Farming the Pollution

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Farming the pollution. A field-guide for soil pollution remediation.

Giacomo Piovan Year 2011-2012 Design Academy of Eindhoven Social Design Master Program Mentors: Jan Boelen, Liesbeth Huybrechts, Rianne Makkink, Aldo Bakker, Dick Van Hoff, Thomas Lommee, Sanne Jansen

Abstract This research project focuses on soil, pollution, plants and the opportunities that the relationship between these elements gives to our everyday lives. The research starts with an analysis made in collaboration with scientific universities (Wageningen University) and civil services (AbdK Eindhoven). People are not completely aware of the fact that a concentration of heavy metals in the soil has carcinogenic consequences for humans and are also destructive for the ecosystem. In this sense, soil contamination is a form of invisible pollution. As a designer this observation sparks my curiosity about the processes constituting these elements, which are simultaneously both vital and toxic for humankind. Accordingly, I propose to use soil pollution as a topic in creating awareness in our society. HOW CAN WE MAKE SOIL POLLUTION VISIBLE?

A manual for analysis, connection and remediation of soil pollution is presented. With this research I aim to empower people to act on soil pollution using tools and systems. “Farming the pollution� is a project of soil remediation that develops scenarios about exploiting specific plants to clean heavy metals from soil. A study of this methodology called phytoremediation has been tested in an area of Eindhoven. The area has been polluted by heavy metals and remediated with the use of specific plants for a period of 6 months. Besides to the functional benefit of cleaning the pollution, this thesis project suggests a scenario for using it as a resource. The last part answers the question: HOW CAN SOIL POLLUTION BECOME A RESOURCE?

The remediation system opens a dialogue between man and nature, creating a new economical model able to address the presence of soil pollution.

Content Introduction




1. Observing 2. Bio-indicators 3. Testing Pollution



4. Plan 5. Share 6. Support



7. Setting the plot 8. Fence 9. Mantain



10. Harvest 11. Dispose 12. Transform






How does the apple defy gravity to get on top of the apple tree? There are a thousand websites that deal with gravity but none that will help you with the opposite question.� (1)

Almost everyone loves nature, but what is it? Often we have an idea of nature in our heads, dreaming of being surrounded by a world made out of virgin landscapes and unexplored environments. But maybe our perception would change if we face the role of nature in everyday life. Our food comes from supermarkets, our water comes from the tap. One lever is enough to flush our waste and a pressed button to lights a room. It is difficult to remember that all these things come, directly or indirectly, from nature. THE BASIC INFRASTRUTURE THAT SURROUNDS OUR NEEDS HAS NOT CHANGED.

(1) Gunter Pauli - The Blue Economy, Academy lecture, Eindhoven, 2012



natural resources




Although 30% of the earth’s crust is soil, only 0,01% is readily available to us on the surface. This thin layer, the biosphere, supports all the natural resources present in life. (2) The many alterations that human society imposes on its surrounding plays to the belief that humans are not a part of it. However, looking from an objective standpoint, the human consumption of raw materials has a significant impact on the natural environment.

The number of renewable resources is decreasing whilst there is increasing demand for non-renewable resources (3). The relation between restorable resources (vegetal kingdom) and exhaustible resources (mineral) is taken as an area of specific interest.

(2) Environment Cycle, F. Bayesus, Androi, 2008 (3) Materials Flow and Sustainability, United States Geological Survey, 1998


mowing cattling



deforestation fertilizer


waste of solution


We are removing, adding and altering our environment, always on a bigger scale. In my vision of nature I feel that people need to be aware about the invisible dynamics of our production systems. As a social designer I believe that we have to create new relationships between humans and the natural resources that we consume. The problem with massive consumption is that, even if we produce stuff ourselves, we are not able to control the production process of the materials our objects are made out of. I think that a designer can tell a variety of stories, stories that are not necessarily pleasant or part of that shiny world that design is supposed to be part of. In my research I am going to talk about an uncomfortable reality that encourage me to take action as a designer committed with environmental matters.

In a complex world where new processes and social relationships are needed, designers have the unique opportunity to make the public think about the deeper origin of our material surroundings. Through a research on a specific context I have tried to open the horizon of consumers making aware of the production process and its consequences in our everyday life. It is the designer’s role to imagine a new, post-industrial system, considering how materials cannot only stop harming people and the environment, but also how they could have a positive impact in the future.


The Manual

The following research is summarized in a manual conceived for future “pollution dwellers�. Every chapter presents a complete overview of personal activities and experiments in various forms: charts, drawings, scientific report, photos and models. The manual is not only a collection of intuitions, but also a selection of the opinions from people in the field, other designers, researchers, professionals and civil authorities. Furthermore the contents encourage people to act on soil pollution thought some practical guidelines. The text starts with a chapter about analysis (1). In the beginning the principles of soil will be discussed in relation with the ecosystem. The second part contains different communication strategies (2) to create awareness about soil pollution in society. The third chapter describes phytoremediation methodology (3), a practice of land reclamation that has been applied through a real study-case. Finally, the process closes with concepts about alternative practices to transform pollution in a resource. (4) The book relates also with time. Accordingly the structure is similar to a calendar. This decision has been deliberate since my thesis process has taken exactly a period of one academic year (October 2011- July 2012). The research is structured in four chapters, one for every season. I have chosen this structure in order to merge together the metabolic plant’s cycle within the rhythm of our society. The process is intended to re-generate itself every year, within a new cycle that restarts with the analysis of soil. The final goal is to use this system until the clean up of contaminants is achieved.




ÂŤThere is no better indicator of the status of a species or a system than a species or system itself.Âť (4)

The first chapter offers an overview on soil characteristics and how use simple experiments to analyse soil quality. In order to detect pollution I had to start to understand how analyse soil proprieties. Observations of our environment help us to better understand the quality of an ecosystem and its deep relation with the consequences of soil pollution. CAN NATURE ANALYSE ITS OWN CONDITIONS?

(4). Tingey, David T. (1989). Environment Pollution Research, Washington DC, National.






Soils are rich ecosystems, composed of both living and non-living matter with a multitude of interaction between them. After an introduction of the research location of De Kempen - a border area heavily polluted by industries - the manual will lead through the principal characteristics of soil showing how pollution plays an important role on the mutation of the ecosystem. The observation of the different components of an ecosystem is of great help for a first analysis.

A salix close to the Dommel indicates the presence of higt acidity


My research has highlighted that the geological characteristics of a site are strictly connected with the local, specific human development. Soil is related with our society almost in an anthropogenic way: for example the richness of a country is strictly connected with the soil characteristics under its surface. Raw materials like ores, coal and gas are resources that humans have used since long time during its development. In this sense, one of my first observations was that soil is an historical database.


Soil as an historical database: (from left to right) 1. The Industrial area of Lommel (BE); 2. A backyard in the Philips Village of Helmond (NL); 3. A permaculture garden in Vicenza (IT); 4. In the Puglia’s countryside (IT).


