NExT Quarterly Issue # 1

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“Sometimes questions are more important than answers.� Nancy Willard


issue # 1 first quarter s.y. 2011-2012

1/ next generation. 2/ next feature 3/ on demand 4/ Jess Saying 5/what’s app 6/next in line 7/next blaze


“ next generation

Students speak up about

one2one An interview with Emmanuel Justin Lim ( A Current High 2 Student) by Tess Torralba Eva Gorres



students speak up about One2One

An interview with Emmanuel Justin Lim (Current High 2 students) EMMANUEL JUSTIN LIM (HIGH 2D)

Our batch had an orientation about the One 2 One program. We were surprised when the NExT team told us that our batch would pioneer the One 2 One program in the Xavier High school. We were all at the edge of our seats, just waiting for what would happen next. We would bring our own laptops to school everyday for the next school year. We were going to incorporate our learning with technology. Since we were born in the Computer age, we have an advantage. It would be easier to study. Instead of pen and paper for note taking, we have our Word Processors. Instead of using text books for references, we have the internet. This would incorporate a new era in Xavier School history.

mac lab to research on a topic. This took a lot of time from us. Now that we have our laptops, we could do our research on our seats. We work faster. When we have group work, unlike before, where usually only one person writes while the rest of the group gives ideas and insights, now we could use Google Docs to share all of our ideas at the same time and organise it. Our projects are easier to make. Since it is computerised, we could edit our work as much as we want without making our work messy. Sometimes, the teacher gives us strict deadlines. We have to submit our work online through Elf, Edmodo, or email. I learned how to be time efficient and appreciate the value of time. Although this program has a lot of advantages, we also encounter some problems. Sometimes, the inter net connection is unstable. Some of the students are also distracted by their laptops during class. Some of the materials on the internet aren't available to us. Although, even if there are a bad things about the current program, the results and consequences of what this programs aims to provide outweighs everything.

Earlier this year, we were excited to have the One2One program. We would have our own laptops during class.

The One 2 One program taught me many valuable lessons on life. It changed me into a better, more organised person than before. I highly recommend that the students of Xavier School undergo this program. Through this, we would start a new, technological era, in education.

High school. People say it is the best time of your life. It is a very unique experience that you would remember for the rest of your life. It is a time to form new and everlasting bonds with your friends. This is also the time to discover your true calling, to bring you towards your direction in life.

We could surf the net for information anytime during class. We thought this would be easy, because we already knew the rules of High School, but we were wrong. Having our own laptops during class poses a great responsibility. It may be a powerful piece of equipment, but it is also fragile in the wrong hands. The school and our parents entrusted us with an expensive tool for school. This also meant adjusting to new rules regarding the One2One program. Our batch is gradually adjusting to this new life. Unlike before, it is easier to copy notes. Sometimes, instead of copying notes, the teacher would also give you reference materials like websites and presentations that we could access easily with our laptops. Our research work is also easier. Before, we went to the library or the


next feature

journeying with technology by Brian Marana Welcome to NExT Quarterly! Every issue, we will be interviewing selected teachers to discuss their journey with technology integration. The teachers we interview will come from various academic departments in both the high school and the grade school. Some of them are tech-savvy veterans, while others are just beginning to find their way. For this inaugural issue of NExT Quarterly, we feature two newly tenured teachers from Xavier: Maan Fradejas from the HS Filipino department and Franco Addun from the GS Social Studies department. They spoke candidly about their experiences with one2one-- their insights, challenges, and hopes. They also mentioned the effect it’s had on them, on their students, and interestingly, even on parents.


Name: Department: Years at XS: Sections: Tech Tools:

Maan Fradejas HS Filipino This is her 4th H1, H3 IB, and H4 Edmodo, Animoto, Glogster, Wordpress, Grouply, Twitter

Brian: Hi Maan, how is your school year so far?

one2one]. It was easier to pick up and practice new things because it was just one preparation.

Maan: It’s a very different school year! My motto is “expect the unexpected.” I have two one2one classes, and surprising experiences keep coming up.

