PHYFF 2021: ‘Sandwich Heist’ by Brody Bundis

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Sandwich Heist

written by Brody Bundis

3 Misty Meadow Dr. 206-910-8336

INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY FADE IN: JORDAN, age 10, brown hair, short in stature, wearing a Jaws t-shirt and jeans, sits on the couch in the living room watching television. He is watching cartoons when the news comes on. NEWS ANNOUNCER In breaking news, scientists have been able to create the greatest sandwich ever. Jordan moves onto the ground and closer to the television. NEWS ANNOUNCER (CONT'D) (CONT'D) Live from SW labs, the head scientist is making his announcement. The television shows a man standing on a podium in front of a giant modern lab building. HEAD SCIENTIST This week we have made an exciting advancement and are ecstatic to share it with the world. He motions towards a curtain where a trolley piled high with sandwiches is pushed out. HEAD SCIENTIST (CONT'D) We are going to let a lucky few try the sandwich of their dreams. Jordan moves away from the television and sits back down on the couch. JORDAN The greatest sandwich ever, huh. He stands up and slowly walks towards the nearest window. He looks out onto his street and his face lights up with an evil grin. JORDAN (CONT'D) This will be my greatest heist yet. He heads towards the stairs and out the front door.

2. EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD - CONTINUOUS Jordan goes from house to house gathering his crew. He first knocks on his neighbor's door. Randy, age 9, wearing glasses and pajamas, still half asleep, answers. RANDY (annoyed) What do you want? JORDAN I need you for a job. RANDY Why should I help you? Well...


RANDY I'm just kidding. Of course I'm in. JORDAN Great! Head to the tree house. I'll meet you there. Jason moves on to the next house and knocks on the door. Mason, 10, tall for his age, wearing sports wear, sweaty from running, answers. MASON What's up my dude? JORDAN I need your expertise on a job I'm doing. MASON Do I get to kick some butt? We'll see.


MASON Someone's getting their butt kicked. Jordan shakes his head. JORDAN Are you in or not? Yeah dude!


3. JORDAN Awesome! Head to the tree house. Jason moves on to the final house and rings the doorbell. Samantha, age 10, wearing a nightgown, has bed head, slowly opens the door with an annoyed look on her face. SAMANTHA Do you know what time it is? JORDAN It couldn't wait. SAMANTHA What couldn't? JORDAN Our greatest heist yet. You in? She mulls it over for a second. SAMANTHA How could I say no to that? JORDAN Great. Everyone else is waiting for us at the tree house. I'll tell you the plan there. Samantha and Jordan head off to the tree house. INT. TREE HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Jordan stands in front of a whiteboard with pictures and diagrams of SW labs on it. He points to the first picture.

JORDAN Samantha will be our get away driver. EXT. SW LABS – NIGHT Samantha is sitting in the driver's seat of a car waiting for the boys to get back. She has the engine running and is bobbing her head to the music she is listening to in her headphones.

4. INT. TREE HOUSE - DAY Jordan points to the second picture. JORDAN Our first problem is the guards. There are two at the front entrance but none inside. He smirks. JORDAN (CONT'D) I guess they thought that was enough. Are you ready to prove them wrong? He looks at Mason. MASON What do you need me to do? JORDAN Take them out. EXT. SW LABS - NIGHT Jordan and Randy wait in the bushes dressed in all black, as Mason, also wearing all black, sneaks up behind the guards. He karate chops both the guards simultaneously in the neck, knocking them out instantly. He ties them up as Jordan and Randy head into the building. INT. TREE HOUSE - DAY Jordan points to the third picture. JORDAN Randy, I need you to shut down the security system. INT. SW LABS - NIGHT Randy and Jordan rush into the building and stop in their tracks. There is a grid of lasers standing in their way. Randy spots a panel on the wall. He tinkers with it until the laser grid is shut off and the security system is down. He motions for Jordan to continue.

5. INT. TREE HOUSE - DAY Jordan points to the final picture. JORDAN I will collect our prize as fast as possible and then we get out of there. Everyone ready? Yeah!


They all pump their fists in the air and head out of the tree house to start their mission. INT. SANDWICH ROOM - NIGHT Jordan walks into the final room. He looks around for the sandwiches and spots them in a giant storage container that sits in the center of the room. He tip toes up to the container carefully, making sure not to make any noise. He reaches the crate and slowly lifts the lid. CUT TO: INT. KITCHEN - DAY Jordan is about to open the refrigerator door, when his mother walks in. MOTHER JORDAN. What do you think you're doing? JORDAN I'm pulling off a heist, obviously. His mother looks around. We see the scenes shown above but made out of toys and crafts. There are pieces of streamers where the lasers should have been, two mannequins laying face down in front of the house, a little girl doll with headphones on in the front of the car, an action figure in a karate uniform next to the mannequins out front, and a little toy beaver with glasses on laying in the living room. MOTHER Look at this mess. You better clean this up right now, mister. JORDAN But Mom, I haven't completed the heist yet.

6. MOTHER I don't care. Why can't you hang out with some real kids? JORDAN I have friends. He motions to the aforementioned toys. She looks at him sadly. MOM Sure you do honey. Now please clean up this mess like I asked.


JORDAN (sourly)

Thank you.


Jordan storms off. His mother watches sadly as he goes. She starts to shake her head. MOTHER (to herself) ) What am I going to do with that kid? EXT. DRIVEWAY - CONTINUOUS Jordan is dropping his mess into a trash can. He starts to clean up the outside of his house when the boy next door walks up. He stands there quietly watching Jordan clean. Jordan continues cleaning without acknowledging the boy's presence. After a half a minute with the boy just standing there, Jordan has had enough. JORDAN Who are you and what do you want? JOHN I'm John. I'm new in town. My Mom told me to go out and try and make some friends. John walks over to see what Jordan is doing. Jordan backs away a little as John comes near him. John starts to look through what Jordan is throwing away. JOHN (CONT'D) Wow! Did you have a party last night or what?

7. JORDAN (quietly) It wasn't a party. John leans over to hear him better. JOHN What did you say? JORDAN (louder) I said it wasn't a party. I was pulling off a heist with my friends. John stops what he's doing and stands still with a blank expression. They stand in silence as Jordan anxiously waits for John to respond. Suddenly, John's face lights up with an honest grin. JOHN Wait, really? That's so cool. JORDAN You think so? Of course.


Jordan thinks to himself for a second. JORDAN You know, I could use some more help on the next heist. JOHN I'd love to, but why do you need more help? I thought your friends were already helping you. Jordan leans over to whisper in John's ear. JORDAN (whispering, looking at the toys) Don't tell them this, but the other people on my team aren't very good at what they do. John starts laughing and Jordan joins in. Jordan's Mom watches from the window smiling. FADE TO BLACK

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