Greenpeace Nordic annual report 2011

Page 18


My greenpeace highlight in 2011

Ethan “ Gilbert – Oslo

I have been a Greenpeace volunteer in Oslo, Norway since I moved here from the United States almost three years ago. Being part of an effective and dedicated environmental movement is of monumental importance in my life. I was able to play a role in a beautifully crafted Statoil tar sands campaign during the Skiing World Championships. I also volunteered as assistant cook and deck hand on The Arctic Sunrise on her tour of the Arctic where I witnessed the earth’s great wilderness and the fascinating creatures that live there. The problems in the world can often seem endless and overwhelming, but volunteering with Greenpeace has given me the chance to be on the front lines of a global paradigm shift towards environmental justice.

Greenpeace Nordic’s 500 people strong volunteer network supported almost all campaign activities you already read about in this Annual Report. Activists took cutting edge action all across the Nordic region, and in many other countries like France, Belgium, Turkey, Germany and South Africa, to put many severe threats to people and planet into the public spotlight. Nordic activists scaled an oil rig in Turkish waters on its way into the Arctic, blocked a barn filled with GMO potatoes in the high north of Sweden, and took local action in their hometowns to detox H&M — and they did a lot more! We asked four of our volunteers, Signe from Denmark, Katarina from Sweden, Ethan from Norway and Risto from Finland, to share their motivation for being a Greenpeace volunteer and their personal Greenpeace highlight in 2011. Here are their stories.

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