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Kickstart your health in 2023

Mobile Vitamin Drips Varicose Veins Weightloss

Nourish from within Varicose and Spider Vein Treatment

Feeling burnt out when it’s only March? As much as we like to try, when it comes to prioritising our health above all, it can easily fall below life’s endless list of commitments from work to family.

With perpetually busy lifestyles, we Gold Coasters sometimes need to carve time out for our self-care rituals. Drip IV Australia makes it easier to incorporate IV vitamin therapy into wellness regimes, with registered nurses available to treat clients in their home, hotel or office in as little as 30-60 minutes.

Keeping hydrated and nourished at the cellular level is essential to aid our cells in performing biological processes. Your body contains trillions of cells playing various roles, keeping you alive, thinking, moving and communicating with the world around you.

When your body is fuelled with vitamins, minerals and amino acids, this regulates cell function which may assist with energy levels and mood while supporting the immune system.

Drip IV is Australia’s first and leading IV vitamin service specialising in intravenous vitamin infusions and intramuscular booster shots. IV vitamin treatments deliver nutrients directly to the body via the bloodstream to allow for optimal bioavailability.

Our registered nurses provide complimentary consultations and tailor infusions to individual wellness goals.

Drip IV is offering Get it readers $70 off your first vitamin infusion when you mention the magazine. For a free consultation or to book a vitamin drip, call Drip IV on 1300 374 748 or visit www.dripiv.com.au. Mobile and in-clinic services are available.

There are many reasons why people develop varicose and spider veins. The most common cause is genetic – if you have a family history of veins then you are more likely to develop them. Pregnancy, weight gain and lifestyle can also all contribute to the appearance of your veins.

Varicose veins are usually blue or purple and bulge above the skin. Spider veins are often red and are much finer with no bulging. When you have veins there is always a possibility that you may have underlying vein issues which are contributing to the veins you can see on the surface. At your initial consultation with the Varicose Vein Clinic, Dr Paul or Dr Jamie-Lea will perform an ultrasound scan to investigate the veins under the surface and develop an appropriate treatment plan based on the findings of the scan.

Our initial consultation has a fee of $250 and you will get approximately half of this back from Medicare. We treat all sorts of veins including, leg veins, vulval veins, hand veins and breast veins. The Varicose Vein Clinic was established in 2008 and we have literally thousands of happy clients.

Make 2023 your year to finally do something about your veins. There is no need to put up with achy, unsightly, varicose or spider veins anymore.

1300 LEG VEINS (1300 534 834)

Check out our Facebook & Instagram legveins.com.au

Weight Loss Surgery

Being overweight or obese can be one of the most frustrating health problems we face. As well as affecting self-esteem, mental health, contributing to low energy, it has major detrimental effects leading to many medical problems and a shorter life-span.

It can also affect the health of children born to overweight mothers. We all know how difficult it can be to lose weight with diet & excercise regimes & even medications. In fact, research shows that an obese person has an extremely low chance, less than 1%, of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight with conservative measures.

Weight loss surgery is the only proven method to provide long term weight loss in obese patients, with sustained dramatic results compared to all medical, endoscopic & other therapies. Weight loss surgery has been shown to eliminate or dramatically improve many medical problems such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnoea, arthritis, migraines and has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of at least 13 types of cancer.

Surgery for weight loss is extremely safe, with very little impact on a patient’s life. The procedures are keyhole, with an overnight stay and patients often only require a few days off work. There are many different types of weight loss procedure, and all suit different patients for a variety of reasons.

At the Surgery Gold Coast Weight Loss Surgery Clinic, Dr Jason Free and his highly experienced & dedicated team have helped thousands of people over the last 10 years with their weight loss journey.

P 07 5564 6501 surgerygoldcoast.com.au