Nelson Grapevine March 2013

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GRAPEVINE-2 News for Nelson and Munsonville

March 2013

Winter Issue


SULLIVAN STUDENTS COME TO NELSON he decision is in and Sullivan has received the necessary votes to move forward immediately with their withdrawal process from the Monadnock Regional School District. They have formed a provisional school board and selected schools for the upcoming 2013-2014 school year. Sullivan is working to transition their upper grade students to Keene High School, their 7th and 8th grade students to the Keene Middle School, and they have chosen the Nelson School for their elementary students. There is a phasing-over process where older students in each school segment are “grand-fathered” such that they can choose to switch schools or to stay in their current school until graduation to the



Nelson School District Meeting Friday, March 8 Nelson Town Meeting Tuesday, March 12 Voting for all offices is done on March 12th

Volume 30, No. 1

next school level. This means that students who would be next year’s 5th and 6th graders have the choice to stay in the Gilsum Elementary School or transition to the Nelson School this fall. The budget that the school board presented at the school district public hearing on January 9th did not reflect this happy circumstance. The budget that we walked thru that evening reflected the cost of educating Nelson students only, in the current configuration. The school board had preliminary projections for a NelsonSullivan combination which we reviewed with the public, hoping that Nelson would be selected. The Nelson board believed it was safer to take a more conservative approach until Sullivan’s decision was finalized. The School budget that is on the warrant and will be presented at the Nelson School district meeting in March has been updated and now reflects the merge of the Sullivan students into the Nelson School. The number of students who will join us is not absolute at this time, because Sullivan parents are still making their student placement choices. The range will be between 25 to 35 students - higher numbers in kindergarten and first grade, because that is the current demographic; and lower numbers in 5th (continued on page 3)

by Bert Wingerson ast September, a remarkable part of Nelson’s past found its way back to the town where it was made over 200 years ago. A sampler stitched by Sophia Griffin in 1801 was given to the Nelson Town Archives by Nancy and Ray Fos t er wh o traveled all the way from St. Petersburg, Florida to deliver it. Most young girls of that time made samp lers to demonstrate t h e i r proficiency with needle and thread. Sophia was only 11 years old when she felt capable enough to produce this example of her skills. In faded letters the inscription found within a decorative border reads: “The education forms the youthful mind/ Just as the twig is bent the tree’s inclined.” It is further signed “Sophia Griffin aged 11/ Packerfield July 21, 1801.” Nancy Foster’s curiosity led her to search the internet to find the location of


(continued on page 8)

ROTARY CLUB OF KEENE, NELSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND scholarship fund has been established exclusively for residents of Nelson, New Hampshire, who wish to further their education. Th e c rite ria fo r ap p lic atio n are :

A • • • •

You must be a Nelson resident for at least one year You must be planning to attend a college, technical school or continuing education class You must be a resident of Nelson in good standing You do have to be a high school graduate (consideration will be given to those who may not have graduated, b ut a re now non-traditional students wanting to improve their lives and opportunities through education).

Th e ap p lic atio n p ro c e s s is : •

Application is available by request by phone, US mail, or use the information below. Q u e s t i o n s ? Call Jane Kirk, 847-9647 or email,

Ite m s to in c lu d e : 1. Completed application form, signed and dated. 2. High school transcript 3. Competed essay. 4. Reference from: a. School official b. At least one personal reference, not from a relative c. A reference from a Nelson resident, someone who is not a relative 5. Evidence of school/class acceptance will be required prior to disbursement of funds. Award(s) will be made by July 1, 2013. Completed application should be submitted no later than May 1, 2013 to: Jane S. Kirk 543 Granite Lake Road Nelson, NH 03457 GRAPEVINE-2

TOWN BUILDINGS t is with a heavy heart that the Town Buildings Committee provides their update for this year’s Town Meeting. Architect Rick Monahon had been our partner for the past 18 months. He was selected to complete the “Assessment Report with Preservation Guidelines” that the Town funded at Town Meeting in 2012 with help from a New Hampshire Preservation Alliance grant. He completed the grant-funded work in December. We were hoping to bring the Town Hall and Library projects to Town Meeting this year. On Sunday, January 27th, Rick and his wife Duffy were killed in a head-on collision on Route 9 near Hillsborough. The Town Buildings Committee had been struggling with how best to bring the renovation projects to Town Meeting. There were big questions about how much money should be budgeted for the Town Hall. Rick’s first-draft budget based on the Assessment report indicated a budget of under $200,000. In order to validate that budget, the Buildings Committee asked Keene Commercial Interiors to also provide a budget estimate. The Committee received that estimate on December 20, 2012. It came in at much closer to $300,000. Rick Monahon explained that the Assessment Report was not the same as detailed drawings with the appropriate engineering study, and therefore only a ballpark estimate would be possible for March 2013. He suggested that we use


