Outreach at RVC 2013-14

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Widening Participation 2013-2014

Report compiled by Grace Kimble

Yearbook 1

Contents 1. Welcome to Widening Participation at RVC


2. Summary of activities


3. Events by month


4. Case studies: Schools School Partnerships Generating Genius/ Royal Society of Chemistry Camden Biochemistry Masterclass, CRUK


5. Case studies: Public and community outreach Cheltenham Science Festival Royal Institution Family Fun Days Green Man Festival


6. Night at the Vet College


7. Sutton Trust Summer School


8. Brightside Trust


9. Farm visits for schools


10. Looking ahead





1. Welcome to Widening Participation at RVC At the RVC, we are committed to attracting the best and brightest students no matter what background they come from. We want to ensure that applicants to the RVC, and to other universities, are not held back by social and economic barriers and that our student cohort reflects the diverse society we live in. This is why we provide activities, events and courses that help to widen participation not only here, but across HE in general. As a Higher Education Institute our Widening Participation aims are: • • • •

to ensure that our commitment to equality of opportunity is reflected fully in the recruitment, admission, and subsequent support, both academic and non-academic, of students from all backgrounds; to make information about the veterinary and related professions, and about the requirements of entry to these professions, more widely available; to continue to facilitate the development of the profile of the veterinary and related professions so that they more closely reflect the communities that they serve; to make a positive contribution to the quality of education and student aspirations in the districts in which its campuses are located; to provide a national lead and focus in widening participation in the veterinary and related disciplines.

Widening Participation is part of the RVC Access Team. This Yearbook summarises activity in Widening Participation in the year 2013-14. Staff Jon Parry - Deputy Director of RVC Access Grace Sim - Outreach Development Manager Isi Adeola - Outreach Development Assistant (appointment commenced May 12th 2014) 3

2. Summary of activities How many people did we meet? 20 273

Widening Participation 2013-14 10367

5947 3959

Primary pupils

General public/teachers

Secondary pupils

Where did we work?


3. Events by month In addition to Afternoon Anatomy and visiting schools for outreach sessions, we also undertook new projects and specific initiatives as follows in 2013-14. Month







Secondary pupils

RVC On Tour

London, Cambridge Kent Surrey Hertfordshire



General Public

Udder Marathon




General Public

RVC Lates

RVC Camden



General Public

Ri Family Fun Day: Life is fantastic theme




Prospective students

Dairy Day

RVC Farm




Science Week

RVC Camden and schools



Prospective students

Lambing Days

RVC Farm



Prospective students

Dairy Days

RVC Farm



Prospective students

Generating Genius, funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry

RVC Camden



General Public

Night at the Vet College

RVC Camden



General Public

Ri Family Fun Day: Materials




Schools and General Public

Cheltenham Science Festival




Prospective students

Sutton Trust Summer School

RVC Hawkshead



Prospective Students

Museum Open Day

RVC Camden



General Public

Green Man Festival, with Society of Biology, funded by Society of Endocrinology



4. Case studies: Schools 4.1 Partnerships Jim Cannon, former Widening Participation Officer, laid the foundations for a partnership with St Joseph’s school in Holborn. This partnership has been cemented this year through visiting the primary school to gather baseline data, then carrying out four dedicated activities during Science Week (March): Year 3: A Day in the Life of a Vet activity Year 4: Structure and Motion Lab activity Year 5: Hearts and Health with Professor Caroline Wheeler Jones Year 6: Afternoon anatomy session, filmed by ITV for Young Vets!

The school also helped our ‘Furry Friday’ campaign, by wearing animal onesies to raise money for the animal care trust, in April. Finally, post-visit data were gathered to explore the impact of activities for children’s learning.


