9.

Respondent’s counsel, Michael Rehill, just wrote to request the following: please advise the Bishop

that we would like to have copies of both the Inves6gator's report and the dra: proposed Accord in advance of the mee6ng on September 9, so that I can have 6me to review and discuss them with Amjad. Hopefully, we can then have a produc6ve mee6ng, and perhaps bring this maDer to a close.

Our concerns are: 1. The invesbgabon report belongs to the Reference Panel, it is not for the bishop to distribute to anyone. (Please let me know if I am mistaken on this point.) 2. The invesbgabon report concludes that there is evidence that Respondent has retaliated against anyone who opposed him, especially a`er they a-empted to report his behavior. Over 21 people were interviewed and many are named in the report. (Don, as I recall the version of the report we have is not your final version. We would need the final version if we are going to provide it.) If we were to provide Respondent with this report: a. I think it best to issue a wri-en pastoral direcbon prohibibng Respondent from any contact with anyone named, or sharing the content of the report with anyone other than counsel, his Advisor, spiritual director, etc., and b. would we need to reach out to all those named in the report to let them know the report is being shared and ask them to reach out to ECCT if Respondent approaches them about this ma-er? 3. Our pracbce has been to have oral conversabon with Respondent regarding the possible terms of an Accord before reducing them to wribng. Do you suggest we write out our proposed terms and provide them before the Sept. 9 meebng?

I do think we could provide a dra` of an Accord before the meebng. This wouldn’t happen unbl the first week of September as Ian begins vacabon on Sunday (unless we get this done in the next 24 hours.)

I do not thing we should provide the invesbgabon report to the Respondent or anyone else unbl the process proceeds and we are directed to by the canons.

I would like to respond to counsel’s request within the next day or so. (I start vacabon next B0268

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Thursday and will have very limited cell access if any for 3 weeks.)

At your earliest convenience, please advise me and Ian how best to proceed.

Thanks for considering this ma-er with us. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connecbcut 290 Pra- Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:27:30 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 1:26:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Donald Allison, Bradford BabbiAFachments: image001.jpg I can do Monday morning before 9:30. I’m booked 9:30 on. R Sent from my iPhone On Jul 30, 2021, at 12:53 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

I could do a zoom call first thing on Monday morning. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Donald Allison <> Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 12:46 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Bradford Babbi- <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er Hi Robin, I am not available this a[ernoon but can respond first thing Monday morning. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 B0270

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Amherst, Massachuse-s 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 12:34 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Dear Don and Brad, Ian and I will be meecng with Amjad (Respondent) on September 9 to discuss the terms of an Accord. The Reference Panel (RP) referred this ma-er to the bishop for possible agreement. If there is no agreement by the RP’s next meecng on September 14, they plan to refer the ma-er to a Hearing Panel. Once referred to the Hearing Panel the ma-er becomes much more public, which is why we are giving an opportunity to enter an Accord before Hearing Panel involvement. The general terms Ian will offer are: 1. Respondent resigns as rector 2. Respondent is offered resources (at ECCT expense) to learn new leadership styles. Our plan is to present these terms orally when we meet on September 9. Respondent’s counsel, Michael Rehill, just wrote to request the following: please advise the Bishop that we would like to have copies of both the Inves6gator's report and the dra: proposed Accord in advance of the mee6ng on September 9, so that I can have 6me to review and discuss them with Amjad. Hopefully, we can then have a produc6ve mee6ng, and perhaps bring this maDer to a close. Our concerns are: 1. The invescgacon report belongs to the Reference Panel, it is not for the bishop to distribute to anyone. (Please let me know if I am mistaken on this point.) 2. The invescgacon report concludes that there is evidence that Respondent has retaliated against anyone who opposed him, especially a[er they a-empted to report his behavior. Over 21 people were interviewed and many are named in the report. (Don, as I recall the version of the report we have is not your final version. We would need the final version if we are going to provide it.) If we were to provide Respondent with this report: a. I think it best to issue a wri-en pastoral direccon prohibicng Respondent from any contact with anyone named, or sharing the content of the report with anyone other than counsel, his Advisor, spiritual director, etc., and


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b. would we need to reach out to all those named in the report to let them know the report is being shared and ask them to reach out to ECCT if Respondent approaches them about this ma-er? 3. Our praccce has been to have oral conversacon with Respondent regarding the possible terms of an Accord before reducing them to wricng. Do you suggest we write out our proposed terms and provide them before the Sept. 9 meecng? I do think we could provide a dra[ of an Accord before the meecng. This wouldn’t happen uncl the first week of September as Ian begins vacacon on Sunday (unless we get this done in the next 24 hours.) I do not thing we should provide the invescgacon report to the Respondent or anyone else uncl the process proceeds and we are directed to by the canons. I would like to respond to counsel’s request within the next day or so. (I start vacacon next Thursday and will have very limited cell access if any for 3 weeks.) At your earliest convenience, please advise me and Ian how best to proceed. Thanks for considering this ma-er with us. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connecccut 290 Pra- Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:30:41 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Amjad's proposed accord Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 1:30:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas AEachments: image001.jpg, image002.jpg I’m booked this aMernoon and have personal commitments 8-6 tomorrow. We can aim for Monday morning before 9:30. Let’s see if Brad is available. R Sent from my iPhone On Jul 30, 2021, at 12:44 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

Thanks. I think we can make a decision on this and the calendar before today or tomorrow. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 11:59 AM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Alison Hollo <> Subject: RE: Amjad's proposed accord And Ian, I can get back to Amjad and his counsel while you are on vaca^on. r


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From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 11:46 AM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Alison Hollo <> Subject: Amjad's proposed accord Hi Robin: I do not know what to say to Michael. We usually see the accord as a process of negotiation, although in this case I do not plan to negotiate. So perhaps we can send what we are proposing in advance of the meeting? Since we will both be on vacation soon, and since they have chosen the date of September 9, perhaps we can tackle this as soon as I get back on August 31 and have something to them before the Labor Day weekend. That would give them about a week to consider it before we meet. I’ll copy Alison for her info and my calendar. What do you think? Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image002.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Michael Rehill <> Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 10:58 AM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Re: Update on Title IV ma`er Robin: Thank you for your email. We have conferred with Amjad, and of the dates suggested, the only one as to which we are all B0274

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We have conferred with Amjad, and of the dates suggested, the only one as to which we are all available is September 9 at 3:00. Please put that on the Bishop's calendar. In addi^on, please advise the Bishop that we would like to have copies of both the Inves^gator's report and the draM proposed Accord in advance of the mee^ng on September 9, so that I can have ^me to review and discuss them with Amjad. Hopefully, we can then have a produc^ve mee^ng, and perhaps bring this ma`er to a close. Thank you. Faithfully, Michael On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 9:43 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Dear Amjad, Thank you for coopera^ng with the inves^ga^on in this ma`er. When the Reference Panel last met they reviewed the inves^ga^on report and voted to refer this ma`er to the Bishop for possible agreement regarding terms of discipline. This requires an in person mee^ng with Bishop Ian. I will also be present. To accommodate the need for your counsel to travel from out of state, I have secured two dates on Ian’s calendar for you and counsel to choose from. I ask that you let me know by next Wednesday, August 4, which of the two dates works best for both of you. The possible mee^ng dates are: Thursday, September 2, at 5:00 pm Thursday, September 9, at 3:00 pm The mee^ng will take place at the Commons of the Episcopal Church in Connec^cut, 290 Pra` Street, Meriden, CT. Regardless of the date of the mee^ng, Ian will need a response to his offer to enter an Accord (agreement) by noon on Tuesday, September 14, when the Reference Panel next meets. It is my understanding that the Reference Panel will consider referring the ma`er to another canonical op^on if an Accord has not been reached. You have knowledgeable counsel to guide you through this process. In addi^on, The Rev. Taylor Albright was offered as an Advisor to assist you in this process. I don’t know if you have con^nued to use the services of Rev. Albright. You can use his services in


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if you have con^nued to use the services of Rev. Albright. You can use his services in addi^on to having legal counsel. If you and your counsel have any ques^ons or concerns, I am available un^l next Wednesday, aMer which I will be on vaca^on un^l August 26. I look forward to hearing from you by next Wednesday as to the mee^ng date that works best for you and your counsel. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connec^cut 290 Pra` Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

-MICHAEL F. REHILL, ESQ. CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:31:54 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 1:43:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Babbi-, Bradford, Donald Allison, Alison Hollo AGachments: image001.jpg, image002.jpg Perfect! Thanks everyone for working this into your schedule. R Sent from my iPhone On Jul 30, 2021, at 1:39 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

Great. Thanks all. By copy of this, I will ask Alison to set up a zoom meeting for the four of us on Monday morning from 8:45 am until 9:30 am. Thanks Alison. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Bradford Babbi- <> Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 1:37 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Donald Allison <> Subject: RE: Title IV ma-er That would work for me as well. Thanks. Brad B0277

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Brad Babbitt Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 1:33 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Donald Allison <>; Babbi-, Bradford <> Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er I can make myself available 8:45-9:30 on Monday. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image002.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 1:26 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Donald Allison <>, Bradford Babbi- <> Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er I can do Monday morning before 9:30. I’m booked 9:30 on. R Sent from my iPhone On Jul 30, 2021, at 12:53 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: I could do a zoom call first thing on Monday morning. Ian


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The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg> Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Donald Allison <> Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 12:46 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Bradford Babbi- <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er Hi Robin, I am not available this a_ernoon but can respond first thing Monday morning. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachuse-s 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 12:34 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Dear Don and Brad, Ian and I will be meefng with Amjad (Respondent) on September 9 to discuss the terms of an Accord. The Reference Panel (RP) referred this ma-er to the bishop for possible agreement. If there is no agreement by the RP’s next meefng on September 14, they plan to refer the ma-er to a Hearing Panel. Once referred to the Hearing Panel the ma-er becomes much more public, which is why we are giving an opportunity to enter an Accord before Hearing Panel involvement. The general terms Ian will offer are: B0279

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1. Respondent resigns as rector 2. Respondent is offered resources (at ECCT expense) to learn new leadership styles. Our plan is to present these terms orally when we meet on September 9. Respondent’s counsel, Michael Rehill, just wrote to request the following:

please advise the Bishop that we would like to have copies of both the Inves6gator's report and the dra: proposed Accord in advance of the mee6ng on September 9, so that I can have 6me to review and discuss them with Amjad. Hopefully, we can then have a produc6ve mee6ng, and perhaps bring this maDer to a close.

Our concerns are: 1. The invesfgafon report belongs to the Reference Panel, it is not for the bishop to distribute to anyone. (Please let me know if I am mistaken on this point.) 2. The invesfgafon report concludes that there is evidence that Respondent has retaliated against anyone who opposed him, especially a_er they a-empted to report his behavior. Over 21 people were interviewed and many are named in the report. (Don, as I recall the version of the report we have is not your final version. We would need the final version if we are going to provide it.) If we were to provide Respondent with this report: a. I think it best to issue a wri-en pastoral direcfon prohibifng Respondent from any contact with anyone named, or sharing the content of the report with anyone other than counsel, his Advisor, spiritual director, etc., and b. would we need to reach out to all those named in the report to let them know the report is being shared and ask them to reach out to ECCT if Respondent approaches them about this ma-er? 3. Our pracfce has been to have oral conversafon with Respondent regarding the possible terms of an Accord before reducing them to wrifng. Do you suggest we write out our proposed terms and provide them before the Sept. 9 meefng?


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I do think we could provide a dra_ of an Accord before the meefng. This wouldn’t happen unfl the first week of September as Ian begins vacafon on Sunday (unless we get this done in the next 24 hours.) I do not thing we should provide the invesfgafon report to the Respondent or anyone else unfl the process proceeds and we are directed to by the canons. I would like to respond to counsel’s request within the next day or so. (I start vacafon next Thursday and will have very limited cell access if any for 3 weeks.) At your earliest convenience, please advise me and Ian how best to proceed. Thanks for considering this ma-er with us. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connecfcut 290 Pra- Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

This transmi-al may be a confidenfal R+C a-orney-client communicafon or may otherwise be privileged or confidenfal. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby noffied that you have received this transmi-al in error; any review, disseminafon, distribufon, or copying of this transmi-al is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communicafon in error, please noffy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its a-achments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:32:57 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 1:43:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Babbi-, Bradford, Donald Allison, Alison Hollo AGachments: image001.jpg, image002.jpg Perfect! Thanks everyone for working this into your schedule. R Sent from my iPhone On Jul 30, 2021, at 1:39 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

Great. Thanks all. By copy of this, I will ask Alison to set up a zoom meeting for the four of us on Monday morning from 8:45 am until 9:30 am. Thanks Alison. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Bradford Babbi- <> Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 1:37 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Donald Allison <> Subject: RE: Title IV ma-er That would work for me as well. Thanks. Brad B0282

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Brad Babbitt Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 1:33 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Donald Allison <>; Babbi-, Bradford <> Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er I can make myself available 8:45-9:30 on Monday. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image002.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 1:26 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Donald Allison <>, Bradford Babbi- <> Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er I can do Monday morning before 9:30. I’m booked 9:30 on. R Sent from my iPhone On Jul 30, 2021, at 12:53 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: I could do a zoom call first thing on Monday morning. Ian


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The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg> Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Donald Allison <> Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 12:46 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Bradford Babbi- <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er Hi Robin, I am not available this a_ernoon but can respond first thing Monday morning. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachuse-s 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 12:34 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Dear Don and Brad, Ian and I will be meefng with Amjad (Respondent) on September 9 to discuss the terms of an Accord. The Reference Panel (RP) referred this ma-er to the bishop for possible agreement. If there is no agreement by the RP’s next meefng on September 14, they plan to refer the ma-er to a Hearing Panel. Once referred to the Hearing Panel the ma-er becomes much more public, which is why we are giving an opportunity to enter an Accord before Hearing Panel involvement. The general terms Ian will offer are: B0284

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1. Respondent resigns as rector 2. Respondent is offered resources (at ECCT expense) to learn new leadership styles. Our plan is to present these terms orally when we meet on September 9. Respondent’s counsel, Michael Rehill, just wrote to request the following:

please advise the Bishop that we would like to have copies of both the Inves6gator's report and the dra: proposed Accord in advance of the mee6ng on September 9, so that I can have 6me to review and discuss them with Amjad. Hopefully, we can then have a produc6ve mee6ng, and perhaps bring this maDer to a close.

Our concerns are: 1. The invesfgafon report belongs to the Reference Panel, it is not for the bishop to distribute to anyone. (Please let me know if I am mistaken on this point.) 2. The invesfgafon report concludes that there is evidence that Respondent has retaliated against anyone who opposed him, especially a_er they a-empted to report his behavior. Over 21 people were interviewed and many are named in the report. (Don, as I recall the version of the report we have is not your final version. We would need the final version if we are going to provide it.) If we were to provide Respondent with this report: a. I think it best to issue a wri-en pastoral direcfon prohibifng Respondent from any contact with anyone named, or sharing the content of the report with anyone other than counsel, his Advisor, spiritual director, etc., and b. would we need to reach out to all those named in the report to let them know the report is being shared and ask them to reach out to ECCT if Respondent approaches them about this ma-er? 3. Our pracfce has been to have oral conversafon with Respondent regarding the possible terms of an Accord before reducing them to wrifng. Do you suggest we write out our proposed terms and provide them before the Sept. 9 meefng?


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I do think we could provide a dra_ of an Accord before the meefng. This wouldn’t happen unfl the first week of September as Ian begins vacafon on Sunday (unless we get this done in the next 24 hours.) I do not thing we should provide the invesfgafon report to the Respondent or anyone else unfl the process proceeds and we are directed to by the canons. I would like to respond to counsel’s request within the next day or so. (I start vacafon next Thursday and will have very limited cell access if any for 3 weeks.) At your earliest convenience, please advise me and Ian how best to proceed. Thanks for considering this ma-er with us. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connecfcut 290 Pra- Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

This transmi-al may be a confidenfal R+C a-orney-client communicafon or may otherwise be privileged or confidenfal. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby noffied that you have received this transmi-al in error; any review, disseminafon, distribufon, or copying of this transmi-al is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communicafon in error, please noffy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its a-achments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:33:55 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: FW: Update on Title IV ma3er Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 7:56:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas, Bradford Babbi3, Donald Allison CC: Kayla Tubolino

FYII plan to reply to this message aQer our call Monday morning. I think the canons anTcpate one Advisor per Respondent. Please let me know Monday morning if you read the canons otherwise. DraQ reply: Dear Amjad+, Thank you for le5ng me know that you have designated Dr. Pamela Lutz to serve as your Advisor. I will send all future correspondence to you, your counsel and Dr. Lutz. As you know, pursuant to Canon IV.19.10(f) the reasonable costs and expenses affiliated with having Dr. Lutz serve as your Advisor are to be borne by you, not ECCT, unless otherwise provided in an Accord or Order. I will noOfy Rev. Albright that his services are no longer required in this maRer. UnTl MondayPeace, Robin

From: <> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 5:07 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; 'Fr. Taylor Albright' <> Cc: 'Michael Rehill' <>; Subject: RE: Update on Title IV ma3er Thank you Robin for your email. The Rev. Taylor Albright has been very helpful through this process. Please be advised that in accordance with Canon IV.19.10(d), I would like to designate Dr. Pamela L. Lutz, President of CanonLawyer, Inc., to act as my Advisor in the pending Title IV acTon against me. Please copy her on all future correspondence relaTng to this ma3er. Her mailing address is 1 Route 94, Suite A, Vernon, New Jersey 07462. Her email address is Faithfully, Amjad+

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 9:44 PM To: Cc: Michael Rehill <> Subject: Update on Title IV ma3er B0287

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Dear Amjad, Thank you for cooperaTng with the invesTgaTon in this ma3er. When the Reference Panel last met they reviewed the invesTgaTon report and voted to refer this ma3er to the Bishop for possible agreement regarding terms of discipline. This requires an in person meeTng with Bishop Ian. I will also be present. To accommodate the need for your counsel to travel from out of state, I have secured two dates on Ian’s calendar for you and counsel to choose from. I ask that you let me know by next Wednesday, August 4, which of the two dates works best for both of you. The possible meeTng dates are: Thursday, September 2, at 5:00 pm Thursday, September 9, at 3:00 pm The meeTng will take place at the Commons of the Episcopal Church in ConnecTcut, 290 Pra3 Street, Meriden, CT. Regardless of the date of the meeTng, Ian will need a response to his offer to enter an Accord (agreement) by noon on Tuesday, September 14, when the Reference Panel next meets. It is my understanding that the Reference Panel will consider referring the ma3er to another canonical opTon if an Accord has not been reached. You have knowledgeable counsel to guide you through this process. In addiTon, The Rev. Taylor Albright was offered as an Advisor to assist you in this process. I don’t know if you have conTnued to use the services of Rev. Albright. You can use his services in addiTon to having legal counsel. If you and your counsel have any quesTons or concerns, I am available unTl next Wednesday, aQer which I will be on vacaTon unTl August 26. I look forward to hearing from you by next Wednesday as to the meeTng date that works best for you and your counsel. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in ConnecTcut 290 Pra3 Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:34:39 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Title IV Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 8:04:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Donald Allison CC: Bradford Babbi., Ian T. Douglas

Thanks for the canonical analysis Don. I agree 100%--the invesPgaPon report cannot be shared. Have a wonderful weekend. Peace, Robin From: Donald Allison <> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 1:27 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Bradford Babbi. <>; Ian T. Douglas <> Subject: Re: Title IV

Hi Robin, A matter that I thought would go all afternoon has hit a snag. The meeting was suspended until Monday afternoon so I have a few minutes to respond. The Respondent is not entitled to the Investigative Report. As I read the Canons, the Respondent is never entitled to the Report. The Canons (Canon IV.11.5), provide that investigations are confidential "until such time as information obtained may be utilized by the Church Attorney, the Bishop Diocesan or the Panels". Even when the matter is referred to a Hearing Panel the Respondent is not entitled to the Report. What Respondent receives is a Statement of Offenses prepared by me which Respondent receives from the Hearing Panel. (Canon IV. 13. 2). Subsequently and prior to the actual hearing, the Respondent is entitled to receive "documents". The definition of "documents" is set forth in Canon IV. 13.3(a). It is not even clear to me that the Report is a document covered by that Canon. I understand "documents" to mean admissible evidence. Nevertheless, even if I am wrong, the Hearing Panel can order that the document be redacted to protect "any Injured Person or allegedly Injured Person" I am prepared to discuss the matter on Monday morning. While I understand that providing Rev. Samuel and his counsel with material will perhaps aid in reaching a resolution of the matter, I am strongly of the opinion that such material be carefully redacted to protect the identity of the individuals interviewed. I am also of the opinion that the Pastoral Direction you suggested must accompany whatever material is provided. It is clear to me from the investigation that Rev. Samuel is in communication with his supporters and indeed spoke with most of them after I had interviewed them. Some even contacted me after the fact to "clarify" their earlier statements. I will be curious to learn Brad's take on these issues. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 B0289

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(413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 12:34 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Don and Brad, Ian and I will be meeting with Amjad (Respondent) on September 9 to discuss the terms of an Accord. The Reference Panel (RP) referred this matter to the bishop for possible agreement. If there is no agreement by the RP’s next meeting on September 14, they plan to refer the matter to a Hearing Panel. Once referred to the Hearing Panel the matter becomes much more public, which is why we are giving an opportunity to enter an Accord before Hearing Panel involvement. The general terms Ian will offer are: 1. Respondent resigns as rector 2. Respondent is offered resources (at ECCT expense) to learn new leadership styles. Our plan is to present these terms orally when we meet on September 9. Respondent’s counsel, Michael Rehill, just wrote to request the following: please advise the Bishop that we would like to have copies of both the Investigator's report and the draft proposed Accord in advance of the meeting on September 9, so that I can have time to review and discuss them with Amjad. Hopefully, we can then have a productive meeting, and perhaps bring this matter to a close. Our concerns are: 1. The investigation report belongs to the Reference Panel, it is not for the bishop to distribute to anyone. (Please let me know if I am mistaken on this point.) 2. The investigation report concludes that there is evidence that Respondent has retaliated against anyone who opposed him, especially after they attempted to report his behavior. Over 21 people were interviewed and many are named in the report. (Don, as I recall the version of the report we have is not your final version. We would need the final version if we are going to provide it.) If we were to provide Respondent with this report: a. I think it best to issue a written pastoral direction prohibiting Respondent from any contact with anyone named, or sharing the content of the report with anyone other than counsel, his Advisor, spiritual director, etc., and b. would we need to reach out to all those named in the report to let them know the report is being shared and ask them to reach out to ECCT if Respondent approaches them about this matter? 3. Our practice has been to have oral conversation with Respondent regarding the possible terms of an Accord before reducing them to writing. Do you suggest we write out our proposed terms and B0290

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provide them before the Sept. 9 meeting? I do think we could provide a draft of an Accord before the meeting. This wouldn’t happen until the first week of September as Ian begins vacation on Sunday (unless we get this done in the next 24 hours.) I do not thing we should provide the investigation report to the Respondent or anyone else until the process proceeds and we are directed to by the canons. I would like to respond to counsel’s request within the next day or so. (I start vacation next Thursday and will have very limited cell access if any for 3 weeks.) At your earliest convenience, please advise me and Ian how best to proceed. Thanks for considering this matter with us. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connecticut 290 Pratt Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:35:58 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Amjad's proposed accord Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 8:07:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas AFachments: image003.jpg, image004.jpg

I’m glad we are on for Monday morning. I tried to reach Drew and Clarence before your vacaRon begins, but that hasn’t worked out—b/c too much other stuff and Clarence took while to call back. I’ll reach out to him on Sunday aXernoon. I’ll send Drew an email Monday. Our aZorney wants to meet with all of us the week of August 30 to prepare. Not sure how that will look with new covid restricRons. r From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 12:44 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Alison Hollo <> Subject: Re: Amjad's proposed accord Dear Robin: I can so relate to this being like getting ready for vacation on steroids. With all the job changes and new additions, including landing the candidates, negotiating packages, editing job descriptions/LOA’s, and assisting with the messaging and press releases, I am over the top. Add to that working on the 2022 budget with Rosanna, and doing annual evaluations before I go on vacation, I am swamped. I agree with you that the Investigators Report belongs to the Reference Panel and is not mine to give out. I am hoping to take some time off tonight, save for late night emails, but could connect this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 B0292

