Data Human Trafficking - Gozdziak and Bump

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Data and Research on Human Trafficking


Goździak & Bump

Save the Children Terre des hommes Vital Voices Global Women’s Studies Program (University of Rhode Island )

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The research team also cross-checked the compiled bibliography against the bibliography published in the 2005 International Migration Special Issue on Data and Research on Human Trafficking (Laczko and Goździak 2005).


Selected bibliographies of certain books and journal articles were also consulted to cross-check and supplement the results of the electronic databases searches. Search Terms Used

When searching electronic databases the research team used variations of the truncation search mechanism for the term “traffic*” in order to capture all relevant literature on human trafficking. Therefore, we applied this mechanism using the following terms: “human traffic*,” “child traffic*,” “labor traffic*,” “sex traffic*,” and “youth traffic*.” We also used the following keywords: “human trafficking,” “labor trafficking,” “sex trafficking,” “youth trafficking,” as well as all related combinations resulting from our primary search such as “human trafficking and law enforcement,” “human trafficking and prostitution,” “human trafficking and child abuse and neglect,” or “human trafficking and crime,” to illustrate just a few possible combinations. 17

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