Popular Education Tool Kit

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Popular Education Tool-Kit #17

Examples: is the person shuffling across the space? Frowning? Smiling? Do they look like they are a seed sprouting into a flower? Do they have their fist in the air or close to their heart? After everyone has introduced themselves to the group in this way, we return to our seats and facilitate large group feedback, for instance: • “Hey Johnny, the way you expressed yourself made me think that you identify with ______. Did I interpret that correctly? • Yes/No • “What other observations did people make of others in the group?”

PART 2: One Hour Number off into groups of 5 or 6. Bring posters out from first session. Have each person discuss with the group which part of their selfidentity they are most proud of; have each member: • Describe an experience that was integral to its development;’ • Shift focus from person who is sharing (storyteller) to those who are listening; those who are listening need to ask questions and reflect on what was shared to make sure they have an accurate understanding of storyteller’s shaping process. • Make sure that everyone has been the storyteller before moving on to develop the portraits. Small group listeners then demonstrate “We hear you, we see who you are” by developing a silent, gestural portrait/dinamica that listening group members display for storyteller; storyteller then has the opportunity to edit “portrait” by modifying gestures for more accurate depiction to share with the large group. Proceed to develop a portrait for each small group member.

Part 3: 30 minutes After an hour has passed, “circle up” the large group for presentations. Group by group, make sure that each storyteller’s process portrait is performed. When all have had the opportunity to share, open the floor for feedback. Important questions for discussion: • What was your experience? • Could/How did you relate your experiences to the other group members’ experiences? • Was this easier or more difficult than making the posters? • Was the portrait more accurate when your peers acted it out or was it more accurate in your poster?

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