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c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 11:58 AM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Alison Hollo <> Subject: RE: Amjad's proposed accord IanI’ve been on other calls and just saw the message. I am going to reach out to Brad and Don. I think the invesRgator’s report belongs to the Reference Panel and is not yours to give to anyone. And, if that were provided, I would recommend that a wriZen pastoral direcRon be issued to prevent Respondent from contacRng anyone named in the report or sharing the contents of the report, in any way, with others. I’ll get the email out to Brad and Don now. I have some appointments this aXernoon and then will be available this evening. I anRcpate working most night unRl I leave for Maine on Thursday morning. MaZers that I don’t get done now, will be leX for those stepping into roles to cover parts of my porbolio that I am no longer responsible for as of September 1. This is like gecng ready for vacaRon on steroids!! Peace, Robin From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 11:46 AM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Alison Hollo <> Subject: Amjad's proposed accord Hi Robin: I do not know what to say to Michael. We usually see the accord as a process of negotiation, although in this case I do not plan to negotiate. So perhaps we can send what we are proposing in advance of the meeting? Since we will both be on vacation soon, and since they have chosen the date of September 9, perhaps we can tackle this as soon as I get back on August 31 and have something to them before the Labor Day weekend. That would give them about a week to consider it before we meet. I’ll copy Alison for her info and my calendar. What do you think? B0293

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Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Michael Rehill <> Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 10:58 AM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Re: Update on Title IV maZer Robin: Thank you for your email. We have conferred with Amjad, and of the dates suggested, the only one as to which we are all available is September 9 at 3:00. Please put that on the Bishop's calendar. In addiRon, please advise the Bishop that we would like to have copies of both the InvesRgator's report and the draX proposed Accord in advance of the meeRng on September 9, so that I can have Rme to review and discuss them with Amjad. Hopefully, we can then have a producRve meeRng, and perhaps bring this maZer to a close. Thank you. Faithfully, Michael On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 9:43 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:


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Dear Amjad, Thank you for cooperaRng with the invesRgaRon in this maZer. When the Reference Panel last met they reviewed the invesRgaRon report and voted to refer this maZer to the Bishop for possible agreement regarding terms of discipline. This requires an in person meeRng with Bishop Ian. I will also be present. To accommodate the need for your counsel to travel from out of state, I have secured two dates on Ian’s calendar for you and counsel to choose from. I ask that you let me know by next Wednesday, August 4, which of the two dates works best for both of you. The possible meeRng dates are: Thursday, September 2, at 5:00 pm Thursday, September 9, at 3:00 pm The meeRng will take place at the Commons of the Episcopal Church in ConnecRcut, 290 PraZ Street, Meriden, CT. Regardless of the date of the meeRng, Ian will need a response to his offer to enter an Accord (agreement) by noon on Tuesday, September 14, when the Reference Panel next meets. It is my understanding that the Reference Panel will consider referring the maZer to another canonical opRon if an Accord has not been reached. You have knowledgeable counsel to guide you through this process. In addiRon, The Rev. Taylor Albright was offered as an Advisor to assist you in this process. I don’t know if you have conRnued to use the services of Rev. Albright. You can use his services in addiRon to having legal counsel. If you and your counsel have any quesRons or concerns, I am available unRl next Wednesday, aXer which I will be on vacaRon unRl August 26. I look forward to hearing from you by next Wednesday as to the meeRng date that works best for you and your counsel. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in ConnecRcut 290 PraZ Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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-MICHAEL F. REHILL, ESQ. CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:24:56 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Amjad's proposed accord Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 11:58:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Alison Hollo AHachments: image002.jpg

IanI’ve been on other calls and just saw the message. I am going to reach out to Brad and Don. I think the invesQgator’s report belongs to the Reference Panel and is not yours to give to anyone. And, if that were provided, I would recommend that a wriTen pastoral direcQon be issued to prevent Respondent from contacQng anyone named in the report or sharing the contents of the report, in any way, with others. I’ll get the email out to Brad and Don now. I have some appointments this aUernoon and then will be available this evening. I anQcpate working most night unQl I leave for Maine on Thursday morning. MaTers that I don’t get done now, will be leU for those stepping into roles to cover parts of my porVolio that I am no longer responsible for as of September 1. This is like geXng ready for vacaQon on steroids!! Peace, Robin From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 11:46 AM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Alison Hollo <> Subject: Amjad's proposed accord Hi Robin: I do not know what to say to Michael. We usually see the accord as a process of negotiation, although in this case I do not plan to negotiate. So perhaps we can send what we are proposing in advance of the meeting? Since we will both be on vacation soon, and since they have chosen the date of September 9, perhaps we can tackle this as soon as I get back on August 31 and have something to them before the Labor Day weekend. That would give them about a week to consider it before we meet. I’ll copy Alison for her info and my calendar. What do you think? Ian


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The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Michael Rehill <> Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 10:58 AM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Re: Update on Title IV maTer Robin: Thank you for your email. We have conferred with Amjad, and of the dates suggested, the only one as to which we are all available is September 9 at 3:00. Please put that on the Bishop's calendar. In addiQon, please advise the Bishop that we would like to have copies of both the InvesQgator's report and the draU proposed Accord in advance of the meeQng on September 9, so that I can have Qme to review and discuss them with Amjad. Hopefully, we can then have a producQve meeQng, and perhaps bring this maTer to a close. Thank you. Faithfully, Michael On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 9:43 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Dear Amjad,


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Dear Amjad, Thank you for cooperaQng with the invesQgaQon in this maTer. When the Reference Panel last met they reviewed the invesQgaQon report and voted to refer this maTer to the Bishop for possible agreement regarding terms of discipline. This requires an in person meeQng with Bishop Ian. I will also be present. To accommodate the need for your counsel to travel from out of state, I have secured two dates on Ian’s calendar for you and counsel to choose from. I ask that you let me know by next Wednesday, August 4, which of the two dates works best for both of you. The possible meeQng dates are: Thursday, September 2, at 5:00 pm Thursday, September 9, at 3:00 pm The meeQng will take place at the Commons of the Episcopal Church in ConnecQcut, 290 PraT Street, Meriden, CT. Regardless of the date of the meeQng, Ian will need a response to his offer to enter an Accord (agreement) by noon on Tuesday, September 14, when the Reference Panel next meets. It is my understanding that the Reference Panel will consider referring the maTer to another canonical opQon if an Accord has not been reached. You have knowledgeable counsel to guide you through this process. In addiQon, The Rev. Taylor Albright was offered as an Advisor to assist you in this process. I don’t know if you have conQnued to use the services of Rev. Albright. You can use his services in addiQon to having legal counsel. If you and your counsel have any quesQons or concerns, I am available unQl next Wednesday, aUer which I will be on vacaQon unQl August 26. I look forward to hearing from you by next Wednesday as to the meeQng date that works best for you and your counsel. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in ConnecQcut 290 PraT Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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-MICHAEL F. REHILL, ESQ. CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:25:24 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Amjad's proposed accord Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 11:59:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Alison Hollo AGachments: image002.jpg

And Ian, I can get back to Amjad and his counsel while you are on vacaOon. r From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 11:46 AM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Alison Hollo <> Subject: Amjad's proposed accord Hi Robin: I do not know what to say to Michael. We usually see the accord as a process of negotiation, although in this case I do not plan to negotiate. So perhaps we can send what we are proposing in advance of the meeting? Since we will both be on vacation soon, and since they have chosen the date of September 9, perhaps we can tackle this as soon as I get back on August 31 and have something to them before the Labor Day weekend. That would give them about a week to consider it before we meet. I’ll copy Alison for her info and my calendar. What do you think? Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964


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From: Michael Rehill <> Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 10:58 AM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Re: Update on Title IV maXer Robin: Thank you for your email. We have conferred with Amjad, and of the dates suggested, the only one as to which we are all available is September 9 at 3:00. Please put that on the Bishop's calendar. In addiOon, please advise the Bishop that we would like to have copies of both the InvesOgator's report and the dra^ proposed Accord in advance of the meeOng on September 9, so that I can have Ome to review and discuss them with Amjad. Hopefully, we can then have a producOve meeOng, and perhaps bring this maXer to a close. Thank you. Faithfully, Michael On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 9:43 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Dear Amjad, Thank you for cooperaOng with the invesOgaOon in this maXer. When the Reference Panel last met they reviewed the invesOgaOon report and voted to refer this maXer to the Bishop for possible agreement regarding terms of discipline. This requires an in person meeOng with Bishop Ian. I will also be present. To accommodate the need for your counsel to travel from out of state, I have secured two dates on Ian’s calendar for you and counsel to choose from. I ask that you let me know by next Wednesday, August 4, which of the two dates works best for both of you. The possible meeOng dates are: Thursday, September 2, at 5:00 pm Thursday, September 9, at 3:00 pm The meeOng will take place at the Commons of the Episcopal Church in ConnecOcut, 290 PraX


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The meeOng will take place at the Commons of the Episcopal Church in ConnecOcut, 290 PraX Street, Meriden, CT. Regardless of the date of the meeOng, Ian will need a response to his offer to enter an Accord (agreement) by noon on Tuesday, September 14, when the Reference Panel next meets. It is my understanding that the Reference Panel will consider referring the maXer to another canonical opOon if an Accord has not been reached. You have knowledgeable counsel to guide you through this process. In addiOon, The Rev. Taylor Albright was offered as an Advisor to assist you in this process. I don’t know if you have conOnued to use the services of Rev. Albright. You can use his services in addiOon to having legal counsel. If you and your counsel have any quesOons or concerns, I am available unOl next Wednesday, a^er which I will be on vacaOon unOl August 26. I look forward to hearing from you by next Wednesday as to the meeOng date that works best for you and your counsel. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in ConnecOcut 290 PraX Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

-MICHAEL F. REHILL, ESQ. CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:21:57 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Update on Title IV ma2er Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 10:58:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Michael Rehill To: Robin Hammeal-Urban, Robin: Thank you for your email. We have conferred with Amjad, and of the dates suggested, the only one as to which we are all available is September 9 at 3:00. Please put that on the Bishop's calendar. In addiXon, please advise the Bishop that we would like to have copies of both the InvesXgator's report and the draY proposed Accord in advance of the meeXng on September 9, so that I can have Xme to review and discuss them with Amjad. Hopefully, we can then have a producXve meeXng, and perhaps bring this ma2er to a close. Thank you. Faithfully, Michael On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 9:43 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Dear Amjad, Thank you for cooperaXng with the invesXgaXon in this ma2er. When the Reference Panel last met they reviewed the invesXgaXon report and voted to refer this ma2er to the Bishop for possible agreement regarding terms of discipline.

This requires an in person meeXng with Bishop Ian. I will also be present. To accommodate the need for your counsel to travel from out of state, I have secured two dates on Ian’s calendar for you and counsel to choose from. I ask that you let me know by next Wednesday, August 4, which of the two dates works best for both of you.

The possible meeXng dates are: Thursday, September 2, at 5:00 pm Thursday, September 9, at 3:00 pm

The meeXng will take place at the Commons of the Episcopal Church in ConnecXcut, 290 Pra2 Street, Meriden, CT.


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Regardless of the date of the meeXng, Ian will need a response to his offer to enter an Accord (agreement) by noon on Tuesday, September 14, when the Reference Panel next meets. It is my understanding that the Reference Panel will consider referring the ma2er to another canonical opXon if an Accord has not been reached.

You have knowledgeable counsel to guide you through this process. In addiXon, The Rev. Taylor Albright was offered as an Advisor to assist you in this process. I don’t know if you have conXnued to use the services of Rev. Albright. You can use his services in addiXon to having legal counsel.

If you and your counsel have any quesXons or concerns, I am available unXl next Wednesday, aYer which I will be on vacaXon unXl August 26.

I look forward to hearing from you by next Wednesday as to the meeXng date that works best for you and your counsel.

Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in ConnecXcut 290 Pra2 Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:41:02 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Update on Title IV ma3er Date: Sunday, August 1, 2021 at 7:47:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Babbi3, Bradford To: Robin Hammeal-Urban, Ian T. Douglas, Donald Allison CC: Kayla Tubolino

Hi Robin, I think the Canon you cite is clear and that it allocates the expense of advisors as you have laid out: the Diocese pays for Advisors provided by the Bishop Diocesan; the Complainant/Respondent pays for Advisors chosen by that person. I think the Complainant/Respondent could make use of both an Advisor provided by the Bishop and an Advisor personally selected, were that desired for some reason. But the Diocese only pays for the one provided. Thanks. Brad Brad Babbitt Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 7:57 PM To: Ian T. Douglas <>; Babbi3, Bradford <>; Donald Allison <> Cc: Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: FW: Update on Title IV ma3er

FYII plan to reply to this message a[er our call Monday morning. I think the canons an\cpate one Advisor per Respondent. Please let me know Monday morning if you read the canons otherwise. Dra[ reply: Dear Amjad+, Thank you for le5ng me know that you have designated Dr. Pamela Lutz to serve as your Advisor. I will send all future correspondence to you, your counsel and Dr. Lutz. As you know, pursuant to Canon IV.19.10(f) the reasonable costs and expenses affiliated with having Dr. Lutz serve as your Advisor are to be borne by you, not ECCT, unless otherwise provided in an Accord or Order. I will noOfy Rev. Albright that his services are no longer required in this maRer. Un\l MondayPeace, Robin B0307

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From: <> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 5:07 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Kayla Tubolino <>; 'Fr. Taylor Albright' <> Cc: 'Michael Rehill' <>; Subject: RE: Update on Title IV ma3er Thank you Robin for your email. The Rev. Taylor Albright has been very helpful through this process. Please be advised that in accordance with Canon IV.19.10(d), I would like to designate Dr. Pamela L. Lutz, President of CanonLawyer, Inc., to act as my Advisor in the pending Title IV ac\on against me. Please copy her on all future correspondence rela\ng to this ma3er. Her mailing address is 1 Route 94, Suite A, Vernon, New Jersey 07462. Her email address is Faithfully, Amjad+

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 9:44 PM To: Cc: Michael Rehill <> Subject: Update on Title IV ma3er

Dear Amjad, Thank you for coopera\ng with the inves\ga\on in this ma3er. When the Reference Panel last met they reviewed the inves\ga\on report and voted to refer this ma3er to the Bishop for possible agreement regarding terms of discipline. This requires an in person mee\ng with Bishop Ian. I will also be present. To accommodate the need for your counsel to travel from out of state, I have secured two dates on Ian’s calendar for you and counsel to choose from. I ask that you let me know by next Wednesday, August 4, which of the two dates works best for both of you. The possible mee\ng dates are: Thursday, September 2, at 5:00 pm Thursday, September 9, at 3:00 pm The mee\ng will take place at the Commons of the Episcopal Church in Connec\cut, 290 Pra3 Street, Meriden, CT. Regardless of the date of the mee\ng, Ian will need a response to his offer to enter an Accord (agreement) by noon on Tuesday, September 14, when the Reference Panel next meets. It is my understanding that the Reference Panel will consider referring the ma3er to another canonical op\on if an Accord has not been reached. You have knowledgeable counsel to guide you through this process. In addi\on, The Rev. Taylor Albright was offered as an Advisor to assist you in this process. I don’t know if you have con\nued to B0308

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use the services of Rev. Albright. You can use his services in addi\on to having legal counsel. If you and your counsel have any ques\ons or concerns, I am available un\l next Wednesday, a[er which I will be on vaca\on un\l August 26. I look forward to hearing from you by next Wednesday as to the mee\ng date that works best for you and your counsel. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connec\cut 290 Pra3 Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

This transmi3al may be a confiden\al R+C a3orney-client communica\on or may otherwise be privileged or confiden\al. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby no\fied that you have received this transmi3al in error; any review, dissemina\on, distribu\on, or copying of this transmi3al is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communica\on in error, please no\fy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its a3achments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:42:35 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: ECCT Clergy Facebook comment Date: Sunday, August 1, 2021 at 7:48:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: BabbiG, Bradford To: Ian T. Douglas, Robin Hammeal-Urban CC: Donald Allison AGachments: image002.jpg

Yes, I agree. This doesn’t suggest that a solution will be easy. Brad From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 3:08 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: BabbiG, Bradford <>; Donald Allison <> Subject: ECCT Clergy Facebook comment Dear Robin, Brad and Don: Thought you would like to see this. It speaks volumes. In response to the following post on the ECCT Clergy Facebook Group: "Self-deception is contagious. Many congregations are a conspiracy of niceness, a community that lives under a covenant that says, 'I promise never to tell you the truth about you if you will do the same for me.'" Stanley Hauerwas in 7/27/21.”

Amjad responded today: Amjad Samuel In my experience congregaWons go to great lengths to hide the truth by telling more and more lies. There is great comfort in living with lies. That is why, I believe, a ministry that follows Jesus’ model of truth telling, encouraging people to name it through the process of repentance receives pushback. And that is also why I believe that Jesus had to reassure his followers that when you are persecuted for this truth telling know that you are blessed for that is what the world has done to prophets who named it truthfully. InteresWngly healing only comes when we deal with the truth which sets us free; and yet, the wisdom of the world and the structure of our churches encourage everyone to live in their lies for the sake of peace. Jesus said I did not come to bring peace! How I wish we could hear Jesus. Churches would become volaWle places, and bursWng with energy and healing if only we could follow Jesus!! But we seek our own security more than the healing of those we serve. Great thought provoking arWcle, thank you for sharing!

This is not going to be easy. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons B0310

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290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

This transmiGal may be a confidenWal R+C aGorney-client communicaWon or may otherwise be privileged or confidenWal. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby noWfied that you have received this transmiGal in error; any review, disseminaWon, distribuWon, or copying of this transmiGal is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communicaWon in error, please noWfy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its aGachments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:43:34 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Update on Title IV ma3er Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 2:57:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Michael Rehill, Ian T. Douglas

Dear Michael: Thank you for your reply. I have confirmed the date of September 9 at 3:00 on Bishop Ian’s calendar. While I appreciate your desire to have the InvesTgaTve Report, Bishop Ian will not be providing the Respondent with that Report. According to the Canons, the Respondent is not enTtled to the Report. The Canons (Canon IV.11.5), provide that invesTgaTons are confidenTal "unTl such Tme as informaTon obtained may be uTlized by the Church A3orney, the Bishop Diocesan or the Panels". I appreciate your desire to have this report, and assure you that Bishop Ian and I can set the context for the proposed terms of an Accord when we meet. Currently, Bishop Ian is on vacaTon. I am leaving for vacaTon on Thursday and will return on August 26. Upon our return from vacaTon, I will send you a summary of the terms Bishop Ian is proposing so that you and Amjad can begin to consider the terms. When we meet on September 9 we can further discuss those terms. You will note that I am not sending this message to Amjad and his Advisors as you did not include them in your message. Please let me know if I should send this message to them. You may forward the message to those idenTfied people. Peace, Robin From: Michael Rehill <> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 10:58 AM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Ian T. Douglas <> Subject: Re: Update on Title IV ma3er

Robin: Thank you for your email. We have conferred with Amjad, and of the dates suggested, the only one as to which we are all available is September 9 at 3:00. Please put that on the Bishop's calendar. In addition, please advise the Bishop that we would like to have copies of both the Investigator's report and the draft proposed Accord in advance of the meeting on September 9, so that I can have time to review and discuss them with Amjad. Hopefully, we can then have a productive meeting, and perhaps bring this matter to a close. Thank you. B0312

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Faithfully, Michael On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 9:43 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Amjad, Thank you for cooperating with the investigation in this matter. When the Reference Panel last met they reviewed the investigation report and voted to refer this matter to the Bishop for possible agreement regarding terms of discipline. This requires an in person meeting with Bishop Ian. I will also be present. To accommodate the need for your counsel to travel from out of state, I have secured two dates on Ian’s calendar for you and counsel to choose from. I ask that you let me know by next Wednesday, August 4, which of the two dates works best for both of you. The possible meeting dates are: Thursday, September 2, at 5:00 pm Thursday, September 9, at 3:00 pm The meeting will take place at the Commons of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, 290 Pratt Street, Meriden, CT. Regardless of the date of the meeting, Ian will need a response to his offer to enter an Accord (agreement) by noon on Tuesday, September 14, when the Reference Panel next meets. It is my understanding that the Reference Panel will consider referring the matter to another canonical option if an Accord has not been reached. You have knowledgeable counsel to guide you through this process. In addition, The Rev. Taylor Albright was offered as an Advisor to assist you in this process. I don’t know if you have continued to use the services of Rev. Albright. You can use his services in addition to having legal counsel. If you and your counsel have any questions or concerns, I am available until next Wednesday, after which I will be on vacation until August 26. I look forward to hearing from you by next Wednesday as to the meeting date that works best for you and your counsel. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connecticut 290 Pratt Street Meriden, CT 06450 B0313

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Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

-MICHAEL F. REHILL, ESQ. CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:45:16 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: FW: Vestry Agenda Items Process II Date: Monday, August 16, 2021 at 1:30:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Kayla Tubolino To: Ian T. Douglas Just an FYI for when you meet with Amjad in the fall. -K From: Cindy Savage <> Sent: Friday, August 13, 2021 10:38 AM To: Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Fwd: Vestry Agenda Items Process II Dear Ms. Tubolino, I am forwarding this email to you so that you can see that the situaQon at St.Paul's is geSng worse. Nothing is allowed to be brought up at Vestry meeQngs unless Amjad allows it. Requests to add an item to the agenda must go only to Amjad. He is prevenQng us from having discussions regarding the direcQon of the church. Other members of the vestry have made comments to me that I am hosQle because I am trying to bring the concerns of the parishioners forward for discussion at vestry meeQngs. I also forwarded this to Robin. Thank you for your conQnued support. Blessings, Cindy Savage ---------- Forwarded message --------From: ScoE Colvin in Vestry at St. Paul's Episcopal Church <> Date: Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 9:40 AM Subject: Vestry Agenda Items Process II To: Cindy Savage <>

Vestry from Scott Colvin on August 13, 2021 at 9:40 am Sender has set replies to entire group

Vestry Agenda Items Process II Hi Cindy, I am sending this again with a better link to the “Vestry Expectations” document. Cindy….since your post regarding changing the Vestry meeting start time to 7PM did not allow for a direct response, I am responding in this thread. This also applies to your June posting. B0315

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As Vestry Clerk and consistent with past practice, my request for Vestry agenda items asked that proposals be made directly to the Rector, who as meeting chair, is responsible for establishing the final agenda document. To circumvent this process is, first and foremost, most disrespectful to Fr. Amjad and his devoted service to God and St. Paul’s. It is also an insult to other Vestry members who faithfully adhere to this protocol. All Vestry members are equal in our roles as we are guided by God in service to Him. I recommend we all reread the document in the “Vestry Expectations” folder on the church website and reflect on it as we carry out our responsibilities in the future. The folder is public record on “Vestry Expectations” is in the "Vestry Minutes Archive" link on this page, Prior to joining Vestry in May, I often referenced the minutes (from 2016 on) to keep up to date (financials are also available in another link close by). What a great resource! It's also where I discovered the Vestry Expectations document. Sign in to view this message in Realm or reply to Vestry (13 Participants)

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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:47:47 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Ques(on to consider... Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 10:00:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Donald Allison, BabbiI, Bradford AGachments: image001.jpg Hi IanI don’t have access to all of my files right now. I don’t think we can change the people who were appointed to the Hearing Panel by the president of the DB when the case was ini(ally referred to the Reference Panel. I do think we an(cipated this dynamic and took it into account when those appointments were made. I’ll check with Kayla on this. I have very limited connec(vity un(l the end of next week. Peace, Robin Sent from my iPhone On Aug 17, 2021, at 2:04 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

