What's GOing On? Issue 5

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SHARED SERVICES update In recent months GO OFFSHORE has been restructuring internally, resulting in a change within our Operations and Shared Services departments. The restructure has seen Charlie Milne relocate to Singapore as our newly appointed Project Director, overseeing our New Build program and being at the operational forefront of new acquisitions to our fleet. The position of General Manager Operations was appointed to Bill Kelly in October last year. HSEQ will now directly fall under Operations, whilst the Crewing team of Pip, Cynthia, Azimah and Ashley, led at the helm by Anne Keenan as Crewing Manager, will now report directly to the Shared Services Department. What and who is “Shared Services� you may ask. The Shared Services Department is responsible for all HR and administration functions for the group, including Inshore, Offshore and Corporate employees. Some of the more common areas that may be familiar to you are Payroll, Corporate HR, Industrial Relations, Employee Relations, Office Administration, Special Projects, Service Delivery and now Crewing.

The Shared Services department is responsible for all HR and administration functions for the Group

Recently, Shared Services completed our first field survey. We would like thank the 329 employees who responded. Those employees who completed the survey directly with me earlier in 2011 have also had their comments included. As a management team we have been reviewing your feedback , good and bad. As a result, we have selected several key areas that we will be targeting to improve on in 2012. The survey itself had more than 1500 individual comments made and I urge those of you who asked specific questions and/or made a request to sit with management to email me directly. Although the majority of you registered your names as completing the survey, no one comment can be tied back to an individual so it is very difficult for me to respond too many of your questions as I have no idea who actually asked them. For those of you who provided your FF Number for me to add to your file this also relates to you. The survey itself was broken into two areas. One area graphed all your scores and the other recorded all your comments. The first area of the survey provides a good snap shot of how we are progressing and I will be forwarding a copy to all of you via email. All areas of our business are important and we will continue to strive to improve in each area but will pay particular attention to improving on item 8, 10, 18 and 24. Due to the content of the second part of the report and comments that may be offensive to some readers, this part of the report will not be promulgated, but as a direct result of the constructive criticism received, we will also be targeting: 1. Communication across the board, especially notification on crew changes, updating of the internet, company newsletter content, response time to your questions, accessibility to management, internet services offshore and general feedback on where GO is heading and how you are performing;

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