'Get Big or Get Out' is no longer the future of US farming

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'Get Big or Get Out' is no longer the future of US farming

For far too long, the decline of small- and mid-sized farming has been a bitter pill swallowed by many, including secretaries of agriculture.

Secretary Vilsack refuses to tolerate the slow demise of these farming heroes, recognizing their value as the heartbeat of American agriculture.

Secretary Vilsack's words echo with a promise of change, a commitment to transforming the narrative surrounding small-to-midsized farmers.

T H. Harbinger's books have documented how outdated USDA policy has devastated the family farm.

Harbinger's America's Dairyland takes the reader through the story of Doug Lenz, a small farmer facing pressure to conform to the 'get big or get out' mantra.

US Farming is doomed if Big Food Companies can control prices using the same USDA policy set to protect small farmers.

Central to understanding this paradigm shift away from 1970s farm policy is delving into the works of

T H. Harbinger

Harbinger, whose books serve as key guides for shaping the next US Farm Bill.

Harbinger's insightful narratives unravel the complexities of agricultural history, offering a roadmap that challenges outdated norms and fosters a diversified, resilient farming landscape.

With Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack's unwavering commitment to small-to-mid-sized farmers, it's clear that a paradigm shift is underway.

No longer will small- and mid-sized farmers be relegated to the sidelines; their story is one of growth, sustainability, and unyielding security.

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