Thanks for sending this along, Don: This is very disturbing. Matters of race, and the reality of racism, is always something to pay attention to when racial differences exist. And the fact that Amjad is using accusations of white supremacy to defend his bullying tactics is going to make this Title IV proceeding even more difficult. Robin, can you tell me who is on the Hearing Panel for this case? I do think it will be important for the Hearing Panel to include a person, or persons, of color. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 B0317

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From: Donald Allison <> Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 12:19 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, Bradford BabbiI <> Subject: Fwd: Ques(on to consider... Hi All, Thought you all might find this recent email from Rev. Samuel to the Vestry interes(ng! Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, MassachuseIs 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

---------- Forwarded message --------From: Amjad Samuel in Vestry at St. Paul's Episcopal Church <no(fica(> Date: Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 12:05 PM Subject: Ques(on to consider... To: James Allison <>

Vestry from Amjad Samuel on August 17, 2021 at 12:05 pm Sender has set replies to entire group

Question to consider... Hi James, Dear St. Paul's Vestry, On the Agenda for today are two items that will be discussed: 1. Ron and Laurie Marcho’s request to return their contribution to the

Joining Jesus Capital Campaign 2. Ron Kelly’s email. It is the Vestry’s prerogative to take actions, as it sees fit, to the content of both of these items. My reason for writing this note is that I am constantly B0318

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being accused of doing things that I have not done. Stories are fabricated and when facts are presented that prove the inauthenticity of these stories, the people claiming and spreading these falsehoods do not accept and take responsibility for their actions. For instance, a claim has been made repeatedly that Vestry members’ emails are blocked. Stories are fabricated to advance this claim. I am requesting the Vestry to fully investigate the authenticity of this claim. Similarly, a claim is being made by the Marchos that the Joining Jesus Campaign was presented in one way and is now being executed in another, and therefore it is deceitful. You all will be presented with a video recording which clearly states how the Joining Jesus Capital Campaign was planned and how its execution was clearly communicated. Here is my concern: A handful of people seem to have made it their life mission to accuse this Rector of wrong doing by making up falsehoods. They are doing this within the reality of a Rector who is a person of color. It is well understood that one of the ways white supremacy works is that the words of a white person are given more credibility than the words of a person of color. This is the reason why so many people of color find themselves incarcerated for the crimes they never committed. My concern is that this behavior of unfounded accusations is stemming from a place of white supremacy that knows full well that these accusations are defaming and may in fact adversely affect my well being. In fact, I believe, that is exactly the intention of these false accusations. Question is: will the Vestry be complicit to such a white supremacist behavior by ignoring this pattern of behavior, OR, will it take notice and ensure that St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Shelton does not live into the ways of a white supremacist culture that wrongfully harms people of color? I look forward to your entertaining this question. Gratefully, Amjad+ Sign in to view this message in Realm or reply to Vestry (13 Participants)

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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:49:21 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Message to Title IV Respondent Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 7:59:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas, Bradford BabbiK, Donald Allison AEachments: Samuel email 9.1.2021.docx

Ian, Brad and Don (who I think is on vacaSon unSl 9/9), AKached is a draV of the message I plan to send to Amjad, his counsel, and the Advisor of his choosing. I aKempted to use the most general terms so as not to lock us in to any parScular terms. I considered requesSng each person to be in a separate zoom window (not use an OWL) as when Amjad used the OWL during the vestry meeSng I was unable to see him or who else was in the room with him. As always, I am open to any and all suggesSons. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in ConnecScut 290 PraK Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:51:07 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Message to Title IV Respondent Date: Thursday, September 2, 2021 at 10:06:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: BabbiE, Bradford To: Robin Hammeal-Urban, Ian T. Douglas CC: Donald Allison AGachments: image002.jpg

Hi Robin – Thank you for your comments. They make sense to me. Brad Brad Babbitt General Counsel

Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Sent: Thursday, September 2, 2021 10:02 AM To: BabbiE, Bradford <>; Ian T. Douglas <> Cc: Donald Allison <> Subject: RE: Message to Title IV Respondent

Ian & Brad, Thanks so much for your comments. Here is the revised message taking into account your comments. I tried to use general language so that if Don decides he wants to present evidence on any of the other two issues, he can. I don’t want to say something that precludes him from taking an approach we don’t anWcpate right now. Brad, we want to let them know that the Hearing Panel is a real possibility as an incenWve to make an agreement. Ian, I accepted all your suggested edits except the language regarding leadership. For poliWcal reasons, I strongly advise against commenWng on a person of color’s leadership style. We have objecWve behaviors of mistreatment of people or perhaps retaliaWon (if that’s the charge Don goes with.) I think wondering into subjecWve impressions of leadership will get us in trouble. And, Amjad is seen as an effecWve leader in some ECCT wide iniWaWves. This message may well be shared with others beyond the recipients. I want to prevent you and me from being in posiWon of having to defend leadership styles. If this is ok with both of you, I’ll send this laEer today. I’m book from now unWl dinner Wme— Peace, B0321

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Robin From: BabbiE, Bradford <> Sent: Thursday, September 2, 2021 7:35 AM To: Ian T. Douglas <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: RE: Message to Title IV Respondent

Good morning all, I think that’s a good message. A couple of questions: would it be clearer to say, at the end of the first paragraph, that the investigator did not find evidence that supported the other allegations? The resolution of the other allegations isn’t entirely clear at present. Also, do we need/want to say what the Reference Panel has indicated regarding next steps if no Accord is reached? It’s possible, for example, that you will learn something in the discussion with Amjad that might change that decision. Perhaps his response to the allegations might change the decision? I just wonder if it could look like the “fix is in” with respect to this matter if the Reference Panel has already decided what it will do absent an Accord. Thanks for the chance to review the message. I hope that the meeting next week goes as well as can be expected. Brad Brad Babbitt General Counsel

Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 8:09 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; BabbiE, Bradford <>; Donald Allison <> Subject: Re: Message to Title IV Respondent Dear Robin: Thanks for this. I have made a few small editorial suggestions, as attached. I agree that each participant should be in a singular zoom frame and not the use OWL. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan


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Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 7:59 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Bradford BabbiE <>, Donald Allison <> Subject: Message to Title IV Respondent Ian, Brad and Don (who I think is on vacaWon unWl 9/9), AEached is a draf of the message I plan to send to Amjad, his counsel, and the Advisor of his choosing. I aEempted to use the most general terms so as not to lock us in to any parWcular terms. I considered requesWng each person to be in a separate zoom window (not use an OWL) as when Amjad used the OWL during the vestry meeWng I was unable to see him or who else was in the room with him. As always, I am open to any and all suggesWons. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in ConnecWcut 290 PraE Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

This transmiEal may be a confidenWal R+C aEorney-client communicaWon or may otherwise be privileged or confidenWal. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby noWfied that you have received this transmiEal in error; any review, disseminaWon, distribuWon, or copying of this transmiEal is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communicaWon in error, please noWfy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its aEachments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:54:01 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Samuel: Pastoral Direc3on Date: Friday, September 3, 2021 at 10:07:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: BabbiG, Bradford To: Robin Hammeal-Urban, Ian T. Douglas CC: Alison Hollo, Kayla Tubolino

Hi Robin, Looks good to me, except for a couple of repeated words in the first sentence of the last paragraph. Sorry to hear Rev. Samuel’s lawyer is off to an unpleasant start. Brad Brad Babbitt General Counsel

Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Sent: Friday, September 3, 2021 8:23 AM To: BabbiG, Bradford <>; Ian T. Douglas <> Cc: Alison Hollo <>; Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Samuel: Pastoral Direc3on

Ian & Brad, AGached is a draW pastoral direc3on for Amjad. We an3cpate presen3ng this when we meet with him at 3:00 on Thursday. Last night I sent the message reading the proposed terms of the Accord to Amjad, his aGorney, and Advisor of his choice. There was a typo in the address for the Advisor of his choosing. I indicated to Amjad and AGorney that the message did not get through to this third person. His aGorney wrote to me this morning in bold, large font, italicized text, regarding my typo! Made me chuckle and loose a bit of respect. Amjad may well be sharing the Bishop’s proposed terms of the Accord with members of the parish today. If this gets really difficult with respect to his role in the parish while the Title IV maGer is pending, there is always the op3on of Administrate Leave. As always, please feel free to suggest edits. Peace, B0325

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Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connec3cut 290 PraG Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

This transmiGal may be a confiden3al R+C aGorney-client communica3on or may otherwise be privileged or confiden3al. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby no3fied that you have received this transmiGal in error; any review, dissemina3on, distribu3on, or copying of this transmiGal is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communica3on in error, please no3fy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its aGachments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:52:11 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Message to Title IV Respondent Date: Friday, September 3, 2021 at 7:37:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Donald Allison, Ian T. Douglas CC: BabbiJ, Bradford AFachments: image001.jpg, image002.jpg

Hi DonThanks for checking in from the Cotswolds! Was certainly not expected! I was there in college and remember the area fondly. I hope you also got to meet your new grandchild. Safe travels home. Peace, Robin

From: Donald Allison <> Sent: Friday, September 3, 2021 4:15 AM To: Ian T. Douglas <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; BabbiJ, Bradford <> Subject: Re: Message to Title IV Respondent

Hi All, Sorry to have missed this yesterday. I was in the Cotswolds and out of cell service. I knoiw it has probably already gone out but letting you know that the final version looks good to me. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 8:55 PM Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Good with me. Also, good idea on omitting the leadership note. Thanks. Ian


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The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Thursday, September 2, 2021 at 10:01 AM To: Bradford Babbitt <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Donald Allison <> Subject: RE: Message to Title IV Respondent Ian & Brad, Thanks so much for your comments. Here is the revised message taking into account your comments. I tried to use general language so that if Don decides he wants to present evidence on any of the other two issues, he can. I don’t want to say something that precludes him from taking an approach we don’t anticpate right now. Brad, we want to let them know that the Hearing Panel is a real possibility as an incentive to make an agreement. Ian, I accepted all your suggested edits except the language regarding leadership. For political reasons, I strongly advise against commenting on a person of color’s leadership style. We have objective behaviors of mistreatment of people or perhaps retaliation (if that’s the charge Don goes with.) I think wondering into subjective impressions of leadership will get us in trouble. And, Amjad is seen as an effective leader in some ECCT wide initiatives. This message may well be shared with others beyond the recipients. I want to prevent you and me from being in position of having to defend leadership styles. If this is ok with both of you, I’ll send this latter today. I’m book from now until dinner time— Peace, Robin From: Babbitt, Bradford <> Sent: Thursday, September 2, 2021 7:35 AM To: Ian T. Douglas <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: RE: Message to Title IV Respondent B0328

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Subject: RE: Message to Title IV Respondent Good morning all, I think that’s a good message. A couple of questions: would it be clearer to say, at the end of the first paragraph, that the investigator did not find evidence that supported the other allegations? The resolution of the other allegations isn’t entirely clear at present. Also, do we need/want to say what the Reference Panel has indicated regarding next steps if no Accord is reached? It’s possible, for example, that you will learn something in the discussion with Amjad that might change that decision. Perhaps his response to the allegations might change the decision? I just wonder if it could look like the “fix is in” with respect to this matter if the Reference Panel has already decided what it will do absent an Accord. Thanks for the chance to review the message. I hope that the meeting next week goes as well as can be expected. Brad Brad Babbitt General Counsel

Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 8:09 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Babbitt, Bradford <>; Donald Allison <> Subject: Re: Message to Title IV Respondent Dear Robin: Thanks for this. I have made a few small editorial suggestions, as attached. I agree that each participant should be in a singular zoom frame and not the use OWL. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 B0329

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c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 7:59 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Bradford Babbitt <>, Donald Allison <> Subject: Message to Title IV Respondent Ian, Brad and Don (who I think is on vacation until 9/9), Attached is a draft of the message I plan to send to Amjad, his counsel, and the Advisor of his choosing. I attempted to use the most general terms so as not to lock us in to any particular terms. I considered requesting each person to be in a separate zoom window (not use an OWL) as when Amjad used the OWL during the vestry meeting I was unable to see him or who else was in the room with him. As always, I am open to any and all suggestions. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban Canon for Mission Integrity & Training Episcopal Church in Connecticut 290 Pratt Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

This transmittal may be a confidential R+C attorney-client communication or may otherwise be privileged or confidential. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this transmittal in error; any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this transmittal is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its attachments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:53:09 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Samuel: Pastoral Direc1on Date: Friday, September 3, 2021 at 8:22:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: BabbiJ, Bradford, Ian T. Douglas CC: Alison Hollo, Kayla Tubolino AGachments: Samuel- pastoral direc1on.docx

Ian & Brad, AJached is a draQ pastoral direc1on for Amjad. We an1cpate presen1ng this when we meet with him at 3:00 on Thursday. Last night I sent the message reading the proposed terms of the Accord to Amjad, his aJorney, and Advisor of his choice. There was a typo in the address for the Advisor of his choosing. I indicated to Amjad and AJorney that the message did not get through to this third person. His aJorney wrote to me this morning in bold, large font, italicized text, regarding my typo! Made me chuckle and loose a bit of respect. Amjad may well be sharing the Bishop’s proposed terms of the Accord with members of the parish today. If this gets really difficult with respect to his role in the parish while the Title IV maJer is pending, there is always the op1on of Administrate Leave. As always, please feel free to suggest edits. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connec1cut 290 PraJ Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:54:38 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel Date: Friday, September 3, 2021 at 11:37:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Michael Rehill To: CC: Robin Hammeal-Urban, Pamela Lutz AGachments: Bishop Douglas 9-3-2021.pdf Dear Bishop Douglas: Please see leQer aQached. Faithfully, Michael -MICHAEL F. REHILL, J.D., D.D. CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:58:39 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel Date: Sunday, September 5, 2021 at 10:48:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: BabbiL, Bradford, Ian T. Douglas CC: Donald Allison AHachments: Samual email response 9.4.2021.docx

Hi all: FYI- just you have a copy of our correspondence. I will email this to ALorney Rehill this evening. I want this response to be sent within two days of his leLer dated 9/3. Peace, Robin

From: BabbiL, Bradford <> Sent: Sunday, September 5, 2021 5:17 AM To: Ian T. Douglas <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Donald Allison <> Subject: Re: The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel

This all makes good sense to me, Robin. Thank you for suggesting it. Brad Get Outlook for iOS From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Saturday, September 4, 2021 4:20:29 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: BabbiL, Bradford <>; Donald Allison <> Subject: Re: The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel

Thanks Robin: I think this is exactly how we should communicate with Michael Rehill for all the reasons you articulate. And I was trying to be respectful of the many hours you are putting in given your new position and its time limits. I will await your instruction as to when to send the the redirect message to Rehill. Thanks, Ian

The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. B0333

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Bishop Diocesan Episcopal Church in ConnecNcut The Commons 290 PraL Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

On Sep 4, 2021, at 10:14 AM, Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Good morningYesterday we talked about the content of the communica`on in response to ALorney Rehill’s message. I didn’t think about the process of communica`on with him un`l last night. In our normal protocol, Ian rarely communicates directly with a Respondent or Respondent’s counsel. All communica`on regarding pending Title IV maLers are generally handled by Kayla. In complex cases (Jim Kowalski) the communica`on comes from me, rather than Kayla. (Ian does communicate directly with a Respondent when we get to the delicate work of the wording of an Accord.) If Ian responds directly to ALorney Rehill, then Rehill has goLen the `me and aLen`on of the bishop—when ECCT has built in processes to keep the bishop out of these day to day communica`ons. Ian’s response to aLorney Rehill could be, “Thank you for your message. Communica`on from my office about pending Title IV maLers goes through RH-U. You can expect a response from Robin within the next day or two.” Then I send the substan`ve response. I see a number of benefits of doing it this way: There is less in wri`ng from Ian that can be circulated publically and misquoted. (It will be far less fun for them to throw me under the bus!) Rehill does not get to disrupt Ian’s day-to-day life any more than necessary—I spent


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Rehill does not get to disrupt Ian’s day-to-day life any more than necessary—I spent hours with Jim K’s aLorney and reported back. (Of course Ian I will keep you apprised of each step in them maLer as I have in all other maLers) We deny Rehill the ability to circumvent ECCT’s general prac`ces of responding to Title IV communica`ons. When Ian goes on Sabba`cal at the end of October, Laura might not want to be in the posi`on of responding directly to Rehill’s communica`ons. And, if at that `me she defers to ECCT’s normal process with me responding, that could be interpreted to raise a variety of leadership issues. Laura and I have already been called racists by Amjad, publically. In short—I think ECCT would benefit from me being the one who is in the day-to-day fray on this. And, this is just a thought—I will respect the decision of the whole. And, there will be a response from Rehill to our message. IOW- there will ikely be communica`on mul`ple `mes a week! I have an appointment this morning and will send a drap of the content of our reply message by tomorrow morning. Peace, Robin

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, September 3, 2021 2:30 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: BabbiL, Bradford <>; Donald Allison <> Subject: Re: The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel Thanks: Zoom invite for 3:00 pm is below. Thanks Robin for your flexibility. Ian


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Ian Ian T. Douglas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Ian T. Douglas' Zoom Meeting Time: Sep 3, 2021 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 838 9733 9774 One tap mobile +13126266799,,83897339774# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,83897339774# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 838 9733 9774 Find your local number:

The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan


Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964


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From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Friday, September 3, 2021 at 12:56 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Bradford BabbiL <>, Donald Allison <> Subject: Re: The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel I believe don gets back on 9/9. I’ll cancel a commitment and call in at 3:00 if you send a link. My new part `me posi`on dies not seem to be part `me. Let’s talk at 3:00. Sent from my iPhone On Sep 3, 2021, at 12:53 PM, Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Ian, I’m not available this apernoon. I am willing to meet in person in the CT River Room on 9/9. I don’t think we should delay. We can spread out, open windows, and wear masks. I think we should proceed as planned. It is BS that a case needs to go to a conference panel before a hearing panel- at least in my reading of the canons. This could result in an appeal to the Court of Review while the case is s`ll pending. A respondent in diocese of VA has an appeal with the court of review trying to get a pastoral direc`on reviewed ( there is no review of pastoral direc`ons) while the `tle IV maLer is pending. When we meet in person aLorney Rehill can read the intake report just like we’ve done in every other case. Interes`ng that he’s no`ng the change in my status/`tle. Sorry I can’t meet this apernoon. Peace, Robin

Sent from my iPhone On Sep 3, 2021, at 12:44 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:


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Can we do a zoom call at 3:00? I would prefer to have some idea of where we are headed before the weekend starts, even if we do not respond this afternoon to Michael. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg> Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Bradford BabbiL <> Date: Friday, September 3, 2021 at 12:13 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Donald Allison <> Subject: RE: The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel Happy to discuss this afternoon, if that would be useful. I can be available until 4. At the same time, I’m not sure we need to respond today. Thanks. Brad From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, September 3, 2021 11:59 AM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; BabbiL, Bradford <> Cc: Donald Allison <> Subject: FW: The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel Dear Robin, Brad and Don:


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FYI. Brad and Robin, I wonder if we should have a zoom call this afternoon to talk about how best to respond? I am OK pushing the meeting out to another time, and also OK doing it in person at the Commons, fully COVID protected. It would also be fine for me to meet with Amjad et al, after the

14th when Ranjit is on staff as I will want to clue him in given his portfolio. Let’s talk about the other details. Don, when do you return from the UK? I knew this was not going to be easy. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image002.jpg> Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Michael Rehill <> Date: Friday, September 3, 2021 at 11:37 AM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, Pamela Lutz <> Subject: The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel


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Dear Bishop Douglas: Please see leLer aLached. Faithfully, Michael -MICHAEL F. REHILL, J.D., D.D. CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883

This transmiLal may be a confiden`al R+C aLorney-client communica`on or may otherwise be privileged or confiden`al. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby no`fied that you have received this transmiLal in error; any review, dissemina`on, distribu`on, or copying of this transmiLal is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communica`on in error, please no`fy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-2758200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its aLachments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:59:30 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel Date: Sunday, September 5, 2021 at 9:22:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas AFachments: image002.jpg

Just sent the response. I anJcpate more communicaJon before Thursday. I am planning to be (and need to be) off-the-clock next Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I’ll craT my partJme away message before then so they will know to expect somewhat of a delay in reply. And, while I want our responses to be Jmely, I don’t want us/ECCT to jump to meet their demands and Jme table. Tomorrow I begin my prep for Wednesday’s deposiJon. Have all of my interrogatory responses, Trinity Church’s, and two sets from the former suit to review. Peace, R From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Sunday, September 5, 2021 2:57 PM To: Michael Rehill <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Pamela Lutz <> Subject: Re: The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel Dear Attorney Rehill: I am writing in receipt of your correspondence from last Friday regarding the disciplinary actions with the Rev. Amjad Samuel. Per our practice in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, communications regarding pending Title IV matters are handled by Robin Hammeal Urban, our Pastoral Response and Discipline Resource Office. You can expect to hear from Ms. Hammeal-Urban in the not too distant future. Faithfully, Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 B0341

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p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Michael Rehill <> Date: Friday, September 3, 2021 at 11:37 AM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, Pamela Lutz <> Subject: The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel Dear Bishop Douglas: Please see lecer acached. Faithfully, Michael -MICHAEL F. REHILL, J.D., D.D. CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:01:01 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: concern/a+erthought Date: Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 4:34:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas ACachments: image001.jpg Awesome! Sent from my iPhone On Sep 9, 2021, at 4:22 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

I have heard observations from other clergy that Title IV and clergy discipline is white supremacist and I assumed it was Amjad. And you did not mention to me that the clergy who spoke to you said anything about Amjad. So it’s not just from you. I think you are covered. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 4:19 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: concern/a+erthought Now that I have Vme to reflect, I am concerned that your statement that this case has already been made public and not by your office, my reflect badly on the people who spoke with me- unless you heard about this case being made public independently of me. Just an a+erthoughtAnd, I am signing off for Friday – Sunday. I’ll have on my away message. You can always text. B0343

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text. r. Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in ConnecVcut 290 Prac Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:02:21 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Title IV ma+er- a+orney client communica3on Date: Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 6:04:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Babbi+, Bradford, Donald Allison CC: Ian T. Douglas

Hi Brad and Don, This aOernoon Ian and I met with Amjad Samuel, his wife (Molly), Michael Rehill, and Pamela Lutz (the Advisor of his choice who is an a+orney and partner with Michael). The purpose was to discuss proposed terms of an Accord. Ian offered to resolve the pending ma+er if Amjad stepped down as rector and ECCT would make resources available to assist Amjad in learning new ways of interac3ng with people who disagree with him. They will let us know by noon on Tuesday whether the proposed terms are acceptable. We expect they are not. They asked that Ian suggest to the Reference Panel the following: 1. That due process would be be+er served in this ma+er by referring the ma+er to a Conference Panel rather than a Hearing Panel; 2. That the Reference Panel provide them with the inves3gator’s report; 3. That the Reference Panel provide them with the offenses that the Church A+orney will be pursuing 4. That iden3fica3on of the members of the Conference and Hearing Panels be disclosed. (Though they backed off on this when I asked if they were waiving confiden3ally and permi`ng us to reveal the Respondent’s iden3ty to all Panel members as we would let the panel members know who their names were being released to.) They will be looking for conflict of interest among the members of the panels and will claim that proceeding to the Hearing Panel before they can see the inves3gator’s report will have a nega3ve impact on a person of color—it’s racist to force a person of color to agree to an Accord without having the inves3ga3on report first. We delivered a Pastoral Direc3on, direc3ng Amjad to refrain from discussing the ma+er with people in his parish. They pointed out that this did not preclude them for talking to witness who are parish members. When I asked if they had started this work, they backed down. We also told them that Ian and I will be mee3ng with the vestry & parish on September 30 to update them on the Title IV ma+er. There will either be an Accord or the ma+er will be before a Panel. I took a quick look at the canons. It appears to me that if the ma+er is referred to a Conference Panel, that the Panel members receive a copy of the inves3gator’s report—it is not clear to me that this report is shared with all those invited to a+end the Conference Panel. The Reference Panel will be making a decision on this ma+er on Tuesday, September 14 at 2:30. If you have legal wisdom that should be taken into account when making this decision, please share it with me and Ian before Tuesday aOernoon.


