1 minute read

Until Next Time

Ana Perez Co Editor-in-Chief

The newspaper has given me experience that I will always be grateful for and memories I will always cherish, but the true thing that made the Galleon special to me is Mrs. Delaney. I never had any interest at all in journalism or the newspaper starting high school. I liked creative writing which was why I took Mrs. Delaney’s creative writing class. I loved stories- not articles. I never would have thought to join the staff had Delaney not asked me. To be quite honest I joined to have her as a teacher again, being on the newspaper was secondary to me. The love I have for this paper was not immediate, it took years, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. So thank you Mrs. Delaney for seeing me and believing in me.


My start on staff was extremely unusual because of the pandemic at the end of my freshman year. When we first got assigned stories for Issue 1 of my sophomore year, I was like a deer caught in the headlights. I completely and utterly clueless. I remember the subject too. I was on News so I was writing about the new technologies that teachers were using during the pandemic. Not exactly the most exciting subject, but I wrote that article. It may have been the worst thing I’ve ever written, but it was a start. I learned InDesign via Google Meet. It was slow and tedious but I never forgot what my editor Julia taught me. She would always correct me about how I justified my articles and now I do the same. Always Left Justify! But to be quite honest, as a sophomore I never put my all into the paper. I did articles because they were assignments to do, without putting much thought into them. It showed in my work. My articles and layouts were extraordinarily

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