Wing-Eater's Manifesto

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Wings N ’ Things

Pledge of the

wing-eater I pledge to fully preserve, defend, and execute the tenets of the Wing-Eater’s Manifesto. I will learn to respect the heat and flavor of the Buffalo wing. I solemnly swear to continually improve my ability to temper the flames and pursue the original flavor of the chicken wing. I shall never forget to appreciate and enjoy every bite of the authentic Buffalo’s chicken wing. Above all, I vow to always, always, always, get buffaloed.

Wings N ’ Things

humble origins

of the Buffalo WING Frank and Teresa Bellissimo bought a restaurant at the spot near the river in Buffalo, New York. They called it Anchor Bar.

2) chicken soup

ar 1) Anchor B In 1964, their son Dominic Bellissimo and his friends came into the bar looking for a midnight snack. Teresa was preparing chicken soup stock and had a lot of chicken wings to go around. In a moment of 3) Dominic inspiration, she threw the wings into the fryer, coated them in a spicy sauce, and served them with blue cheese dip and celery sticks. The buffalo wing was born!


Dominic and his friends loved the wings! It was soon served in Anchor Bar as an appetizer where it became clear that these wings were something special.

Chicken wings used to be waste meat that was used for little else other than making soup, stock or filling up the trash can outside.

4) Anchor Bar

Wings N ’ Things

g Day 5) Chicken Win

Champion B uffalo Win gs

In 1977, the Mayor of Buffalo declared that every July 29th would be “Chicken Wing Day!”

6) Super Bowl It was the Super Bowl, however, that really helped the buffalo wing take off. With the Buffalo Bills playing in four Super Bowls, buffalo wings quickly became a staple food for millions worldwide!

the beginnings of

buffalo’s wings n’ things It all started with five guys with a passion for seriously good food. They were, in other words, food connoisseures.

we take our foo d seriou sly.

They decided to recreate the magic that was the authentic buffalo wing recipe from Anchor Bar. They wanted a buffalo wing that stayed true to the original that had just the right amount of heat but was packed with flavor. ing our ta ke on the w

Wings N ’ Things

After many hours of tinkering and perfecting their take on the famous Buffalo Wing, they opened up Buffalo’s Wings N’ Things. It’s their gift to Filipino food lovers of all ages.

Buffalo Wings N’ Things

Chick ’n Quesadilla

wing’s anatomy

There’s more to a chicken wing than just fat, skin, and bones. In fact, you have more in common with a chicken wing than you might think…

m et drum


Every chicken wing has three main parts: 1. The Drummette (upper arm): the “mini drumstick” that resembles a chicken leg 2. The Wingette (forearm): also known as the “mid-wing joint” 3. The Wing Tip (hand): the part of the wing with the least amount of meat, but the most amount of crisp

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And just like your arm, a chicken wing has three main bones: 1. Humerus 2. Radius 3. Ulna



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all the bones

Wings N ’ Things gs Classic Tw in Hotdo

what makes a good

wing a good wing

Here are some features that every wing aficionado knows by heart. A good chicken wing has: Ample Meat: What could be more of a letdown than a scrawny wing? A good wing should have enough meat for you to sink your teeth in.

a mea ty w ing

The Right Sauce: A good wing should neither be overpowering nor underwhelming in terms of flavor. The right coating of sauce brings out the tastiness of a chicken wing, while still packing enough heat.

sauce that’s just right The Perfect Crisp: Wings that are too soggy or too dry aren’t worth your time. A good wing has perfectly crisp skin to mask the juicy, delicious meat that’s waiting to be devoured.

perfectly frie d w in gs

A generous serving of blue cheese dressing is the perfect companion to any set of wings. It’s the ideal complement that can make a good wing great.

Wings N ’ Things

etes it it just compl NY Cheesecake Ice Cream







How to eat a

chicken wing General Tips You may think it’s a simple matter of picking up the wing, biting the meat off, chewing thoroughly, then swallowing, but you’d be mistaken. These are all important steps to be sure, but there a few techniques that’ll improve your wing eating experience. You don’t have to worry about the drummette or the wing tip – the steps listed above should work just fine. But the wingette, aka the “mid-wing joint,” can prove to be a little tricky. (If you have no idea what these parts are, check out last week’s “Wing’s Anatomy”)

Wings N ’ Things

Now that you know the ins and outs of a chicken wing, here comes the fun part – Eating the wing itself!