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Personally, I was disappointed by this legal team. I was hoping for some new cleaver arguments—it was more annoying than clever (at least for me!) Looking forward to any opinions/advice you may have to offer. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connec3cut 290 Pra+ Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:03:06 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er- a-orney client communica5on Date: Friday, September 10, 2021 at 3:06:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Donald Allison To: Robin Hammeal-Urban CC: Babbi-, Bradford, Ian T. Douglas Hi Robin, Edie and I returned from London late yesterday. Below are my thoughts: 1. I do not understand how or why "due process" is be-er served by referral to a Conference Panel. What were Rehill's arguments to that effect? There are many more "due process" protec5ons at the Hearing Panel stage than at the Conference Panel stage. I agree with Robin. That request is really a delaying tac5c. 2. Canon IV.12.3 is clear that while the Panel receives copies of the Inves5gator's Report(s), the Respondent receives only a no5ce that; "describes the nature and and purpose of the proceeding, shall contain a copy of the wri-en statement prepared by the Church A-orney, shall contain disclose the names of all persons to whom the no5ce is sent, and shall establish a date, 5me and place for the conference". The wri-en statement prepared by the Church A-orney is not the Inves5gator's Report; it is a wri-en statement prepared by the Church A-orney that describes "each alleged Offense separately, with reasonable par5cularity sufficient to apprise Respondent of the acts, omissions or condi5ons which are the subject of the proceedings". 3. If the Reference Panel wants me to prepare the wri-en statement called for in Canon IV. 12.1 I can do so. At this stage I am against providing them the Inves5ga5ve Report. I am happy to discuss this if you would like. I am pre-y much available this coming week. Let me know. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachuse-s 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 6:04 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Hi Brad and Don, This aiernoon Ian and I met with Amjad Samuel, his wife (Molly), Michael Rehill, and Pamela Lutz (the Advisor of his choice who is an a-orney and partner with Michael).

The purpose was to discuss proposed terms of an Accord. Ian offered to resolve the pending ma-er if Amjad stepped down as rector and ECCT would make resources available to assist Amjad in learning new ways of interac5ng with people who disagree with him.

They will let us know by noon on Tuesday whether the proposed terms are acceptable. We expect B0347

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they are not. They asked that Ian suggest to the Reference Panel the following: 1. That due process would be be-er served in this ma-er by referring the ma-er to a Conference Panel rather than a Hearing Panel; 2. That the Reference Panel provide them with the inves5gator’s report; 3. That the Reference Panel provide them with the offenses that the Church A-orney will be pursuing 4. That iden5fica5on of the members of the Conference and Hearing Panels be disclosed. (Though they backed off on this when I asked if they were waiving confiden5ally and permimng us to reveal the Respondent’s iden5ty to all Panel members as we would let the panel members know who their names were being released to.)

They will be looking for conflict of interest among the members of the panels and will claim that proceeding to the Hearing Panel before they can see the inves5gator’s report will have a nega5ve impact on a person of color—it’s racist to force a person of color to agree to an Accord without having the inves5ga5on report first.

We delivered a Pastoral Direc5on, direc5ng Amjad to refrain from discussing the ma-er with people in his parish. They pointed out that this did not preclude them for talking to witness who are parish members. When I asked if they had started this work, they backed down.

We also told them that Ian and I will be mee5ng with the vestry & parish on September 30 to update them on the Title IV ma-er. There will either be an Accord or the ma-er will be before a Panel.

I took a quick look at the canons. It appears to me that if the ma-er is referred to a Conference Panel, that the Panel members receive a copy of the inves5gator’s report—it is not clear to me that this report is shared with all those invited to a-end the Conference Panel.

The Reference Panel will be making a decision on this ma-er on Tuesday, September 14 at 2:30.

If you have legal wisdom that should be taken into account when making this decision, please share it with me and Ian before Tuesday aiernoon.

Personally, I was disappointed by this legal team. I was hoping for some new cleaver arguments—it was more annoying than clever (at least for me!)


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Looking forward to any opinions/advice you may have to offer.

Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer

Episcopal Church in Connec5cut 290 Pra- Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:03:45 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er- a-orney client communica5on Date: Friday, September 10, 2021 at 4:07:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Donald Allison To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Robin Hammeal-Urban, Babbi-, Bradford AGachments: image001.jpg Hi Ian, How exci5ng, another grandchild! I have no problem with a referral to a Conference Panel (although I'm not sure that will alleviate Rahill and Amjad's claims that the proceedings are racially mo5vated if the Conference Panel fails to result in a resolu5on and the ma-er then proceeds to Hearing). If the Reference Panel does decide to refer the ma-er to a Conference Panel I am s5ll opposed to providing Rehill with the Inves5ga5ve Report. I am willing to prepare a wri-en statement called for in Canon IV. 12.1 that is more detailed than I normally would. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachuse-s 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 3:29 PM Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Thanks Don:

Welcome home. I hope your trip to see your new grandchild was a blessed one. My wife just left to be with our son and daughter-in-law who are expecting their second child any day now.

I agree that Rehill might be using the Conference Panel as a delaying tactic, or as a way of discovering more information from the complainants. He kept on saying that he could not mount a defense because he does not know what the charges are nor the alleged facts against Amjad. It is pretty clear to me that if they do not have a Conference Panel then they are prepared to advance the narrative that the Reference Panel was out to get Amjad and that the option of a Conference Panel was denied him. This is all very racialized and it is easy to imagine that soon this process will be compared to a lynch mob, sorry to say.



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The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Donald Allison <> Date: Friday, September 10, 2021 at 3:06 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Bradford Babbi- <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er- a-orney client communica5on

Hi Robin, Edie and I returned from London late yesterday. Below are my thoughts: 1. I do not understand how or why "due process" is be-er served by referral to a Conference Panel. What were Rehill's arguments to that effect? There are many more "due process" protec5ons at the Hearing Panel stage than at the Conference Panel stage. I agree with Robin. That request is really a delaying tac5c. 2. Canon IV.12.3 is clear that while the Panel receives copies of the Inves5gator's Report(s), the Respondent receives only a no5ce that; "describes the nature and and purpose of the proceeding, shall contain a copy of the wri-en statement prepared by the Church A-orney, shall contain disclose the names of all persons to whom the no5ce is sent, and shall establish a date, 5me and place for the conference". The wri-en statement prepared by the Church A-orney is not the Inves5gator's Report; it is a wri-en statement prepared by the Church A-orney that describes "each alleged Offense separately, with reasonable par5cularity sufficient to apprise Respondent of the acts, omissions or condi5ons which are the subject of the proceedings". 3. If the Reference Panel wants me to prepare the wri-en statement called for in Canon IV. 12.1 I can do so. At this stage I am against providing them the Inves5ga5ve Report. I am happy to discuss this if you would like. I am pre-y much available this coming week. Let me know. B0351

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Best, Don

Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachuse-s 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax)

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 6:04 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Hi Brad and Don, This ajernoon Ian and I met with Amjad Samuel, his wife (Molly), Michael Rehill, and Pamela Lutz (the Advisor of his choice who is an a-orney and partner with Michael).

The purpose was to discuss proposed terms of an Accord. Ian offered to resolve the pending ma-er if Amjad stepped down as rector and ECCT would make resources available to assist Amjad in learning new ways of interac5ng with people who disagree with him.

They will let us know by noon on Tuesday whether the proposed terms are acceptable. We expect they are not. They asked that Ian suggest to the Reference Panel the following: 1. That due process would be be-er served in this ma-er by referring the ma-er to a Conference Panel rather than a Hearing Panel; 2. That the Reference Panel provide them with the inves5gator’s report; 3. That the Reference Panel provide them with the offenses that the Church A-orney will be pursuing 4. That iden5fica5on of the members of the Conference and Hearing Panels be disclosed. B0352

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(Though they backed off on this when I asked if they were waiving confiden5ally and perminng us to reveal the Respondent’s iden5ty to all Panel members as we would let the panel members know who their names were being released to.)

They will be looking for conflict of interest among the members of the panels and will claim that proceeding to the Hearing Panel before they can see the inves5gator’s report will have a nega5ve impact on a person of color—it’s racist to force a person of color to agree to an Accord without having the inves5ga5on report first.

We delivered a Pastoral Direc5on, direc5ng Amjad to refrain from discussing the ma-er with people in his parish. They pointed out that this did not preclude them for talking to witness who are parish members. When I asked if they had started this work, they backed down.

We also told them that Ian and I will be mee5ng with the vestry & parish on September 30 to update them on the Title IV ma-er. There will either be an Accord or the ma-er will be before a Panel.

I took a quick look at the canons. It appears to me that if the ma-er is referred to a Conference Panel, that the Panel members receive a copy of the inves5gator’s report—it is not clear to me that this report is shared with all those invited to a-end the Conference Panel.

The Reference Panel will be making a decision on this ma-er on Tuesday, September 14 at 2:30.

If you have legal wisdom that should be taken into account when making this decision, please share it with me and Ian before Tuesday ajernoon.

Personally, I was disappointed by this legal team. I was hoping for some new cleaver arguments— it was more annoying than clever (at least for me!)

Looking forward to any opinions/advice you may have to offer.

Peace, Robin


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Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer

Episcopal Church in Connec5cut 290 Pra- Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:04:21 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Title IV a.orney client communica6on Date: Friday, September 10, 2021 at 5:19:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Babbi., Bradford To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Robin Hammeal-Urban AFachments: image001.jpg

Ian and Robin – I’ve dropped Don off this email, as I’m concerned that the Chancellor/Bishop attorney-client privilege (which would extend to Robin) may not extend to the Church Attorney. The roles of the Bishop and Church Attorney are distinct in Title IV. I may be erring on the side of excess caution, but that seems prudent in this situation. I wonder how often a Reference Panel in ECCT has previously sent a matter to a Hearing Panel without first sending the matter to a Conference Panel. Given that we haven’t had many (any?) Hearings in ECCT under the current Title IV, I doubt there will be many matters that have gone directly to a hearing. If that’s true, that fact will be used to bolster the argument that a priest of color is being treated differently because of his race. I agree that the Conference Panel is likely an attempt to (a) delay, (b) learn information that could be useful in a hearing, and (c) potentially dissuade witnesses from being willing to participate in a hearing. That steep price may be worth paying to avoid a claim that he’s being treated unfairly. I am reminded that criminal defense attorneys sometimes quip that nothing is worse than a court that gives their client all the process they are due. Perhaps it’s better to give him the process he thinks he’s due. With respect to the investigative report, I get the point that Don makes and the reason for not disclosing it. And, if Amjad receives the written statement that will be the basis for a hearing, if there is a hearing, then I don’t think he can get much traction in being denied the investigation report. The concern, of course, is how much time will Don need to prepare the written statement. As Robin can attest, he sometimes needs more time than we’d like. Last thought: if the Reference Panel sends the matter to a Conference Panel, that Panel will be able to assert some control, at least, over the schedule. One would hope that sending it to that stage will not prolong the process unnecessarily. Those are my thoughts. Happy to discuss further at your convenience. Thanks. Brad Brad Babbitt Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Donald Allison <> Sent: Friday, September 10, 2021 4:08 PM To: Ian T. Douglas <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Babbi., Bradford <> Subject: Re: Title IV a.orney client communica6on B0355

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Subject: Re: Title IV a.orney client communica6on Hi Ian, How exci6ng, another grandchild! I have no problem with a referral to a Conference Panel (although I'm not sure that will alleviate Rahill and Amjad's claims that the proceedings are racially mo6vated if the Conference Panel fails to result in a resolu6on and the then proceeds to Hearing). If the Reference Panel does decide to refer the to a Conference Panel I am s6ll opposed to providing Rehill with the Inves6ga6ve Report. I am willing to prepare a wri.en statement called for in Canon IV. 12.1 that is more detailed than I normally would. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachuse.s 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 3:29 PM Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Thanks Don: Welcome home. I hope your trip to see your new grandchild was a blessed one. My wife just left to be with our son and daughter-in-law who are expecting their second child any day now. I agree that Rehill might be using the Conference Panel as a delaying tactic, or as a way of discovering more information from the complainants. He kept on saying that he could not mount a defense because he does not know what the charges are nor the alleged facts against Amjad. It is pretty clear to me that if they do not have a Conference Panel then they are prepared to advance the narrative that the Reference Panel was out to get Amjad and that the option of a Conference Panel was denied him. This is all very racialized and it is easy to imagine that soon this process will be compared to a lynch mob, sorry to say. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 B0356

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From: Donald Allison <> Date: Friday, September 10, 2021 at 3:06 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Bradford Babbi. <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Re: Title IV a.orney client communica6on Hi Robin, Edie and I returned from London late yesterday. Below are my thoughts: 1. I do not understand how or why "due process" is served by referral to a Conference Panel. What were Rehill's arguments to that effect? There are many more "due process" protec6ons at the Hearing Panel stage than at the Conference Panel stage. I agree with Robin. That request is really a delaying tac6c. 2. Canon IV.12.3 is clear that while the Panel receives copies of the Inves6gator's Report(s), the Respondent receives only a no6ce that; "describes the nature and and purpose of the proceeding, shall contain a copy of the wri.en statement prepared by the Church A.orney, shall contain disclose the names of all persons to whom the no6ce is sent, and shall establish a date, 6me and place for the conference". The wri.en statement prepared by the Church A.orney is not the Inves6gator's Report; it is a wri.en statement prepared by the Church A.orney that describes "each alleged Offense separately, with reasonable par6cularity sufficient to apprise Respondent of the acts, omissions or condi6ons which are the subject of the proceedings". 3. If the Reference Panel wants me to prepare the wri.en statement called for in Canon IV. 12.1 I can do so. At this stage I am against providing them the Inves6ga6ve Report. I am happy to discuss this if you would like. I am pre.y much available this coming week. Let me know. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachuse.s 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 6:04 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:


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Hi Brad and Don, This akernoon Ian and I met with Amjad Samuel, his wife (Molly), Michael Rehill, and Pamela Lutz (the Advisor of his choice who is an a.orney and partner with Michael). The purpose was to discuss proposed terms of an Accord. Ian offered to resolve the pending if Amjad stepped down as rector and ECCT would make resources available to assist Amjad in learning new ways of interac6ng with people who disagree with him. They will let us know by noon on Tuesday whether the proposed terms are acceptable. We expect they are not. They asked that Ian suggest to the Reference Panel the following: 1. That due process would be served in this by referring the to a Conference Panel rather than a Hearing Panel; 2. That the Reference Panel provide them with the inves6gator’s report; 3. That the Reference Panel provide them with the offenses that the Church A.orney will be pursuing 4. That iden6fica6on of the members of the Conference and Hearing Panels be disclosed. (Though they backed off on this when I asked if they were waiving confiden6ally and permiong us to reveal the Respondent’s iden6ty to all Panel members as we would let the panel members know who their names were being released to.) They will be looking for conflict of interest among the members of the panels and will claim that proceeding to the Hearing Panel before they can see the inves6gator’s report will have a nega6ve impact on a person of color—it’s racist to force a person of color to agree to an Accord without having the inves6ga6on report first. We delivered a Pastoral Direc6on, direc6ng Amjad to refrain from discussing the with people in his parish. They pointed out that this did not preclude them for talking to witness who are parish members. When I asked if they had started this work, they backed down. We also told them that Ian and I will be mee6ng with the vestry & parish on September 30 to update them on the Title IV There will either be an Accord or the will be before a Panel. I took a quick look at the canons. It appears to me that if the is referred to a Conference Panel, that the Panel members receive a copy of the inves6gator’s report—it is not clear to me that this report is shared with all those invited to a.end the Conference Panel.


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that this report is shared with all those invited to a.end the Conference Panel. The Reference Panel will be making a decision on this on Tuesday, September 14 at 2:30. If you have legal wisdom that should be taken into account when making this decision, please share it with me and Ian before Tuesday akernoon. Personally, I was disappointed by this legal team. I was hoping for some new cleaver arguments— it was more annoying than clever (at least for me!) Looking forward to any opinions/advice you may have to offer. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connec6cut 290 Pra. Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

This may be a confiden6al R+C a.orney-client communica6on or may otherwise be privileged or confiden6al. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby no6fied that you have received this in error; any review, dissemina6on, distribu6on, or copying of this is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communica6on in error, please no6fy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its a.achments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:06:46 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Title IV a.orney client communica6on Date: Monday, September 13, 2021 at 11:02:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas, Babbi., Bradford AEachments: image003.jpg, image004.jpg

Brad, Thanks for these considera6ons. ECCT has had only one other case referred to a Hearing Panel since July of 2011—that was Jim Kowalksi’s case. The significant difference between Jim’s case and the present (besides the race of the Respondents) was that Jim admi.ed to most of the facts—his argument was that most of his bad behavior occurred outside what was ac6onable under the statute of limita6ons. He recognized some culpably for his behavior though thought it unfair that he was being held to a different standard of behavior than existed prior to 1996. While I regret any delay that could result from a Conference Panel—the greatest risk would be harm to Complainants who must be allowed to a.end—through they can send their Advisors in their steed. Kayla and I might need to set aside other ma.ers to get a Conference Panel up and running within a couple of weeks—and that might be the best use of ECCT resources. I an6cpate if there is a Conference Panel if will not be “an informal conversa6on” envisioned in the canons, but legal argument between Don and the Respondent’s team of a.orneys. Members of the Conference Panel will need to be prepared for this dynamic. I’ll update you Brad aber tomorrow’s Reference Panel mee6ng. From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, September 10, 2021 5:25 PM To: Babbi., Bradford <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: Title IV a.orney client communica6on Dear Brad: This is very, very helpful. Thanks so much. Your sage and faithful counsel is always appreciated. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. B0360

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Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Bradford Babbi. <> Date: Friday, September 10, 2021 at 5:19 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: RE: Title IV a.orney client communica6on Ian and Robin – I’ve dropped Don off this email, as I’m concerned that the Chancellor/Bishop attorney-client privilege (which would extend to Robin) may not extend to the Church Attorney. The roles of the Bishop and Church Attorney are distinct in Title IV. I may be erring on the side of excess caution, but that seems prudent in this situation. I wonder how often a Reference Panel in ECCT has previously sent a matter to a Hearing Panel without first sending the matter to a Conference Panel. Given that we haven’t had many (any?) Hearings in ECCT under the current Title IV, I doubt there will be many matters that have gone directly to a hearing. If that’s true, that fact will be used to bolster the argument that a priest of color is being treated differently because of his race. I agree that the Conference Panel is likely an attempt to (a) delay, (b) learn information that could be useful in a hearing, and (c) potentially dissuade witnesses from being willing to participate in a hearing. That steep price may be worth paying to avoid a claim that he’s being treated unfairly. I am reminded that criminal defense attorneys sometimes quip that nothing is worse than a court that gives their client all the process they are due. Perhaps it’s better to give him the process he thinks he’s due. With respect to the investigative report, I get the point that Don makes and the reason for not disclosing it. And, if Amjad receives the written statement that will be the basis for a hearing, if there is a hearing, then I don’t think he can get much traction in being denied the investigation report. The concern, of course, is how much time will Don need to prepare the written statement. As Robin can attest, he sometimes needs more time than we’d like. Last thought: if the Reference Panel sends the matter to a Conference Panel, that Panel will be able to assert some control, at least, over the schedule. One would hope that sending it to that stage will not prolong the process unnecessarily. Those are my thoughts. Happy to discuss further at your convenience. Thanks. Brad B0361

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Brad Babbitt Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Donald Allison <> Sent: Friday, September 10, 2021 4:08 PM To: Ian T. Douglas <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Babbi., Bradford <> Subject: Re: Title IV a.orney client communica6on Hi Ian, How exci6ng, another grandchild! I have no problem with a referral to a Conference Panel (although I'm not sure that will alleviate Rahill and Amjad's claims that the proceedings are racially mo6vated if the Conference Panel fails to result in a resolu6on and the then proceeds to Hearing). If the Reference Panel does decide to refer the to a Conference Panel I am s6ll opposed to providing Rehill with the Inves6ga6ve Report. I am willing to prepare a wri.en statement called for in Canon IV. 12.1 that is more detailed than I normally would. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachuse.s 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 3:29 PM Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Thanks Don: Welcome home. I hope your trip to see your new grandchild was a blessed one. My wife just left to be with our son and daughter-in-law who are expecting their second child any day now. I agree that Rehill might be using the Conference Panel as a delaying tactic, or as a way of


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I agree that Rehill might be using the Conference Panel as a delaying tactic, or as a way of discovering more information from the complainants. He kept on saying that he could not mount a defense because he does not know what the charges are nor the alleged facts against Amjad. It is pretty clear to me that if they do not have a Conference Panel then they are prepared to advance the narrative that the Reference Panel was out to get Amjad and that the option of a Conference Panel was denied him. This is all very racialized and it is easy to imagine that soon this process will be compared to a lynch mob, sorry to say. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Donald Allison <> Date: Friday, September 10, 2021 at 3:06 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Bradford Babbi. <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Re: Title IV a.orney client communica6on Hi Robin, Edie and I returned from London late yesterday. Below are my thoughts: 1. I do not understand how or why "due process" is served by referral to a Conference Panel. What were Rehill's arguments to that effect? There are many more "due process" protec6ons at the Hearing Panel stage than at the Conference Panel stage. I agree with Robin. That request is really a delaying tac6c. 2. Canon IV.12.3 is clear that while the Panel receives copies of the Inves6gator's Report(s), the Respondent receives only a no6ce that; "describes the nature and and purpose of the proceeding, shall contain a copy of the wri.en statement prepared by the Church A.orney, shall contain disclose the names of all persons to whom the no6ce is sent, and shall establish a date, 6me and place for the conference". The wri.en statement prepared by the Church A.orney is not the Inves6gator's Report; it is a wri.en


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The wri.en statement prepared by the Church A.orney is not the Inves6gator's Report; it is a wri.en statement prepared by the Church A.orney that describes "each alleged Offense separately, with reasonable par6cularity sufficient to apprise Respondent of the acts, omissions or condi6ons which are the subject of the proceedings". 3. If the Reference Panel wants me to prepare the wri.en statement called for in Canon IV. 12.1 I can do so. At this stage I am against providing them the Inves6ga6ve Report. I am happy to discuss this if you would like. I am pre.y much available this coming week. Let me know. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachuse.s 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 6:04 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Hi Brad and Don, This abernoon Ian and I met with Amjad Samuel, his wife (Molly), Michael Rehill, and Pamela Lutz (the Advisor of his choice who is an a.orney and partner with Michael). The purpose was to discuss proposed terms of an Accord. Ian offered to resolve the pending if Amjad stepped down as rector and ECCT would make resources available to assist Amjad in learning new ways of interac6ng with people who disagree with him. They will let us know by noon on Tuesday whether the proposed terms are acceptable. We expect they are not. They asked that Ian suggest to the Reference Panel the following: 1. That due process would be served in this by referring the to a Conference Panel rather than a Hearing Panel; 2. That the Reference Panel provide them with the inves6gator’s report; 3. That the Reference Panel provide them with the offenses that the Church A.orney will be pursuing 4. That iden6fica6on of the members of the Conference and Hearing Panels be disclosed. (Though they backed off on this when I asked if they were waiving confiden6ally and permisng us to reveal the Respondent’s iden6ty to all Panel members as we would let the panel members know who their names were being released to.)


