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I had the privilege of working with a veteran editor who I admirednot only for his creative ability, but for his leadership, confidence, and outgoing persona. Under his wing, my success earned me the title of Editor-in-Chief just my second year on staff. Now, I was free to address global phenomenons and social injustice as the Feature Focus Editor while designing the center spread with Adobe InDesign. I could bring my passions to the forefront of my high school, and make a difference.

Through The Galleon, I found my place in a community within our pre-existing Shark nation.


Aside from nurturing my writing and designing ability, I became a leader where I fractured the fear and insecurity that held me back from embracing my strong-willed nature.

The Galleon molded me into a driven individual that is now ready to take full advantage of life’s gifts and seek the light within any tunnel.

Upon reflecting on my past four years at Spanish River, I realize how quickly my time here has flown by. Four years transformed into two and a half years due to the detriments of the pandemic, and now I have merely a month left as a shark. Honestly, my senior class lacked a normal high school experience. For almost two years we were confined to the walls of our homes rather than that of a classroom, and were forced to embrace each other through screens- our only distinction being the name icon located on our google meet cells.

In spite of the immense isolation, I feel more bonded with my peers and teachers than ever. We can relate to each other’s hardships. We support each other’s ambitions. We do our part in ensuring a more prosperous future for ourselves and for our community. I only hope to find a community that mirrors the one we have built at Spanish River, with teachers and peers who urge me to be the best version of myself.

Regardless of the sweat, tears, and eyebags that led me to this very moment, I can say I am grateful for the lessons I have learned at Spanish River both in and outside the classroom. I am even more grateful for the opportunity to share a piece of passion with my fellow staff members and the rest of Shark nation through The Galleon

As my time here comes to an end, I only grow more excited to embark on the journey that will allow me to find my place among the chaos of the world. To those who have believed in me- you know who you are- thank you.

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