Submission to Oireachtas (Irish Parliamentary) Committee

Page 10

Genealogical Society of Ireland

production of such courses or specific genealogy modules for adult literacy classes. As for its inclusion at primary and secondary level, genealogy can be seen as a ‘gateway’ subject to the understanding of aspects of history, georgraphy, literature and as a ‘tool’ for the development of research skills. However, given the multiethnic, multicultural and socially diverse nature of modern Irish society, the introduction of genealogy must be well planned and structures so as to be inclusive and nonjudgemental as to what constitutes a family unit. Indeed, it maybe more appropriate to concentrate on the student’s own choice of opting to research either the paternal or maternal line starting with the parent. This allows for all family units to be included without disctinction and therefore, attention to nomenclature is important prefering the word ‘genealogy’ over the possibly more contentious ‘family history’in this context. Genealogy as an educational tool offers inclusivity at a number of levels and is ultimately rewarding for the student and their families. In meeting a social and educational need, this is important.


That consideration is afforded to the establishment of a working group of appropriately qualified individuals under the direction of the Department of Education and Science to explore the potential of genealogy as an educational tool within the primary and secondary schools system and to make recommendations on its application as aid to the understanding of history, geography and literature and in the development of research techniques and skills.


That consideration is afforded to the creation of Classroom Genealogy Resource Packs for the primary school teacher providing a structured approach to introducing genealogy as a cross-curriculum medium into the classroom. Ideally the pack should be developed by primary teachers who have completed a recognised genealogy course (see recommendation no. 5.3 below) and should contain lessons that centre on the development of children’s sense of curiosity leading to the participation in structured research projects with an array of possible applications for the curriculum. The Classroom Genealogy Resource Pack should be produced in a downloadable format free of charge to the schools and be available in Irish and English.


That consideration is afforded to the use of genealogy as a ‘gateway’ resource for adult literacy courses.


That consideration is afforded to the inclusion of ‘Genealogy in the Classroom’ in any policy document, strategy or plan aimed at promoting an awareness, appreciation and knowledge of our genealogical heritage at national level.

Genealogical Society of Ireland


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