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They will be looking for conflict of interest among the members of the panels and will claim that proceeding to the Hearing Panel before they can see the inves6gator’s report will have a nega6ve impact on a person of color—it’s racist to force a person of color to agree to an Accord without having the inves6ga6on report first. We delivered a Pastoral Direc6on, direc6ng Amjad to refrain from discussing the with people in his parish. They pointed out that this did not preclude them for talking to witness who are parish members. When I asked if they had started this work, they backed down. We also told them that Ian and I will be mee6ng with the vestry & parish on September 30 to update them on the Title IV There will either be an Accord or the will be before a Panel. I took a quick look at the canons. It appears to me that if the is referred to a Conference Panel, that the Panel members receive a copy of the inves6gator’s report—it is not clear to me that this report is shared with all those invited to a.end the Conference Panel. The Reference Panel will be making a decision on this on Tuesday, September 14 at 2:30. If you have legal wisdom that should be taken into account when making this decision, please share it with me and Ian before Tuesday abernoon. Personally, I was disappointed by this legal team. I was hoping for some new cleaver arguments— it was more annoying than clever (at least for me!) Looking forward to any opinions/advice you may have to offer. Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connec6cut 290 Pra. Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:11:18 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Fwd: FW: Ques+on to consider... Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 1:29:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Tokunbo Green To: Bishop Ian Douglas, Robin Hammeal-Urban Olatokunbo T. Green, Esq. Peace and Blessings! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- MLK, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK, Jr.

---------- Forwarded message --------From: Ron Kelly <> Date: Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 2:09 PM Subject: FW: Ques+on to consider... To: Kayla Tubolino <>, Tokunbo Green <>, <>

From: Amjad Samuel in Vestry at St. Paul's Episcopal Church Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 12:05 PM To: Ron Kelly <> Subject: Ques+on to consider...

Vestry from Amjad Samuel on August 17, 2021 at 12:05 pm Sender has set replies to entire group

Question to consider... Hi Ron, Dear St. Paul's Vestry, On the Agenda for today are two items that will be discussed: B0367

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1. Ron and Laurie Marcho’s request to return their contribution to the

Joining Jesus Capital Campaign 2. Ron Kelly’s email.

It is the Vestry’s prerogative to take actions, as it sees fit, to the content of both of these items. My reason for writing this note is that I am constantly being accused of doing things that I have not done. Stories are fabricated and when facts are presented that prove the inauthenticity of these stories, the people claiming and spreading these falsehoods do not accept and take responsibility for their actions. For instance, a claim has been made repeatedly that Vestry members’ emails are blocked. Stories are fabricated to advance this claim. I am requesting the Vestry to fully investigate the authenticity of this claim. Similarly, a claim is being made by the Marchos that the Joining Jesus Campaign was presented in one way and is now being executed in another, and therefore it is deceitful. You all will be presented with a video recording which clearly states how the Joining Jesus Capital Campaign was planned and how its execution was clearly communicated. Here is my concern: A handful of people seem to have made it their life mission to accuse this Rector of wrong doing by making up falsehoods. They are doing this within the reality of a Rector who is a person of color. It is well understood that one of the ways white supremacy works is that the words of a white person are given more credibility than the words of a person of color. This is the reason why so many people of color find themselves incarcerated for the crimes they never committed. My concern is that this behavior of unfounded accusations is stemming from a place of white supremacy that knows full well that these accusations are defaming and may in fact adversely affect my well being. In fact, I believe, that is exactly the intention of these false accusations. Question is: will the Vestry be complicit to such a white supremacist behavior by ignoring this pattern of behavior, OR, will it take notice and ensure that St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Shelton does not live into the ways of a white supremacist culture that wrongfully harms people of color? I look forward to your entertaining this question. Gratefully, Amjad+

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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:09:11 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: FW: The Episcopal Diocese of Connec4cut v. The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 8:24:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas ADachments: Bishop Douglas 9-14-2021.pdf

Ian: There is nothing new in this leRer. Just a reitera4on of what they believe they are en4tled to. And, they did comply with the request to respond to your offer of an Accord by noon today. See you soon. r From: Michael Rehill <> Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 7:45 AM To: Ian T. Douglas <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Subject: The Episcopal Diocese of Connec4cut v. The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel

Dear Bishop Douglas and Canon Hammeal-Urban: Please see letter attached. Faithfully, Michael -MICHAEL F. REHILL, J.D., D.D. CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:08:05 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: The Episcopal Diocese of Connec1cut v. The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 7:44:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Michael Rehill To:, CC: AEachments: Bishop Douglas 9-14-2021.pdf Dear Bishop Douglas and Canon Hammeal-Urban: Please see leTer aTached. Faithfully, Michael -MICHAEL F. REHILL, J.D., D.D. CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:12:15 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: The Rev. Amjad Samuel, 2021-1 Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 7:34:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas, Kayla Tubolino ADachments: image002.jpg

You’re welcome. r. From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 7:23 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: Re: The Rev. Amjad Samuel, 2021-1 Thank you. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 6:24 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Kayla Tubolino <> Subject: FW: The Rev. Amjad Samuel, 2021-1 Kayla and Ian: Just an FYIThere will be some type of response to this—and will deal with it next week. In the mean]me, Kayla and I will get Jack and John acclimated to their roles. Peace, Robin From: Robin Hammeal-Urban Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 6:23 PM To: Michael Rehill <> B0372

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To: Michael Rehill <> Cc: Pamela Lutz <> Subject: The Rev. Amjad Samuel, 2021-1 Dear A`orney Rehill, I am wri]ng to update you on the ac]on taken by the Reference Panel on September 15, 2021. Bishop Ian conveyed your concerns regarding proceeding directly to a Hearing Panel. The Reference Panel voted to refer this ma`er to a Conference Panel. The process will now proceed as delineated in Canon IV.12. As a courtesy, Kayla Tubolino, the Title IV Administrator for the Episcopal Church in Connec]cut, will reach out to you in the near future to secure a date for the Conference. Thereader the Conference Panel will issue the no]ce required by Canon IV.12.3. If you want me to communicate this informa]on directly to The Rev. Amjad Samuel, please do let me know. Regards, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connec]cut 290 Pra` Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:14:25 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: FW: Mee'ng with the Bishop on September 30 Date: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 at 2:40:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas, Kayla Tubolino

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 2:40 PM To: Michael Rehill <> Cc: Pamela Lutz <> Subject: FW: Mee'ng with the Bishop on September 30

Dear Michael: As we discussed in our recent mee'ng, I have reached out to Rev. Samuel and a lay leader in the parish to ask their assistance regarding Bishop Ian’s desire to meet with the vestry and congrega'on on September 30. I will respond to your ques'ons regarding the Conference Panel proceedings in the very near future. Regards, Robin From: Robin Hammeal-Urban Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 2:34 PM To:; Amjad Samuel <> Subject: Mee'ng with the Bishop on September 30

Dear Pat and Amjad+, I am wri'ng on behalf of Bishop Ian Douglas who would like an opportunity to meet with the vestry and the congrega'on of St. Paul’s Church on Thursday, September 30. The purpose of these conversa'ons is provide the vestry and congrega'on with 'mely informa'on regarding leadership at St. Paul’s Church and to provide space to share ques'ons and concerns. I will join Bishop Ian in these conversa'ons. To reduce the risk of spread of COVID, we request that we meet in your parish hall and that all a^endees wear masks and prac'ce social distancing. We would like to meet with the vestry from 5:00-6:00 and the congrega'on from 6:30-7:30. I ask that you kindly extend an invita'on to these conversa'ons to the vestry and members of the congrega'on. If there is anything I can do to assist in this process or if you have any ques'ons, please do let me know. I thank you in advance for your assistance. Peace, Robin B0374

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Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connec'cut 290 Pra^ Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:44:36 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: FW: The Rev. Amjad Samuel, 2021-1 Date: Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 4:30:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas, Kayla Tubolino

FYIFrom: Robin Hammeal-Urban Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2021 4:30 PM To: Michael Rehill <> Subject: RE: The Rev. Amjad Samuel, 2021-1

Michael: The names of the Conference Panel members are the Rev. Jack Gilpin, who is designated as president, and Mr. John Baldwin. At this Xme it is premature to release the names of the Hearing Panel members assigned to this maYer. This maYer may be resolved at the Conference Panel without the need for the Hearing Panel to convene. You can anXcpate that Kayla Tubolino, Title IV Manager, will reach out to you on behalf of the Conference to find a mutually convenient date for all involved. Regards, Robin From: Michael Rehill <> Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 8:33 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: The Rev. Amjad Samuel, 2021-1

Robin: Thank you. Can you provide the names of the members of the Conference Panel and the Hearing Panel? Michael On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 6:22 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Attorney Rehill, I am writing to update you on the action taken by the Reference Panel on September 15, 2021. Bishop Ian conveyed your concerns regarding proceeding directly to a Hearing Panel. The Reference Panel voted to refer this matter to a Conference Panel. The process will now proceed as delineated in Canon IV.12. As a courtesy, Kayla Tubolino, the Title IV Administrator for the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, will reach out to you in the near future to secure a date for the Conference. Thereafter the Conference Panel will issue the notice required by Canon IV.12.3. B0376

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If you want me to communicate this information directly to The Rev. Amjad Samuel, please do let me know. Regards, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connecticut 290 Pratt Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

-MICHAEL F. REHILL, ESQ. CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:47:45 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Title IV ma-er re: Samuel & parish mee5ng on 9/30 Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 2:12:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Donald Allison To: Robin Hammeal-Urban CC: Babbi-, Bradford, Ian T. Douglas Hi Robin, Thought I should let all of you know that I represented Himie Budu-Shannon in that proceeding. Best, Don On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 1:27 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Hi Don and Brad,

Thanks for making 5me to meet with me and Ian Wednesday aYernoon at 4:00 as we prepare to meet with the vestry and parish on Thursday evening.

A-ached is an outline of the mee5ng. This format is one Ian and I have used many 5mes. At the end of the outline is a list of some an5cipated ques5ons that Ian and I should be prepared to answer, or indicate that we will not respond. I’ve also a-ached a draY of Ian’s statement.

Ian and I have not yet had a chance to meet to plan this mee5ng—and our 5me with you may be the only 5me we have. Ian, you’ll see that the outline has more detail than usual.

I expect that there will be parish members primed to ask ques5ons on Amjad’s behalf. While he was given a Pastoral Direc5on when we met with him, the terms Ian proposed for an Accord were given to him well before. He may have shared informa5on and feelings about this with members, par5cularly vestry members.

The following is not directly relevant to the parish mee5ng, and I want both of you to have this informa5on regarding the history of ECCT and Title IV. In the past 21 years there are 3 ma-ers that have gone to an ecclesias5cal trial (under the old Title IV) or a Hearing Panel. In 2000 Himie-Budu Shannon, Rector of St. Monica’s in Hardord, was charged with adult sexual misconduct. The primary vic5m refused/failed to show up to tes5fy. As a result the discipline ordered by the Trial Court was significantly less than what Bishop Smith had offered and Shannon returned as Rector aYer a short period of suspension. Rector Shannon is/was a person of color.

The next ma-er to go to a Hearing Panel was Jim Kowalski, a white man. B0378

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Amjad’s ma-er would be the third to land at a Hearing/Trial proceedings.

Other clergy of color who have been disciplined by ECCT include George Kovoor, Jose Mar5nez and Javier Franco.

I look forward to our conversa5on tomorrow at 4:00pm.

Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer

Episcopal Church in Connec5cut 290 Pra- Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

-Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachuse-s 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:51:10 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Conference Panel No0ce Date: Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 2:18:45 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Kayla Tubolino To: Robin Hammeal-Urban CC: Alison Hollo, Ian T. Douglas Hi Robin, Notice of proceedings went to Amjad and his team. I just forwarded you that email. Alison I will forward to you too. They have not acknowledged receipt of the email- or said anything to me for that matter. I think they are still angry that Ian couldn’t put me in my place about postponing the initial panel. I will encourage John and Jack to email Amjad that they will not be postponing again. -K From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Sent: Wednesday, December 8, 2021 8:41 PM To: Kayla Tubolino <> Cc: Alison Hollo <>; Ian T. Douglas <> Subject: Conference Panel No0ce

Hi KaylaI saw the No0ce for the rescheduled Conference Panel on 1/15. Do you know whether Jack and John sent anything to the Respondent indica0ng that if he should consider finding other counsel is his current counsel is not likely to be able to aYend? I want to be sure he is put on no0ce at least 1 month out so he has ample opportunity to find alterna0ve counsel. I will follow up with Jack and John if this hasn’t already happened. Thanks for everything! Peace, Robin

Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connec0cut 290 PraY Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:53:38 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Amjad Samuel posted in ECCT Clergy Group Date: Friday, December 10, 2021 at 12:14:14 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Facebook To: ECCT Clergy Group

Amjad Samuel posted in ECCT Clergy Group December 10 at 12:14 AM Precisely the kind of shift we need as well… https:... See More

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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:54:59 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Amjad Samuel posted in ECCT Clergy Group Date: Monday, January 17, 2022 at 9:08:27 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Facebook To: ECCT Clergy Group


Amjad Samuel posted in ECCT Clergy Group January 17 at 8:08 AM Proof is always in the pudding… do you wonder if yo... See More

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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 12:56:16 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: St. Paul's, Hun.ngton Date: Friday, January 21, 2022 at 2:51:19 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Alison Hollo

Hi Ian, Alison and I looked at the calendar and are holding Monday, Feb 7 for our conversa.on with St. Paul’s. We’ll need to decide if this is in person—which is probably best. Do you think we need to meet with the vestry first, or just one this .me? I’m leaning toward one—and that would mean a shorter period of .me exposed to others. If we go with one, would 6:30-8:00 work? Once we get these issues figured out, I’ll reach out to the senior warden as well as Amjad to get this scheduled. I think we should likely commit to one more such conversa.on before your re.rement even if the Hearing Panel process remains incomplete—and I could certainly be convinced otherwise. Good to see you at the Chancellors’ conference. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connec.cut 290 Pra` Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:04:28 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: No'fica'on issue on Title IV ma6er Date: Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 5:27:34 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Alison Hollo To: Ian T. Douglas AFachments: image002.jpg, image003.jpg Just got the statement from the Church A6orney. That has been sent to the Hearing Panel. Alison

Alison Hollo Senior Administrator for the Office of the Episcopate Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x112 f 203-235-1008

interes'ng in receiving ECCT enews? Click here From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2022 5:27 PM To: Alison Hollo <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Brad Babbi6 <> Subject: Re: No'fica'on issue on Title IV ma6er Thank you very much. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Alison Hollo <> Date: Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 2:58 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, Bradford Babbi6 <> B0384

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Bradford Babbi6 <> Subject: RE: No'fica'on issue on Title IV ma6er Good a^ernoon, Just to close the loop, this morning I sent all the complainants and their advisors the no'fica'on about the Hearing Panel. Robin had already no'fied the respondent, his counsel and advisor along with the Church A6orney. I believe that this checks all the boxes. Please let me know if there is anything else that needs to be done to close the loop on the Conference Panel. Thanks, Alison

Alison Hollo Senior Administrator for the Office of the Episcopate Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x112 f 203-235-1008

interes'ng in receiving ECCT enews? Click here From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 8:36 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Brad Babbi6 <> Cc: Alison Hollo <> Subject: Re: No'fica'on issue on Title IV ma6er So sorry about all of this. I agree with Brad it would be good for us to send a notice to all the parties as soon as we can. Thanks Alison. I think this is fine as long as long as we can continue to move this along to the next step. Thanks everyone for all your faithful work. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 B0385

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From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at 4:28 PM To: Bradford Babbi6 <> Cc: Alison Hollo <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: RE: No'fica'on issue on Title IV ma6er Thanks so much, Brad. Just what I wanted to hear! Peace, Robin From: Babbi6, Bradford <> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 3:46 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Alison Hollo <>; Ian T. Douglas <> Subject: RE: No'fica'on issue on Title IV ma6er

Hi Robin, I agree that this really isn’t a significant issue. As you note, Jack sent the only notice that is canonically required. There’s nothing preventing him from sending the same notice to the complainants, reporters, and respondent. But the fact that he didn’t doesn’t undermine the process as a whole. Given that you’ve shared with the Senior Warden that the matter will be continuing, and given that the respondent and his counsel are aware, I have no objection to asking Alison to notify everyone that the matter has been referred to a Hearing Panel. Counsel might object, but his client’s rights have not been impaired by anything that’s happened here. I’m sorry this is causing everyone grief. I fully endorse your advice to Jack: keep breathing! And stay inside. It’s too cold to breathe outside today! Brad Brad Babbitt General Counsel

Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299


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From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 3:30 PM To: Babbi6, Bradford <> Cc: Alison Hollo <>; Ian T. Douglas <> Subject: No'fica'on issue on Title IV ma6er

Hi BradWe have a bit of an issue—not a fatal issue, but not a best prac'ce. Today I wrote to Amjad and his senior warden to indicate that Ian wants to meet with the congrega'on to provide an update on the process of the disciplinary ma6er. I indicated in my email, so that the senior warden would have some content, that “The ma6er has not been concluded. It has proceeded to another phase that will result in resolu'on.” I then sent a copy of the communica'on to A6orney Rehill and Amjad’s Advisor. A6orney Rehill immediately replied and asked me to explain the process that “will result in resolu'on.” I replied indica'ng that I considered the adjudica'on of the Hearing Panel to be a resolu'on, albeit with a right to appear. Michael Rehill then wrote to ask how I knew this had been referred to a Hearing Panel. He and Amjad had not received any no'fica'on since they a6ended the Conference Panel on 1/15!! Here’s the breakdown in our process: When Jack Gilpin called me a^er the Conference Panel he told me of their decision to refer to a Hearing Panel and said he wanted to inform all who par'cipated in the Conference Panel. Two days later he sent an email to the Church A6orney and President of the Disciplinary Board, as required by IV.13.1. I assumed he sent this message to the others. He did not. He got caught up in bishop transi'on commi6ee work and did not no'fy the respondent or the complainants. He feels terrible and wants to call Amjad to apologize—I asked him to hold off un'l we figure this out. And, canonically, I think Jack did what is required. I may have missed it, but I don’t see any canonical requirement to no'fy the Complainants or Respondent of the decision of the Conference Panel short of the no'ce issued by the Hearing Panel. In keeping with our process of providing administra've support to the Conference Panel and Reference Panel (and now the upcoming Hearing Panel), Alison could send an email to all Complainants, unnamed reporters, their Advisors, Amjad, his a6orney and his Advisor (separate emails, of course), that reads: At the conclusion of the Conference Panel proceedings on January 15, 2022, the members of the Conference Panel conferred privately and referred this ma?er to a Hearing Panel. You will receive a noDce from the Hearing Panel within the next week or so. This noDce will explain, in part, some of the next steps in the process. Thus far all I have done is asked Jack to try to breathe and assured him we will figure this out! He is willing to do whatever is necessary to make things right— Don’s statement of charges are due tomorrow—he indicated this morning we will have them by tomorrow. The Hearing Panel then has 7 days to issue their no'ce.


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Any thoughts on the best way to move forward with no'fica'on to Complainants and Respondent regarding the Conference Panel’s decision to refer to the Hearing Panel? Thanks for listening to my adventure of the day! Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connec'cut 290 Pra6 Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

This transmi6al may be a confiden'al R+C a6orney-client communica'on or may otherwise be privileged or confiden'al. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby no'fied that you have received this transmi6al in error; any review, dissemina'on, distribu'on, or copying of this transmi6al is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communica'on in error, please no'fy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its a6achments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:05:52 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: FW: Parish conversa0on to update on process Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 5:24:05 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas, Brad BabbiL, Alison Hollo

Just an FYIFrom: Robin Hammeal-Urban Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 5:23 PM To:; Subject: FW: Parish conversa0on to update on process

Dear Patricia and Amjad+, I do not believe that I received a reply to my message below. Could you please confirm that you received this message and let me know if you have invited the vestry and members of St. Paul’s Church to meet with me and Bishop Ian next Monday, February 7 at 6:30 pm? Thank you for your aLen0on to this maLer. Peace, Robin From: Robin Hammeal-Urban Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 10:38 AM To:; Amjad Samuel <> Subject: Parish conversa0on to update on process

Dear Patricia and Amjad+, When Bishop Ian and I last met with the vestry and congrega0on of St. Paul’s on September 30, 2021, we commiLed to return to provide 0mely updates about the pending clergy disciplinary maLer. The maLer has not been concluded. It has proceeded to another phase that will result in resolu0on. Bishop Ian and I would like to meet with the vestry and congrega0on on Monday February 7 for a single mee0ng beginning at 6:30pm and ending by 8:00 pm. The purpose is to provide all members with updated informa0on and allow for ques0ons and responses. We will follow the same format as we did on September 30. I hope that this mee0ng 0me will work in the life of the parish. Please let me know if you can confirm this mee0ng 0me and if you have any ques0ons. Peace, Robin B0389

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Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connec0cut 290 PraL Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:07:51 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Parish conversa/on to update on process Date: Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 7:41:59 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Brad BabbiK CC: Ian T. Douglas, Alison Hollo AHachments: image001.jpg Perfect! Sent from my iPhone On Feb 2, 2022, at 7:40 AM, BabbiK, Bradford <> wrote:

Works for me. I’ll send an invite. If Robin needs to meet at a different time, I can change the invite easily. Thanks. Brad Brad Babbitt General Counsel

Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Wednesday, February 2, 2022 7:34 AM To: BabbiK, Bradford <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Alison Hollo <> Subject: Re: Parish conversa/on to update on process

I can do after 9:30. Shall we say 10:00 am? Ian

The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 On Feb 2, 2022, at 7:23 AM, Babbitt, Bradford <> wrote: B0391

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Good morning all – I’m free before the ECCT call at 8:30 and again between 9:30 and noon. Happy to join the conversation whenever it would be convenient. Thanks. Brad Brad Babbitt General Counsel

Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 10:14 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: BabbiK, Bradford <>; Alison Hollo <> Subject: Re: Parish conversa/on to update on process No interference at all. Recall I have kept the Title IV case with Amjad as one of my ongoing responsibilities. Let’s see what Brad says about tomorrow morning. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 10:06 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Bradford Babbitt <>, Alison Hollo <> Subject: Re: Parish conversation to update on process Thanks, Ian. I can meet any time tomorrow morning.


