FKUkatalog Version 7.0 - 2013

Page 342



Test- og kranservice

Test- and Crane Service

Fyns Kran Udstyr A/S styrkede pr. 1. september 2005 serviceafdelingen ved opkøb af de ABB A/S ejede aktiviteter indenfor salg og service af krananlæg. Opkøbet var nærliggende, da aktiviteterne passer perfekt ind i den øvrige organisation og derudover har samme høje service- og kvalitetsstandard.

On September 1st 2005 Fyns Kran Udstyr A/S strengthened the service section by purchasing the ABB owned activities within sales and service of crane systems. The purchase was natural due to the fact that the activities fit perfectly into the rest of the organization and beyond this has the same high standard of service and quality.

Aktiviteterne vil blive videreført som en del af Fyns Kran Udstyr A/S, som i forvejen har landsdækkende serviceaktiviteter indenfor test og certificering af løftegrej. Vi kan hermed tilbyde vore kunder en komplet pakke, hvor vi kan servicere vore kunder med både løftegrej og krananlæg. Dette omfatter såvel salg, nyinstallation, vedligeholdelse og de årlige lovpligtige eftersyn af løftegrej og krananlæg.

The activities will be continued as a part of Fyns Kran Udstyr A/S which already has nationwide service activities within inspection and certification of lifting gear. By this we can offer our customer a complete package where we are able to service our customers with lifting gear as well as crane systems. This includes sale, new installation, maintenance and the yearly statutory inspection of lifting gear and crane systems.

Dansk Kran Forening

Danish Crane Association

Fyns Kran Udstyr A/S er medlem af Dansk Kran Forening.

Fyns Kran Udstyr A/S is a member of the Danish Crane Association.

Foreningen er branchens talerør overfor myndigheder som f.eks arbejdstilsynet og færdselsstyrelsen og sørge for information omkring nye tiltag inden for branchen som opbygning af kraner, uddannelse, brug af løftegrej, lovgivning omkring sikkerhed og arbejdsforhold etc.

The Association is the industry’s joint voice towards authorities such as labor inspectorates and Transport Authority and provide information about new develop-ments in the industry like building cranes, education, use of lifting equipment, legislation regarding safety and working conditions etc.

For mere information

For more information, please visit

Mere info på: / Further info on:

11 Odense | Vallensbæk | Esbjerg | Aalborg

+45 7015 2015 | Version 7.0.2 - Maj 2013

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