MARCH 2013

the higher estimate for the warrant. This situation was presented at the “Pre-Caucus” on January 23, 2013. The audience members were asked for their thoughts on how to proceed. There was strong interest in bonding at least one of the proposed projects. On January 27th, the accident occurred. The Buildings Committee met with the Selectmen on January 30. The Selectboard felt that it was too late to add a bond to the warrant, and that with Rick Monahon’s death, we no longer had the opportunity to begin the construction project without detailed drawings and a firm, fixed bid from a construction manager. The risks were seen as too high without Rick as our partner. The Buildings Committee has agreed to withdraw the warrant articles related to funding actual construction and renovation of the Town Hall and Library Basement. Instead, the Committee and the Selectboard recommend that the town invest in detailed drawings so that the projects can be put out for bid in the Fall of 2013. This should give the Town a Guaranteed Maximum Price for construction and renovation of the Town Hall and Library basement which will then be presented to the Town for a vote in March of 2014. 2012-13 Town Buildings Committee: Lisa Sieverts, Chair, Tom Buttrick, Bud French, Rob Germeroth, Susan Hansel, Eric Sandberg

Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing. ~ Rollo May


SULLIVAN COMES TO NELSON (continued from page 1) and 6th grades, both due to demographics and placement choice. The Nelson School District and the Sullivan School District are not merging. Nelson will remain its own school district and a part of the SAU29 and AREA agreements that have stood us well for 40+ years. Sullivan will create its own school district and enter into a tuition agreement with Nelson and with Keene for their KHS and KMS students. Without the Sullivan students, Nelson would be facing a property tax increase of 8.1% ($107,409) driven by a 22% percent increase in the contribution to the state retirement fund, a 10% percent increase in healthcare costs and an increase in Nelson’s contribution to the SAU29 apportion due to increased Nelson property values. With the Sullivan students, despite some initial transition expenses and a partial population increase, Nelson’s tax burden will be reduced by $23,894. This is a $131,303 improvement in the total property tax burden as a result of accepting Sullivan’s students into our school. The best benefit is the educational atmosphere. Our quiet nurturing school has created academic excellence for our small population of students, who have thrived in their current setting. But staff, students and parents are looking forward to the broader social relationships and classroom energy that a 57 student school population will bring. We invite you to thank your friends and neighbors in Sullivan for choosing Nelson for their elementary students, and to welcome them to our shared community. A heartfelt thanks also go to everyone in the community who worked to make this happen. Our open house last year for curious Sullivan families boasted not only Nelson staff, students and parents, but significant Nelson community members who came to greet Sullivan visitors and GRAPEVINE-2

make them feel welcomed and wanted. Thanks again to everyone involved along the way, you have made this positive outcome possible. Nelson School Board Kelly French Jessica Walker Lew Derby

SABBATICAL MINISTERS AT NELSON CHURCH elson Congregational Church, UCC is delighted to announce that we have called Eric and Sara (Patek) Marean to be our Sabbatical Ministers during the months of May, June, and July 2013. Sara and Eric are both ordained UCC ministers who moved to Nelson after concluding their co-pastorate at East Church in Milton MA. Eric and Sara are expecting their third child in March. They will split the responsibilities of leading worship during May, June, and July as well as being available for crisis pastoral care. The church deacons will provide regular pastoral care and visitation during sabbatical time. Rev. Dawn Garrett-Larsen will be spending her sabbatical writing a book entitled Seasons in Small Church Ministry which is intended to be a practical guide for small churches - about creative, inspirational and spirit-filled programs that have worked in our small church for each season of the church year. We are excited that Sara and Eric will be serving as our sabbatical ministers. All are invited to come join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30!


