Spirit Day 2012 in a Box

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10.19.2012 glaad.org/spiritday

On October 19, 2012, millions of Americans will wear purple on Spirit Day in a stand against bullying and in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth. GLAAD is once again leading outreach to engage the participation of individuals, celebrities, corporations, media outlets, schools, local communities and even national landmarks. By going purple on Spirit Day, participants can easily demonstrate their support for the LGBT community simply by wearing purple.

take a stand against bullying. go purple.

This kit will help you engage the participation of your friends, colleagues, local media and public officials. By spreading the word about Spirit Day, you can help turn your local community purple in a stand against bullying and in a show of support for LGBT youth.



1. Pledge to go purple: Take the Spirit Day pledge right now at www.glaad.org/spiritday and then wear purple on October 19 in a stand against bullying. Encourage members of your community to do the same.

operation and on social media. 1. Wear purple at your job, Encourage local media outlets to in school, at church, or just cover an event for Spirit Day or around town. Tell people why pitch a story to them that raises you are wearing purple, share awareness of bullying the history and “I ‘M GOING and issues faced by message of Spirit LGBT youth. Day, and ask PURPLE FOR those around you SPIRIT DAY IN A 3. Hold an event for to participate by STAND AGAINST Spirit Day at your local wearing purple in BULLYING AND community center, your a stand against TO SHOW MY college campus, or bullying. SUPPORT FOR another public area. 2. Contact local LGBT YOUTH.” Encourage attendees to wear purple and center businesses and the event on raising organizations, awareness about a local issue and ask them to support pertaining to LGBT youth or Spirit Day and LGBT youth by bullying. going purple at their place of

2. Go purple online: Turn your Facebook and Twitter profile pictures purple. Use GLAAD’s tool here: www.glaad.org/spiritday 3. Share your support: Post a photo of yourself in your Spirit Day purple to Facebook or Twitter using hashtag #SpiritDay. Suggested tweet: Join me in wearing purple for #SpiritDay to support LGBT youth. Go purple here: www.glaad.org/spiritday

HOW DID SPIRIT DAY BEGIN? Spirit Day was started in 2010 by high school student Brittany McMillan as a way to show support for LGBT youth and take a stand against bullying. With GLAAD’s help, millions of teachers, workplaces, media personalities and students wore purple, a color that symbolizes spirit on the rainbow flag. go purple on October 19, 2012. more info at: www.glaad.org/spiritday

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