During the end of September I have been to an area that is well know as the largest polluted region of The Netherlands. This border area between Belgium and The Netherlands is called De Kempen and is placed only 20 km from Eindhoven. Soil contamination is present since the late 19th century when five factories started to extract Zinc from minerals in form of ores that were shipped from Oceania and South Africa to these factories.


Areal picture of the border in the area of De Kempen (NL),(B).


A particular of the smelting plant of Budel (NL), the river Dommel flows along the area.


In these smelting plants mineral blocks were processed at high temperature in order to extract valuable heavy metals like Lead, Cadmium and Zinc. The waste material of this process contains residues of heavy metals that could not be processed during the extraction.

Until the last century this slag was used as a building material for streets and other part of the cities. The result of this strategy is that South-East Brabant and the middle Limburg became slowly more and more polluted. However, after 1973 the smelting plants have gradually turned through a less polluting separation process called electrolysis.

The smelting plant in the area of Budel and a slag found in the area.


During the visit at the smelting factory the ecological contamination becomes noticeable looking at the environment. In fact, some trees present branches alterations. A biologist from the pollution department has explained me that these alterations are the consequence of a poor soil quality. The observation of a poor biodiversity is the first sentinel regarding environmental pollution. This happens because microorganisms that live in the soil are very sensitive and are not able to reproduce when contaminants exceed natural levels.

Heavy metals affect both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem, but how much humans life is affected? I would like to make an observation on the village that was build by the companies for their factory-workers. It is quite disconcerting how there was not attention on human safety: the houses were built close to the smelting plants. This structure - the factory village - is a constant model in the industrial revolution cities.

Some images of the location close to the smelting plants, Budel, September 2011.


A tree with visible alteration in the area of Budel, September 2011.


EXPERIMENT / 1 In order to have a first idea of soil proprieties I have experimented with the matter of soil. After having collected different soil samples I will present some basic practices to observe soil structure and its effect on vegetation.

Soil sampling in the Industrial area of Eindhoven, October 2011. Above: Finds of industrial materials in the area of Kanaalstraat, Eindhoven.


The soil structure The solid phase of soil contains particles of different sizes. Relative proportions of sand, silt and clay compose soils. The “jar experiment� is a good starting point to compare the different kinds of soil samples.

1. Pour a cup of sieved soil in a jar filled with the other half with water, 2. Shake vigorously and let the soil fractions settle out over a day (but clay can remain in suspension for some days), 3. Observe carefully the jar and compare it with other soil samples, 4. You will notice differences on soil structure: clay, sand, silt and organic material will divide in different layers.

Preparation of the soil sample during the jar experiment.


Soil samples and location collected and analysed witht the jar experiment.




Observation of plant species Observation of predominant flora is a useful indicator of the soil quality. Hereby a list of plants that grow in unfavoured conditions is presented. These plants are of great help in order to picture soil pollution (4).They are peculiar species that can survive in situations where there is presence of a potential contamination. Plant species like Sorrel and knotweed thrive in acid soil. Blue berries are able to live even in a very acidic environment. Some other plants present a curious characteristic: Hydrangea changes its flower colour in relation to the pH: If the soil is acidic it become blue, other ways if the soil is alkaline it becomes pink. For Red Cabbage the principle works in the opposite way, it becomes blue when soil is alkaline and red when it is acidic, anyhow we are going to use this vegetable in the next experiments.

(4). Anrigail R. Gehring, Back to Basics, Skyhorse Publishing, London, 2005. Biomonitor table: (from left to right) First row: Erica Ciliaris, Blueberry, Knotweed; Second row: Cornus flower, Hydrangea pink, Hydrangea blue; Third row: Crornus tree, Weeds, Rhododendron.





In this second chapter the manual introduces a fundamental principle: the relation between pollution and soil pH. This is one of the most useful tools analyses of potential soil contamination. Also some recipes for transforming plants into environmental detectors are explained.


The metabolic landscape, an experiment of using bioindicators as a tool for analyse the pH. This drawing was made out of the cabbage and lichens solution. Other natural substance would react changing the colour of the paper. The gradient is made out of the reactions with hydrochloric acid and Lemon juice (red), Salt and baking soda (green).


SOIL ACIDITY In order to get rid of soil pollution, is important to analyse it. Prof. Paul Romkens, of the University of Wageningen, says that crops can be considered potentially not harmful if soil is above pH 5,5. He explains “If the pH is maintained at the right level it might be virtually possible to grow anywhere without exceeding the pollution standards. Anyhow, when the pH is lower then 5,5 analysis in the laboratory is required in order to ascertain potential contaminations”.

As the researcher has confirmed, soil pH is strictly connected with the presence of pollution. The standard acidic condition is usually present in swamp, sandy soil. Accordingly, when pH is acidic more the roots tent to absorb contaminants. This consideration explains the relationship between acidity and contamination. When pH is increased the soil structure become more oxygenated and absorbent. This propriety avoid that heavy metals came in contact with plant’s roots. Accordingly with the following tables the scientists of the university have calculated the critical amount of contaminants in relegation with the soil pH. As is possible to see, a slight presence of Cadmium (Cd) results to be very dangerous for plants when pH is acidic. On the other hand, the critical limit of Cadmium increase proportionally when the pH is increased.

what is pH : The soil pH measures the acidity or basicity in soils. PH value ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. A pH below 7 is acidic and above 7 is basic. The optimum pH range for most plants is between 6 and 7.5.



A visualization of the pH effecti, in this case a soil with pH 3 results in a sandy structure. Contaminants that are present in this particles are more sensitive to leack in the groundwater

Tip: a pH test is the easier way to know if your soil is potentially affected by contaminants. Garden centres and pharmacies sell pH test stripes. Also during spring garden centres offer a free soil analyse. It might be a good idea to check if your garden centre applies this useful service.


Bioindicator Kit In order to incorporate natural organism for analyse pH I have decided to develop some alternative analysis tools. My first idea was to create a large scale and affordable substance to spread in large quantity in order to analyse soil pH. I have reached residents by shipping them an envelope with the instructions for analyses their own soil.

This was made with a DIY analysis kit that contains: 1. pH ink made out of vegetable pigments (red cabbage and lichens); 2. sentinel-organisms which are sensitive to pollution (Wheat seeds); 3. specific plants that grow better in specific polluted area (Viola Caliminaria seeds).


An other tool made out of paper shows the relation between soil and pH.


INDICATOR SPECIES The second example was to use wheat as indicators of Cadmium (Cd) presence; this plant offers a gradual resistance to Cadmium in different kind of soil.


This is the reason why I have imaged to spread seeds of wheat as large-scale natural monitor of Cadmium contamination. Empty spots of wheat would visualize the presence of contaminants in that specific path.

Joop Harmsen, Scientist at the Alterra Research centre of Wageningen University has explained to me that certain elements normally toxic to plants are, for certain organisms, beneficial. Examples include the flower species Viola Calaminaria that is prone to grow also in high concentration of Zinc. This variety sparks my curiosity for its uniqueness. This flower can be noticed during spring only in some specific environments of South Limburg, near to some zinc factories. The characteristic presence of Zinc is the topsoil help this plant to survive. Since this species is confined in a limited region it would be interesting to see its behaviour as monitor of the Zinc factories in De Kempen.

