GROW Report (January 2013)

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GlobeMed at Cornell University | GROW Report | January 2013

Nicole Meyers ‘14 I found this GROW internship to be one of the most worthwhile and rewarding experiences I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of. There are so many aspects of CEPAIPA, the surrounding community, and most importantly our partnership, that I would have been unaware of had I not been on the ground. There is so much that unfortunately gets lost in translation, or simply never gets said because of the difficulty of communication, and thus this trip was absolutely critical for both our GlobeMed chapter and for CEPAIPA. This experience certainly confirmed to me that partnership is the only means by which we can truly make a difference and help to address health disparities around the world. I saw first hand how this partnership model works, and how working together enables both parties to be so much stronger than they ever could have been on their own.

Sanjana Patel ‘13 Like many other GlobeMedders, I ’ve poured my heart and soul into our chapter over the past three years. GlobeMed has been the single most defining part of my college experience, and I’m confident that the lessons and perspective I’ve gained along the way will continue to inform my future. On GROW, the thing that struck me most was CEPAIPA’s sincerity and continuous expression of gratitude for the opportunity to work with us. I wish I could have done more to express how mutual our feelings were! My favorite part of GlobeMed (okay, there are too many and I can’t really choose) is the aspect of continuous learning from each other. Our partnership provides one of the greatest platforms for this. While students at CEPAIPA are able to learn about how to lead healthy and productive lives, they give us as college students the incredible opportunity to learn as well by joining others half a world away and working together in creating a more just and equitable world. The indispensible opportunity to be a part of GROW brought everything in full circle, and affirmed my utmost belief in GlobeMed’s model to transform lives and communities.


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