4. Case studies: Schools 4.1 Partnerships (contd.) In addition, we have worked in close partnership with Wroxham School in Potters Bar. In addition to Student Ambassadors visiting the school, teachers have helped us develop materials for the Nancy Rothwell Anatomy Drawing Award (run in collaboration with the Society of Biology). Pupils in Year 6 applied to be part of our Pupil Panel, to help develop materials for ‘The Great British Bioscience Festival’ in November. The festival is funded by the BBSRC; RVC Access and the Structure and Motion lab co-wrote a successful grant to be part of the festival. Pupils visited Hawkshead and met researchers; Professor Alan Wilson, and PhD students Richard Harvey and Jade Johnson. Two pupils were chosen as presenters for film clips to introduce the structure and motion lab, and they enjoyed an afternoon of filming at RVC!

With the appointment of Outreach Assistant Isi Adeola, we will be building on our partnership work with secondary schools.


4. Case studies: Schools 4.2 Generating Genius and Royal Society of Chemistry Generating Genius aim to develop STEM talent, particularly for secondary pupils from diverse backgrounds. During the Easter holidays we held a day specifically for Generating Genius students to visit the RVC and take part in chemistry activities, lead by Dr Donald Palmer and Professor Peter Chantler. This day was funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry, who also attended and gave a talk on ways to raise attainment in Chemistry.


4. Case studies: Schools 4.3 Camden Biochemistry Masterclass with CRUK In July 2014, RVC worked with Camden Council and Cancer Research UK/the Francis Crick Institute scientist Maria OcampoHafalla to deliver a Biochemistry masterclass for local Year 12s. Students attended from Camden secondaries , and in addition we welcomed students form neighbouring boroughs Islington and Enfield.


5. Case studies: Public/community outreach 5.1 Cheltenham Science Festival RVC Access were invited to take part in the Cheltenham Science Festival via following up a contact from Professor Alan Wilson’s work with the BBC for the show ‘The Secret Life of Cats’ . We helped develop a show for the BBC Science Tent ‘Running, Jumping, Flying!’ in which Isi Adeola assisted Alan’s presentation. We have taken aspects of this show development to use in a show ‘Adapatable Animals’ which will take place at Gravity Fields Festival in Grantham, in September 2014 (fully funded by Gravity Fields festival). In addition, we made new activities to explain research at RVC, for our stand; for example, toy Cheetahs on a printed cloth of a savannah, which was made using an image from GPS collar data! We aim to visit Cheltenham Science Festival again next year.


5. Case studies: Public/community outreach 5.2 Royal Institution Family Fun Days RVC’s involvement with the Royal Institution arose through following up possible opportunities arising through having lent them a sheep to dissect fro Christmas lectures! Our first event at the Royal Institution took place in February, where Renate Weller presented three fascinating lectures on ‘The Horse as the Ultimate Athlete’. She was supported by RVC staff and students demonstrating equipment and specimens.


5. Case studies: Public/community outreach 5.2 Royal Institution Family Fun Days (contd.) We were subsequently invited back in May for their following Family Fun Day with the theme ‘Materials’. The Structure and Motion Lab lent us collars, some of which had chew marks from having been on lions in Botswana! Others were part assembled; the combination of authenticity and electronics were a great draw for visitors. This doubled as a trial of activities for the BBSRC Great British Bioscience Festival. This visit cemented our continuing involvement with the Ri; they have stated they wish us to be part of their events long term. In addition to Family Fun Days we will also be taking part in their Lates evenings for adults. The next Lates event is October 24th, with the theme ‘Attraction’. We will again be with the Society of Biology, and we will re-use materials developed for the Green Man Festival. The next Family Fun Day has the theme ‘Blood’ and will be held on October 11th. Karen Humm, blood transfusionist from the Queen Mother Hospital, will be presenting a talk. We will also have table top hands-on games for visiting families.