Viola Calaminaria


EXPERIMENT / 4 The pH recipe Because the utility of use pH as a detector tool I have develop a similar version of litmus paper, the substance that is used for pH test. Usually Litmus is an extract of various lichens. Red cabbage contains a pigment molecule called flavin (an anthocyanin). This water-soluble pigment under acidic solutions will turn into a red colour. Neutral solutions result in a purplish-blue colour. Basic solutions appear in greenish-yellow. Thus, red cabbage can be used as an alternative of litmus paper.


1. Gather some lichens of the Tinctoria family from a quite place, you can het it close to churches or in the countryside; 2. Find a red cabbage, chop it in small pieces and mix it with the lichens into a solution of sodium carbonate and ammonia; 3. Stir and filter the solution, this liquid is at about pH 7. (The exact colour you get depends on the pH of the water.) 4. Dry the solution in an oven, until all the water evaporated. You can also dry it naturally for few weeks in a warm place. At this stage the solution becomes similar to a solidified colour. 5. Storage the pigment into a sealed place in order to don’t make it in contact with oxygen. 6. Use the pigment brushing it on various materials, from paper to fabric.


The pH Gradiant As we have seen we can say in conclusion that, generally further analysis are applied if your soil pH is below the limit of 5.5. Accordingly with the studies of the ABdK office in Eindhoven, here below a pH gradient that shows if continue with the testing of the soil.

Soil pH



No action


Increase pH


Clean soil

The bioindicators can be used as a tool to understand the acidity on a particular enviroment. Above: The metabolic landscape after 1 month in my room.


EXPERIMENT / 5 On the following pages there are some examples of how is possible to use this pigment. The metabolic landscape in a public application, the street flags, Eindhoven, October 2011.




Proving the presence of pollution is not an easy task. In this part my research I have collected my attempts for get already existing data of soil pollution. Acting alone means to find different ways then expensive laboratory tests. From the landowner to the Internet, various possibilities are catalogued.



Legenda Zn Pb ranslatd the scientific values into a visualization called soil-scapes. Every colour is in correI have late with a specific heavy metal detected by the analysis. For instance Zinc is magenta and Lead is Cd green. These experiments go towards a communicative approach that follows in the second part of theArmanual Cu


Landowner In order to get the information about the soil analysis of the parking space I decided to ask to the housing company that manage the building. I had already the impression that would be difficult, but after many attempts I could finally met up the person responsible for the parking space. However, he couldn’t give me any information about the ongoing analysis. After one week I have been back showing an article about the information on soil pollution. (Article 55 of Protection Act). After this unexpected attempt I had the permission to ask the report from the private company that made the analysis Lanakelma Zuid (picture probe). Anyhow, after all these action s and negotiations I have never seen the final report. After this I was so disappointed that I decided to contact a legal about soil policies. I have been writing to Mr. Jaap Zevenberge, an ex- teacher of soil practices at the TU Delft. His answer was that I have done the possible things to get the information, but I cannot obligate landowner to give me previous soil-water analysis. He also explained other approaches for gather information in the Netherlands in the following e-mail.

Probing ground activities despatched from the landowner.


« Soil studies ordered by private companies for their own needs can not be forced to become public; some municipalities have a kind of ‘soil pollution indication’ map based on previous land use etc. A good idea is always to gather as much information as possible asking for info called bodemkwaliteitskaart (in Dutch), which perhaps civil authorities might also have. The Article 55 Wbb is a document about cadastral recordation of government decisions based on the Act on Soil Protection (Wbb). This information deals with more serious pollution cases, and those need to go via the province (or larger municipalities) and the some information will be publicly available, also in the cadastre and land registry (for a small fee), but most likely this is not the case if you contacted the municipality. » E-mail from Jaap Zevenberge, November 24th.


Laboratory In order to identify soil proprieties and contamination the traditional procedure is to send a sample to a laboratory. Unfortunately this is an expensive procedure that cost around 150 Euro per soil sample. The cost is not very suitable for normal people. In any cases this is the most precise option to get in touch with all the characteristics of your soil. Hereby a step-by-step protocol is presented for soil pollution sampling. It’s possible to download the original protocol from the Pollution department of the municipality. In this case I present the protocol made by the ABdK office of Eindhoven. (5)

The sample procedure step-by step 1. Look for an open area characterized by uniform cultivations; small localities are eliminated from sampling. If you have to consider a polluted area this should be from 1 to 10 ha. 2. Gather soil samples from at least 4 different spots in 1000 square meters. An amount of 0.5 – 1 kg of soil samples is taken; 3. Samples should come from depths of around 10 to 15 cm from the surface; 4. Dry soil samples, they should not contain any gravel, grass, and trash; 5. The sample is then grounded and screened throw a sieve (mesh around 2 mm); 6. The sample is then poured on a table and then quartered. The two opposite portions are taken as an example 7. Mix these parts together into a sealed package and bring it to the laboratory in a short period of time.

(5). The sample protocol: 2008_2009%20versie%208.1.pdf


soil samples in a laboratory in Malo (IT).


Historical knowledge Firstly it’s important to understand if and what type of contaminants might be present on your site by researching previous activity and land uses of the surrounding area. For example, look for nearly ex-industries, it might be possible that have originated historical pollution. Since I live close to an old textile industry I have tried to research in this direction, making connections between the causes of pollution and its historical origin.

Municipality After having tried to get existing information from a private company I was hoping that at least the municipality could helps me to understand the soil situation of more “public” spaces. Also this alternative was not successful. Some municipalities do not give any information, most likely because they are afraid of being held liable when the information is incomplete or wrong. Others take the position that the information from the reports as such is so complicated that one can only ask an official advise from the municipality, which of course is more expensive and takes longer.

Geographic knowledge is crucial in providing this kind of integration in solving today’s problems relating to land pollution and environmental quality. However we see that the exchange of available information is often hampered. Government agencies, knowledge institutes and commercial firms possess an extensive amount of high quality geographic data. The problem is that the geo-information sector is not very successful in bringing users and suppliers together based on the actual user demands, so that citizens are not well informed. (6)

(6). SDI Development and Law-based Special Recordings: The Case of Soil Pollution Sites in the Netherlands, Ravi


Internet Nowadays most of the information are shared in Internet, in a few cases the information can be requested online: some platform gives some poor quality datas, but a written request has to be delivered. Usually expensive, pay a fee (of up to 175 Euro) and wait several weeks for the answer, these are often the only information that can be achieved.

Tip: you can find the some maps of the cleanup activities on the website:

Above, the Schellens factory in the 19th century, Eindhoven.