Brian: Take me back to those first few weeks of One2One in the classroom. How did you feel?

Brian: This is your fourth teaching, yes? Maan: Yes, fourth year teaching. And my second year with one2one.

Maan: Well, it’s a good thing I have a background in theater. [Laughs]. I had to show to the students that I knew what I was doing. In education classes we’re taught to be confident, even if we’re not completely sure. So I wanted to show I was confident, even if I was learning at the same time as they were.

Brian: What sections did you teach last year? Maan: Two H1 sections and two H2 sections. Both H1 sections were One2One Brian: How did you find one2one last year? Maan: Actually it was easier since it was just one preparation. Especially since it was my first year [with


For example, there was one time when I asked the students to turn in something on Edmodo. I asked a student why he didn’t submit. He claimed he did. We ended up arguing about it. In the end, I found out that the student did submit, but he did not submit it in the right way. So the details that I didn’t know about made a difference. Because of that, I had to become more

next feature techie, even using the laptop at home to learn new things.

Our one2one experience doesn’t just include teachers and students. It also includes parents, which fosters accountability for the student.

It can get difficult though, especially when creating unit plans. I had always had to make a different unit plan from other teachers in the team. But it pays off, as I’m able to transfer technology practices even to the classes that were not one2one. Of course one2one can be difficult, like when the internet connection goes out. Students have to reset their computers or go to the AVR. I also encountered a case where students saw inappropriate material on YouTube. Brian: Really? So what did you do? Maan: I called the students’ attention and gave them a greenslip. But what I learned is that when it comes to collaborative work, it’s important to give rules. And it’s important to get feedback from the students about the rules, to make sure they understand. Brian: So what sections are you teaching this year? Maan: H1, H4, and H3 IB. The H1 and H3 IB sections are one2one. Brian: How has it been compared with last year? Maan: I’ve been able to explore more. I feel more confident with how I deliver the lesson in class. I have an easier time identifying which online tools to use for learning tasks. For example, I find it easier for the H3 students to use Glogster, since it requires higher order thinking skills. H3 students also follow the live Twitter feed from the Senate hearings. I then post links to news articles on Twitter to get them to be interested in reading. For H1, I use Animoto and other animations for sensory images and making connections in reading. For writing, we use Prezi-like presentations for sentence formations. I also let them try Garageband.

Edmodo allows you to create an online classroom that looks like a social networking site. Here, students and teachers can exchange comments, assignments, links and files. It also allows teachers to create parent accounts for them to view your class site.


It’s more of letting them really experience a one2one class. I want to make sure that what we’re asking them to do with technology fits their age and abilities. I’ve seen how that pays off with my students from last year. For example, their teachers can use Edmodo because they learned how to use it last year. Brian: How often do your one2one students get on the computers? Every class? Maan: All the time. Even for oral exams, the students submit written forms or vlogs on Grouply. Along with their links.

Animoto is a website that allows you to create dynamic slideshows and videos with music and photos that you upload.


Brian: What do your students think about using one2one? Maan: Initially one student said it was boring when we were just doing everything on Grouply. I saw this as a challenge. Tina [Martinez, another HS Filipino teacher] and I looked for sites, and that’s when we found Animoto, Voicethread, and others. But I also challenged the students to look for sites to take the initiative to make better use of technology. So some students now use Google Docs for class management. And now they’ve gotten into Twitter. Brian: How do you feel about one2one? Would you want all of your classes to be one2one? Maan: Actually it’s feasible for all of my classes to be one2one. But there’s always concern about the [Internet] connection. The other concern is whether or not students are ready. Some of the students just think the computers are used for fun. Parents are also concerned. They say, “my son is already weak at language. And you’ll use computers which might make things worse.” But they also see how it can work. One parent was so happy that a student did well on a formative assessment. The student was surprised that his mother knew about his performance. He asked me, “Cher, how did my mom know?” I told him, “She’s enrolled in our class” [on Edmodo]. So our one2one experience doesn’t just include teachers and students. It also includes parents, which fosters accountability for the student. Brian: What are some difficulties you’ve had? Maan: One2one is nice, especially for the bridge program [for students who need more help in Filipino].