For the advanced 1. Take the wingette and look for the end where the larger part of the bone sticks out. Hold the smaller end firmly as you remove the cartilage on top of the larger end of the bone. You can either eat or discard the cartilage, whichever floats your boat. 2. As you already know, each wingette has two bones connected to each other – one big and one small. Twist and wiggle the small bone until it becomes loose, then pull it free from the wing. The cool thing about this method is that it only works on properly cooked wings – so it’s a great way to tell if your wings are really up to snuff. 3. Do the same thing with the bigger bone – gently twist and wiggle till it comes free. If any meat comes along with the bone, just suck it off clean. There’ll be another piece of cartilage on the smaller end of the wingette that you can eat if you wish. And viola – you now hold in your hands a perfectly boned chicken wing!

Nachos Chili n’ Cheese

Beef Burrito

Repeat the process for as many wingettes as possible. For your own safety, just don’t forget to bite, chew, and swallow!

some tips from the pro wing-eaters

how to quench

the flame

There’s more to a chicken wing than just fat, skin, and bones. In fact, you have more in common with a chicken Spices are a love-hate thing. We all love ‘em because they’re hot, and we all hate ‘em because they’re, well… hot. But don’t despair – we’ve listed a few handy techniques to help you the next time your mouth catches fire! wing than you might think… 1. DO NOT Drink Water – Don’t buy into the commonly held belief that water relieves the agony brought about by spices. This isn’t like dousing a campfire, ladies and gentlemen. Water actually spreads capsaicin – the substance found in chilies that is responsible for making our taste buds sting! 2. Drink Milk – This is considered to be the most effective remedy for a burning sensation. It’s even been proven on MythBusters! Other dairy products should work, albeit, not as effectively. Yoghurt, cheese, um, cows? Heck, while you’re at it, you might as well get creative and use a spray can of whipped cream. 3. If you’re lactose intolerant, try ingesting starch. Bread, rice, or other forms of starch (we can’t remember them all) should do the trick.

d your new best frien

4. If you’ve got a sweet tooth, you’re in luck! A spoonful of sugar or honey can do wonders for your burning tongue. Sodas should work too, since they generally contain lots of sugar. 5. Citrus from lemons, oranges, and limes are pretty effective as well. 6. If you’re lookin’ to get crazy, fight fire with fire. Just like how some people believe that beer is the best hangover cure, try chasing down your chili with a serving of wasabi!

Wings N ’ Things

7. If none of the above options are available (or if none of them suit you) then try using a fire extinguisher. Any decent restaurant’s kitchen is bound to have one.

for the brave

8. No extinguisher in the kitchen? Dial 1-1-7 and ask for the Fire Department (Seriously, this number works) Classic Chicken Ten ders

the scoville scale

A quick guide to the heat We’ve been tirelessly perfecting our recipes to ensure that there’s a sauce to satisfy every customer’s taste buds. Do you have what it takes to try them all?

Ultimate Wingsanity 2.0 Tell my Mom I love her. Ultimate Wingsanity 1.0 The Pain! THE PAAAIIINNN!!! K-Bomb I’m *sniff* not crying. My eyeballs are just sweating.

Armageddon They either gave me twice the number of wings or I’m seeing double...

Nuclear Got milk? No, seriously – I NEED MILK!

Firehouse Classic Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here?

New York’s Finest Woah, this packs a punch...

The Rookie Who you callin’ a rookie? Bring it on!

K-Pop Sweet, but it’s got a kick.

Jalapeño Cheddar Now we’re talkin’ Honey BBQ Don’t worry, I’m just warming up.

Garlic Parmesan I got this in the bag.