Civil Services Associations or governmental association are often one of the best choice for clarify your ideas. I have contacted the department about soil pollution in De Kempen. They are based in Eindhoven and they are carrying out a long-term program for monitoring and remediation of the area of De Kempen, one of the most polluted area in the Netherlands. Having talked with them was very important to me. I got a more clear idea of problem of soil pollution in the area, I could study their methodologies and projects. Thanks to this office I got access to some example of pollution maps in the area of Eindhoven. Ko de Ruiter, is the program manager of the soil division of ABdK. His presence was fundamental for understand how to analyse soil. His work is about analysis of potential contaminated area in De Kempen region. Since the laboratory analysis were too expensive I have figured out a possibility to analyse the soil from my garden area with a device called XRF, a magnetic detector that analyse heavy metals.

analysis detected a presence of heavy metals in the soil sample from the parking space. The Zinc and Lead level are close to the limit of what standards consider environmental contamination.


Ko de Ruiter in the office ABdK.



“It’s impossible to overstate the importance of teaching future generations what it did to the world.” (7)

Despite the general ignorance regarding soil pollution authorities and private management companies are together trying to deal with this complex issue. As we have seen in the previous chapter, a wide system of actors has grown in relation to decontamination, but bureaucracy and development stagnation decrease the possibility of remediation. With this second chapter I want to create awareness on the presence of soil pollution in the abundance of vacant land that dots the fabric of residential neighbourhoods. This part develops both physical and digital methods to connect people interested in creating a relationship used for start a remediation activity. HOW CAN WE CREATE AWARENESS ABOUT SOIL POLLUTION?

(7) Simon Shama, interview to the Telegraph - October 2011





When do we talk about soil pollution? Which are the pollution limits? In order to point out a plan, an overview of the principal causes of soil pollution is presented. Accordingly the research specify in heavy metals pollution, since it was detected in the study case. In this part the consequences of heavy metals on humans and environments are descript by medical authorities.


Moke-up of the area of De Kempen, the river Dommel transports different pollution affecting also the city of Eindhoven.


The Pollution circle Soil acidification is one of the most problematic alteration that pollution causes. The Nitrogen cycle is taken into example for explain the dynamics of a surplus of contaminants in the ecosystem.

(8): PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (


During the analysis part I have decided to concentrate on heavy metals pollution since it is one of the most difficult substance to break down by the environment. Heavy metals are chemical elements and cause problems in the environment altering species that rely on them for food or habitat. (8)

Accordingly with the Environment Data Compendium, soil contamination consists of either liquid or solid particles mixed with soil. When the amounts of soil contaminants exceed natural levels (what is naturally present in various soils) pollution is generated.

In order summarize the origin of heavy metals pollution I have decided to divide heavy metals soil contamination in: air, waste and water.


AIR In De Kempen I have observed how chimneys have affected directly the nearly areas contaminating the field with their fumes. Contaminants accumulate in the atmosphere throught combustion and are released in form of acidic rain. This happen before the new regulation about smelting plants took places

Pollution level







In the map is possible to recognize the areas were wind has transported contaminants until the level of contamination is exceeding the limits (in red).


WASTE Smelting plants in the area of De Kempen have processed mineral ores at high temperatures for extract valuable heavy metals like Lead, Cadmium and Zinc. However, the smelting process produces also a huge amount of waste material that contains different residues of heavy metals. This slag was used as a construction ingredient for streets and buildings. Accordingly with the local remediation program the result of this practice was that contamination has spread in many different areas.

Landfill are often causing contaminants leacking, especially when storaged without protections.

It is estimated that every year, more then 800 tons of soil pollution are moved to landfill.


WATER Heavy metals once in the soil used to migrate downward. In this case groundwater flow through the waterbed contaminating drinking water supplies. On the surface contaminants flow thought the rivers contaminating the river Dommel, this result in the impossibility to swim in some part of the water course.

“Contamination of urban groundwater is sometimes so extensive and complex that an one by one case approach becomes too expensive. Sometimes the pollution is so old that remediation has not a responsible. The problem is so large, that maintaining and controlling is preferred over remediation.�(9)

(9). The Dommel website (


Interview in Lommel during a research close to the smelting plants.


Medical Indications Christel Faes and Liesbeth Bruckers have provided a research about the effects of pollution in De Kempen area caused by the smelting factories. The geographical distribution of the cancer level is visible by eye.

The maps show the incidence of cancer at kidney and prostate (high related with heavy metals). Incidence rate = Number of new cases of disease in a period of time Population at risk

Thanks to these medical specialists I have understand the consequences of the common heavy metals findable in the area of De Kempen: Cadmium, Zinc and Lead. This limit was derived with the principle “As Low As Reasonably Achievable� (ALARA) and is therefore not based on real effects.

Tip: The manual will divide the limits are in two categories. Environmental (for plant and organism) and Residential (for human exposure, through objects and inhalation).



Environmental limit: 1000 mg/kg Residential limit: 400 mg/kg Early signs of lead toxicity are fairly vague, such as headache, fatigue, muscle pains, anorexia, constipation, vomiting, pallor, anemia. In children, lead is a special cause for concern. Hyperactivity and learning disorders have been correlated with lead intoxication. Lead has contaminated soil since the last centuries through fuels. Cars exhaust lead oxide, which would then filter into the soil near heavy trafficked roads. Lead-based paint was used until the late 1960s for the exterior layer of buildings. As the paint got old, chips containing lead would fall off and mix into the soil. Lead is also used in construction and industries. Lead metal paint containing more than 600 mg/kg has been banned since 1980.


CADMIUM Environmental limit: 9.3 mg/kg Residential limit: 2.5 mg/kg Cadmium toxicity has been implicated in generating cancer for the lungs and prostate. Cadmium also affects the bones. This syndrome, first described in Japan, where it was termed the ÂŤouch-ouchÂť disease associated with weak bones. Accordingly with the studies this disease has find also in many cases also in the area of Limburg. Products: Cadmium can be found in many industry and consumer products, batteries, colour pigments, metal coatings, and polymers. It enters soil through the disposal of these products. An example of heavy metals in our everyday objects is the presence of Cadmium in the old orange glazes used to paint the old pots.

Cd filaments

Solar cell used Cadmium compounds in their filaments. Since I wanted to unders and the presence of these filaments I have been experimenting in understanding the amount in its components.


ZINC Environmental limit: 7000 mg/kg Residential limit: 1700 mg/kg Zinc is not necessarily a pollutant. It naturally occurs in nature, and is an element that is uptake by plants for their growth needs. Anyhow too much zinc causes stomach cramps, skin irritations, vomiting and cause arteriosclerosis. Zinc poisoning can lead liver and kidney failures as well as anaemia.

Zinc powder

Zinc is wider used as a surface layer for metal. It is possible especially close to demolished building. The production of Zinc compounds battery is increasing.




After having traced the dynamics of traditional remediation and pointed out a lack of awareness in the presence of heavy metals, the manual offers alternative methods for encourage the project’s stakeholders in relation with a specific location. Who is going to support and finance the next steps of the project?