I can include lots of visuals, and students can work at their own pace. But it’s difficult to come up with all the activities and readings. It’s also hard to control information. The students think that there are no rules with technology. I’m always reminding them to be careful with what they post. We have to be responsible for what we post. So aside from teaching language, technology helps with teaching values. Brian: Some parents think that technology can take students away from their values. You’re saying it can actually help form values? Maan: Yes! Because that’s real life. You catch them in real moments. And you can catch them and correct them in real time. So if they say something inappropriate online, you can give feedback immediately. And the whole class can see it. So really everyone sees the values that you’re teaching. As another example, I encourage them to use “po” and “opo” even when they post on our website. Brian: You’re really doing so much! Is there anything else you’d like to add? Maan: Well we’re able to conserve paper. We don’t always have to print so much. Students can just submit electronic copies. And this brings up another point. Because they can submit online, they can submit really anytime. This gives them more flexibility. In fact I tell them that with one2one, they can learn anywhere, not just in the classroom or in the school.

next feature


I think last year, I was afraid. I was afraid to fail. I was afraid that I would be inefficient with time. But again, if you use it properly, I discovered that technology can maximize your time.



Name: ! Department:! Years at XS:! Sections:!

Franco Addun GS Social Studies This is his 4th 7A, 7B, 7C, 7G, 7H

Brian: Hi Franco, before we start, I just want to get some background information. How long have you been at Xavier? Franco: This is my fourth year teaching. I just got tenured. Brian: Congratulations! And how long have you been using technology? Franco: I started two years ago with just the basics. Using Keynotes, powerpoint presentations, iMovie. I also encouraged students to use presentations and make videos. However, in terms of a full one2one experience, there wasn’t much. Even in my third year, except for Internet research. I brought students to the IT lab at the beginning of the year. This year, I started using Macbooks inside the classroom with the roving carts, and I also use Mimio. So [my one2one use] has intensified. I think this is because I’ve been assigned as a one2one teacher, but also because I know that this is the direction of the school. And it’s a good direction. Brian: So you have Macbooks assigned to one of your classes? What section? Franco: 7A. But I also use it with my other sections. I make it a point that every time I use the laptops in one section, I use them in all of my other sections. We have the students do research and work on their projects. I also use networking sites like Edmodo. Our Edmodo site is very active. I use it to conduct polls and forums. It is also a venue for their performance task. Brian: What do they have to do for that? Franco: Right now they’re studying U.S. Geography. So they download a template of a travel blog, edit it, then repost it on Edmodo. You can see some samples on my blog. Brian: So you personally also use a blog! Franco: Yes. I only update it when I use one2one classes. It’s interesting--I used to hate blogging! But now it feels good to share. I think that it’s just a wall that we have to get past.


Brian: I think many teachers feel the same way. So what are you doing with Mimio? Franco: The first time was just a test to see how to use it. I asked students to make a collaborative presentation using a Mimio program. The students were so excited, because they hadn’t seen it before. They were excited just seeing the Mimio calibrated. That’s the first time I’ve seen ALL of my students raising their hands to recite in class. After that there were a lot of requests for me to bring the Mimio back. I’ll bring it back at the beginning of the second quarter. And it’s so easy to use! It was introduced to us by Ms. Eva Gorres. Normally the problem with technology is that it can be hard to get used to, but this was so easy. It took only one or two minutes to get ready. But the key was preparation. I had time to set up. So you really have to plan ahead, look ahead. Most of the time, if the lesson fails, we blame the technology. But if we plan well enough, the use of technology will be very helpful.

