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By Aavi

Chapter 1 Once there was a big building and a very special device called the cube . The cube can make a person on there own side . The good guys had the cube just when metal man and his army stole the cube.Then Master of doom was surprised . Awesome job metal man . So then Nick fury called Black ninja , Captain America , Spider man , Black widow , Hulk , and Iron man. They were all training for the big mission. Hulk had big and strong muscles.

Then Iron man was practicing flying and shooting with his hands.

Then spider man was trying to do a new ability, and also practice to web someone. Captain America was practicing throwing his shield and new moves. Black ninja was trying to do new sneak attacks. He was also practicing fighting a punching bag. Black widow was getting newguns and practicing aiming with a gun.

Chapter 2 So Nick fury asked everybody if they would agree to the mission. The mission was to take down their leader and get the cube. All of them said if we get paid. Nick fury asked how muck money. They said 120 dollars each.They had to make a plan but the building has a very strong perimeter. He had the building locked up pretty good. So when the were at the the door was really strong none of them could break it but Nick fury brought a tank and BOOM!! So master of doom knew that they would come for the cube. so they had all the bad guys beside master of doom in the entrance. They were shooting fighting everything they can do.There were so many people.RETREAT" called Nick fury!

Chapter 3 So the bad guys knew the good guys would come and steal the cube. So Nick fury knew that his team couldn't crash through the entrance. So they made a plan that they would crash through the entrance. The only people who crash through the front door is Hulk, Ironman, Black Widow, Spiderman, and a little army of good guys. Black ninja and Captain America were going to the vent. The cube is in the fault. So they hurried up and stole the cube and went down through the vent. They were by the entrance and they pressed the button and threw it away by the bad guys . POW!! They were all destroyed and now they had to destroy master of doom. So they went upstairs . "What a surprise" said master of doom. So I see you brought some friends Black Ninja. "Yeah I did Attack" said Black ninja. Everybody attacked but master of doom was a expert he knew all of the good guys moves but finally Spider man webbed him on a wall and everybody was hitting him. Finally he was dead! Everybody was exited because they toke down master of doom and they get paid 120$ each. The End

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