5. Case studies: Public/community outreach 5.3 Green Man Festival The Green Man Festival took place in the Brecon Beacons, August 13th17th 2014. RVC worked jointly on a proposal with the Society of Biology, to apply for a place in the interactive science area ‘Einstein's Garden’. This grant was successfully awarded by the Society for Endocrinology, and we presented information about animal hormones, as a way to inspire visitors to consider science differently. We would aim to take part in more community and public events which appeal to non-science supporters next year; although we would aim to target a different event location for parity.


6. Night at the Vet College RVC Lates, RVC’s open night for adults, has transformed into ‘Night at the Vet College’ during 2013-14. Building on Jim Cannon’s initial concept, the events have been funded by The Physiological Society during this year. In October 2013 we held an event focussing on Cardiology (The Physiological Society theme), which was attended by 200 visitors. The name was changed to make it more appealing to nonRVC supporters, and in April 2014 we held ‘Night at the Vet College; Chicken, egg…what next?’ to support Professor John Hutchison’s symposium ‘Chicken of the Future’. Please see here for evaluation reports: • •

http://issuu.com/g.kimble/docs/rvc_lates_evaluation_gk_final http://issuu.com/g.kimble/docs/night_at_the_vet_college_final

We have repeat funding and October 2014 sees the theme ‘Supersize Animals’ to link with The Physiological Society theme ‘Obesity’. We are joined by the Francis Crick Institute science buskers, the Royal Institution, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Society of Biology amongst others. Long term, we are looking to secure programme funding, which lasts more than one year for sustainability.


7. Sutton Trust Summer School

RVC has a history of running residential summer schools for sixth form students. For the first time this year, the week was funded by The Sutton Trust, and lasted five days rather than 4. The group included 40% boys this year, and it was very useful to have the support of the Sutton Trust in terms of marketing and applications procedure. This has helped us welcome students from HEFCE Polar Quintiles 1 and 2 (low percentage of university participation) and meet our aims in regarding widening participation. Students greatly enjoyed the week by all accounts. Their entertainments and hard work included making presentations for a mini conference on Day 4. They produced posters debating the statement ‘Being a vet is the same all around the world’. They visited the farm with Paul Christian; and had excellent lectures from Renate, Thilo Pfau, and Karen Humm, amongst others,


8. Brightside Trust The Brightside Trust is an e-mentoring scheme, a means of linking prospective and current students to provide support for applications. This year, we have developed a ‘Virtual Work Experience’ programme which includes a certificate of completion. The development of this programme has taken into account lessons learnt by Jim Cannon, and we trialled it in Spring 2014. We are looking forward to running a subsequent Virtual Work Experience session from January 2015.

9. Farm visits for schools We have started to run Dairy Days and Lambing Days as pilot programmes, together with the farm. These full day sessions for Year 12s are designed to allow students to gain an overview of sheep and cattle farming considerations. Initially, this has been a charged event. However, we are working with development to raise money for pupils to participate free of charge. There is demand for visits for primary school pupils in addition, and several visits have taken place this year.