I want to address this remediation project to the public space because my analysis and observations have pointed out that most of the polluted land is owned by a medium-large landowner and not in residential crops. Eindhoven is clearly a post-industrial city; it contains an abundance of vacant land much of it abandoned by past industrial factories like Philips. Just as frequently, gaps of vacant lots dot the fabric of residential neighbourhoods. Accordingly with the Atlas of Vacancy, from Rietveld Landscape, an average 15% of land in Dutch cities is vacant. These areas include: factory buildings, electric centrals, oil tanks, military bases, hangars, gasholders and many more. The most of them requires soil decontamination practices. Looking around my study case I have counted multiple vacant areas as I is possible to see on the below red areas.

(10) Rietveld Landscape website: On the right the sphinx park in Maastricht.



Cees Donkers in his office at the town hall of Eindhoven, February 2012.


I have been to speak with Cees Donkers, urban planner of the City of Eindhoven. His role as an urban designer is also to connect questions from knowledge institutes to the City Department and the other way around. He was very interested in the idea of a revegetation plan for polluted sites, and this push me to think about the possibility to propose a collaboration together.

“I think supporting remediation projects is a good strategy for cities. The processes of analyse, connect and remediate with the support of a designed structure builds a sense of ownership among landowners and the neighbourhood.�

(10) Rietveld website:


HACKING MANHOLES The visualization of soil pollution in my neighbourhood started with the observation of the probing activities. I have noticed the many manholes that were dotting the area. This observation is important because it was the first suggestion that indicated the presence of pollution around my study case. I have decided to hack these characteristic manholes that are usually placed on the footpath. They are made when some soil or water analysis is made on the street. However, in the 100 meters diameters area I have counted 22 manholes. This indicated that probing the ground is a frequent activity and the suspects of a polluting activity become more probable.


interventions in the streets are a medium to stimulate interest in the residents.




As we have seen in the previous part, when it comes to the clean-up, passive indecision remains a fact. In this part I aim to empower people to act on soil pollution using alternative systems structured on collaboration. A new platform to connect people interested on soil pollution is presented both physically, with interventions in the public space, and virtually, with an Internet platform.



THE MANUAL AS ENGINE synthesise the process in a generator tool/ the manual

The manual is the starting point of the remediation process; it can be used in a period of one year and give different results in relation to the location, pollution and plants. The manual is promoted together with the project in exhibition and public interaction.


I summarize all the existing information in a manual internet database




pollution service



A WHEEL BARROW AS A PHYSICAL PLATFORM trace multitude paths to facilitate detection of pollution / bioindicators

This platform is a mobile lab that is used in the public space, conferences, markets or others locations connected with soil pollution activities. The physical platform collects all the tools and services for create a visibility about the process.


we are promoting to the neighbourhood

I use bio indicatorsfor analyse the soil

We invest the crop for a long term period residents

municipality civil service

landowner politics



A WEBSITE AS A SHARING SPACE exchange knowledge between common groups for stimulate participation / website

The services offered by the physical platform are translated also in digital form. In a network society is about sharing ideas, dialogues and common interests. With the website I have the opportunity to reach bigger audience, bringing different interest groups into contact with each other for creating new relationships for the remediation.


I have found a vacant crop with pH 4!

I need to clean-up the soil of my parking space

I suggest the most suitableplants member



1.gather clients and information remediation member physical platform

3.harvest and dispose as a resource




“The fact of the matter is that whatever we do, the situation gets worse. The more technological the counter measures, the more complicated the problems become.� (11)

After having discussed about a system supporting remediation practices, the manual introduces the basic knowledge for starting a garden in the pollution. For instance an overview of selected plant species is described. Furthermore, a profile of phytoremediaton is presented in order to better compare it with traditional methodologies.


(11). Masanobu Fukuoka, the One Straw Revolution, 1995, Osaka.




Setting the plot

Phytoremediation is a method of land reclamation in situ that exploits plants to reduce soil pollution. There are different cases driving forces behind this shift in natural remediation: environmental concerns, the expanding awareness about soil pollution, the economic convenience and the spatial stagnation of vacant land.




This word derives from Ancient Greek phyto, meaning «plant», and Latin remedium, meaning «restoring balance». Phytoremediation is part of the most general bio treatment under the name of Bioremediation. Accordingly with the current literature, bioremediation is the use of microorganism metabolism (such bacteria, earthworms, mushrooms) to remove pollutants. Since I have based my research also in a real study I have decided to chose for phytoremediation since I feel that I could study plants more in an “empiric” way. Indeed with vegetation I can see and touch “alive” the effects of my experiments.

+ Phytoremediation is a cost effective option because it avoids excavation and transport of polluted soil in landfill, + Phytoremediation is more likely to be accepted by the public, as it is more aesthetically pleasing then traditional methods, - Phytoremediation is dependant on the growing conditions required by the plants (tolerance to the pollutant, climate, geology, altitude, temperature), - Phytoremediation greatest limitation is the time that plants take to reduce the level of contamination in soil. This may take several years or decades in relation to the characteristic of the project.

A. Phytostabilization

B. Phytoextraction

Phytostabilization proposes to use plants that can sequester or immobilize contaminants by absorbing them into their roots and releasing a chemical that converts the contaminant into a less toxic state.

Phytoextraction is the process of growing plants that can accumulate heavy metals in large quantities in their roots and leaves becoming polluted themselves.

(12) Bioremediation Edited by James J. Valdes Kluwer Academic Publishers


While much of the activities such as the maintenance and harvesting of the garden can be done by unskilled workers, is important to ask to an expert the most suitable plants for the specific case. During this phase of the project I have asked some consultancies to the Alterra Research Centre of Wageningen University. In particular I have collaborated with the soil researcher Luc Bonten that has helped me in different stages of my research. In this part we have worked together for the most suitable plants species to apply in my case study.

ÂŤ If you want to reduce contaminant leaching, you can use a plant that has high water evaporation, thereby reducing the water flux downwards. To stabilise contaminants in the soil, you need a plant that increase soil organic matter contents, i.e. a dense rooting. And plants should not lead to acidification of the soil, which means not heather vegetation.Âť (13)

(13) An e-mail from Luc Bonten , soil scientist at the Alterra-Wageningen UR, March 2012


PLANT SPECIES In order to find the right balance between Phytostabilization and Phytoextraction I have decided to use three different kinds of vegetation: flowers, bush and tree. These possibilities create a group of plants that can be used in relation of specific heavy metals such a Cadmium, Lead and Zinc.

Sunflower Pollutant:


Accumulation: Biomass: Water:

the sunflower deep roots make it very effective at reaching and extracting deep contaminants. Its familiar form makes it a popular choice for projects in the public spaces.


Cyperius Pollutant:

Cd Pb Zn

Accumulation: Biomass: Water:

most know as a papyrus, this tropical plant become common in nitrogenous soils, like weedy and uncultivated areas, such as watercourse. In these environments it clean water with its dense roots.


Linum usitatissumum (flax) Pollutant:


Accumulation: Biomass: Water:

Flax is a common plant that has many uses in our everyday life, not at least it is able to absorb heavy metals such lead. It has been proven that this species don’t suffer acidic soil condition.