INSTRUMENTS FOR NELSON SCHOOL elson School looks forward to incorporating Sullivan Elementary students into our school. One source of school pride is our band. We hope many of the Sullivan students would like to join! We maintain a few starter instruments at the school to help encourage prospective band members to try playing an instrument without their parents having to make a purchase only to find out their fledgling musician turns out to prefer flute over trumpet. To this end, if anyone has an instrument languishing in their closet that they would like to donate to the school, donations would be greatly appreciated. Please call the school at 847-3408 or contact Sheila Vara at


MARCH 2013

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. ~ Anthony J. D'Angelo PAGE 3

FROM MY ROCK A Beautiful Sight, Oct. 18, 2010 by Don Bennett ear the end of October most trees have shed their summer plumage and stand denuded awaiting whatever winter has to offer. Oak and beech, however, cling tenaciously to some of their foliage. Beeches carry golden yellow and oak a deep somber red until early winter. The brush on the power line had reached about ten or twelve feet high since it was last cut several years ago. This was what stood between me and the thicket off the side of the power line as I sat there on the big rock I had claimed as my special place. A faint rustling to my right drew my attention as small hooves moved about in the mat of dry leaves spread over the forest floor The yearling doe burst from behind some scrub oak at the edge of the woods made one bound and stopped about thirty feet to my right standing broadside. I expected Mother was not far behind but she did not show herself. The youngster turned to look back toward where she had been probably to see if mother was following. She had not sensed my presence but I was sure the start-up tune of my digital camera would alert her to my presence. I switched it on anyway and hoped. There was no question I had to attempt to capture this lovely image. She responded immediately to the sound but only by turning her head toward me, more curious than frightened. Her tall ears with the white hairs were pointed directly at me. Slowly I raised the camera, let it focus and fired the shutter which set off the flash. Surely that will send her off in a flurry of grey-brown fur. She froze and stood there broadside while I took three more shots with flash. She did lift her nose in my direction wriggling her nostrils trying to scent me but the slight wind was in my direction so I was



protected. This young lady obviously had not yet learned all the safety rules regarding humans. An adult deer would have been off in a flurry at that first sound. Just as I aimed and pushed the shutter button for the fifth shot she finally responded to the flight instinct. The ears were still pointing in my direction and her “flag” was raised in alarm as she bounded away from me. Deer have a bushy tail which on the outside is the color of the rest of their body and is normally carried straight down and close to their body so hardly noticeable. The underside of the tail however is stark white as is the entire rump and all of this is exposed as the deer makes its hasty exit with the “flag” flying straight up in the flight mode. She had been remarkably patient with me but now was the time to depart... So very often when stalking a deer during the hunt all the hunter gets to see of the fleeing deer is that great white “flag” raised in alarm to warn any companions nearby. Deer are another of God’s beautiful, graceful creations which we are blessed to have in some abundance in our local woodlands. He created it all and placed us here to share and enjoy it. As I sit on that large chunk of granite I call “My Rock”, I am reminded that the real rock that I stand on is the one who created all things. Scripture tells us “…my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation.” (2nd Samuel 22:2) The longer I live and the more I learn and observe of this natural world, the more I become convinced that it did not happen by chance by some random combination of elements. It is so absurdly complex and beautifully crafted there is no possibility, in my mind, that “creation” happened other than by design. Did you know that when you see a spider climbing back up his web (and there is no web left behind) that he is actually eating and recycling the web? MARCH 2013

We live with many miracles daily and just accept them without thought because they are there. Look around, read, appreciate, believe and enjoy!

COMEDY SHOW FRED MARPLE n May 18th 7:00 p.m. at the Nelson congregational church will be hosting a Comedy Show with Fred Marple. Fred Marple is the unofficial spokesman for the mythical town of Frost Heaves, the most under-appreciated town in New Hampshire. He’s on a one-man campaign to put Frost Heaves back on the map, since—as the town’s motto goes—you can’t get there from here. Fred—also known as humorist and songwriter Ken Sheldon—has appeared on NH Chronicle, in the pages of Yankee Magazine and New Hampshire Magazine, on radio, and in the viral Internet hit, "Yoga for Yankees." Join Fred as he holds forth on town government, the weather, the wacky characters that inhabit Frost Heaves, and whatever else strikes his fancy. It’s an evening of music and laughter that is uniquely New Hampshire.