10. Looking ahead: 2014-15 Month







Secondary pupils

RVC On Tour

London, Birmingham, Manchester, Cardiff, Hampshire



General Public

Gravity Fields Festival




General Public

Udder Marathon

RVC Hawkshead



General Public

Ri Family Fun Day- Blood




General Public

Night at the Vet College

RVC Camden



General Public

Ri Lates- Attraction




General Public

BBSRC Great British Bioscience Festival




Secondary pupils

Kingston Maurwood College collaboration




Secondary pupils

BSC Roadshow TBC




General Public

Ri Family Fun Day




Secondary pupils

Dairy Day

RVC Hawkshead



General Public

Science Week Night at the Vet College

RVC Camden



Secondary pupils

Dairy and Lambing Days

RVC Hawkshead



General Public

Ri Family Fun Day




General Public

Cheltenham Science Festival




Secondary Pupils

Summer School

RVC Hawkshead 17

11. Acknowledgements: October 2013 RVC Lates event In addition to staff named previously in this document, there are a number of acknowledgements we wish to make to the team involved in RVC Lates, October 2013. Particular thanks to Lisa Pritchard for co-ordinating the event - as well as running a dissection activity! With thanks to all researchers, students and staff who took part: Researchers and students Adrian Boswood, Alex Stoll, Amy Timpson, Andrew Hibbert, Andy Lessey, Ashton Faulkner, Caroline Wheeler-Jones, Charlotte Doze, Charlotte Lawson, David Winterbourne, Dirk Werling, Elaine Sherville, Esther Bijsmans, Frances Geddes, Imelda McGonnell, James Stephenson, Kim Smith, Liz Finding, Lizzie Robson, Nicky Talbot, Nicola Lotter, Sam Mirczuk, Sophie Regnault, Tierney Kinnison Staff Andrew Crooke, Chris Hobson, Hannah Croall, Jon Parry, Richard Evans, Sarah Nicoll Artist in Residence Geoffrey Harrison Student Ambassadors Alexandra Sampson, Amy Barstow, Charlotte Butcher, Claire Willis, Dina Tandon, Elaine Handley, Emily Stacey, Emily Turgoose, Gemma Cock, Hannah Darke, Hannah Holdcroft, Heidi Miner, Helena Diffey, Imogen Wainwright-Jones, Jen Oraze, Joshua Welland, Lucie Stratton, Monica Lee, Victoria Simons, Yuvani Bandara


Acknowldgements: April 2014 Night at the Vet College Staff The following staff were involved in the April event, in addition to the RVC Access Team. Jack Sisterson (webpage), Angie Poole (IT) and Hannah Murray (Press release) provided support before the evening. Title Dr


Dr Dr Dr



Dr Dr Dr Dr

Name Siobhan Richard Ash Veronica Dawn Peter Nicholas Paul Amy Andrew Nicola Rachel Jo Winston John Penny Francesca Grant Geoffrey Jo John

Surname Abeysinghe Addison Barnes Brewster Brindle Brown Brown Christian Clithero Crook Davis Drummond Edgar Edwards Fishwick Fletcher Gambuzzi Hampson Harrison Hedges Hunt

Role at Night at the Vet College Activities stand 12: Inside the chicken mind Photographer AV support ILPH ACT stand 10 Creature curriculum staff stand 1 Chicken suit! Farm stand 5 Directions student ambassador Ostrich Dissection, specimens Student ambassador- activity 1, Real Live Chickens! Art activity 9 Activities stand 12: Inside the chicken mind Security, Portering and Cleaning services Farm stand 5 Society of Biology 8 Student ambassador stand 12 Bar Artist in residence's studio stand 11 Beaumont Veterinary Hospital stand 13 Estates

John Mel Christabel Charlie

Hutchinson Kilburn Maitland Mays

Antonia Tom Liam Henry

Milner Moody Moore Mosey

Initiator, activities stand 7, 2 talks: Chickens: Living Dinosaurs? Catering Manager Education Co-ordinator, Royal Society of Chemistry- stand 4 Pub quiz leader Student ambassador- activity 2, Anatomy Museum (drawing). Writing article Lightwell, health and safety Director, Creature Curriculum- brought live chickens Student ambassador stand 17- Prospectuses. First aid

Mandy Sarah Rohan Jen Stephanie Joon Heather Lisa Jeffrey Dave Martin Anisha Jon Chelsea Graeme Claire

Nevel Nicoll Oosman Oraze Panayianotou Park Paxton Pritchard Rankin Sherlock Jones Smith Tailor Walton Warren Webster Willis

ILPH Ostrich Dissection, specimens Lab coat outfit Dissection room stands stand 16 Amazing adaptations specimens stand 15 Surgical gown outfit Activities stand 7 SML Lightwell key contact Activities stand 7 SML Bar manager ILPH, 2 Talks: Food for Thought Outreach Officer, The Physiological Society- stand 3 Activities stand 12: Inside the chicken mind Student ambassador stand 7 Farm stand 5 Welcome desk student ambassador



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