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GET YOUR Horoscope

Sarah Murphy

Find out what’s in your stars, with popular astrologer Sarah Murphy. Connect with Sarah and request a personal reading at luminary-astrology.com; find her on Instagram @luminary_astro and Facebook ‘Luminary Astrology’.


April 20 – May 21

A full moon in your pleasure and creative sector on March 7th has a nice supporting Uranus aspect making it a day to enjoy and innovate. March 22nd is the equinox and a new moon which is a potent combination. Your sub-conscience and spirit sector houses this new moon; any retreat or isolation at this time helps reconfigure your connection to source and spirit in a very potent way.


May 21 – June 21

When the full moon occurs in your family and home sector on March 7th it is supported by Uranus in a supportive aspect. Innovations and spontaneity around the home and family makes for interesting developments. The new moon at the equinox at the powerful 0° point is a ground zero reset with friends and social groups. A new threshold is emerging.


June 21 – July 22

The full moon on March 7th in your communication and study sector is a good time to begin a short course or begin a new avenue for learning and communication. Uranus’s influence might make it a spontaneous opportunity. A potent new moon at the equinox and at the 0° point is a signal that a new threshold is beginning with regards to your career and reputation. Emergence is imminent.


March 20 – April 19

March 7th is a full moon in your health and wellbeing sector; expect surprises and opportunities to innovate thanks to a supportive aspect from Uranus. The new moon on March 22nd is at the potent 0° point of Aries and coincides with the equinox. This new moon is a potent threshold; encouraging you to step into who you really are.


July 22 – August 23

March 7th is a full moon in your financial sector, and it indicates a high point in your income or self-value. Uranus, which is in aspect, could create a new opportunity for you on the work front. A new moon on March 22nd is at the potent 0° of Aries in your belief, philosophy and communication. A new threshold is emerging as you evolve into a stronger more assured in your beliefs and ideas.


August 23 – September 22

March 7th is a full moon in your relationship sector, having Uranus in positive aspect might enliven the spark with certain relationships making them exciting and fresh. A new moon on March 22nd is the reset point you need around your finances and shared resource. The Equinox and 0° Aries point is the most powerful opportunity. Use it.


September 22 – October 23

The full moon on March 7th is in your spirit and subconscious sector, it’s a great time to go deep within and seek connection to source through solitude. Uranus in a positive aspect might make the results powerful and ground-breaking. March 22nd is a new moon at the potent Aries 0° at the equinox in your house of identity. The perfect new moon to honour a new threshold of your personal evolution.


October 23 – November 22

Having a full moon in your social sector this March 7th is a great time to connect with friends or your social group. Uranus is in strong aspect makes it a spontaneous and opportune time for any social inventions or engineering’s. The new moon on March 22nd is powerful thanks to it being on the equinox and on the 0° Aries point. Taking place in your health and wellness sector, new powerful personal thresholds are crossed.


November 23 – December 21

Your career, reputation and reward sector are where March 7th’s full moon occurs in your chart. In aspect to inventive and surprising Uranus something may come out of the blue which enhances this area of life for you. March 22nd is the Equinox a new moon on this day will enliven your creative and pleasure sector for great results.


December 22 – January 20

The full moon on March 7th is in your philosophy, belief and communication sector. It allows you to see what is and what isn’t serving your high self. Uranus in positive aspect to this lunation may make these insights surprising and innovative. The new moon on March 22nd is at the 0° Aries point / equinox and is a potent point in your home and family sector. New thresholds are emerging.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

The full moon in your finance and resource sector on March 7th, it’s an inventive and opportune lunation thanks to its positive aspect to Uranus. New ideas or opportunities may present. The New moon on March 22nd is powerful thanks to it being at the 0° Aries point. A new threshold is presented as you get in more alignment with your local surroundings and neighbourhood.

Pisces February 19 – March 20

Having a full moon in your relationship sector on March 7th helps you embrace the fullness of your closest and dearest relationships. Uranus in positive aspect may offer surprising events to unfold. The new moon at the potent 0° Aries point / equinox is a fresh beginning in your income and self-worth sector. New thresholds are emerging with regard to how you value yourself.