For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver. ~ Martin Luther


CHURCH NEWS from Hope Lothrop Ne ls o n Co n g re g atio n al Ch u rc h ur Christmas Eve offering this year was sent to Doctors Without Borders. The collection plus the church’s match of $500 totaled $1760.00. We now have a children’s choir which sings on the first Sunday of each month. The children practice their songs during Sunday School and at home. It is a pleasure listening to the youngsters voices! Ash Wednesday was February 13 with joint worship at the Chesham Church. On March 9, we will host our Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Tickets are available for pre-sale at $9 for adults and $6 for children under 10. Wear your green and don’t miss this wonderful meal. Gordon Peery’s band will be playing during the dinner before their performance at the Town Hall later in the evening so come and have dinner and enjoy both events! There will be carrots, turnips, onions and Irish Soda bread along with a dessert. Holy week will begin with Palm Sunday service at 9:30a.m. on March 24. Maundy Thursday, March 28 soup and bread supper at 6:00 pm followed by a Tenebrae service at 7:00p.m. This will be a shared event with the Harrisville Church and Chapel-by-the-Lake congregations. On Good Friday, March 29, the church will be open for prayer and reflection. Easter Sunrise service, March 31, will be at 6:30 a.m. on the front steps followed by the Pancake Breakfast and family worship service at 9:30. Easter Sunday we are blessed to have a guest from one of our partner churches from Zimbabwe visiting. April 20 the church and scouts will collaborate in hosting the much renowned Italian Extravaganza from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. (see back page)



We continue to enjoy First Tuesday teas at 10:00 a.m. throughout the year hosted by varied families and individuals at their homes. This is a wonderful way to build community. All are welcome to attend. The NELL’s meet for lunch at various restaurants in Keene on the second Wednesday of the month. Here again all are welcome to share in this gathering. Reservations are requested so please contact Bert Wingerson or Priscilla Walter if you would like to join us for lunch. Dawn will be taking a sabbatical this summer from May through July. She has plans to write a book about small church ministry. While she is on sabbatical we are pleased to have Sara & Eric Marean as co-ministers providing Sunday service coverage as well as crisis pastoral care. (see story on page 3) The deacons will provide visitation and general pastoral care. We are blessed to have two ordained UCC ministers right here in Nelson! Thank you Sara & Eric. Our Trustees continue to do a wonderful job overseeing the well-being of the church’s physical plant as well as tracking our investment funds. They have set some goals for the coming year to include re-evaluating the Equal Access and getting architectural drawings and bids. They are also creating a plan for revamping the sprinkler system and creating a Policy Manual for usage of the church. They are also looking into


planting a permanent Christmas Tree and dealing with outside lighting issues.

Ch ap e l-b y -th e -Lake orship services are at 10:00 a.m. with Bible Study following the Worship service. Knitting club meets every other Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to Noon. For more information and to confirm meeting dates, call 446-7857 or 847-3231 During the winter months we meet in individuals’ homes. Maundy Thursday will be a joint venture with the Nelson Congregational Church. There will be a soup and bread supper at 6:00 p.m. at the Nelson Church followed by a Tenebrae Service at 7:00 p.m. We invite all our parishioners to share in this event with our brothers and sisters of the Nelson and Harrisville Churches. Easter service, March 31 will be at 10:00 a.m. Visit our website




nlike public radio and television fund-raisers, we don’t have a toll-free number for you to call or a nifty premium to offer, nor do we have corporate sponsorship; but we do need your financial support. The Grapevine-2 has been published for many years - yes we are now on Volume 30. The newsletter is published by volunteers and is otherwise supported solely by donations from you, our readers. Our only costs are paper, printing, labels, and postage. If you enjoy receiving the Grapevine, please help us keep this Nelson mainstay running. Use the enclosed envelope to send a contribution to:


Grapevine- 2 830 Nelson Road Nelson, NH 03457

MARCH 2013

Thank you in advance for your generosity.



Collector for more than ten years, has graciously agreed to continue to provide necessary coverage in my absence. She was not interested in running for the position. As you may know, the hiring process began this past July when I posted the position of deputy town clerk/tax collector on the town website, sent the information to Candace Fulford for the Moving in Step newsletter, and posted the position on the town bulletin boards. In that posting, I indicated that I would choose and present a candidate to the selectmen in early September. Per RSA 41:18, “a deputy shall be appointed by the town clerk with the approval of the selectmen.� Before meeting with the selectmen, I met with Julia to discuss the position and explain what I would be proposing to the board, and we discussed the requirements of the position. I did meet with the selectmen on September 5, 2012 at 6:00 p.m., presented my choice, and received their approval. Julia Lennon was hired as deputy town clerk/tax collector at that meeting.

lease join me in welcoming Julia Lennon as the new Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector. Julia comes to the job with a strong background experience in sales and customer service within the computer, hospitality and banking industries. She is upbeat, happy and competent, and as clerk I am very happy Teri Upton to welcome her to our office. I look Town Clerk/Tax Collector forward to working with her and I hope she will choose to run for my position in March. Many of you already know Julia as Your task is not to seek for clerk to the planning and zoning boards, love, but merely to seek and find all and as an active member of the trails the barriers within yourself that committee, an offshoot of Moving in you have built against it. Step. At least for the immediate future, ~ Rumi Edith Notman, Deputy Town Clerk/Tax


