Gamecca Magazine November 2013

Page 51

multiplayer, as always, as well as tons of vehicles, different weapons and other kinds of equipment. This is the way that the Battlefield franchise is meant to be played; not everyone’s cup of tea, but there you have it. The strong concentration on multiplayer begs a question, though – why have the console multiplayer versions of the game got the short end of the visual stick? While the single player campaign has lots of eye candy and visual flash, the multiplayer game simply does not look as good. It doesn’t look terrible, mind you, but there is a definite difference. Those wanting to play on Xbox 360 also need to be aware of the fact that the game demands a hard-drive. Even if they have space for the obligatory 2GB install, Battlefield 4 won’t install to anything but an internal hard drive. That means that those who own a 4GB Xbox 360

are out of luck – that particular SKU uses flash memory, and Battlefield 4 will have none of it. In the end, a lot of people are going to be comparing DICE and EA’s modern shooter to Call of Duty: Ghosts when it arrives. Whether this comparison is fair or not will remain to be seen. The games may be very similar, but the differences are enough to mean that a direct comparison is not necessarily the best approach. Battlefield 4 follows its roots, though, delivering a solid multiplayer experience, even if the visuals on console leave a little to be desired. It is unfortunate that the single player campaign is rather weak… had it been a bit stronger, Battlefield 4 would have been a great allrounder in the modern shooter category. As it stands, though, it is a good option for those that prefer their warfare in the multiplayer variety. g

AT A GLANCE: First Person Shooter

If you’re after a good multiplayer modern warfare option, this is a solid bet. But the single player campaign feels like a tacked-on afterthought. Similar to: MaxPlayers Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Call of Duty, Battlefield 3 Local



Online 24

DICE Electronic Arts EA South Africa

Parental Advisory

18+ gamecca53


Violence Language Sex Drug Use Prejudice

Accessibility Hard-Core Medium Casual

Reviewed on:

X360 Platforms


PC X360 X0 PS3 PS4 Wii U PSV 3DS AND iOS


80 51

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