GLANCE Magazine October 09

Page 133

...Christine Svenska Interview by Patty Cortes getting into a routine that I can see allowing me more time and energy toproduce even more detailed and varied items. :KDW GR \RX ZLVK SHRSOH ZRXOG XQGHUVWDQG DERXW ZRUNLQJ LQ WKH IDVKLRQ LQGXVWU\" That to do it well takes time and lots of work. 7KH EHVW SHUN LQ EHLQJ D IDVKLRQ GHVLJQHU " I’ve been in the visual arts using a variety of mediums all my life, the most satisfying thing of all of it is having people enjoy your work. I’ve had customers tell me that what they have bought from me makes them feel good when they wear it. That is the ultimate perk. I have also met a good many wonderful people who frequent my shop. 7KH ZRUVW DVSHFW RI \RXU YLUWXDO FDUHHU " The lack of time and energy LOL, you can only have help with certain aspects of the business in SL, most if it you have to do yourself. ,I \RX KDG WR FKDQJH WKH SDVW ZKDW ZRXOG \RX GR LQ D GLIIHUHQW ZD\ " I would have started designing sooner and maybe I would be a little quicker now LOL. I have been here off and on since 04 but RL kept me away for the most part. I never made or built anything because I knew I wouldn’t have the time to devote. :KDW WUHQGV GR \RX VHH EHLQJ ELJ IRU " ,I ZH DUH WDONLQJ 6/ IDVKLRQ WKH SURPLVH RI ÀH[L VFXOSWV FRming in the near future will make a huge impact on what we can do. I don’t know how soon behind that mesh capabilities will be, maybe not next year, but if so that will also revolutionize what we can accomplish. What does one PXVW NQRZ DERXW \RX " That I don’t bite :). LOL Really! if you are in my shop and i am there please don’t be afraid to approach. And when I am in world i am just Christine, RL is something that peeks in every so often, I don’t generally like to mix the two - we get enough of real life out of necessity don’t we? We should be having a good time here in our Second Lives!

the pr interview of... - christine svenska - 132

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