FREE PARENT YOUTH MEDIATION AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTS OF NELSON ometimes holidays and vacations are not as peaceful as you had hoped. If your family spends these times fighting instead of enjoying each other, mediation may be helpful to you. Cheshire Mediation in Keene provides free parent/youth mediation services to all families in Cheshire County. Call Kate Kerman at 357-9673 for more information, or visit us online at



MARCH 2013

CONTRA DANCE he Monadnock Folklore Society presents the Nelson Second Saturday Contra Dance on March 9th, featuring Luke Donforth calling with Celticladda. Luke Donforth started contra dancing a decade ago in New York, and has called and shared his love of contra dancing from California to Texas to V er m o n t . He' s a n em er g in g choreographer of new dances, and draws on the wealth of dances and dance traditions from everywhere he travels. Celticladda performs exciting tunes from the Irish, Scottish and New England music traditions, played with joy and drive. Based in New Hampshire, Celticladda is a band of devoted and experienced instrumentalists who will inspire both dancers and musicians alike. They are Randy Miller, fiddle, Bill Thomas, flute and Uilleann pipes, and Gordon Peery, piano. Dancing begins at 8:00 PM, with a short workshop beforehand. Beginners and singles are welcome and all dances are taught throughout the evening. Admission is $8 or $6 for students and seniors. The dance takes place in the historic Town Hall in Nelson, NH. For more information call 603.762.0235 or visit The Monadnock Folklore Society has presented contra dances and concerts of traditional music since 1982.



LIBRARY NEWS Am azo n Kin d le s at th e Lib rary By Kris Finnegan ou’ve heard about it, now you can see it for yourself at Nelson Library! Thanks to a gift from a patron Nelson Library patrons may check out and take home an Amazon Kindle wireless reading device, preloaded with popular fiction and non-fiction titles. Kindles are compact, portable and have a sharp, easy to read screen that mimics paper. The purpose is to introduce patrons to this new technology by providing an opportunity to “play” with it. The Kindle will be available to check out for one week. The library staff is looking forward to hearing what our patrons think about the new way to read a book while traveling, or while at work or at home.


Coffee Hour O liv ia Ro d h am Me m o rial Lib rary n Saturday's at 10:00am we have invited the Nelson community for coffee, tea and conversation. Frank Upton's kitchen is no more; we don't have a dump or a pub or a post office. So where does one go to exchange news, opinions and bad jokes with friends and neighbors? The library! Stop by on your way to your Saturday errands for a cup of coffee and a chance to chat. There might even be homemade coffeecake and donuts from the Sullivan Store. For more information call 847-3214.


MONADNOCK FOLKLORE SOCIETY NELSON TOWN HALL EVENTS Co n tra d an c e s : - 7:30 p.m. - workshop for newcomers, 8:00 p.m. - main dance Admission is $8 for adults, $6 for senior citizens and students. Questions about the dance? Call Lisa Sieverts at 762-0235. Date March 9

Event Contra Dance

Time 7:30 p.m.

Caller - Description Luke Donforth

Musicians Celticladda

March 29 April 4 April 14

Concert Sacred Harp Singing Sacred Harp Singing

8:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

Celtic roots music at Nelson Church at Nelson Church

Long Time Courting


MARCH 2013


SOPHIE’S SAMPLER (continued from page 1) Packersfield. Even with Sophia’s misspelling, she found the needed information through an article on our town website written by Susan Hansel that led her to Nelson, which was called Packersfield in Sophia’s time. The Fosters had earlier reported

her name as Griffith but careful sleuthing by Rick Church turned up her proper name and family. She was, indeed, part of a family with deep roots in the history of Nelson. Her family arrived in Packersfield soon after the end of the Revolutionary War. Sophia was the granddaughter of the first settled minister of the Nelson

Local Angus Beef March Specials are: • Buy 2 packages of stew beef, receive 1 FREE • Buy 1 Shin Steak get 1 FREE We are located at 469 South Rd, Sullivan, 370-1877 Call ahead to make sure we are home. Ground Beef Stew Beef Beef Short Ribs Brisket Standing Rib Roasts or Steaks Tenderloin Roast or Steaks

$5.99/# $6.99/# $7.99 $3.00/# $16.99/#

Center Cut Shin Steak Eye of the Round Steaks Sirloin Tip Steak Sirloin Steaks Flank Steak Skirt Steak Porterhouse Steak

