Gem Magazine LI

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health & wellness w h y ta k e v i ta m i n s ?


n a perfect world, no one would need supplements. But given the stress of our modern life, the poor quality of our food supply, and the high load of toxins on our brains and bodies, most of us need a basic daily supply of the raw materials for all our enzymes and biochemistry to run as designed. The reason our food supply must be “enriched” is because it has been so processed that it is “impoverished” to start with. Today, even with our “enriched food,” over 92% of Americans are deficient in one or more vitamins. The foods you eat no longer contain the nutrient levels you require for optimal health for many reasons. Crops are raised in soil where nutrients have been depleted. Plants are treated with pesticides and other chemicals so they no longer have the fight to live, which further diminishes their nutrient levels and their phytonutrient content. Animals are cooped up in pens or giant feedlots instead of roaming free eating the nutrient-rich wild grains and grasses they once consumed. Since cow’s stomachs are adapted to grass instead of corn, they must take antibiotics to prevent them from exploding. To complicate this further, all of us are exposed to hazardous toxins and chemicals that poison our bodies. We live with too much stress, we don’t sleep enough, we don’t exercise enough, and we are inflamed, making the nutritional demands on our bodies even heavier. Those with chronic illnesses are in even worse shape. Vitamins are not drugs and they don’t work as drugs do. They work with your biology by supporting normal enzyme function and biochemical reactions. Taking supplements help prevent disease. -Colleen Simon, Health Hutt Vitamins

top anti-aging foods foR a g R e at c o m p l e x i o n 1. Brazil nuts - Brazil nuts contain a high concentration of potassium, zinc and healthy fats that can help improve the texture and tone of your skin. Walnuts are another option. 2. Spinach - One of the essential antioxidant foods, spinach contains iron and vitamins A and C. 3. Olive oil - Use olive oil instead of vegetable oil in cooking and salad dressings to get your daily dose of healthy fats. -Annie Poliacof, Certified Nutritionist


Reclaim youR life afteR a majoR Blow I am continuously amazed at the fortitude of many who are upended by a catastrophic event. Do you want to know why? A few months ago one of my oldest friends was hiking with her husband and friends on a clear day in South Africa. Then suddenly their group was hit by lightning. Everyone survived, except my friend Lynne who died two days later. Her 24-year old son said to me, “mom was living her life doing what she loved, travelling, having fun and being with others.” Those who are left behind, can best move on by recalling her uplifting legacy as mom, family Doctor and friend. As a helping professional, I have assisted many people in moving through transitions. A major key to getting back on your feet after a profound loss or life blow, is to transform “depression” into doing. Doing does not mean “busy work,” and “workaholism” is no antidote either. Figure out what you enjoy and go do it. I thought being hit by lightening was random. When it happens to your close friend, the wisdom of her 24 -year old son resonates: –go live life! You only get one chance- at least this time round. -OnFireAlyse Parise LCSW, Psychotherapist and Certified Business Coach

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