Data Human Trafficking - Gozdziak and Bump

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Data and Research on Human Trafficking

Goździak & Bump

Nieuwenhuys, Celine, and Antoine Pecoud 2007 Human trafficking, information campaigns, and strategies of migration control. American Behavioral Scientist 50(12):1674-1695. Nikoliã-Ristanoviã, Vesna 2004 Trafficking in people in Serbia: OSCE, Victimology Society in Serbia. NYC Service Committee for Trafficked Persons 2003 Identification and legal advocacy for trafficking victims: NYC Service Committee for Trafficked Persons. O’Briain, Muireann , Anke van den Borne, and Theo Noten 2004 Joint East West research on trafficking in children for sexual purposes in Europe: ECPAT Europe Group. O’Connell, Julia Davidson 2005 Children in the global sex trade Cambridge: Polity. OAS 2000 Trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation in the Americas. Obokata, Tom 2005 Trafficking of human beings as a crime against humanity: Some implications for the international legal system. The International and Comparative Law Quarterly 54(2):445-457 2006 Trafficking of human beings from a human rights perspective: Towards a holistic approach Leiden, The Netherlands; Boston, Mass.: Martinus Nijhoff. Obuah, Emmanuel 2006 Combating global trafficking in persons: The role of the United States post-September 2001. International Politics 43(2):241. Ojeda, Auriana 2004 Slavery today San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Okojie, C. E.E. 2003 Trafficking of Nigerian girls to Italy. Report of field survey in Edo State, Nigeria. Okonofua, F. E., et al. 2004 Knowledge, attitudes and experiences of sex trafficking by young women 97

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