$6.99/# $10.99/# $16.99/# $16.99/# $16.99/# $14.99 $16.99/#


Congregational Church, the Rev. Jacob Foster. It was during his ministry that the large meetinghouse was built on the hill south of the village. Her brother was General Samuel Griffin who served in the Civil War and another brother, Nathan, was a fine teacher and the father of General Simon Goodale Griffin. Sophia lived in Nelson all of her life, first in the Griffin home on Dixon Hill and when she later married Josiah Parker, on his farm on the west side of town off Apple Hill Road where they raised 11 children. Susan Hansel and I had the pleasure of showing the Fosters the sites of both of her homes and toured the Nelson cemetery where the family is currently in residence. The sampler has recently been protected by archival framing to insure its life for many more years. It is currently on display in the History Corner which is has been moved to the foyer of the town offices.

YARD & TAG SALE! lean out that garage, find those unused items in your closets, discover unwanted treasures in your attic, and dust them off. There is a rumor that there will be another Town-Wide Tag Sale and Flea Market There hasn’t been one since July 2010 so we’re due. Stay tuned for more info in the June Grapevine.


SAVE THE DATE! OLD HOME DAYS 2013 The week of August 11 - 17 for Old Home Day events.


MARCH 2013


CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE DINNER ear your green for our famous Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner to be held on Saturday, March 9, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Nelson Congregational Church. Once again, Chef Charlie "O"-Lang and his band of precocious leprechauns will be dishing up this traditional feast . The menu consist of Corned Beef, cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes, Irish Soda Bread, beverages, and dessert. There will be two seatings 5:00pm and 6:00 p.m. Live music provided by Celticladda (playing later at the Saturday night Contra Dance) The cost is $9.00 per plate for adults and $6.00 for children under 10. Se e y o u th e re !


Bailey Brook Gardens Nelson, NH

Fresh Vegetables in season Fresh Breads year around Customer Favorites: Sourdough, Cinnamon Also: Burger buns, English muffins, and pizza crust Finest ingredients - Local when possible Inquiries invited All baking done on weekends with beginning of week pickup

Barbara & David Voymas 603-847-3137


horse may participate in all un-mounted activities. Yearly cost is $150 for new members, with a discount for multiple members from the same family. This includes 12 - 15 weekend meetings throughout the year and preparation for local, regional, and national competitions. For information: Kathy Blaudschun at 603-847-9082 or Bud French at 603-THS-FARM (847-3276). Joy Birdsey, Treasurer, Monadnock Pony Club

EQUESTRIAN MEMBERSHIP DRIVE KICK OFF he Monadnock Pony Club invites new members from age 6 to 25 to join the fun in 2013! Members of the club meet throughout the year for instruction in horse care and riding skills including: dressage, show jumping, eventing, games, foxhunting, and tetrathalon. Un-mounted meetings are held on Sundays throughout the winter months, and Mounted meetings begin in the Spring. The French Farm in nearby Nelson, NH hosts the club and has a large outdoor ring area abutting scenic Center Pond. The Monadnock Pony Club was founded in the 1960’s and is part of the United States Pony Club, the largest non-profit youth equine organization in the world. Many members of the US Olympic Team formed their riding foundation through Pony Club and several renowned National riders spent their formative years with the Monadnock Club. Pony Club competitions are team-based, and Monadnock has sent several successful teams to compete at national competitions in the past several years. The club encourages members to have access to an appropriate pony or h o rs e, t a ck, equipment, and transportation to attend the mounted lessons; but interested children without a


NELSON SCHOOL AUCTION he 6th Annual Nelson School LIVE PTO Auction will be on Saturday, April 6, at 6:00 p.m. in the Nelson Town Hall. Nelson’s own Chris Wallenstein, auctioneer, will again emcee the event, donating his time and expertise. The students and the staff of Nelson Elementary School sincerely hope you plan to attend this year’s event. We also thank the many residents of Nelson who have already donated so many items to ensure that the 6th Annual PTO Nelson School LIVE Auction is a mighty success! Art, local crafts, services gallore! Supports the PTO budget for 2013-2014 school year! Donations and volunteers welcome! For more info: Joy Birdsey email:


“His neigh is like the bidding of a monarch, and his countenance enforces homage.” ~ William Shakespeare