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Sorry this has to interfere with your sabbatical. R Sent from my iPhone On Feb 1, 2022, at 9:48 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Glad to know that I am the bad guy in all of this. I can meet tomorrow morning. Thursday is booked, Friday is more open. What works for both of you. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg> Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 5:31 PM To: Bradford BabbiK <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Alison Hollo <> Subject: FW: Parish conversa/on to update on process Brad and Ian:


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Brad and Ian: Just received a reply to the Bishop’s request to meet with the parish. I think we might need to schedule a /me for conversa/on to decide how to proceed. They want an update via leKer so we don’t disrupt the forward progress of the parish. Peace, Robin

From: Patricia Sullivan <> Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 5:13 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: Parish conversa/on to update on process Dear Robin, Thank you for your communication on this matter, the Executive Committee met and we have some thoughts we would like to share. We recognize that as a result of the actions of a few individuals and the mishandling of a property dispute by the Diocesan leadership, the faithful and committed people of this parish have endured significant pain and suffering. In spite of this, our dedicated parishioners have persisted and remain committed to furthering Christ’s work in an open and transparent manner. This has resulted in significant blessings including:

Collecting more than 50% of our Joining Jesus Campaign goal. Paying off our rectory mortgage of $140,000. Generating an operating surplus for the second straight year. Being a hub for the Diocesean Diaper Drive Instituting a Blessings Box on our property and inspiring others in the community to do the same. An effort even recognized by local news. See article: Electing enthusiastic and new vestry members at this past Sunday’s annual meeting: Celebrating the nearly 2-year anniversary of a joint virtual and hybrid worship with St.Thomas in Bethel, CT. Thankfully due to Fr. Amjad and the tech team working with them during this time, St. Thomas is now able to operate hybrid worship on their own. This celebration begins at minute 18:35. B0394

Page 4 of 6 7373 We are aware of those individuals whose purpose does not align with our mission, who are not interested in furthering God’s work in our community. We know them and their actions are not new. They have been and continue to be intent on preserving the church they have known and want to continue. As stated in the ECCT’s “Transition is the New Normal” presentation, their view is: “The world is changing, but we want our church to stay the same!” Additionally, we are aware that some of these individuals have financial interests in an organization, the Christian Counseling and Family Life Center(CCFLC). Our Vestry minutes of the past 3+ years indicate that the CCFLC declined to participate in good faith efforts by our Vestry to renegotiate an operating lease. St. Paul’s incurred more than $5,000 in legal fees before the CCFLC finally agreed to vacate the property in September 2021. The Vestry of St. Paul’s paused the legal process when the Bishop asked us to do so in April 2021. In July 2021, the Vestry received notice from you on behalf of the Bishop “... to proceed in any way how they determine is best for St. Paul’s”. During these interim months, we saw a perpetuation of misrepresentation and unsubstantiated accusations by those involved with the CCFLC. We are perplexed and cannot understand why the Bishop chooses to align himself with these individuals, but respect his right to visit our parish. However, we feel it is important you understand the September 2021 visit was not productive for the parish and left many feeling insulted concerning the issue of race and generally ignored. The question that we have as the leadership of St. Paul’s, and has been asked by our parishioners since you came in September is,“Why is our Bishop not interested in the well-being of St. Pauls as a parish?”. Therefore, we respectfully request further communication on this matter be in the format of a letter to the parish. This way you can directly convey the next steps to all parishioners and avoid any further disruption to our parish’s continued efforts to “Walk with God”. Sincerely, St. Paul’s Executive Committee Pat Sullivan, Senior Warden Sunhwa Chapman, Junior Warden Amanda Renz, Clerk Scott Colvin, Treasurer

On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 10:38 AM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Dear Patricia and Amjad+, When Bishop Ian and I last met with the vestry and congregation of St. Paul’s on September 30, 2021, we B0395

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congregation of St. Paul’s on September 30, 2021, we committed to return to provide timely updates about the pending clergy disciplinary matter. The matter has not been concluded. It has proceeded to another phase that will result in resolution. Bishop Ian and I would like to meet with the vestry and congregation on Monday February 7 for a single meeting beginning at 6:30pm and ending by 8:00 pm. The purpose is to provide all members with updated information and allow for questions and responses. We will follow the same format as we did on September 30. I hope that this meeting time will work in the life of the parish. Please let me know if you can confirm this meeting time and if you have any questions. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connecticut 290 Pratt Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008

This transmiKal may be a confiden/al R+C aKorney-client communica/on or may otherwise be privileged or confiden/al. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby no/fied that you have received this transmiKal in error; any review, dissemina/on, distribu/on, or copying of this transmiKal is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communica/on in error, please no/fy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its aKachments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:08:47 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: FW: Parish conversa0on to update on process Date: Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 9:30:17 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas, Brad BabbiN

FYIr From: Amjad Samuel <> Sent: Wednesday, February 2, 2022 9:29 AM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Cc:; ScoN Colvin <>; Sun Chapman <> Subject: Re: Parish conversa0on to update on process

Dear Pat, Thank you for consulting with the vestry officers and responding to Robin’s request. I did not know your response, but today having read your response, I appreciate your wisdom, love for the people you are called to lead, and your commitment to see God’s work continue. Robin, I did not respond to your request because I believe it is the decision of the lay parish leadership how they wish to respond to a request for Bishop’s visit with them. I am keeping you all in my prayers as you decide the best way forward. Faithfully, Amjad+ Get Outlook for iOS From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 5:27 PM To:; Subject: RE: Parish conversa0on to update on process Dear Patricia and Amjad+, Your response to my message of January 26 just arrived in my inbox. I will reply a`er I have an opportunity to review. I thank you for your aNen0on to this maNer. Peace, Robin

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 5:23 PM To:; Subject: FW: Parish conversa0on to update on process B0397

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Dear Patricia and Amjad+, I do not believe that I received a reply to my message below. Could you please confirm that you received this message and let me know if you have invited the vestry and members of St. Paul’s Church to meet with me and Bishop Ian next Monday, February 7 at 6:30 pm? Thank you for your aNen0on to this maNer. Peace, Robin From: Robin Hammeal-Urban Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 10:38 AM To:; Amjad Samuel <> Subject: Parish conversa0on to update on process

Dear Patricia and Amjad+, When Bishop Ian and I last met with the vestry and congrega0on of St. Paul’s on September 30, 2021, we commiNed to return to provide 0mely updates about the pending clergy disciplinary maNer. The maNer has not been concluded. It has proceeded to another phase that will result in resolu0on. Bishop Ian and I would like to meet with the vestry and congrega0on on Monday February 7 for a single mee0ng beginning at 6:30pm and ending by 8:00 pm. The purpose is to provide all members with updated informa0on and allow for ques0ons and responses. We will follow the same format as we did on September 30. I hope that this mee0ng 0me will work in the life of the parish. Please let me know if you can confirm this mee0ng 0me and if you have any ques0ons. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connec0cut 290 PraN Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:10:09 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Obtaining email for St. Paul's vestry Date: Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 9:46:17 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Brad BabbiN, Alison Hollo AFachments: image001.jpg No hurry on the leNer. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 3, 2022, at 9:39 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

OK. I will try and look at it ASAP. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 9:35 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Bradford BabbiN <>, Alison Hollo <> Subject: Re: Obtaining email for St. Paul's vestry Hi Ian. Good thought but I already told Pat that you would honor their request and a leNer to all members would be forthcoming. R Sent from my iPhone


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On Feb 3, 2022, at 9:16 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Hi Robin: I appreciate your second thoughts. What if we say to the Senior Warden that we are happy to forgo a meeting with the Vestry and the parish if they can provide us with the email addresses of all the vestry members as we would like to provide my letter to the whole Vestry and, by extension and request, to the whole parish? Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg> Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 7:31 PM To: Bradford BabbiN <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Alison Hollo <> Subject: Obtaining email for St. Paul's vestry HI Brad and Ian, I have become increasing uncomfortable about asking one of the named Complainants for the email addresses for all vestry members. It will just add to the argument that “they” (the complainants) are against the parish and colluding with the bishop.


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colluding with the bishop. In reviewing all my email messages in this maNer, including those regarding the meebng with the vestry in April to ask them to refrain from evicbng the counseling center (which is no longer an issue), I see that I never had any vestry member’s contact info—only Amjad’s and the senior warden’s. What if I ask the senior warden to provide me with the email address for all current vestry members? I realize this could start a baNle… Or, I just send Ian’s leNer to the senior warden and trust she will distribute to all members of the parish. Thoughts? Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connecbcut 290 PraN Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:11:59 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Update on Hearing Panel Date: Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 7:49:16 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Jill Parkosewich To:, Robin Hammeal-Urban, Ian T. Douglas AGachments: image001.jpg Thank you for your prayers and support. On the positive side, something very interesting has been happening. For the past few months, a beautiful majestic brown-feathered bird (the size and shape of an eagle) has shown up in my life. When I met with Rev. Anita (phone) I was sitting in my sunroom; as I looked out the window the bird was sitting on a nearby branch for the duration of our call (about an hour). There were then numerous occasions when I was focused on the Title IV proceedings, and the bird would appear. It was truly remarkable and I wondered if God was trying to tell me something. So on Friday, when the documents were posted on the ECCT website, I got my answer; a friend spoke with me about her own spiritual struggles, and how Psalm 91 was a great comfort to her. As she recited a passage from Psalm 91, I heard my answer: Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." Psalm 91: 1-4 To add to this lovely holy orchestration, I learned yesterday that Psalm 91 is the psalm for today's lectionary. I am encouraged. My husband and I are heading off shortly to visit Trinity-Nichols church in Trumbull. Trusting in God, Jill PS I have known Scott Colvin for a long time as a man of deep Christian faith. My words in my last email were in reaction to the Vestry email. At some point I expect I will have my own truth and reconciliation process with some of the members of the Vestry. I am sure Scott will be an asset to the search for a new bishop. On Saturday, March 5, 2022, 09:57:26 PM EST, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

I am very sorry to see this, and I am also sorry for the additional pain this is causing you.

Please know that you are very much in my prayers for peace and strength in all of this. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to support you.

God bless you.



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The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964

From: Jill <> Date: Saturday, March 5, 2022 at 6:11 PM To: "" <>, Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Fwd: Update on Hearing Panel

FYI, I am forwarding the email sent out by our Vestry today. So the complainants are the identified problem. I am concerned to hear that St. Paul’s Treasurer Scott Colvin is on the committee searching for a new bishop. In my opinion, the Vestry continues to do whatever it can to back Amjad rather than seek truth and reconciliation.

I am grateful for the Title IV process as it provided a safe place for me to express my concerns. I have not yet left St. Paul’s, but expect that will be the outcome.

My prayers continue for healing and repair, and for all involved in the Hearing Panel.

Thank you for listening, Jill Jill J. Parkosewich


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Begin forwarded message: From: "Amanda Renz in Voting Members at St. Paul's Episcopal Church" <> Date: March 5, 2022 at 2:48:55 PM EST To: Jill Parkosewich <> Subject: Update on Hearing Panel Reply-To: Amanda Renz <>

Voting Members from Amanda Renz on March 5, 2022 at 2:48 pm Sender has set replies to sender only

Update on Hearing Panel March 5, 2022 Dear St. Paul’s Voting Member: Yesterday the Episcopal Church in Connecticut (ECCT) officially announced on its website that the Title IV action against Father Amjad is now before a Hearing Panel. As you know from past communication, all information is now public and we know from this posting: the charges, hearing panel details with a list of complainants, and Fr. Amjad’s attorneys’ response to the charges. Your Vestry unanimously agrees that these non-specific charges are without merit and we fully support our Rector. Unlike the charges, the response by Fr. Amjad’s legal counsel is complete, logically argued and most convincingly dismisses the allegations specifically described. It is sad to all of us, but unfortunately true, that the complainants have one thing in common: a continued effort to create a divisive environment in our parish. We cannot comprehend how or why the complainants feel this way, but we continue to pray for and seek reconciliation with them. As promised in our prior communication, we will be available following tomorrow’s 10AM worship service to discuss this matter further with you. Your Vestry members, Pat Sullivan, Senior Warden Sunhwa Chapman, Junior Warden Amanda Renz, Clerk


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Scott Colvin, Treasurer Dennis Bludnicki Mary Dorland Jody Maier Jeanne McManus David Pearson Winnie Perley

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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:13:50 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Diocese of Connec.cut v. The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel Date: Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 7:47:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Brad BabbiO, Ian T. Douglas, Alison Hollo AEachments: image002.jpg

Hi Brad, Ian and I will be driving tomorrow morning for a 10:00 appointment with the officers at Grace, Yan.c. I would prefer 11:30—aWer that conversa.on. I am booked for a consult on Wednesday at 1:00. Alison, could you send a link for tomorrow at 11:30 as well as the Pastoral so we can review? There may be other terms to amend. Peace, Robin From: BabbiO, Bradford <> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2022 6:58 AM To: Ian T. Douglas <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Alison Hollo <> Subject: Re: Diocese of Connec.cut v. The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel

Either time on Friday would work, as would 1:00 on Wednesday. Thanks. Brad Get Outlook for iOS From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 9:49:41 PM To: BabbiO, Bradford <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Alison Hollo <> Subject: Re: Diocese of Connec.cut v. The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel Would Friday at 9:30 or 11:30 am work? I could also do next Tuesday at 6:00 and next Wednesday at 1:00 pm. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons B0406

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290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 Note: My sabbath runs from Sunday afternoon through Monday. If you have an urgent need to contact me during my sabbath, please text me. Apart from this, I will endeavor to respond to all non-urgent emails within a few days.

From: Bradford BabbiO <> Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 1:51 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, Alison Hollo <> Subject: RE: Diocese of Connec.cut v. The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel

Would it be possible to find some time to talk about this by phone or zoom? I’d be happy to talk in the evening or early morning if that’s the easiest time to find a moment that would work. Thanks. Brad Brad Babbitt Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 12:49 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; BabbiO, Bradford <>; Alison Hollo <> Subject: Fwd: Diocese of Connec.cut v. The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel Thoughts on how I should respond? Ian

The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in ConnecLcut The Commons 290 PraO Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 Begin forwarded message: B0407

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From: Michael Rehill <> Date: March 30, 2022 at 11:40:05 AM EDT To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Diocese of ConnecLcut v. The Rev. Amjad J. Samuel Dear Bishop Douglas: Please see leOer aOached. Faithfully, Michael MICHAEL F. REHILL, J.D., D.D. Counsel for Respondent CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883

This transmiOal may be a R+C aOorney-client communica.on or may otherwise be privileged or If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby no.fied that you have received this transmiOal in error; any review, dissemina.on, distribu.on, or copying of this transmiOal is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communica.on in error, please no.fy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its aOachments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:17:21 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: St. Paul's Church and CCFLC Date: Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 10:36:35 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Donald Allison To: CC: Ian T. Douglas, Robin Hammeal-Urban Hi Brian, Thank you for sending this to me. I am away from my office unSl June 2nd. I will get back to you then if I have any quesSons. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, MassachuseYs 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 10:08 AM <> wrote:

Good Morning Attorney Allison, I am the Board chair for the Christian Counseling and Family Life Center, Inc, in Shelton. Until last June, 2021, and the 38 years prior, our organization occupied space on the St. Paul's campus in Shelton. In June of last year, in a shocking and remarkably un-Christian move, St. Paul's Vestry, under the leadership of Fr. Amjad Samuel, served our organization with eviction proceedings. So, in the midst of a mental health crisis caused by a global pandemic, our organization had to spend precious resources of time, talent and treasure dealing with becoming homeless rather than doing the work of supporting our clients with serious mental health needs. I understand you have been charged with researching some issues with St. Paul's and Fr. Samuel. The attached letter speaks to some of the ways that our organization has been harmed by Fr. Samuel's actions and leadership. As I mention in the letter, I am not sure if we are following proper protocol and procedure, but we felt our concerns needed to be documented. I have also sent hard copies of the letter to you via USPS. thank you. Brian Kelahan, Chair Christian Counseling and Family Life Center, Inc.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:19:33 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Date: From: To:

RE: Request for consent Friday, June 3, 2022 at 6:45:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time Amjad Samuel Thom, A. Bates Lyons, Darryl Burke, Denise Welsh, Donald Burr, June Aziz, Kevin Fenner, Pam Williams, Peggy Hodgkins, Rev Geoffrey Hahneman, Shancia JarreR, Bishop Ian T. Douglas, Bishop Laura Ahrens AEachments: image001.jpg Thank you Thom! I truly appreciate your thoughWul leadership and I look forward to a thoughWul conversaYon when and if this maRer of consent comes before the Standing CommiRee. Faithfully, Amjad+ From: Thom <> Sent: Friday, June 3, 2022 3:50 PM To: A. Bates Lyons <>; Amjad J. Samuel <>; Darryl Burke <>; Denise Welsh <>; Donald Burr <>; June Aziz <>; Kevin Fenner <>; Pam Williams <>; Peggy Hodgkins <>; Rev Geoffrey Hahneman <>; Shancia JarreR <>; Thom Hagerth <>; Bishop Ian T. Douglas <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <> Subject: Request for consent

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ. For some time I have been receiving emails, news links, letters, and petitions regarding the Standing Committee's consent to the election of the Rev. Charlie Holt as Bishop of the Diocese of Florida. As president of the Standing Committee I feel it is my responsibility to facilitate an open discussion and to ultimately vote whether to consent. This matter is further complicated by the recent challenge to the election process which might postpone having to vote at all. This is not the first time the Standing Committee has been presented with requests for election consents in which a Bishop Elect's positions, statements, even character has been called into question. Most recently, issues of LGBTQ+ and racism in Illinois, Texas, and now Florida have been present. How should we respond? What process should we follow as individual Episcopalians, Clergy and Lay? I've prayed about this. I pondered and researched Episcopal doctrine and dogma. Faithfully TEC, at the General Convention in 1976, adopted resolutions stating that “homosexual persons are children of God who have a full and equal claim with all other persons to the love, acceptance, and pastoral concern and care of the Church” (1976-A069), and that they “are entitled to equal protection of the laws with all other citizens” (1976-A071). We reaffirmed that belief in 1994. Again in 2009 we acknowledged and affirmed same-sex couples in the life of the church; in 2012 it called for the repeal of discriminatory federal laws, increased legal protections for domestic partners, and recommended a liturgy for blessing the relationships of same-sex couples. Finally, in the summer of 2015, the General Convention voted to amend the canons of The Episcopal Church that regulate marriage, permitting any couple the rite of B0410

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Holy Matrimony. Likewise, our Church has faced the sin of racism and discrimination. In March 1994, the House of Bishops issued the Pastoral Letter on Racism, which definitively stated that, “Racism is totally inconsistent with the Gospel and, therefore, must be confronted and eradicated.” Basing its message on the baptismal covenant, the Bishops invited all baptized Christians to enter into a new covenant to fight racism and to, “proclaim the vision of God’s new creation in which the dignity of every human being is honored.” Today we continue this journey as we live into racial justice and reconciliation. One truth I found on the TEC website however, talking about TEC LGBTQ+ ministry which I feel applies to institutional racism as well states: "... it would be ingenuous to say that the entire church is in the same place on this journey. As with all spiritual journeys, everyone walks at their own pace. Some Episcopal congregations are actively involved in LGBTQ ministry and their arms are open wide; others are more reserved, but their doors are still open to all; some are still wrestling with their beliefs and feelings. But we’re on this journey together, and The Episcopal Church is dedicated to full inclusion and equality in the church as well as in society as a whole." The dilemma, if one exists, is the fact that the clergy and laity in a Diocese elect their Bishop as a reflection of themselves, their values, their morals. As your president, regardless of my position or opinion, I feel it might be beneficial to have an open discussion regarding this issue. Does a Diocese have the right to elect and install a Bishop whose views are in opposition to Church doctrine even if we believe it is either morally, ethically, and spiritually inconsistent with our own beliefs? Amjad spoke to this issue in an email to all back in January in regard to the Consent of Frasier Lawton as Assisting Bishop in Dallas. I honor and value all opinions and remind you that the Standing Committee consent need not be unanimous. I have attached a sampling of the communications I have received and I look forward to our June 9, 2022 meeting and hearing your views on this question. An agenda and Zoom link will be coming next week. We have a full calendar. Faithfully,

Thom Hagerth President, Standing CommiRee of the Episcopal Church in ConnecYcut St Stephen’s Episcopal Church, East Haddam, CT hRps:// 860 873-9164 (H) 860 262-0308 (C) B0411

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The grace of God be with you, The grace of Christ be with you, The grace of Spirit be with you, For an hour, for ever, for eternity. Carmina Gadelica


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:21:47 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Parish administra,on by A. Samuel Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 11:10:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Brad BabbiH, Ian T. Douglas CC: Bishop Laura Ahrens

Hi allI’ve let Bill know that I would look into his concern and there will be a delay in my geQng back to him. Any sugges,ons? This is not the only parish administra,ve maHer that Amjad is not ac,ng on. Peace. Robin From: Bill Tyliszczak <> Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2022 12:00 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject:

Good morning Robin, My name is Bill Tyliszczak, previous Junior Warden at St. Paul's in Shelton. My wife, Maureen, and I relocated to North Carolina last year. We took our time in finding a new church, which we did, St. James in Hendersonville. Several months ago, after speaking with our new rector, Rev. David Henson, he said the next step would be to contact our previous pastor and request that he transfer our records . When I returned home, I sent Amjad an email requesting this and provided all of David's contact information. After more than a week with no response, I sent another email to Amjad and also to the general mailbox. A couple days later I received a response, not from Amjad, but from the Senior Warden, informing me that this request had to come from our new pastor. I contacted David and he immediately sent this out. So here we are months later and David still has received nothing. Our new church is MUCH larger than St. Paul's, so David has much more on his plate, but he can find the time to perform this rather mundane pastoral duty. I am at a loss as to what the issue is here. We've spoken to other former parishioners and it's been over 6 months for some since their new pastor requested their records and still nothing. Could it be that some of us are unnamed complainants in the ongoing Title IV and he is aware of this, so as far as he is concerned we no longer exist? I really don't want to go there, all I'm asking is that someone remind him that he still has to perform the clerical side of his pastoral duties. Thank you for letting me vent. If you would like to speak to be on this, you can reach me at 203 209 5543. Sincerely, Bill Tyliszczak Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android B0413

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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:23:17 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: From AS+ re: Allison Brown, St. Paul's Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at 10:26:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: BabbiJ, Bradford To: Ian T. Douglas, Rebekah Hatch, Bishop Laura Ahrens CC: Robin Hammeal-Urban AGachments: image001.jpg

Good morning again, I heard back from Mary Kostel late yesterday – she’s an amazing treasure for the Church! She offered 2 suggestions, but admitted that neither would be a perfect solution. Alas, there often isn’t a perfect solution. First, she pointed to Canon III.5.3, which reads, in its entirety: An application for any dispensation permitted by this Title from any of the requirements for ordination must first be made to the Bishop, and if approved, referred to the Standing Committee for its advice and consent. This provision appears in the section titled, “Of General Provisions Respecting Ordination,” and after the section that discusses the signatures required on a letter of support from the Vestry. The language “any dispensation permitted by this Title” doesn’t clarify much of anything, and Messrs White and Dykeman offer essentially nothing by way of explication. But Mary believes that it might fit the bill here, and that we might, with approval of both the Bishop and the Standing Committee, substitute a letter of support from another Priest familiar with the nominee and the Parish for the letter from the Rector. Second, Mary pointed to the last sentence of Canon III.5.2(b), which offers an alternative where there “be no Rector or Priest-in-Charge,” specifically a letter from another Priest familiar with the nominee and the Parish. Mary’s suggestion was that we could deem Amjad’s “recusal” as equivalent to the absence of a Rector or Priest-in-Charge. Perhaps that’s a way forward: if Ian agrees, we propose to the Standing Committee that Amjad’s recusal is equivalent to the absence of a Rector and, per the last sentence of Canon III.5.2(b), a letter of support from a Priest familiar with the nominee and the Parish be accepted in lieu of the signature of the Rector. Happy to discuss live if that would be useful. Thanks. B0415

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Brad Brad Babbitt General Counsel

Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: BabbiJ, Bradford Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2022 10:22 AM To: Ian T. Douglas <>; Rebekah Hatch <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <> Cc: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: RE: From AS+ re: Allison Brown, St. Paul's

Good morning all, I’m not sure where this person is in the process. So some of what follows may not apply. But here’s what I have found: A congregation can nominate someone for ordination to the diaconate. Canon III.6.2. A Nomination from a congregation requires a letter signed by 2/3rds of the Vestry and the member of the Clergy or leaders exercising oversight. Canon III.6.2(a). Hence, if Amjad is the Member of the Clergy exercising oversight, his signature is required. Even if he is not exercising oversight, his signature is nonetheless required because “[w]henever the letter of support of a Vestry is required, the letter must be signed and dated by at least 2/3rds of all of the Members of the Vestry . . . and by the Rector or Priest-in-Charge of the Parish . . . .” Canon III.5.2(b). If there is no Rector or Priest-in-Charge, the letter may be signed by a Priest of the Diocese acquainted with the nominee and the Parish. Canon III.5.2(b). But here, Amjad is the Rector of the Parish. Accordingly, his signature is required by Canon III.5.2(b) for a Nomination to the Diaconate under Canon III.6.2(a). I believe the same requirement applies to letters from a Postulant’s congregation in support of consideration as a Candidate for ordination to the Diaconate. A person wishing to be considered as a Candidate must submit a “letter of support from the Postulant’s congregation . . . . If it be a congregation the letter shall be signed and dated by at least 2/3rds of the Vestry and by a Member of the Clergy or other leader exercising oversight.” Canon III.6.4(a)(2). Here too, even if Amjad is not exercising oversight, his signature is a required element of the letter of the Vestry, as defined by Canon III.5.2(b). B0416

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It appears to me that the same requirement would apply at the time of ordination to the priesthood, assuming the then-Deacon’s community of faith continued to be the same congregation that originally nominated the person and supported the person’s candidacy. I don’t see an alternative way around the signature requirement, even if Amjad is not exercising oversight in this instance. Recognizing that this is not an area in which I’ve been previously involved and that I may be missing something, I’ve asked Mary Kostel if she might have any ideas of an alternative path that could be pursued here. I’ll let you know if she has any insight in that regard. Happy to discuss further if that would be useful. Thank you. Brad Brad Babbitt Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, July 29, 2022 5:15 PM To: Rebekah Hatch <>; Bishop Laura Ahrens <> Cc: BabbiJ, Bradford <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Subject: Re: From AS+ re: Allison Brown, St. Paul's Dear Rebekah: This is very disturbing on many levels. I am copying both Brad and Robin Hammeal-Urban on this. Brad, is it canonically true that “the bishops can offer an alternative path” to this individual in teh ordination process? Robin, please note that Amjad says that this is at the direction of his counsel. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 B0417

Page 3 of 5 Note: My sabbath runs from Sunday afternoon through Monday. If you have an urgent need to contact me during my sabbath, please text me. Apart from this, I will endeavor to respond to all non-urgent emails within a few days.

