Undergraduate Catalog 2014-2015

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INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM Gannon University awards credit for courses completed in the International Baccalaureate Program under the following conditions: 1. Three credits will be awarded for each Higher Level course successfully completed. 2. Successful completion is defined as receipt of a grade of "four" or above.

LEAVE POLICY Gannon University recognizes that a student may need to temporarily interrupt their education and has a procedure to facilitate this situation. The following are examples of categories that might qualify a student for temporary leave: study abroad co-op/internship military (involuntary) medical/psychological family/personal The above categories are not meant to be an inclusive list nor do they guarantee that a student will be granted a temporary leave. The student who feels that they have a legitimate reason to request a leave should request a form from the Counseling office. The request will be reviewed by appropriate officials of the University. Temporary leave may be granted for a period of one or two semesters following the student's current enrollment. If a student applies for leave in the first two weeks of the semester then the current semester is counted as one of the two eligible semesters of leave.

MAJOR-CHANGE/DECLARATION Students wishing to declare or change their major field begin the process with their advisor or the Student Success Center. After consultation about a major change, the student obtains the signature of their advisor on the Change/Declaration of Major form. Alternatively, the Chair/Director or Dean of the student's present major can sign the form in place of the advisor. The student takes the form to the Chair/Director of the requested major for approval. The form is then sent to the appropriate Dean's office for final approval. A completed and approved form will be sent to the Registrar's Office for changing official records. If necessary, the student can be referred to the Student Success Center at any step in the process.

MINOR DECLARATION POLICY Curriculum for available minors are listed in this catalog after the curriculum for each major. In order to declare a minor, a student must fill out a "Declaration of a Minor" form in their Dean's office. A minor will not be printed on the transcript until the student is certified for graduation by their Dean. Student must be pursuing a baccalaureate degree.

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