Garden Tripod 16

Page 87

To understand fully the significance of these

astronomy – the physical stars and planets in the sky –

preparations we must change our perception of a cow

not astrology. Growers observe that crops grow or

horn. Horns are an integral part of the digestive cycle of

mature at different rates; sometimes late plantings are

a cow, not merely an appendage for defence or attack.

ready before earlier ones. By understanding the

Colloidal horn manure enhances soil biology, thus improving the vigour of plants and encouraging deeper rooting. Horn silica stimulates and strengthens the sun and light metabolism, increasing photosynthesis. Very small amounts of the preparations are stirred in water, rhythmically alternating a clockwise and anticlockwise direction for a total period of an hour. This creates alternate vortices; the vortex is the dynamic of life moving from cosmos to earth – observed in nature in plant spiral forms or an umbilical cord. The stirred preparations are sprayed over the land area; specifically horn mature as coarse droplets in mid-late afternoon with horn silica as a fine mist spray in early morning to stimulate growth and late afternoon to promote

influence of the moon and planets one can understand these growth variations too. Using the subtle rhythms associated with the sun, the moon and the planets an annual planting calendar is produced. Growers can use this as a guide to optimise production. Food security; sustainability; soil degradation are all subjects of discussion today. Steiner gave us principles by which we can renew our agriculture and rejuvenate our land.

We can enliven our environment while

developing an affordable, sustainable system of growing plants and animals.

What are we waiting for?

Biodynamic growing works; it is commercially viable

ripening. Preparations made from minerals and herbs and added to a compost heap, are also used to improve metamorphosis of organic matter into humus. One example is Valerian Preparation (507). It stimulates phosphorus levels by mobilising the phosphorusactivating bacteria in the soil; as well as stimulating levels of selenium and magnesium. The 507 creates an

~ maybe next month I can show you why I believe this?

My thanks to Hamish Mackay of Biodynamics2024 Pty Ltd, who showed me how it is done!

atmosphere of warmth around the compost heap and

Richard Wellsmore, Viticulturist at Wirra Wirra, McLaren

assists humus formation. If used on blossoms in spring

Vale, South Australia who provided a venue

as a foliar spray, it can protect against damage from late



The rhythms of the sun and the moon are visible in our

Steiner, Rudolf 1993. Agriculture: trans. CE Creeger & M

daily lives. Many of us know that the moon influences

Gardner; Biodynamic Farming and Garden Association

the tidal patterns and movements in our seas and

Inc, Junction City, Oregon, USA


What is less well known is that the moon

influences all the fluid elements in the ground and in plants, down as far as magma in the earth’s centre and up into plants’ saps. Biodynamic growers work with

Proctor, Peter with Cole, Gillian. 2011. Grasp the Nettle: Making Biodynamic Farming & Gardening Work Random House New Zealand, Auckland, NZ

Katie Freeth

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