Brassica Juncea (mustard) Pollutant:


Accumulation: Biomass: Water:

This flower is quite common in the countryside landscape, but few know that is an excellent bioaccumulator of heavy metals. On the other hand, its small amount of biomass is a limit.


Zea Mais (corn) Pollutant:

Cd Pb Zn

Accumulation: Biomass: Water:

Its robust structure, fast growing and high biomass make corn suitable for remediation, but it is not edible when it is used for this purpose.


Artemisia Vulgaris Pollutant:


Accumulation: Biomass: Water:

this native plant has occupied many vacant lots in cities, its versatility to propagate make it an inexpensive and reliable choice.

Populus (cotton wood) Pollutant:

Cd Pb Zn

Accumulation: Biomass: Water:

This tree performs both as stabilization and extractor, it is a great choice for phytoremediate metals thus to its inexpensive maintenance and high value of biomass.

Medicago sativa (Alfalfa) Pollutant:


Accumulation: Biomass: Water:

This forage crop has very deep roots and a great hyperaccumulator potential. On the other hand some experiments shows that is very sensitive to climate changes, especially in its first growing period.


Salix (willow) Pollutant:


Accumulation: Biomass: Water:

The salix is widely spread in the Dutch landscape due to its preference of sandy, acidic soil. It was already been used as an excellent phytoremediator in some university research studies.

Bald Cypress Pollutant:

Pb Zn

Accumulation: Biomass: Water:

This tree is a swamp species and prevents migration of contaminants in the groundwater thanks to extended roots. Its roots were harvested and used during the experiment of incineration of the biomass (see chapter 4).



Phytoextraction is usually done with plants called hyperaccumulators, which absorb unusually large amounts of metals in comparison to other plants. However, the Soil scientist Jaap Harmsen claims that every plant species is actually absorbing metals. Harmsen says also that hyperaccumulators have often a biomass not comparable with common species like sunflower or corn. Accordingly with this opinion the most useful practice to remediate metal compounds would be to use a mix of native normal plants and hyperaccumulator species. (14)

1 METER = 1 gram

Genetics Breeding programs and genetic engineering are possible methods for enhancing natural phytoremediation capabilities. Researchers have also discovered that genes for phytoremediation may originate from a microorganism or may be transferred from one plant to another variety better adapted to the environmental conditions at the cleanup site. (15)

(14). A useful list of hyperaccumulators: (15). N.Rosser, Phytodetoxification of TNT by transgenic plants expressing a bacterial nitroreductase, 1999, Nature Biotechnology, Boston.


THE CASE STUDY In order to apply my scenario I have started to look for a crop to transform in my polluted garden. However, when my parking space resulted polluted, I could start from this place. Since the beginning of March I have been working on this plot. In order to purchase seeds of bioaccumulators plants I have been to a garden centre and talk with the owner Jeroen SoontiĂŤns. Luckily, after having heard my project he decided to offer me some plants for free. Anyhow, some particular species are not possible to find in normal garden centre. In order to experiment with noncommon plants like Medicago Sativa and Artemisia Vulgaris I have found an online seed networking company called Cruyt Hoeck. (16)

Above: The garden case study, (16). Link to seed network:


Sunflowers in their middle stage, April 2012, Eindhoven.




During phytoremediation practices is important to prevent that cultivated plants come in touch with the environment (humans and animals). This occurs since the plants absorb high quantity of contaminants in their tissues and leaves. This part presents some designs of specific fences useful for phytoremediation.



The design of a fence started with a manipulation of the old fence present already around the spaces. It’s not about re-creating an historical reconstruction, but only give a new interpretation of the space. However, this object has the intent to not only create a separation between polluted plants and its environments, but also spaces where public can reflect to the problem of soil pollution.

Nearly the garden, an ex textile factory is placed. The characteristic shed roof has been used as an inspiration for the fence.


The recoversion of an already existing metal fence




In order to prove that phytoremediation is worthwhile a calculation based on the present case study is explained. This is mostly an applied example that takes in consideration data from other scientific researches.



CALCULATION REMEDIATION With the calculation of the phytoremedi tion case study, I want to give an idea of the potential of phytoremediation. The first part addresses the study of 1 square meter growed with phytoremdiation, however the second part shows the potential adapted to the scale of my garden. The phytoremediation calculation case study gives an idea of the potential of phytoextraction. It cannot be taken as an exact reference, but gives an indication. The first part addresses to the study of 1 square meter growth with hyperaccumulator species. The second part calculates the time needed for a complete remediation.

In order to give a more tangible relationship with the data to a noscientific audience I will translate the value in from mg/kg to a more practical g/kg. Firstly is important to know the density of a soil: Weight cubic meter of dry soil: 1500 kg (1.5 tons) Since we are interested on cleaning the topsoil, the first 20 cm where roots reach the soil: Weight roots square meter of soil: 100cmx100cmx20cm = 0.2 cubic meter = 50 kg The analysis supposed to reveal a concentration of 600 g/kg of Lead. The critical limit concentration of Lead is 400 mg/kg for residential area. This concentration exceeds the limits imposed by the law. Translation of the parameters in kg/g: Lead concentration limit: 0.4 g/kg Lead concentration revealed: 0.6 g/kg Our goal is to bring the level below 0.4 g/kg. Firstly, we want to know how much lead there is in the square meter that we have calculated before. Lead concentration for contaminated square (roots) meter: 50 kg x 0.6 g/kg = 30 g


Then we calculate how much lead should be present in a “decontaminated” square meter: Lead concentration for - square (roots) meter: 50 kg x 0.4 g/kg = 20 g In order to go under the limit we need to absorb the difference between these values: Lead that has to be extracted: 30g – 20 g = 10 g

Perennial plants like Festuca ovina are growing in a crop, Rhur, June 2011.


Now that we have stetted our goal we choose for phytoextraction in order to clean the soil. We take a basic hyperaccumulator of heavy metals like Pb. Phytoextraction supposed to grow at high density the plants so the yield of a hyperaccumulator is the double. Harvestable hyperaccumulator biomass per yield = 20 ton/ha If we translate in kg the Vegetation biomass is like 2 kg per square meter in dry conditions So now we have to calculate the amount of lead that plants can uptake: Analysis made by some small crop experiments show that the average vegetation uptake of a hyperaccumulator is 0.5 g per kg of vegetation. Amount of Lead absorbed by 1 kg of hyperaccumulator per square meter = 0.5/kg If we multiply this amount for our 2 kg of vegetation per square meter: 2 x 0.5 = 1 g/square meter So we have calculated that 1 square meter of hyperaccumulator will absorb 1 gram of Lead per year.