Wings N ’ Things

secrets of the buffalo soldier

You may have labeled yourself as one of those people who “just can’t take spicy food.” The truth is, most people don’t have very high tolerances for spices to begin with. Unless you come from a culture that regularly uses spices in its dishes, you won’t be used to the capsaicin on your taste buds. That, plus the spice gods didn’t create everyone equally. But there’s no need to worry. Your ability to tolerate spicy dishes can be improved. It’s just like building muscle – it takes time and effort, but at least you don’t have to go to the gym. Just follow our guide below and you’ll be on your way to becoming a true Buffalo Solder!

just a dash of paprika

Build Your Tolerance • The easiest way to increase your tolerance is to start small: Add some chili flakes or paprika to your food. • Now it’s time to start ramping up – that means increasing the amount of spice you add to your food. Also, try experimenting with different spices – some are hotter than others. • You ready for some next level stuff? Brush your teeth with Tabasco. Always Have Your Plan B Ready • You don’t want to be caught with a burning mouth without any way to end the pain. Milk, starch, citrus, and sugar (to name a few) are excellent for putting out fires. Check out our earlier topic: “How to Quench the Flame” if you haven’t read it already! Dress for the Occasion • Feeling warm? Wear a tank top. • If you turn red easily, make that a red tank top.

Arnold shows no pain and neither should you

Let It Out • Just like a bad soap opera, bottling up your pain only makes things worse. It’s okay to shout or exhale frequently. • Locate the nearest wall – and punch it. Emulate An Action-Hero • You won’t see the Terminator wincing at spicy dishes, and neither should you.

Wings N ’ Things

Ga rlic Pa rmesan ngs Champion Buffalo Wi

Buffalo Wings and their place TODAY

During the 2013 Super Bowl, American football fans were estimated to have consumed 1.23 billion chicken wings! How many wings can you eat in one weekend?

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Who says bigger is always better? In the US, wings are the most expensive part of the chicken despite their small size. rkles mea t spa expen sive

How much do you love your chickeWWn wings? Two men in Atlanta were accused of stealing 26,000 pounds of chicken wings from Nordic Cold Storage last January 2013. That amounts to about $65,000 worth of wings! how man y freezers would tha t fill?

For all the vegans and health buffs: There’s a recipe that uses cauliflower instead of chicken to make Buffalo wings. Gorge on these all day without any of the guilt! your typica l cauliflow er .... yum?

It’s no surprise that wings are becoming increasingly “fashionable” in the culinary scene. But Nikki Minaj took this statement a bit too literally by wearing a pink fried chicken wing as an accessory back in 2011.

it’s so she could rhyme “chicken wing” with “bling”

the stereotype lives on!

In 2004, pop star Jessica Simpson found out that Buffalo wings aren’t made from buffalos – on national television. She refused her husband’s offer of Buffalo wings, commenting that she didn’t eat “buffalo meat.” She was the laughing stock of America until Pizza Hut came along and made her the star of their Buffalo Chicken Wing Pizza commercials. Looks like Jessica got the last laugh – all the way to the bank!

Ever wonder where the best Buffalo wings are made? Well, someone actually ventured to find the answer. Matt Reynolds, an international journalist, released a documentary entitled “The Great Chicken Wing Hunt.” His journey lasted 16 days and brought him to 70 wing houses in America. not sure why there’s a rubber chicken there

that diet was so worth it

How many Buffalo Chicken Wings do you think you could finish in thirty minutes? A dozen? Maybe two-dozen? How about 337 wings? Takeru Kobayashi, a competitive eater from Japan, currently holds the world record of most number of chicken wings consumed in a single half-hour sitting. As if that wasn’t impressive enough, he does all of this while boasting shredded 6-pack abs.

On screen, Scarlett Johansson plays a Russian spy but off screen she’s as American as they come. In 2012, the Avengers star confessed that she’s “addicted” to Buffalo wings. However, her role as the Black Widow requires her to follow a very strict diet regime during the filming period. As much as we’d love to see her chow down some wings, we’d much rather see her in picture-perfect form.t

life’s unfair.

New york’s F inest Chicken Tenders

Chili n’ cheese Na chos

ito B eef Burr

Garlic Parmesan Chicken Tenders

Wings N ’ Things Classic Twin Hotdogs

Basil n’ Ga rlic Champion Buffalo W

Buffalo Cheeseburger

ake N Y Cheesec I ce Cream


Garlic Parmesan Champion Buffalo Wings

New york ’s F inest Champion Buffalo W ings



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Wings N ’ Things

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