GEEKED Magazine Issue 1

Page 62

KARRIE - I did a whole visual lecture on the influence on the book of the sociology of the body, which you can watch here: http://comicsforum. org/2012/02/24/the-body-as-a-canvas-in-comics-karrie-fransman-explores-the-influence-ofcorporal-studies-in-the-creation-of-her-graphic-novel-the-house-that-groaned/ But to sum it up: I’ve always been fascinated by bodies, from a young age where I’d collect fingernails, bits of hair, and blood in old Bodyshop tubs. I was sick a fair bit as a child, so I think this made me aware of the impermanence of our bodies. Then, as a student, I studied Psychology and Sociology and fell in love with corporal theorists like Judith Butler and Susan Bordo. So that explains my fascination. Do I think comics can improve society’s influence on men and women? Certainly! Anyone can make comics and anyone can read them, unlike tv or magazines, which allows for alternative images and ideas. Although the power of the medium can be used by either side - just look at the piles of propaganda comics or hypersexualised superheroes.

SOFIA - Speaking of bodies, I must confess I’m a huge Wonder Woman fan, but sometimes I wonder if I like her because she is an amazingly strong and interesting woman, a true symbol of feminism, or if I am being fed a patriarchal ideology of what a strong woman should be. How do you feel about the portrayal of the body - female and male - in mainstream comics such as DC and Marvel? KARRIE - Ha ha! Yes, always a difficult one. Nicola Streeten collects covers of Wonder Woman tied up while huge, phallic objects fly at her - missiles, snakes etc. And Kate Beaton did a very funny comic poking fun at Hollywood’s idea of the ‘Strong Female Lead’ ( index.php?id=311). So I suppose more women and men are providing alternative representations of women to the superhero option. Although DC and Marvel are interesting - they also represent hypermasculine images of men as well. Perhaps they are just hotbeds of male anxiety and fantasy! Interestingly, there is evidence of how women can

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