Starting next week, I’ll be asking the students to use ELF. I’ll post a question: “Was World War II inevitable?” I’ll then ask the students to respond. That will be our first activity.

next feature

Brian: And are there other tools that you’ll be using? Franco: Starting next week, I’ll be asking the students to use ELF. I’ll post a question: “Was World War II inevitable?” I’ll then ask the students to respond. That will be our first activity. It was overwhelming to set up at first. There are so many buttons you have to click. But after I set up the first section, it’s easy. Again, there’s a wall every time we want to do something new. We just have to get past that wall. I think last year, I was afraid. I was afraid to fail. I was afraid that I would be inefficient with time. But again, if you use it properly, I discovered that technology can maximize your time. For example, I don’t have to meet students to give an announcement. I can just put it on Edmodo. Even the shy students communicate with me on Edmodo. Things that you can’t do in the classroom are now possible outside of the classroom. So our learning and interaction has gone beyond the classroom. Even parents have had a positive reaction when they find out about Edmodo. One parent called and commended us, saying that it takes burden off the parent to find out the students’ requirements. I post all the assignments and reminders on Edmodo, so neither students nor parents have to wonder what’s due or when. Brian: It sounds that things have become so much easier for you and the parents.


Franco: Yes, basically the class became transparent. Parents can now see what’s happening. Before there was some difficulty communicating. Parents didn’t know what was happening. They’re the primary caretakers of our students! It’s important for them to know what’s happening [in class]. Brian: You’re doing quite a number of new things! Anything else? Franco: Research. For research, I give questions and suggest sites, but students are encouraged to find their own sites. Basically what happens is that students conduct their research. Students then make videos out of their research. The quality of videos is improving, and what you can see is more and more collaboration. Students help each other, even those who are not in their own group. Brian: So you have one class that’s officially one2one as of now. What if all of your classes were one2one? How would you feel about that? Franco: Well of course there are some hesitations. If we’re going to have laptops all the time, we’ll have to set up everyday routines so students know what to do and what not to do. We also need more training for teachers, because not all teachers are equipped to do those things. Prepare students, prepare teachers, prepare the environment. That would make for a very ideal set up, since it opens up more opportunities for learning. So it’s good, but there are certain parameters that need to be prepared.

Brian: Is there anything else you’d like to add? Franco: Well just one thing. One problem I noticed with technology is that many teachers are very afraid. In fact when I heard about this interview, I thought about this question. Why is it that teachers are so afraid? Is it lack of support? It can’t be. The first time I used laptops, there were four people in the classroom [Franco plus three members from Operation NExT]. I was surprised at that. It also can’t be the training. There are a lot of training opportunities. So why is it? I’m thinking that it’s a change of roles. Teachers are supposed to be the source of authority. But with the advent of technology, it might seem like we’re being pushed aside. But we’re not being pushed aside. We’re changing roles from being the source of knowledge to being a guide for facilitation. We’re not just giving information, we’re validating information. END

WHO WILL BE FEATURED NEXT? Help us select next quarter’s featured teacher.

Please email your nominations to


First Quarter Feature: MATH GOES 3D



Operation NExT’s On-Demand program aims to provide essential assistance to teachers and students in the classroom to make learning more innovative and interesting.

Subject: Math Teacher: Mr. Andrew Pinlac Topic: Volume and surface area of prisms and cylinders Goal: Sketch of the design packaging with precise dimensions using Google Sketch Up. Students will make a 3D model of their design

After numerous on demand sessions given to Math classes. I interviewed Mr. Pinlac (HS Math Teacher) about his experiences with the NExT Team. Q1: What can you say about the on-demand program of NExT Team? “ The on-demand program of NExT team is very helpful in the sense that, We teachers don’t need to be experts ourselves because we feel comfortable giving NExT team the time to teach the students themselves. At the same time we’re learning the program/software together with the students like Sketch Up. I only knew Sketch Up recently but if you’ll ask me to teach that by myself, I probably wouldn’t have done it because I don’t have too much exposure to Sketch Up. Basically the NExT team was very…very helpful in this area, they were able to exposed students to Sketch Up to the point that some students would use it in making their projects.” Q2: Do you plan to use Sketch Up again in your class? “Definitely we’re looking forward to use Sketch Up again since now we’re using Singaporean textbooks, little by little we have geometry every year as compared before. Sketch Up will probably help the students learn with that….”