From: Rebekah Hatch <> Date: Friday, July 29, 2022 at 1:58 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Bishop Laura Ahrens <> Subject: From AS+ re: Allison Brown, St. Paul's I’m kindly consul^ng with you both on this maJer. Sigh. RBH+

From: Amjad Samuel <> Date: Friday, July 29, 2022 at 10:16 AM To: Rebekah Hatch <> Subject: Re: Connec^ng Dear Rebekah+ Hope you are doing well. On the advice of my counsel I reiterate that I have recused myself from the discernment process of Ms. Brown. It is my understanding that the Bishops can offer an alternate path to Ms. Brown should they chose to do so, and therefore my recusal need not be an impediment to her discernment process. Kindly consult with the Bishops on this maJer. My recusal also means that there is no need for us to exchange any more communica^ons regarding this maJer. Peace, Amjad+ Get Outlook for iOS From: Rebekah Hatch <> Sent: Monday, July 25, 2022 3:26:34 PM To: <> Subject: Re: Connec^ng Thank you, again, Amjad, for sending this along – I do appreciate it. And it sounds like pending Title IV issues are making everything a bit more challenging. This form, however, canonically requires your signature. If there’s a canonical issue keeping you from signing it, please be in touch with one of our bishops to work out an alternate solu^on. Peace, Rebekah+

From: <> Date: Monday, July 18, 2022 at 4:17 PM To: Rebekah Hatch <> Subject: RE: Connec^ng B0418

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Dear Rebekah+, Hope you are well. AJached please find the vestry consent of Allison Brown's discernment to priesthood. I am abstaining from her discernment process due to the possible appearance of impropriety regarding the pending Title IV process. Peace, Amjad+ From: Rebekah Hatch <> Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2022 4:34 PM To: Amjad J. Samuel <> Subject: Connec^ng Hi, Amjad – I’m reaching out in hopes that you can connect this week about Allison Brown. It seems there’s s^ll some confusion about the Vestry’s rela^onship with her; and I’m hoping you can help me chart a clear course forward. I have quite a bit of availability tomorrow (Monday, 7/18) & Wednesday, I can meet @ 2:30. Thanks so much, Amjad! Peace, Rebekah+ The Rev. Rebekah Bokros Hatch Interim Dean of Forma^on Rector, St. Alban’s, Simsbury CT

Episcopal Church in Connecticut 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x. 126 c 410-978-5384 To sign up to receive ECCT electronic newsletter go to hJp://^ or send a text message by tex^ng ECCT to 22828 *This message is intended for the sole use of the individual and entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable laws. Please do not use, copy, disclose or distribute. Thank you.

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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:30:48 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Amjad and Calvary Church, Stonington Date: Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 7:13:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: BabbiH, Bradford To: Robin Hammeal-Urban, Ian T. Douglas, Alison Hollo, Jeffrey Mello AEachments: image002.jpg Hi Robin, I think a polite acknowledgment would be a sufficient way to respond. I’m tempted to respond that he might also be a terrific driver and make a wonderful roast chicken but both are irrelevant to the issue. But that would be imprudent. Let’s just respond with a thank you and leave it at that. I see no reason not to share the informaXon with the President of the RP. That way, he can’t later claim that we hid important info from the RP. Thanks. Brad Get Outlook for iOS

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Sent: Saturday, October 1, 2022 5:57:57 PM To: Ian T. Douglas <>; BabbiH, Bradford <>; Alison Hollo <>; Jeffrey Mello <> Subject: RE: Amjad and Calvary Church, Stonington

Dear Ian, I think the precipitaXng event is the noXce of the “hearing” on Monday to determine whether the unnamed reporter’s idenXfy will be disclosed in the documents from the Hearing Panel. People may be confused and think that Monday is the full and final Hearing. I would suggest not sending the emails to Jill. We can inform the Reference Panel of them. I would suggest you send them on to Jeff, Alison and me as these are folks we may need to follow up with pastorally at some point. Any other thoughts on this? Peace, Robin

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Saturday, October 1, 2022 5:46 PM To: Brad BabbiH <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Alison Hollo <>; Jeffrey Mello <> Subject: Amjad and Calvary Church, Stonington Dear Brad, Robin, Alison, and Jeff:


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I have received multiple emails today from people at Calvary, Stonington all extolling the virtues of Amjad when he was there as an Assistant. Clearly there is an organized effort afoot. I am thinking I will just acknowledge receipt politely. I will copy you for your information, unless you wish otherwise. Please advise. Should I copy Jill Foster as well as President of the Reference Committee? Thanks for the help and advice. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 Note: My sabbath runs from Sunday afternoon through Monday. If you have an urgent need to contact me during my sabbath, please text me. Apart from this, I will endeavor to respond to all non-urgent emails within a few days.

This transmiHal may be a confidenXal R+C aHorney-client communicaXon or may otherwise be privileged or confidenXal. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby noXfied that you have received this transmiHal in error; any review, disseminaXon, distribuXon, or copying of this transmiHal is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communicaXon in error, please noXfy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its aHachments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:25:28 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Urgent Ma*er! Date: Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 9:45:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Kip Colligan To: CC: Bishop Douglas Ian, Several years ago, I had the opportunity to meet and video tape you as part of a major naOonal pro bono video project I directed my company to donate in furthering the mission of The Society for the Increase in Ministry, SIM. Thank you for contribuOng to that project with your Ome and thoughRul comments on video. That project also included over 40 addiOonal Episcopal Bishops who were involved as well. I am wriOng to you today however under very different circumstances. I want to formally express my firsthand observaOons and experience with Rev. Amjad Samuel. Based on any potenOally pending Title IV acOons involving Reverend Samuel, I feel compelled to formally express my personal observaOons and experience with Amjad. Having played a leadership role co-chairing the Calvary Church Stewardship Commi*ee for well over a decade in Stonington, I had numerous opportuniOes over two years to work side by side with Rev. Samuel. AddiOonally, my wife Tiffany Hendry, had similar opportuniOes working directly with Amjad through her 20 years plus work on Calvary's Altar Guild. Without a single excepOon or reservaOon, we have found Amjad Samuel to be the highest and best representaOon of an Episcopal minister. Amjad, on a 100% consistent basis, demonstrated compassion, understanding, support, guidance, trust, honesty, enlightenment, gentleness, paOence, and pastoral love to both my wife and to me. Further, my personal and frequent observaOons of Amjad interacOng with a large number of fellow Calvary parishioners, including youth members, reflected the exact same, exemplary character traits that I experienced with Rev. Samuel one on one. My observaOons were deeply honed by my years of Altar Guild service, where one gets to see clergy pre and post service, oaen with the pressure of Ome constraints and duty, especially during the Christmas and Easter seasons. This unique view, this measure of an individual, is far more inOmate and revealing than a tradiOonal public view of a minister at a pulpit. The quality of this man, behind the scenes or in public was exactly the same, exemplary, compassionate, and caring! I am deeply troubled that Amjad Samuel's professional character is now being quesOoned. I implore the Diocese to gather as many personal lay and clergy observaOons, the broadest base of individuals possible who have worked, worshipped, and served with Amjad. I am totally confident that the overwhelming predominance of tesOmony will completely validate my firsthand observaOons. I spend much of the winter in SE Florida, including membership at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Key West, however, I am more than willing to fly back to ConnecOcut on a moment's noOce to express my observaOons personally and strongly in whatever forum Bishop Douglas that you might consider appropriate. In the interim, thank you in advance for considering my input. I can be reached anyOme at the contact informaOon B0424

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below. Warm Regards, Kip Colligan Kip Colligan COO & Co-Founder Kipany M- 860-961-7335 O- 212-883-8300


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:27:56 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re The Reverend Amjad Samuel Date: Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 4:48:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Belinda DE KAY To: CC:

Dear Bishop Douglas, Like all members of the Episcopal Church in ConnecQcut, I received the noQce of the Title IV disciplinary proceedings against The Reverend Amjad Samuel. In the hopes that this might be helpful tesQmony, I am wriQng as a former Senior Warden of Calvary Church in Stonington ConnecQcut to tesQfy to the character of Amjad Samuel who is very well known to me as we worked closely during his Qme at Calvary, first as Director of ChrisQan FormaQon and then as Assistant Rector. I was the Senior Warden and Rector’s Warden which, as you know, meant I was a member ex officio of all commi[ees, especially the Finance Commi[ee and all ma[ers relaQng to the church government and administraQon. I also served as a Minister of Communion and a EucharisQc Visitor. This meant that I had day to day knowledge of the way Amjad conducted himself as a priest, of his hard work and intelligence and his commitment to his calling. Amjad was greatly loved by everyone in the Parish, from the very young to the very old, of all sexes and none. If it had not been for the Diocesan rules prevenQng such an outcome, he would have been invited to stay on as Rector. He is, quite simply, a man of God and brings the healing presence of the Holy Spirit wherever he is. He is a deeply spiritual man of unimpeachable integrity of character along with a remarkable warmth of love, kindness and understanding for all without discriminaQon. When he returned last year to deliver the eulogy for Pa[y Copp (who loved him dearly and married him and Molly) I said he had brought the Holy Spirit into Calvary. I write this as a member of Calvary Parish for some 45 years and as a Senior Warden for Mark Robinson and for Alfred Tisdale, so I am deeply experienced in both Parish and Episcopal life with all its ups and downs, and I could not express more warmly and without reservaQon my admiraQon for Amjad Samuel and the blessing that it has been, and is, to know him and his beloved wife, Molly. Thank you for taking the Qme to read this word in his support and with graQtude for all your great service to our Diocese, I wish you well in whatever new ventures await you. I remain, Yours in Christ, Belinda de Kay, Calvary Church, Stonington, Ct.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:27:02 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: ECCT V Rev. Amjad Samuel in Title IV Process Date: Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 1:41:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Derick Nicholas To: CC:

October 1, 2022 To Bishop Ian Douglas: I wish to make a statement in support of Rev. Amjad Samuel. I am a parishioner of Calvary Church, Stonington, CT. and have been for over thirty years. I was on the Vestry and was the Junior Warden during the time Amjad Samuel spent with us from 2008 to 2010. Although I have read all of the public documents of ECCT Title IV Matter 2021-1.,I cannot comment on the details of the Process as I have no contact or knowledge of or with any of the Accusations. I can comment without hesitation on the character and moral fiber of Amjad Samuel as being without question in keeping with the Behavior Becoming a Priest of the Episcopalian Church of the United States. None of the Accusations reflect the behavior, actions, or personality of Amjad Samuel that I ever saw or knew about, and as Junior Warden, I had plenty of exposure and contact with both Amjad Samuel and the members of the Calvary Church parish. If there was any concern in the parish about Amjad Samuel, I'd have known. There wasn't any. There was only admiration, praise, and widespread affection. His spirituality as a man of God affected us all, and we regretted immensely his departure. Bishop Douglas, with deep respect for you and the Diocese of the State of Connecticut, I remain, Sincerely, Frederick S. Nicholas, Jr. 186 Jerry Browne Road, Apt. 6306 Mystic, CT 06355


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:31:52 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Rev. Amjad Samuel Date: Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 7:21:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Candace Sanford To:, Your Excellency, Bishop Douglas, I’m wriQng on behalf of Rev. Amjad Samuel, whom I understand is facing disciplinary acQon from the Diocese of ConnecQcut. I worked closely with Rev. Samuel from 2008-2010 when he was assistant rector at Calvary Church in Stonington. During this Qme, Rev. Samuel was in charge of the ChrisQan EducaQon program for adults and children and I was one of the church school teachers. Rev. Samuel was always very helpful and respecTul of me. As far as I know, he treated all members of the congregaQon and church staff with respect. Rev. Samuel also taught some ChrisQan EducaQon classes for adults. From what I observed, he was willing to listen to the comments and quesQons of all those who aXended. My husband and I spent some Qme with Rev. Samuel and his wife Molly outside of church as well. Rev. Samuel was always a gentleman and very appreciaQve of anything that we did for Molly and him. Yours sincerely, Candace Sanford former Vestry member and clerk of Vestry


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:28:36 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Statement suppor-ng Rev. Amjad Samuels Date: Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 5:39:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Rowland Stebbins III To: CC: AFachments: Amjad Statement.docx

Bishop Douglas - Attached is my "Statement in support of the Rev. Amjad Samuels" Thank you for giving it consideration. - Rowland Stebbins III


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:33:25 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Amjad and Calvary Church, Stonington Date: Sunday, October 2, 2022 at 4:49:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: BabbiG, Bradford To: Ian T. Douglas, Robin Hammeal-Urban, Alison Hollo, Jeffrey Mello AEachments: image003.jpg, image005.jpg

Fine by me. Thanks. Brad Brad Babbitt Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Saturday, October 1, 2022 9:14 PM To: BabbiG, Bradford <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Alison Hollo <>; Jeffrey Mello <> Subject: Re: Amjad and Calvary Church, Stonington Thanks Brad: I think I will not share it with Jill at this point. Rather I will copy Jeff, Robin, and Alison and assure the writers that we will keep their communications on file. We can always let Jill and the Reference Panel know in due course as necessary and appropriate; and also let them know that we have the comments on file. OK? Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 Note: My sabbath runs from Sunday afternoon through Monday. If you have an urgent need to contact me during my sabbath, please text me. Apart from this, I will endeavor to respond to all non-urgent emails within a few days.


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From: Bradford BabbiG <> Date: Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 7:13 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>, "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Alison Hollo <>, Jeffrey Mello <> Subject: Re: Amjad and Calvary Church, Stonington Hi Robin, I think a polite acknowledgment would be a sufficient way to respond. I’m tempted to respond that he might also be a terrific driver and make a wonderful roast chicken but both are irrelevant to the issue. But that would be imprudent. Let’s just respond with a thank you and leave it at that. I see no reason not to share the informa_on with the President of the RP. That way, he can’t later claim that we hid important info from the RP. Thanks. Brad Get Outlook for iOS From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Sent: Saturday, October 1, 2022 5:57:57 PM To: Ian T. Douglas <>; BabbiG, Bradford <>; Alison Hollo <>; Jeffrey Mello <> Subject: RE: Amjad and Calvary Church, Stonington

Dear Ian, I think the precipita_ng event is the no_ce of the “hearing” on Monday to determine whether the unnamed reporter’s iden_fy will be disclosed in the documents from the Hearing Panel. People may be confused and think that Monday is the full and final Hearing. I would suggest not sending the emails to Jill. We can inform the Reference Panel of them. I would suggest you send them on to Jeff, Alison and me as these are folks we may need to follow up with pastorally at some point. Any other thoughts on this? Peace, Robin


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From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Saturday, October 1, 2022 5:46 PM To: Brad BabbiG <>; Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Alison Hollo <>; Jeffrey Mello <> Subject: Amjad and Calvary Church, Stonington Dear Brad, Robin, Alison, and Jeff: I have received multiple emails today from people at Calvary, Stonington all extolling the virtues of Amjad when he was there as an Assistant. Clearly there is an organized effort afoot. I am thinking I will just acknowledge receipt politely. I will copy you for your information, unless you wish otherwise. Please advise. Should I copy Jill Foster as well as President of the Reference Committee? Thanks for the help and advice. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 Note: My sabbath runs from Sunday afternoon through Monday. If you have an urgent need to contact me during my sabbath, please text me. Apart from this, I will endeavor to respond to all non-urgent emails within a few days.

This transmiGal may be a confiden_al R+C aGorney-client communica_on or may otherwise be privileged or confiden_al. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby no_fied that you have received this transmiGal in error; any review, dissemina_on, distribu_on, or copying of this transmiGal is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communica_on in error, please no_fy us immediately by telephone at 1-860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its aGachments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:34:02 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Amjad Samuel Date: Monday, October 3, 2022 at 10:44:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Carole Barnard To:

Dear Bishop Douglas, I am writing in support of the ministry of Amjad Samuel. I knew Amjad quite well when he was at Calvary because I was on the Vestry at that time (as I am now). He was a warm, loving, scholarly Curate, who taught some classes and gave incredibly spiritual sermons. He gave himself to the members of the Parish. I think that I can say that everyone loved and appreciated him.The Holy Spirit was with Calvary then. I can't believe that a few disgruntled employees were able to bring some personnel issues forward to your attention that could have been handled on the parish level. I hope you will see that Amjad is a committed Christian, who is an effective parish priest. Yours in Christ, Carole Barnard 860-535-9480


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:35:00 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: FW: Receipt of pastoral direc2on dated September 29,2022 Date: Monday, October 3, 2022 at 1:38:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Alison Hollo To: Ian T. Douglas, Jeffrey Mello, Robin Hammeal-Urban AEachments: Image.jpeg, Image.jpeg FYI

Alison Hollo Senior Administrator for the Office of the Episcopate Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x112 f 203-235-1008

interested in receiving ECCT enews? Click here From: Amjad Samuel <> Sent: Monday, October 3, 2022 1:31 PM To: Alison Hollo <> Cc:; Subject: Receipt of pastoral direc2on dated September 29,2022 Dear Ms. Hollo, A]ached please find a signed copy of the pastoral direc2on dated September 29,2022 by Bishop Ian Douglas. Sincerely, Amjad+ Get Outlook for iOS


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:41:19 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Mee#ng with Don Allison Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 12:53:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Alison Hollo, Jeffrey Mello, Ian T. Douglas

Hi allI regret that I will not be with you when you meet with Don Alison this aMernoon. Don is really smart, experienced and fun. The primary purpose of this mee#ng is for Jeff to have an opportunity to meet Don. Other issues you might want to explore: 1. Don’s willingness to be appointed as ECCT Church ATorney for 2023. (Don is 70, has a grandbaby in England, has indicated he won’t do this forever, but when I drilled down he said he wants to con#nue to serve for at least a few more years. Our conversa#on was a number of months ago.) 2. Whether Don would be open to ECCT having a back-up Church ATorney for some new maTers especially while he is handling the Hearing Panel. This could be a sensi#ve topic. Don does not get work done in a #mely way—not just for ECCT, but for all dioceses who use him as Church ATorney. I personally don’t want to lose his exper#se and it would be good to be able to move cases forward more quickly. The maTer we discussed yesterday aMernoon could become a Title IV intake and I imagine the need for an inves#ga#on for which we rely on Don. Note: the canons allow ECCT to hire an inves#gator on its own, but I think Don should be in the loop as he ul#mately decides whether to pursue a case or not. 3. Let Don vent. The Hearing Panel maTer with ATorney Michael Rehill is very frustra#ng for Don —and he is used to aTorneys who delay and misuse processes. 4. You might want to men#on to Don the latest Pastoral Direc#on issued to Amjad. While this Pastoral Direc#on is not currently in Don’s purview, I don’t want ATorney Rehill to have informa#on that Don does not. In other words, I don’t want Don to be caught off guard. Have fun-I’ve never had a boring conversa#on with Don! Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connec#cut 290 PraT Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:44:24 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Stonington Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 5:55:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Brad BabbiH, Alison Hollo, Jeffrey Mello AFachments: image001.jpg Good quesQon, Ian. I think it might be okay to idenQfy the parishioners as the purpose of your call is pastoral—to provide support to Gillian with the hope that she can provide support to her parishioners. That’s my iniQal reacQon. And, I could be persuaded that this is not the correct way to proceed. Peace, Robin Sent from my iPhone On Oct 6, 2022, at 5:32 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

Dear Brad and Robin: During our meeting with Don Allison today we discussed the manifold emails I have been receiving from folk in Stonington in support of Amjad. Jeff, Don, and Alison thought it might be a good idea for me to give Gillian Barr (the rector in Stonington) a heads up. Thanks for raising the question, Jeff. My question is: while I will not discuss the Hearing Panel with Gillian beyond what is public, if Gillian asks who the parishioners are who have reached out to me, should I supply her with the names? Thanks for the advice and counsel. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 B0437

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c 860-895-3964 Note: My sabbath runs from Sunday afternoon through Monday. If you have an urgent need to contact me during my sabbath, please text me. Apart from this, I will endeavor to respond to all nonurgent emails within a few days.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:45:06 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Allison Brown Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 6:02:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Jeffrey Mello, Bishop Laura Ahrens, Rebekah Hatch AHachments: image001.jpg Hi all. Well, he has complied with the Pastoral DirecPon. I am sorry for Allison. I am curious whether there will be any impact on his relaPonship with vestry members who all supported Allison’s moving forward in the process. Peace, Robin. Ps- I have feelings about this that I’ll work through elsewhere! Sent from my iPhone On Oct 6, 2022, at 3:12 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

Dear All: Amjad’s response below. Over to you and the COM for next steps to support Allison. Sorry about adding this to your work as I go out the door. Faithfully, Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan <image001.jpg>

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 Note: My sabbath runs from Sunday afternoon through Monday. If you have an urgent need to contact me during my sabbath, please text me. Apart from this, I will endeavor to respond to all nonurgent emails within a few days.


