RepRap Magazine Issue 2

Page 13

Community news

Luis Liriano Garcia

Low cost 3D printers for the Dominican Republic. Luis is a man on a RepRap mission, he is attempting to establish lower cost technology for 3D printing into the Caribbean. With his Blog 3DDominican and current indiegogo campaign Luis is attempting to raise funds to start-up 3D printing in Santo Domingo, at this point Luis has a long way to go. Please read below what Luis has to say about 3D Printed Equality, and if you wish to show some support or donate to his campaign you will be in good company.

Adrian Bowyer has already contributed and commented “Your campaign is one of the reasons I founded RepRap. Good luck!�

3D Printed Equality All enthusiasts of 3D printing and RepRaps knows the countless applications that 3D printing have and the development that represents to be part of the Maker Culture as an individual. This technology and culture is widely spread worldwide thanks to the internet but mainly to the accessible materials needed to carry out its development, however this applies more to developed countries of the first world. The Dominican Republic is a nation on the island of Hispaniola, part of the Greater Antilles archipelago in the Caribbean region, is the second largest Caribbean nation (after Cuba), With 48,445 square kilometers (18,705 sq mi) and an Estimated 10 million people, one million of which in the capital city, Santo Domingo. It is rich in resources but is poorly utilized mainly by the lack of education of the people and by the export of raw resources. REPRAPMAGAZINE


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