Interview by Melvin Gallardo

Q3: How was your experience with the Tech Integrators in your class?


“The Tech Integrators were very helpful in the sense that…We Teachers don’t need to be experts with the use of Sketch Up. They were able to expose the students in using the software/program. We are very thankful to the next team because by teaching Sketch Up, students were able to understand the concepts of surface area, volumes of shapes especially prisms and cylinders…. This activity helped the students to come up with their own products. It gives confidence to the students on how they will interpret these concepts instead of just looking at formulas, numbers, and drawing on the board…they were able to manipulate the figures through the use of Sketch Up.” Thank you to Mr. Pinlac for sharing his views and I hope more teachers will also avail of the on-demand program of The NExT Team. Who knows? and your class might be the NExT one featured in OnDemand next quarter.



By Jessica Demegillo

Should I shout what I feel? Should I say something real? Should I share what I liked most? Should I think before I post? Should I be judged with what I tweet? Should my hashtags be sweet? Should my pictures be decent? Should I pretend to be innocent? Should I just wait for it to heal? Should it really be a big deal? Should I hold on or should I just resign? Should I say sorry online?


Should I be affected by what others say? Should it matter at the end of the day? Should a double life really exist? Should I be a saint or a beast? When I started my life on the net, I was like a loose canon, always ready to fire without direction. I was also convinced that there was a clear line between my personal and professional life. As long as my accounts are private everything would be safe. It was only later on that I realised that everything on the net is public. Fast forward 15 years later, I have become more active on the net. I have created many accounts on facebook, twitter and even the late “friendster”. Sometimes I can’t even remember my username or password. I have uploaded numerous photos and files. I have poured my heart out in every status message. I have replied to, liked and tagged so many things. I am updated on worldwide events because of tweets. I continue to develop friendships in different parts of the world. It is the cheapest way to communicate. It has also been my solace during trying times. Each prayer, each message has made me and my family stronger. But it really took me years to realise how affected I am by what I read and see on the net. My pain was real when someone unfollowed me because of a tweet. I still feel sad when my request to be someone’s facebook friend is still pending after a month. I feel ecstatic every time I receive a letter from someone I idolise. I am happy when positive comments are posted on my wall. It changes status, my mood and my day. And because of all these things I have come to realise how powerful one single post is. To us it may just be the trending topic of the day, a hash tag created to amuse, a fan page to stir emotions but to someone else it is their will never be forgotten and to some it might even haunt them forever. So yes...we should think before we post because our life has no divisions on line or off, we matter so let’s try make this world better Jess saying...







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LIKED THE LINKS? Let’s continue exchanging notes. Be part of the operation next facebook group. (Just follow the link below) 159836824058495/


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next in line by Rowena Sison

ipad training basics Recently got an ipad 2? Join us and learn how to maximize the use of this device, what apps to get, and more importantly, how to use it effectively in class.

keynote crash course (for mac) Learn how to use the power of Apple Keynote to create visually stunning presentations that will help you get your message across most effectively.

Flipping through pages (for mac) With this Microsoft Office Mac alternative, learn how to make posters, brochures, multi-media documents and worksheets that you can have your students fill-out, creating a truly paperless classroom!

Creating your VLC with Wordpress Excited to join the VLC (Virtual Learning Center) of Innovation competition, but don't have a VLC yet? Get started with this hands-on Wordpress workshop. Setup your VLC during the workshop and get yourself ready to use it in your next class period.

See you NExT Wednesday! Sign up now by clicking on the link below: (there should be a minimum of 10 participants for each workshop to push through)


next blaze

by Blaesius ong

can you spot that gizmo? 1. monkey reading 2. rooster compass 3. tamagochi 4. cellular phone 5. pager / beeper 6. fire extinguisher 7. Eiffel tower 8. iphone 9. super mario 10. iron


issue # 1 first quarter s.y. 2011-2012

thanks for reading! for your comments and suggestions please email us at

A project of Operation NExT (New Experiences with Technology). Xavier School, San Juan 2011


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