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From: "" <> Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 2:30 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Rebekah Hatch <>, Alison Hollo <> Cc: "" <>, "" <> Subject: Pastoral direcPon September 29, 2022 response Dear +Ian, This email is in response to your pastoral direcPon dated September 29, 2022, in which you direct me to make a binary decision of yes or no concerning Ms. Allison Brown’s applicaPon for ordinaPon to priesthood. My hope in abstaining was that if it was God’s will, you will exercise your Episcopal authority in assigning Ms. Brown to a different parish, which would have been an opportunity for growth for her especially when she has never been a part of another Episcopal parish. Just to be clear, my decision to recuse was neither to not a_end to my duPes as Rector of St. Paul’s nor was it to be an impediment to Ms. Brown’s OrdinaPon process. Also, recusal or abstenPon is a decision. In fact, as a pastor to her family for the last 8 years in which I have supported and cared for this family in more than one way, I have deep concern that a binary decision may not be the best way to approach care for Allison and her family. Having said that, and to be in compliance with your pastoral direcPon, I have liaed this ma_er in prayer. I have considered Ms. Brown’s lack of communicaPon with me concerning her discernment process as well as her failure to take on and complete successfully simple tasks related to church life; I have also given careful thought to her lack of respect for liturgy and her lack of a_enPon to it; I have also pondered on her lack of integrity on occasion. Having kept this ma_er in prayer I feel the Holy Spirit keeps bringing me to the same place of compassion and concern for Ms. Brown which I expressed in response to Bishop Laura Ahren’s text on April 10, 2021, in which I said, “I support her pursuit for clarity in where she sees herself serving God… I have encouraged her to gain more life experience as she discerns”. All this to say, at your pastoral direcPon to arrive at a binary conclusion to this ma_er, I am afraid, at this Pme, I cannot support her applicaPon to OrdinaPon. I wish Ms. Brown the best and I sincerely hope that she will conPnue to discern God’s call in her life. Faithfully, Amjad+


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:43:03 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Pastoral direc-on September 29, 2022 response Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 2:30:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To:, 'Rebekah Hatch', CC:, Dear +Ian, This email is in response to your pastoral direc-on dated September 29, 2022, in which you direct me to make a binary decision of yes or no concerning Ms. Allison Brown’s applica-on for ordina-on to priesthood. My hope in abstaining was that if it was God’s will, you will exercise your Episcopal authority in assigning Ms. Brown to a different parish, which would have been an opportunity for growth for her especially when she has never been a part of another Episcopal parish. Just to be clear, my decision to recuse was neither to not aYend to my du-es as Rector of St. Paul’s nor was it to be an impediment to Ms. Brown’s Ordina-on process. Also, recusal or absten-on is a decision. In fact, as a pastor to her family for the last 8 years in which I have supported and cared for this family in more than one way, I have deep concern that a binary decision may not be the best way to approach care for Allison and her family. Having said that, and to be in compliance with your pastoral direc-on, I have liZed this maYer in prayer. I have considered Ms. Brown’s lack of communica-on with me concerning her discernment process as well as her failure to take on and complete successfully simple tasks related to church life; I have also given careful thought to her lack of respect for liturgy and her lack of aYen-on to it; I have also pondered on her lack of integrity on occasion. Having kept this maYer in prayer I feel the Holy Spirit keeps bringing me to the same place of compassion and concern for Ms. Brown which I expressed in response to Bishop Laura Ahren’s text on April 10, 2021, in which I said, “I support her pursuit for clarity in where she sees herself serving God… I have encouraged her to gain more life experience as she discerns”. All this to say, at your pastoral direc-on to arrive at a binary conclusion to this maYer, I am afraid, at this -me, I cannot support her applica-on to Ordina-on. I wish Ms. Brown the best and I sincerely hope that she will con-nue to discern God’s call in her life. Faithfully, Amjad+


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:46:29 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Allison Brown Date: Friday, October 7, 2022 at 6:10:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Bishop Laura Ahrens To: Ian T. Douglas CC: Robin Hammeal-Urban, Jeffrey Mello, Rebekah Hatch AHachments: image001.jpg, image001.jpg I will scan and share with all of you Alison’s most recent ember day leQer. She does not speak about her home parish but it really is quite a beauTful leQer. It will give you all a sense of who she is +Laura Sent from my iPad

The Rt. Rev. Laura J.Ahrens, D. Min. Bishop Suffragan Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. Psalm 84:5 NIV Episcopal Church in ConnecRcut The Commons 290 PraQ Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x 109 c 203-240-9426 f 203-235-1008 On Oct 6, 2022, at 10:04 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote:

Yes, he has. I wonder when/if we can check in on this. Maybe briefly after staff meeting next week? Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan


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Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 Note: My sabbath runs from Sunday afternoon through Monday. If you have an urgent need to contact me during my sabbath, please text me. Apart from this, I will endeavor to respond to all nonurgent emails within a few days.

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 6:02 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Cc: Jeffrey Mello <>, Bishop Laura Ahrens <>, Rebekah Hatch <> Subject: Re: Allison Brown Hi all. Well, he has complied with the Pastoral DirecTon. I am sorry for Allison. I am curious whether there will be any impact on his relaTonship with vestry members who all supported Allison’s moving forward in the process. Peace, Robin. Ps- I have feelings about this that I’ll work through elsewhere! Sent from my iPhone On Oct 6, 2022, at 3:12 PM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Dear All: Amjad’s response below. Over to you and the COM for next steps to support Allison. Sorry about adding this to your work as I go out the door. Faithfully, Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan


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<image001.jpg> Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 Note: My sabbath runs from Sunday afternoon through Monday. If you have an urgent need to contact me during my sabbath, please text me. Apart from this, I will endeavor to respond to all non-urgent emails within a few days.

From: "" <> Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 2:30 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <>, Rebekah Hatch <>, Alison Hollo <> Cc: "" <>, "" <> Subject: Pastoral direcTon September 29, 2022 response Dear +Ian, This email is in response to your pastoral direcTon dated September 29, 2022, in which you direct me to make a binary decision of yes or no concerning Ms. Allison Brown’s applicaTon for ordinaTon to priesthood. My hope in abstaining was that if it was God’s will, you will exercise your Episcopal authority in assigning Ms. Brown to a different parish, which would have been an opportunity for growth for her especially when she has never been a part of another Episcopal parish. Just to be clear, my decision to recuse was neither to not aQend to my duTes as Rector of St. Paul’s nor was it to be an impediment to Ms. Brown’s OrdinaTon process. Also, recusal or abstenTon is a decision. In fact, as a pastor to her family for the last 8 years in which I have supported and cared for this family in more than one way, I have deep concern that a binary decision may not be the best way to approach care for Allison and her family. Having said that, and to be in compliance with your pastoral direcTon, I have lijed this maQer in prayer. I have considered Ms. Brown’s lack of communicaTon with me concerning her discernment process as well as her failure to take on and complete successfully simple tasks related to church life; I have also given careful thought to her lack of respect for liturgy and her lack of aQenTon to it; I have also pondered on her lack of integrity on occasion. Having kept this maQer in prayer I feel the Holy Spirit keeps bringing me to the same place of compassion and concern for Ms. Brown which I expressed in response to Bishop Laura Ahren’s text on April 10, 2021, in which I said, “I support her pursuit for clarity in where she sees herself serving God… I have encouraged her to gain more life experience as she discerns”. All this to say, at your pastoral direcTon to arrive at a binary conclusion to this maQer, I am afraid, at this Tme, I cannot support her applicaTon to OrdinaTon. I wish Ms. Brown the best and I sincerely hope that she will conTnue to discern God’s call in her life.


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Faithfully, Amjad+


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:49:09 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Stonington Date: Friday, October 7, 2022 at 5:44:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Jeffrey Mello To: Ian T. Douglas, Robin Hammeal-Urban CC: Brad BabbiL, Alison Hollo Thanks, everyone. My interest was mostly that Gillian not be caught off guard that there is a major pastoral issue present in her congregaTon, that the Bishops are aware of, but that she may not be. Understand the complex nature of this situaTon, and wonder how we might support Gillian in being paster to her congregaTon. Of course, she might be fully aware. Thanks for all your thoughWul consideraTon. Peace, Jeff The Rev. Jeffrey W. Mello Bishop-Elect Episcopal Church in ConnecQcut The Commons 290 PraL Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 ext. 107

From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Friday, October 7, 2022 11:57:42 AM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Cc: Brad BabbiL <>; Alison Hollo <>; Jeffrey Mello <> Subject: Re: Stonington Thanks for the counsel. Ian Sent from my iPhone On Oct 7, 2022, at 11:56 AM, Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Given that, I think the best thing is for you to call her. Sent from my iPhone On Oct 7, 2022, at 11:52 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: B0446

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That’s my concern. That she is hearing from disgruntled parishioners. Ian Sent from my iPhone On Oct 7, 2022, at 11:42 AM, Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote: Hi Ian: I think the quesTon is, how will it help Gillian to know this? It might if there are rumblings in the parish. I think it is your call- do you want to alert a Rector to this dynamic in her parish? It might explain behaviors if anything unusual is occurring. And, it will be informaTon she needs to carry and the associated burden of holding informaTon in confidence- part of being a leader. I think if you are called to tesTfy in this maLer and were asked about sharing with Gillian the fact that parishioners wrote in support without idenTfying them, you could explain and be jusTfied in that this is part of the bishop’s care of clergy serving in parishes. You/we would want to support Gillian if this is currently playing out in the parish. Peace, Robin

Sent from my iPhone On Oct 7, 2022, at 11:06 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: So should I not call Gillian, even if I do not give her the names? Ian Sent from my iPhone On Oct 7, 2022, at 9:40 AM, Robin HammealUrban <> wrote: I agree with Brad. I was not being cynical enough when I responded.


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Given that, I wonder the benefit of calling Gillian. Thanks to Brad for bringing me back to reality. I had a moment of wearing rose colored glasses! R. Sent from my iPhone On Oct 7, 2022, at 8:02 AM, Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Wise counsel, Chancellor. As always. Thank you. Ian Sent from my iPhone On Oct 7, 2022, at 7:49 AM, BabbiL, Bradford < > wrote:

Good morning all, If the names are disclosed and the emailsenders learn that, Amjad and his lawyers will also learn that. I suspect that they will argue that B0448

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the disclosure was an attempt to silence those who speak out in Amjad’s favor and use the disclosure to support their claim that “the Diocese” is out to get him. If the names are disclosed, Gillian would be able to try to offer pastoral care to the emailsenders. I wonder how effective that would be, given they believe strongly enough in Amjad’s claims that they were willing to email Ian in his support. Put another B0449

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way, would disclosing the names do any good? On the other hand, if the names are not disclosed, Gillian will continue to lead a congregatio n that includes members who have been persuaded that “the Diocese” is out to get Amjad and, likely, that it is racist. And that seems to me to be the likely outcome even if we disclose the names because I doubt that Gillian would be able to change their minds even B0450

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minds even if she tried. Perhaps I’m overly cynical this morning. If so, I apologize. But I see downside in disclosing and little potential upside. Brad Brad Babbitt Robinson & Cole LLP Direct 860.275.8209 | Fax 860.275.8299

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <RUrban@episco> Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2022 5:55 PM To: Ian T. Douglas <itdouglas@epis> Cc: BabbiL, Bradford <BBabbiL@RC.c om>; Alison Hollo <Ahollo@episcop>; Jeffrey Mello <jmello@episcop> Subject: Re: Stonington

Good quesTon, B0451

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Ian. I think it might be okay to idenTfy the parishioners as the purpose of your call is pastoral—to provide support to Gillian with the hope that she can provide support to her parishioners. That’s my iniTal reacTon. And, I could be persuaded that this is not the correct way to proceed. Peace, Robin Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 6, 202 2, at 5:3 2


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2 PM, Ian T. Dou glas <itd oug las @e pisc opa lct. org > wro te: De ar Bra d and Rob in: Dur ing our me etin g wit h Do n Alli son


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son tod ay we disc uss ed the ma nifo ld em ails I hav e bee n rec eivi ng fro m folk in Sto nin gto n in sup por t of Amj ad. Jeff , Do n,


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n, and Alis on tho ugh t it mig ht be a goo d ide a for me to giv e Gilli an Bar r (the rect or in Sto nin gto n) a hea ds up. Tha nks for


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for raisi ng the que stio n, Jeff . My que stio n is: whil eI will not disc uss the Hea ring Pan el wit h Gilli an bey ond wha t is pub lic, if Gilli an


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an ask s wh o the pari shi one rs are wh o hav e rea che d out to me, sho uld I sup ply her wit h the na me s? Tha nks for the


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the adv ice and cou nsel . Ian The Rt. Rev . Ian T. Do ugl as, Ph. D. Bis hop Dio ces an <im age 001. jpg> Epi sco pal Ch urc h in Co nne


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nne ctic ut The Co mm ons 290 Prat t Stre et | Bo x5 2| Mer ide n CT 064 50 p2 03639 350 1x 111 c8 60895 396 4 itdo ugl as@ epi


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epi sco pal ct.o rg ww w.e pisc opa lct. org Not e: My sab bath runs from Sun day after noo n thro ugh Mon day. If you hav e an urge nt nee d to cont act me duri ng


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ng my sab bath , plea se text me. Apa rt from this, I will end eav or to resp ond to all nonurge nt ema ils with in a few days .

This transmiLal may be a confidenTal R+C aLorney-client communicaTon or may otherwise be privileged or confidenTal. If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby noTfied that you have received this transmiLal in B0461

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transmiLal in error; any review, disseminaTon, distribuTon, or copying of this transmiLal is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this communicaTon in error, please noTfy us immediately by telephone at 1860-275-8200, or e-mail at, and immediately delete this message and all its aLachments.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:54:40 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: RE: Canon IV.3 ECCT v. The Rev. Samuel J. Amjad. Date: Monday, October 10, 2022 at 7:08:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Robin Hammeal-Urban To: Ian T. Douglas, Brad BabbiO CC: Alison Hollo AGachments: image002.jpg

Ian, Let me follow up with Alison on this. Alison made the copies of my files as well as Laura’s and those copies were delivered to Don for his review. Don would then provide them to the Respondent’s Counsel as appropriate. We do not give anything directly to Respondent’s Counsel. Perhaps we missed your files or Don did not ask. It would have been best for Don to follow up with us/you if he didn’t have this informaYon to provide to AOorney Rehill. I also have an issue with the counsel for the Respondent reaching our directly to you when ECCT is represented by the Church AOorney. I think we should make Don aware of this communicaYon. Alison, can you please make sure you know where Ian’s files on this maOer are located? I know everything has been boxed up. I suggest we: 1. Provide copies of the requested documents to Don; 2. NoYfy Don of this communicaYon; 3. Have Don as Church AOorney respond to this message and remind Respondent’s counsel that he is not to communicate directly with the Church AOorney’s client. 4. Perhaps Don files something with the Hearing Panel (moYon re: abuse of discovery process) so there is record of this tacYc. And, I defer to Brad’s wisdom on this. Peace, Robin PS- I am having an affecYve response to these tacYcs- I’m going to go workout! From: Ian T. Douglas <> Sent: Monday, October 10, 2022 5:09 PM To: Robin Hammeal-Urban <>; Brad BabbiO <> Cc: Alison Hollo <> Subject: FW: Canon IV.3 ECCT v. The Rev. Samuel J. Amjad. Dear Brad and Robin: Please see below. This is the first request from Michael Raehill, or from Don for that matter, asking B0463

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for any information that I might have on Amjad. I am happy to provide my file on Amjad to both Michael and Don, if appropriate. Brad, as my Chancellor, can you please provide me with counsel and direction (and maybe even some text with how I might respond to Rehill.) Thanks so much. I am happy to discuss this by phone. Thanks again. Ian The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan

Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964 Note: My sabbath runs from Sunday afternoon through Monday. If you have an urgent need to contact me during my sabbath, please text me. Apart from this, I will endeavor to respond to all non-urgent emails within a few days.

From: Michael Rehill <> Date: Monday, October 10, 2022 at 4:59 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Canon IV.3 ECCT v. The Rev. Samuel J. Amjad.

Dear Bishop Douglas: As you are aware, Canon IV. 1. Of Accountability states in pertinent part, “Canon 1: Of Accountability and Ecclesiastical Discipline

1. Accountability. … This Title applies to Members of the Clergy, who have by their vows at

ordination accepted additional responsibilities and accountabilities for doctrine, discipline, worship and obedience.”

Canon IV.3. further provides, “Canon 3: Of Accountability

1. Causes for proceedings. Sec. 1. A Member of the Clergy shall be subject to proceedings under this Title for:

“…failing without good cause to cooperate with any investigation or B0464

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“…failing without good cause to cooperate with any investigation or proceeding conducted under authority of this Title. Intentionally and maliciously bringing a false accusation or knowingly providing false testimony or false evidence in any investigation or proceeding under this Title.”

Additionally, Canon IV.13.5.a provides, “ Sec. 5. The Church Attorney and the Respondent shall each be afforded reasonable time and opportunity to discover evidence in preparation for the hearing as follows: a. Within sixty days after the filing and delivery of the response by the Respondent, the Church Attorney and the Respondent’s counsel shall each provide to the other a mandatory disclosure of all evidence known to them that would tend to prove or disprove the allegations against the Respondent, including but not limited to (1) the name and, if known, the address and telephone number of each individual likely to have direct knowledge of information which may be used to support the allegations against the Respondent or the defenses thereto, together with a detailed summary of the expected testimony of the person, if called to testify; and (2) a copy of, or a description by category and location of, all documents and tangible things that may be used to support the allegations against the Respondent or the defenses thereto, except as such disclosure would involve Privileged Communications. The parties must supplement mandatory disclosures made under this section as additional information becomes known. Documents and tangible items identified in the mandatory disclosures that are in the possession of a party shall be produced upon request, and copies of all documents provided to the requesting party. The Hearing Panel may, upon request of a party or Injured Person, enter an order limiting production of documents or tangible items of a sensitive nature.”

As the Bishop Diocesan, you are familiar with the Canons, especially Title IV, including the Canons quoted herein. You are certainly well aware of the Stages in the Title IV Matter involving Fr. Amjad J. Samuel. Sometime on or about May 26, 2022, or early June, 2022, it is my understanding that the Church Attorney reached out to you as well as others looking for information consistent with canon IV.13.5.a herein above. As a result of that request for information, I have received information via the Church Attorney, from several people including but not limited to Robin Hammeal-Urban and Bishop Laura Ahrens pertaining to this matter. Unfortunately, I have received nothing from you. If you have produced documents and information in accordance with the Canons cited herein, please let me know to whom you have given this information and on what date(s). If you have not produced any documents and information, please be advised that you are in violation of Canon IV.3. I urge you to comply and cooperate with this Title IV process so as not to cause any further delay. Please be guided accordingly. Faithfully, Michael


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MICHAEL F. REHILL, J.D., D.D. (Counsel for Respondent) CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:56:31 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: FW: Canon IV.3 ECCT v. The Rev. Samuel J. Amjad. Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 11:25:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Donald Allison To: Ian T. Douglas AFachments: image001.jpg Hi Ian, I will respond to Rehill. Do you have a minute this aNernoon for a quick call? Best, Don On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 9:11 AM Ian T. Douglas <> wrote: Dear Don:

I have received the following from Attorney Rehill. I find it disconcerting that he reached out to me only and not to you.

I do not recall ever being asked for my file on Amjad. And I am happy to provide you with the file. It was started when the original intake report came in, which is my regular practice. There is not much in the file that you have not already seen. The only addition might be my handwritten notes from the questions asked when Robin and I did the disclosure visit at the parish.

Will you respond to Attorney Rehill? Or should I say anything to him?

Please let me know how to proceed.

Thanks for everything.



The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. Bishop Diocesan B0467

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Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x111 c 860-895-3964


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Note: My sabbath runs from Sunday afternoon through Monday. If you have an urgent need to contact me during my sabbath, please text me. Apart from this, I will endeavor to respond to all non-urgent emails within a few days.

From: Michael Rehill <> Date: Monday, October 10, 2022 at 4:59 PM To: "Ian T. Douglas" <> Subject: Canon IV.3 ECCT v. The Rev. Samuel J. Amjad.

Dear Bishop Douglas:

As you are aware, Canon IV. 1. Of Accountability states in pertinent part, “Canon 1: Of Accountability and Ecclesiastical Discipline 1. Accountability. … This Title applies to Members of the Clergy, who have by their vows at

ordination accepted additional responsibilities and accountabilities for doctrine, discipline, worship and obedience.”

Canon IV.3. further provides, “Canon 3: Of Accountability 1. Causes for proceedings. Sec. 1. A Member of the Clergy shall be subject to proceedings under this Title for:

“…failing without good cause to cooperate with any investigation or proceeding conducted under authority of this Title. Intentionally and maliciously bringing a false accusation or knowingly providing false testimony or false evidence in any investigation or proceeding under this Title.”

Additionally, Canon IV.13.5.a provides, “ Sec. 5. The Church Attorney and the Respondent shall each be afforded reasonable time and opportunity to discover evidence in preparation for the hearing as follows: a. Within sixty days after the filing and delivery of the response by the Respondent, the Church Attorney and the Respondent’s counsel shall each provide to the other a mandatory disclosure of all evidence known to them that would tend to prove or disprove the allegations against the Respondent, including but not limited to (1) the name and, if known, the address and telephone number of each individual likely to have direct knowledge of information which may be used to support the allegations against the Respondent or the defenses thereto, B0469

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together with a detailed summary of the expected testimony of the person, if called to testify; and (2) a copy of, or a description by category and location of, all documents and tangible things that may be used to support the allegations against the Respondent or the defenses thereto, except as such disclosure would involve Privileged Communications. The parties must supplement mandatory disclosures made under this section as additional information becomes known. Documents and tangible items identified in the mandatory disclosures that are in the possession of a party shall be produced upon request, and copies of all documents provided to the requesting party. The Hearing Panel may, upon request of a party or Injured Person, enter an order limiting production of documents or tangible items of a sensitive nature.”

As the Bishop Diocesan, you are familiar with the Canons, especially Title IV, including the Canons quoted herein. You are certainly well aware of the Stages in the Title IV Matter involving Fr. Amjad J. Samuel. Sometime on or about May 26, 2022, or early June, 2022, it is my understanding that the Church Attorney reached out to you as well as others looking for information consistent with canon IV.13.5.a herein above. As a result of that request for information, I have received information via the Church Attorney, from several people including but not limited to Robin Hammeal-Urban and Bishop Laura Ahrens pertaining to this matter. Unfortunately, I have received nothing from you. If you have produced documents and information in accordance with the Canons cited herein, please let me know to whom you have given this information and on what date(s). If you have not produced any documents and information, please be advised that you are in violation of Canon IV.3. I urge you to comply and cooperate with this Title IV process so as not to cause any further delay. Please be guided accordingly. Faithfully, Michael MICHAEL F. REHILL, J.D., D.D. (Counsel for Respondent)

CANONLAWYER, INC. Viking Village- 1 Route 94, Suite A Vernon, NJ 07462 (973) 823-8008 FAX (973) 823-8883 -Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, Massachusefs 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) B0470

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(413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 13:57:50 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Request for Ian's files and email messages Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 9:17:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Donald Allison To: Robin Hammeal-Urban CC: Alison Hollo, Ian T. Douglas Hi Robin, We do not need to provide all emails that menNon Amjad, only those that refer or relate to the substance and procedures in this maPer. As I discussed with Ian, the email and documents (if any) should come to me first; any communicaNons that Ian had with Brad are privileged and I will weed them out before producing the documents to Rehill. There is no hard deadline on this so get them to me at your earliest convenience. If you have any quesNons let me know. Best, Don Donald J. Allison Allison & McHale, LLP 69 South Pleasant Street, Suite 203 Amherst, MassachusePs 01002 (413) 253-9700 (phone) (413) 256-0170 (fax) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including all attachments, may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. It is to be viewed only by the intended recipient(s). If you are not intended recipient(s), please notify the sender of this information and delete your copy at once. Your cooperation is appreciated.

On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 7:52 PM Robin Hammeal-Urban <> wrote:

Hi Don, We are going to ask the archivist to print Ian’s emails that are needed for discovery in the maPer before the Hearing Panel. I’ll oversee this acNvity. What is the scope of the request with respect to email messages? If we print all of Ian’s messages that include Amjad you’ll get all standing commiPee messages and other commiPees on which Amjad serves.

I don’t believe that Ian has informaNon from the earlier maPer when the women came forward in 2018. Let me know how far back you want us to search.

I expect we will get on this next week at the soonest. Is there a hard deadline on this?

Thanks for all you are doing. Peace, Robin


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Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer

Episcopal Church in ConnecNcut 290 PraP Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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Friday, October 28, 2022 at 14:00:18 Eastern Daylight Time

Subject: Re: Search of Ian's emails Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 8:12:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Gregory D. Farr To: Robin Hammeal-Urban ADachments: image001.jpg Thanks Robin, I will be back in touch soon. I am still working out some technical stuff with Matt, but as soon as we sort it out - windows vs. mac - I will conduct the search. Hope you have a good evening! In faith, Greg

Greg Farr Archivist / Record Manager Episcopal Church in Connecticut The Commons 290 Pratt Street | Box 52 | Meriden CT 06450 p 203-639-3501 x135 f 203-235-1008 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited.

From: Robin Hammeal-Urban <> Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 7:54 PM To: "Gregory D. Farr" <> Cc: Alison Hollo <> Subject: Search of Ian's emails Dear Greg, Here is the scope of what he Church AYorney is looking for in Ian’s emails:

We do not need to provide all emails that men1on Amjad, only those that refer or relate to the substance and procedures in this ma:er. … the email and documents (if any) should come to me first; any communica1ons that Ian had with Brad are privileged and I will weed them out before producing the documents to Rehill.

The Title IV maYer was filed in February 2021. There were some women who came forward in March 2018 with concerns about the Respondent, Amjad Samuel. I don’t think that Ian was part of the email correspondence in that maYer, but please check as those emails would be relevant as well.


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Thank you so much for conduc_ng this search. Let me know if you have any ques_ons. And, sorry for sending this email aber work hours. Peace, Robin Robin Hammeal-Urban (she/her) Pastoral Response & Discipline Resource Officer Episcopal Church in Connec_cut 290 PraY Street Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203.639.3501 ext. 122 Fax 203.235.1008


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