Important: Supposing that an hyperaccumulator plant would uptake 0.5 grams of Lead per square meter is only an indication. These parameters vary a lot in relation with soil structure, pH, irrigation, climate, density of vegetation and other factors. Not only Lead, but also other heavy metals would be extracted during the methdodology. Here an example with Zinc and Cadmium: Zinc hyperaccumulator potential: 1 g/kg Zinc extracted per 1 square meter: 1 g/kg x 2 kg = 2 g Cadmium hyperaccumulator potential: 0.2 g/kg Cadmium extracted per 1 square meter: 0.2 g/kg x 2 kg = 0.4 g


But how many crops would be needed for gets rid of the heavy metals? If the project counts to grow one crop per year, and if every year 1 gram of Lead will be uptake: As we have seen before the amount of lead that has to be absorbed to bring the parameters under the limit is 10 g per square meter. If we suppose that our square meter of hyperaccumulators take up 1 gram per year: Crops for remediation: 10 g / 1g = 10 years 2 crops per year = 5 years Thus, the area taken in consideration can be decontaminated in a period of time that goes from 5 to 10 years, in relation to the conditions of the area. 10 years with 1 crop 5 years in 2 crops



“You have to create a condition for an idea to survive. I had to see the big picture of things. If you say: Okay, this has to be completed after I’m dead - then what do you need to do is to make it works.” (17)

After having seen the potential of phytoremediation, is understandable to imagine how this can be applicable in numerous places. The following chapters touch the possibilities for dealing with the end product of phytoremediation: contaminated biomass. Accordingly, the manual envies a method for transform and storage this waste material into a valuable resource. Which will be the tools of the miner of pollution, the miner of the 21st century? HOW POLLUTION IS TRANSFORMED IN A RESOURCE AND WHEN IT BECOMES VALUABLE?

(17). Revival Field, Mel Chin – S.Francisco, 1996





After about 3 months from seeding, the crop should be ready for harvest. If the annual plants were not harvest before the cold season comes, they would release the pollution back into soil. One of the goals of phytoremediation at this phase is also to give an account of the harvest biomass. In this sense, the manual will give an indication of how much the garden worth.



PHYTO MINING The concept of phytoextraction of metal compounds has been verified in the laboratory, Greenhouse, and small plots. For example, there are American researchers of the university of Philadelphia that have show some examples of phytoextraction in an abandoned smelter in Kansas with up to 20 g/kg of zinc and 2 g/kg of lead per crop. (18)

The miner of pollution (Phyto-miner) shows a provoking situation related with soil pollution. A “phyto-miner� grows a crop of specific plants in a vacant polluted area. After plants have growth during a season-crop they are harvested and incinerated to recycle metals. ACTION Several crop growth cycles may be needed to decrease contaminant levels to allowable limits. Since these plants are not edible, they can be harvest later than usual in their bolt mature period. It is important to remove them with their entire root and leaves. Perennial plants and trees do not need to be harvested every year. They will continue to grow their roots and become more effective bioaccumulators over the following years.

(18). Newman, 1997; Burken and Schnoor, 1997; Dushenkov, 1995; Ferro, 1994


RE-TESTING In order to determinate if the phytoremediation was successful there is the need of test a sample of the vegetation. Laboratories can provide this service through a test called Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP).


PHYTOREMEDIATION WORTH In this case we are going to continue the calculation of 1 square meter, as we have done in the previous example. Pure Lead per gram is 0,02 Euro, so for every year we would earn: 0,02 Euro x 5 grams = 0,1 Euro = 10 cents Ashes also contain other valuable materials like Zinc and Cadmium. When we look at these parameters, we will uptake more. (hyperaccumulator potential) Pure Zinc per gram costs 0,05 Euro with hyperaccumulator potential of 50 g/square meter we would earn: 25 Cents. Pure Cadmium per gram costs 0,50 Euro (quite rare material) with hyperaccumulator potential of 1 g/square meter we would earn: 50 cents.

In order to give a more perceptible sensation of the value of my project I will now calculate how much heavy metals my garden have extracted during the year of testing (year 2012). Firstly I had to understand the total weight of my16 square meters incinerated biomass. If I would harvest the vegetation of my study case (in complete and dense growing) it would results in handle about 160 kg of vegetation biomass. If we then incinerate the yield this would reduce the total mass of around 5 kg of ashes. When we compare this value with the one of the square meter we will roughly calculate a value of: 1,60 Euro of Lead, 4 Euro of Zinc 8 Euro of Cadmium

In the centre: Perennial plants tested and harvested after 3 months, Eindhoven.


A total amount of 13, 60 Euro would seems quite modest, however we didn’t calculated other advantages of phytoremediation: - The amount of heavy metals collected will increase every year, - The value of the clean land will grow more with the time, - A traditional remediation (excavation) would costs around 10 times more then phytoremediation. (19)

5 euro per meter

0.5 Euro per meter

(19). Journal of Hazardous Substance Research, US-EPA Office, Washington D.C., 2000.




In this chapter an introduction of the methods for dispose hazardous biomass is presented. An alternative is proposed beside the traditional procedure of landfill. Rudimental experiments of disposing the biomass investigate a conceptual solution for a near future. In fact, the current resource depletion drives the hypothesis for a reconversion of the current extraction technologies.



TRADITIONAL DISPOSING METHODS Solidifying agents: Contaminated substances are fixed by mixing with cement, to create building material for roads that can act as a stable foundation layer. This is method used in De Kempen and the consequences are in front of our eyes in the previous chapters.

Storage: The biomass is composted in landfill. Generally the cheapest option is the most common way since, at the moment, there is a difficulty to invest in advanced technologies. The storage of biomass may provoke contaminants licking in the water table or outflow caused by wind.

Thermal immobilisation: Soil is processed at very high temperatures in order to change its chemical structure into an inert material. Metals are immobilised in a glass-like product. However new hazardous substances may also be generated – a cleaning system for off-gasses is still required and the economic advantage has also proved to be a barrier.

From the opinions gathered during my research, I can overstate that the previous methodologies despite their high costs – are not able to achieve the complete prevention of the hazardous substances back into the environment. (20)

(20). Hidden consequences, Greenpeace Report, Accessed on January 2012, http://www.greenpeace. org/international/en/publications/reports/Hidden-Consequences/


SOLUTIONS However the professionals of Wageningen and ABdK sustain that the most suitable way to dispose the contaminated biomass would be the same factories that have been used for smelting the mineral ores. This would reconvert the production process from a mineral-ore to a bio-ore. The problem is that these companies don’t have enough economical returns in processing vegetal biomass. Thus, there is too less presence of heavy metals in comparison with mineral ores.

At the moment industries are not interested to process the biomass from phytoremediation, so I had to depend from my own resource. Finding ways to process the biomass harvested on a domestic scale is an issue. For example, my first attempt to dispose contaminated biomass involved an outdoor kiln, a microwave and water boiling. This is about the level of technology I can manage acting alone. The practical aspects of the process serve as a vehicle through which theoretical issues can be raised and investigated.

Incneretor in Schio, Italy.




One of my propose is a mobile biomass kiln that can be deployed to process contaminated biomass from different areas.

The second possibility is an anaerobic digestion, this system uses microorganisms that break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen. It is used for industrial or domestic purposes to manage waste and to release energy.

I have investigated on how process metal contaminated biomass through pyrolysis. A pyrolysis unit is used to transform biomass in biogas and char.

