The "聚言時報 Polymer" user's logo

聚言時報 Polymer

香港, Hong Kong

聚集民意‧合眾起義 聚言時報(Polymer)旨在為廣大網民提供一個平台,以文字、圖片和其他媒體抒發對現今身邊事物、香港時局、國際形勢的看法。 中國殖民香港的動作日益猖獗:自由行旅客大量湧入令本地經濟走向單一;每日150個零審批新移民南下赤化香港社會。身為香港人,需要捍衛價值,明確拒絕赤化。時報編輯部定當堅守信念,不懼強權。 Polymer 意思為「聚合物」,我們期望集合一眾關注香港時局以至世界大事的網民的心聲,傳達至網絡各個平台.散播民主反共﹑自由公義之概念。 In English: Hi, guys. We are from Hong Kong! Polymer is a monthly published magazine with editors all come from members of the online forum "Hong Kong Galden". On 1 October we witness our first issue of magazine released publicly. Being one of the many who lives on the Earth, we observe that social justice and freedom are deteriorating among the wo