MARCH 2013


LOCAL SERVICES & CLASSIFIEDS For Sale Farm fre s h e g g s - for sale. $3 a dozen. Never more than two days old. Dan & Margaret Schillemat 603-847-0002. Cu s to m Wo o d e n Jig s aw Pu zzle s From your artwork, photos, prints, etc. Call David Beffa-Negrini at Fool's G o l d®, 827-9825 or ema il : Gran ite Lake Map le Pro d u c ts - Pure NH Maple syrup by Nick Barrett, 66 Old Towne Road, Nelson, NH, 03457. 603-847-3457. Email: granitelakemapleproducts@ Ne ls o n g ro w n y arn , fle e c e and roving from our flock of Romney sheep. Also available are knitting kits and finished products: scarves, hats, mittens, blankets, etc. Call Susan Weaver 847-9763 Hid d e n B irc h Farm - Chevon (Goat Meat) raised on our farm, choice of cuts; meat chickens & Thanksgiving Turkeys. Farm fresh eggs; Livestock Fence installation - 96 Nubanusit Rd - Tiger & Gigi Batchelder 827-2950; Personal Services

Fo r Re n t – Granite Lake summer cottage. Call Mable Bergeron, (603) 363-8086. Fo r Re n t – Seasonal Cottage right on Granite Lake Call 603-847-3277 or 304-594-3539 Art Le s s o n s - for children and adults. Watercolor, oil, composition, and drawing. Summer/Fall. Beginner thru advanced instruction. Marylise Reilly Fajal, 847-3382 or 355-7337. Building, etc. Eth an To lm an - Excavating, bulldozer, truck, loader/tractor work. Field, driveways, building, moving. Years of experience. 827-3414 Ne w h o m e s , decks, kitchens, and baths - Remodeling our specialty. Nubanusit Building and Remodeling. Ron Trudelle, 827-3251. Exc av atio n - Septic Systems, Driveways, Site work, and Foundations, Trucking, Plowing and Sanding: Phil Hamilton 847-3288 Ad d itio n s , renovations, remodeling, barns, - Steven Reilly. 847-3382 or 3557337.

T ale n te d y o u n g w o m an will help you with your childcare needs, office needs, clerical needs, housecleaning needs, or other miscellaneous projects. Call Gwyneth Tolman 827-4194

Re s id e n tial Pain te rs - Interior, exterior. Experienced, reasonable, reliable. Heidi Tompkins and Tal Gregory. 847-0000

Other H arris v ille Ch ild re n 's Ce n te r year-round programs for children 6 weeks to 6 years old. 827-3905.

Win t e r O d d / C le a n in g Jo b s Responsible, strong hard working 16 year old can sweep, vacuum, wash dishes, stack wood, shovel snow, rake leaves, clear brush, and various other odd jobs. Call Iva at 827-2918

Writin g Le s s o n s -Will teach you, child or adult, to write better than you do now. Ph.D. Tufts, taught writing at Tufts and Harvard Extension. Elizabeth Chapman Hewitt. 847-3118 or 401-2666


Home Services

Ru b b is h re m o v al - Granite Lake Services, Ed Schillemat, 847-3290.

SPCo m m Starp o w e r - Home TV and Satellite Systems, High Speed Internet a cces s , 2- wa y R a d io , S o un d Reinforcement, Home Theatre or Music Mu s ic Le s s o n s - Allison Aldrich & Hunt Smith - Voice, Fiddle, Guitar, Ukulele, 5 String Banjo, Mandolin, Recorder, Beginning Piano, Accordion, Concertina, Flute. A relaxed, friendly atmosphere where you can learn to sing or play the instrument you have always wanted to master. Call: 603-209-3304 Email: Mu n s o n v ille Au d io Location & Studio Recording / Sound Reinforcement. Pro-grade mixing, high resolution digital recording, microphones & signal processing coupled to custom monitor mixes and an extremely powerful yet well mannered FOH sound system. High quality recordings expertly mixed, mastered & made ready for distribution. Demo recordings a specialty. 603 499-2904 Web: www.MunsonvilleAudio.Com EMail: CJLeake@MunsonvilleAudio.Com Mu s ic Le s s o n s - Banjo, Bass, Electric Guitar and Acoustic Guitar. Rock and Roll, Bluegrass, Country Western, Folk. All levels. Ages 12 to 112. Teaching music for 20+ years. Jonathan Smith 827-3036 ***Note: Grapevine ads are free to local residents. Ple as e in fo rm u s if y o u n e e d to c h an g e o r d e le te an ad . Thanks.

Gard e n in g , pretty, manicured lawns, spring and fall clean-up, brush & chainsaw work Owen Iselin- 933-0680.