This is a thermo decomposition process, at low temperature and in the absence of oxygen, which creates specific chemical reactions. It is an affordable solution open to different capable people and is also considerate a renewable resource.


The biomass would be then processed without emission of carbon in the atmosphere. The result would be also a kind of char that contains the heavy metals.



The rather low pyrolysis temperature prevents metal compounds from volatilisation while valuable pyrolysis products might be produced. The fly ash has to be captured with a charcoal filter. Anyhow, accordingly with the indication gathered from the soil researcher Luc Bonten, 99% of the heavy metals will remain in the bottom ashes.

The biomass incineration would be much more practical, in term of mass, then traditional clean up methodologies. If we take as an example the entire area of the parking space, excavating and land filling the contaminated soil to a depth of 20 cm require handling roughly 300 cubic meters (240 tons) of soil. More then six transporter trucks. The mass harvested would be then around 2 tons. If we compare then the soil removed with a traditional excavation method this is only 1 % of its mass. The mass can diminish even more if we incinerate the vegetation harvested. This can be done in-situ with the mobile kiln that I have presented. This further improvement would concentrate the contamination in a mass of 0,01 % (20 kg) if compared with the initial traditional soil removal.



ashes 120



Create awareness with the visualization of the pollution is one of the aim of the research project. In this last chapter the manual proposes how design pollution as a resource. A presentation of some (future) possibilities is presented. This is related with an economy based on recycled heavy metals production.



Create awareness with the visualization of the pollution is one of the aim of the research project. In this last chapter the manual proposes how design pollution as a resource. A presentation of some possibilities is presented. This is related with an economy based on recycled heavy metals production.

GLAZES In order to visualize the pollution present in the ashes I have experimented with the glazing proprieties of these heavy metals. Having understood in the chapter 2 the uses and destination of these heavy metals has helped me to find a proper field of experimentation. My idea was first to use pollution as a material. Since heavy metals are constituents of glazes I have made some test with ceramic plates, trying to mix a transparent glaze with different kind of ashes from contaminated vegetation.


ASH INGOT However, I have later figured out that products that contain heavy metals may become again harmful for people and environment. The conclusion, still open is that the storage of polluted ash is the result of the entire process. It is the role of designer to imagine new economical and societal scenario. The end result let open a door about the possibilities and in the same time, stimulate starts a debate in the public and scientific world.


Conclusion My research focuses on a particular question within the subject of soil pollution: how can soil pollution become a resource for the future? How can we make it visible? The research investigated how phytoremediation can be used as a technique to remediate heavy metals in the soil. Even if the time was limited to 10 months, I have acquired significant knowledge through the selfverification approach of the entire process. In fact, the research has grown through the many little experiments based on my case study in the city of Eindhoven, NL. I have understood the importance of find my own tools in order to approach the research. This processes has helped me to understand in an “empiric” way the scientific process rather than using only theoretical material. I think it is of great significant that social design is also looking into such elemental – however very important – challenges like remediating soil pollution. Challenging the perception of the so-called “dirt” underneath our feet to beseen as the resource on which we live. Also the interdisciplinary nature of such a research project has to be remarked upon as others such a topic enhance the commonly “designated” sciences. On the other hand, soil pollution is a difficult topic to talk about since it involves many economical and societal aspects. This observation was one of the main reasons for creating a system that would empower people to act independently on this issue. Future improvements: In order to verify the system/process it would be interesting to implement and test the project in locations, especially in the urban enviroment. In this case, the involvement of municipalities/landowners has to be pushed to the next level, looking for a complete support from the analysis to the remediation. The project needs also to investigate deeply the possibilities of disposing the biomass. Other studies would determine which products will result from the disposing of the contaminated biomass. 127


Bibliography < Thesis blog: < Publication on Issue: INTRODUCTION


- Joseph Beuys, La Difesa della Natura, Pescara, 1986;

- Masanobu Fukuoka, The One-Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming, Osaka, 1978;

- Carolyn Steel, Hungry Cities: How Food Shapes Our Lives, London, 2009; - Jamer Hunt, A Manifesto for Postindustrial Design, D-Crit Faculty, New York , 2005 readingroom/a-manifesto-for-postindustrial-design/ Accessed on December 2011; ANALYSIS - David T. Tingey, Pollution Effects On Biodiversity, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, Washington, 1992;

- Alterra archive projects, Wageningen University Research Department, Wageningen, 2012. - Eni Corporate University, La bonifica biologica di siti inquinati da idrocarburi, Hoepli, Milano, 1993; - Chiara Geroldi, Misfit agriculture and urban decontamination, Politecnico di Milano, 2010 chiarageroldi/docs/chiarageroldithesis-analysispart/ Accessed on January 2012;

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- EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Introduction to Phytoremediation,Cincinnati Ohio http:// Accessed on February 2012;

- Jaap Zevenbergen,The Case of Soil Pollution Sites in the Netherlands, Ravi, Rotterdam, 2005 http://www.fig. net/commission7/geneva_2004/papers/lapca_03_zevenbergen_vandermolen.pdf/ Accessed on December 2011;

- Granger Claire, Progress towards a truly Green Method of Toxic Metal Cleanup, Portsmouth, 2001; Accessed on April 2012;



- Simon Schama, Interview at The Telegraph, 2011, London citydiary/8739447/City-Diary-G-Wiz-Archie-shows-theright-way-to-travel.html/ Accessed on September 2011;

- Mel Chin, Revival Field: Projection & Procedure, Walker Art Center, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1990;

- Christel Faes and Liesbeth Bruckers, Het optreden van kanker in de Kempen: Studies on the cancer effect in the area of De Kempen, Hasselt University Centre for Statistics, Hasselt, 2010; - Gail L. Wurtzler, Environmental Law: Even Contaminated Land Invariably Has Some Value, The Colorado Journal, Colorado, 1999 ReferenceDesk/291570.pdf/ Accessed on February 2012;


- Thomas Awarelee, The Toaster Project, RCA Thesis Interaction Design, 2009, London; - Blackburn, W.B. and Show, Collaborative Study of the Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) Final Report, 1986 Accessed on May 2012; - Gasifier Experimenters Kit, Pyrolysis basics description, 2010 how-it-works/ Accessed on May 2012.


I would like to thank you all for supporting me during this thesis. Firstly I would like to remember my family for the support and commitment during these two years of living abroad. I am grateful to my mentors and the Design Academy Eindhoven for having shaped my personal education. Thanks to the ABdK Office of Eindhoven and especially Ko de Ruiter for having introduce me to the challenge of soil pollution. Thanks to Luc Benton from the Wageningen University for his help and participation. I would like to thank you also Martin Woerishofer and Cees Donkers for their enthusiasm in the project and Jeron Soontiens (Garden Centrum Soontiens) for providing the plants for my case study. I am grateful to Anna Crosetti for her help in promoting my thesis. Thanks also to Linde Dorenbosch, Jaap Zevenbergen and Noesjka Klomberg for sharing their experience. Thanks to the colleagues of the Master and to the members of La CittĂ Mobile for your input, critique, inspiration and moral support.


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