MARCH 2013


NEXT ISSUE he next issue of the Grapevine-2 will be published in mid June and is our School Issue. We will be looking for pictures, essays, and other items that have to do with our Nelson students or other goings on in Nelson. We would especially love to have stories or essays written by our students, whatever age. If you are a parent or teacher and know of something that our youth have written and others would enjoy reading, please contribute. We always welcome stories, poems, news items, and event listings related to Nelson. You may email submissions (preferred) to or mail them to Elizabeth Williams, 75 Log Cabin Road, Nelson, NH, 03457. Please have items to Elizabeth by May 15. If you have questions you may call her at 847-9064.


The Grapevine-2 is printed by our friends at Keene State College in Keene, NH

GRAPEVINE-2 Grapevine-2 is a quarterly newsletter serving the Nelson/Munsonville community and is sponsored by the Nelson Congregational Church. It is made possible mostly by voluntary donations from readers, with some supplementary assistance from the church. Should donations exceed costs, the surplus goes to the church. Contributions of articles, ideas, photos, or art are always welcome. To contact the Grapevine-2, call Elizabeth Williamsat 847-9064, or email to:, or snailmail to: Grapevine-2 75 Log Cabin Road Nelson, NH 03457 Grapevine-2 Committee& Friends: Hope Lothrop Kelly French Bert Wingerson Susan Hansel Elizabeth Williams



Emergency (Mutual Aid). . . . . . . . . . . 911 All fire, illness, and accident calls Selectmen.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847-0047 Old Brick Schoolhouse; Tuesday, 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 5 p.m.- 7 p.m. Tuesday, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Meeting Thursday, 9 a.m. - 12 noon David Upton, Maury Collins, Susan Hansel Town Clerk/Tax Collector. . . . . 847-9043 Old Brick Schoolhouse, Tuesday, 9 a.m.-12 noon, Tuesday, 5 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday, 9 a.m. - 12 noon Teri Upton - Town Clerk(Notary Public) Julia Lennon- Deputy Town Clerk Town Administrative Asst.. . . . . 847-0047 Edie Drinkwater Financial Administrator: Anita Treloar Planning Board Old Brick Schoolhouse 2nd Thursday, 7 p.m. Eric Sandberg, Chair. . . . . . . . . . 847-9156 Zoning Board-Adjustment Old Brick Schoolhouse 1st Tuesday, 7 p.m. Richard Popovic Chair. . . . . . . . 847-3192 Highway Department. . . . . . . . . 847-9705 Town Barn Mike Tarr, at Town Barn Fire Chief Rick Lothrop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847-9045 Police. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352-1291 Richard C. Pratt, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chief Building Sexton Wayne Fulton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933-0680

Cemetery Board Town Offices, 3rd Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. Trisha Jones, Chair. . . . . . . . . . . 847-9681 State Representatives, District 3: Dan Eaton State Senator, District 10: Molly Kelly Supervisors of the Checklist. . . 847-3206 Betsey Church, Chair, Carol Newcombe Hope Lothrop Olivia Rodham Memorial Library.. . .. . . . . . . 847-3214 Kris Finnegan, Librarian HOURS Monday 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Tues, Wed, Thurs 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Nelson School. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 847-3408 School Board - Nelson School 3rd Thursday, 4 p.m. Kelly French, Jessica Walter, Lew Derby Conservation Commission Bud French, Chair. . . . . . . . . . . 847-9995 Agricultural Commission Nelson Library 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. David Voymas, Chair. . . . . . . . . 847-3137 Old Home Day Committee Nelson Library 2nd Monday, 6:30 p.m. Kathy Blaudschun, Chair. . . . . . 847-9082 Youth Groups: Cub Scouts - Elaine Giacomo.. . 847-9019 Boy Scouts, Rich Crowe. . . . . . . 827-3521

TOWN OF NELSON WEBSITE ould you like to know the list of candidates for the open positions for Town Selectman, School Board and other slots? The best place to find all the up-todate news and stories is our own Town of Nelson website. Besides having the information you’ll want to know for Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 13; you’ll also find stories, updates, news from the library, links to the Nelson School and even pictures of town pets. You’ll find a wealth of information on the website so check it out now.

W It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! ~Mark Twain

MARCH 2013


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Save the Date! It’s Time for Boy Scout Troop 530’s Famous

Saturday, April 20, 2013 Nelson Congregational Church 5:00 – 7:00 pm Two seatings: 5:00pm and 6:00pm!

$10 for adults $6 for children under 10. Menu Caesar Salad, garlic bread, fettuccine Alfredo, chicken Parmesan, spaghetti and meatballs, beverage and a dessert. Check the Town of Nelson web site for more information.

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